Monday, October 06, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 10/6/14 #56

Capitulo 56: Life Lessons

Lascuráin Mansion: Over breakfast Ana tried to make Nando understand that it wasn't his responsibility to cure Ximena of her problems. She emphasized that this would be up to Ximena's doctor. Fanny also told him he couldn't cure her. Nando is under the youthful delusion that love can cure anything, but even Manuela couldn't let him go on like this. She explained that she had an aunt with a mental problem and who ended badly. Ximena could end up the same way. Ana tried to dispel that bad vibe, both she and Fanny telling Nando once again that he can't handle this. Ximena has isolated herself in Fanny's room and isn't eating and this isn't getting any better. She's also stopped taking her pills. Ana then suggested they go upstairs to convince her to take them, but Fanny had to leave for work. Ana blessed her first, she left, and Ana turned to Nando and said they should go upstairs.

Enrique's Lair: Greedabela complained to him about Fernando putting limits on her credit cards. He pointed out that Fernando took care of her debts, but she didn't accept this as any reason to live with a limited line of credit. To her a spending limit is catastrophic.

What a shallow woman she is,” said Hera. “Husbands are supposed to provide, but not when it's ruinous to the family fortune.”

If it were up to her she would have all the gold in the earth,” said Persephone. “Maybe my husband can do something about this.”

It would definitely be amusing to see her end up poor and begging in the street,” said Aphrodite. “She is on the way to committing crimes against all of our rules for humanity.”

Isabruja said her plan from Day One had been to marry Fernando for his money; she had no idea what Enrique's plans are. Something seemed to click in his mind about that but he joked about her situation. She didn't take that well; she insisted upon living like a millionairess. As far as she's concerned she has only one problem: Ana. A problem she wants him to help with.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ximena was lying in Fanny's bed, depressed and extremely disturbed.
Ana and Nando were trying to get her to eat, but she kept refusing. She carried on about her life being a disaster and how nobody could help her. She started saying she wanted to die. Nando and Ana looked at each other in some shock and with a sense of helplessness.

Downstairs, Bruno was arranging some lovely white flowers in a vase, thinking about how Manuela would love them. His good mood was quickly broken when he realized that Yolanda was sneaking up on him and not with honorable intentions. She backed him up against the sofa until he fell in the seat and she was looming over him.

Is there another padded room in the manicomio?” said Hermes. “If not I'll conjure one up!”

Only Bruno's desperation permitted him to escape and run toward the kitchen. [“Foiled again, Yomama!”] Manuela asked whether he had seen a ghost. “Worse,” he replied. “Yolanda!” she realized.
He related as to how dangerously close he had come to assault. Manuela was more than peeved.

La Costeña: Fernando told Enrique that they would need to be careful after that investors' meeting.
He agreed, saying he had a plan to develop [desarrollar] new products. He started explaining this when Fernando excused himself to answer the phone.
Beatriz told him that Ana was waiting to see him. He was surprised, but realized that this had to be important. He told Beatriz to send her in, hung up, and excused himself to Enrique. Enrique told him not to worry; he would take charge of this project while Fernando attended to personal matters.

He headed toward the door exactly as Ana was entering, deliberately stopping her by taking her hand and kissing her on the right cheek.
She was not pleased at this and looked at him as though he was out of line. That also occurred to Fernando on some level as he stared with a slightly confused and curious expression. To cover it up he asked what was wrong. She explained that she's very worried about Ximena's outburst. She hasn't done anything yet but she is afraid Ximena will do something desperate.

Lascuráin Mansion: Bruno was explaining that he ended up in jail for speeding and Don Nicolás came down to bail him out. Manuela asked what he was in such a hurry about but he was not willing to talk about it.
Instead he got up and requested a kiss. Not a secret one, either. At least now he's showing some sense about their relationship.

La Costeña: Having been filled in on the most recent details, Fernando told Ana he hadn't been aware of the gravity of the situation. Ana told him about the pills and her concern that without taking them Ximena could be hurting herself or others. Furthermore Ximena's mother was away on a trip. Finally, that Nando was taking more than his fair share of responsibility for Ximena and she needed help to get him to realize this problem was far beyond his abilities. She pointed out that they needed Ximena's psychiatrist and he decided they needed to go home that minute. He picked up his briefcase and both seemed caught by the possible meaning of that phrase.

Just as Diego pulled up in front of his building and saw Isabruja on the sidewalk, Enrique gave Fanny a look that made her think she had made a mistake [“Yes, Fanny; it's having agreed to work for him,” said Athena.]. He told her no, but that it was always pleasant to watch a beautiful woman working in front of him. She laughed it off. He said something about how he shouldn't be discussing her beauty when there was work to be done.

This girl should have stayed at the university,” said Athena. “It's as though she's only just learning to fish and she gets a shark on the line.”

She is definitely not ready for any of this,” said Aphrodite. “León may not be a prince, but he's not a viper. This man is somewhere beyond that.”

Should he develop a problem the little blue pill can't fix?” asked Hermes.

I like that,” said Aphrodite. “But I think we'll need a slightly more aggressive solution.”

He got up from the conference table and stood behind her, ostensibly to look over her shoulder at the computer screen. She was surprised at his comments and he suggested that she might think him too old [ruco]. She laughed, saying that she never said that. Two sentences later she said they'd better get back to work because they had a lot to do.
He sat down again and studied her, his left hand resting on the back of her chair.

Even Zeus cringed at that one.

Marguerita's Apartment: León was explaining that he resigned from his messenger job because he had let his boss down. It wasn't about pride. She told him he had better consider that he made more money there and now he has a child to support. He was allowing his differences with Fanny to get in the way of having a better job when he should be thinking of his son. He admitted she was right.

Enrique's Building, Exterior: Isabruja asked him what he was doing there and he told her he had just moved in.
She asked whether that took him away from Ana and he told her about how they had become novios.
She couldn't have been more delusionally happy had she won a lottery jackpot.

The gods laughed.

For someone who has an MBA from Harvard she isn't very smart, is she?” said Zeus. “She knows of men's libidos but not their hearts.”

That's not my fault,” said Aphrodite.

Nobody's blaming you. Humans have an endless capacity for screwing up. I'd say Yolanda is about at her limit.”

Auto Repair Shop: Nick arrived with a bouquet of sunflowers for Jennifer. He commented on how well she looked in her uniform. She told him that love is blind. They talked about their wedding date. After some joking about it being that very day they agreed it would be in one month.

Televisa Offices: Johnny went back and flirted somewhat with Florecita, the receptionist. She invited him to take a seat. Just as he started to do so he was distracted by two attractive actresses who would have preferred to ignore him.

Lascuráin Mansion: Fernando, Nando, and Ana were trying to discuss Ximena's problem when Isababy came into the house calling for her mother. She was surprised to see Fernando home at that hour and asked what was wrong.
He started to explain it was about Ximena when Yolanda came down the stairs, asking her what was up. She said it would be better for them to talk in the garden, so she led Yomama outside. As they walked out Nando gave his father the phone number to reach Ximena's mother, who would know how to contact the psychiatrist. Fernando went into his office.
Ana had to reassure Nando he was doing the right thing. He and Ximena were young and this problem was too big for them to handle alone at this point. She embraced him as his mother might have done and led him toward the library.

Fernando reached Ximena's mother on the phone and told her that her daughter had a major problem with depression. Her end of the conversation wasn't heard but she obviously knew very little about her daughter's life, friends, or anything else.

She doesn't know that Nando is Ximena's boyfriend?” said Hera. “She has truly failed at motherhood.”

I don't think Ximena has even seen her for the last several years,” said Persephone. “No wonder she's such a mess.”

Fernando requested the contact information for the psychiatrist so they could call him. He pointed out that possibly she would need to return to Mexico. When Nando asked what was being said he covered the mouthpiece to tell him that “Her crisis is normal and expected” but in a tone of voice indicating that he didn't have a good opinion of Ximena's mother. Ana stared with an incredulous expression, commenting on “What kind of a mother...” Fernando patiently asked for the psychiatrist's name and phone number. Nando got paper and pencil and began taking the information as his father got it on the phone.

Out in the garden Isababy and Yomama sat at the table as Zerobela told her about Ana and Diego becoming a couple.
She was ecstatic that this solved her problem, but her mother pointed out that this doesn't mean that Fernando has stopped loving Ana.
This annoyed Isabrat, who accused Yolanda of raining on her parade. It was obvious that Yolanda was accustomed to this.

La Costeña: Enrique asked to see Fernando, but Beatriz told him he had left the office to attend to a personal matter. He asked when he could see him, but Beatriz dismissed him and left her desk. Before he could do anything León arrived and the two had a confrontation.
Enrique told him that Fanny was too much woman for him and that he should leave.

He's a bigger braggart that Sysiphus,” said Poseidon. “He is also underestimating his alleged inferior.”

Someone has to be onto him,” said Apollo. “He may be clever, but he is not wise. Surely he will pry too far fairly soon.”

León asked him why he was so interested in his employees' personal lives only to be told that his reasons were none of his business. León called him out on his age and how he was old enough to be Fanny's father. Enfrique answered that León wasn't good enough to take Fanny's suitcases from her car.

If you think yourself so superior, then why are you talking to me?” León asked.

This is the last time I will do it,” answered Enrique. “The next time it won't be words.”
He punctuated that by pushing him out of the way as he exited. León was seething. When Beatriz returned she asked if he was alright.

Lascuráin Mansion: Fernando had talked with the psychiatrist who was on his way, but thus far the news wasn't good. They had no grounds to commit Ximena involuntarily. She needed to take her medication or agree to enter the hospital. Ana pointed out Ximena's continued refusal to eat and Nando was getting increasingly frustrated with their current helplessness. He walked out of the office and Ana held up her hand to Fernando to let her handle this. Nando was out of his depth and she had to make him understand that.
She got him to sit down for a conversation. She told him that Ximena needed professional help and he was not to feel bad about not knowing what to do. Fernando came out of his office and watched. His look seems to say he thought she was handling this as Nando's mother might have. He sat on Nando's other side, telling him they were there to help him.
He kissed his son and put his arm around him. Ana kissed him, too.

In the garden Yolanda and Isabruja were still disagreeing. It was now ten days away from Alicia's quinceñera.
Isabruja was now sure of Diego and Ana's relationship. Yolanda wasn't. Finally, Isa declared it was impossible to talk to her and got up.
Yolanda pointed out “Who else can you talk to, the ferret?” [“Oh, please, not that,” said Artemis. “I'll do a spell to protect him.”] Isa wasn't bothered by this.

Private Detective's Office: Diego arrived for his appointment to explain to Libia that he had visited the orphanage where he found out that Ana's last name of Leal was not that of either of her parents. His travels and adventures have given him the instinct to check something else. He told her that they needed to trace the guitar back to where it came from to find out who bought it. She thought this a sound idea.

Lascuráin Mansion: The psychiatrist arrived and gave the medication to Nando to give to Ximena as he stood with Fernando and Ana outside the door.
Ximena told Nando that she didn't want to talk to the doctor, knocked the medication boxes out of his hand, shoved him away from her, and ran to the closet.

Her tantrum continued as she took clothes out of the closet and the adults entered the room. She threw things off shelves, dropped to the floor, and kept carrying on. Finally, the doctor prepared an injection.

Ana and Fernando restrained Ximena and he directed Nando to hold Ximena's legs down as the doctor administered the injection. He stroked Ximena's forehead and she called out Nando's name once more before the injection took effect. Fernando held his son's hand and looked at him, noting the boy's distressed expression.

Fernando is really getting put through the wringer,” said Zeus. “And Ximena isn't even his own child.”

Yes, but this may only be the beginning,” said Aphrodite. “This Isabela is about to do something really bad to one of the daughters. We need to be there for Alicia. This is a vulnerable time for mortal girls.”

I should find some way to help Fanny fight her,” said Athena. “Maybe appear to her in dreams?”

Sounds good to me.”

Isabruja and Yomama entered the house just in time to see the attendants strap Ximena to a portable gurney to take her out to the ambulance. Fernando explained that Ximena was being taken to a psychiatric hospital and that her mother was out of the country.
She asked Nando if he was alright, he said he was not as he walked out. Isabruja took Fernando's hand and said she would go with him. Outside she tried to tell Nando that everything would be alright.

Bruno came out of the kitchen to see what had happened, but there was only the predatory Yolanda to tell him. She deliberately misnamed Nando as she told Bruno that his girlfriend was being taken to the hospital.
She then started backing him up toward the library in a tone of voice he had reason to fear.

He circled her and went outside. [We hope he didn't hear Yolanda's boast that he would fall and love it.]
He tried to reassure Nando that everything would be alright. Ana gave him some instructions about the younger kids.
He went back into the house when Nando, Ana, Isabruja, and Fernando followed the ambulance.

Televisa Offices: Johnny followed the two actresses to an escalator, missing his appointment once again.
Florecita was told to send him in and he was gone. He remembered his appointment and ran off the escalator.

Lascuráin Mansion: The younger kids had come home from school and Bruno explained what happened. The twins were pleased that Isabruja was out of the house. Bruno told them to change clothes and come down for some of Manuel's good food.
He put on a good mood for them. Alicia and Sebastian headed for their rooms, leaving Luz and the twins behind. The three looked at each other and went to investigate something Luz talked about.

They sneaked into the master bedroom, knowing they had to watch out for Yolanda. Luz remembered seeing Isabruja suddenly closing the top dresser drawer.

They opened it to discover some of their father's shirts. There was a note under one, which one of the boys took out. They talked about this being a secret mission.

My proteges are clever, but we know Luz will tell Ana eventually,” said Hermes.

Hospital Waiting Room: Isabruja asked whether Fanny had been told yet, then asked what happened. Fernando explained that Ximena was thought to be bipolar, but is more likely clinically depressed.
Nando had tried to save her, thinking that love can cure everything. Isa said that he was a romantic, like his father (as if she would know). Fernando said that it seems to have been all to much for his sensitive son. Ana was comforting Nando during this conversation, which Fernando very much noticed. Isabruja commented that Ana was taking care of him, but by the way did she tell you about her and Diego?
She gloated as she told him that Ana and Diego were a couple.

Lascuráin Mansion: Diego asked Bruno about Ana's guitar. Was it in the house? Bruno told him it was. Diego told him that it was the only thing she had that connected her to her mother.
Yolanda arrived just in time to hear the tail end of this. When she asked whether Ana's mother was dead, Bruno explained they didn't know, but that Ana had been left at an orphanage when she was very young.
She looked very strange at this information.

No, say it's not true!” said Hera. “Ana doesn't deserve to have this poor excuse of a woman for a mother.”

I won't say a word,” said Zeus. “But you could think of it as punishment for Yolanda to have to admit she abandoned a child. We don't deal well with people like that.”

No, we don't. Come to think of it, it would be amusing to see Isabela's reaction to the idea that Ana is her half-sister. She'd never get over it.”

Hospital: As Ana got a soda from the vending machine in the waiting room Fernando approached her about her relationship with Diego. She told him that Diego had declared himself the night before. She would have told him in the library except for uproar with Ximena. She then started to tell him this was not appropriate and he backed off for the nth time. As he walked away she expressed her annoyance with this.

Ximena woke up in her room and the doctor was standing over her. She asked for Nando and he told her that he was outside.
She ripped out the IV, got up, and tried to leave the room, saying she was of age and she was getting out, The doctor grabbed her to put her back to bed.

Diego had arrived and Fernando told Ana he wanted her to go back to be with the other kids. She was annoyed at this order, but went to take her leave of Nando.
Isabruja stood behind the boy pretending sympathy as Ana told him he could count on her for anything.
She kissed him and Isabruja congratulated her on her relationship with Diego. This was clearly a show for Fernando, who seemed to know that. Ana and Diego left.

La Costeña: Fanny was leaving the office when she ran into León. He asked for her father and she explained what happened.
When he implied that Enrique was more than just her boss she slapped him. She walked away from him and he was upset at his folly.

Hospital: Fernando tried to talk to Nando about this. Nando pointed out that he can no more stop loving Ximena than his dad could stop loving his mother (as in Estefania Madre).

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana and Diego arrived. She called Jenny which was presumably about Diego, but Jenny couldn't talk; her boss was approaching.
Her boss then told her that Johnny was nowhere to be seen for the second time and therefore he was fired.

Televisa Offices: Johnny was his usual self with Florecita, who said she might get him another appointment the next week. He tried to tell her he needed to see the boss now, sprayed on some fragrance, and Prado came out of his office.
He dismissed Johnny, saying to make another appointment because he wasn't punctual. He then walked out. [“So much for Johnny's sueños,” said Apollo. “He has no Muse.”]

Hospital: Nando realized that something was up regarding his dad, Diego, and Ana and told Fernando that ever since he married Isabela he had not smiled.
Fernando told him that Bruno had said the same thing. There was no indication that he had been at all happy.

Lascuráin Mansion: There must have been a note from the teacher because Ana knows the twins didn't have their notebooks with them in class. One of them finally said that they had their notebooks in their room. Ana looked at them, then at Luz, suspecting that they were hiding something from her.
Luz claimed there was nothing.

Hospital: Fernando tried to explain that love changes when one is an adult. Nando sees it like a force of nature, like gravity.
He finally said that “Your happiness is with Ana. She made you laugh, smile,” etc.

He understood why his father married Isabela, but pointed out that what good does it do a child to have an unhappy father who didn't fight for the woman he loved.

That boy will be a wise man someday,” said Athena.

You have given him many gifts,” said Zeus. “The world needs smart men.”

Yes. I should have done a better job on his father.”

Don't be ashamed, daughter,” said Zeus. “There is still time. I see him learning many lessons very soon.”


Urban, thank you for a wonderful and illustrated recap enhanced by the sage commentary from Mount Olympus. It was great fun.

Enrique was super creepy staring at Fanny and leaning over her at the computer. I liked that León told Fanny that Enrique was old enough to be her father. Poor Fernando trusting Enrique to keep him updated on business while he is taking care of his personal problems. Just made you want to cringe.

Johnny definitely has "time management" problems beyond missing appointments at Televisa. He just left work for two days for the meeting at Televisa without clearing it with the boss first? No sympathy for him!

Yolanda was at her best chasing Bruno around and around. Yes, that ferret would need protection if it had to to talk with Isabela. She also was smart with trying to temper Isabela's exuberance over Ana and Diego's noviazgo by telling her that that did not mean Fernando had stopped loving Ana. She is sure smarter than her daughter with the degree.

I wonder what plans the twins (clones) have for retaliation. Will Luz spill the beans?


I absolutely loved your 3-part parody yesterday. I couldn't stop laughing. Please write another one when you are up to it.

My favorite summed Isabruja up perfectly:

"They had a clearance sale at Kmart”

Isabela turns white, her hands begin to shrivel. “You did not say Kmart!!! And I touched it! Look, I am getting a rash! Oh my gawd!!! How could you??!! Quick, someone take this and burn it! Mom! Mom!! Look what he did to me!!!” Isa yells as she quickly runs off.


Thanks for this superb recap. Loved the photos, the details, and the input from Olympus.

For a comedy, we seem to be hitting some heavy issues. It's tough on Nando, but it's true that love can't always fix mental health issues.

As always Urban, your recap was stunning. Great pics and the goddesses were on fire last night. And nice addition of Zeus to the conversation.

However, " Come to think of it, it would be amusing to see Isabela's reaction to the idea that Ana is her half-sister. She'd never get over it.” Well, I have to say I for one could miss that plot line and be very happy. There is nothing good about Ana having her dreams crushed finding out these two idiots are her family.

Speaking of whom, I guess I'll be in the minority, but I don't find Yomama's hitting on Bruno funny. And it really bugged me for some reason that they no sooner take Ximena away, Bruno is concerned about Nando and all that round little cherry could do was try to hit on him. These two women are so self-absorbed. How the heck can Ana be herring please!!!

I'm hoping that brief moment with Fanny might have been enough to make her think twice as Enrique is making her creepy moves on her. Apparently, she never heard of sexual harassment on the job. I agree with all..she needs to get back to school. She is way too naïve to handle him.

Why didn't the kids just tell Ana? Now we have to deal with another prank. Lovely. She pulls something and the kids will be the ones yelled at...just watch.

Guess we'll be meeting Ximena's nomad mother. I had such a horrid feeling, no spoiler, that it might turn out to be someone Diego knew in his wanderings. The writers are going to want to mess up Ana/Diego somehow. I've watched too many of these TN's not to suspect the writers.


That is true and Nando is dealing with something that his dad likely didn't when he was the same age.

I'm shuddering at what Ximena's childhood must have been like.

Cathy thank you for Friday's wonderful recap.

Urban, I haven't seen the last 2 episodes but had to say your recap and screen shots were fabulous.

"He sat down again and studied her, his left hand resting on the back of her chair.Even Zeus cringed at that one" and “For someone who has an MBA from Harvard she isn't very smart, is she?” said Zeus. “She knows of men's libidos but not their hearts” were but a few of my favorites.

Poor Ximena. Thank heavens she did end up with Nando. If not for him, where would the poor young woman be now?

From what I read, Enrique continues to be repulsive. I think the character is totally unappealing and do not see his charm whatsoever.

Thanks again!


I said in a comment on someone else's episode that if I were a horror movie producer in Mexico I'd want him for Frankenstein's monster.

If everyone is up for it I'll post a weekend topic this month for a horror movie casting game.

Urban, IkkyLizard you mean?

Yes. Just look at his face in the maze scenes in the opening. He'd be perfect.

I'm wondering who Norma Herrera's character will be. She's in the maze but hasn't shown up yet and we're almost at episode 60.

Thank you, Urban, for your lovely retelling of the episode. I only watched bits and pieces of it because my Internet connection was very bad, but now I'm all up to date.

Enrique and Fanny - bleach, how long until a grown-up realizes what is going on?

Johnny seems to be the main comic relief of the tn- well, he and Yolanda. What if the show decides to pair them up somehow? It would be so much easier to ffw.


I totally agree with you concerning Yomama's hitting on Bruno. I find this attitude of hers very annoying and offensive.

yeah, YoMama's reaction to the part of Ana's history definitely means she has something to do with it... but instead of YM being her mother, i am thinking other possibilities... like Ana's mom was working at YoMama's house before her husband died, and maybe Ana and Isa are half sisters but only of their dad... and YoMama sent Ana's mom away and that is why she was homeless and had no choice but to leave Ana at the orphanage... sothing to that effect...
So Norma Herrera I am still holding hopes that she is Ana's real mom and is not rich and powerful or at least can help Ana out when the right time comes.

It was too funny how Bruno was so concerned when they all were leaving to the hospital, Bruno yelled at Fernando to be careful (driving?) and Fernando yelled back 'i am not driving, Bruno!' as the doors were closing on the car... LOL!

UA, I like your idea of Fanny Sr's ghost making its appearance to Isa...

and as much as they are torture for both Fernando and Ana (if she notices them), those looks from Fernando to Ana as she is caring for Nando are so sweet to watch.

but Ana is right... if he let her go and told Diego to be happy with her, then why is he angry at her when she makes it official with Diego?

I think the paper that the kids found in one of the drawers was a piece of an old homework, or at least that is what i had heard one of the twins say when he saw it... which would make lots of sense that Isa forgot one piece from all the shreds she had stuffed into the drawer. Ana could testify that it is indeed part of the boys notebooks, but it would be the typical he said, she said story.

I really hope the kids tell Diego or Nico or someone else instead because if it is Ana going to Fer, it will look like Ana wants to get Isa in trouble...

I heard Nando tell his dad that when he was with Ana he was happy and smiling and had finally been able to get over the pain of losing Fanny Sr... but now he was back to (unhappy).


So now Isa is blackmailing Enreeky into giving her money to make up for her 'limited credit line'... if not, she will tell Fernando that it was Reeky's idea and they had a plan together... too funny that she is trying to blackmail the smartest of them two... this can do nothing but backfire on her eventually.

You should help the writers, your storylines are more interesting than where this novela seems to be going.

Loved it UA.

"“He's a bigger braggart that Sysiphus,” said Poseidon. “He is also underestimating his alleged inferior.”

I don't fault Leon for assuming from Rickys inference and hostility something is going on with Fanny. His fault was in expressing it instead of asking. Ricky is trying to do the same with Ana. Somebody, anybody needs to expose that nasty scum.

Yomama - how did you even get a date much less two children

Nando - noble folly

Diego - what if the guitar was begged, stolen or borrowed

Fernando - just because I gave you permission doesn't mean you can

Bruno - that broad is nasty

Juan - counting chicks before they hatch

Ana - Mother

Isabela - when I die just dip me in plastic and slap on a magnetic strip


Excellent recap!

A lot going on in this episode.

Glad Luz remembered where Isa hid the kids homework and glad they found a scrap. But I think their revenge on Isa will backfire somehow.

Reeky just disgusting but I do want to know what happened to his father.

Oh please don't let Yomama be Ana's mother! Please let it just be that she knew her mother and the circumstances around her abandoning her child. Could Yomama's conscience finally arrive? Will she help Ana or use the knowledge against her?

I thought Fer was finally getting what Nando, and Bruno and Nico, had been telling him about being happy, love and how he can still have the child with Isa. Wondering if he might now be propelled to take some action.

Dear UA,

Thank you for another witty, comprehensive, smart recap with great screencaps to boot.

Marta - I so hope that the possibilities with Yolando are what you outlined. The scene opens up some possibilities, just not the one we would ALL dread.

Isabela and Enrique may turn out to be the Natasha of villains, but Enrique seems a bit smarter than Boris. Leon's observation of Enrique's creepy behavior with Fanny could be the key to his redemption (we know he will be redeemed!)

Ana so loves those children. Let's hope that someone rescues from the terrible situation she is in living even by day in that house as Diego doesn't seem to be getting the job quite done.

tofie, you had me ROFLOL on this one...
Fernando - just because I gave you permission doesn't mean you can

gotta remember that one for my kids... lol!

Carvivlie, i am afraid what Nando and Bruno got telling that to Fernando is send Fernando into a constant self-bashing for his rotten decision affecting not only him and Ana but all the kids.


Thanks for another incredible recap co-hosted by the Greek Pantheon, replete with an abundance of photos... each week is clearly a labor of love.

I'd be delighted to have Yolanda turn out to be Ana's mom if for no other reason than the jarring incongruity it would be. Hard to imagine that those delicate fingers that Ana recalls plucking the guitar strings as belonging to the squat gnomish Yolanda. It'd require an adjustment for everyone, characters as well as audience. I adore Carmen Salinas... she is such a vivid and genuine personality, willing to sacrifice her dignity if it will enhance the enjoyment of her fans.

Though I was disappointed in the lack of imagination demonstrated by Yolanda's strike against the twins, I do like the idea of an ongoing battle between the three with Luz helping the twins and Isa abetting her mom.

The conversation between Enrique and Isabela was rather strange. They began planning all this back at Harvard? Were they late bloomers or are they just very patient plotters?

I don't know which is more creepy, Enrique setting his sights on Fanny or Gus possibly going after Alicía after striking out with Fanny. Both are stomach churning.


Carlos: I didn't get any sense that Gus was going after Alicia. He stated he wanted to get back into the good graces of her Dad so I feel like he was doing her the favor of playing her party to make amends. After the way he treated Fanny, he has a lot to make amends for.

Carlos... ita with...
They began planning all this back at Harvard? Were they late bloomers or are they just very patient plotters? or maybe it is a case of we knew each other back then and reunited recently (maybe Enrique learned Fer became widow so he started the action then.


Carvivlie, I know that you are right, but up until now he has been such a jerk that I can picture him taking advantage of Alicia's obvious infatuation.


Carlos: You are probably right. If he sees an advantage to it, like getting Fanny back, he may play on her infatuation.

Question(s): Didn't Betty go to Harvard with Reeky too? Isn't that how she knows him? So why is she Fer's assistant and didn't know Isa?


Thank you, UA! As always, I loved both your own summary and the musings from the Mount Olympus gallery.

So much skeezy creepy YUCK in this episode.

When Yolo was lurching toward Bruno trying to get a kiss, I thought she looked like a zombie trying to eat his brains. She's so inappropriate and nasty. What does she want with a servant anyway? Does her delusion actually have limits and she realizes she can't get a man in the social class to which she pretends to belong?

Then we had to put up with Johnny's lecherous lothario-ism at Televisa. UGH. Those two actresses should have called security. They were probably afraid he would turn out to be someone powerful who could ruin their careers. I was appalled at the way he was pawing their hair and following them and putting his arms around them. Not cute, not funny. CREEPY.

And then, the coup de grace, Enreeky. Poor sweet naive Fanny. She doesn't seem to hear all the alarm bells clanging all around her.

Leon is still close to the bottom of the pit. I think he will be redeemed, but he has a long way to go. I could see how he reached that conclusion about Fanny and Enrique, but he shouldn't have accused her like that. It should have at least occurred to him that it may have been one-sided wishing on Enfrique's part. Because what would Fanny want with that nasty old coot?

I also wish that when Enfrique teased Fanny about her thinking he was a ruco, to get her to disagree, she had agreed instead. "Yes, you're old and icky. Obvio." He's following the Manipulator's Handbook to the letter and she is so oblivious to his tactics. It's painful.

Blah blah blah Ximena. I can't be bothered to care. Where's Laura? She is by far the better of Fanny's friends.

I'll bet Fanny will be relieved to have Ximeana out of her bedroom.

Was Enfrique's brilliant solution to the nightclub problem to have the party the following weekend instead? Suddenly it's ten days away instead of the coming weekend?

I am perplexed by this plot going back to Harvard days, as well. Either Enfrique and Isabimbo both went to business school later in life than normal, or they are far, far more patient than I would ever give Isa credit for. Plus, I don't see either of them could pretty much go straight from business school to a VP position at a major company. Wouldn't they need to work their way up? And why doesn't Bea know Isa if they were all at Harvard at the same time, and why is Bea a secretary and not a manager herself if she had the business education? Unless she was at Harvard for some other reason.

Julia: I can see them going straight to VP status. At my company, there are tons of people with the title of VP.

Wow, how about those strawberries in the first photo? What a dream breakfast, but poor Nando was too distracted by personal problems to notice the beautiful food and his gorgeous, lusty, enthusiastic waitress hovering nearby.


I am very jealous of the Lascurain family's breakfasts. Why doesn't a giant martini glass of berries appear on MY table in the morning?

Does anyone feel sorry for Isa yet? We have already seen the tragic result of the credit card limit: last night she had to steal the coat off of some petite chef and repurpose it as a skirt! Well, almost a skirt. It didn't quite get there. How did she sit in that thing? Did she simply wear decorative undercrackers and give everyone a show?

UA: love the recap. Always enjoy the Pantheon's two cents worth.

I've started fast forwarding. This is pretty early in a novela for me, but can't stand seeing Yola going after Bruno any more.

I wish they'd stop breaking the fourth wall. It annoys me. Once or twice in a comedy movie is fun. Every ep in a 180 ep novela--not so much.


Julia you had me REALLY ROFLOL at the office with your comment about Isa's skirt... ITA 1000%!!! and you had my co-workers asking why i was laughing so much... but that skirt... YIKES!!! did you all see Fernando's face when she came in the door yelling for her mom?? on top of the yelling the skirt outfit... who is the N A C A Now???

That skirt was horrible and shows that Isabimbo has poor taste.

I have also been puzzled at this Harvard thing. If Ana is the daughter of Yomama she would be older than Greedabela, which is the opposite of the age difference of the two actresses. Fernando and Enfrique are supposed to be the same age and they almost are (BTW, today is Lisardo Guarinos' birthday; he is 44).

Zerobela should be around 30 for this story to be believable. How, therefore, can she and Enfrique have been students together?

Urban- I feel like I'm watching this tn, you provide such great screencaps. The strawberries actually caught my eye and drew me in to read the rest of the recap.

My goodness. Such drama with the mentally ill friend/girlfriend. I'm glad they all realized professional help was needed.

Wree Isabela and whatshisface in grad school/b-school together? If so, people in grad school are vastly different ages. My program had folks right out of undergrad and others of us who had been working for a while.

I am hoping that Yomama is NOT Ana's mother, but maybe she and Ana's mom are sisters or cousins or were neighbors or otherwise acquainted so she might know some background information.

Thank you, Urban and Olympians, for the wonderful recap, observations, and screenshots!

Salvador - Thank you also for your three-act script revision. I much prefer your version!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Not Yomama! Ana cannot share DNA with the brujas!

Has Johnny never heard of personal boundaries? Those actresses should have called security and/or sprayed him with mace. Likewise, Ana should have slapped Enfrique when he kissed her. Are tn writers so misogynist they believe men have the right to stroke and kiss women without consent? Ugh.


I have often wondered whether there is a concept of Sexual Harassment in Mexico. It sickens me to see women being treated like objects.

The irony of this situation is that Ana manages to avoid this at her other job where it would theoretically be a bigger risk.

Does anyone know where I can watch episode 10 (or whatever episode it was that Fernando saw Ana dance as Lola/they tried to pay off Jennifer)? I wanted to check something, but don't know where to look.

At the risk of being overly dramatic, I'm going to be sick to my stomach if Yola ends up being Ana's mother.

I don't like that either, Nanette. Ana deserves much better.

Just as a question (since it's impossible to have watched everything produced in the last 20 years) has there ever been a novela in which the protagonist never found the parent that abandoned them/gave them up?

Nanette and UA,

If indeed Yolanda is Ana's mom (and it's looking more and more like this might be the case) I think it will ultimately turn out to be a happy surprise for everyone (with the possible exception of Isabela). If she is not, then I'll bet that she will be instrumental in helping to reunite Ana with her mom. In fact I'll predict that Yolanda will end up being one of the good guys and everyone here will love her... even Julia.


That would be consistent with Carmen Salinas' resume. However, if she is to achieve redemption she will have to fess up about her role in the matter of the twins' notebooks.

With the exception of Sebastian these kids are surprisingly stable and well-adjusted.

Ana has behaved as though they were her own almost from Day One. She still has to face the revelation of her other job, however, and that will be very difficult. No matter what she has paid Doroteo I don't see him letting her go. He must also pay off the police.

Super recap, thanks so much

I sure did not like the look on Yolanda's face when told that Ana was raised in an orphanage. Can Yolanda play the guitar?

We don't know that yet.

However, with at least 135 episodes to go we could be waiting a long time.

Carlos, that would require a miracle. I have never liked a single character I've seen her play, including the "good" ones. I'm willing to be proved wrong, but she will have to go above and beyond redeeming herself.

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Carlos: I've felt from day one that Yola was redeemable. However, she's slipped a little and will have more to make up for than she did at the beginning--in my eyes.

Still don't want her to be Ana's mother.

Carmen Salinas was super simpática in Mi Pequeña Traviesa.


I too was wondering about Mexico and sexual harassment in the work place. While it still might be considered appropriate to do the kiss on the cheek thing (woman to woman or man to woman) (and man hugs with slaps on the back) ONLY for those who know each other really well, I doubt the sexual inappropriateness that we are seeing is allowed.

Does anyone in Carayville have any knowledge of how it goes in Mexico this day and age?

Anon at 4:33 pm Tuesday

Re episode #10 if you want to rewatch and don't have Hulu try this site out that has MCET but no captions.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE

It is so good to hear from you on MCET. I loved your comments on LQLVMR.. I liked your take on the characters most of us disliked and wan the anvil to hit. (Maria)
I was wondering if you usually go for the underdogs--for Novelas and real life. Your comments are usually a reflection that a person can be seen in more than one facet.

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