Sunday, November 02, 2014

For el dia de los muertos, two songs I just LOVE!!! Mi funeral!!! No es serio este cementerio!!

These are the greatest. Hello everybody! Did you know we have almost 10,000 posts here at Caray Caray and 11,653,384 pageviews? From all over the world. You guys are the greatest too.

Mi funeral:

No es serio este cementerio:


Bloggers, if you have favorites for the season, post them!

Muchísimas gracias, Jane. This was a great choice of songs.


Thanks Jarifa. You have one?

I liked the music but didn't understand the sad video. I think if I could listen to the music without watching the tragedy, it would be better. Both videos are the same. Is this an error?
the gringo

I see the second video now. I don't know how I got two of Mi Funeral. Wow, lots of old cars. Where did they find them all?
the gringo

I've always had a soft spot for "No Estaba Muerto, Andaba de Parranda" (He wasn't dead, he was off on a binge). My first experience was a version on a TV show called Chespirito that did a fabulous parody of "Don Juan Tenorio". Of special note on the supposed graves was that the Olympics were dead due to politics, etc, and the gravedigger sings "No estaba muerta, andaba de boycott". Another was Jimmy Carter, to whom death said "Aqui nomas mis cacahuates truenan" (Here only my peanuts crackle).

A more updated version:

And since we all love telenovelas, here is one called "Un Alma en Pena" (a lost soul, or ghost). It was written by Juan Gabriel for Lucia Mendes for a TN she did with Alma Muriel in 1988 called "El Extrano Retorno de Diana Salazar" (the strange return of Diana Salazar) in which the character appeared in present day (back then anyway) and in the 1600 during a past life, when one of them was burned at the stake.

Thanks for the post Blog Mommy =)

Thank YOU Margarita! What a riot!

El extrano retorno de Diana salazar sounds a lot like Black Sunday, a horror classic from Bava starring Barbara Steele complete with stake. Is there a history of "Gothic horror" novelas?
Chris in FL

Chris-there have been a handful of horror TNs over the years ("El Maleficio" comes to mind). Some of them include "period" sections involving ancestors or past lives, so I guess there is a gothic element in that. I do specifically remember one with a vampire (or maybe he was more of a zombie, he was very pale and killed people), but don't remember much else as it was ages ago, when I was still a child, and I found it entirely too scary at that age. That would definitely fall into the gothic category. Sorry I can't be more help. Generally speakingm there is little that can't be made into a telenovela.

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