Sunday, November 02, 2014

Quiero Amarte Highlights and Discussion (Weeks 7 & 8 - Nov 3 & 10)

Looking ahead (predictions? no; guesswork? si):

Mauro will get better
Juliana will stay in Mexico
Cesar and Lucrecia will get worse
Constanza will become annoying
Horacio will forget to zip up his pants
Salvador (Yummy) Romero will stay near Constanza
Ulises will get the cold shoulder from Mariana
Mariana will get discovered by Cipriano, working for the "enemy"
Amaya will need lots of support to get through her divorce
Max will try to convince himself he can love two women


There is a quickie update at the end of Weeks 5 & 6 post, for anyone who needs to catch up (besides me).

For the duration of the novela Ulises will be known as Greasy to me for the obvious reason of his hair and his very shady demeanor in general.

Cassandra G.

You are probably right about his demeanor, Cassandra, but I think I'm going to enjoy seeing him all "grown up" as a completely different character, shady or not.

Recap for Mon Nov 3 – Part 1

Juliana is with Mauro in the hospital talking about having Alan come for a visit. Lucrecia doesn’t like hearing that Alan looks like Max and Mauro and, of course, the Carmona side of the family, Juliana’s mother’s side. Luce likes it even less when Juli starts talking about taking him to El Paraíso and Mauro wanting to show him all the lands that belong to him, Alan. After all, half of El Paraíso is his. Luce doesn’t like it at all when Juliana suggests that she, Franco and Alan all move to Mexico so she can take charge of her lands.

Luce tells César what Juli is considering. She doesn’t want to let that happen. César should be the universal heir—of everything. César will take care of it. Luce is concerned because Juli will have the support of Mauro and everyone else in the family. César sneers, if she wants war, war she’ll get. No mercy. No one is going to dethrone him (destronar – or overthrow)!

Flavia and Juli get ready to go home. Luce will keep vigil all night and care for Mauro. Flavia snarks that wow, now she’s playing the “good wife.” Luce doesn’t appreciate the remark. Juli would like to have dinner with César so he can fill her in on all the workings of the businesses. He can’t tonight. He has a business meeting. Whenever Mauro is unavailable or unable, he, César is in charge of the business. So, some other time, then.

After soccer practice is over, Max walks by Amaya and congratulates her on her daughter’s abilities. He tells her to have a nice day and walks on by.

Constanza is tempting Max with honeymoon plans. Somewhere—for a long, long time. Consta goes for coffee…Max immediately sees Amaya….and no, he’d rather have water. The doorbell rings. Max excuses himself to go up to the bathroom. In comes Salvador (not so Yummy) Romero, staggering down drunk and disheveled. He blathers on and then makes a grab for Consta and tries to kiss her. She struggles to get away, but at the last fraction of a second, gives in, just as Max comes back down and sees them. Cara de sorprendido de Max.

He throws Sal off of Consta and onto the couch. They start a tussle. Consta begs Max to back off, Sal is drunk. Max wants to know why he was kissing Consta. “Because I love her.” Don’t pay attention to him, begs Consta again, he’s drunk. Max will take him home and he and Consta will talk tomorrow.

Max dumps Sal on his bed and asks if Consta was that “amor prohibido” he was talking about. Sal raves on, repeating Connie’s name. Max is having a flashback to his conversation with Sal as Sal tells him he’s in love with someone who is off limits. He won’t reveal her name, because Max knows her and he doesn’t want to intrude on that relationship. Flashback over, Max wants to know if Consta knew how he felt.

Consta is talking to Nora. (Yay! That’s her name, no more guessing.) She recalls the confrontation between Sal and Max…and Sal’s kiss. After much probing by Nora, Consta admits to feeling something at the end of Sal’s kiss, even if he was so drunk.

Amaya is putting Val to bed. Val doesn’t like her sleeping in the living room. She wants her and her dad to make up. Horacio returns home. Amaya ignores him. He’d better get used to her sleeping in the living room. She plans to until he accepts the fact that everything between them is over. He renews his accusations of infidelity and she throws it right back. Also, he’s prejudicing Val against her when he knows perfectly well he’s to blame for the disintegration of their relationship. He claim she withdrew her affections from him, which led him to seek them elsewhere. He loves her. All she needs to do is to appreciate him more and value what they have together. (Poor Amaya, she’ll never win an argument with Horacio.) Mariana interrupts with a phone call. She overhears the argument. She and Amaya will talk tomorrow. Amaya gets up, takes off her rings and puts them down in front of Horacio.

Mon Nov 3 - Part 2

Lucrecia is keeping watch over Mauro in the hospital room. Mauro is having a flashback of his confrontation with David over Mauro and Florencia’s dead infant son. Luce, meanwhile is thinking how easy it would be to kill Mauro. She’s positive not a day goes by that Mauro is not thinking of Florencia and the possibility of her being alive. She hates him and Florencia for that. But for now, she needs him alive. Later on, she’ll “deshacerme de el” (SBIS—Sounds Better in Spanish: unmake herself of him)—after she assures her position in the family enterprises and César takes control. Mauro turns away from her. He’s continuing with his flashback telling David if he had known Florencia was pregnant with his child, he would have married Flo, the love of his life, instead. David says, too bad. Flo’s child died and Luce’s lived. Still, Mauro had the right to know about the child. David’s last words are for Mauro to stay away from Flo and their daughter (Amaya), especially now that he’s back at El Paraíso to stay.

Mariana, alone, thinks to herself that she is going to keep investigating Amaya’s past and is pleased she has a job at El Paraíso. Dolores, on the other hand, realizes her daughter is finding out things she thought would never come to light. In a flashback, a much younger Dolores and Flo are talking about how all of a sudden, David is having her every movement watched. Dolores thinks it’s because Mauro is back at El Paraíso. Flo insists there is nothing between them. She wouldn’t be unfaithful to David. Dolores thinks David is aware that Mauro always stands between him and Flo, even though it’s not real. She also reminds Flo she did come to “querer” David, though not with the same intensity as her love for Mauro. Flo doesn’t deny it. David is so jealous, she’s afraid of him and what he might do now that Mauro is back. They ought to move away somewhere else far away, but to tell the truth she can’t accept the idea of never seeing Mauro again.

Dolores goes to see Padre the next day (he, too seems to be wearing sneakers). He advises Dolores to come clean with Mariana and Amaya. She should tell them the truth about the threats over the land. Dolores is afraid of the trouble it will stir up if Amaya decides to step forward to claim her lands, since those lands were never sold to the owner of El Paraíso. Just think what they must be worth after 35 years. Padre tells her the lands belong to Amaya. Justice needs to be served. Dolores owes it to her. It could change Amaya’s life. But, talk to Mariana first. This would protect her. Then, together they could help protect Amaya.

Cipriano wins a few pesos gambling. He gets into a bit of a scuffle over his wife’s godliness and his not so godliness and is Mariana really his daughter. This provokes him. The next day he meets with his new patron, Ulises, and gets himself in a bit of a pickle. Ulises wants Cip’s wife AND daughter to come work during the harvest. Cip says that was how it was last year, but now they both have jobs elsewhere. No excuses. Ulises wants Dolores to cook for the seasonal workers who don’t live on the hacienda and Mariana to teach school to their children. He’ll give Cip a more important position, and yes, larger salary. He wants all three so they can set an example as a family for all the migrant workers.

Ulises may not know much about coffee, but he’s not stupid. He learns quickly, especially regarding things that interest him, like the people he wants around him. Cip needs to talk to his wife and daughter and will get back to him with an answer.

Mon Nov 3 - Part 3

Flavia gets home and seeks out a sleeping Lucio for some twin comfort. She tells him how much Mauro liked his art work and he’s going to get it framed for his office (Remember, folks, when Luce and César scoffed at it before they gave it to Mauro?) He asks if she mentioned anything about the trip on the boat to his father. He shows her a new drawing of a girl standing on the deck of a 17th C. sailing ship. Lucio says the girl is Flavia. She’s quite moved. She asks Lucio if she can climb in bed with him, the way they used to when they were little He invites her to do so. Eloisa catches sight of them comforting each other and smiles in approval without saying anything to them.

Juliana and Franco are Skyping. He lets her know he’s considered her wish to stay in Mexico with her father and her siblings (even though she has already smelled something fishy with César and Lucrecia). He’s willing to move there with Alan. His job as a counselor-advisor (asesor) won’t be a problem. He can telecommute and fly back to Italy when needed—once a month or less. At least they can try it out.

César is coming home late. He stops Eloisa on the stairs and probes her past. What about her husband, her marriage? She answers it was very short, it ended badly, she got a divorce and hasn’t seen him since. Nor does she want to. She wasn’t as lucky as her sister to find a good man to marry. Yes, it hurts her to remember those days and doesn’t want to talk about it.

Genoveva is happy about the new job. She’s telling Don Manuel she wants their relationship to become public. She’s kept it quiet all these years because she loves him. But it’s time. He assures her everything will change once Max gets married and now that she’ll be working for him.

Amaya is making a humongous sandwich for lunch, not for Horacio, but for little Valeria. Horacio is in a very sarcastic mood as he gets ready to take Val to school. He wants to know where she got the new car. Amaya tells him about her accident. Instead of showing concern about any injuries or the circumstances, he immediately lights into her for accepting help from a stranger instead of calling her husband. Why didn’t she call the insurance company. Well, for one thing she was late for work and then, he knows, there are reports, deductibles, etc. and this gentleman admitted fault and is paying for everything, including the rental. She did nothing wrong in accepting his aid. Horacio wants to know his name. He’s called Sr. Ugarte.

Mariana reaches Amaya later. First she wants to know how it is going with Max. Amaya tells her it’s off the table. He’s getting married in a month to the daughter of the man she’s currently working for. Whatever they have will be strictly business, at least until the publicity campaign is over. Max is starting a project having to do with coffee and she’s in charge of the publicity. Mariana wants to know if this project has anything to do with El Paraíso. Amaya doesn’t know. Well, Marian can tell her this much, Mauro Montesinos is the owner of El Paraíso and Max is his son. Cara de impactada de Mariana.

Wow Anita! Thank you, thank you sooo much for this very thorough recap! This is a good show and it's getting better with the villains bubbling up and LOVE the good guys being on to them! All the secondary stories are quite good, the acting is perfect, I am really enjoying it! How about Salvador laying a big sloppy one on Consta that Max sees! I though Sal looked yummy all disheveled and "natural": he's always so straight-laced, I liked seeing him confess his feelings even though he had to get liquored up to do it!

Well. Maybe more later. I hope others come in to discuss this fine show. What an afternoon delight!

Thanks, Lila. I've felt I've been talking to myself for awhile. I'm not going to be able to repeat such a detailed recap every day, but maybe once a week, with highlights in between. Holidays are coming up quickly and travel interferes.

Oh no, not at all. I accidentally turned to Univision after not watching novelas for several months - had some family staying with us for the summer - anywho, I happened up on it on it's debut day and have been watching ever since! I know there are other viewers out there . . .come on y'all, this is a great show, let's mix it up!

Anita, I want to thank you for the recaps. I miss my closed captions like I get at night. I have missed a lot because of no captions so I really appreciate your recaps.

Thanks for all your time. I'm really liking this one. I wish it was on in the evening.

Thanks again,


Muchísimas gracias. Love this show.
special thanks for "destronar."

I didn't hear the word clearly, and it is a new one for me. I should have replayed it, but didn't have time.

I'm not clear how EP belongs to
Amaya. Was that her family home that wasn't sold properly?

Thanks de nuevo,4227


Thanks for the recap Anita, your recap was great! I think the show is going pretty well so far, the cast is pretty good, the production value and writing is great, and I love how they mix up music so it's not just one song playing over and over again.

Cassandra G.


Here's how I think El Paraiso gets sorted out.

A family named Carmona owned El Paraiso.

When he was young, Mauro (I think he worked there) met Elena, the daughter of the owners. They fell in love, married and had Juliana. Then Elena died and left everything to Juliana and Mauro, half and half. That's why he said last night half of El Paraiso is hers--and in the future, Alan's.

Later, as a widower, Mauro met Florencia. Her family, namely her grandparents, owned some land called Tierra Estrella or Zona Estrella, as they are calling it now, which lay right next to El Paraiso's land. It produced some of the best coffee in the region because it was at a higher altitude.

Juliana is about 4 or 5 at this time. Florencia and Mauro decide to JOIN their lands and their hearts. They formed an association to join the lands and sign a contract (the one Jorge found tonight), which ran for about 35 years. So, no, Amaya's land was NEVER sold. Before they could join hearts and get married, along comes Lucrecia.

It was Lucrecia that threatened Dolores (Neena) with bodily harm if that esquinqule (Amaya) or anyone in her family ever tried to claim those lands. Cipriano wanted to. He thought he'd be on easy street once he got his hands on that land.

To make a long story just as long, El Paraiso never belonged to Amaya's grandparents. Only those especially valuable lands.

That's why Hector was worried about how much rent they would have to pay Florencia--if she decides to step forward. He learns tonight Florencia is missing, but maybe not dead.

Mauro would never cultivate those lands after losing Florencia.

Amaya was about 4 at the time of the accident, so Juliana would have been around 9 or 10 and already a victim of her stepmother Lucrecia's treatment.

I will put something up for tonight's episode later. There is a lot of repetition of the circumstances so far. I guess so we will "get it." I will try not to keep repeating things "we" know, but maybe the characters are learning for the first time. OK?


Recap for Tue Nov 4 - Part 1

Mariana is still on the phone recounting to Amaya what she found out about Mauro Montesino and Max. Now it all makes sense to Amaya. There was a man who suffered a heart attack a couple of days ago. He seemed to be running towards her. He called her Florencia. Later she found out it was Mauro Montesino. Well, Mariana says, she does look exactly like her mother, except for the hair. Maybe that means he knew Florencia. Amaya is puzzled though, why he didn’t say anything about her parents when she visited him in the hospital, at his request. Mariana tells her to be careful of that man. Around here he doesn’t have a good reputation. He seems like a good person to Amaya. She wants to find out what he knows about her parents, while Mariana warns her to stay away from him.

Max and Consta have their little “talk.” Yes, she knew, but only recently found out Salvador (Yummy) Romero was in love with her. Max wants to know what she feels for him. Nothing, she swears. Is she sure? Yes. Why didn’t she tell him about Sal’s confession? Because Sal is his best friend and she didn’t want to disrupt it. Nothing happened between them. All the time Max was gone, Sal was a good friend. He believes her.

Sal is hung-over when Nora arrives to see how he was. Constanza told her everything. He’s embarrassed, he was stupid, he feels terrible. What is he going to do now? Put some distance between them.

Hector goes to the cemetery to give the caretaker a stipend for continued upkeep of the mausoleum of Mauro’s first wife and his in-laws. He gets into a “casual” conversation with the caretaker about the Serranos (Amaya’s parents). He finds out there’s a tomb for both of them, but only David is actually interred. After the river swept her away, Florencia’s body was never recovered. According to what he’s heard, Dolores wanted it that way so Amaya would have somewhere to mourn both of her parents. Hector wonders if she could still be alive.

Mauro gets released from the hospital. He tells Max to stop by Don Manuel’s to get some art work he left. Oh, and soon he’ll come by to get filled in on Max’s project. Max says, great, but this time without a heart attack.

Cesar arranges with Gomez at the car repair shop to make Amaya come get the car at 3 pm. He thinks to himself his father has no idea how close he will be to his dad’s lover.

When he gets home Mauro is enthusiastically greeted by Lucio and warmly greeted by Eloisa, which doesn’t escape Lucrecia. Eloisa gets an earful about being indiscrete. Mauro decides not to accompany Luce upstairs to their room, but instead wants to stay with his children. Mauro and Juliana spend a little quality time in the garden. When he learns Franco and Alan will be coming to Mexico to live, he offers her space in the Montesino Mansion. She declines, graciously. Right now, she and Lucrecia are getting along, but for how much longer. Besides she and Franco are used to their privacy. Mauro wants to buy them a house. Juliana is overwhelmed.

Elo brings Luce the tea she requested upstairs. She wants to know if Luce has been talking to Cesar about her past. He was asking questions and she knows Cesar. He isn’t just curious, he always has a reason. Luce brings up her five-year stint in the pokey. Elo should be glad she can live with them. She was brought here out of pity and to protect the family reputation. Elo reminds her that it was Mauro that brought her here when she wasn’t able to get a job because of her record. She knows Mauro has a high regard for her and not because she is Luce’s sister and the children love her.

Amaya and Carolina are re-discussing the coincidences between the Montesinos, the finca and Max. Caro will pick up Val so Amaya can go pick up her car.

Tue Nov 4 - Part 2

Horacio is meeting with his lawyer in his Nescafé office. (He’ll be sorry he did—César will be watching.) Custody is “iffy” unless, of course, he’s willing to “do” something. However, that could get expensive. Horacio will do anything as long as Amaya is crushed, left on the street with nothing. The lawyer recommends putting any property of his in someone else’s name, someone he trusts, so there won’t be anything to divide up. It’s risky, because he might end up with nothing if he chooses the wrong person. (Is this an anvil tinkling way up yonder?) Since Amaya works, there won’t be any alimony. There’ll only be child support. Horacio says Valeria will stay with him. Of that he can be sure.

Constanza and Flavia have a little run in on campus. Flavia warns her not to cheat on her brother. Consta wants to know if Flavia is still interested in Sal. No, not any more, especially after finding out he’s in love with the fiancée’s best friend.

Amaya learns from Don Manuel that Mauro is being getting out of the hospital. Too bad she won’t be able to see him again, as he asked. She would feel uncomfortable going to his house. Don M. says not to worry, Mauro will be coming her from time to time to check on Max’s projects—and her publicity campaign.

It’s Genoveva’s first day with Max. She seems very efficient. He’s happy to have her. She worries about that cloud hanging over her regarding the cancelled airline reservation. He tells her it is not an issue with him. Yes, he'll talk to César later, but he wants to talk to his dad first. (Max winks—and we CdlF fans melt.)

As Geno walks out, Sal walks in. It’s curtains for their bromance. He knows he was stupid and let it go too far. He admires Max for being able to stop himself before Max went too far with that woman he saved from the river. (Max should be feeling guilty right now, because he also kissed Amaya and furthermore, told her he was willing to end it with his novia to start something with her—and told her he thought it was possible to love two women.) Max says he accepts his apologies, but it’s Consta he should really be talking to. Sal is sad their friendship is ending this way.

Cesar is asking Emma (of all people—inside joke, Cesar already knows Emma and Horacio are getting it on) about Horacio’s personal life. He wants to know because he is naming him to a higher position in the export area. (Remember, Cesar wants to ruin Horacio later by pinning fraud on him.) Emma is uncomfortable with the questions, but mentions that Horacio is going through some difficulties right now—divorcing his wife. Apparently she is a terrible person and deserves to be left in ruin. (Of course, César knows who Horacio’s wife is, he’s seen her photo—and suspects her of being his dad’s lover.) He wants to know if Horacio is seeing anyone (Ha, ha). Not that she knows. Yep, César watches the Horacio Reality Show—the part where he’s discussing putting properties in someone else’s name to shelter them from division of goods and property in their divorce. Cesar requests new business cards with his name César M. Ugarte and his cell phone number. He tells the employee on the phone that he needs them in two hours.


Tue Nov 4 - Part 3

Don Manuel and Amaya take the art work to Max’s office. At Don M’s request Amaya suggests where to hang them—they are oversized. Max wants to be sure they aren’t upside down. One never knows these days. Amaya says they’re right side up and begins to talk about the artist and his work. She likes the way he uses light. Max didn’t know she was interested in art. Yes, it is a passion of hers. Max notices. Don Manuel imprudently asks where Max is going for his honeymoon. He’s uncomfortable with the question, but not because it is a secret, but because Amaya is there. Amaya notices. He comes out with Asia, but Don M. should ask Consta for the details. Amaya is now uncomfortable and flustered and asks to leave. Max notices. Once outside, Amaya thought-bubbles how hard it is to have him so close. She remembers the elevator kiss and regrets she will never sense his lips on hers again.

Hector looks over the contract Mauro had with Florencia. It was to run for 35 years and time is almost up. He thought-bubbles that Florencia has disappeared, but her daughter is alive. Think how much rent would be owed for 35 years if the daughter steps forward to claim it. It would be correct for Max to execute a new contract, but she may not wish to. He’d like to talk to Mauro, but not right now, after he’s had a heart attack. Now where are his glasses? He leaves the room.

Jorge comes in and sees the contract and sits down to read it. Hector returns and they discuss it. Jorge is worried since the lands don’t really belong to El Paraíso. Hector says apparently Don Mauro has it all under control or he wouldn’t have let Max put it under cultivation. Jorge shouldn’t worry about it.

Meanwhile, out in the garden, Mauro decides to tell Juliana the rest of his love story with Florencia, including her marriage to David because she was expecting a child of Mauro’s. Lucrecia has appeared in the driveway (where Diego and Ana often talked—oops, wrong TN) and overhears the end of the conversation where Mauro insists one day he’ll find out what happened to Florencia and Amaya. Cara de really mad de Lucrecia.

Thank you, Anita! What a wonderful job: so thorough and informative: clears up some misunderstandings I had about the whole land deal. Thank you so much! I DVR'd today's episode and had to read your recap to make sure I was on the right page. Who, that Lucrecia sure has good hearing, doesn't she? She and her spawn sure are rotten!

For anyone who cares to read a detailed recap of Monday, October 20 is posted under the appropriate Week 5&6 on the amarte link.

Mauro tells Lucrecia things are going to change, whether she likes it or not. Luce retorts, and what is he going to do? He's going to divorce her. (We all hope.)

Recap for Wed Nov 5 - Part 1

What Lucrecia overheard Mauro telling Juliana is that he knows for sure Amaya is alive and where she is. Soon he’ll be able to give her and Florencia all the love he’s been saving up for all these years. Luce is rattled. She wonders how he found her. This drives her to meet with the real investigator she’s been paying to keep any real information about Florencia’s whereabouts from Mauro.

We get a flashback to the investigator telling a younger Lucrecia that the girl, an adolescent now, is probably living in Chiapas, but there’s nothing on her mother. Luce suborns him with mucho dinero to always let Mauro know he’s just missed them. She thinks to herself she wants Mauro to suffer with the hope they are both alive. End of Flashback. Lucrecia is furious at the poor guy because she thinks he betrayed her. Mauro found the girl. Mr. Investigator swears he didn’t say anything. Don Mauro must have found her on his own. She’s not satisfied. How could that be? He doesn’t know. His last report was the same as always, no news of their location. Luce wants a full write up on this girl. He needs a lead. She only knows it’s recent, either when he was in Chiapas or here in the city, but she needs to know.

At dinner, Juliana suggests that before she returns to Italy, they all go to El Paraíso together, as a family. Conspiratorial looks are exchanged between Mauro and Juliana. Max says he’ll call the doctor to see if it’s safe for Mauro to travel. Flavia and Lucio are in. Juliana is in, of course. César can’t, too much work. (Cece is having a flashback to his meeting with his own personal investigator. The report on Omar has him puzzled. Omar was his mother’s artistic agent for many years, in fact, he launched her singing career.) Luce won’t go because she can’t stand the heat and she’s exhausted from everything that happened with Mauro.

The doc tells Max not only is Mauro good to go, but the country air (he called it the tropical zone) will do him good. Max calls Juli to give Mauro the news. She will. He’s right there with her. Mauro is excited because they’ll leave tomorrow. Meanwhile, he wants to share something about Max with Juliana. He thinks he’s confused about his feelings about love…no, he can’t say any more; it would be breaking Max’s confidence.

Amaya arrives at the repair shop to pick up her car. As luck would have it Slimy Cece slides up at the same time. He has a little “problem” with some car noise. She’s surprised to see him. They greet each other cordially. Gomez takes the opportunity to thank Cece for the new apartment he got for him and his wife. They wouldn’t have been able to afford it otherwise (which is all a Crock). He tells Amaya later what a great guy César is, so generous and kind. Cece hands Amaya one of his new business cards. He’s a sort of re-sale agent. He deals in repossessed cars, forfeitures, housing defaults. He buys as an investment and sells to recoup the investment. He’s at her service, if he ever needs her (and she probably will if Horacio gets his way with wiping her out.) They have a friendly despedida (a good bye) and says he’s happy to have met her.

Iván (Cutie Pie) Fonseca accidentally on purpose runs into Mariana in town. She’s actually pleasant with him and they banter a bit. He’s flirting a little more than she is. He wanted to let her know the seeds have arrived and they can start planting. He wants her in on the operation from the very beginning. (I just checked Wikipedia. Growing a coffee plant from seed takes from 3-5 years before it starts bearing fruit. Once it does, it will produce for 60 years or so.) With summer vacation starting, could she work all day? Certainly, finals are all that’s left and she’s ready to start.

Wed Nov 5 - Part 2

Flavia and Max meet on the front steps. She tells him she thinks there’s more to Constanza and Salvador (Yummy) Romero’s friendship. They are entirely too chummy. Max says he already knows all about it. He wants to know how she heard. Flavia and Elo both heard it from Sal himself when he was talking to Consta in the hospital. Max wishes Flavia had told him then. He doesn’t like feeling that people are hiding things from him. He doesn’t like being over-protected.

Sal shows up outside Consta’s house. He wants to apologize for his drunken behavior the night before. He’s not apologizing for kissing her, only that he was drunk while doing it. He should have kissed her when he was sober. He’s conscious that it was their first kiss and probably their last. Regardless, it was worth it. Consta wants to know why. Because that kiss meant something to him and he knows Connie responded, she can’t deny it—even though she does. He knows what he felt, he knows she felt it. If she won’t admit she had any feelings, there’s nothing he can do. He leans in closely and kisses her forehead gently and leaves. (We can tell she was affected more than she’s letting on. Nora is right.)

Ulises is surveying his land with Efraín, who is maybe his manager. He is told his finca is one of the more important one in the region. For Ulises that isn’t good enough. He wants it to be the most important. Efraín gives him a little background and advice on Cipriano and why does he want them here anyway. Uli says he’s aware of his weakness (it’s Mariana he wants there), but having Cip there with his family will have advantages.

Cipriano is telling Dolores she and Mariana have to go to work at the finca El Deseo during harvest time. It’s what they’ve been hoping for. He gets to supervise the recolectores de café (coffee pickers at harvest), Dolores gets to cook for the migrant pickers and Mariana will teach school. Dolores says she can’t, she’s already committed to double her output for the restaurant and Mariana has been contracted for work which will pay for her tuition next year. They’d be working for nothing if they went to El Deseo because Cip would keep their salary. Cip gets apoplectic when they refuse. If Mari doesn’t do what he says, he’ll throw her out of the house. So be it. She’ll do what Amaya did.

Cipriano is talking to his old compadre friend. He thinks Cip’s wife and daughter are right not to want to come work at El Deseo if they already have other jobs. Cip won’t accept that. Compadre tells him maybe he can force his wife, but Mari is already of age and can’t be forced. He suggests he use honey instead of vinegar (and violence and threats) to get them to go along with the plan. Cip is convinced he can make them take the offer. Compadre tells him maybe once he can drag them over there, but only once.

Max is in his office. He replays Amaya’s publicity campaign presentation in his head and how he watched her. Jorge calls to interrupt his reverie. He tells Max he’s hired Mariana, Amaya’s sister and hopes that won’t be inconvenient. Max wishes he’d checked with him before hiring her, so he wouldn’t have any reminders of Amaya and “lo nuestro.” Amaya told him she has not feelings for him so the “us,” if you can call it that, doesn’t exist and there’s no future. Max didn’t think it would hit him that heard.

Wed Nov 5 - Part 3

Amaya is meeting at her place with her lawyer. Horacio will receive the divorce papers the next day. So soon? He hopes she hasn’t changed her mind. No. She just hasn’t had a chance to talk to her daughter. He recommends she do so asap. He leaves as Val arrives home. It doesn’t go well. Val screams at her – MALA – and locks herself in her room. Caro comes over to comfort Amaya, but it’s no use. Horacio gets home and Amaya tells him what is going on. He’s furious and they start a loud argument. Val overhears and runs out to hug her dad.

César gets another report from his investigator (I think his name is Nero). This time it says his Tia Eloisa never crossed paths with Omar, but he knew his mother very well, for many years. He can check it out himself. Compare the dates. Elo worked outside the city while Omar represented his mother. Cece is thinking, plotting, pacing, wondering about Omar, his mother and Elo. He must be wondering if his Mommy Dearest lied to him.

Don Manuel has come to see Mauro, who is still in bed. The topic of conversation, of course, is Amaya. Mauro is excited about seeing her again. Don M. says she seemed to be disposed to seeing him. Mauro is sure he’s close to getting at the truth. Don M. sets a likely scenario. Suppose he finds out Florencia is dead. Mauro will not accept that. It’s that hope which has kept him alive all this time. Oh, and Don M. wants to know how his plans are going to get his divorce from Lucrecia. Mauro says soon. It’s time to think of his own happiness and his happiness with Florencia. He says to himself, “Amaya is near me; when will you be, Florencia.”


Anita, thank you so much! You cleared up a lot I didn't understand about Tia, Luce and Omar. I don't know why I'm not always understanding conversation as well as I do on other novelas. I don't use captions but I turned them on to see if it would help and it was more of a distraction.

Anyway, ol' Ceasar is really getting his whitey-tighties in a twist over his Mom's relationship with Omar. He's a sharp cookie: I think he's eventually going to figure out he's not Don Mauro's son. He may be miffed at mommy dearest for a while but will he defend her against Omar's continuing blackmail or punish her? And what's his angle with Amaya? Is he thinking he can make a move on his Daddy's lover (as he thinks?) That's a yucky thought!

I don't know how but I want Sal and Max to patch up their relationship: I do enjoy a good bromance. We need some love in this show: ALL the couples are on the outs. The only one exuding love through the screen is old faithful Mauro pining over Florencia. Guess it's going to be rocky for a while!

Lila--I'm sure something will happen to keep Sal in Mexico City near Constanza. She will need his shoulder to cry on when she realizes how far Max has gone in his romantic obsession with Amaya.

Yes, Sal and Max go back a long way, but I like the easy friend-business relationship Max and Jorge have.

The intro scenes are such teasers. They go by so fast, but I though I saw a shot of Jorge with Juliana. Oh dear!

Cesar, on the other hand is just an obsessed socio-path with only one goal in mind--crush the competition (and make sure he scores the last goal). And he's nasty to boot.

He'll need his mother, at least for awhile, to achieve that goal of remaining the main man in his father's life, so I think he will puzzle this out and forgive her. He may even hook up with Omar, even finding out he is his bio-dad. Two peas in a pod, no?

What I haven't figured out yet, and it's too early, why he singled out Horacio to be his dirty right-hand man with the idea of ruining him later on. He didn't know anything about his wife at the time. Maybe he was just jealous he was "making" time with an employee in Nescafe. That shouldn't be enough since he has his own nookie-cookie.

If Cesar is that close to his mother in all things conspiratorial, he surely knows about the famous Florencia-Amaya story, but the way he is acting, maybe not. It's just another thing to hold against his father--that he has a young lover.

It's a wait and see situation.


Yah, Ceasar doesn't seem to know about the Florencia/Amaya thing. Thinking that Amaya is his Dad's lover, he seems to just have a nasty desire to tear his Dad's playhouse down. He's just a nasty piece of work who recognizes another ruthless jerkwad when he sees one, thus his choice of Horacio. Then, I guess he wants to destroy him after he's done with him because that's how he gets his jollies!

Remind me, please. Is Juliana Amaya's friend?

Not likely they were ever friends, or ever even met.

Juliana was long gone from the finca when Amaya was born. They keep mentioning the 35 years the contract has been running. Amaya lived there until she was 4 and I've heard characters say she's about 34.

Juliana was about 4 or 5 when Lucrecia showed up. Luce didn't like living at the finca. She's a city gal. Mauro probably met her in the city when he started working at Nescafe.

Juliana is probably 5 years older than Cesar, so that would put her around 39 years old now. (Alejandra Barros is 43 and gorgeous, so she can play 39 or 40 easily.)

Juliana left the Mexico, DF home at about 19, met and married Franco after a few years of near poverty and she's been married for 15 years. Alan is probably about 11.


Amaya's BFF is Carolina, her office mate. They went to university together. That's what she told Don Manuel. It was thanks to Carolina that Amaya applied for the job with his firm. She was still looking for a non-full-time job so she could still be home for Val and this one came along at the right time.

It also worked out because she could also work at home on the coffee publicity campaign.

Gosh Anita. . .thank you. Major brain fart on my part! Juliana is Mauro's oldest. . .dern it! I was mixing her name up with Carolina! Thanks!

Does anyone know if there was an episode this afternoon (Thu Nov 6)? My DVR did not record anything, although it did record my evening programs without a problem.

The Univision website showed QA at its regular time. XFinity isn't carrying QA at all, so there's nowhere to catch it. BooHoo.

Thank you, Anita for all of that background info on the lands.
I didn't check in yesterday.
I really appreciate your generosity of spirit and time to do this for us.

Anita, yes, QA did come on on 11-6 and it was a pivotal episode and very exciting! If you like I could summarize it.

I joined hulu+. Yes, we pay Xfinity through the nose as it is but hulu+ carries most of the current Univision novelas, including QA. You can get it in crisp, clear HD and you can pause and go back, etc. I pay $7.99 per month and I think it is totally worth it. I can go back and watch LQLVMR and other older ones at my leisure!

It sounds like a commercial but it's true. You could join and have immediate access! Let me know if I can do a quick summary though I have to go to work so it would be later this afternoon. Thanks!

Lila - If you could, please give us some highlights to move us forward. I will be out today, so I will be on pins and needles until I get home.

Lots of folks talk about how great Hulu plus is. I don't like the free websites--they are not dependable and too many popups. I will certainly consider Hulu if this afternoon gets messed up.

I've been trying to watch this on hulu+, but I'm only on episode 5 (Waaaayyy behind.)

I do appreciate these recaps, though. I'm sorry I haven't said so earlier.

Okay, at work now. Will get right to it when I get home.

Welcome Sara! LOVE this show and I bow to Anita!!! We're not worthy!!!


I've liked the episodes I've seen. I'm just trying to watch too many right now, but I'm not willing to give up any of them.

I might just start watching the current episodes, but y'all with questions and watch the back episodes when I can.

Thursday, 11-6-14 Part 1

Amaya continues to cry to Carolina the shock and hurt she feels at her daughter's rejection after Amaya tells her about the plans to divorce her father, Horacio. Amaya wonders if she has made the right decision. Carolina backs her: yes you have, I remember all the nights you cried over his infidelities. Carolina hugs her. Valeria rips up the drawing she drew earlier of what she thought was their happy family. We see a replay of the painful moments as the hypocrite Horacio plays the injured party and Valeria flies to his arms. They take refuge in her bedroom. She falls asleep in her father's arms and they leave the house for school the next morning with a decidedly hostile coolness towards Amaya.

Mauro continues to pine over Florencia, wondering when he will see her again.

Max and Consta are in one of their apartments, not sure which, going over the lists of wedding guests. They discuss Sal's coming over the ask Max to forgive him. Yes, says Const, he apologized to me too. Too bad their friendship had to end this way. Well, enough of that for now, she wants to talk about the wedding. During this whole exchange they sit close to one another on the floor but Max is clearly distant and subdued. Const notices and asks if he is well. Yes, just tired.

Happy talk at the Montesinos dinner table about their upcoming trip to the Finca. Juliana's memories are of a beautiful, magical place. Eloisa was not going but Mauro encourages her to: she is part of the family. She accepts! Oh! Lucrecia decides to join her family as well. They can't believe it. First she must meet with the Psychiatrist, the expert in hypnosis who is going to be treating Lucio. Mauro offers to go with her. No, not at all, it's not necessary. Juliana has done some research on the internet and confirms that apparently this Doctor is eminent and highly thought of. [Remember friends, this "Doctor" is a phony that Lucrecia hired to trick her beloved family. Lucio will NOT be getting the help he needs!]

Thursday, 11-6-14 Part 2

Caesar sits outside Omar's hotel room and is prepared to confront him but up slinks a firm and fully-packed honey in a micro mini. I don't think they're going to read scripture. Caesar respects the need to obey the call of nature and decides to wait.

Mariana and Ivan talk about Cipriano's demand that she leave his house if she and her Mother won't work together with him in the upcoming harvest. Mariana says she will leave because she won't give in to her father's demands but she has nowhere to go. He offers her one of the accommodations for the migrant workers. Mariana beams!

Delores and Cipriano continue to argue about Ulisis' offer for them to work under Cip as the ideal Finca family.

Mauro and Lucrecia disucss family dynamics, whether each treats Caesar and his "otros hijos" differently. Lucrecia declares that Caesar is the most self-assured, capable and intelligent of all her children! Mauro begs to differ: Lucrecia's overprotection of Caesar has turned him into an egocentric monster! Mauro doesn't have time to argue, he's off to have breakfast.

Next, we are in Omar's darkened hotel room. He is asleep, sprawled on his back. The micro-skirted honey exits and Caesar enters. He walks over to the sleeping Omar, all the while filming with his cell phone. Caesar grabs Omar's throat! Who is it? Oh, it's you! Caesar! Omar sticks a gun nearly up his nose. How good that you remembered me Caesar whispers, his voice full of tension and anger.


Lila--Thanks for filling us in. Hooray! I found Capitulo 34 on U-tub and my DVR recorded today's episode. Will try to put something up for today, but tomorrow.

Sara--are you the same Sara watching and recapping Reina de Corazones? If so, welcome aboard, escapee from Reinamaniacland.


Thursday, 11-6 Part 3

What follows is a tense and well-acted drama in which Caesar goes from the one in control, demanding to know why Omar is blackmailing his Mother to quietly freaking out as Omar tells him the whole sordid tale of his dealings with Lucrecia. Caesar demands the truth of Omar and Omar gives it to him, growing bolder as he goes. Speak! Or I'll kill you, you rat! No, I'm no rat. You wouldn't dare take the life of the man who gave you life! Your own blood!

Omar thinks it's a trick. He doesn't want to believe Omar. You have a suspicious nature, Omar says, like me, anyway. Your mother was pregnant with you when she married Sr. Montesino. When you were born paternity was an act of faith but now, it can be proven. Well, Mauro couldn't afford to have a bastard, so they married to give you a name. He was never in love with her.

Caesar begins to come apart. Lies! It's all lies! It's easily proven. You can prove it to yourself right now! Or ask your Mom. Caesar is still in disbelief. Why are you blackmailing my mother? I'm not blackmailing her, I'm keeping our secret which you should know by know is worth gold! Let me go! Caesar backs off some and Omar rises.

I know you are very proud of being a Montesinos but you're not! You know how you feel, what do you think Mauro's reaction will be if he finds out? So, I just ask a little money to motivate me to keep a secret which has given you and her a position that neither of you deserve. Caesar continues to crack. Shut up! That's what I've done, kept my mouth shut. If you think you've harmed me by coming here you are wrong. You've done me a favor . . .the cards are all on the table and the bets are high!

Omar takes a pocket knife out of a drawer and slices his hand, mopping the blood with a hanky and thrusting it into Caesar's pocket and challenging him to have the DNA tested. Once you have proved I'm telling you he truth, we'll negotiate the terms of my silence. At stake is your becoming the successor to Mauro's coffee empire.

Thursday, 11-6 Part 4

Caesar states he doesn't believe it when Omar drops another bomb: one of your half siblings knows the truth. Lucio! Lucio heard Lucrecia and I talking about you. Worse than that Lucio caught us in bed together in his own house. This was so shocking to him that he ended up crazier than he already was! He knows when I used to call your mother to pick her up to take her to a hotel. Caesar cracks and puts the gun up Omar's nose again. Omar dares him to kill him!

Caesar takes the bloody hanky to a medical tests lab and asks for expedited test results on whether it contains the blood of his father. I am unclear as to whether he got results on the spot or is still waiting.

This is the crux of this pivotal and tense episode. Caesar is beginning to believe Omar or he did get the results. Voices are running through his head: I am a Montesino, I have to be a Montesino! Caesar has flashbacks of lamenting that his Father doesn't value him like he does Max and Lucrecia telling him her goal is to inherit all the lands, the entire business to run as he sees fit. Caesar goes out and hits a bottle of whiskey, has an confrontation with another driver and pulls off like a bat out of hell as the police pull up. He runs, they case and eventually corner him. He is clearly drunk, cracks wise with the policemen and even slugs one! Uh oh, Caesar, you're in a heap of trouble boy!

Other action, Lucrecia warns Caesar that Max has hired the Secretary that he, Caesar, hired. Mauro is concerned about Caesar's reaction to this, Max assures him he'll talk to him but it really is none of Caesar's business who he hires.

Const learnes that Amaya is divorcing. Carolina speculates that when Max finds out, he will react and try to reassert his interest in her.

Const's Daddy pays for her honeymoon and buys them an apartment.

Horacio tells his lover (can't think of her name) that he wants to shield his property and other benefits from Amaya by putting them in her name. She is obviously pleased with this!

There. Feel free to fill in the blanks. Come on y'all, don't be shy, this is a great show!

Happy to do this Anita, thank you so much. Hope you decide to get hulu+: it's a great back up for when the DVR farts out!

Yes, Anita...I'm that Sara ;-)

I really doubt I'll be able to catch up to all of you, but I want to keep watching this.

*He runs, they chase and eventually corner him.

*Max hired the Secretary that Caesar fired."

Glad you DVR behaved Sara. Haven't watched today's episode yet. Look forward to your recap. Thank you soooooo much!

Oh dear I hope you mean Anita. LOL.

Sara--Goody, goody. It'll be fun. Quite a difference from RdC.

Sara, the recaps have holes in them but some of the questions related to family associations might help. It's creepy how Florencia's and Amaya's accidents were so similar, which is what initiated her interest in finding out something about her past.

I didn't see some of the episodes, so I'm not sure if she was just on her way to her godmother's house for a visit when she had the accident--testing out her resolve to leave Horacio. We know Valeria was on a field trip or she wouldn't have been able to go.

Lila--You had time to do a marvelous job on the recap and added some well turned out snark (I like the one about Omar and the skank not going to read scripture. It made me think of all the Gideon Bibles in hotel rooms.)

Lila et al--The nurse at the lab told him he had to wait 48 hours. There was no way to hurry it up. So he's only *willing* himself to be a Montesinos.

Horacio's nookie-at-will is named Emma. She says he'd better treat her right. (I think I'm right about an anvil waving up above Horacio this early.

You were right about it being a pivotal episode. We usually don't find out paternity until closer to the end--for shock and awe.

This is a good novela.

Thank you Anita!

When Amaya had the accident she was hoping she and Horacio would still make a go of it. I think they were going to be going on a trip together or something. Dog that he is, he had just had a tryst with that skank Secretary and Amaya found a text on his phone which made it clear he had much more than a professional relationship with her. . . unless you make that the "world's oldest profession"! So she took off in the car in a fit of pain and rage and I think had been arguing with him on the phone when she lost control trying to avoid some sort of bovine creatures and slid into the river. Max was behind her minding his own business, actually talking to Const on the cellular when he saw the whole accident and ran to help.

Ok, thanks Anita. I heard the 48 hours but I when he asked what if it's urgent I thought he might've slipped her a few pesos.

Emma, hunh? I think you're right. He may end up regretting this choice. . .and Emma may end up regretting double crossing Hor (pronounce like "whore.")

This IS a good novella!

All these recaps have been so good so far! Thanks everyone! Lila, I too think Emma's gonna regret teaming up with Man-Whoracio. I'm always a day behind because I watch this novela on Hulu plus when my work/school day ends, but I like that there's a recap page.

Cassandra G.

Hi, Cassandra! Don't you love hulu+? Don't you love novelas? If this had been around ages ago when I took my first Spanish course, I'd be fluent now. Still, it's great practice and loads of fun!

Lila and Anita,

While I am not prone to writing
long, detailed notes of appreciation,
I want you both to know that I appreciate all recappers immensely.
What is the intimacy status of
Max and Const? Like Mariana's feistiness. Her mother is very annoying. All in all, this TN is moving along at a good pace.

Muchísimas gracias,

You ask a question that can't be answered truthfully based on telenovela rules. They dictate that at least the heroine never has sex with anyone else before she marries her galan (unless rape is a consequence).

Amaya, of course, in her mid-thirties, is married and has a child, so she's not a virgin.

Here we have Max, an adorable, healthy guy in his mid-thirties. I can't see him as a virgin. Besides, he said he met a lot of women while in Italy, but he never doubted his love for Consta--until Amaya came along.

Whether we're supposed to interpret that as "love with benefits" or not, it's wherever our imagination leads us.

Can't quite see Consta as being virginal, though she acts like it. She's on staff at the university, so she has to be near 30. If she and Max were intimate, they were probably being very careful.

Don Manuel, of course believes implicitly that his daughter is still a virgin.

Lucrecia, having indulged in pre-maritl sex herself, with unintended results, would probably assume Max is having relations with Consta (or WAS having), but would rather not KNOW.

Mauro would think it strange if Max wasn't having relations with Consta.

Eloisa would worry about Max not using protection and they've probably talked about it.

Have I covered all the bases? Ha ha.

Recap for Fri Nov 7 - Part 1

We pick up the story where it was left the night before: most of the family going on a short visit to the finca El Paraíso and César and Lucrecia left behind in Mexico City.

At the Airport – Mauro is talking to Max about Genoveva. He’d really like to talk to her. He wants to let her know that he wanted to rehire her, but César wouldn’t let him. Mauro feels a little conflicted now that Max has hired her. He doesn’t want there to be any reasons for Max and César to fight. Max tells him that Cece doesn’t have anything to do with how he runs his project, but he’ll talk to him. Juliana has overheard this conversation and asks Max why he didn’t just tell their father it was Cece who cancelled the reservation and that Mauro has an enemy in the house. Max calms her. To what end? It would just worry Mauro more. True, she replies. He tells her not to worry. Sooner or later, Cece’s bad deeds will come to light and he will have to account for what he did.

Mexico, D.F. Police Station – After César’s altercation with the police, he’s been hauled off unceremoniously in the back of the cruiser to the station. A very obviously drunk César swears he hasn’t been drinking. The plainclothes desk sergeant tells him his alcohol level is way above the limit and he even smells of alcohol. His other charges, speeding to evade police, hitting an officer and resisting arrest are very serious charges. So, he’ll have to stay in jail.

The family lawyer arrives, to César’s relief. Get him out of here, he demands. No such luck, but he’ll work on it. He learns there’s no way to get him out. He will have to remain in custody for 36 hours. César is taken away and the desk sergeant hands Lic. Cartara (?) Cece’s personal belongings. As he takes them, the phone rings. He answers it. It’s Lucrecia. She immediately heads for the station (It’s a LOL moment to see her hold her hanky up to her nose as she walks in.)

César is pacing the cell when Lucrecia is brought in. When he sees her he gets really worked up. Luce doesn’t understand why he’s acting like that, she’s his mother. He screams and spews spittle—and she’s been lying to him his whole life. He knows the whole story. Omar has been extortioning her, but not because Tía Eloisa spent five years in prison. It was because Omar, her “artistic” agent was her lover and is, wait for it, MY father. Lucrecia’s face reflects the horror of the moment as he continues, it’s not true is it—what Lucio saw? Luce denies it. César declares if he is not a Montesinos, he will hate her for the rest of his life—she’ll be sorry. She starts to swear he is…but he cuts her off and tells her not to swear. When he gets out, he will have a DNA test. She says he’ll never be able to prove anything. Mauro is his father. (Well, yeah, but he raised César as his own, something a lot of fathers say in tns when they find out much later they are not the bio-dad of a child of theirs. Sometimes this works for the good. I don’t think this will be the case.) César certainly hopes so. He calls the guards to take her away.

Fri Nov 7 - Part 2

At La Finca El Deseo – Cipriano lies to Ulises and tells him everything is settled. Dolores will cook and his daughter will be the best teacher. Now he wants to talk about salary. Uli says that will come later, after the season starts. Uli expects them at the finca at the beginning of week after next. He gives Cip a pat on the back and dismisses him. Efraín heard all this and congratulates Cip for getting his family on board. Cip admits that things aren’t completely settled, but they will be.

Ulises wants Efraín to make sure everything is ship shape – especially the classroom. Everything has to be perfect, pens, notebooks, everything. He makes sure Ef understand he cares not a whit for the escuincles, he does care about the maestrita. Ah, so that’s why Uli wants old drunken Cipriano near, for Mariana. Why else? Ef tells him she’s a handful, always has been, especially with men (he’s probably remembering the scuffle at the fiesta). Uli looks down on Ef and says maybe she hasn’t known a “real” man. (What a Crock - I'll take Ivan as a real man any day over Ulises.)

In Town - Dolores and Amparo have a talk about providing dishes for the restaurant. Dolores is trying to ease herself out of her commitment by promising to get someone else to help prepare those dishes. That way, she could do both, work at the finca and still meet Amparo’s requirements. Amparo says if she had wanted someone else’s dishes, she wouldn’t have asked her. If she wants to help Cipriano after all he’s done to her, it’s her business, but she has to choose one or the other.

At La Finca El Paraíso – Jorge, Mariana and Iván are taking a walk through the coffee fields. Mariana is enjoying the attention of both men. She can see how excited they are about the project. Jorge mentions the arrival of the whole Montesinos family for a short visit later in the day. Max and Juliana will probably be with them. Since she can’t start work, Mariana asks if she can leave early. Actually, she sticks around out of sight to watch the family arrive. Everyone in the group seems so genuinely nice, the greetings are convivial, Hector seems to like Mauro, but then Mari remembers her mother’s warnings about staying away, the family is evil, bad. She does get an eyeful of Flavia doing her coquettish thing when greeting Iván. He’s pleasant to her.

The Montesinos party has gathered on the Patio for refreshments and appetizers. Everyone is having a great time. They love the hacienda. Mauro notes Lucrecia never liked it. She was a city person. Juliana says so is her son, Alan, but she hopes he will come to love it there as much as she did. They talk about the ancestry of the owners. Flavia says to Juliana that she would love to see the photos of Juliana’s mother when she was young. No doubt she probably got along with Mauro much better than Lucrecia. Max gives her the eye. But it’s the truth, says Flavia.

Iván comes up to Max as the family is going in to dinner. Flavia winks at Iván. (He’s not sure he likes it.) He and Max will go up to the Zona Estrella after the meal. He prefers to eat in the kitchen. Max asks about Mariana. She left already. But, he tells Max, she and Amaya told the truth about Amaya’s parents. Don Mauro most probably knew Amaya’s parents and probably hired her father as administrator.

At the Nescafé Office – Horacio received the divorce papers. He goes ballistic and calls Amaya at work to yell at her. She hangs up on him. Whore-Facio calls his lawyer immediately, but, if he’s already received the documents, it’s too late to move his properties to someone else’s name. The judge will catch him by the discrepancy in the dates. It will all go against him. He loses. He’ll have to divide his properties with his ex (in this case properties is not necessarily limited to real estate—it can also be cash, investments, car, house, etc.).


Fri Nov 7 - Part 3

At Valeria’s School – Amaya has received a call that there has been a dust-up involving Val. She hit another girl for taking her notebook. Amaya and Carolina both go to the school. The director brings Val in. Of course it was wrong of the other girl to take Val’s notebook, but to hit her was a little over the top. Val is expected to apologize and she gets a one-day suspension. Amaya is embarrassed. Val grudgingly, but not very convincingly, apologizes to the director and leaves to apologize to the girl. Amaya explains that this type of behavior is not normal for Val, but she’s going through a divorce and didn’t tell Val until last night. That may be the cause of her acting the way she did—resentment and anger. As Amaya and Caro leave, Whore-Facio arrives as school is letting out to pick up Valeria. As Amaya explains, Caro tries to help. Horacio tells her to butt out. She’s the one who has put all these “women’s lib” ideas into Amaya’s head. She’s the one to blame for the dissolution of his marriage. Valeria comes out and sees her daddy and runs into his arms as Amaya and Caro walk away.

At Cipriano’s Pueblo House - Mariana gets home from her shortened work day to learn her mother has decided to go with Cipriano and quit working for Amparo. Mari is angry with her, but suggests the least she can do is ask for her own salary.

A little later Cipriano arrives home. Seeing he is along, he desperately searches the kitchen for Dolores’ hidden cache of money. (I think he owes someone down at the bar and since he won’t be paid for awhile, he needs cash right away.) He finds it. Dolores nearly catches him, but he’s put the grape container back in the fridge and takes out a beer. He demands his dinner. Cipriano finds out Mariana is not going to go with them to El Deseo. He’s going to throw her out. He’s already told Don Ulises the whole family will be coming and that’s that. She will comply.

Mexico, D.F. Police Station, then Montesino Mansion - Lucrecia and Lic. Cartara talk out front. He’s going to do everything he can to get César out before the 36 hours are up. He’s surprised when Lucrecia tells him she doesn’t want him out—and doesn’t want anyone else to know he’s in jail.

He goes back to the holding tank to tell César he can’t get him released. It has to be 36 hours. His charges are serious. Cece can’t believe it. He tells him to bribe someone, threaten then, just get him out of there. Lic. Cartara says it can’t be done. Don’t give him that, in this country, everything can be “fixed.” Licenciado says he’ll go back and try again.

She calls Omar on her cell right then and there and reams him out for revealing his secret to César. Omar says César was going to kill him. He had a gun in his face. Omar tells her that this little incident has ratcheted up the game a couple of notches. It’s going to cost her a lot more to keep him from telling Mauro their secret. Luce wants to know how much. Lots. She can start with…cara de impactada de Lucrecia. (I think it was half of whatever the businesses earn.) Oh, he doesn’t need it in cash. She can deposit it in his account, she knows, the one she used to avoid the Mexican IRS. He gives her three days. She says Mauro is out of town, so it has to be tomorrow. She wants to meet him at 11 in the morning in the cafeteria at his hotel to give him the documents.

Lucrecia thought-bubbles that Omar has just signed his own death sentence. She has to get rid of him before morning. It’s the only way he can leave her and her son in peace. César can never find out about his parentage. She calls home. She’s on her way, and oh, she wants all the newspapers from that morning.

Omar, meanwhile, thinks he’s going to be on easy street and books a seat on a plane to Switzerland, a fancy hotel and a Mediterranean cruise. (Poor deluded soul. If it weren’t for Luce gaming him, I’d have said it couldn’t happen to a better guy.)

Once home she scans the papers for the articles on that poison that kills, just by touching it (I’m sure they were describing anthrax.)

Fri Nov 7 - Part 4

Next Lucrecia calls her actor friend she hired to pose as the world renown hypnotist to fool Mauro and the family into thinking he will help Lucio remember the trauma that caused him to regress after all the progress he had made in his childhood. He tells her he is ready, he’s read all the books she gave him. Luce needs him for something else. She’ll pay well and it doesn’t matter how much it costs but she needs him to obtain a very special product without it being traceable back to her. She needs it today. What is it? It’s something called Ricin (It’s a derivative of the castor bean. If readers recall, it was used as a bio-weapon in a Japanese subway years ago.) He’ll come by for an advance. He wanted to be paid for being an actor, not being her messenger, but he’ll do it for lots of extra cash.

Amaya and Carolina at an Outdoor Restaurant and Horacio and Valeria at a Shopping Mall - The ladies are talking a lot and not eating much. Amaya can’t stand Val’s rejection. Caro tells her she has to stand firm and stay committed. Amaya is afraid that at Val’s age, she can be too easily influenced by Whore-Facio. Meanwhile, Horacio is doing exactly that. He’s offered to buy Val a cell phone so they can always stay in touch. She doesn’t believe it. Val doesn’t understand why her mother is angry with her dad. With a straight face, Horacio says neither does he. So then, her mother is MALA. Whore-Facio says, at times he thinks the same. (I hope it’s an extra heavy anvil that falls on him.)

Back to Amaya and Caro. Amaya is thinking she’ll have to sell their apartment and get something smaller. Knowing Horacio, there’s no way he would leave and let her stay with Valeria in their current apartment. She calls (oh noes!) César M. Ugarte for help. When he doesn’t answer, she leaves a message.

At La Finca El Paraíso – The family dinner is finished. They all decide to go for a walk to inspect the coffee fields. Mauro begs off. He’s going to turn in early. Max accompanies Mauro to his bedroom before going.

What a small world, he tells his dad, that “his” Amaya and his dad’s Amaya are the same person. They each have questions for each other. Mauro wants to know about Amaya’s parents. Max tells him how all her childhood memories were blocked. After that accident in the river, where she could have drowned, some of those memories started to get unblocked. It was so similar to the accident she’d been in 30 years ago with her mother. Mauro probes a little more. Is Amaya’s mother alive? Max, not knowing how Mauro felt about Florencia, answers rather matter-of-factly. Well, Amaya thought her mother survived alive, but her godmother told her she had drowned. Is he sure (as he gets physically more agitated)? Yes, he’s sure.


You are welcome Floridia but of course the greatest thanks goes to Anita! Wow, Girl! These recaps just get better and better, so detailed, so thorough and clear! This was a great episode and yes, it is moving along nicely! Just as I suspected, Caesar is beyond p.o.'d at mommy dearest for her lifetime of lies. I remember him muttering to himself once how much he hated being lied to/played for a fool, especially by his mother! Uh oh!

And now Lucrecia is moving towards murder. . .ho boy! You just covered it all Anita: I love that all the "sub-stories" are so interesting and I love that Mauro's undying love for Florencia is not treated like a joke. Anywho. Thank you again Anita. Can't wait for tomorrow. I hope Mauro doesn't have another heart attack!

The recap for Mon Nov 10 is finished in long-hand. Will type it up and post it tomorrow. It was a rather nice one to watch and to do. Loved all the scenes, but especially the one with Mariana and Ivan in the office with Flavia. Guess she thinks as a Montesinos she's entitled to special treatment.

Thank you Anita! Your recaps are WONderful! You even write them out long hand first! Wow! Have you thought of posting one for each day so they're easy to find or does that feel too confining? Totally understand. . .it is quite an undertaking and, as you stated, holidays are coming!

Lila--About posting on the front page. This novela isn't being recapped by a team. Melinama was nice enough to give us a link from the sidebar. So I'm not going to change the arrangement.

Besides, I can't keep this up! Love the show, have gotten myself committed to it, but I don't have the time it needs.

Maybe I could post a new page for each week instead of two, the way Telemundo novela's do. But it started out with so little interest and comments (I check our blogger's posting page to see how many "hits" QA gets. It's not a big community, I can assure you.

Ok, now on to the recap.

Recap for Mon Nov 10 - Part 1

Hacienda El Paraíso – Mauro is showing symptoms of a heart attack and Max gives him what is probably a digitalis pill under his tongue. Mauro assures him he’s ok. Max wants to get a doctor. Mauro says no doctor. It was an emotional reaction to recalling what had happened to his friends. Mauro asks Max to stay and tell him more about Amaya’s past. Max doesn’t have much to tell, about her godmother (Mauro recalls Dolores as Florencia’s best friend), her “sister” Mariana and where they live.

Mauro asks Max to send Hector in and urges him to join the rest of the family for their walk-about among the coffee trees. Mauro talks to himself about Florencia—she can’t be dead.

He has a long Flashback: a younger Mauro gets a phone call from Florencia, desperately asking for his help. David, her husband, is so out of control jealous he tried to assault her and actually hit her and hit Amaya. She must leave to protect her daughter, but has nowhere to go. Mauro tells her to come to the city, to him. He’ll take care of them. Tomorrow he’ll send his plane for them and a car to take them from the airport. As he says this, a shadow passes the open door. (We know from one of Amaya’s earlier flashbacks that as that scared child hiding under the table, she heard David talking to a woman on the ham-radio. She was telling David about Florencia’s plan to escape with her husband’s help.) The shadow was probably Lucrecia. Florencia says she will have to sell her land to be able to support herself. Mauro doesn’t want her to. She should count on him unconditionally. End Flashback.

Mauro is distraught. He won’t forgive himself for not going for Florencia and Amaya himself, to protect them. She can’t be dead.

Hector checks in with Mauro. Mauro wants a favor. He wants to find out where his former administrator and his wife are buried. Hector already knows. Their tomb is in the same cemetery as the Carmona’s. Mauro is shocked when he learns there is only one body, David’s, and the reason why.

Mauro gets over his shock and gets excited to think there’s a chance, however slim, that Florencia is alive. He’s going to keep looking for her. Hector brings up the problem with Amaya, since they know she is alive. They would owe her back rent with interest and would have to renegotiate the contract. Mauro has no problem with that, even if it is a substantial amount. It’s only fair. (I think I know someone who won’t be too happy with that arrangement. And where is Lucrecia right now, anyway?)

Hector suggests he talk to Dolores. She lives in San Benito with her husband and daughter. Mauro jumps up, ready to go right then. Hector tells him to think about his health. Then tomorrow, but he doesn’t want any of his children to know.

University Courtyard - Salvador (Yummy) Romero is trying to explain to his colleague why he’s leaving. It has to do with a woman. He’s trying to get away from someone who is an impossible love. Colleague thinks he’s a fool to give up everything he’s worked for and move to a dead end post. Sal doesn’t think there’s any other way. Colleague says there’s always a way. Turn the tables, stay and fight for her. “Practice what you preach,” he tells Sal, “the impossible is only impossible until you make it possible.”

Someone’s Apartment in Mexico, D.F. - Constanza’s bachelorette party is in full swing. All the lovely ladies are pretty drunk. In a pretend scene where the bride and groom exchange vows, Nora is the stand-in for Max. Consta mistakenly promises to be faithful to “Salvador.” Nora asks Consta if she realizes she said Salvador? No, she didn’t; yes she did. Well, she meant that “Max was my savior. It was unintentional.” Nora doesn’t believe her.


Mon Nov 10 - Part 2

Hacienda El Paraíso – Outside the group is gathering for their walk. Iván takes a moment to ask Max a favor regarding Mariana. She starts work the next day and most probably will need a place to live. Her father is working at El Deseo and doesn’t want her working at El P. She may have to move out of her house. Max says of course, he can let her use one of the migrant workers’ cottages. Iván worries that everything they do will have to have Hector’s approval. Max tells him that anything having to do with the project stays between them.

Flavia is the first to arrive. She notices Jorge’s arm around Juliana and says they look pretty chummy. Yes, she’s a good shoulder to cry on when he had girl trouble. Off they go. Flavia has attached herself to Iván (Cutie-Pie) Fonseca. He seems uncomfortable with her grabbiness.

Amaya’s Apartment - Horacio and Valeria return late, laden with packages. So it went from a cell phone to a shopping spree. Amaya is disgusted with both of them, especially Horacio, who is buying Val’s loyalty and affection. Val lets Amaya know that if they get divorced, she’s going to live with her daddy. She takes her goodies and goes to her room. Horacio tells her Val will be staying with him. Amaya replies that a judge will decide. They start arguing again. He shoves her and she falls and hits herself. He tries to help but she doesn’t want him to touch her. He stalks off. This makes her recall the identical situation with her mother and David. Crying, she realizes her father was as bad a Horacio and she lived through what Val is living through now.

Consta’s House - Nora is on the phone with Consta after the party is over, dissecting what was Consta’s slip of the tongue. Nora is sure it has a deeper meaning. Consta protests she loves Max and is going to marry him.

Hacienda El Paraíso – Back on the patio, Jorge and Max are alone. Jorge notices that Max is very distant and distracted. He admits he’s still very affected by Amaya. He doesn’t understand why they keep crossing paths. He’s tried to forget her but it’s difficult.

(There’s a throwaway scene where Cipriano is looking for more money in Dolores’ hiding places. He finds it. Dolores affirms it. Maybe this is a set up for her to leave him?)

Mauro is in bed reading and Juliana comes in. Mauro breaks his own promise and tells her all about Florencia, Dolores and Amaya. He’s going to visit Dolores the next morning. He also wants her to talk to Max about Amaya. She will. Juliana wants to know if it is because of Amaya that Mauro had his doubts Max was ready to marry Constanza. He nods yes. Also, he needs her help to obfuscate his little escapade, no one must know.

Max is having an Instant Nescafé moment. Consta calls. They chat amiably for a bit. She off-hand wonders if he’s bored yet. Why would she say that, asks Max. No, it’s just she’s comparing it to the hustle and bustle of the city. Maybe she might feel that way, says Max, but he doesn’t. It bothers him that is the way she sees the hacienda. She tries to explain that she wasn’t born to it the way he was. She sends her love and hangs up.

Max puts his phone down and picks up his coffee and immediately images pop up of him and Amaya sitting on the bed, drinking coffee and some of their other “meetings.” Juliana interrupts his reverie. He tells her since he got back to Mexico, a woman has instilled herself into his life, into his senses, into his feelings. He’ll tell her. Max is happy Juliana is back in his life.

Montesinos Mansion - Aha, we get to find out what’s happening in Lucrecia’s life. Apparently it’s easy to acquire Ricin in the city because her actor friend shows up with a big plastic-covered package full of it. He tells her to be careful with it. Luce writes him a big check. Her eyes glisten at the thought of how it’s going to be used. (**See end of recap for a “recap” of Ricin and other bio-weapons—I was mistaken. It was Sarin gas used in the Tokyo subway attacks.)

Mon Nov 10 - Part 3

Local Pokey - Poor forgotten (by us) César, he’s still pacing in the holding cell. Now he clearly sees all the favoritism Mauro showed Max—it was la llamada de la sangre (It’s that wonderful telenovela trope whereby people intrinsically “feel” someone is their blood relative, usually a child or parent, drawn to them without realizing or acknowledging it.) His mother’s reaction when she visited just confirmed the jerk, Omar, wasn’t lying. Without the Montesinos last name, César is nothing, but Mauro is never going to find out.

César finally gets out of jail. He’s so pithed he fires the attorney. Licenciado Cartara tells him it was his mother’s orders he was following, to leave him in jail. Cece doesn’t believe him. He swears it’s true. She threatened to fire him if he didn’t leave him in jail.

Hacienda El Paraíso – (I loved this scene.) It’s morning and Flavia has settled herself in Iván’s office—waiting to waylay him. When he arrives, he wonders why she’s there. She wants to go for another walk to the cafetales. He can’t, he has to work in the office that day, because….Mariana arrives, greeting them cheerily. Iván introduces her to Flavia. Iván asks Mariana to sit down, as he gets ready to start. Flavia, still in good humor, says, aren’t we going out to the cafetales together? Iván explains that it’s Mariana’s first day and he has to show her what she’ll be doing—never taking his eyes off of Mariana. Flavia says, why not just leave her here, we can go to the cafetales and you can train her when we get back, fully expecting her charm will entice him to follow her out.

Mariana gets it and offers to find Jorge and have him explain things to her. Iván is firm and asks her to sit down, it’s important to get to work because he promised Max that they would have a complete report on the project before he leaves. It’s Flavia who doesn’t get it. She says, not to worry. She’ll go find Max and ask if Iván can take her and make that the priority. Iván says he would if Max requests it, but in the meantime, he has his responsibility. He turns to Mari and shows her what she needs to start reading. Flavia is no longer smiling. She turns and leaves. What just happened is not lost on Mari. She smiles at Iván and they get to work.

Eloisa and Lucio greet Mauro. Elo notices he’s looking pretty happy and energized. They look at Lucio’s latest art work, detailed drawings of coffee plants. Juliana is watching them from the doorway. She recognizes Elo loves Mauro. She would have been a better wife for him and a better mother for his children. They all go in to breakfast.

Cafeteria Near Hotel - Someone we know is sitting in the cafeteria holding a magazine up to her face. She’s also wearing dark glasses—inside. That must mean she’s up to no good. And here comes “no good” now. Omar is looking around for Lucrecia. Not seeing her, he sits down and orders a cappuccino (sad to think this will be his last meal). A couple of groupies recognize him and ask for photos with him. A messenger arrives and gives him a big envelope. He spies Luce and grins at her, waving the envelope, certain it contains the banking documents she had promised. Curious, Omar opens the envelope, one inside the other, while Luce peeks over the edge of the magazine. Omar gets to the innermost envelope and pulls it out. He immediately grasps his throat, unties his cravat, rolls his eyes and starts foaming at the mouth (this was really disgusting). He falls over--DEAD. In the commotion, Luce walks calmly out.

She’s so professional about it, it makes one wonder if this is her first murder.

Mon Nov 10 - Part 4


What could have killed Omar Vazquez.

Ricin: A dose of purified ricin powder the size of a few grains of table salt can kill an adult human. Ricin is very poisonous if inhaled, injected, or ingested. Ricin causes severe diarrhea, and victims can die of circulatory shock. Death typically occurs within 3–5 days of exposure.

Sarin: Sarin is an odorless, colorless liquid which can be lethal at very low concentrations, with death following within 1 to 10 minutes after direct inhalation due to suffocation from lung muscle paralysis.

Anthrax: Once the spores are inhaled, they are transported through the air passages into the lungs, then to the lymph nodes in the chest, causing cause chest pain and difficulty breathing. The issue here is that symptoms of anthrax infection is often confused with respiratory disease like influenza, delaying treatment. It takes several days of symptoms, followed by pneumonia, before death occurs.

[Thank you Wikipedia.]

IMHO Omar's lethal potion was thought up by Quiero Amarte’s team of writers. Only Sarin is an instant killer. The liquid is dispersed as an aerosol spray. The others make victims ill first.


Thank you dear Anita! Superb, as usual! Yes, the scene with Ivan choosing duty and the lovely Mariana over the whim of loose legs Flavia did my heart good. What a nerve that chick has! She is definitely her mother's daughter!

I have a confession to make. I have never liked Val, even before she started treating her mother like dried doo doo. There. I said it! Her daddy's gonna break her heart one day but probably not before she really breaks Amaya's!

The poison seen was very well done and, I agree, totally disgusting! I think it is a Televisa poison and as potent as it was, all those people coming to help Omar should be in danger as well! And they were touching the death foam! Yuuuuuck! And yeah, I'm sure Lucrecia has a few murder knoches on her belt. Satan's twin sister!

Thanks Anita and Lila.
Just what does Juliana think she's doing? Fidelity is not a Montesino strong suit.
Any theories on why Constanza is ignoring her feelings for Salvador and insisting on pressing forward with Max? No hint that they exchanged a letter much less visited during five years he was in Italy? But now?
Thanks for the poison run down. Seemed like they just went with a standard TV/Movie version of cyanide poisoning. If he had ingested it that might make sense.
Chris in FL

Chris in FL
But do you die from just touching cyanide? According to Wikipedia (you just had to make me look it up), you have to inhale it to cause instant death.

The reason I looked it up at all was I was sure the newspaper article Luce was reading was regarding anthrax, but she asked Actor friend to get Ricin. Oh well, it's just a telenovela, it's just a telenovela...

About Juliana. I'm not sure what you mean? Right now Juliana is just being a truly happy daughter being reconciled with her dad. As far as Jorge goes at this moment, they are just good friends. He described her as a hanky for crying on. I believe she is truly happy with her husband and son. They are moving to Mexico soon anyway.

No theories on Constanza. She loved Max before he left and they were about to be married except her mother died. She became emotionally dependent on Salvador for five years, but sometimes love is blind. She doesn't see or accept that she's much more suited in personality to Sal than Max. Nora has told her so.

The recap for this afternoon will be up earlier than yesterday's was, but will still be up tomorrow.

Recap for Tue Nov 11 – Part 1

César gets out of jail and drives home. On the way he picks up his voice mails. He chooses to answer Amaya’s. He agrees to help her and sets up a meeting for 5 o’clock and hangs up without letting Amaya tell him it’s not a convenient time.

Lucrecia leaves the scene of the crime. Omar is dead, foaming at the mouth and the cafeteria in an uproar.

With Val suspended from school for a day, Amaya has taken her to work. She’s acting crabby. Carolina talks her into going for an ice cream. When they get back, Caro gives her the “divorce” talk—it’s better to have two parents that love you who are at peace and divorced than together and constantly at each other’s throats. Val starts to soften her attitude a bit. Amaya has overheard the conversation and later thanks Caro for helping her out. She tells her how Horacio got physically abusive the night before. Caro says she definitely needs to leave him before things escalate. Amaya now wonders, based on her new memory of her father’s aggressive behavior, maybe her mother was not running away with a lover, but running away from a violent man. Her godmother had always told her Florencia didn’t have a lover. She does remember her mother making a phone call and talking to someone named Mauro. Maybe she was just asking him for help.

Constanza and Don Manuel are having breakfast together. She wants her daddy to figure out a way to keep Max mainly in Mexico City after they get married. D.M. says he’s keeping hands off. If she wants to manipulate or bribe Max, it’s her business. But, it seems to him that rather than supporting her future husband 100% in something he’s pouring his whole self into, she’s trying to separate him from it. She looks somewhat chastened and stung by his rebuke.

Out at El Paraíso, they’ve all gone looking for the pictures of Juliana’s Carmona side of the family in a storeroom. They find a trunk, open it, and it’s full of mementos. They look at some of the pictures. Mauro praises Juliana’s grandparents for being such successful coffee producers and starting the business enterprise. Eloisa reminds everyone that Mauro was the one who converted it into an empire. They are about ready to go on their excursion to some other part of the hacienda lands and Mauro tells them he’s not going. He has some business in San Benito with Hector. Flavia asks if Iván could take them, since Max and Jorge aren’t there. Elo says they should be back soon and they can wait. (Flavia is foiled again.) Hector arrives and Mauro goes off on his “errand.”

In the hacienda office, Iván and Mariana are “working.” She hopes she didn’t get them both into trouble with that business with Max’s sister. Iván shakes it off. By the way, he talked to Max and he’s ok with her living at El Paraíso, that is should she want to. Max doesn’t want her living with the migrant workers, so he’s offered one of the cabañas behind the main house, where he and his dad live. His eyes are shining as he talks and hers are equally bright and animated.

She’d like to thank Max and ask him another favor. Not to tell Amaya she’s working there. Iván tells her as they aren’t seeing each other except professionally, it’s not likely he will. Iván’s face is all crinkly smiley as he suggests they get back to work. Hortensia comes in briefly to welcome Mari and, touching Iván’s shoulder, just so, says she’s so happy they’re getting along so well. (She means after such a rough start.) They laugh it off.

Max and Jorge are out in the fields. They must be up pretty high because they are all bundled up against the cold while at the hacienda, everyone is in shirtsleeves outdoors. (I mean bundled up; Max has some sort of dead animal fur around the collar of his hood. This isn’t Hudson Bay, fellow.)

Jorge tells Max about the Zona Estrella lands not being owned by the Montesinos, but rather leased under contract with the owner. And, the contract is about to expire. Max is really surprised. He’s never heard the name Florencia Martinez, the owner, before. He’ll definitely check it out with his father.

Tue Nov 11 - Part 2

Ulises, over at El Deseo is getting an update on the school from Efraín. What about Cipriano? Ef doesn’t think the daughter is coming. Uli isn’t phased. He always gets what he wants. It was for some reason his uncle singled him out to inherit. Ef notes he’s become a millionaire overnight. Yes, smirks Uli, and there’s nothing money can’t buy (he means Mariana).

Cipriano and Dolores snipe at each other about Mariana. She hasn’t been able to convince Mari to work at El Deseo. Cip doesn’t think she’s his daughter sometimes. Dolores tells him to watch his mouth. That offends her. And, she is his daughter.

Iván and Mariana meet Jorge and Max out front. She says hi to Jorge. (Remember he’s the one who let the two “guapas” into the hacienda when he didn’t have the authority to do so.) Iván introduces her to Max. Mariana says she’s delighted to meet him. She calls him “Señor.” He takes humorous offense at the term. He is old, but doesn’t think he’s that old. He wants her to call him Max. She thanks Max for his generosity and the opportunity to work there. Then she asks for that favor, not to tell Amaya she’s there to work. She explains she needs to study and work now due to a little problem she had (while Iván holds his breath and looks away) and if Amaya finds how she’ll be angry. She wants Mariana to study full-time and will surely send more money for her. That wouldn’t be fair. All this time, Iván is standing very close to Mariana, as if she were his protégée. He’s positively glowing with pride. (Or is it amor?)

Lucrecia arrives home, agitated and disturbed. She asks if surely César didn’t believe Omar, did he? There’s one way to find out, retorts a very angry Cece, a DNA test. Lucrecia gives her best “offended mother” performance. If that will settle the matter that she has not been lying, well, she did lie about Omar’s extortion for silence regarding Tía Eloisa, he should run right out and find Omar and get it done. She leaves goes back to her room while Cece finishes getting ready to go get the test results he left before he went to jail. He needs to know the truth.

Luce sees Omar die again (and we have to, too). She has a flashback to the day she told a younger Omar she was pregnant with his child. He doesn’t want to take responsibility when it could be the kid of who knows how many others she’s been with—including that coffee guy. She claims she hasn’t been with Mauro for over two months. If she won’t get rid of it, maybe she should palm it off on Mauro. Too bad. (Something about her career here, but I didn’t hear it properly. Whatever it was deserved a slap, so maybe he was telling her her career in singing wasn’t going anywhere.) Luce does slap him and he shoves her onto the sofa. End of flashback.

She thought-bubbles that she wishes she had rid herself of Omar years ago. It would have saved her so much grief. Now that she’s gotten rid of Omar, Amaya is next. Amaya can’t be permitted to get close to Mauro. (Remember she told Mauro long ago, both Florencia and Amaya were dead so there were no heirs for the Zona Estrella and he could take it over, knowing full well Amaya was alive. She has her investigator working on locating her now.)

Jorge and Max are in the living room next to a dripping water fountain. (CME had one, so did AB, so it must be a thing with producer Moreno Laguillo, along with the white niches in the wall.) Max wanted to talk to his dad right away to clear up the matter of the Zona Estrella lands. The group begins to gather for their excursion. Flavia wants to know who else is going, Iván, maybe? No, says Max, he has to stay and revise some matter for the cultivation (los beneficios). (Flavia is foiled again.)

Nov 11 - Part 3

Constanza runs into Salvador (Yummy) Romero at the University. Colleague was telling her to talk him out of leaving. He takes a call and walks away. They look at each other. Consta wants him to stay, she’ll stay out of his way, they won’t have to meet. She’ll be spending more time at the hacienda after she’s married. Sal knows that won’t work. He loves her and would give his life (a little extreme in my opinion) to be able to kiss her again. Consta is stunned by his declaration.

Hector and Mauro arrive at Dolores’ house. Hector waits by the car. He reminds Mauro that Dolores doesn’t know Mariana is working at El Paraíso and doesn’t want her to know. It’s ok, Mauro is there for another reason. Mauro greets Dolores and introduces himself. She tries to keep him out. He ruined Florencia’s reputation around here with the gossip that she was running away to be with him—a married man. She was accused of being his lover. Mauro is shocked. He says that wasn’t true. He loved her, but never compromised her reputation. She was never his lover, although both suffered from unhappy marriages. Dolores doesn’t believe him. He then tells her the real story. Florencia was running away from a violent and abusive man who hit his own child, to protect her daughter.

Now it is Dolores who is shocked. In his story and flashback, we get the whole sequence of events (something I got wrong yesterday). Yes, he sent his private plane to pick her up to bring her to Mexico City. He had also provided her with a car to get her to the airport from El Paraíso. They don’t know how it was that David learned of their plans and got there before Florencia. Flo went looking for the pilot to help her with Amaya, who was in the back seat asleep, and the bags. It wasn’t the pilot waiting for her, it was David inside the plane. They struggle and she fled back to the car. That’s when she felt the impact of the plane blowing up. She knew David was dead.

Dolores wants to know how Mauro knew this. He admits Florencia called her from a public telephone in terror. He urges her to drive back to El Paraíso, he will arrange to get there and they would make other plans. He should never have told her to drive in her state of mind. So, yes, he did provoke the accident. The sorrow shows in his face.

November 12th,

Many, many thanks, Anita.
You cleared up much. It's somewhat difficult for me to understand everything in those flashbacks, and in general, some conversations are difficult to hear as someone else commented a few days ago - even though my hearing is normal.

I think a lot of it has to do with the background music behind the unnecessary, and to the detriment of clear conversations.

Mauro told D. that he and F. were not lovers. Did he mean after she was married to David? I thought he learned that Mauro and Florencia had a baby together that lived only a short time.

Also with all of the foreshadowing about Eloisa's love for Mauro (this time reflected upon by Juliana and what a good mother she would have made to all of them),
it seems that in the end,Mauro will
be with Eloisa, and that a deceased Florencia will live on only through Maya and a probable granddaughter.

Muchísimas gracias por tu trabajo.


Gracias por tus palabras.

Of cource, Mauro is referring to their married state vis a vis being lovers. Florencia was pregnant at the time he married Lucrecia. That's why he was so mad at David in one of the flashbacks. If he had known Flo was pregnant, he would have married her instead of Lucrecia.

David didn't tell him, of course, because he wanted Flo for himself. They had been rivals up to the time Flo and Mauro decided to get married. Then, of course, Luce stepped in.

It would be nice to be in agreement over Florencia's end and Mauro's happiness with Eloisa. But stranger things have happened in telenovelas.

In a real situation, they might find Florencia institutionalized, regressed, an amnesiac, but Mauro and Elo would care for her the rest of her days.

In a telenovela situation, Florencia is alive and hiding in the jungle, still fearing for her life--and an amnesiac (remember Juan in FELS?). Mauro finds her, her memory comes back and Elo continues in her role as ama de casa for the family.

I expect the Montesinos family to be reduced by two at the end of the novela and Max and Amaya have twin grandchildren for Mauro's old-old age.


Thank you, Anita for this as usual comprehensive and clarifying recap. Seriously. These recaps plus a hulu+ account would make a wonderful level 300 or 400 Spanish course! My goodness!

I must say I am soooo glad that Manuel, Constanza's Dad, put the kibosh on her trying to use her Dad to control Max! What a spoiled and stupid brat she is! If Max even got a hint that she thinks that way he would be so outta there!

Also, just a personal note and I won't harp on it if it goes that way: The thought of having a man that my sister was with intimately even once, let alone for 30 years whether they had kids or not is just horrifying to me! I hope that Florencia is alive, though this seems a long shot. Eloisa is a wonderful woman but I can't believe her brief time in the pokey was so shameful that she could not rise above it, find her own man and make a life for herself. What a nightmare of a life, living in your bitchy sister's home while she is married to and bears children by the man you love and she constantly reminds you of how she took him from you and treats you like crap. Is that supposed to show how much she loves Mauro? Shows little self-esteem and respect.

Ok. Enuf said.

Thank you my dear. I look forward to each episode. I thought that Max would be upset with Lucrecia but he is at a dangerous level of slow boiling rage that even she didn't anticipate. Hasn't she noticed that Caesar is not a little boy she can manipulate at will . . . has she not noticed that about any of her childrenn? She's in for a shocking awakening?

And speaking of Caesar, what is he going to try to do, seduce his Dad's "lover"? He may be upset about what he just found out about his possible parentage but he's not missing a beat in his eeevil!


Lila - Eloisa couldn't get a job, Mauro took her in. I guess she just settled for the bottom of the pot. A mantra you can use under these circumstances, "It's just a telenovela, it's just a telenovela." Or, just tighten your beanie, my dear.

Working on the recap.

Cesar didn't start out with the intention of seducing Amaya. As if he didn't have enough evil irons in the fire, he wants to expose her. His fear is that the "old coot" will start giving her money, property, etc. as his lover, and maybe even divorce Luce and marry her. He's sure she's a goldigger. He's looking out for his own interests, first and foremost.


Thanks Anita, for the "unreality check". . .it's only a novela, only a novela. . .


Hey Anita,
I'm slowly getting through the episodes and recaps. I'm up to episode 9 and Friday's episode. I'm watching current and past eps concurrently. My head is kind of swimming.

Is César older or younger than Max?


Cesar is older because he's the reason L and M got married - altho only a ruse.

Believe me, I am rooting for Florencia to be alive and well.

Perhaps some other galan could show up and sweep Eloisa off her feet - get her out of the house and give her a new perspective on life.

Enjoying all comments and of course, thankful to Anita for her terrific recaps -- keeping us all in the loop for this most enjoyable

Thank you, Floridia! That's what I figured.

I am enjoying this TN a lot and wish I had not waited so long to check it out.

Recap for Wed Nov 12 – Part 1

Mauro and Dolores continue their confrontational conversation. They are both quite agitated. Surprisingly, Mauro doesn’t have another heart attack. Each stands by his or her side of the story. Dolores tells Mauro he’s the one who sent those two lawyers to threaten her and her family with death if they so much as approached anyone in the family about those lands. He says it’s not true. She doesn’t believe him. Dolores was told by the lawyers Florencia had sold the lands. Again, Mauro says, not true. Flo had wanted to, to support herself after she left David, but he dissuaded her, so the contract was still in force. He kept the lands, that much is true, because they had both disappeared. He never had any intention of keeping the land this long. Dolores says he’s lying.

Dolores thinks he’s there to menace her anew. Not true. Mauro has been looking for Florencia and Amaya ever since they disappeared. He saw Amaya in the city and mistook her for Florencia. He wants to know where Flo is. He wants to pay them for all the back rent he owes. Dolores tells him Amaya knows nothing about those lands. And, she wouldn’t tell Mauro where Flo is, even if she knew. Mauro pleads with her. Is she still alive? Dolores doesn’t know. It seems to be a stand-off. Dolores tells him to leave and stay away from her family, just as they stayed away from his.

Césars henchman, Blackie (NOTE: Use of “Negro” in Latin America is fairly common as a nickname, even a term of endearment, and not inflammatory or derogatory as it is in the U.S., so I’ll go with Blackie—because I think we’ll be seeing a lot of him.) easily suborns Horacio into faking export documents and forging César’s signature for a beneficial fraud. He just needs to send more coffee in each shipment than is on the documents. The excess is diverted, sold on the black market and the profits are shared 50/50. It was an arrangement he had with his predecessor.

Blackie calls Cece and lets him know he was successful. “Se cayó,” he fell. Yes, the whole conversation was recorded for future use. Cece, meanwhile is watching Horacio in his office talking to someone (his lawyer, presumably). Cece thinks he’s a real cad wanting to leave his soon-to-be ex-wife with nothing.

Amaya is in the office with Don Manuel. She wants to know when Mauro will be able to come to see the publicity campaign. Don M. says not for a few days. He took his family to the hacienda and when he gets back there is the party for “la pedida de la mano,” asking for Constanza’s hand in marriage. Amaya winces when she hears that. Please let him know she wants to see him.

Iván (Cutie-Pie) Fonseca and Mariana have finished work for the day. It’s been productive for both of them. Iván wants her to let him know as soon as she decides about using the cabaña. She will, and he hasn’t turned out to be such an s.o.b. after all. He teasingly says he’s glad she likes him (que me caigo bien, literally—that I fall well). Mari says, yes, for now, so don’t consider it a victory (no cantes victoria, literally—don’t sing victory). That’s rude, he says, still smiling. No, just say she’s being sincere. As they leave together, they run into Hector and Mauro returning. Mari listens out of sight, but doesn’t learn anything important.

Cipriano the Toady sells his daughter to Uli with bows and a smile. He’ll arrange a meeting where they can be alone, presumably so Uli can persuade Mariana to come work at El Deseo.

Nov 12 - Part 2

The group has returned to the living room from their excursion. Everyone scatters except Juliana and Jorge, leaving poor Iván at Flavia’s mercy. (This time she’s not foiled.) She asks him to take her out to take pictures for Max’s project. She just needs her camera. She uses her flirty eyes look on him, but he doesn’t seem to react. They leave.

Alone, Jorge and Juliana share a tequila. Juli wants to know what Max feels for Amaya. Does he think Max will stop thinking of Amaya after he’s married? He doubts it. He will spend a lot of time thinking of Amaya. The way he sees it, Max’s feelings for her are stronger than hers for him. There’s a problem—she’s married.

Max and Mauro talk in his bedroom. Max is aware he’s not as cheerful as he was in the morning before his errand. But he needs to know why Mauro never told him the lands, Zona Estrella, were not his. He’s then astonished to learn Amaya, “his” Amaya, is the daughter of Florencia Martinez and the heir to those lands, the ones he just put into cultivation.

Does Mauro realize what a position he’s put him in, taking into account his feelings for Amaya and how he’s tried to distance himself from her? And now he finds out his project depends on Amaya. Mauro is sorry, but he just found out recently Amaya was alive. That’s why they took this trip—so Mauro could verify ownership. Even more troubling is that Florencia might not be dead.

He went to see Dolores, the woman who raised Amaya and she told him an unnerving tale, that he, Mauro had sent two lawyers to tell her the lands were sold and threatened her family. He swears he didn’t. Max doesn’t understand why he wasn’t on top of all this business. Mauro explains that it was then he went into his deep depression and stopped caring about everything. Thanks to Manuel, who pulled everything out of rack and ruin, they were able to get the businesses flourishing again. He’s sure Lucrecia would not have been able to cope, she has no head for business and isn’t in the least interested. Manuel even hired Hector as the administrator and had to replace all the employees. Most of them had left, probably for better opportunities. (We know differently, don’t we; Lucrecia “who has no head for business” had them all fired so no information on Zona Estrella lands would ever get to Mauro or anyone investigating the ownership.)

Well, what’s next? Amaya should be told, has to be told. Yes, but Max can’t be the one who tells her. It needs to be Dolores. Well, they need to check up to see she does.

News travels fast. Lucrecia is still wearing her same clothes and is sitting in her bedroom watching an anchor already announcing the death of one Omar Vazquez, age 58, of probably poisoning. An autopsy will be conducted. She flicks it off just before César barges in with the same information. She pretends she’s just hearing it. He challenges her to deny she had anything to do with his “timely” death. It was certainly convenient for her. He demands she tell the truth now or she’ll regret it. Luce is offended. César demands, “You didn’t really want me to get proof of his parentage, did you?” “Of course I did.” “Sí, sí, because you knew he was already dead. You killed him before I got out of jail.” Luce says how can he think that of her; it hurts. Cece wanted to eliminate any doubt, so now he’ll just get a DNA test with Mauro. No, no, says Luce. There’s no need, Omar is dead and he is the heir presumptive of everything Montesino. Wrong, mama, Cece replies, he’s going to get to the truth. Their relationship is going to change radically. He exits. Lucrecia thought-bubbles, what is she going to do about Mauro so César doesn’t get the test.

Luce is now following the news story of Omar’s mysterious death on her laptop. He had a lot of supposed enemies (or aggrieved clients) so it can’t be traced back to her. Luce gets a call from her investigator to tell her that he’s located Amaya. She’s married to one Horacio Espinoza and he works right there at Nescafé.

Nov 12 - Part 3

Dolores goes to see the Padre, her favorite listener. She was scared. She thought Mauro was coming back to silence her again. But he was surprised when she told him about his two lawyers threats. Someone must have given the lawyers orders and who else could it have been but Mauro. Padre says if it had been Mauro who gave the order, why would he have come looking for her, looking for Florencia and Amaya to offer restitution? Suppose it’s a trap? Well, says Padre, she runs a risk if he is lying to her, but if he is telling the truth, it would greatly benefit Amaya.

Amaya meets César. She, the poor innocent fish about to get caught in a net, or worse, on a hook. They start by engaging in small talk. She needs a place to live because, knowing her soon-to-be ex-husband, he won’t let them have the apartment. It’s in his name. They continue talking. He’ll help. She tells him, sincerely, she thinks he’s one of the good guys. At one point he probes—he can’t tolerate infidelity. Well, Amaya can’t either. It’s her husband who was being unfaithful, not her. Cece, though is thought-bubbling, she’s pretty enough, but she likes a fat pocketbook more or she would be the “golfa,” (an upper class slang word for whore) of his boring dad.

Juliana and Lucio are horsing around outside the hacienda portals. She’s trying to learn why or by whom his heart was broken. By eliminating them in a very clever way, she narrows it down to César or Lucrecia. She uses Lucrecia as her own example. Lucio says, true, Lucrecia wasn’t Juliana’s mother so she could leave, but he can’t talk about it because Luce *is* his mama.

Max and Jorge are sitting out on the patio (not CarayCaray’s Patio) hashing over what Max learned from Mauro. As hard as he’s tried to distance himself from Amaya, their lives keep coming together. He’s sure Mauro is still keeping secrets and is sure it has to do with that family. He’s going to keep at it until he finds out what it is.

Nov 12 - Part 4 (sort of out of order)

I forgot these scenes.

Mariana is home, doing her homework when Dolores returns from talking to the Padre. She wants to know if Mari knows whether Amaya has been in touch with any of the members of the Montesino family. Instead of asking her, Mari suggests she call Amaya herself and ask. Dolores tell Mari she's decided to tell Amaya about her lands at El Paraiso. Mari says, weren't they sold? Apparently there's some confusion over that, answers Dolores.

Dolores calls Amaya. Amaya is on the car phone so Dolores makes it short. She must speak to her, but in person. It's very important. She'll travel to Mexico City the next day. Amaya is ok with that.


Just a heads up. Tomorrow I will be out all day, so the recap will be up very late on Saturday.

As for next week, I can't do any sort of recapping. I will have family here all week and won't even be able to watch the episodes until after they've gone.

I'll put up the Headliner for the front page (again for two weeks, I think) on Monday morning--at least before 3 pm.

Then I'll check in to see how things are going.

Cheers, Anita (La chica more in love with Ivan than Max, but I kinda like Jorge a lot, too. Consta can have Salvador.)

Anita, thank you! Many, many, thanks! I love the way you are so thorough and descriptive without having to describe every little facial expression and how full of details the retelling is yet the tone is warm and conversational. I like your style!

"Cipriano the Toady sells his daughter to Uli with bows and a smile." This is one example. This is exactly what he did and it didn't need a re-hashing of the actual dialogue! Yah, what a poor excuse he is for a father! Macho idiot!

Wow! Delores is loyal to her friend, isn't she? I can't blame her for not believing Mauro but it shouldn't take long for Mauro to figure out who gave the lawyers/goons the directive to threaten Delores and family. He'll figure it out quickly if he discusses it with Juliana as well as Max. Max may never be able to imagine such machinations from his mom but Juliana certainly will!

Thanks for the heads up: We will miss you next week, please enjoy your family! No promises but I hope some of our viewers out there will help at least do some summaries!

Thanks again, really enjoy your recaps!

Not sure I'll be able to help with recaps since I have to watch these online, but I can try to chip in. It's hard without the Spanish subtitles but would be good practice. Just got back from Mexico and people there aren't captioned, unfortunately, so need to get better at listening.

Mostly I wanted to get some more hits for this show, and thank Anita for all her hard work. It's so appreciated!

At least now we know why Dolores was so weird about not telling Amaya anything. She's been threatened. Mega anvil for Lucretia, but I'm not sure how to fell about Cesar. He's a jerk, but he's also going after Horacio, which I can't fault.


Thank you, Lila and Kelly. Somewhere around week 3, I said I assumed most would have been watching the action, noticing where the action was taking place, what they wore and their expressions, so I would concentrate on the conversations. Lordy, lordy, I just can't seem to shorten the recaps. I feel sorry for you folks that have to wade through all the verbiage, but thanks again for your support and appreciation.

Kelly welcome back.

Cesar is a product of his genes. He's not only a jerk, but he's crazy, too.

The recap for Thursday will be up in a bit.

Recap for Thu Nov 13 – Part 1

Flavia is taking pictures mainly of Iván walking among the coffee trees. He’s visibly uncomfortable. She says he’s “muy guapo.” Her pictures are for Max’s project. He wants to go back to the house. She wants to go into town. He can’t. Maybe Hortensia, the cook’s daughter can. She laughs and screws up her nose at the thought.

Juliana can’t get a straight answer out of Lucio on how Lucrecia broke his heart. He evades answering and they engage in some horseplay. She hugs him. Later on the patio, Juliana shares with Jorge her suspicion that Lucrecia has something to do with Lucio’s problems. It’s not normal for him to call his mother, MALA. It had to be something really serious. Well, says Jorge, Max has said to him Luce wasn’t a very good mother, but to intentionally harm Lucio is hard to believe. She believes it. Eloisa has really been more like a mother to him. Those two are such opposites. Like Max and César, Jorge replies, opposites. Yes, says Juli, like Cain and Abel.

Juliana is going to try to get Max to help uncover this mystery. Max is the only family member she trusts who can stand up to Lucrecia Jorge (rightly) tells her it’s not a wise move. She’d be putting Max in between his mother and his brother.

Why doesn’t she wait until after the results of the hypnosis treatment. And another thing, this isn’t the best time for Max. He’s just found out Amaya’s mother is the true owner of the lands Max just put under cultivation for his new coffee project.

Eloisa is looking for Hector. She has a prescription to fill for Maruo. He’s not around, but luckily Iván appears. He’ll run into Comitán to pick it up. Unluckily, Flavia insists on joining him.

Mariana is trying to get Dolores to go to bed. Max pays them a surprise visit. Dolores doesn’t want to talk to him, but Mari urges her. Dolores doesn’t want Mari to listen in, so she sends her to town to get something for their meals.

Max explains why he is there. He wants to assure her he wants to do the right thing. They repeat the conversation Dolores had with Mauro. Max learns Dolores was never able to speak to his father directly, but did speak to his mother. She left a message with her regarding the supposed sale of the lands to them. He’s surprised, but says he will look into it and get it all straightened out. Why should Dolores believe him? Maybe because he was the one who saved Amaya so she could be a survivor (sobrevivir=to survive).

Only because of that will she listen to Max. She tells him how Amaya doesn’t know anything about those Zona Estrella lands. Max is aware there are many things Amaya doesn’t remember from back then. She plans to tell Amaya as soon as tomorrow. She’s travelling to Mexico, D.F. to see her. Max asks her to let him know right after they talk, so he can offer her a new proposal and to make arrangements to pay her what they owe her. Does Amaya know how to get in touch with him? “Yes.” “You mean you two have been seeing each other?” “It seems Destiny wants us to keep seeing each other.” He tells her about his coffee project and how Amaya is involved. Max thinks Destiny put them together so at long last things can be put right.

Thu Nov 13 - Part 2

Valeria has toned down her attitude towards her mother a bit. (Unlike her fly-away hair. I’m sorry, I just don’t like it that way. She could just as easily have it in a pony tail or a braid.) Amaya tucks her into bed.

Horacio arrives home after a long day at the office (getting involved in a fraudulent venture). Amaya approaches him with the idea of selling the condo and splitting the income. She tries to stay calm and reasonable as she points out that, though the condo is in his name, she contributed all her savings (which Horacio said amounted to very little) and helped with the payments until Val was born. He asked her to stay home with Val and she paid for the household expenses from her smaller salary. She feels she has a right to half the apartment. He’ll think about it…and the answer immediately is NO. Amaya says it’s too bad they couldn’t come to an arrangement that’s fair because she’s going to fight for it.

Eloisa tries to call Lucrecia with the news of Omar’s death she picked up from Hortensia while in the kitchen that afternoon (an omitted scene from yesterday’s episode—it didn’t seem important). She leaves a message and calls César. She thinks Luce may have gone to a wake and tells Cece about Omar. The most curious thing about the news is that he was poisoned intentionally with Ricin, the same way someone in a news article died. Cece doesn’t remember that. That’s right, Cesar wasn’t there when Mauro read them the article.

Lucrecia does indeed show up at the wake. She’s stopped by some reporters on the way in. She says some nice words about the deceased and goes in. She tells the occupant of the coffin she only came to make sure he was dead. (My, my I’m sure she was channeling Gabriela in FELS as she lies through her smiles.)

As expected, Mariana and Iván run into each other in town that evening. They greet each other amicably. Then, Mari wants to know why Max showed up at her house and his dad earlier that day. Iván doesn’t know. Well, Mariana was relieved that Max had the decency not to give away that he knew her in front of her mother. Things are going great between them until Flavia shows up and grabs his arm. Mariana gives him the “I see” look. Flavia is pretty snotty towards Mari, but Mari holds her own. Iván looks on helplessly.

The threesome becomes a foursome as Uli walks up to the group. He looks at Mariana first, greets her and addresses her by name. Flavia wants to know who he is. He introduces himself as Ulises Arteaga. When she replies with her name, he recognizes the name Montesinos, owners of El P.? Yes. Well, he’s the owner of El Deseo. He’s glad to meet her. It was a pleasure. Mariana leaves abruptly during this little scene. Uli taps Iván on the shoulder a couple of times and calls him “chalán,” a huckster or horse-dealer and leaves. Iván notices Flavia’s eyes lit up when talking to Uli.

A few minutes later, Uli sees Mariana walking home and tries to give her a ride. She refuses, but tells him honestly, she’d rather walk, her home is just around the corner. Uli says to himself, that’s how he likes them, with spunk.

In the car getting ready to return to El P., Flavia wants to know why Ulises called him a chalán. Oh, it’s just guys with money and power think they are entitled to treat others with contempt. Flavia noted that he seemed to like Mariana. He was practically eating her with his eyes. Iván says he didn’t notice, but he did note that Uli flirted with Flavia, too. Whoa, that can’t be a comparison to Mariana. Besides, she reaches up and strokes Iván’s cheek, she likes other types.

Iván is so through with this conversation. He turns away to reach for his seat belt while Flavia gives herself a sly high-five smile.

Thu Nov 13 - Part 3

Next morning, Max is up there where he needs a coat with a fur collar, thinking about the times he and Amaya saw each other. Amaya is thinking how she fell in love with Max, never knowing their fathers knew each other and were friends. She’s sad because here she is almost a free woman and he’s about to formalize his relationship and get married. If only their times had coincided better. She felt so happy when she was with him.

Constanza is having her own happy memories. She holds a picture of him and thinks about his kisses. The kissy face memories get all tangled up with memories of good times she’s had with Salvador (Yummy) Romero. When it’s over, she reaffirms, to herself, he love for Max.

César gets the results of his DNA test via computer. He prints it out, but one sheet gets tossed out on the floor. He’s too busy reading the one page to notice the second.

(What follows is an intense confrontation between César and Lucrecia. I had a hard time following everything and it was too long to translate all the words. Here is the gist of it.)

César grabs the results and the newspaper article and heads to Lucrecia’s bedroom. He finally breaks her down and she admits the truth. He is Omar’s. She will help him maintain the fiction that he is a Montesinos. Omar is dead. Mauro need never know. She’d better. If not, he’s going to destroy everyone, starting with Lucrecia herself. He'll rat her out as a killer. She’ll lose everything.

All he cares about is his position, his status, the money and the business. He wants it all for himself. Luce assures him they can be accomplices. What better way to preserve, protect and defend (oops, that’s the presidential oath of office) all they desire most in life. Cece isn’t sure what he’s going to do. He might even go to Mauro with the information. Mauro is so good and high-minded he might even recognize him as his son, but Luce? Her reputation would be ruined. Luce tells him he’d never have as good an ally in Mauro as he’d have in her. She doesn’t want him to go to Mauro. She tears up the DNA results and says firmly Mauro can never learn he’s not César’s bio-dad.

She then begins to spin her story. César was born of love. Of all her children, he was the only one conceived with love. Max and the twins were just results of sexual relations. César challenges her, “You aren’t going to tell me you loved him.” “Yes, I did.” She fell in love with Omar, but even though he was a “muerto de hambre,” a poor so-and-so, she let herself go (me deje llevar is always used to mean swept away by passion in telenovelas). She picked Mauro to marry in order to give them both a better life. (I think this is what she was saying, I just couldn’t hear or understand it all.)

So, César avers, she never loved Mauro? Well, he was attractive and they got along, but no, she never loved Mauro. Ha, says César, then that makes two of you because Mauro never loved her.

He flings his last arrow. He knows Lucio saw them together. She says Lucio won’t be a problem. The problem, says Cece, is that her future and her status depends more on him that his does on her. With that he storms out.

Thu Nov 13 - Part 4

The maid comes to clean up César’s room. She finds page 2 of the results on the floor and puts them in a red folder. (Who, I wonder will get the red folder? Horacio or Mauro? Just speculating.) Cece enters and throws the maid out. He jumps up on his bed and goes nuts.

Mariana is setting the table at home that morning and wants to know what Dolores and Max talked about the night before. Mariana is delighted with the news that Amaya will receive the back rent and recognition that the lands are hers. Apparently, says Dolores, it was in error the lawyers told her the lands had been sold to the Montesinos. She doesn’t know what to believe. There’s something strange going on, referring to Max’s coffee project on her land and Amaya’s publicity campaign for him. Lastly, those lawyers he sent, although Dolores is still not sure Mauro didn’t send them, threatened the whole family with death. Mariana is shocked. But, if they are so bad, they wouldn’t be making restitutions. Dolores doesn’t know what to believe any more.

Cipriano wanders in for breakfast and learns Dolores is traveling to Mexico City to talk to Amaya and leaving Mariana in his care. At first he’s pithed, but then he must be remembering Uli’s request and grins and says he’ll be happy to take care of her.

Ulises gets another report from Efraín. He gets the low-down on what’s happening over at El P. with some new coffee product. They just bought a mixer. He wants El Deseo to surpass El P. He’ll copy what they are doing, but do it better. It’s the only way to beat the competition.

Flavia is dressed for a new day. She finds Juliana and Lucio discussing how nice it would be to all live there together. Flavia sees Iván walk in looking for his father. Juliana tells him he’s in the despacho (office/study). Flavia turns so her eyes can follow him out. Juli notices and mentions, half teasing, he’s a hard worker and good-looking, too.

Last scene. Lucrecia has invited her old pal Emma for coffee. Such a long time since we’ve seen each other, etc., etc., then she gets to the point. Is she still seeing that younger man from the office, what’s his name? Horacio, Horacio Espinoza. Yes. Still married, but in process of getting a divorce. After that he’ll be all hers. It seems his wife is seeing someone. Oh? Who? Emma doesn’t know. Emma was getting exasperated because he would never leave Amaya. She knew what he was doing and forgave him over and over again. She could have just killed her. Luce’s eye get big, kill her? Emma says, for heaven’s sake, it’s just a saying. Emma gets up to take a phone call and Luce thought-bubbles how useful Emma is going to be. It will be a crime of passion. It won’t be long before Emma will be behind bars for killing Amaya Serrano Espinoza.

Anita, thank you so much for all your hard work on the recaps. I hope you have a great week with your family!

Thanks for all the recaps you have done.

Thank you Anita! Oh boy, the eevil index is sure going up fast, isn't it? This alliance between Lucrecia and her spawn. The little dance they were doing as he unmasked his mother, then she pleaded, and they negotiated was dramatic and very well done! There's so much juicy, relevant action going on, it's hard to know what to comment on!

I know I do NOT like Flavia. Funny how she drooled over Ulisis while with Ivan. Ivan would just be a notch for her but I think she's going to end up with the dark and dastardly Ulisis. Problem with that though is that while she might have loose legs and be a superficial man-hopper, I don't think she would ever do anything to hurt Max or the rest of the family. We'll see.

Delores is slowing warming up. So glad Max and Mauro are making it clear they want to make things right with Amaya and Florencia, if she is still among the living.

Juliana is swift! It's so nice to see the good guys/gals not be totally clueless, unable to imagine the evil the baddies are up to! I agree with Jorge though. She needs to thread lightly sharing her suspicions about Lucrecia with Max. She needs to keep the relationship with Max in good standing.

Well. I could go on. . .Anita, thank you sooooooo much!!!

BJ-we need more people like you on this blog. Please pipe right up.

Lila--You always hit the nail on the head with your comments. I'm through watching the episode (stopped for coffee and a peek at the comments) and will start taking notes, but maybe not tonight.

I don't like Flavia either--for Ivan, but she is clever, intelligent, talented, sweet to Lucio, stands up to her mother and will probably be an independently successful young woman. What she isn't is mature enough for a healthy relationship with a young man. Jorge read her correctly. Maybe the reason she doesn't have a serious relationship is that she doesn't want to make the commitment. It's her insecurities showing through. She acts up (forward, flirty and coquettish) to protect her from disappointments in love.

I watched as Flavia knocked into Mariana on purpose, then grabbed Ivan (we ought to name her Grabbie). There's going to be a war between these two. Except for money and position, they are very well matched for a good contest.

Luckily for Mariana, Ivan has already fallen for her. This, of course will tick Flavia off royally.

Poor Ivan, when he looked back toward Mariana and said he'd be back, it was as if he were trying to tell her it's not his fault.

I really like this couple together, so I will spend more time on them than maybe the others, at least while they are so engaging.

No hurry with the recap.
Have you noticed how Marianna walks?
She picks up her foot and thrusts it forward step after step. I suspect the actress designed it for this young, feisty gal.

Looking forward to Monday's episode with Max and Amaya together once again.

Agree with Floridia, Anita, no hurry. We appreciate your efforts!

Very thoughtful analysis of Flavia, Anita: those are some admirable good points you listed so I don't want to see her hurt other than the inevitable pain she'll feel when she can't strip Mariana out of Ivan's heart!

Floridia, I want to see Max and Amaya together again, too. Is it too much to hope that she declares her love for him? She's such a decent sort, I know she would not want to do this knowing he's supposed to be married in less than two weeks.

I'd never seen CdlF in anything. My gosh, he is one beautiful man! He's playing Max so well. He is warm and affectionate with Constanza, but subdued. Go back and watch how his face lit up when he answered his phone and it was Amaya! Ahhhh! Siiiiiiigh! I'm such a sucker for the romance in these novelas especially well played, subtle reactions like this. Yah. Monday should be good!

Recap will be up before midnight.

Lila--Go as quick as you can and find CdlF in Amor Bravio. That's one gorgeous guy. I'll tell you more later. My avatar still has him and Silvia Navarro, his leading lady (or she was leading him, I think). Only look for the full episodes. The DVD is all chopped up.

I agree with remarks about C de LF -
absolutely gorgeous, so cool, and yet passionately romantic.

He's my current favorite. I guess Eduardo Y would come in next. He's also funny.

William L has lost his appeal for me.

Lila, I concur with your thoughts.
however, in the preview, Amaya looks stiff. I am thinking Max may learn of the divorce through Valeria rather than from A.
Just to drag things out.

I am really enjoying the older men too - terrific actors.

All the best ....


Thanks Anita and Floridia. Aw pooh! My beloved hulu+ does not have Amor Bravio! Coulda sworn I saw it on there. Oh well. And regarding how Max finds out about the divorce from Val, must be during soccer practice. I bet poor Max's heart is going to go all a-flutter! Ah, his longing is going to be sigh-worthy as well! See y'all later!

Recap for Fri Nov 14 – Part 1

Mauro, Max, Hector and Jorge are all sitting around figuring out how much they will owe Amaya and what their next steps should be. There’s still a slim chance Florencia is alive, which would change things. Mauro holds out hope. Max wants all that information and the new proposal ready to take back to the city with him. Mauro wonders if Amaya would be interested in selling her lands. It would simplify matters for Max’s project and she would have money to do whatever she wanted. Max would rather wait and let her decide and not anticipate or speculate. Max feels they *should* go ahead and finish the planting. He names Iván to be in charge because he needs Jorge back in Mexico City to be at the head of the business side of the project while he’s on his honeymoon.

The men continue talking business. Iván will supervise the installation of the new machinery and repairs on the old and they will see each other on Max’s wedding day. Mauro wants a set of the same documents as well, so he can share them with César. Max isn’t liking that idea. Mauro assures him that César can’t interfere and won’t. This is something personal for him and he wants to keep his word. He just wants to keep César in the loop. Max also asks Iván to find Mariana and tell her he would like to talk to her.

Amaya and Carolina are at work. Amaya says she’s affected by Max’s engagement more than she thought she would. Caro points out that the day he gets married will be worse. So, why don’t they take a powder and get away for a weekend, maybe to the beach. Amaya mentions Dolores’ upcoming visit. It must be important for her to travel all the way to the city. Amaya tells Caro about meeting César. The talk turns to men and Amaya offers to introduce Caro to him. No, she doesn’t need introductions or blind dates, she’d rather run into someone, like she did that office neighbor. She must have scared him off, because she hasn’t seen him again (that was Jorge, for those who might have forgotten).

Don Manuel and Constanza are having breakfast. She urges him to find a girlfriend after she leaves the house. Don M., of course already has one in mind, Genoveva. He wants to know what happened that Salvador (Yummy) Romero isn’t going to be one of their witnesses and isn’t coming to the wedding. Consta confesses Sal is in love with her and it would be awkward for all of them. It hurts her to think of being separated from him. Don M. wants her to think about how it is for Sal. For him this love will always be unresolved, idealized and hard to overcome. Even if he finds someone, he will constantly be comparing her to Consta.

Salvador is packing to leave. Nora is helping. He hopes they’ll stay in touch. Nora thinks that will be difficult for him, surely he’ll be asking about Constanza. As a matter of fact, he realizes, everything around him he’s taking will be a reminder of her, the books, the music they’ve shared, everything.

Fri Nov 14 - Part 2

Max and Mariana are walking under the arcade surrounding the hacienda patio. She thanks him personally for not giving her away in front of her mother. Max wants to know if the reason she and Amaya snuck into the hacienda had something to do with her remembering her childhood here. Yes, she didn’t know at the time Max was the owner. It’s interesting, muses Max, how their fathers knew each other and had been friends.

Max guesses it will be ok for her to tell Amaya and her mother where she’s working now and they aren’t such “malvados,” wicked or malicious. Mariana will decide when. It will all depend on what Amaya decides to do with her lands. Max says, wisely, there are many here who depend on her decision.

The Montesinos are getting ready to go back to Mexico City. Iván arrives to tell them everything is ready for their departure. As they file out, Flavia comes over to Iván and gives him a big kiss on the cheek. In an embarrassing moment, because Juliana and Jorge are watching, he tells Flavia he’s the one driving them to the airport. That’s good, she’ll just say goodbye again and runs her index finger down his shirt and whirls away. On the way out, Flavia deliberately knocks into Mariana and says, “Ay, no estorbes,” oh, get out of the way. Iván, who was right behind Flavia, tells Mari he’s taking them to the airport, but he’ll be back later. Flavia calls out to him, grabs his arm in a very proprietary manner and heads for the vehicle. Iván looks back at Mari. She doesn’t know whether to fume in anger or jealousy, or both. Even Hortensia comments on Flavia's rudeness.

César arrives at Amaya’s apartment, ostensibly to do an estimate for the sale price. He asks all kinds of questions about the apartment and gets busy taking pictures, including several of Amaya, though she probably didn’t notice. They sit and talk for awhile over her dilemma of Horacio keeping the apartment out of spite. (Even though we already know his evil side, when he’s trying to be charming, he still comes off as smarmy. Amaya, my advice is to stay far away from him.) He concludes his visit by offering his help and his friendship.

Horacio is in the office practicing forging Cece’s signature. Blackie calls. (Now I know his name, it’s Aaron.) He sets up a meet for the following morning at the plant. Horacio protests that it’s Saturday. Aaron says it’s the best time, none of the Montesinos will be at work so it is most convenient for what they need to do.

Max comes to see Constanza. He feels a little guilty for leaving her alone to make the wedding arrangements. She says it was ok. She knew if she was the one who wanted to hasten their wedding date, she’d have to share him with his project.

Juliana is skyping with Franco. She’s so happy, happy about everything. She’s so grateful Franco is willing to move to Mexico. Would it be ok if she just stayed in Mexico until Max’s wedding. Franco agrees, it wouldn’t make sense to come back to Venice for a few days and return to Mexico. Juliana can use the time to find a school for Alan and a place for them to live. She’ll miss him. He’ll miss her. She tells him what a wonderful time they had at the finca—as a family, then in an aside, of course, without César and Lucrecia.

Fri Nov 14 - Part 3

Lucrecia has returned from her little visit with Emma and enters the bedroom.

(NOTE: Yesterday I wrote Amaya’s full name as Amaya Serrano Espinoza. In reviewing it I noticed Lucrecia said Amaya Serrano Martinez. I’m not sure who is correct here. I thought a woman used her parents’ names – Serrano/Martinez until she got married and then dropped her mother’s maiden name and picked up her husband’s name. Correct me if I’m wrong, please.)

Mauro is in there and it doesn’t take long for him to bring up the 30+ year-old phone call from Dolores right after David died and Florencia and Amaya disappeared. He’s pithed because Luce told her she couldn’t speak to him, but made her leave a message—and . she . didn’t . pass . it . on. She doesn’t remember, so it probably wasn’t important. Mauro goes into an apoplectic fit and yells, it was important to him and the future of that girl (Amaya, he guesses). Right afterwards, their lawyers visited Dolores and threatened her and her family with death if she or any one of them ever communicated with Mauro. He continues, they had to have orders, orders from YOU. Indignantly Luce retorts, is he blaming her? That isn’t fair. That happened at a time when he was in his deepest depression and wasn’t taking care of the business affairs. The lawyers were handling all the business, not she. She didn’t have a head for the business and she did the best she could while he was incapacitated. Mauro backs down from his angry perch. True enough. Luce says if he really wants to know what happened he should get in touch with those lawyers. She’s right, he’s sorry. Of course she’s right, affirms Luce.

Lucrecia stalks out of the room and thought-bubbles to herself that that woman ignored her threats and talked to Mauro. She’ll have to assume the consequences now. (Oh dear, Luce’s track record is pretty good right now, 1 for 1 in the death department—that we know of.)

Amaya’s Neena (aka Dolores) arrives in the city wearing her traditional regional embroidered garb. She’s very surprised when Amaya tells her she’s already divorced, although the details have to be worked out. Oddly, they are still sharing the apartment—one of the things that has to be worked out.

Over dinner, Amaya and Neena talk. Amaya goes first. Neena tells her that the way she recalled events surrounding the incident with David’s death and Florencia’s accident mirror what she knows. How does she know, Amaya wants to know. Mauro Montesinos just told her the same sequence of events. Of course, says Amaya, now she remembers her mother talking to someone named Mauro from a pay phone along the side of the road.

Amaya wants to know why she is telling her this now. Neena continues, Mauro wasn’t aware she had survived the accident or that Neena had raised her until the day he saw you. The day he had his heart attack. He thought you were Florencia. Amaya remembers Mauro calling her Florencia.

Neena admits her lies about the lands, but there were a thousand reasons to lie. (One reason being Cip, the greedy bastard who wanted to get his hands on the land and the threats by the lawyers after telling her the lands were sold, both valid reasons at the time.) Even though she was told the lands had been sold, she knew Florencia would never sell them unless it was vital to their survival. Now, Max and Mauro are telling her differently—the lands were not sold to the Montesinos.

Fri Nov 14 - Part 4

What do Max and Mauro have to do with all this, Amaya wants to know. Her lands are located inside the El P. boundaries and it’s exactly where Max has started cultivating the special coffee for his new product.

Neena tells her now it’s up to her to decide what to do next, but she will support any decision she makes. She tells her to take her time. She asks Amaya abruptly if she is still in love with Max. Amaya says yes, but he is marrying the daughter of her boss in a couple of weeks, so, it’s over before it began (something Max also said awhile back.) Neena says they won’t have a romantic relationship, but she will be connected to him through a business relationship. She has some advice. If she doesn’t want that type of relationship, she could sell the lands to El Paraíso and forget it all.

Consta is rambling on to Max about the travel itinerary for their honeymoon. Max is looking off into the distance. His honeymoon is the last thing on his mind. He’s wishing he and Amaya had met under different circumstances. The coffee project and her lands would have been a perfect fit. He lost her “como mujer” as probably business partner. (Max’s use of mujer is interesting since we usually hear it referred to someone with whom there has been some intimacy; mujer is also used to refer to a man’s wife. So is all
this wishful thinking on Max’s part? Hmmm.)

Now he doesn’t know what decision Amaya will make. The more he tries to leave Amaya in the past, the more impossible it is.

Horacio and Emma have had a little nookie and are now having some pillow talk. The subject happens to be Emma’s best friend in the world (but not forever, dearie), Lucrecia, and how she shares everything in her life with her, but she rarely shares anything with her about her life (which should be a red buzzer going off in your head, dearie). Horacio is pithed. It isn’t prudent. He works with her son and her husband is the CEO. Emma doesn’t think Luce will say anything, even accidentally. Horacio says she shouldn’t have opened her mouth.

Mauro and César are having a father-son chat on the bed in Mauro’s room. Cece is fidgety. Mauro wished César had come to the hacienda. They all had such a good time. He couldn’t. Too much work. Someone has to run the business. Mauro agrees, that’s what he likes in Cece: focused, responsible and dedicated. Cece adds, not like Max or Flavia. Mauro finally brings up the Zona Estrella. Cece hopes he’s not planning to give away those lands to Max as a wedding present. No. He’ll take up the matter with him on Monday in the office.

Fri Nov 4 - Part 5

Cipriano and Mariana are also having a late night chat over dinner. He tells her Ulises wanted his whole family there at El Deseo. If she’s still determined not to give up her current job (which she lies about where it is she’s working), maybe, as a personal favor she would go tell him herself. He doesn’t want Uli thinking it’s all coming from him and he won’t lose the opportunity Uli is giving them. Mari mentions that she met Uli and doesn’t particularly like him, but finally agrees, on one condition, that he start treating her mother decently. He swears he will, grinning from ear to ear (and probably keeping his fingers and toes crossed). Very well, says Mari, tell his patron she’ll see him tomorrow afternoon.

Hector and Iván are also having a late night chat. He warns Iván that Mariana probably will stop working for him now. Why? Now that her sister will become very wealthy, she will probably assume many of the family’s expenses, starting with Mari’s schooling. Iván doesn’t think she’ll accept that. Mariana seems like an independent young woman who wants to do things for herself. Hector reminds him she was only working to be able to cover the amount of money she needs as a result of losing her scholarship (which Iván had a lot to do with). But he needs her here to help him now that Jorge will be in Mexico City.

Hector says he doesn’t doubt he needs her, but advises him to be careful, she’s turned his head. He can see how Iván looks at her. He doesn’t want his son to be disillusioned. Money changes people.

Later alone, and with a heavy heart, Ivan says he doesn’t want Mariana to change or to leave. He wants her close to him.

Flavia is flipping through her tablet with the pictures of Iván. She’ll have to go back to the hacienda soon. She had no idea she’d find someone she likes as much as Iván.

Max is driving home from Consta’s when he gets a phone call from Amaya. He’s surprised she called. That’s nothing to the surprise she had. They agree to meet and talk about the Zona Estrella first thing in the morning in his office. Yes, it’ll be before his engagement party, but this matter is a priority. “Will it be just the two of us, she asks. “Yes,” he answers, “just you and I.”

Fri Nov 14 - Part 6

Left out this scene. It's important.

Ulises asks Efrain about Flavia. Well, she's hardly ever at the hacienda. They all left today. Except for Max, no one from the family comes. Uli wants to be informed if they return. Ef asks if he's still interested in Mariana. Yes, he is, but Flavia will open doors for him among the other important land owners and Mariana--well, she'll be there to give him many hours of pleasure. (I wonder if he's going to get any pleasure out of those Ninja moves Mariana used on Ivan, the first time Uli tries out that pleasure thing.)

I'll check in when I can next week.

Anita, your recap is incredibly detailed, and I really appreciate this huge effort on your part.

WIKIPEDIA has a very large article on the topic of surnames, and it can be very complicated - especially now that many women retain their maiden name, etc.

Below I pasted only one component.
You probably understand this far better than I do. I don't know what the LA countries do in this regard.


In Spain, upon marrying, a woman does not change her surname. In some instances, such as high society meetings, and with no legal value, the husband's surname can be added after the woman's surnames using the preposition de. One Leocadia Blanco Álvarez, married to a Pedro Pérez Montilla, may be addressed as Leocadia Blanco de Pérez or as Leocadia Blanco Álvarez de Pérez. This format is not used in everyday settings and has no legal value.[8]

Anita, thank you so much. Your recaps are so wonderful! How many times can I say how much I enjoy this show and your recap of the events adds to that. Oh boy, I think there's gonna be a whole lotta eeevil going on before our two lovers ever get together. Lucrecia and Ceasar are dangerous! Anybody think Lucrecia is behind that plane exploding? I'd have to go back and look at a few scenes and read your recaps to be sure but this certainly sounds like her handiwork. I

I would like Max and Amaya to declare their love to one another but I don't dislike Constanza. The only thing she's done I don't care for is trying to use her Father to manipulate Max. Unless she does something dastardly I wouldn't enjoy seeing her get hurt. Will "they" actually let Max marry Constanza? Will Sal try to break up the wedding? Would Max dare call it off? Next week should be good! So far every episode is substantial! See y'all later.


You're way ahead of me on the explosion. I hadn't taken it that far. You are most likely 100% correct.

NOTE: I'm posting the new weeks now. See you over there.

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