Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #56 11/3/14 Chava Gets the Bum's Rush

From Friday:
Dani returns the medal to Lucas.
Nandito thanks Ramon for the puzzle.
New: (Some scenes have been combined)
Sofia tells Pato that she's decided to let Salvador go. Pato is glad that Sofia has finally realized that Cruz is dangerous. Sofia disagrees, "He's an excellent employee. But he won't achieve his dreams by working here." Sofia gave Salvador his severance check but he refused to take it. Pato calls Chava an idiot and offers to throw him out. Sofia scolds him, "Don't be rude. Let Silvana handle it. You need to stay out of it."
Nandito hugs Ramon and Ramon kisses his cheek. They fist bump, then Nandito runs to Armie. Irma says, "Adios Ramon." He thanks Irma for letting him see his son and asks for her forgiveness. She walks away from him. Armie approaches Ramon and asks Marina to give them some privacy.
I guess Irma figures she's done enough.
Silvana tells Sofia that her doctor has prescribed vitamins and told her to minimize her stress. Sofia hands Silvana a folder and an envelope and explains that Silvana must convince Chava to leave the company. Silvana wants to know what happened, "Did you... go all the way?" Sofia confesses that she and Chava kissed. "I'm engaged. It shouldn't have happened and I want to make sure it doesn't happen again. Make sure Salvador signs whatever documents he needs to sign. And make sure Patricio doesn't get involved." Silvana assures Sofia that she will take care of everything.
Fire Salvador and lose Pato? That ain't happening.

Armando sits down next to Ramon and gestures toward Nandito, "I should tell him the truth someday. That the guy he met in Guadalajara is his real father." Ramon grimaces in pain, "No. That isn't necessary." Armie tells Ramon that he's always been honest with Nandito. Ramon nods, "No one could have been a better father than you. Thank you." Armando puts out his hand and Ramon takes it.
In Pato's office, Silvana teases Pato about the little romance going on between his fiancée and her chauffeur. "Sofia kissed her driver! Now she's letting him go to keep temptation away!" Pato doesn't think it's funny. Silvana teases him some more, "Are you afraid he'll steal her away?" Naomi comes in to remind them about the video conference with the clients in Brazil. 
"I guess I better go rescue your bride. I wonder if Salvador is a good kisser, tesoro." She runs the file up Pato's body and giggles, "I'm just joking, joking, joking."
So... the chauffeur drives Sofia crazy....
After Silvana leaves Pato calls Renzi. "It's time to pressure my mother-in-law."
"So I should send her the next letter?"
"Be careful. Don't make any mistakes."
Pato hangs up, "I love seeing Greta panic. I love it."  
Sofia's video conference with the Brazilians isn't going well. She defends the Ripoll company's reputation, "Of course the formulas are ours! You don't actually believe those stories?'"
Don't try to screw us out of our chocolates!
Sofia gets angry, "Are you just using those rumors to try to get a better deal?" The Brazilians are not swayed, "We have no other option but to cancel the contract." Sofia shuts off the video feed and throws down the remote.
And you can kiss our Brazilian Butt-Lifted behinds, lady.
In the parking lot Pato tells Chava he's been called to the HR office. Chava thinks being a messenger boy really suits Pato.
"You've been fired from this company, Cruz!"
Chava tells Pato he's going to talk to Sofia. She can still change her mind.

You want some more of this, pretty boy?
Lupe' and her friend talk about the neighborhood crime wave. "Last night I came home and someone had pried my door open! My TV is gone!"
Lupe' tells her about the two girls who were robbed a few nights ago. "What is going on in this neighborhood?"
In her office, Silvana tells Chava that she is very sorry to see him go but she has to follow Sofia's orders. She encourages him to talk to Sofia. "Convince her that she needs you close to her."
Pato consoles Sofia about losing the contract. "I would have handled it differently, but... now it's done." Sofia asks if Silvana has talked to Chava. Pato isn't sure what's going on. After all, he agreed to let Silvana handle things. 
So you lost the contract. What's a few million dollars?
In the lobby, Chava asks Noemi to call Sofia and tell her that he wants to talk to her. Pato comes out of the office and yells at Noemi to call security. Pato shoves Chava and tells him that he no longer works there. "If you don't leave quietly, Cruz, you'll leave another way." Chava tries to go to Sofia's office but is met in the hall by security guards. They grab his arms and push him toward the door. Marisol sees what is happening. She yells at Pato, "What's going on here?"
"As of this moment your brother no longer works here!"
While Chava is being shoved out the door, Sofia is in her office remembering The Kiss. "It's for the best, Sofia." she tells herself. "It's for the best."
Pato oversees the security guards who push Chava across the parking lot to the gate. Pato yells at the guards, "This man doesn't work here anymore. He is no longer allowed access." Chava yells at the guards to get their hands off him! He needs to talk to Sofia. She will straighten this out! Pato tells the guards to throw Chava out. The guards grab him and shove him into the street. The gate slams behind him.
Even White House fence jumpers don't get treated this badly.
Silvana runs into Sofia's office, "The guards kicked Salvador out! Patricio got involved and the whole thing got out of control!" Sofia runs to see what happened. Silvana looks very pleased about the whole incident.
Marisol yells at Matias about Chava getting thrown out. "What did he do? Why did they treat him like that?" Matias tells her to calm down. He'll talk to Silvana and she'll explain everything.
Sofia confronts Pato, "I told you to stay out of it!" Pato tells her he only got involved because Cruz was being stubborn. Sofia asks Silvana, "Did Salvador get his money? Please make sure he gets it." After Sofia leaves, Silvana tells Pato that he messed up. "You made Salvador look like a martyr and you were the executioner."
"I couldn't let him talk to Sofia and convince her to let him stay."
Araceli sees Chava on the street and asks, "What's wrong?"
"This is the happiest day of my life. And the saddest. Sofia fired me."
Dani yells at Sofia, "How could you be so rude? I thought you liked Salvador! How could you treat him like that?"
"The decisions I make don't concern you."
Dani calls Sofia an ogre and tells her she's getting more like Greta every day.
Matias demands that Silvana tell him what Chava did wrong. "How could you do this to him?"
Silvana replies, "It wasn't my decision, it was the Director of this company. Whether we like it or not, it was her decision. Sofia is like the rest of us. She makes mistakes."
Araceli asks, "Did you.... sleep with her?"
Chava tells her that he and Sofia kissed. "It was like a confession without words. She loves me."
Araceli tells him to come back to reality. "You are in two different worlds. You two would never work out. You don't belong in the world of the rich. They replace love with money."
Well yeah, I did kick you to the curb, Chava.
But that was before someone else wanted you.
In the break room Matias, Lucas, Marisol and Dani talk about Chava. Marisol insists that they had no right to fire a good person like that. Dani says she asked why Chava was fired but Sofia wouldn't tell her anything. Marisol gets sarcastic, "So she went all Ripoll on you."
Araceli and Chava walk and talk. Araceli confesses that she never stopped loving Chava. The guy in Monterrey was a mistake. Chava stops and turns to Araceli. He wants to make something clear. He loves Sofia and only Sofia.
"But what if she doesn't choose you? What if you end up old and bitter?"
Chava thinks about it, "We'll see."
On the phone, Pato tells Renzi that Chava kissed Sofia. "He's dangerous. I have to make sure he never returns."
Renzi says that Peralta is getting impatient about buying up the neighborhood property. Renzi has a plan, "It's time to get tougher with them. They'll get in line to sell their houses."
Greta tells Fausto that Oliver will come over this afternoon to start teaching Dani. Fausto warns that Dani may think of a tutor as some kind of punishment for falling in love with a poor boy and defending a good cook. Greta shows him the photo of Oliver. Fausto raises his eyebrows, "He's very attractive." Greta confesses that she hired Oliver to help Dani get over Lucas.
Marisol comes in to talk to Sofia. "Chava was really happy working for you. He got up early so he could be at your service. Why did you fire him?"
"It was time for him to move on, to pursue his dream of racing cars."
Marisol tells her that Chava doesn't have the money to get back into racing. "How is he supposed to get money now that he doesn't have a job? Can't he come back?"
"No. This is for his own good." Sofia holds out an envelope. "This is his compensation, plus a bonus. Will you give it to him?"
Marisol shakes her head. "No. You'll have to do that yourself."
Deliver it myself? Oh, crap.
Four thugs meet with Renzi. They check their guns as he gives instructions. "Be sure to do a clean job. I mean dirty job." They all laugh, then the thugs head out the door.
Lupe' is surprised to see Chava, "What are you doing here?"
"I was fired. Sofia says she no longer needs a driver."
Lupe' is shocked, "I hope you got severance pay."
"I wouldn't take it."
Lupe' doesn't understand. "But if Sofia said she doesn't need a driver..."
Chava looks determined. "She does. I'll stay."
Marisol tells Lucas that Sofia wouldn't tell her why Chava was fired. Lucas shows her a class schedule. He promised Miguelina that he would finish school. Marisol hasn't finished school yet either. She suggests that they apply together and study together. Lucas grins, "When I finish I can be somebody."
Marisol takes his face in her hands, "You're somebody to me." Dani appears in the hall just in time to see Marisol kiss Lucas.
Lupe' gives Chava a cup of tea. If he wants to race cars he's going to need some money. Lupe is sure that Chava can find a better job. Lupe cautiously tells Chava, "I asked Araceli if she would help me get a divorce from Javier the Dirtbag." Chava jumps out of his chair, "That's good news! You're finally doing it!"
Sofia finds Dani crying over Lucas. She tells Dani that she needs a Prince. Or at least someone with more $$$ than Lucas. "You deserve someone better. Dad would never have approved of Lucas." Or Chava for that matter. Dani asks how Sofia could possibly understand since she's never been in love. Sofia protests, "I'm marrying Patricio."
Dani scoffs, "You and Patricio?? What do you know about love?"
Lupe' explains that she always hoped that Javier would change. But he never did and the only time he called was when he needed money. But now, Paco has told her he is interested in a relationship and Lupe' can't date him as long as she is a married woman. Chava congratulates her; he's happy for both of them! Lupe' wonders how Marisol will take the news. Chava tells her not to worry. He'll take care of Marisol.  
Aurora gives Greta an urgent telegram. People still send telegrams? Who knew? She opens it and stares.
(Why hasn't Greta donated that cracked cup to a poor person?)
Greta calls Pato in a panic. He tells her to relax. "But it didn't come to Sofia by mail! It came to me! By telegram!" Sofia comes into his office and Pato says loudly, "Of course, Greta. I'd love to come to lunch!" He hangs up. Sofia checks her watch, "Let's go. I'm glad she's beginning to like you." Pato smiles, "I have my tricks."
Pato and Sofia walk to the car. He wants to marry her as soon as possible. Sofia reminds him they still have to plan the wedding. He suggests that they have a small wedding. In the backyard. And they can use online invitations! And paper plates and cups and plastic tableware! We can even get a bucket of chicken! He cajoles her, "I don't want to wait another 3 months. I want to wake up with you. I want to start a family. Don't you?"
"Well...sure." Sofia looks at Pato and suddenly kisses him, hard.
Good grief. He tastes like skunk butt and sardines.
Pato starts to kiss her back but Dani interrupts. "Can I get a ride with you."
Pato opens the door for Sofia, then wipes her kiss off his lips.
Frilly Pink Tutu is not my shade.
Irma offers to make lunch for Armie and Chava but Armie wants to go out instead. He wants to talk privately with Chava. Irma reminds Chava that he is Nandito's godfather and he hasn't seen him for a while. Chava feels torn, like he's being forced to make a choice. Chava looks squarely at Irma, "But one of you already made a choice." He follows Armie out the door. Irma looks like she's up to something.
What kind of coo-coo bird is hatching inside that head?
Sofia and Pato arrive at the mansion. She's going upstairs to change. He tells her to take her time. Fausto tells Pato that Greta is waiting for him in her studio.
Armie and Chava walk through the hood. Armie tells him about meeting Ramon, who, though very sick, was a gentleman. Chava tells Armie that he did the right thing. Armie asks why Chava isn't at work. Chava tells him about getting fired for kissing Sofia. "She won't admit she's in love with me." Armie has his doubts, after all, Sofia is getting married. Chava vows, "As long as Sofia is free, I still have a chance."
Fausto follows Sofia into her room, "Why did you fire Salvador?"
"He drives me crazy. He gets my head all up in the clouds and makes me have dreams. But my life is with Patricio!"
Greta asks Pato why someone would send the messages. "They want money."
"But they haven't asked for any money."
"They want to keep upsetting you so that when they ask you'll give them anything they want." He stares at Greta, "Who knew your secret?"
"Only Octavio and his friend Martin Coria. But they are both dead."
"One other person knows."
Greta looks shocked, "Who?"
"Sofia's real father."
Paco is cleaning at the store. He remembers Greta's visit. "No, Greta. I have to forget you."
Greta insists, "That's not possible!"
Patricio prods her, "Why? Is he dead too?"
"No. He never knew she was his child."
"He only needs to suspect it."
End of Episode.
Lucas drops off Dani's radar when she sees Oliver.
Renzi's gunmen hit Paco's store.


Xint, the recap was wonderful. But, your screen shots and captions were amazing. Honestly? I laughed out loud at every caption.

"And you can kiss our Brazilian Butt-Lifted behinds, lady" and "Even White House fence jumpers don't get treated this badly" were hysterical. You were on fire!

"(Why hasn't Greta donated that cracked cup to a poor person?)" what an eye for detail you have! The conversation translations were such a treat and greatly appreciated.

"Silvana wants to know what happened, "Did you... go all the way?" Is Silvana not watching her own show? Girl, it was a miracle they kissed, were you really expecting anything else? Well, at least not until DZ shows up ;)

"Chava vows, "As long as Sofia is free, I still have a chance." You have to give him credit for persistence.

Can't help but wonder exactly needs to happen to stop this wedding. It looks like Renzi's goons might supply the answer. Will Chava be hurt? Will Sophia fly to the rescue? Must see TV.

Xint, you are the best!


I always love your captions!

Xlnt, wonderful recap. You were in excellent form. I agree with Diana on all of the captions she mentioned but my two faves were the ". . . skunk butt and sardines." and ". . . coo-coo bird . . ." ones.

Well now that I am back from my little vaca from this one and fastforwarded through the episodes I missed:

What can I say? Things are getting overtly ugly: from the good people of the colonia being strong armed by Renzi to try to make them capitulate and sell their property to Chava being fired and physically removed from the Ripoll factory to Patricio wiping Sofía's kiss off his mouth. I am still hoping Silvana's vested interest in Patricio will throw a wrench in what he is planning for the company and Sofía.Glad to see that Chava is just more inspired to change Sofía's mind.


Great job Xint

"Even White House fence jumpers don't get treated this badly."

" Well yeah, I did kick you to the curb, Chava.
But that was before someone else wanted you."

Admittedly, I've just surfed in and out on this one so can someone help me? I know Irma had a thing with Ramon for years and Nandito their child but when did that end? When he went to the pen?


tofie, I can't remember exactly either. She must have started seeing Armando either right after or while she was still with Ramon, since apparently there was no issue about her gestation period. Armando never guessed.

It seems like the Brazilians canceling their contract on account of stolen formulas is ok, since Ripoll is guilty of that. It won’t be until Greta restores Paco to master chocolatier (or emeritus) that the score is settled and they can get back to making honest chocolate.

In Fea, AV and it appears this story, the upper class characters’ businesses get destroyed; it’s a great leveler and could be the mechanism giving Greta and Sofía the revelation they need to get with their true loves.

It’s just going to be painful to watch; Patricio & Co destroying Ripoll and the neighborhood. What is it going to take to make Silvana realize she’s wrong about Sofía — and make Patricio less attractive.

Xlnt – Thanks for my afternoon laughs. Excellent recap and pics. Loved it all, but this caption should go into the Hall of Fame: And you can kiss our Brazilian Butt-Lifted behinds, lady.

Pato hangs up, "I love seeing Greta panic. I love it." -- Dang, I have something in common with Pato. Not feeling sorry for Greta. It's nuts that she won't confess to Fausto. She needs his brainpower to help her with this mess.

Poor Sofia. She tried to see if she could generate the Chava kiss magic (ya’ll, stop laughing!) with Pato, but it fell flat flat flat.

I don't blame Pato for trying to wipe off the kiss though. The makeup department has been going overboard lathering lipstick on Sofia (Marjorie is gorgeous and certainly needs no extras). Even a strong swipe and rub by Pato didn't remove it from his mouth.

I loved Dani pointing out to Sofia that she isn’t in love with Pato. Okay, I get why Sofia can't bring herself to get with commoner Chava. But why marry Pato? How about Door No. 3? -- stay single.

The goodbye between Armando and Ramon was very moving. Wow, Armando had more compassion for the dying man than Irma.

Thanks Jeri. I was afraid I flat out missed something.

I really don't think Greta should get a Paco prize. Yeah, I know she was threatened with an attack on Paco but she benefited greatly as Paco contemplated decades of wth happened.

If Chava applied the same glass is always full attitude he has about his chances with Sofia to his racing career he could be the Sprint Cup champion.

Chava is too nice and should tell Araceli thanks but no thanks and stuff it.

Sofia is like her mother


Niecie, I so wish that they would stop repeating that "kiss". I'm trying to erase it from my memory.

Thanks so much, Kathy!

Armie was a real class act with Nando's sperm donor. I don't think Irma gets that he is done with her.

Kind of clever of Renzi to orchestrate a crime wave in the hood to help convince folks to sell and move.

I'm all set for Dani to have a new love interest, especially if he's being played by cutie pie Eddie Villard. Although I don't think I will get over wanting to see him with the Marisol actress or calling them Pablo and Luzma (Amor Bravio).

She actually explained the pregnancy to Armando right after confessing. She had just started talking, but wasn't serious yet, with Armando, which helped her decide to leave Ramon, but when she went to tell Ramon to kiss off, he convinced her to give him some farewell nookie. She also said it wasn't until years later (presumably when Marina started coming around with her birthmark) that she even realized herself that Nandito wasn't his.

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