Tuesday, November 04, 2014

La Malquerida, capitulo 51.

Skipping the old....

Esteban asks Rubio what he did to Ulises.

Ulises is curdled up in a fetal position in an empty room. His kidnapper throws him a water bottle and turns to leave. Ulises tries to rush the kidnapper but he quickly turns and points the gun at Ulises. Ulises demands to talk to Nuria but the kidnapper ignores him and leaves.

Rubio gets b!tchslapped when he tells Esteban that he sent Ulises over the border with some undocumented workers. Esteban says he never asked Rubio to hurt Ulises. Not directly but you implied it replies Rubio. Esteban calls him an idiot and punches him in the face. He demands to know where Ulises is and starts kicking Rubio to get some answers. Rubio finally answers that he doesn't know and Esteban points out that he has caused a big mess. Rubio asks for forgiveness and Esteban walks away angrily only to pick up a machete. Rubio tries to crawl away asking Esteban not to hurt him. He kisses his boots and begs for his life.

Cris understands that Juliana had to file a police report since it was important to her to have Manuel set up his business. Juliana lies and says how awful she feels having to do this and it affecting Acacia so badly. Cris acknowledges that Acacia feels hurt and lied to. I regret ever trusting that boy. Juliana says because of all this, Manuel doesn't want to go to San Jaciento to take his therapies. He was to be close by Acacia to comfort her. Cris appreciates it but hopes Manuel doesn't get his hopes up again. Juliana assures Cris that Manuel would never take the opportunity while Acacia is down to try to get closer to her. She may not want to fall in love for a while. Cris hopes she gets better soon. Juliana goes on about making Ulises pay and suddenly Carmen walks in and says her son is innocent. Carmen understands that Cris may be upset but asks that she listen to her, mother to mother.

Esteban is riding his horse like a crazy man.

Carmen knows that Cris's family wants nothing to do with Ulises or Arturo. She assures Cris that her son is not a delinquent. Juliana is bothered by Carmen's words. How can you say this in front of me? I was the one he defrauded. Carmen repeats that her son is innocent. Cris points out that the contract Juliana signed and that of another woman for the same location where both signed by Ulises. I understand as a mother that this is all painful to hear but your son committed fraud. He also betrayed my daughter and I don't want you to step foot here again. Carmen cries and Juliana pretty much just smirks.

Esteban is at the location where he stalks/spies at Acacia. He recalls the kiss she gave him and because all hot and bothered. He asks the horse how could Rubio do such a thing? This passion is consuming my soul.

Juliana tells Carmen that they all may be going thru difficult times but she wants to talk about Andres. Carmen says the only thing she cares about is the well-being of her son. She tries leaving but Juliana stops her. She wants to know the real reasons Andres is supporting her son. Because he deserves it answers Carmen. He is wonderful says Juliana. I was thinking he was doing this in memory of our past history. I don't know how much you know about us. Of course I do reassures Carmen. Unlike you and your husband, Andres and I have no secrets between us. And if both of us support German is not because of you but because he deserves it. (damn, she just got a verbal b!tchslap. And thankfully it wipes that stupid smirk off of Juliana's face. Well for a second anyway). Juliana asks if she's positive about that. She was always his greatest love. You were once but I am now his woman replies Carmen. And instead of telling me all this, perhaps you should tell your husband. Why are you hiding? Carmen walks off with that final verbal slap and Juliana calls her an idiot. (No, my dear. That would be you).

Ulises tries to unlock the door and hears a woman crying. The kidnapper brings a woman and shoves her in the room. Ulises takes off her blindfold and says he wants to help her take off the ties on her hands. Did you see those muscles on him? Not bad even though he's wearing a wife beater which I hate. I never understand why those shirts were called that.

Elenita tells Juan Carlos as she cuddles with Acacia that she regrets ever accepting Ulises. Juan Carlos wants them all to surround Acacia and take care of her. He warns that if Ulises dares show his face, he has no idea what he will do to him. He should never have resigned from the committee and let Ulises go forward with his construction plans. What am I to tell my fellow colleagues? Elenita tells Juan Carlos to calm down and Esteban just walks up in Acacia's room like he owns the place. He wonders how she is doing? Elenita says the doctor gave her a tranquilizer that put her to sleep but when she awakens it will start all over again. Esteban hopes that doesn't happen. Elenita leaves to make some tea and Juan Carlos follows. Esteban is alone in the room with Acacia and goes to her bedside. He tells her that everything will change and things will get better. Cris walks in and sees Esteban crying.

Rubio is putting some ice on his quickly turning black eye. Luisa walks in and Rubio asks where she's been. She ignores him and asks what happened to him. Rubio lies and says some guys who tries to rob her computer. Rubio says he's has a string of bad luck. Luisa asks if the patron has seen him and Rubio mumbles into his handkerchief that the patron is the one that hit him. When Luisa asks what he said, he answers that the patron already saw him. Luisa tells Rubio to sit down and she starts patching him up.

Esteban tells Cris that he loves Acacia very much. But I love you more. Cris says that both loves are different. Esteban doesn't want to keep fighting but Cris doesn't want to hear it. We will talk after I see Hector. Esteban relents but hopes she will listen to him next time he says the guy her daughter is with is no good. Cris goes to comfort a sleeping Acacia and says out loud that she needs to stand firm when it comes to Esteban. It is about her dignity. She loves him and knows he loves her but doesn’t understand his jealousies. She tells Acacia that Esteban loves her bunches which is why it makes her love him more.

Luisa tells Ale how badly she feels when Esteban threw Arturo off the hacienda. Ale can't believe everything that is going on. Poor Acacia. She is so in love with him says Luisa. She tells Ale to go eat dinner and she will keep watch over Acacia. Ale leaves and Luisa pulls out a box containing a pill and takes it. Luisa so badly wants to tell Acacia what is happening with her and Manuel. She knows it will make her happy.

Next day, Acacia is telling Cris how she feels. Cris understands and they will all be there to support her. Rosa interrupts that there is a call for Cris. Rosa sits down and tells how badly she feels for her. She offers to make her breakfast but Acacia declines. She just wants to take a walk outside and try to distract herself. Rosa leaves as Esteban nonchalantly walks in like he owns the place. Rosa gives him a look and leaves. Esteban tells Acacia he doesn’t want to bother her. He just came to tell Cris he's leaving for the meeting. Acacia wants to come with. She's done with Ulises and rips his necklace off her neck.

Carmen is crying over the phone to Andres. She is desperate to hear news of her boy. Arturo comes to tell her breakfast is ready but she can't eat. She is to distraught. Now Arturo will have no one to support him here. Arturo says Esteban is very well liked here and so is Acacia. Carmen wishes Juliana would just stop bothering her. Arturo knows they are alone in all this. There's a knock on the door and some policeman are looking for Ulises. Carmen thinks they have found Ulises, but the officer says they have just brought a summons.

Esteban doesn't think it's a good idea for Acacia to accompany. Especially after everything she went through. Acacia disagrees. Cris comes in and is glad to see Acacia up and about. She tells Cris that she will be accompanying Esteban to the meeting.

Carmen tells the officers that her son is not guilty. German shows up and asks what's going on? The officer tells Carmen to sign the document acknowledging she received the summons and that Ulises must present himself on the date and time indicated. Arturo tells her she has to sign and he takes it to sign himself. She tells the officers they need to find her son. German offers comfort and suggests they call an attorney. Carmen runs off and German tells Arturo that they need an attorney asap. Ulises signature is on both of the contracts. Arturo asks if German has seen it but big sexy just shakes his head. Arturo asks if he can get his hands on it and big sexy promises to try.

The kidnapper comes in and locks the door from inside. He throws Ulises 2 water bottles. Ulises tries to rush the kidnapper again and again the kidnapper pulls out his gun. He caresses the mystery girl and says he will take her to enjoy her. She bites him and he pistol whips her. Ulises rushes the kidnapper and they fight. The mystery girl takes the keys and opens the door only to find another masked man. This guy goes for a shovel and knocks Ulises out. Turns out the kidnappers are Memo and friend (the mugger). The friend thanks Memo for saving him.

German looks at the documents and Manuel says he's taking them to the police. German sees Edemilda Perez Lopez's contract. He asks Manuel to describe her. After his explanation, German realizes it's Danilo's ex-girlfriend aka Perla. He's been wanting to find her and now has her address.

Esteban tells Cris that Acacia can't accompany him. She is to depressed and fragile right now. Cris and the doctor think it would be best for Acacia to go away. Acacia feels your full weight of support and is comfortable with you. And if she gets sick again asks Esteban. I know you will take good care of her replies Cris. Let her go with you and help her forget Ulises. Rubio comes up and says the car is ready. Cris takes one look at him and asks who beat him up?

German and Manuel talk over Perla. Manuel wonders if Danilo is playing with both Perla and Ale. German believes so. That is why she came looking for him at the Beneviente. Manuel thinks that she just can't let go like some woman. They just keep at it. German wants to find out the truth. For Ale. Manuel hopes this will all get cleared up and Ale returns back to him. Manuel wonders what his mother would say if she found out that the woman that hit her is with Danilo. German tells Manuel not to say a word. When he returns with Cris from the meeting with Hector, he will investigate. Manuel tells him to be careful.

Rubio says someone tries to mug him. Cris asks if he really is saying the truth or did he really fight someone at the cantina? Because it wouldn't be the first time this happened. Esteban tells Cris he believes Rubio. Rubio promises not to drink after there talk and he knows he's complying. Cris thinks they need to talk to the police chief about this and Esteban promises to do it. She leaves to tell Acacia that she can accompany Esteban on his trip. Esteban thanks Rubio for being loyal, but never do anything again without his authorization.

Acacia apologizes to her grandparents for not listening to them. Juan Carlos just wants her to get better. Elenita thinks Acacia should go back with them to San Jaciento for awhile. Everything here must remind her of Ulises. Acacia would love to but wants to confront everything that is going on. Being here has brought back so many wonderful memories. And she is getting closer to her mother which is important to her. Cris walks in on this and smiles. Cris says she agrees. They are closer together now more than ever. And she finally accepted Esteban. Juan Carlos says if you ever want to come back our arms are open.

Andres and Carmen finish up talking to an attorney. Carmen thanks Andres for bringing her an attorney and coming to support her. Andres is glad she and Arturo filed a missing person report on Ulises and that they believe Nuria all this. Carmen complains about all those that are out for Ulises and that Juliana will not leave them alone until she has ruined them all. Andres asks what Juliana told her. Carmen says Juliana is furious over the whole location site and I can see that she is still in love with you. She believes you are supporting German because of what went on between you two. I have enough problems than to have to put up with her telling me that she is the love of your life. Andres quickly reassures her that he only loves her. Carmen knows but can't stand for Juliana to keep throwing it in her face. If she keeps at it, then I have no choice but to tell her off.

Rubio again asks Esteban to forgive him. He only did what he thought Esteban wanted. I will always be loyal to you. I want to be just like you. Esteban points out that he would never have done what Rubio did to that boy. Rubio says that the Esteban was able to leave his peon life behind and become a patron of the hacienda. Married the owner and could possibly have the daughter as well.

Mystery girl is giving Ulises some water as he wakes up. He calls out Acacia and realizes where he is. He doesn't know what's going on but promises to keep her safe. He wants her help. They need to talk. She says her name is (?) and that the men are really bad. Ulises asks if she knows where they are at but she doesn't. She was walking down the street and some men grabbed her. They said it was to work. I overheard they were going to pay for me.

Esteban tells Rubio to quit saying stupid things but Rubio says he only says how he sees it. I want to one day have the same thing you have. Acacia and Cris walk up and thanks Esteban for taking Acacia with him. The girls hug.

Luisa is outside the college with a friend and they are talking about a boy that likes Luisa. She says she only has eyes for Manuel. The girl wants to know if she and Manuel did the horizontal mambo. Luisa says she's waiting until he's completely crazy over her first. The girl notices a hot guy staring at them and points him out to Luisa. It's Arturo replies Luisa. Is he after you asks the girl. Of course replies Luisa. I will tell you more later. She runs off to see Arturo and greets him. She asks if Ulises has shown up. Not yet replies Arturo. I came to talk to you about what happened yesterday. I saw you behind the wall with Manuel.

German tells Cris that he can't believe that they will be showing off their work at such a prestigious gallery. His dreams are coming true. He runs off to ask if he has to register his paintings. Hector's assistant comes out of the office and Cris introduces herself. So you are the famous Cris replies the assistant. Why do you ask says Cris.

Arturo tells Luisa that he won't tell anyone what he saw. He just came to tell her that Manuel is only using her. Luisa doesn't believe him. If that were true then we would never have done....but Arturo interrupts. Now that my brother is not here, he only want to get close to Acacia again. How can you not see it? Luisa thinks that Arturo is just jealous. Arturo admits he cares for her and if Manuel really loved her, he would step aside. Luisa keeps insisting that he loves her. If that were the case then he would have no problem introducing you around replies Arturo. Even confront his mother. Luisa says they have nothing to talk about especially since his brother defrauded her boyfriend's mother and her best friend. She stomps off.

The assistant says Hector has talked of her so much that she just had to meet her. She introduces herself as Katia. Hector is on the phone but will be with you shortly. German comes up and gets introduced to Katia. Hector comes out of his office and greets Cris with a hug and kiss. He says he had such a need to see her again.

The kidnapper comes in and throws more water. He tells Ulises to get ready. He will forget his past and start working for the patron from now on until he dies. He grabs the girl by the hair while he's talking.

Hector tells German how impressed he is with his work. Hector asks Cris on Acacia's well-being. Cris says she will tell him later. Hector changes the subject back to German and his work. He really likes it and says the painting of his girlfriend is his favorite. He wants to set a date now for the exhibit. Hector offers to take them out to lunch. Cris says she can stay but German needs to return. Hector sends German with Katia to finalize some things. They leave and Hector hopes Cris will accept his invitation.

Ulises again asks why they brought him here. The kidnapper ignores him and brings in some men to stay in the room until he returns. Memo asks Ulises if he's ready to work and slaps his check. Ulises hits back and the other kidnapper tells him to calm down. Ulises doesn't understand why they locked him up. Does this have anything to do with Nuria? Ulises wants answers but the kidnapper says what's the rush? You will never leave this place. One of the men that was brought in asks what do they mean they will never leave? The guy that brought them....but Memo interrupts. He says Ulises is there for something special. You guys are going to work then we will take you across the border. Now you guys stay here until we return. He warns Ulises not to try anything unless he wants to die.

German finishes his business with Katia. German says he learned how to paint from books and the internet. Katia asks if Cris represents him. No, she's just a family friend replies German. Although that does sound like a good idea. She has always supported me and believes in me as well. So you know her well asks Katia. I thought she was going to come with her husband. German says Esteban had business to attend to. Do they have children asks Katia. German seems uncomfortable with this line of questioning.

Acacia goes to check in. the clerk is glad they made it. They are all booked up. He hands her the key and off she goes in her little white skirt.

Cris tells Hector not to take it the wrong way, but doesn't think they should be dining together. Why is that questions Hector. Are you scared that your husband will be jealous? I prefer not to do things that are good but appear bad replies Cris. Do you think eating together will awaken the great love that I once had for you asks Hector. You know that can't happen replies Cris. I am a married woman. Are you happy with him asks Hector. For many years says Cris. I want to spend all my days with him at his side. I want to be completely honest with you. If you are not in agreement, it's best we end things now.

At the hotel room, Acacia walks in and sees flowers and a plate of chocolate dipped strawberries. She goes to the bathroom and Esteban walks in. He picks up the phone and sees Acacia coming out of the bathroom. So they gave you another key to this room instead one to yours says Acacia. Esteban forgot to request another room. Acacia asks what are they going to do? The reception desk person said they were all booked up.

Manana: don't know. My power went off for a minute and didn't get to see tomorrow's episode.


Norbie & his wife still plotting epic chaos ?

"Ulises is curdled up in a fetal position in an empty room". What perfect imagery you created in that one simple sentence.

Gloria, the recap was outstanding. You related all of the intense emotions - jealousy, angst, anger, heartbreak so sensitively.

Knowing that Ulises has been spirited away, losing his freedom, his love (Acacaia) and his family with beatings, hardship as certainties and death as a possibility, and doing nothing to find him has made Esteban irredeemable. The line has been drawn, and crossed.

I was proud of Carmen, who despite her broken heart, stood up to Juliana, aiming directly for her achilles heel, her obviously terrible, non-communicative marriage to Norberto.

With the false evidence mounting and nothing to counteract it, while I grimly understood why Cris took the hard stance she did to Carmen, I was hoping that a seed of doubt remained. But, as Acacia removed the necklace, not even she harbors the slightest suspicion Uli is not guilty.

Interesting juxtaposition of the matching "Doublemint gum" outfits of Cris and Acacia. Stunning, vibrant green shirts to match their eyes. Two beautiful women. Mother and daughter. How appropriate as jealousy is indeed the green eyed monster.

Katia certainly seems interested in Cris and her family. I think she harbors a not so secret crush on Hector. Of course, can you blame her?

I hope the show is a big success for German. I really like how he is being assimilated into Carmen's family. Perhaps there he will have the love and affection he deserves.

And Arturo. Who has now lost everything - his dreams, his career and the chance for the love of his life. I hope Luisa's rebuke got through to him. He needs to let Luisa learn her lesson the hard way (unfortunately). He must now pull back and see if she finds her way back to him. He has bigger problems than this unfortunately.

Cris, if you do not have dinner with Hector, I will have to write you off. "Do you think eating together will awaken the great love that I once had for you asks Hector?" Yes, yes, we can only hope! Cris, I hate to tell you, but your husband is about to indulge in champagne and chocolate covered strawberries with your daughter. And let's hope that is all that is indulged in...

Gloria, spectacular. Thank you!


I stayed awake and watched this last night. Wheee! (It's the little victories.)

Brilliant recap, as usual, Gloria. I could not believe how much stuff was going on.

Poor Carmen! But I was so proud of her when she told Juliana off. I was shaking my head when Luisa was bragging about all the men after her. Pu-leeeeze! Boy, has she got some big heartache ahead. Art tried his best to open her eyes, but you know what they say about the one who doesn't want to see. Move on Art. There are a lot more women who would appreciate your hotness and sweetness.

Gringo- Shall we help Art with those fixings for those crow pies? Looks like it will be a big order, if Uli makes it out alive.

I wonder what job the criminals have in mind for him. The other men are clearly going to used in the drug cultivation biz before they get shoved into the desert to try to cross to the US. That poor girl will be sold into prostitution. But what will they use Ulises for?

Gloria – Stupendous recap. LM is a rich story and I can only imagine all the effort you put in to render such fab storytelling. My favorites:

damn, she just got a verbal b!tchslap

Did you see those muscles on him? (yes, indeed, I’m crushing on Ulises)

Esteban just walks up in Acacia's room like he owns the place.

I am through with Esteban – punto.

Knowing that Ulises has been spirited away, losing his freedom, his love (Acacia) and his family with beatings, hardship as certainties and death as a possibility, and doing nothing to find him has made Esteban irredeemable. The line has been drawn, and crossed.

Diana, well said. I thought he would at least give the police an anonymous tip. And he wasn’t so much beating Rubio to get information out of him as just blowing off steam for his pent-up horniness.

In my fantasy ending for Ulises, he escapes the coyotes, the whole truth comes out, and Acacia comes running back -- crying, whining, and annoying – to him and he does a Clark Gable “Frankly, my dear I don’t give a damn.” Then he joins his true love, that pretty girl that was held in captivity with him.

I’m sick of Cris too. Yes, I get that she’s upset about Acacia's hurt, but the most whiny suffered was heartbreak. It’s not like Acacia is knocked up or lost her own money. But Carmen’s son is missing. Cris could have at least listened to Carmen. Plus, Acacia picks a micro-miniskirt to ride alongside Esteban to a business meeting in San Jaciento?

Yay, glad Arturo gave Luisa some straight talk. He, Carmen, and German are the smartest folks in this show right now. I like that German is slowly unraveling the mystery of Perla and Danilo. But what will happen if he shows up at Perla’s address?

Something tells me Manuel was thinking about Luisa when he said of Perla that some females just won't give up. I hope Luisa's school friend goes after Arturo.

Now who ordered the chocolate covered strawberries. But maybe this is standard at some hotels and I've been missing out.

Vivi, yay, you were able to stay up for a great episode.

Vivi, I hate to say it but Luisa is indeed running neck and neck with Acacia for the women receiving the most attention. Some suitors, some stalkers and some, simply inappropriate.

Acacia: Uli, Este and Manuel.
Luisa: Rubio, Arturo and Manuel.

I don't know what Uli's captors are thinking of doing with him. Why is he still alive? Do they think he will serve some useful purpose down the line, or do they just want to continue to see him suffer? I thought I saw a distinct look of fear and shivering in his eyes at one point. What a terrible situation. I'm really loathing Este all the more.

Niecie, you are totally right. While Cris believes Uli and Nuria ran off together, Carmen was obviously distraught and deserved better than to leave and never come back. Where IS Nuria - is she dead or alive?


Thank you Gloria---You always blow me away with your recaps, they're always so complete, you never miss even a sentence. You always give us a great read.

Gloria---I loved your line about the bitch slap. I say, kudos to Carmen. I'm for anyone who can take it to Juliana. Juliana is pretty on the outside but a pure bitch on the inside.

Vivi---Yes, Art will need help cooking the crow dinner. At first I thought that Rosa would be doing the cooking but no, Rosa will be seated at the big table along with all the others eating their well deserved crow.

That poor kidnapped girl/young lady. Prostitution, sex slavery,
drugs, I don't think that there are anvils big enough for DevilDan
pretty eyes and the henchies.

Niecie in MD---I absolutely love your ending scenario for Ulises. Acacia comes running back--crying,
whining and annoying. Then Ulises goes into Clark Gable mode and after a "My dear Acacia, frankly, I don't give a damn," runs off with the pretty captive. That would be so great and a fitting ending.

I don't know what will happen in the hotel room tonight but my guess is that the writers are just playing with us again---my guess is that nothing will happen but in any case, it's must see tv.
the gringo


Thank you for the recap.

Diana, you took the words out of my mouth. Last night I was thinking that Katia seemed to have a crush on Hector. It was very obvious. Poor German had to be the one to answer her questions about Cris. But even so I think it will be a good opportunity for German.

So let me see if I understood this correctly: Esteban told Rubio to get rid of Ulises, Rubio gets DanEvil involved, and Memo and I'm assuming the guy who attacked German kidnap a girl to bring her to most likely work in the brothel, and they want Ulises to work for them doing what?

Luisa is making a mistake choosing Manuel over Arturo. I am still wondering if she will end up pregnant.

TF- I don't think the audience has been told yet what the traffickers want Uli to do. It was pretty funny when the field workers started to get upset when they heard Uli would NEVER get his freedom, thinking it applied to them. Little do they know it just might. Many of those bodies being found all around Mexico are poor migrants who were duped into working for the drug cartels cultivating fields, packaging drugs, or digging tunnels, in exchange for a trip across the US border or money to send to their families. The cartels often find it easier to kill them, than to run the risk that they'll talk to the authorities. It's a nasty business, but shows how easy it is for the poor and vulnerable to be exploited and discarded, and how these drug/human trafficking gangs do just that.

Oh and I got a kick out of Juliana's lame attempt to get a rise out of Carmen. Carmen is so much smarter than that. I loved to see her turn the table on Juliana.

I agree with you Niecie. German, Carmen, and Arturo seem to be the smart characters right now. I think Hector's role in all of this will become more prominent. All the other characters pretty much annoy me, especially the main 3. I do sympathize with Ale and Uli right now though and maybe Perla too.


Thanks for explaining that to me. And I agree I think Uli has a better chance getting out of that situation.

Where's Nuria? Honestly I wish she would be where Uli is right now. Maybe not in the situation this mystery girl is in but paying for what she did.

Thank you Gloria for your wonderful and prompt recap. Don't know how you do it, but you do! After his beating Rubio does some major kissing up to Este. This was said by Rubio, it just rolled if his tongue real fast. He was telling Este he wanted to be just like him. That he was a peon and is now patron, married to Patrona and can even have the daughter . Then he adds admiringly, "Yo se de lo que es capaz". Translation "I know what you are capable of....." It was subtle hint to me, that maybe he knows or saw Este get rid of Alfonso. Perhaps Norberto had the same idea, but Esteban beat him to it. Norberto is always exasperated with Este being so shrewd. Only other thing is that i knew Acacia is weak and her faith in him has always been shaky. She sure looks giddy with Este in advances. Yes, Niece, Uly needs to pull a Clark Gable on Acacia. What little faith she had in her man. He so much better off with someone else. Sorry Gringo I dont think she quite a Godess.

Novella lover- I caught that bit that Rubio said. Yes, Rubio seems to have deep insight to the darkest places in Este's soul. That either comes from some kind of insight, having seem Este do something dark, or both.

Having seen Este do something dark...

Since I missed much of the first epis, I didn't see how Alonso's death/murder played out. Seems like there is still the possibility that it could have either been Este or Norbie.

Thanks, gloria, for fitting this recap into your busy life. I think that nothing will happen in that hotel room. I also think that Este will try to figure out where Uly is because he is horny and stupid but not truly evil.

Novella lover and Vivi: I'm almost hesitant to say this (because my recollection can be shaky at best), but I thought we were farily certain Norberto was behind Alonso's demise.

I recall a flashback where Norberto started the rock slide (perhaps I had a bad dream??)


Hmm. I thought that we knew for sure that Norb killed Alonso.

TF, if I were a betting woman, I would say Luisa ends up pregnant.

There usually has to be one pregnancy per TN "law" and as Ale isn't, I'm fairly certain it will be Luisa.


Susanlynn, thanks. I think we are right on this.


Thanks ladies for telling me that we saw Norbie do the dirty deed. The doubt had been mentioned by others before.

Yeah, I wondered if it wasn't already too late when we saw Luisa taking a birth control pill this episode. How many times have she and Manuel had unprotected sex already?

Diana, I didnt even see that episode. But I remember that Aca has nightmares and she remembers seeing Este there on horseback. So I believe Norb had every intention of doing the murderous deed but what was Este doing there? I am probably wrong, but I wonder why Rubio said that statement about knowing what Este is capable of.

I agree, Diana. I said before that out of our 3 young ladies who have recently done the deed with their men, she seems the most likely one to end up pregnant.

I remember there being some type of clue thar Norbie killed Alonso. Viewerville only saw the person's pants and shoes, I believe, and I don't think he changed his clothes afterwards.

Diana, yup good chance its Luisa getting preggers. I wont be surprised if Manual, jerk that he is, suggests she quietly get rid if it or "its over." OR he will deny its his altogether. Something ratty for sure.

I remember Norberto was behind Alonso's "accident" too. But after seeing how Esteban is keeping quiet about Ulises's abduction, I'm wondering if Este figured out what Norberto did and has kept quiet about it all this time.

Just a crazy thought. After Alonsos accident, Este started leaving little surprises for Acacia, guilt maybe???? You know tn's sometimes make things seem a certain way, than pull rug from under us. I think Nuria is off on vacay or starting a new grift job.

I agree that Uly should end up with the pretty captive..but he probably will end up with whiny, spoiled Ack.

Good analogy, very possible.

Since Este is the only good guy (?) who knows that Uly was disappeared, he is going to have tomrecover his ethics and try to figure out who did this and uncover the evil named Danilo.

Interesting theory, Niecie.

If Esteban is covering up for Norbie, what's in it for him? Is it possible that he too wanted control over La Benavente and was able to beat Norbie to it by getting closer to a widowed Cris? Is he really in love with her?

Este has to be the one who uncovers the evil of Dan and Norb because he is the only good guy who knows Uly was abducted. He has to snap,out of his obsession.

Novella lover---Acacia is not a goddess in actions but in her bikini she is.

If Luisa ends up pregnant and Manuel denies it, there is always DNA.

got to run for today.
the gringo


TF - I think Esteban was in love with Cris from the start, just as he says. He would have had no motive to keep quiet if he found out about Norberto's hit on Alonso after the fact, unless he wanted to hold something over Norberto's head, just in case, when the time comes.

We are seeing that Esteban's morals are very fluid. I am very disturbed that he can just flounce off with Acacia when he knows full Ulises could be being murdered, enslaved, etc. Even if Ulises were a fraud and a cheat, this would hardly be justice.

Yes Niece, I felt relief and hope when Rubio told him. It almost looked like he was going to help get Ult help, but no.
Gringo, okay, I respect that Aca rocks your world in her bikini. I was nuts for Memo, but not anymore. I don't think I ever will like him again. Unless he helps Uli escape and kills Dandevil and Norberrto. Maybeeeee, not sure even then.

I see your point, Niecie. Although all of us are 100% certain that Norbie killed Alonso, pretending for a moment that Esteban did it, what then could his motive be? Like I said earlier, did he want the ranch or maybe did he just want Cris?

ITA. It is highly disturbing that Este is out of town enjoying chocolate covered strawberries and Acacia's company when he knows Uli is being held captive and hurt somewhere.

Just can't get into our protagonists. Alicia is not a nuanced and multidimensional complex character. She's just a self centered and very annoying brat. Estefan is more interesting but too flawed to root for. I think for this story to work you have to not necessarily like, but at least understand these two.

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