Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #61 11/10/14 Bums and Kisses
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Save 15% on car insurance... damn telemarketers!
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You take it from here, bro!
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Lupe' can't blame the cat for dragging this in.
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I kept expecting that cheesy mustache
to jump on her like a spider.
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Whoa! I wouldn't want to be
the guy on the other end of that phone.
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Go ahead. Make my day.
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Javier assumes his normal position.
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The plants aren't the only thing potted on Lupe's patio.
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I'm sorry I was drunk,
And acted like a skunk,
I've come to ruin your life,
Because you're still my wife.
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The most passion we've seen in 61 episodes.
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There may be snow on the roof,
but there's still fire in the furnace.
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Why do I put up with this jerk?
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Please, please, please, please... don't make me beg. |
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Salvador isn't an imbecile, he's a genius!
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Good grief.
Another daughter slumming with the working class!
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Just so there's no misunderstanding;
this is food, not a sexual innuendo.
Labels: hasta
Great job, thanks.
My favorite part was Silvana yanking Patricio by his tie. Very funny.
Glad to see Paco to the rescue. Lupe should have punched out Javier's lights on her own. I would have enjoyed that more.
" The plants aren't the only thing potted on Lupe's patio."
"I'm sorry I was drunk,
And acted like a skunk,
I've come to ruin your life,
Because you're still my wife."
" There may be snow on the roof,
but there's still fire in the furnace."
"Just so there's no misunderstanding;
this is food, not a sexual innuendo."
Sofia needs to leave Salvador alone and stop teasing him for her own ego boost. Poor guy almost convinces her and it takes one huff & puff and I love you from Patrick and the marriage still on schedule. Roll over, I want her to marry the goon.
Wish Salvador would not be so damn polite with Araceli. Come on, give her a good tongue lashing once and shut it down.
The rational conversation of the night award goes to Nandito & Alexa.
That way, Greta can cry her eyes out HA-HA.
I'm predicting Silvana will lose her baby: just saying !
Good observation about Silvana’s more conservative style; lots of times that or a hairstyle change is a signal. She baldly lied to Patricio about Sofia having seen Salvador; but I guess if Patricio finds that out, she can say Sofia didn’t tell her. These two are going to be increasingly at odds and in danger of getting crossways with each other, especially if Silvana suspects a poisoning attempt.
Jarifa, I replayed the tie bit about five times. :D
tofie, Sofía is taking her own sweet time. Probably they are not having Salvador blow off Aracely because they can punish Sofía with her if he lets her hang around.
Did we mention that Dani is on a hunger strike until her future mother-in-law is rehired? Greta will probably give in before Dani can lose any weight.
I don't know the Lucas actor outside of this, but he appears to be one of those whose singing careers Televisa is promoting.
That would be the reason behind his unfathomable appeal. His singing voice is ok, but his speaking voice is no César Évora.
P.S. I'm really enjoying Hasta el Dinero Nos Separe on You Tube.
Javier assumes his normal position.
The most passion we've seen in 61 episodes.
Uh-oh, Greta may have some real competition for Paco now. Seemed like Paco surprised his own self with the passion in that kiss.
I want Paco to stay away from Greta and make a life with Lupe'. I laugh everytime I see Greta butthurt over a guy she threw away. She could have gone to the popo with the threat to Paco but why live in a ditch or on the run when she didn't have to. She benefited greatly financially and socially and doesn't deserve to have a cherry on top of her sundae.
Their hypocritical actions have no end at all. I'm waiting for the big "Baby's Daddy" bombshell to drop on both of them when Paco is revealed to be Sophia's father.
I was impressed with how forward Chava was with Sofia. Go, Chava! I still don't think he should return as her driver, but he should keep up the full court press. Sofia is definitely melting, and fast.
Wow, that Pedro is an even worse lout than I thought. I couldn't believe how he was manhandling Lupe. Yeah, she's definitely done with him. He is no competition for Paco. And way to go Paco with the passionate kisses.
"Save 15% on car insurance... damn telemarketers"; "Lupe' can't blame the cat for dragging this in" and "I kept expecting that cheesy mustache to jump on her like a spider" were marvelous but "The plants aren't the only thing potted on Lupe's patio" was my favorite. Thank you for making this just so much fun.
Ummm, do I need to really say that the shot of Matias was my favorite ;)?
The narrative was wonderful. So glad Paco appeared to save Lupe. What a fool and a loser Javier is. It's hard to imagine seeing what he has become that Lupe had real feelings for him. Debonair he is not.
Alexa is being a good friend and it's so obvious she cares about Nandito. And the fact Greta likes him is amazing too!
Jeri, I've made no secret of the fact I do not care for Lucas, as you stated he has "unfathomable appeal. His singing voice is ok, but his speaking voice is no César Évora". Amen to that.
Was a bit surprised at the passion in the kiss between Paco and Lupe. No wonder Greta is hung up on him after all these years. Can she replicate those sparks with him? I don't know. Wow.
And isn't Matias the sweetest caring for Sil? He only thinks she has anemia - wait until he finds out she is pregant!
Xint, this was fantastic.
Javier's assault on Lupe' went on far too long. It was just terrible to watch.
You would think she would've came up with a better plan in not letting Pato know.
Sorry that I have been remiss in participating in the discussions here, but I'm always quite late in watching the episodes.
Did anyone else see a resemblance between the director of Chava's commercial and our beloved chef Jean Marie from AV?
Such as the occasion Sofia and Patricio drove by the corner store, when Aracely took advantage of the situation and put the clamps on Salvador in front of her. Sofia so falls for that destiny thing, no matter how much regret it causes her.
The scenario I imagine is she goes ahead and marries Patricio, and Aracely hooks into Salvador like a lampry whether he likes it or not. Sofía then sees Salvador and Aracely together all the time, and it punishes her; but she feels helpless to do anything about it.
I’m a girl of action; I try to do @#$% when something needs doing. But there are still situations that are intractable, and Sofia feels herself inside one of those.
Sofia is just like Greta in that they don’t think they can have what they want. Alexa is consumed by that, too. Dani is the only one who is not accepting it; and for that I root for her.
I hope she's circumspect enough not to be hurt when Greta enters the picture.
Javier seems pretty incorrigible for rehabilitation; I don't know about him. My money for Lupe is still on law enforcement.
My very favorite role for Cesar Evora is one of his earliest, in Corazon Salvaje 1993. If you haven't seen him as that character, give yourself a treat. It must be on You Tube. I've got it on tape; he's so...beautiful.
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