Friday, November 07, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo, #79, Thursday And Siete makes eight

Fernando tells Ana that her mom’s full name is Soledad Fuentes. Ana is happy to learn what her real name should be. (I wonder where Leal comes from, did the monjitas give it to her?) But before the news has any time to sink in, Doroteo el Feo shows up at the house, wanting to talk to Don Fernando about the money Ana owes him. Ana is freaked out, but thankfully Fanny is there and distracts Fer with some school papers that he needs to sign. This gives Ana the chance to talk to Doroteo and beg him not to say anything. Somehow the lecherous weasel agrees and goes to wait for Ana outside.
Now freed from Fanny, Fernando asks Doroteo to call next time and never show up at his house again.
In the street Doroteo tells Ana that he found out about her second job by following Jonny (apparently he has one of his teams of goons on Jonny at all times) and since her other boss doesn’t know about her job at Chicago, this seems like the best opportunity for some good old-fashioned blackmail. Ana can forget about making calculations to see how much money she still owes him, because he just decided to reinstate the full debt, no matter that Ana actually worked her butt off (literally, ahem) to pay him back.
Doroteo has her cornered and she knows it. This would be the best moment for her to TELL FERNANDO THE TRUTH!

After she gets rid of Doroteo Ana goes to Fer’s office and he tells her that he doesn’t like that man coming to his home, where his kids are (fair enough). He wants to know what that was all about and why is Ana involved with such characters and owns them money, too. Ana makes up an excuse about the money being borrowed by Jonny for them back when they were dating; and since Jonny doesn’t have a job now she feels like she needs to help him. Fer tells her that Jonny will start working for him as a handyman around the house, so he should be able to chip in, too. He also asks her if she needs a loan, but Ana refuses (because every good natured telenovela girl will always refuse money from good, respectable men, but always somehow get tricked into accepting blood money from the villains).
Getting back to Ana’s mom, Fernando tells her that his investigations also brought to light some other pieces of information – apparently Soledad was in jail for 18 years, but not for premeditated murder; there was no intent from her part, so she was convicted for involuntary manslaughter (I hope I got this right, basically Fer says that she killed a man by accident). This makes Ana feel better, but this is all the good news that Fer has for now; since Soledad has been released from prison 14 years ago, the prison has no other information about her.
Ana thanks Fer for his help and for trusting her and then Fer sneezes, because we need to be reminded that there is a dog in the house and Fer is allergic to furry ones.

May-December hurl-mance
Brief intermission into the repulsive, with Laura waking up at Freaky’s place, after I can only assume was a night of nearly incestuous, definitely nauseating intercourse. She asks to use his computer, but he says no and goes to the kitchen (I think). You can see on Laura’s face that she is as disgusted by Freaky as Viewerville is by the entire situation.
Later they talk about how he used to like Fanny before. Freaky doesn’t bother denying, he likes all younger woman (swoon - NOT!). What he would like to know is why Laura envies Fanny so much.Ha, busted!

What’s up with all the numbers?
Fer is at his office, talking with Bety about the company’s anniversary, which will happen in a month. Then they start reminiscing about their work for the company. Bety has worked with Fer for 15 years; he’s been working for the company for 22 years and he can’t believe that Fanny will turn 20 soon. All his hard work was worth it, because he loves his company and his employees so much. (anvil alert, anvil alert!!)

Want more numbers?
Yolanda and Isabela are sun bathing in the garden, when Isa asks her mom how long has she been married to her dad. A little over 15 years, Yola replies. Well, then how come some of his good manners didn’t rub off on her, too, how come she’s still so unsophisticated and vulgar? That Isabela is the daughter of the year, I tell you.
Yolanda might not have a lot of class, but she has a good mouth, so she quickly points out that it’s not her fault that all of Isa’s plans failed. She better allow her to enjoy their last few days of richness. Gotta love Yolanda when she tells her daughter her cuatro verdades.

Fanny is at college and talking with Ana on the phone. Ana feels bad about still lying to Fernando, when he trusts her so much. Fanny begs her not to tell him the truth for now, with all the problems that he has at work and the divorce and the twins being sick.
As Fanny ends up her call with Ana, some guys start circling her and looking at her funny. She is a little bit startled, but brushes them off and leaves.
Later on, in class, she meets the guys from outside again. One of them is an especially out of line, making fun of her rich girl clothes and basically being an obnoxious bully. He asks her how old she is and Fanny explains that she’s 19, she was born in 1994 (again, what’s up with all the numbers?).
Edith tries to defend her, but then, during class, the same guy gives Fanny a piece of paper, that the teacher sees. Because Fanny can’t answer the question that the teacher asks (while the bully smugly does), she gets a good scolding and a bad start to her first day of school.

Edna is taking pole lessons from Jonny of all people, but she’s not very good at it. Then he has a brilliant idea that he shares with Jen – how about if they start a pole dancing school? How long has Ana been doing her dances? 10 years now? Then she would be a great teacher.
(I’m trying to see a pattern here, with all this numbers and dates, all crammed together is consecutive scenes, but I have no clue what this could mean. A little too late in the story to establish a time-line that we don’t even need at this point). 
Anyway, back to Jen and Jonny, she says that they don’t have the money to pull off something like this (and she won’t ask Nico for it). Jonny has an idea. (God helps us all!)

Back at school, Fanny is done with class and she meets the bully again – the guy, Lenny is his name, doesn’t think that she will resist in their school, because she is just a spoiled little rich girl, who should go back to her fancy life and her money. Fanny doesn’t understand why he has it against her (and I don’t, either!), but she says that she won’t give up and that she is willing to give it her best to learn and help people. Don’t waste your breath, Fanny, the guy isn’t worth the trouble.
She asks Edith why he's treating her like this. Well, apparently he thinks he’s smarter than everyone else. I’m guessing that he either causes some big troubles for Fanny at school or he gets a crush on her and causes problems between Fanny and Leon. Either way, Lenny is trouble

The reproductively challenged.
Nico is at home, when he gets a phone call from a doctor. He gets some bad news and later on he goes to Chicago to tell Jen what he found out. She is chatting with another girl about how happy she is that she will be a mother soon, which only makes it harder for Nico to break the news when they are alone: apparently his sperm is no longer good enough for baby making. He feels very bad, but Jen comforts him, saying that she is happy for being with him first and foremost, the rest isn’t as important to her.

The Siete shenanigans – part 1
Bruno is trying to train the dog, when the kids come home and see it. Ana found it, dad doesn’t know about it yet, what’s its name? Ana comes downstairs and they decide to call the dog Siete, after the kids.
Luz, the twins, Seb and Ana go outside with some stuff that Ana bought for the dog. They have to decide what to do about Siete, keeping it hidden from Fer is not a good idea. They need to find a place for the dog and tell the truth as soon as possible.
The dog is in the house, with Alicia, who is taking selfies with it.
Nando comes to her room and sees the dog. He guesses that Fer doesn’t know about it and he doesn’t want to touch it because it’s filled with bacteria.
He came to Alicia to tell her that he’s there for her if she needs him. He’s had to struggle with his body image, too, but eventually he found someone who loved him for him (Ximena); Alicia will find someone like this, too.
In the meantime he will always be there for her. They seal the deal with a hug.
Later Alicia is checking out some pictures on her tablet, no longer paying attention to Siete. So he has all the liberty to roam free around the house and where does he stop? In Fernando’s bedroom, of course, where he starts chewing all his shoes.

A new couple?
Isabela and Yolanda are still outside, doing nothing. Yolanda asks if Isa plans on telling Freaky about the baby being his, but Isa won’t – the fewer people know the truth, the better.
When she tries to stand up from her chaise long, Yolanda falls down. Bruno and Jonny go to her rescue and Jonny is impressed that Isa still remembers his name. She looks disgusted with all these unsophisticated people clouding her space, but the way she kind of eyes Jonny reminds me that she did give him a once over when they first met a while back.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Isabela hooking up with Jonny and feeling totally repulsed by it might make for some funny scenes. I wouldn’t put it past her to give in to his charms, when better women have. I consider Ana, Dana, Edna, Manuela and the lady street vendor who smiles at Jonny when she sells him his pack of cigarettes better women than Isabela will ever be. Come to think of it, has Jonny been somehow involved with half the feminine cast already? In the meantime Diego can barely hold on to his novia and Fernando is married to a woman he doesn’t even like. Who’s the galan now?  

Laura is still with Freaky and he says that he’s on to her, he knows that she wants money. She gets upset, she’s not a hooker, she just likes older man (didn’t look like it earlier). He’s buying her story, but he offers to pay her school, so that she can go back to study. They hug and Laura finally has a content smile on her face, but, oh, the price that she has to pay…

Ana and Diego are on the phone. He misses her, but he had some work to do, which kept him away from her and from finding out more stuff about her mom. She understands that he has to work, she wonders if he ever misses his travels. He does, so what if she were to agree to go with him on one of these trips? Ana seems pleased with the idea, but if she’d ever decide to marry Diego and accompany him when he takes one of his work journeys, what will happen to that promise that she made to Luz? That was pretty unrealistic and Ana should have known better.
Ana tells Diego what Fernando found out about her mom and Diego is upset that Fer got involved, just like Fer got upset because Diego is helping. Wouldn’t it be nice if these two grown men would put their rivalry aside and join forces? Look how much they were able to find out just for trying to outsmart one another.

Nando and Ximena are at her house, by the pool, all lovey dovey, sipping pina coladas and enjoying Ximena’s day of sanity. Ximena tells him that no matter what happens next, he should never forget this moment and how much she loves him (anvil alert). They jump into the pool and start to kiss (and probably more).
I don’t know if I’m supposed to root for them or not; aside from Ximena’s unstable mental health, I don’t think they look all that good together, either. She’s too big for her, they just don’t click for me.

Leon calls Fanny. He’s still at home, taking care of his son, but he hopes that later, when the boys goes to sleep, he can sneak in to see her. Maybe he could, but Fanny is busy because she has a lot to read for school and she hasn’t had the best first day, either.

The Siete shenanigans – part 2
Siete has chewed several pairs of Fernando’s shoes, but those remain unseen in his bedroom. For now Alcia discovers that Siete has pooed in the living room. The smell is awful, everyone else can feel it, too.
With Fernando at the door, about to come inside the house, they all panic. Ana starts organizing the kids: the twins are to take Siete to their room (done!); Seb brings a nice smelling spray, Luz is supposed to distract Fer with a lot of kisses and I love you’s (which  she does with ease, since this has become her main role when it comes to covering up the troubles that her siblings cause); Ana and Fanny go for the broom and dustpan, but Fer sees them as they are trying to sweep the poo. Being almost on her knees, broom in her hands, Ana says that they were praying to the Saint of Brooms to have a clean house. Fanny manages to gather the poo in a paper without Fernando seeing anything. He can feel the smell, but Ana calls him to the library to talk important matters.
She makes up a story about the twins doing well now that they’re taking the vitamins. Fer says that he’s going upstairs to help them with their homework. As Fanny walks in they can all hear Siete bark upstairs. Ana says it’s the TV, high definition is very good these days (of course she doesn’t pronounce it right - LOL). More barks are heard, Fer is not buying the story, but he will investigate later.
He goes upstairs and almost sees the dog in the boys’ room, but walks away.

Downstairs Ana and Fanny start talking about Ana’s mom and how happy she feels that she will soon be able to ask her so many questions.
But in the meantime Fer finds his shoes destroyed upstairs and screams Ana’s name.

Preview: the day of the anniversary party is upon us; an article with Ana and Fer kissing on what appears to be a couch comes out in the press. This is the big scandal?


Love your recap Adriana! Reading the antics last night brought back all my beanie busting moments last night.

I would chuckle at your summary of Johny as our true galan except I felt a wave of nausea hit.

So Ana, for cripes sake, just tell Fer about Chicago. If you are stuck there for a LONG time, it is going to come out.

Ok, so my little furry heart throb needs some housebreaking. Frankly, that closet of Fer's gave me giggles. I mean, really? He needs a closet that big with that many pairs of shoes? I know the guy is rich, but somehow it really struck me. His kids have closets 1/10 or less the size. Ego much?? The one-upmanship with Ana's mother info is tiring, but face it, the woman is getting results.

Why another class-conscious hater in the story? I agree, this smartass will either wind up being Fanny's BMF or fall for her and cause trouble. And in a classroom, someone is pulling that crap in a COLLEGE class, get up and move. Prof says anything, you admit you prefer a new seat since you would like to hear what she is saying...hint hint, the dude next to me is a pain. Profs aren't grade school teachers. They won't care.

And I totally agree- that pool scene with NanEma convinced me they are all wrong for each other. They look awkward and there is no chemistry. Is this really his end-game?

So Eeky has Laura where he wants her--in every sense. Wait until she finds out what dastardly deeds he expects her to carry out for that college fund. Stupid chick.


Adriana, thanks for he great recap. I especially agree with your comment about Ana having missed the best moment to tell the truth. Heck, he probably would have paid off her debt and protected her from Doroteo and his minions. It was time to confess when he mentioned the whole Johnny thing was in the past and added "Right?" Of course, Ana with her deer in the headlights looks, agrees! Big mistake! Anvil alert" certainly goes with Fer being all nostalgic about his 22 years at the company knowing what Enrique has in store for him. Your "who's the galán now" was a very amusing observation.

I loved the direct and brusque way Fernando dealt with Doroteo.

Infertility one way or another has become the great equalizer in Jennifer and Nico's marriage. Interesting.

The puppy caper was just cute ending with Fernando's voice echoing "Ana" at the end.



Awesome Adriana.

"May-December hurl-mance"

Great observation about the numbers.

I often have wondered if Jonny is the star of this show and it confirmed last night, awkwardly inserted into many scenes with people he has had little prior interaction and he is the resident stud with Ricky a close second. I don't understand.

So Doroteo walks right in the house and thankfully Fernando's faulty scum detector worked for once and told the guy to beat it, yet Ana perpetuated her lie and focused more on dog poo than protecting those kids. Like it or not she has put the whole family at risk. I've tried to give Ana a pass with her pole dancing at the club (it is not a nice place, nor a noble profession despite what I want to believe) but what has she achieved in 10 years of doing this? So she is a pro on the pole but days older and deeper in debt. Outs are presented to her and she refuses, why? Her chance misrepresentation of her credentials to Fernando has opened opportunity for her, Jenny and Juan but she refuses to clean up the burgeoning mess. What a way to repay Fernando's trust in her. Don't even get me started on her lovey, dovey conversation with Diego last night.

Lenny - no Squiggy

Laura - an education

Juan - lets spend someone else's money so I can sit on my ass

Siete - it's in my nature to poo and chew

Nic - shooting blanks

Nando - Burt Lancaster you're not

Diego - you're guiltless in all this

Fanny - loved your jacket


Great work, Adriana.

I agree that Ana should have told the truth. This is only going to come back to bite her on the tuchas when Fernando does learn the truth and Isabitch laughs her behind off.

Love Siete. Fernando needs allergy shots.

loved your recap, Adriana.
totally agree on every comment you made in between, absolutely Ana is missing all her out chances she is getting thrown at her face... and continuing to lead Diego on... which is NONO.
I agree with Daisy and tofie... with Ino-Doro's last threat that she will NEVER pay off her debt, now she has nothing to gain by keeping quiet. her situation will NEVER change until she tells Fernando. And the longer it takes her, the more in the line of fire she is putting not only Fernando but all the kids... so take the bull by the horns and play your cards!! I am sure Diego and Nico will NEVER leave her without support no matter what Fernando does with the news...

Tofie, very funny: "Burt Lancaster you're not."

Mentioning stars past and present: Jorge Salinas always makes me think of Raymond Burr and Sivia Navarro reminds me of Reba McIntyre.

Another interesting name for Fanny's harrasser in class: Lenin. A reference to the communist revolutionary? He sure is playing the role with his classist criticisms.


tofie, my fav line today was Siete's...

Jorge Salinas and Jorge Enrique Abello (Betty la Fea galan) will always make me think of my movie star of the 40s', Tyronne Power.

Think someone else said this as well but Jorge Salinas reminds me of Gregory Peck

No. Clint Eastwood at the same age.

hey folks,
i am going on a cruise with my family next thursday nite through the following wednesday. So I will need recapper help for tuesday and wednesday of the week of Nov 17. Anyone think they can sub for me those days?


Love the Burt Lancaster reference too! Reading that got my brain conjuring images of him in "The Swimmer". Thank you for that happy place.

I wonder sometimes if Osorio purposefully hires in actors who are similar to Johny and writes them the same: Not exactly "galan" material, total goofs, inept and sometimes smarmy but darn if they don't get the women! More often then not, they resemble Osorio himself a bit-- almost feel like he's saying "Hey, don't need to look like INSERT NAME OF HANDSOME LEADING MAN HERE to get the babes. Just look at me." I believe he actually thinks these guys are magnets, endearing in being egotistical, rather demeaning to women and thinking themselves talented or smart --boy is he wrong.

Nico-shooting blanks. I hope they don't go there with thinking up a sperm donor for Nico. And if, please dear God, if it is Johny, be warned as I may start flipping tables on the patio.

Tofie--I have to tell you I look forward to your lists every day! They are always brilliant. Thank you.


OMG, no. I have other thoughts on the baby situation, but I need more caffeine first.

Thanks, Guy! A sperm donor, too? ? Maybe some things are just not meant to be, huh? Jen can't get pregnant, Nico is too old to father a child... win win, right? Move on, travel the world, enjoy each other.
Jorge Salinas totally reminds me of Gregory Peck, too!


DnJ, I went to Juan too as a sperm donor and tasted bile and didn't want to say it outloud.

If it is Osorio's intent (ala Woody Allen without himself on screen) it's not working. It is so obvious Juan awkwardly inserted it ruins the whole episode for me and add to that my distaste for Adrian. (what purpose he there with Bruno to lift Yomama). Even last night he wants to exploit Ana again for another scheme and looked to Jenny to get funding from her new husband. In a way I want Jenny to get burned by this turd.


Tks a lot Adriana Noel

I think Siete is that adorable Popeye from Familia con Suerte.

That was me who said I thought Jorge Salinas looks like a young Gregory Peck.
Look at this image and see for yourself.,_Gregor-11.jpg

Thanks for the great recap!

Funny, your previews were different from mine. Mine only showed Diego talking to Ana saying that children were never in his plans.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Doro can't just reinstate Ana's full debt. She really needs to hire a lawyer to deal with Doro. He is a scumbag and needs an anvil soon!

After the previews I saw I wondered if because Diego says children are not in his plans if he would be willing to be Nico and Jen's sperm donor? Sure would be better than Jonny and would be same gene pool too.

Nando and Xime just don't work for me. I have a bad feeling this is going to end with Xime successfully committing suicide but this is a comedy right? So maybe not.

If Ana was teaching pole classes I would pay for one! Not a bad idea from Jonny but hope he's not stupid in his way of finding the money.

I wonder if Fanny will change her way of dress to fit in better at school? I didn't think she looked overly dressed up. Only the jacket gave pause that she had some money.

It is not a bad idea of Juan's but his intent is to sit on his ass and let the girls feed him for ever. I understand why he just assumes they would do it because they have never refused to indulge the clown.

Thanks, Adriana!

Unfortunately, I think you are right that Johnny is getting the galán treatment. UGH. Why couldn't he just disappear when Doro had him locked up in the warehouse?

If they make Johnny the sperm donor, I will join in flipping patio tables. GROSS. But I also don't really like the idea of Diego doing the job...donating sperm so your DAD and stepmother can have a baby? It's a little weird. And even if he says he doesn't want kids, I think Diego would feel attached to that child and have a hard time not being its parent. I don't know. Maybe being its brother would be enough. But it's weird.

Ana definitely should have told Fer about her side job. Can't she see that the blackmail will NEVER end and she's only giving Doro more leverage by trying to keep it a secret?

I don't understand some of this show's displays of flirting and courtship. Leon popping out of Fanny's closet? NO. NOT ENDEARING. CREEPY. And Nando wrestling Ximena into the pool? ALSO NOT COOL. Why would anyone enjoy being manhandled and forced into something that way? Especially as a woman who is already aware that most men could overpower her if they wanted to, I would not want that reminder from someone who claims to love me. It would just make me feel less safe.

“Nico's shooting blanks?”

“That's what it sounds like, Zeus. Mortals aren't like us that way.”

“Poor man. Hermes, you're in charge of doctors. Can anything be done for him?”

“Not that I can think of. Even we can't always get what we want.”

“You think maybe they could talk Diego into donating – ?”

“That's too weird, even for us. Think of the potential for screwed-up family dynamics. Nico's son is really his grandson while being raised as the brother of his own father?”

“Sounds depressingly familiar.”

“That's too much like opera. And we have more urgent things to worry about right now.”

“Like what?”

“Like getting rid of Doroteo. He is a blight upon the land.”


Adriana: you had me cracking up.


Urban, you crack me up. Today 's theme of twisted family connections work particularly well with Gods.
Carvivlie, apparently you all got different previews than the ones I did. That's strange but how can Diego even dream of Ana accepting him sans kids? ?? Is this just a ploy to make Diego unlikable since so far he looks so much better then the prota? I wouldn't put it past the writers to change Diego, make it seem like Ana would reject him because they are not compatible and not because of Fer. He totally gives me the daddy material vibe so I'm looking forward to see how he explains his decision.
About Fanny's clothes : she does dress like a little princess. Most of her skirts should be worn by Luz (I think that even Alicia Is too old for some of them. I'm not talking about how short they are, but about the style. Sometimes the word Barbie comes to mind when I see some of her outfits.
Ana still playing by Doro's rules Is a lazy plot point, a way to prolongue the lie and keep SN on that pôle. For the actress this has been a great opportunity, but the sl isn't doing Àna any favors.
It didn't bother me that she was being affectionate with Diego. A normal 30 year old can act like this with a boyfriend even when she's in love with another guy -yes, it's deceiving, but she's not the virginale heroine who can't even allow another man to hold her hand.
What I wonder about is how come Diego can stand to see her every night on that pole and then go home alone.


Laura: Look Reeky I'm not a hooker I just want to trade sex for money......?? ?? Yeah Laura

I just caught up with comments and must say that together with Adriana's great and witty recap I was throughly entertained.

I loved watching Siete go for one shoe from each pair at a time. Don't know if anyone else noticed that.

While this novela is short on the evil personalities of the antagonists (compared to other novelas), it certainly is heavy on the slimeball, sleazy personalities of too many other characters: Doroteo, Johnny, IkkyLizard, Laura, etc.

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