Friday, November 07, 2014

La Gata #49 Thursday 11-6-14 Lowrenza and Augie declare war; Pablo, Mariano and Virginia declare Independence!

We rejoin Pablo and Esme in a rare moment of intimacy, their souls joined at the lips.  She breaks the kiss complaining that his parents will never accept her and she can’t wait all her life.  She wants to marry a good man and have a normal life!   Like with El Italiano?  Pablo asks.   At least he’s done something for my daughter unlike you who hasn’t shown me any of this money you are supposedly earning!  Pablo looks incredulous, almost amused.
Quick cut to El Italiano and Rita in his shop.  Rita wonders when he’s going to make wedding preparations.  El Italiano says Gata will never marry him.  Lupe is glad El Italiano has come to his senses.  In bursts Pablo who is no longer looking amused.  He slugs El Italiano for letting Esme think it was his money that paid for the hospital bill.   He falls back and Lupe catches him.  Having been warned to stay out of it, Lupe flings El Italiano back and Pablo slugs him again telling him if he keeps up this lie he swears he will kill him!  [Admit it, didn’t that feel good!]
Now we are with Mariano and Augustin discussing strategy in the counter offensive against Fernando.   Augustine discovers he holds title to land that includes the town dump!  A light bulb goes on in Augustine’s beady eyes:  he will get back at Fernando by throwing La Gata and everyone else out of the basuerero!
Back to the pizza shop where El Italiano screams at Pablo that La Gata is afraid of him, that he will take the babies from her.  We are treated to Pablo yelling at him one more time, forget about the wedding and tell her the truth or I swear I’ll kill you.

Meanwhile in the study where Mariano argues against his father’s dastardly plan.  Mariano draws the line clearly for Augustine:  he will defend him in the case that Fernando has against him but he will not help him do an injustice against people who have done absolutely nothing to him.  Very well, Augustine says Lorenza will help.  Well then, I have nothing else to do here.  Mariano walks out slowly while his dad shouts after him.
Uh oh, Carlos is confronted by a couple of prison yard touch guys, one licks his lips and the other looks him up and down.  At this same moment Esme and Virginia sit in the tidied-up jacal talking about Carlos, how he will fare in prison.  Pablo comes in to take her home.  She refuses.  She and Carlos will fight for their love!  Esme is trying to convince her, too.   Pablo turns the conversation to them.  He tells her El Italiano told him that she was going to marry him.  How could he think such a thing?  She flings at him that he has been irresponsible, letting another man pay for his daughter’s hospital bill.  How can YOU believe such a thing Pablo counters and finally tells her that he paid the bills!  [Well, well, well!  The cat has got La Gata’s toungue!]  Ines comes in and she and Virginia exit.
We reenter the prison yard just in time to see several thugs demonstrate what they think of “child molesters” like him.  They jump Carlos and beat and kick him.   Carlos does get in a few good hits and a shot to a crotch.  Guards run in and break up the beat down.  He walks away bloodied but pride intact. 
Virginia and Ines walk through the basurero talking about life.  Ah, what a fine thing if she had Virginia’s riches.  Virginia tells Ines she would trade with her in a minute. . .this place is full of love.  Ines looks around trying to discern what the blind girl sees. You love each other and take care of each other.  Virginia glows and Ines looks like o_O.
Once again we’re with our love birds.    Pablo confronts Esme about how she never believes in him and always thinks the worst about him!  Well, she sputters, you went to El Italiano to find out if I was going to marry him.  No, I went to him to demand that he tell the truth about the money! Why didn’t you tell me yourself?  You wouldn’t let me.  You told me you wouldn’t accept it.  He softens and professes his unending love and asks her not to doubt his love for her and the children.  I sold all my paintings to pay Leti’s hospital bills.  Why didn’t you tell me? Why so you wouldn’t believe me?    Esme turns away to hold some belated counsel with herself:  How could I be so stupid.  El Italiano telling Pablo I was going to marry him.  What right does he have to mess in my life!  Pablo gentle approaches Esme but she flounces out of the shack.  In comes Maria who seems to serve as the buffer Esme needs to think about these new facts.  Maria reassures Pablo that Esme loves him and they will only be happy together.  They discuss how Maria’s parents abandoned her.  This is all very sweet but somewhat disjointed for me.  Somehow this leads to Maria reassuring Pablo that Virginia will be fine.  She is among good people.
From a shabby shack to Monica’s pad where Lorenza and Eugenia are having tea.  Lorenza announces she finally has a plan to get back at Fernando!  The best way to get back at him is through La Gata for all the humiliation she has suffered at their hands!  Lorenza wants Eugenia to get a lawyer to throw them out.  Monica can’t believe this:  Pablo loves La Gata, leave them in peace, let them be happy!  Monica’s pleas fall on deaf ears.  No, they humiliated me and I lowered myself even to trying to go see that half dead little bastard, pretending to be the concerned grandmother, all to get sympathy from that man!  Everyone can’t be a pacifist like you Eugenia sniffs at her daughter.  Monica gives up. 
Straightaway we are flung into the basurero where shielded and helmeted policemen storm in, shoulder to shoulder.  Gata and Jarocha are arguing about El Italiano’s lies about her accepting to marry him and his lying about paying Leti’s hospital bill.   Oh, La Gata is furious and is going to create an additional anal orifice for El Italiano when she sees him!  Jarocha’s satisfying “I told you so” is interrupted by the racket.  Policement in full riot gear stomp in from all directions and clash with the residents.   The residents try to fight back with sticks to no effect.  They shout and call to each other to come and join to defend their home.  Gata runs into the fray in front of her people and confronts the police.  There are children, women and old people here!  The police tell her they are under orders and Gata yells at them to get out!  Jarocha has to restrain her and tries to tell her they must go get the babies.
Augie and Lorenza toast the eviction of the gentuza with orange juice while classical music plays gently in the background.  Mariano asks what they’re celebrating.
Mariano argues with his parents about their actions.  He asks them to show compassion.  Augustine whines that nobody has shown compassion to them!  They suffer because they’re different.  Please, you have what you got through robbery; don’t try to play the victim.  Re the robbery, what is done is done smirks Lorenza.  The important thing is that those filthy starving to death lowlifes will be homeless!  Augustine learns that Virginia is in the basurero but  Lorenza doesn’t get what they’re so concerned about.  Virginia’s chosen to live with the poor trash.  Let this be a lesson for her. She has to learn to accept the consequences of all that this choice entails!  On cue we are back in the jacal where Virignia shuffling to cower in a corner, a policeman comes and yells at her to get out, she falls to the ground.
We endure a general scene of chaos as the police try to round up and throw out the residents who fight with sticks and fists.  Esme runs to the jacal where Virginia is.  She’s blind you scum, why don’t you pick on somebody like you!  Esme runs in to help her.  Two policeman come in to restrain Esme.
Damian tells Fer what’s happening and that the action is ordered by the Martinez-Negretes.  Although the land belongs to Fernando, on paper Augustine has title to it.
Rita vs. the policia.  They push her down.  In a scene that runs too long and looks too realistic,  Maria runs in to get the babies.  A Policeman, His face and mouth covered with his gear, thus increasing the sense of menace tries to pull Maria away from the cribs.  Maria fights fiercely.  The  mismatched fight continues.  Fuerza, Juntos!  is the basurero residents battle cry!
Fernando is going to confront MN, Damian and Meche try to stop him from doing anything rash.  I have to save my daughter and grand children!  Police continue restraining and tussling with Maria and Virginia.  
Back with los MN:  How are you so calm.  She chose this.  Augustine wants to call it off.  No.  Those cursed wretches are going to end up homeless whatever it costs, even if that includes Virginia.  I’m going to call it off.  Is that clear? You don’t tell me what to do.  Augustine rolls toward the phone on a table.  Lorenza gets there first.  She takes the phone and looks at him like, so there.
Meche and Damian continue trying to calm Fernanda when Fernando’s lawyer comes in with an order signed by a judge to call off the eviction.  Fer, Damian and the lawyer rush out.
All the people are rounded up.  Esme has the babies and asks to talk to the Comandante.  The riot-gear clad soldiers robotically shuffle to surround Esme, their shield held high until they are called off.  She gives Jarocha the other baby.  Do you realize how many people are going to be left homeless?   The Comandante is unmoved.  They have orders to demolish all the jacals.  In runs Mariano!   He tells her his father is behind the eviction.
Maria finds Pablo painting in the dell.  She tells him what is happening.  They run off.
Mariano has some papers which can stop the whole operation!  The Comandante looks at them.  Everything looks in order but only a judge can stop this action.  He must carry out his orders.  Pablo arrives, runs to Esme, mi amor.  She turns her back.  Pablo stands with Mariano and brings Virginia forward saying they are the three children of the owner of the land and they legally have the right to stop the dislocation.  Garabato tries to incite the crowd against Pablo, Mariano and Virginia.  Esme defends them and brings her babies over to stand with the three Martinez-Negretes.   Garabato continues to rabble rouse.  Fernando, Damian and the Lawyer arrive.  Fernando calls for calm.
Back in prison, a fellow inmate tells him about the eviction.  Carlos begins to yell let me out.  Open up, let me out!  The veterans yell at him to shut up already!
Esme begs them give the MNs a chance to work it out.  The tractors are here to demolish the homes!  After a prolonged and impassioned speech by Esme Fernando calls for calm and finally says my Lawyer has an order signed by a Judge that suspends this action.  The Comandante looks at it.
Eugenia arrives at the MN mansion, greets Lorenza and Augustine.  Lorenza is still on cloud nine about the eviction but Eugenia is not well.  Eugenia announces the dislocation was called off.  Fernando’s Lawyer spoiled the party!  Lorenza curses them.  One day they’ll all pay her back.
Comandante calls it off, everybody cheers and hugs break out amongst the crowd.   Jarocha, holding the babies gets a nice behind the back embrace from Pablo.  Uh, ahem, I mean jubilation abounds!
The residents of the basurero settle back into their routines.  In Rita’s jacal Esme thanks Fernando.  She’s going to say a prayer for him she thanks you for being like a father to her, the father she never had.  How can I thank you? she purrs.  Just keep being the fine young woman you are. . .and return to the house he says without hesitation.   No.  Don’t ask that!  Her eyes give a feline flash.  Well, he can’t force her.  All in God’s time, which will be perfect.
Virginia fixes coffee for her brothers.  They try to convince her to go back home.  A confident and smiling Virginia understands her brothers motivation but she can’t return to their parent’s home:  This is her new home.  She’s happy.  Here people accept her for who she is inside, not where she came from.  She’s free.  She promised to wait for Carlos here. . .these are her people.  She asks them to please accept her decision.  Group hug and a kiss on the cheek from Pablo for Virginia.    A nice, sweet scene as the televisa emblem rises.
Previous: Episode 48
Next: Episode 50


Hot ziggety-dawg I'm getting the hang of it! Well, hope y'all enjoy this. Corrections always welcome. Off to bedy-bye!

Thank you, Lila! This is some fine, fine work!

Speaking of fine work, "Jarocha, holding the babies gets a nice behind the back embrace from Pablo." I smirked at that myself. Pablo may be a dip, but I wouldn't say "no" to an embrace of any kind from Daniel Arenas.

And, hell yes, it did feel good to watch him beat the snot out of Meatball!

Mariano doing the slow walk away from his dad was funny, like he'd just realized he didn't even have to run, he could just take his time.

Esme's quick changes in attitude are frustrating. She didn't want Pablo to pay for Leti's treatment, and then she got mad because she thought he didn't. He shows up to try to help out and she shrugs him off like what's happening is somehow his fault when she didn't give Mariano that attitude. And then she tells him to shut up. So I guess...only be a parent when I tell you to be and no talking unless I give you permission? I thought we were supposed to have the main couple fighting FOR their love, not fighting AGAINST each other.

I have so much more to say, but I'm starting to quote your entire recap here! It sure was an action-packed episode.

I'm afraid this is going the way of Corazon Indomable - the utter stupidity of the whole thing is mind-boggling:

I love you, I hate you!
I don't want your money! Why don't you give me money?
I can't stand that pig! I might marry that pig!
You're the father I've always wanted! Who do you think you are, my father?

UGGGGGHHHHHH!! And I'm gone!

Thanks Diva!! Diva and Anon, I feel your pain and frustration! Esme's attitudinal flip flops are maddening! It makes it hard to root for her. Yes, she's the Gata, we get it but let her show some of that attitude to Lowrenza or somebody: "I thought we were supposed to have the main couple fighting FOR their love, not fighting AGAINST each other." You're right, Diva! Maybe as Gisela gears up her "I want me some Pablo" plan Gata will bare her claws to HER and let Pablo have some purrs and snugglin'.

Don't leave Anon! Yelling at these people is cathartic and it will all work out in the end!

Dang it Lila, this is really, really good!

"[Well, well, well! The cat has got La Gata’s toungue!]"

"Ines looks around trying to discern what the blind girl sees."

"Oh, La Gata is furious and is going to create an additional anal orifice for El Italiano when she sees him!"

Anon 1:36, yes it is but unlike CI there are a few other characters that I actually like so until they hide them in a closet somewhere I stay. Pablo & Esmeralda, I do not care.

Somebody please help me. I know Esmeralda recently has run off the tracks but prior, what relationship mistakes has she made? Pablo always throws out they both made mistakes, I know his, believing the worst of Esmeralda and shouting it but....

Kat, "Mariano doing the slow walk away from his dad was funny, like he'd just realized he didn't even have to run, he could just take his time." I love Mariano.

There were nuggets all over the place once I stopped obsessing on the stars of the show (and that's a shame because Maite is great). Lorenza, getting to the phone right before Augie, love Ines and her facial expressions, particularly the Cheshire cat grin, Virginia rocks, Mariano succinctly drawing a fine line, Carlo's naivete in the big house, even Monica's shame for ever going along.

Meatball - show me a receipt and we'll talk

Virginia - the blind sage

Lorenza - Well, I don't want no Poor People
Don't want no Poor People
Don't want no Poor People
'Round here

Augie - who the hell did I marry

Comandante - what's the problem not like we're forcing you to bathe

Fernando - Marquis de Dump


Virginia needs to be free of her overbearing mother, who's an aggressive tyrant.

Lila, I haven't read the recap yet. I can't wait to read it. I felt for you last night. This was just a rough episode.

Thanks, tofie! Your lists which capture the essence of the character's vibe during the episode are awesome! I really like how you and our admittedly small but warm and witty group on the patio notice and draw out other interesting dialogue and interactions!

Steve! Yes! And I think Virginia declared her independence tonight. She'd rather face a place that must assault her senses, the terrain is unfamiliar and littered but she feels Carlos' people are her people and she's willing to wait with them for him. Yah, Lorenza is a psycho-tyrant and she's not done yet!

Thanks Sara, it was rough! See ya later!

Great recap Lila thanks, I haven't watched my tape yet but can't wait after reading recap and comments.

I'm glad I didn't watch Corazon Indomable. The characters were able to start with a clean slate for me.

I recall that one part of Fernando's vengeance plan is that Pablo will come crawling to Esme. I'm wondering if all the trying he's doing now counts as crawling or if there's more to come?

OK, I'm off break, back to work, see yall later.

Thanks Anon at 9:00! I don't know. . .Pablo last night seemed to have an air of amused indulgence about Esme's fits of anger and rejection like, "she's so hot when she's mad" but the lie about marrying meatball and seeing how she was so willing to believe it was meatball paying to save his daughter's life just made him hit the reset button: upside the meatball's head! I felt he was totally in control the way he confronted her and I haven't really felt that he's crawled yet. Mimed, yes. Crawled, no. So if El Sil has that up his sleeve it hasn't materialized yet. Looks like Giselle may provoke some big time drama for which Pablo will be blamed thus leading to some crawl-worthy behavior on his part!


It hasn't appeared to me Pablo near crawling. Angrily defiant, scampering away like a coward, passively aggressively funneling money to Meatball from a windfall orchestrated by a sugarmamma. Yes, Yes, Yes. I do give him credit last night for the nearest thing to an adult conversation he's had with the mother of his children and he didn't hop upon his high horse only a pony.

tofie: go get 'im girl! "he didn't hop upon his high horse only a pony." Hee Hee!


tofie, "I know Esmeralda recently has run off the tracks but prior, what relationship mistakes has she made?" I'd say about the same as Pablo. Believing the worst, trusting more in other people than him. She's just getting a lot worse about it, and she saved that for after they'd cleared up all the misunderstandings, which doesn't make any sense to me. She keeps referencing the things Pablo did "wrong" as if he's doing them right now, or as if he actually did them in the first place. I don't know where this whole "Pablo is a rotten lying liar who lies" thing is coming from. Maybe the botched engagement party? She saw it as a lie that he asked her to marry him, but then didn't go through with the formal asking?

Steve...word! Of the two environments, the dump is less toxic than living with Lorenza.

Anon at 9, I think Pablo's mostly there, but Fernando wants a little more public groveling. Or maybe he's forgotten.

tofie, "passively aggressively funneling money to Meatball from a windfall orchestrated by a sugarmamma" Love it! It's funny 'cause it's true.

Thanks Lila and Tofie for your responses. Tofie, your takes are humorous and colorful. I may not always agree but admit they provide a much needed chuckle.

Guess what I'm focused on (because I don't like Pablo one itsy bitsy bit) is Pablo's nasty rants and name calling consistent with his family's view of Esmeralda and they went on and on and on (also would sit there as they attacked her). I never recall she doing anything comparable. Yes, both are guilty of misunderstandings precipitated by Pablo's parents, Rita & Meatball and she did attack him at the rodeo but I don't think she ever schemed to make him butthurt like he would do with Monica. Hell, the guy would be married now had Jarocha not waved a baby around like a challenge flag.


I enjoyed this so much Lila. One of your comments really resonated with me:

"Somehow this leads to Maria reassuring Pablo that Virginia will be fine."

It's that "somehow". I enjoy watching and recapping this show, but sometimes I wonder how a conversation goes the way it goes. I know my mind tends to wander, but terrible transitions are the hallmark of this show's writing. One minute Esme and Pablo are talking to Virginia about leaving, the next thing you know they are arguing again. There seems to be so little sense to the dialogue.

I agree with you that the eviction scenes were all to real. I found them them hard to watch...and it was driving me crazy that Esme didn't IMMEDIATELY protect her babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me too Sara, it was like Esmeralda was playing red rover, red rover with that riot police line and forgot about them

It really really pissed me off.

Oh, and have I missed the explanation as why Fela is MIA?

nope, I didn't see her last night and no reference made

Thank you Sara! Sara that WAS a weird conversation. Why didn't Pablo go after Esme instead of staying back telling Maria what a sweet young thing she is? Yah, we're good people here in the basurero, we abandon our kids sometimes but hey, your blind sister will be just fine here while her boyfriend is in the pen! (Does Virginia know that her Mom and Dad were responsible for another man eventually spending 20 years in the hoosegow and now they are behind beloved Carlos' imprisonment!)

But, back to the point of weird conversations, I think our little world is being heavily edited but we're troopers and not making a big stink over it. There's enough to fuss about I guess!


Lila---Like La Diva yesterday, I'm having a LOT of trouble deciding which and how many of your great lines to put down. This is really hard. What a GREAT recap, I will pay extra for and autographed copy when your book comes out. But for now, back to your recap.

Well, well, well, the cat has got Gata's tongue.

Your Virginia Ines conversation was superb, I had to read it twice

From shabby shack to Monica's pad.

Augie and Lowrenza toast the eviction with orange juice while classical music plays gently in the background.

Her eyes give a feline flash.

Maria fights fiercely. The mismatched fight continues. Fuerza
Juntos! is the basurero residence battle cry. Lila, you make me feel like I was there.

Lila, your last paragraph was exceptionally sweet.

Lila---when your book gets published, be sure to tell us out on the patio so that we can get our pre-orders in.
the gringo

gringo, oh, yes, the juice toast! It was so deliciously evil! And the juice will make a nice splash when the anvil hits.

tofie, true. Nothing she's done comes anywhere close to the almost-marriage out of spite. The closest she comes is saying things like "How could you think I would marry Meatball?" and "Well, at least he's been around for the kids." instead of just saying "No, it's not true, and I don't have any intention of marrying him or any other man because I'm completely hooked on you, you lunkhead!" I understand her annoyance--his constant questioning is incredibly rude--and giving direct answers might not necessarily get him to cut it out, but the non-answers are definitely not helping. It's like when he asked several times whether they were his kids and she wouldn't ever say "yes" or "no." It was a rude, stupid question in the first place because, come on Pablo do the math!, but not answering didn't help.

Wow! What an episode last night, I wasn't expecting all that much. When the riot police squad came in
I that that they were going to go house to house or shack to shack looking for Virginia but no, that wasn't the case. The intent was to take what little the poor people had put them out on the street.

As Lowrenza said---The important thing is that those filthy starving to death lowlifes will be homeless.

I hope that El Diablo has the fire plenty hot for Lowrenza's arrival.

Esmeralda really fought like a cat. I remember thinking that after that days shoot at Televisa,
Maite must have been very tired. That scene must have taken a lot out of her. And hey, Maria didn't do bad either, she threw everything she had at the police storm troopers.

The show did start better though.
Pablo goes to see Meatball and before you know it, the Meatball is down. A minute later the Meatball is down again. After he gets up he checks his teeth to see if they are all there or if any are loose.

I remember a couple of episodes back, Pablo was arguing with Meatball when four ladies started to walk in for a pizza but when they saw what was going on they turned around and left. It was a loss revenue day.

There was so much last night and today too---Lila, you made a great comment with--That maybe as Gisela gears up her "I want me some Pablo" plan, Gata will bare her claws to her and let Pablo have some purrs and snugglin.

Did you guys notice the war of the necklaces between Lowrenza's
pearls and Eugenia's gold?

Tofie---Pablo and Esmeralda, I don't care. Bite your tongue!
Let them fight, they will work it out.

Your list was great today though.

The comandante--What's the problem
it's not like we're forcing you to bathe.

Virginia---The blind sage.

Augie---Who the hell did I marry?

Fernando---Marquis de dump.

Tofie---one more thing. You said that you liked Ines and her facial expressions, particularly the Cheshire cat grin. Tofie I have those exact same thoughts. Ines is just great that way, her eye roll, her grin etc. are fab. I love watching Ines, it's too bad that her heart is black or maybe a dark gray.

What a great Gata recap and blog today. You guys are the best.

By the way, where is David?
the gringo

Lila – Spot-on title and smoking recap. Lots of action and you pulled it all together so well. Thanks. My favorites:

He walks away bloodied but pride intact.

Virginia glows and Ines looks like o_O.

Augustine rolls toward the phone on a table. Lorenza gets there first. She takes the phone and looks at him like, so there.

I like watching Augie. I never FFW--> through his scenes. At least he had a heart about Virginia being evicted along with the others at the dump.

When he got locked up Carlos told Virginia to go stay with Esme and Jarocha at Fernando’s. He’s scared for her to be alone at the dump and I am too. I would put nothing past Garabato and Ines.


Hey Brother Gringo! Thank you, man! You got me blushin' and aw shucksin'! Seriously, thank you! It is so much fun watching this with you. I'm glad you're not mad at me for some harsh words I had for your raven-haired goddess!

Thanks Niecie! One thing about it, at least in my opinion, these actors are stellar! Maria's green but that's okay. Augie and Lorenza really show up every episode, don't they?

Ahhhh. This was Thursday. Lord, what are they going to do today? I wish Esme and Pablo could join forces but I'm afraid Gisele is going to mean a loooong separation!


Lila....loved your recap. Is this a reworking of CI? Seems the writers have lifted the plot, motherless waif, rich daddy lurking about, and stud muffin hankerin' after the waif. Lady in question is a fast study and becomes extremely beautiful, very smart and ( I would guess very successful.). And way, worth wading thru to see Daniel.

But, I must say, he made a creepy mime.

Hi, Emerald Rose! Thank you so much! Vivi answered this same question which I posed several weeks ago. Apparently there's a writer who writes essentially the same story over and over: poor, dark-haired waif falls in love with rich boy and later learns she's truly a blue-blood herself, they battle all kind of foes and forces to obey love's call! I guess the writer is married to a powerful producer or something thus her novelas get air time and big stars. C.I. is only one of them. But yah, Daniel's a hottie, would love to see him in something else.


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