Monday, November 03, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 11/3/14 #76

Capitulo 76: Growing Pains

Antique Shop: Diego went through the records and found the invoice for the missing guitar. “Germinio Valdez Resendez” was identified by the shopkeeper as the buyer.

La Costeña: Ana wanted to discuss Alicia, but Fernando said they would do so later. She took leave of Fernando while giving the fish eye at Enrique. Fernando decided to postpone the anniversary celebration. Enrique talked about being left without a father, a job, or a direction in life.

Oh, give me a break!” said Hermes, rolling his eyes. “If you really earned a degree at Harvard you can't whine about a job or a direction in life.”

Maybe his degree is a fraud?” asked Aphrodite. “Like any feelings he says he has?”

Hmm. That is something we need to find out more about.”

Ana met León out in the reception area where she talked about how excited she was for Fanny and what a good thing this new school would be for her. She also advised León to court Fanny with flowers, chocolates, etc. He seemed to like this advice.

Lascuráin Mansion: The five younger kids were having dinner, which included meat and veggies, while Ana questioned the twins about whether they concentrated on their lessons. They told her they had. Diego entered with the bill of sale in hand. Luz asked him to tell one of his great stories. He asked if they wanted to hear about the giant anaconda. He talked about how huge it was, more than 20 metres long, and made it sound incredibly scary. He had Ana pretend to be the creature and she hissed as he approached, making it sound like a kid version of Indiana Jones' most dangerous adventure.
Ana grabbed him as he approached with the camera and he “choked” as he finished the story. Manuela had stopped working to listen; she and the children were entertained. Finally, Diego told Ana he had great news for her and they left the kitchen. Manuela looked at the kids' plates and saw that Alicia hadn't eaten her full plate. She said she was getting fat, weighing almost as much as the anaconda, and she got up from the table.

La Costeña: Nicolás came to the office to see Fernando and talk to him about his latest problem.

Lascuráin Mansion: In the library Diego showed the bill of sale to Ana. She asked how to thank him. He said not to until they found her mother. She said this would make her the happiest woman in the world and kissed him in gratitude.

La Costeña: Fernando asked his father what he expected of Jennifer. It's not that he could expect her to become a full-time housewife and it wasn't that he was asking her to give up a professional career. He understood that Jennifer's work wasn't at that level and couldn't understand why she would want to continue working there. Nick replied that Jennifer wanted to stay close to..... her friends (he almost finished saying “Ana” and Fernando almost caught that). “A honeymoon is one thing and afterward is something else.” Fernando laughed at this, knowing his father was right.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana kissed Diego again and hugged him as Alicia entered. She turned around
and followed Alicia out. Diego went up to the large photo of Fernando and Estefania and covered the eyes, saying that it was himself kissing Ana.

Ximena's House: Edith and Fanny were in the main room, Edith commenting on it being a mansion. She asked Fanny if hers was the same size or larger, but Fanny said she didn't know. Edith sarcastically excused herself, finally saying that she couldn't believe that Fanny would want to look out of her burbuja de cristal at reality. That it was a difficult place. Fanny nodded, but seemed to miss part of her meaning.

Lascuráin Mansion: Yolanda read the divorce settlement and was thrilled with it. They would get an apartment in Mexico City, the baby would be cared for, they'd have a chauffeured car, and Isabela would get a generous alimony. Isabitch, however, was not pleased either with the situation or her mother's reaction, telling her to shut up. Yolanda told her to sign the document; they would be living like queens. Isabrat went on through her teeth about how Yomama didn't understand anything; it was about love that she was complaining. Yomama told her that if she loses at love she should just take the money. Zerobela didn't want to leave the mansion and she didn't want to be away from Fernando. Fernando didn't love her. Yomama rolled her eyes and made a subtle gesture of impatience her daughter didn't notice.

Obviously, Hissabela, you haven't watched enough novelas,” said Persephone. “Didn't your mother always tell you 'el corazón no se manda?” said Eros.

I think she did, but Hissabela wasn't listening,” said Athena. “She will learn, but she will lose a lot more before she does.”

In the girls' room, Ana tried to get through to Alicia that she was pretty and wasn't fat. Swearing on the cross. Alicia's insecurity had fallen to a new low; she was sure nobody loved her. Ana went on about how Alicia is now in a cocoon about to emerge as a butterfly. She hugged Alicia as she cried.

La Costeña: Fernando explained his current parenting challenges to his dad while Enrique met with Linda. She was determined to finish off Fernando once and for all.

Enrique asked her why she had it in for Fernando and she explained that a few months after he was widowed he rejected her advances. She had thought they had “a connexion.” He had said they were not to speak of it again. She said he had contempt for her and for that she wanted to destroy him. Enrique stared but said nothing.

Ximena's House: Fanny and Edith were in the parlour and Edith was going on about how the realities they're talking about would break Fanny, who asked her not to judge her prematurely. Edith went on about Fanny's perfumed world and asked why she wanted to confront such crude things. Fanny was a little impatient with her but just said “You don't know me.” Edith didn't seem to want to argue, saying “You'll learn about me.” Nando came downstairs and said that Ximena would be alright and that they should all leave. Edith stared at him while Fanny made the introductions. Each thought to himself “How strange.” Nando finally said that Ximena was sorry and that there should be no fighting about Laura anymore. Finally he politely told Edith it was a pleasure meeting her. “Egual,” she said, with an expression that was equal parts distaste and confusion.

Don't tell me that Goth Girl is going to fall for Nerd Boy?” said Artemis. “That's about the strangest couple anyone could think of.”

Oh, there have been stranger ones than this,” said Eros. “I'm not always sleeping on the job.”

Lascuráin Mansion: Diego told Ana that his help in looking for her mother is unconditional. She wondered whether the purchaser of the guitar was her father. Diego paused.

Later in the library Fernando asked Ana if she would accompany him to an appointment with the best kiddie shrink about the twins. She agreed to and also told him he needed to have a father-daughter talk with Alicia, because adolescence is hell.

Bruno followed Fanny to her room and told her that there was something for her to find in the bed. Something from León. He then excused himself and turned to leave, tripping over the corner of the bed. He left the room and Fanny found the envelope under the mattress. It was a romantic drawing and note from León. She hugged them just as León popped out of the closet.

They kissed and the three youngest kids caught them in the act. Luz scolded them that they were not supposed to be alone; Fanny and León got them down on the bed and tickled them.

Laura arrived at the doorstep just as Enrique pulled up in his car. From the look of his windshield it had to have been raining. She looked back at him flirtatiously as he exited the car with a binder and some documents. “I know you, don't I?” he asked. She replied that they met at Alicia's quince and that she was a friend of Fanny's, then reminded him of her name. He kissed her hand. Both enjoyed this too much.

What do mortals say when they see such things?” asked Hera. “I could lose my lunch. This pendejo is a real perv.”

Agreed. He's going to use Laura against Fanny in some way,” said Zeus. “His timing is impeccable.”

Fernando asked Ana for another favor, which was to prepare her special tea for him. She said “What, and to have you end up in my bed again?” just as Hissabela opened the doors before they saw her. She walked in bold as brass to confront them.

She demanded why Fernando didn't respect her, etc, referring to Ana as “la criada”. Fernando told her he wouldn't tolerate her insulting Ana or hanging any guilt on her, Dissabela didn't want to hear the explanation and Ana wasn't happy to have to give it. When she finally got the word “sleepwalked” out, Dissabela refused to believe it. Ana finally got sufficiently fed up to tell her that she wasn't interested, she had a novio, and that the two of them were married and she had principles. She finally walked out with the last word.

At the foot of the stairs she saw Fanny and León about to go out. They sensed something had happened and she said “Just a little misunderstanding with the Tarantula.” explaining to León that that was Hissabela. The two young adults went out in a good mood, which froze a little in the rain and at the sight of Enrique. Fanny politely expressed condolences over his father and he thanked her with an apology for his previous behavior. Laura asked to speak to Fanny and she said they would talk in her room. That left the two men outside, which was inviting disaster.

In her room Fanny let Laura know she was not pleased with her recent actions. “You don't try to steal a friend's novio,” she said. Laura made excuses for all of Fanny's accusations, finally ordering her not to yell at her. “I'm yelling because you are evil,” she said. Of course, Laura went on about how Nando would be better off with her than with that “demented” Ximena, then walked out. Fanny looked mildly annoyed.

Nando? Oh, Laura, make up your mind. Is it going to be the honest, smart boy with a rich father or the smarmy perv who's only looking to use you?”

Now, now, Mother,” said Eros. “Nobody grows up in their world without making a few mistakes.”

True, but he's dangerous. He'd just as soon kill her and ear her for dinner once she's no longer useful to him.”

In the parlour Bruno asked Enrique if he should announce him to Fernando. Enrique looked up the stairs for Laura, saying that it wasn't necessary. He handed the binder to him, saying he was just leaving some financial documents for Fernando. Bruno did a military about-face to head to the library just as Laura came down. He stood there just long enough to hear Laura flirtatiously ask Enrique if he was inviting her to dinner. He said “Of course,” and they headed toward the door. Bruno turned around just in time to see this. Enrique looked him in the eye as he excused himself to leave.

In the library Fernando explained about the tea and that it made him sleepwalk. Hissabela still didn't buy his loss of control over this, as he had had the hots for Ana long before this. She handed the documents to him, saying he was very generous. He told her that her new apartment would be ready at the end of the week. She cried and he asked her if she had any questions. She pointed to the phrase regarding the dissolution of the marriage and walked out.

While Fernando took a deep breath wishing it were next week already Hissabela headed for the stairs. Ana was coming down the stairs with the laundry basket and spotted her. She started back up as Hissabully charged up, saying “It is all your fault,” finally getting ahead of her and turning around to face downward. Ana saw the look in her eye as she said she wanted to kill her. “Release me, por favor,” she said, showing as little fear as she could. Bruno came out of the kitchen, asking if there was anything the Señora needed. Hissabela stopped, backed off with a stony face, and went to her soon-to-be-ex room. Ana caught her breath before descending the stairs and thanked Bruno for saving her life.  He asked if she was alright and promised he would always be there for her.

That's it! She has sealed her fate now,” said Athena. “I'm all for having her lose her beauty by the time the baby is born.”

Can we make her a Gorgon?” asked Hermes. “After the baby is born, of course.”

I'm all for it, little brother.”

Fanny and León walked out to her car and she was talking about Laura and her inauthenticity. León talked about it was all about what Laura didn't have in comparison with Fanny, who was beautiful and had a large loving family. Young love stuff. They got into the car and began making out.

Fernando was working at the computer when his cell phone alerted him to a text message reminder from Ana about Alicia. Just as he closed the cell phone and got up from the desk León and Fanny were steaming up the windows of her car and one of them leaned against the horn. Fernando stopped dead on the stairs and went outside to investigate. He opened the door on the driver's side and demanded to know what was going on.

Aphrodite was watching. “Oh, no. When did this suddenly become a 1950s movie? Fernando, she's not a little girl anymore.”

Enrique's Apartment: Laura was checking out the décor while Enrique was plying her with red wine. She talked trash about Fanny, telling Enrique he could do better. She was flirting with him and he had that predatory look in his eye.

Lascuráin Mansion: Fanny and León got out of the car, she trying to tell her father that nothing happened. León tried to apologise for how this looked, then told Fanny he would take the bus home. Fanny tried to explain things to her father, who admitted he was having difficulty with this. His mind clearly went to realizing that Fanny probably wasn't a virgin anymore, then he did Ana's “cancelo, cancelo, cancelo”, which amused Fanny, who lovingly accused him of jealously. He admitted he was jealous in a fatherly way and she hugged him, knowing he loved her.

Enrique's Apartment: Laura talked about Ximena being bipolar and that's what she and Fanny argued about. Sensing she was boring him, she changed the subject to him. She asked whether he was married and he said he was single and didn't have a girlfriend. “At the moment.” Right on cue his cell phone rang and it was Hisababy whining about Fernando.

Yomama was obviously irritated at hearing this again; she sensibly told her to stop singing that same old song. Hissabela told her to shut up. Yomama tried praying and Hissabela threatened to throw her out. She got back on the phone to Enrique, saying she had to continue to be near Fernando. He looked confused but said nothing Laura could interpret. Hissababy said she would have to return to the office now that he would be leaving. She finally ended the call and whined to Yomama, who covered her ears and asked God what sin she had committed to deserve this.

Do you want the executive summary, or should we tell you in detail?” Hera was getting impatient.

They can't hear us,” said Zeus.

More's the pity,” said Hera. “Maybe we could have done something a long time ago.”

Well, we can't be everywhere at once.”

Lascuráin Mansion:  Fernando told Fanny and Ana he tried to talk to Alicia, but she was asleep and he didn't want to wake her. Ana and Fanny said a few things about her misperception of being fat, segueing into what happened in the car. Fanny said to ask her dad “The Inspector”, then picked up her purse to leave. She kissed her dad goodnight and went upstairs. Ana tried to get him to talk and his anxiety gave away what this was about. He told her that it wasn't easy for him; he had held Fanny in his arms when she was a baby. Ana said that they were careful and he didn't miss what that meant. He then asked “Do you or don't you know if anything happened between my daughter and León?”


You've got any new recaps for Hasta Fin El Mundo ?

Thanks, Urban. The recap with the Olympian commentary was a stitch. I especially enjoyed the "perv" line.

I could not help but laugh at how the car windows were all steamed up when Fer went out to see what the commotion was. Made me think if the old Tina Turner song "Steamy Windows". Anyway, that whole scene with Fernando, Fanny and León was very well played. I am really enjoying Jorge Salinas's portrayal of Fernando.

Poor Bruno had a rough evening on the job having to witness the old perv Enrique agree to take Laura out to dinner and then responding to Isabella on the verge of pushing Ana down the stairs. Maybe the old boy deserves combat pay between stopping what could have been the murder of Ana and having to fulfill the whims of Yolanda.

Will Edith ever just be normal and not bring class into everything that Fanny says or does? It has gotten real old real quick. The "qué raro" reaction of both Edith and Nando in consideration of the other was cute.



When it comes to social class some people just never get over themselves.

I absolutely agree that Bruno deserves combat pay. At least with Isabully and Yomama exiting the mansion he is likely to be spared their finding out his real secret (as in the V word).

Awesome recap! Loved this: “Maybe his degree is a fraud?” asked Aphrodite. “Like any feelings he says he has?”

I knew Tight Bun's vitriol came from more than lost profits! I like Fer but I can't understand the passion he seems to arouse in women so quickly.

Nando and Edith?! That would be fun, at least more fun than him and Xime.

I think Laura is going to use Enrique for money but I'm sure he'll get her to help him in his plot for Lascurain destruction.

Poor Alicia is going through some tough growing pains. I remember myself at that age and its hard.

I still don't understand why Hissabitch thinks she loves Fer? They have no connection whatsoever.

As we often hear in novelas "El corazon no se manda." You have no control over whom you're attracted to and you have less than no control over who loves you.

You can only control how you behave in the presence of others and Isababy chooses not to do that.

If I still were interested in romance in the real world Fernando would not be safe from me. He's a true alpha male, successful, handsome, decisive, romantic, and faithful. He truly loved his first wife and he loves his children. He has principles, he treats his servants and employees well, and he will be a faithful husband to Ana when we get to the end of this tale.

The only mystifying element here is how either Linda or Hissabela could think he'd love them.

I think you're right about Laura and Enrique.

And yes, Nando and Edith could be fun if the writers decided on that path.

Awesome job UA, this TN has a lot of nuance I miss and especially your use of Olympian commentary helps.

I love the interaction between the characters in this TN. So many little things they could leave out but glad they don't. Bruno's rescue of Ana, Fernando's use of clear, Ana, Diego covering the eyes on the painting, the two oddballs eyeballing each other, Isabela pointing out in the divorce agreement the lines she disagreed with as the dissolution of the marriage.

Laura - Sugarbaby

Leon - "I can see paradise by the dashboard light"

Nando - what's Marylin Manson doing in Ximena's livingroom

Bruno - eyes in the back of my head

Fernando - if I ain't gittin any, nobody is

Yomama - it's better to quit while you're ahead

Alicia - gonna unfriend me on facebook

Edith - spent a small fortune on make up

Ana - I can be grateful without being "GRATEFUL" can't I


Great recap, as always UA. We seem to be slowing slightly in the plot development department. Guess the writers need to add more filler. But...

"Can we make her a Gorgon?” asked Hermes"

Yes please. We approve.
Even Yomama is sick of listening to her. So boo-hoo she actually fell for her mark, but may want to ratchet back the vehemence and dislike of anyone associated with the man if you think he would ever think of returning the emotion. Self-centered witch.

Speaking of whom, gees Laura has sure entered the ranks of Skank-ho. She can roll her eyes all she wants, but she's willing to do, yeah I try not to think, just so she can keep up her rich-girl charade...let her at it. She's going to need some mighy hot showers to wash off the slime if she hooks up with Eeky.

I wish the writers would make up their mind what is wrong with Ximena. Frankly, she says she was diagnosed with severe depression, others say she is bi-polar and she has the jealousy of a spoiled rich girl. Add that all up, and Nando needs to run, not walk to the nearest exit. But he won't, because now she's laying the mighty guilt trip on him with the attempted suicide. She needs help, she needs it long term and she needs to focus on herself and self-worth.

But I'm sort of not against the idea of Nando and Goth-girl. Honestly, I think that could be a hoot. I'm guessing she's a smart, savvy girl and the extremes of these two meeting in the middle could be fun to watch. Better then this constant angst with Ximena.

I want Diego to come to my kitchen and tell me fun stories. And so help me, Johny becomes a dredge and starts mooching off Jen and Nico and I will have to be kept away from all breakable objects.


Where is everybody today?

UA, great recap and comments from Olympus...

i agree with everyone about Nando and Edith could be more entertaining than Nando and Xime. I agree with DaisynJay. he should run, not walk, to the nearest exit.

the statement in the divorce papers Isa had the disagreement was 'and both parties agree to separate' (with her accompanying whining and tears about her not wanting)

Loved when Fanny told the little ones 'and now Rey Leon and I will attack!' and then she and Leon charged the kids at her bed.
btw, the drawing was his memory of their first night together 'when we were fused as one' or stte.

I too loved Fernando's jealous daddy reaction (I did miss the 'cancelo, cancelo, cancelo!' detail so thanks for bringing that up, have to try to rewatch if they repeat at beginning tonight).

tofie, your Fernando line for today is priceless!!


UA- doesn't seem any of the recaps are getting their usual reponse today. I know here, there are schools out, major elections for the state and from what my direct reports are telling me, they are getting some lousy weather across the US. Just one of those days I guess.

Leon and Fanny are too happy again. Anyone else see an anvil with a creepy smile on it?


UA and all other recappers for the past week or so. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I read all recaps and comments, but I'm finding this TN a little slow so don't have much to say about it. Plus, I'm catching up on last week's eps--though I did watch last night's.

I liked the little Nando/Edith moment. How old is she supposed to be?

Did Alicia apologize to Ana because of how she treated her a few times defending Isa?

Looking forward to getting Isa and Yola out of the house.

Loved the cancelo, cancelo that Fer did and Fan's reaction.

Loved Fan's little squeal when she found the pics.


Thanks, UA! As always, I love your commentary and the photos you included are fantastic for capturing the events. And I totally agree with Hera: “I could lose my lunch. This pendejo is a real perv.”

I KNEW IT!!! Linda Tight-bun has it in for Fer because he rejected her advances back when she was merely Linda Tight-ponytail. Guess she just didn't wait long enough after he was widowed. Isabully is certainly a worse siren to fall for.

I know Fanny loves Leon and all, but if someone jumped out of my closet and scared the bejeebers out of me and violated my sense of privacy and security like that, he would NOT be getting kisses as a reward. But how sweet of him to give her a drawing commemorating their first roll in the hay @@.

I liked that little moment between Nando and Edith, but Edith is tiring. When will she stop harping on Fanny about class issues and trying to dictate Fanny's own priorities and attitudes? Not to mention, could she not see that Fanny was worried about her suicidal friend and it wasn't really the moment for a discussion of the trappings of the wealthy?

Laura is gross. And to think I ever thought she was the nice one. Well, now she'll surely get cooties. She does know he's now unemployed, right? Oh, well, I'm sure he still has some assets she can get her claws on.

Amazing that Diego actually found a record of the guitar sale. I wonder who the guy will turn out to be.

Oh, responding to Marta's question from yesterday: I won't have time to do a full whiz-bang recap on Wednesday, but I can do a quick summary.

yes, Alicia did appologize to Ana for being so unfair to her recently. Ana of course Ana said no worries... and that she understood Alicia was 'vulnerable' at this age. not your fault .. etc etc...

tonight i have a meeting and will do the recap afterwards (as long as my DVDR records normally. had to call my cable yesterday, was watching a marathon of xmas movies on halmark channel and the tv suddenly said this channel is off your service, call this number to inquire... (I was like WTH??? it cut it off in the middle of the movie). but i just got on phone and they restored it as i was on phone with them. so hopefully i will have the ep when i get home tonight. tomorrow should not be a problem for me either. have to pick up daughter at some basketball game but as long as dvdr works we are ok.

Thank you, Urban, for another amazing recap, screen shots, and Olympic commentary!

If Nando and Edith date, I cannot wait to see Fer's face when Nando introduces them!

I still sympathize with Diego. I wish Ana would break up with him instead of stringing him along.

Poor Xime. I hope she finds an excellent counselor, recovers, and lives well.

Ana, does need to have that uncomfortable conversation with Diego. Soon

I hope Fernando is not stupid and allows Isabela to work at the company again as she mentioned to Yomama.


Another great recap -- a good reason for this novela to last a long time!

I love the idea of Edith getting involved with the Lascurain kids. Enough already with the class analysis but the sparks among them may fly in ways that are entertaining and thoughtful.

The scene between Alicia and Ana was very sweet. What kid wouldn't love Ana messages of hope (even if a bit confusing with the gusano analogy) and affection.


I don't understand why Fer is going forward with taking the twins to a shrink right away. They show NO signs of having ADHD. Cutting off their candy supply and staying on top of discipline should do it.

Fer would have to be a complete fool to give Isa access to the company and its funds again. Then again, he gives every indication of being quite the fool. And Isa seems off her rocker. She really wants to stay in that house where everyone hates her and she hates them, rather than going to a luxury apartment where she doesn't have to deal with them? I think SHE should be the one taken to the child psychologist for analysis. Her everyday behavior is worse than the twins at their very worst.

I wonder if Linda Tightbun was ever that into Fer, or if she just likes to make a pass when she sees an eligible man and her ego can't deal with rejection.

Edith will loosen Nando up and Nando, along with Fanny and the whole Luscarain clan, will teach Edith tolerance.

I wonder what Edith looks like without the trowelled-on makeup and hair products. Maybe someday she will stop hiding behind all that goop.

Hi Urban. Thanks for the great recap. I'm starting to love these characters and our community of watchers too.


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