Monday, November 03, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- La Reina de Corazones - Week of November 3, 2014

The real villain in this novela appears to be Telemundo, which smushed 3 of the capitulos broadcast in Mexico into each of the ones broadcast here on Mon through Thursday with huge parts of the story cut.  Marvelous Mauricio has made it possible to see the Mexican episodes on a new blog here.

We all hope that the smushing will end soon. Let Telemundo know your opinion of this at:

 And since tomorrow is election day all across the country, enjoy this:

Baldo en Español by Hector D. Cantu and Carlos Castellanos

Baldo en Español
English version

P.S.  Just a reminder — we don’t discuss previews here.  We only talk about what has actually happened in the episodes aired on American television.  You may, of course, spin Crackpot Theories™ to your heart’s content.

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Thanks Jean!

Did Telemundo do more slicing and dicing?

I have added Mex Eps 98, 99, and 100 to the blog.

Hey guys,

Someone put this on the foro telenovela website. Not sure how accurate it is but apparently this is how the episodes will be cut for the next two weeks.

Nov ..... Episode

3 ....... 98 - 100
4 ....... 101 - 103
5 ....... 104 - 106
6 ....... 107 - 109
7 ....... 110 - 112

10 ...... 113 - 115
11 ...... 116 - 118
12 ...... 119 - 120
13 ...... 121 - 122
14 ...... 123 - 124

They sure did slice and dice tonight. Even the title of the program on my DVR was Capitulo 98/99/100 AND they announced Últimos capitulos. We only got one week of últimas semanas, right? Bastards!

Thanks for putting the Mexican episodes up, Mauricio. You are our savior.

Thanks Caroline and Jean!

Ultimas Capitulos - Noooooooo! :(

I'm really going to miss this TN. I HATE seeing it going by sooooo fast. It did not deserve this treatment at all.


Here is my recap. Feels free to add or correct. I did the best I could but it was soooo choppy! I don;t understand why we couldn't get the last 40 episodes without cutting!!

Lunes Part 1

The episode starts at Greta and Grandma’s funeral. Laz is devastated. You hear a Greta’ voiceover saying how she is dying being apart from him. Greta is then shown in disguise-crying. She will be starting a new life but will always be sad because she is without Laz.

Back in Spain ,Reina is with Clarita’s doctor. Her has spoken to Clara’s doctor in the states but that doctor does not have a patient by the name of Catalina. However he did have a patient with the same illness who illness who went by the name of Clara de Rosas!

Esmith is speaking to Dr Moto about Clarita’s illness. They discuss the switched DNA results-Dr Moto states that FELS must have had his reasons to switch the tests. But Esmith wonders if maybe Navier should know the truth now because of Clarita’s illness. FELS walks in on them.

Reina tells the doctor that they are in witness protection. She begs him to help save her daughter. The doctor doesn’t care about their identity. He swears to do everything he can to save Clarita’s life.

FELS discusses with Moto and Esmith how Greta’s death could have been murder. They should have done an autopsy, he says. The family didn’t want one, Dr Moto tells FELS.

Reina is enters the hospital elevator and Lopez 2.0 is shown at the same hospital! He has found her!!
Juanco and Susana enter his product placement KIA. He tries to comfort her. She just wants to be alone. She has a lot to think about. He will be home with his phone on. He will be there for her if she needs him.

Laz talks to Moto in the church. He is crying-he mentions how he went to the coffin and placed his hand on it. He got a strange sensation like Greta wasn’t in there. Like it was empty!

FELA is at the computer. He is looking at a picture of the dead maid. All of a sudden a picture of Lopez 2.0 pops up!

Moto and Laz leave the church. A baby is heard crying. There is a baby in a bassinet. What a BIG baby!! Laz picks up the bassinet! What are we to do, he asks.

Estefy and Susanna are speaking. Estefy is telling her that Susana’s talk with Greta gave her strength. But for Estefy, all she feels is anger and rage. She is tired of things being taken from her. She is tired of others having what she wants. She reveals to Susana that Reina is 5 months pregnant and Navier is the father!

Esmith is leaving a message on Navier’s pone. Please call her! FELS comes and asks her who she was talking to. He knows she was talking to Navier. He also knows that Navier chartered a plane to Spain where he shouldn’t be going! What are you going to do kill him, arrest him? No, FELS isn’t going to do anything because he knows it’s because of Clarita. But it would be worse for him to find out that Clarita is his daughter. But FELS won't detain him at the airport. FELS also states that Victor knows Reina is in Spain and is on his way and will probably get there before Navier!

Clarita, Reina and Asuncion are in Clarita's room celebrating her birthday? There are tons of presents. All of a sudden the lights go off. Clarita is scared.

Estefy is still going on about Reina. Estefy tells Susana that Reina’s pregnancy is high risk. Any stress or fright can cause her to lose the baby!
Reina is holding a gun and a candle ( is that safe?) The lights go on and there is a wedding dress in the living room with a bloodstain on it. There is a sign that says “I found you!” with a Queen of Hearts card pinned to it.

Asuncion goes into the living room and sees the dress. What is that? A message, Reina says. Someone found us but I don’t know who!


Lunes Part 2

Moto and Laz are back at his house. Laz comments that the baby looks like Roman did when he was little. All babies look alike, Moto says. However , this baby seems to be in good health. They should go to the police station and turn the baby in. Laz doesn’t want to-at least not today. It’s been a long difficult day. This baby is a sign-It's life!

Izzy is seen money to a woman. Was it them, he asks. Yes, a handsome man with a sad face and an attractive woman. They grabbed the baby. Perfect, he says. She did everything that Izzy told her to do but doesn’t know what they did with the baby-maybe they took it to the police station. Well whatever happened was fate. Izzy did his part!

It the next day at Reina’s house. There is a knock at the door. Reina grabs her gun. It’s Victor! She points the gun at him. What a warm welcome, he says sarcastically. He looks and notices she is pregnant! He is not amused!!

FELS shows Esmith Lopez’ picture. He is an imposter. He actually works for the organization that Victor just took down. He worked with Pilar and he killed Victor’s grandmother!

Victor says that Reina didn’t tell him that she was pregnant with his child. Or is it his nephew? It’s her child, Reina says. She accuses him of leaving the message the night before. Clarita comes in-her dad is there to celebrate her birthday! She does not look happy. He brings her a present. A purple diamond. They can be a happy family again!

The following scenes are intercut with each other. Navier hears Esmith’s previous message. Esmith calls him again. She tells him that Victor knows where Reina is and will get there before he does.

Clarita blows out the candles of her cake as masked men break in to the house. Esmith doesn’t care if she gets fired-she needs to tell him the truth. The men attack Victor and shoot Asuncion in the back. They grab Clarita and try to shoot Reina but Victor takes the bullet for her. Esmith tells Navier that he is Clarita’s father and that FELS switched the DNA tests. Reina was never unfaithful. Clarita is his daughter and she needs him.

Navier gets to the house. Reina is doubled over in pain. She tells Navier that they have taken Clarita.
Laz overhears Moto and Esmith talking and knows Navier is the father.

FELS goes to see Estefy. FELS tells Estefy that he knows Greta isn’t dead. He also knows that Estefy knows where Reina is and he asks her why she sent Lopez to Spain. He tells her that Lopez is traitor.

Lopez is seen on the phone-he is the one who kidnapped Clarita.

Laz tells Moto that he overheard everything-Clarita is the Dragon’s daughter.

Navier is on the phone with FELS-he needs his help-Clarita was kidnapped and everyone else is in bad shape. FELS wants to help.

Lopez is on the phone with Bolivar “disguising”his voice. He threatens to kill Clarita He points the gun at her and Navier hears a shot over the phone. He screams.

The camera cuts to Lopez being shot by a masked man. It seems like Estefy sent him. He puts Lopez on the phone and he speaks to Estefy. The Queen of Diamonds is no one to mess with! Estefy’s man shoots him dead. She then tells him what to do with Clarita.

News has traveled fast-Moto and Laz find out about the kidnapping.

Navier is in the hospital with Reina. She has lost the baby. The nurse says there were no complications.

Estefy walks into her safe horrified. It is empty. She has been robbed!!

Esmith walks into her apt speaking to Navier on the phone. FELS is inside waiting for her. Navier tells Esmith that she finally told him the truth but it was too late. They have killed his daughter!!
Esmith is devastated. FELS tells her that there is more information-Asuncion is in bad shape. Victor is going to hospitalized and Reina lost the baby. Esmith can’t believe it.


Lunes Part 3

Reina is crying at Asuncion’s bedside. She is crying, devastated over the loss of her baby and Clarita’s kidnapping. Asuncion can’t leave her too. Asuncion squeezes her hand. Reina is relieved.
Navier tries to clean up the worst birthday party ever! He gets a call from Estefy’s man-if he wants to see Clarita alive he will give him a lot of money. Navier wants to hear her voice first! Nope he just has to take his word for it!

Estefy is talking on the phone- they need to pin the kidnapping on Lopez’ old organization. No one can know she is behind it.

Reina and Navier are in Victor’s hospital room. Navier tells them that he is going to pay Clarita’s ransom. Swear to me that she is alive, Reina pleads with him. He can’t, Navier laments. Victor wants to help. Navier has a plan.

Esmith goes to see Estefy. Esmith points a gun at Estefy and asks if she sent Lopez to Europe. Yes or no? Estefy screams that yes it was her-she kidnapped Clarita.

Navier goes to the ransom location with the bag of money. He wants to see Clarita first. Reina is seen praying for her child’s safety.

The kidnapper brings out Clarita. Navier hugs her. The kidnapper tells Navier that neither one of them are leaving there alive. Oh no, Dragon asks. The kidnapper opens the bag and sees a bomb inside. Navier is holding the detonator.

Estefy tells Esmith that she first wanted to scare them but now she doesn’t care-she wants that family to break in a million pieces!!

Navier is seen running outside with Clarita. They go into a car-Victor is the driver. The building blows up.

It’s the next day and Esmith is telling FELS that Estefy admitted to the kidnapping and is now threatening to out hundreds of their agents, including Navier. FELS will interrogate her.

Navier takes Clarita to the hospital. She is rushed into the OR.

FELS is in the interrogation room with Estefy. She is hooked up to a lie detector machine. Esmith is watching on the other side.

Estefy denies telling Esmith about the kidnapping. Estefy threatens to release a list of all the secret agents if she is locked up.

Back at the hospital, Navier tells Reina that Clarita will survive. She wants to know why Clarita was taken. Victor tells them that he found Lopez body outside of the building where Clarita was being held.

Thanks for posting the page for what may be the penultimate week of our favorite show. Grrrrr. That's all. [I do love the cartoon!]


Thank you for the information about the how the show is likely to play out. Sigh. I really appreciate your recap tonight. I know it isn't easy to try to make sense of a story that lurches and reels and leaves you feeling like maybe you dozed off and missed some crucial connecting piece.

Reina lost her baby, exactly as Estefi hoped she would. And Victor put his life on the line for Reina and for Clara. So our two villains, Estefi and Victor, have taken different paths, one toward perdition, the other toward redemption.

Which path will FELS follow? [Or will the bastards at Telemundo even allow us to know that?]

Thanks for the recap, Caroline. You made perfect sense of all the whiplash action and I appreciate it.

Ultimos capitulos??? Wow. That didn't even register when I saw it last night. I still don't get the rush. TdeR only just started filming and we are going in to the holidays. Just show the last 40 episodes as filmed and start the new TN in January!

Cut scenes from Capitulo 98:

Much more of Laz’s reaction on finding out that Greta is dead. He wants to see the body. Victor tells him to go away.

Navier is looking at Clara’s and Reina’s medical records on the computer.

Clara finds out from the internet that Greta is dead and is very upset and needs medication.

Dra Moto comes to Esmeeth to tell her that FELS altered the results on Clara’s DNA test. Esmeeth already knows this. She doesn’t know what to do as agent or mother.

Victor tells Estefi that he doesn’t feel anything for “that bastard” (feminine). He could be referring to Clara or Greta’s baby here. It’s not clear.

There was more of the joint funeral. Navier comforts Laz by Greta’s casket. Estefi asks if Navier has some compassion for her. He asks how he could give her something she never showed to him. Victor gives a eulogy for Greta and Grandma. He says that Grandma was the only one who knew him and loved him unconditionally.

Izzy calls the prostitute to do one more thing for him with the baby.

The Spanish doctor tells Reina that Clarita has to be kept calm in the days before her surgery, which is scheduled for 3 days later.

Victor tells Izzy that he is going on a trip. He knows where Reina is and he isn’t going to lose her.

Estefi tells López that she has lost everything and it was all Reina’s fault. She wants Reina to lose something, too.

Navier tells Juanjo that he is going on a trip. He is going to see Clara for her birthday. Even though she isn’t his daughter, he feels like she is. Esmeeth calls and says that she needs to talk to him about something very important. She needs to tell him in person. Navier says he doesn’t have the time or the desire and he doesn’t have a mother either. JJ thinks he is too hard on Esmeeth.

Laz finds a note in the baby’s basket saying the baby doesn’t have parents and only needs love.

Navier has apparently offered to take letters from Connie to Reina. She is late. Juanjo suggests to Navier that they go to her house but Navier replies that he doesn’t have time and he doesn’t have any confidence in Christián. JJ agrees with that. Connie arrives with letters for Reina. JJ says that Navier seems to be afraid of something. Navier tells JJ that he is a little afraid for Clara.

Birthday party. Reina tells Clara to make 3 wishes. She wishes her heart gets fixed; she can be with her baby brother, Nicolás, and that she is in a happy family with Reina and Navier.

After the lights go out at the birthday party, Reina flashes back to Navier hiding guns all over the house and being impressed at her shooting ability.


Thanks for the little extras, Jean. All scenes I would have loved to see! I'm going to try to email Telemundo today or tomorrow.

OT: Is Spanish Doctor also the Allstate Mala Suerte guy?

Yes, the Clara's cardiologist is the Allstate Mala Suerte guy.


Cut scenes from Capitulo 99 - Part 1

When Reina finds the manikin with the note, she gives a defiant speech to Asunción about how she will defend Asunción, Clara and her baby. She is well prepared to do this.

Dra Moto is with Greta’s baby. She says that at least the baby isn’t crying. She can’t stand a crying baby. She says that the baby can’t stay in with her for very long but you can see that she is being drawn towards the kid. Laz comes in with tons of baby supplies.

Laz has put the baby in Dra Moto’s bed. She doesn’t want to sleep with a baby. Laz says that the baby needs warmth and love. Finally, he goes to sleep in Moto’s bed and leaves Moto with the short couch.

Juanjo tells Yoli that it is over between them. He loves Susana even if she is ashamed of him. JJ leaves. Susana comes down and asks Yoli to bring Estefi a cup of tea. Yoli tells Susana that she should be happy – JJ has left her for Susana but he’ll regret it. She gives Susana a little shove as she goes by.

Susana shows up a JJ’s house. She tells him that she knows that he has broken up with Yoli. She has decided to take Greta’s advice (I’m not sure if I mentioned that on Thursday’s episode, but in their farewell, Greta told Susana to take the gift of someone who loves her and enjoy life). Susana brings in her suitcase. She is moving in if that is ok with JJ.

I think some of this was on the US broadcast but we see Estefi talking to López, who is outside of Reina’s house. She tells him that treachery must be paid with blood. He says that he will follow her orders and puts on the bad-guy mask.

Before the scene where Navier comes into the house full of bleeding people, we see him sneaking around outside and finding all his guards dead. Then, after the part that was broadcast, there is more in the house of bleeding people. Navier tells Vic to call an ambulance. [Why Navier, the only able-bodied person present, can’t do this is not clear.] Navier and Reina crouch over Asunción. Victor makes the call and takes out his ever-present flask, which has a dent in it from the bullet. He thanks his Granny for saving him. Reina is lamenting that someone took “her daughter.” “Our daughter,” says Navier, and then he turns toward Victor and repeats, “Clara is my daughter.”

We see the wounded being taken out of Reina’s house. Navier says to himself that the moment when a father and daughter are reunited should be magical but this one ended covered in blood.

We saw part of the scene where FELS comes to see Estefi in the doll room to tell her that López is a traitor. There was more. FELS asks why Estefi won’t admit that she sent López to Spain. Estefi accuses him of caring more for Reina than for her. She says that everyone prefers Reina to her. She tells him to get out and tries to push him out of her doll room. Estefi trying to push FELS who is so much taller and stronger than she was funny. Finally, he does leave.

Susana asks Juanjo if he is prepared to rescue her from committing suicide again and he says that he is. Susana replies that won’t be necessary. She isn’t going down that path again. She is going to follow Greta’s advice and live life to the fullest with JJ. There’s a knock on the door and it’s Izzy. He wants to know if JJ wants to have a drink with him. He is surprised to see Susana there. She says that she has no problem with that and as of now, he can call her Juanjo’s “mujer.”


Cut scenes from Capitulo 99 - Part 2

Connie gets nauseous talking to Christián who has brought an enormous stuffed bear into the house. [So I guess she is pregnant, almost certainly with Izzy’s baby, though.

At the Spanish hospital, Reina is brought in a wheelchair to Navier. She tells him that she lost the baby. She needs him to find Clara. She doesn’t know how he found out that Clara is his daughter but she needs him find her. Navier swears that he will and that the person who ordered this will pay.

FELS barges into Estefi’s doll room again. He is furious. He says, ‘It was you, it was you who ordered Clara’s kidnapping. Look at me when I am talking to you. How dare you? What is going on in your head. You’re crazy. You’re sick.” Doesn’t she remember what happened to them? How he hid in the closet and she hid with the dolls. How can she put another child through the same thing they went through?
“Why not?” replies Estefi, “why not?” Why should she be the only child who suffers. Has he forgotten whose child Clara is? She is Reina’s child.
FELS says that he knows whose child Clara is but what Estefi doesn’t know is that Clara has a heart problem and needs an operation.

Then Victor is brought into the waiting room where all these personal encounters are taking place. “You’re alive,” says Navier, “hierba mala nunca muere.”
“But only thanks to my grandma,” replies Vic, and repeats the story of the flask that saved his life. Navier says that Vic had better not have been involved in what happened. Vic replies that he didn’t have anything to do with it. It was the people who killed his grandma. Navier says that is what he is afraid of – that they won’t ask for ransom for Clara. They will just kill her.

Vic asks how Navier found out that Clara was his daughter. Navier tells him about the switched DNA test. Vic says that Navier can count on him to help rescue Clara. Navier laughs. How can he take such an offer seriously when Victor did various evil things to Clara in the past. Navier says that Vic has never liked Clara. “True,” replies Victor. He never had any affection for the child who was always a living reminder of Reina’s great love for NN. But these bad people owe him big time and he won’t die before the debt is paid in full. Navier asks the attendant how Asunción is – the guy says that her prognosis is “reservado,” “guarded,” I guess we would say.

We see Victor in the operating room. He doesn’t want anesthesia because he has to leave right after the surgery. He vows vengeance against Estefi and the organization who killed his Grandma.

Laz tells Dra Moto that he thinks that FELS is a rotten guy and he doesn’t understand how she fell in love with him. He says that he knows she is still in love with him.

Izzy has an awkward drink with JJ and Susana. He suggests that they have a baby or adopt one right away. Connie shows up with what looks like a home pregnancy test and starts to tell JJ that she has all the symptoms when JJ indicates that Izzy is there. She leaves and Izzy follows.


Jean, thanks again for helping to fill in the blanks for us. This is just so sad. I really feel for all the artists whose work is being treated disrespectfully.

NovelaMaven--You took the words right out of my mouth. I would also include the whole behind-the-scenes crew, director, cameramen, set designers, costume dept., everyone connected with Reina are being dissed royally.

I'd love to know who the b*st*rds are that sit in a darkened room deciding which scenes can be cut from a current novela. I have enough disdain for the persons who make those decisions for producing a DVD, but at least the novela is over.

We experienced some of this in Que Bonito Amor, but there it was Two-Fers, not Three-Fers.

Another thing. Was it just low ratings? Were the advertisers complaining? Most of the commercials I see and I would say 99% of them are local and they've been running the same ads for years, multiple times per episode, day in, day out. Geesh!


Ok, sorry for starting out with a rant.


Caroline and Jean--Thank you so much. I really regret not being able to watch Mauricio's blog posts. His timetable is scaring the heck out of me.


I'm madder than hell, but can't do anything about it except send a nasty message to TM and then---


thanks so much Sara for the recap!
it's impossible for me to follow most of this without one.

and thanks again to Jean for the wonderful job she is doing to fill in for those of us that can't watch the whole 3 shows.

loved the scene with Stefi walking into her 'empty' vault, even the 4 diamonds were taken as she comments, and so does the curse repeats itself, or do they find their way to the true Reina, and the kingdom of the Dragon?


I think it's the bean counters watching the bottom line that make the decisions, because I also feel sorry for the editors that are told to cut, how can they possibly do a good job?

let's see, about 40 shows to go, 3 a night, about 3 weeks, eh?

the good part is, hopefully, they finished filming this in it's entirety so the complete show will exist somewhere.

the worst chop I can remember is "La diosa coronada", where everyone showed up for work one day and were told to go home, it's over, (31 episodes), and they didn't even bother to film an ending.


Caroline – Thank you for the recap. This one was a fast-paced nail-biter.

Ultimas Capitulos! Oh noooooes! (and a POX on Telemundo!) I guess they want to wrap this up before Thanksgiving. I need more lanza Nerfazos.

How long was Abuela dead before Greta’s faked death? Grandma must have been kept on ice for a while. Just sayin’…..

It’s rather shocking that Reina lost the baby, and she was back on her feet awfully fast.

Did hell freeze over? Victor actually helping, working with Bolivar? Sorry, dude, that won't be enough to redeem you.

Jean - Thank you again, for the cut scenes. I barely had time to watch the broadcast version and won’t have time for all three. Millones de gracias!

”Another thing. Was it just low ratings? Were the advertisers complaining?”
I know! Same-old, same-old regular advertisers . . . except KIA. Maybe KIA pulled the plug?

Who has the four diamonds? MUST SEE TV!

Wow, I'm away for three weeks and come back to find we're in últimos capítulos cortados en pedacitos. Blecch. Many thanks to Caroline for making sense of last night's mishmash and to Jean for the recaps of missed Mexican episodes. I'm feeling extremely discouraged. I used to feel that Telemundo was so much better than Univision, but now....

Anyway, many thanks, too, to all the recappers who helped me keep up a bit while I was away.

Thanks, Sara and Jean, for pointing out that the Spanish doctor is the Allstate Mala Suerte guy. I knew he looked familiar, and I was trying to think what novela I had seen him in. :-)

Perhaps we should have bought an Allstate policy to protect the novela from Telemundo.

Thanks so much, Caroline for the recap. You got it all, what there was of it. And, again, heartfelt thanks to Jean for filling in the huge voids. It was so choppy, I wasn't even sure what happened to Victor. I backed up and looked again and I thought Reina shot him instead of his taking the bullet. And, of course, his getting out of a hospital bed to help rescue Clara made no sense since we didn't see the flask part.

Also, if the flask stopped the bullet, why did they say he had surgery?

What was up with the lie detector machine? Didn't see dramatic spikes. Is this meant to mean that Estefi is such a sociopath that she can fool the lie detector? I was also happy to hear, from Jean, not from Telemundo, that FELS knows his sister had Clara kidnapped. That was not clear from what we saw.

So, maybe I read too quickly, but was Izzy at first trying to get Juanjo and Susana to take Greta's baby? Leaving the kid in a basket for the real father to find was an extreme beanie tightening moment.

So Estefi wanted the Spanish assassin to kill both Navier and Clara? This is kind of amazing.

I was very surprised Reina lost the baby. I suppose this plot point was to cover their behinds on the amazingly stupid genetic twist that the father of the baby can't be determined when brothers have sex with the woman 3 days or less between "events". This way Victor will never get to claim a kid.

I think the loss of the baby also further drives the nails into Estefy's coffin.

Thanks, all. I still have episode 100 to do if you can believe that. I'm watching it anyway and it doesn't take that much more time to write a quick summary as I go.

Doris As NovelaMaven pointed out earlier, it seems like Victor is being redeemed and Estefi is getting crazier and more evil all the time. AND we musn't forget the mysterious email that Esmeeth got a long time ago with the quotation from The Return of Martin Fierro saying that the two brothers had to work together.

Granny died a few days before Greta's pretend death. The CIA did an autopsy on her so the timing for a joint funeral was too far off.

Novelera Victor's getting shot wasn't that clear in either version. It seemed that he leaped to take the bullet for Reina and that bullet was deflected by the flask. He also had bullet wound in the arm. We only saw this in the cut scenes. Reina shot at the same time as the bad guy and maybe it was her bullet that hit Victor. Nobody's mentioned it, which, under the circumstances, is not surprising. The surgery was to take the bullet out of his arm presumably.

I don't know what Izzy had in mind when he suggested that JJ and Susana adopt a baby. Maybe he thinks that if Laz turns the baby over to the authorities, she will be put up for adoption.

I have not watched Capitulo 100 where Estefi is taking the lie detector test (the human lie detector being otherwise occupied). So I hope there is more info in the cut scenes. I saw flat line, too. Maybe FELS has messed with the machine.

I too, was surprised that Reina lost her baby. Maybe the two-brothers paternity business was so that neither Victor nor Navier could blame the other for the loss of "their" son. They both lost.

I meant to write- the timing for a joint funeral was not too far off.

I guess we have to assume that between the time FELS told Estefi that López was a ringer, she found somebody else in Spain to kill López and snag Navier. Maybe there will be more info in the cut scenes of Capitulo 100 where this takes place.

Thanks so much Caroline for that excellent recap!

I have added Eps 101, 102, and 103 to the blog,

Caroline and Jean- Excellent tag team work on the recap and missing parts!

Vic helping Nav rescue Clara had me rolling my eyes, so I'm glad to hear Vic had some revenge motives all his own. I do not buy any redemption on his part AT ALL!

Where was Roman while Laz was playing house with Moto and baby Greta (I'm sure they'll think to name her that)?

They've pointed out a few times what a convincing liar Stefi is, so the fact that she beat a lie detector was just a continuation of that. Nor sure why it matters since both FELS and Smith know the truth, but FELS will find some excuse to let her go. Not sure why Stefi thinks the life of one of FELS' nieces (Greta) should count more than the life of his other niece (Clara) or why the heck FELS is still protecting that nutcase above all the innocent people she is harming.

Cut scenes from Capitulo 100 - Part 1

After the scene where Navier tells Esmeeth that Clara is dead (because he heard the shots over the phone – really it was López getting shot), Esmeeth screams at FELS that Clara is dead. He replies in his infuriating calm way that he knew she had been kidnapped. Esmeeth is not happy that he didn’t tell her. He says that the Spanish CIA is on the case. The organization that Victor took down (not too well, apparently) is behind the kidnapping. He tells her López was in Spain. Esmeeth instantly suspects that Estefi was involved but FELS (who actually knows differently, of course) tells her that in spite of the fact that López was involved, there is no evidence that Estefi is also involved. Esmeeth doesn’t buy this. She yells that he is protecting Estefi as always. Then he has to tell her the rest of the bad news – Asunción and Victor wounded, Reina losing her baby.

Navier is at Reina’s house. He finds Clarita’s diary. She has written how happy she is about her birthday, her new baby brother and family. “Perdoname, hija,” says Navier.

Dra Moto tells Laz that she wasn’t born to be a mother, she was born to be an agent. She doesn’t want the baby around anymore. Tomorrow, they will have to call the police.

Then we have the scene where kidnapper calls Navier.

Back to Esmeeth and FELS. He says that he knows Spain like the back of his hand and his agents will leave no stone unturned to find Clara. Esmeeth tells him that Navier believes that Clara is dead. FELS says that maybe it wasn’t true or Navier is too upset. Esmeeth says that all this is her fault. She has always put her career ahead of her son. Once again she is wrong. She is fed up with being wrong. She asks FELS to leave her alone. He asks to stay but she makes him leave.

Estefi is talking on the phone presumably to her new guy in Spain. She says that he has to make it look like the ransom demand is from the same people as López worked for. No one can suspect that she is involved. She tells him to listen to what she has planned for the destiny of Navier and Clara.

We see Navier arming the bomb. He says “they” don’t know what is coming. They don’t know who he is.

Reina goes to Victor’s room in the hospital. She says that she is only on her feet to be able to find Clara. Vic replies that the police are on the case. Reina says that she doesn’t have any confidence in the police. She believes in Navier.

Navier gets a call from the kidnapper. He tells the kidnapper that he has the money. He needs the place and time. He also wants to speak to Clara. The kidnapper refuses at first but then we hear Clara’s voice. Navier wants to talk to Clara. How does he know that he voice wasn’t recorded. No deal, says the kidnapper and hangs up.

Victor tells Reina that he hopes she believes that he didn’t have anything to do with what happened. Reina replies that she doesn’t know why but she believes him. She tells him that she lost her baby. He says that he can’t imagine the pain she and Navier must be feeling. Reina says that the baby could have been Vic’s. Cara de sorpresa de Victor. Vic can’t believe the baby could be his. Reina says that paternity could not be determined due to the dates (of sex) and the fact that he and Navier are brothers (half brothers). “Un hijo mio,” says Vic over and over. “No quiso nacer,” replies Reina, “mi hijo no quiso nacer.”


Cut scenes - Capitulo 100 - Part 2

In comes Navier and tells them that he has a plan to rescue Clara. This was in the broadcast.

Susana wakes up from a nightmare when Juanjo brings her breakfast. He says that he will make her forget her nightmares.

Izzy is at Victor’s sex pad and film studio with the prostitute who took care of the baby. He reports that neither Juanjo or Susana has the baby. He can’t find out what happened to her. The hooker is tired of him babbling about the baby all the time. She wants sex. He starts off but is distracted by a vision of a pregnant Connie.

Laz is with the baby. There is a knock on the door and it is Christián. “You called?” he asked. Laz replies that he didn’t call. In comes Dra Moto who says that it was she who called – about the baby.

Navier and Victor (in his silly baseball cap) leave the hospital in a way that is not supposed to draw suspicion.

We have the broadcast scene where Esmeeth gets Estefi to confess to kidnapping Clara.

Victor is lurking around outside the kidnapper’s place. He finds the body of López and kills two guards.

After Navier shows the kidnapper the bomb and the detonator, there is a scene where Victor takes some guns out of the trunk of the car.

Estefi tells Esmeeth that if she arrests her, she will deny everything and will reveal all she knows about CIA agents, their names and missions – 179 people – whose lives will be in danger. She says that the first on the list is Navier.

Navier tells the kidnappers that if they let him and Clara leave, he won’t detonate the bomb. Victor starts shooting into the building. It’s rather confusing but Navier and Clarita escape.

FELS is talking on the phone to someone about a dangerous sniper who escaped from prison. They should not take any chances and not hesitate to shoot him. The picture that is on the computer at the CIA was FELS, though. I don’t understand this at all.

Reina tells Asunción that she has to live. Dr Mala Suerte comes in and says the police are asking a lot of questions about her and her daughter.

There was more between Esmeeth and Estefi. Esmeeth tells Estefi not to threaten her and that she is coming with her. Fine, says Estefi, “yo camino, usted me lleva y Clara se muere,” “Y te mato,” responds Esmeeth. Estefi tells Esmeeth that the only thing she is doing by taking her in is to put Navier’s life in danger. If something happens to him, it will be Esmeeth’s fault, not Estefi’s.

Navier calls Reina and tells her that Clara is ok. Reina talks to Clara and tells her not to be afraid.

Laz can’t accept the normal procedure for abandoned babies. He wants to have the baby stay with him. Dra Moto doesn’t agree.

Clara is in the hospital with Reina and Navier by her side. Navier tells her that he is real father. She is happy that they can be a family with her “hermanito.” Reina has to tell her that her hermanito has gone to heaven. Dr. Mala Suerte comes in. He give Reina and Navier bad news but I couldn’t catch what it was.

Victor calls Izzy and fills him in on what happened. He wants Izzy to find out whether López killed his abuela on orders of Estefi. If so, his “piedad” for Estefi is over.

Back at the interrogation, Estefi tells Esmeeth to come into the room and she does. Estefi asks if they want to know where she got the information about all those agents. We see FELS looking stern. Then she says that she got it from her husband, Navier. Esmeeth is impactada.

Laz persuades Christián to let him keep the baby rather than send her to an orphanage but Dra Moto is part of the bargain. She is unwilling but Laz challenges her to let the baby be taken away.


Thank you, Jean!!!

So Telemundo cut the scene where Javier tells Clara that he is her father. This is a grave injustice in telenovelaland.

Stefy probably passed the lie detector test because she is a pathological liar and believes her own lies.

Wow! Thanks so much for the last piece, Jean. It's just unbelievable how much they're cutting. I WAS wondering how Estefi got the names of the CIA agents. But she ratted out Navier, so does this mean FELS is a traitor and gave her that info? Isn't treason still a capital crime?

Judging by Moto's super negative attitude toward Greta Jr., I think somehow Greta and Laz will be back together. Don't know how they're getting around her having killed someone. Maybe she just thought she did??? Evil shrink put a post-hypnotic suggestion into her mind. I think that qualifies for a Crockpot Theory™.

Good morning, Reinamaniacs! If you are looking for today's recap, it is on this page:

I couldn't face squeezing the stupid thing into a gazillion little comment boxes, so I put it on a new page. Sorry if I confused you!

Total bs! Boooo Telemundo!

So we have until the 14th?! Total crap!

I just emailed Telemundo and raged! This total BS!!!!


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