Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #89 12/22/14 Irma Takes a Fall - But Will Pato?

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
I hope you all have a wonderful day with those you love the most.
I was out Christmas shopping so this will be a quick recap.
Paco confesses to Araceli that Greta Ripoll was the love of his life. Paco never told Araceli the truth because he was afraid that she would stop loving him.
Alexa and Armie agree to keep their love a secret. They can light up the sheets at Armie's apartment, but at the factory they will barely acknowledge each other. It will be like Ghost except without the pottery wheel.
Irais shows up at a place where Matias just happens to be indulging in his hobby - climbing up a fake rock wall. She claims that she's an experienced climber who does this all the time, but giggles like crazy when the guy helps her get buckled into the climbing harness. Irais manages to climb a few feet up the wall, then falls to the mat. Matias rappels down to see if she's okay. He hugs her and she gives a delighted smile.

Cristian has been discharged from rehab. He wants to live with Silvana because he's afraid to be alone. She tells Cristian that Pato shows up almost every night to do the horizontal bop with her. They can't risk Pato discovering Cris or uncovering their plot for revenge on the Ripolls.
At Irma's, Araceli confesses that she told Sofia that she and Chava still have a thing going. But now Araceli feels guilty that she lied. Irma tells Araceli not to feel bad. Araceli is a woman in love and only did what she had to do to keep her man away from that rich blond bimbo. Araceli asks Irma to snoop around in Renzi's office and find out the names of his partners. In return Araceli will answer all of Armie's legal petitions and delay Irma's divorce as long as possible.
Chava goes City Hall to find out if any permits have been issued for a big construction project in the Union neighborhood.
Silvana agrees to let Cristian stay at her apartment for the night. Since Pato has gone back to Sofia and is pretending to be the perfect boyfriend, he may not show up for their usual tryst. Silvana is peeved that she's playing second fiddle again.
Fausto tells Sofia that Alexa didn't spend the night at home. Greta comes down the stairs and reminds Sofia to hire another schmuck to help make sure Greta eats and takes her meds. Fausto, who should be celebrating this, feels bad that Greta wants to abuse a stranger and ignore him. Sofia assures Fausto that she will hire someone incompetent and Greta will be back to browbeating and abusing Fausto in a few short days.
Irais runs into Matias at work and asks when he is going climbing again. He's going tomorrow. What a coincidence! So is she! They agree to meet at the climbing wall. Irais is so excited she kisses Matias right in front of Alexa.
Dani asks Marisol to help her get Lucas and Oliver's friendship back on track.
Silvana tells Sofia not to believe Araceli's story. If Araceli is still in love with Chava she'll do anything to get him away from Sofia, including lie about their relationship. Sofia believes that both Flor and Araceli are telling the truth. She doesn't trust Chava. Sofia asks Silvana for help in finding a nurse for Greta.
Irma goes to Renzi's office to tell him about the meeting. She asks him to go get her a cup of coffee. After Renzi leaves, Irma snoops through his papers and finds a document with the names of his partners. She writes the names down on a piece of paper and puts it in her pocket.
Irais tells Alexa about going climbing with Matias. Alexa tells Irais that she and Armie are still together but meeting each other in secret. They are both taking risks to be with the men they love.
Instead of sitting down and waiting for Renzi, Irma can't resist snooping further. She goes through more documents. Renzi opens the door and catches her reading the plans for the Magnus Project.
Greta comes down the stairs toward Sofia and a young man; it's Silvana's brother Cristian in a white uniform. Sofia introduces him to Greta, "This is your new nurse. His name is Iker."
Renzi is furious and demands to know what Irma is up to. She claims that she was looking for the sales reports on homes in the neighborhood. Renzi grabs Irma and asks if she is working for his competition. Irma struggles and pulls free. She runs out the door. Renzi gets his phone and calls and warns his thugs to keep Irma from getting out of the building.
Sofia asks if Greta is okay with hiring a male nurse. Greta thinks that Iker is more than okay. The horny old bird likes what she sees and asks Iker to turn around as she checks him out. Iker flatters Greta about being the famous owner of Ripoll Chocolates. He remembers back to his childhood when he found his mother dead on the floor. Iker and Greta exchange glances like two people who will soon be devouring each other in different ways.
At the office, Silvana remembers the past. Her mother cries that Greta Ripoll knows about the affair she's having with Octavio and has threatened to ruin him. Without Octavio, life is meaningless. Young Silvana tries to comfort her mother, but she is inconsolable.
Irma runs down the stairs and sees Manjarres coming up the stairs toward her. She runs into an elevator, pulls the door shut and sends it down. She runs out on the ground floor only to find another goon waiting for her. Irma can't go up the stairs because Manjarres is coming down. She runs back into the elevator and sends it up. At the top, Irma runs out onto the roof of the building. She is trapped with Renzi on one side and Manjarres and the thug on the other. She promises Renzi that she won't talk. Irma won't tell anyone who Renzi's partners are and she won't say a word about the Magnus Project! Renzi grabs Irma. She struggles and tries to get away but Renzi throws her off the roof.
Sofia assures Fausto that Iker is inexperienced and Greta won't be happy. Why in just a couple of days Greta will fire Iker and will be bitching at Fausto just like always! Sofia takes Fausto over and introduces him to Iker.
Irma lands on the roof of a parked car. A crowd gathers around. Someone yells for an ambulance. On the roof, Renzi orders Manjarres to follow the ambulance to the hospital and let him know if Irma lives.
Pedro runs into Araceli outside the courthouse. Araceli admits to Pedro that she lied to Sofia about her relationship with Chava. Pedro knows that Salvador was the love of Araceli's life and he was just her rebound guy. Araceli says she is glad that she found out her mistake sooner than her father found out his. Pedro has no idea what Araceli is talking about and she refuses to explain.
Chava tells Armie that Sofia is still giving him the stink eye even after her talk with Araceli! Apparently Sofia didn't believe what Araceli told her! How weird is that? Chava is going to find Flor, have her talk to Sofia and maybe that will clear things up. Pato interrupts and demands that Chava go to his office to talk.
Pato informs Chava that Greta is furious about the mariachi incident and wants Chava fired. Pato agrees with Greta, but Sofia thinks it would be unfair. Chava knows that Pato can't fire him; that's up to Sofia and she wants Chava around. Pato yells that Sofia is only keeping Chava around out of pity. Chava should just resign and keep his dignity!  Pato realizes he was stupid to hire Chava back and Chava agrees. Chava refuses to resign.
Sofia confesses to Silvana that the idea to hire an inexperienced nurse for Greta was just to get Fausto back in Greta's good graces. They'll keep Iker around for a couple of days until Greta gets tired of his incompetence, then Fausto will be golden again.
Iker arranges Greta's pillows. He tells Greta that he specializes in relaxation therapies like yoga, meditation and breathing techniques. He instructs Greta in a deep breathing exercise then gets a phone call. He excuses himself to take the call out in the hallway.
Downstairs the rest of the help talk about Iker. Aurora thinks he's a hottie and so does Fausto. I have a feeling that Iker won't leave this house without being molested repeatedly.
Silvana tells Cristian that Sofia only wants him at the house for a few days. He needs to do his job well enough so that Greta insists that Iker stay.
Lupe' arrives at Paco's and offers to make him a hangover cure. After being married to Javier all those years, Lupe' is very experienced with drunks. Paco is remorseful about his talk with Araceli. He tells Lupe' that he failed his daughter and his wife because all through his marriage Paco was in love with another woman. For a brief moment Lupe' imagines it's her, but Paco stuns her when he confesses that the real love of his life is Greta Ripoll.
Sofia is headed off to a meeting with a client. Before she leaves Pato hugs her and tells her they are going to dinner.
Chava tells Armie that Pato tried to get him to resign. He's not going to resign - he's going to fight for Sofia! Armando gets a phone call from the hospital about Irma's accident. Chava tells Armie to get going to the hospital, he'll tell the bosses why Armie had to leave.
Pato and Silvana talk in his office. He's taking Sofia to dinner, so why don't they just get busy right now? They kiss and Pato starts to undress Silvana. Chava opens the door to see Pato and Silvana nearly naked on the couch kissing and groping.
End of Episode.


My thoughts on last night
1.) Irma being thrown from the roof of the building was just as I predicted.

2.) Pato & Silvana still having a sex brainstorming session almost everyday LOL.

3.) Dani asking Marisol to ask Lucas & Oliver to be friends again ? WRONG IDEA: Marisol will do the opposite!

4.) Cristian will be around for awhile at the Ripoli mansion.

5.) Sophia is still STUPID for believing Flor & Araceli's lies. When is this BUJI girl ever going to learn ?

6.) Alexa & Armando meeting in secret: that's going end well !

7.) Araceli just can't "Let It Go" from the Frozen movie.

Thank you, xlnt. The recap is excellent!

Loved Silvana getting her brother to infiltrate Greta's lair. That is what Greta gets because she is too lazy and stupid to read a prescription bottle and take her meds.

"Iker" is creepy.

My favorite part was Fausto disdainfully giving "Iker" the once over.

Why could not have Irma just died???


Thank you xInt

Brilliant of Silvana (she is far and away my favorite) to get Cristian placed in the house as Greta's nurse. Her weakness is Patricio and the shame is she doesn't even need the guy, he's more trouble than he's worth.

Marasol is an idiot to go along with Dani's silly plan.

I don't like Irma but damn, that had to hurt. How does Renzi get away with this?

I can't tell the difference between Salvador & Patricio now, both have overdosed on testosterone and hardly know what is going on around them.

Who else can Paco find that cares about him so he can rip their heart out too? Misery loves company


Tofie, I did predict Irma sticking her nose where it didn't belong was going to get her in the end !

Re Marisol. For Chava to be such a good guy his little sis is a scheming little shrew. She needs a medium-size anvil too.

Xint, thank you for the picture. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas well.

"It will be like Ghost except without the pottery wheel" and "Fausto, who should be celebrating this, feels bad that Greta wants to abuse a stranger and ignore him" were among my favorites.

This was a fabulous recap.

I didn't realize Araceli put Irma up to snooping so thank you for that important detail. Agree with tofie that "I don't like Irma but damn, that had to hurt". That was horrible to watch. Poor Nandito will be devastated.

That said, in the opening credits that now show Irma in a wheelchair, am I imagining it or is there a sly smirk on her face? I guess we will have to wait and see.

Jarifa, Sil managing to get little bro into Greta's was indeed inspired. Steve, I think this will be very interesting!
"He hugs her and she gives a delighted smile". More Irais and Matias! Please!!!


Steve: Your predictions are pretty accurate. Note: Irma still has that handwritten note of Renzi's associates on her person. She saw the plans for the big project (Magnus) to be built on Ripoll soil.

Didn't anyone else notice that Chava lingered around for at least an hour watching Sylvana and Patrick going at it. He's quite the pervert.

XLNT gets all the good episodes...I get singing...she gets sex and people being tossed off of rooftops.

Chava better take his phone out and take a pic or Sofia will never believe him.

Exactly just like Irkme SHOULD have done in Renzi's office.

Cynderella, I noticed that Chava not only lingered, but the expression on his face barely changed. I am looking forward to the episode when DZ's forehead actually moves. I still don't know if his forehead is botoxed or plastic.

Tofie, I agree. I was hoping Chava would have the smarts to take out his cell phone and either shoot a picture or a video, otherwise Sofia won't believe him.

I'm pretty sure this episode was originally set for a Friday. If not for that telethon this would have been your episode Cynderella.


I do not understand how Irma survived the fall. Superwoman.

In regards to Irma's situation, she was at the exit and there was only one obstacle blocking the exit. She could have groin kicked him and made a mad dash to a sanctuary but she chose to go all the way back up. I love that she kicked ass while she could. Irma is like Gardenia from MEPS except Gardenia was more likeable.

As for Silvie and PatPrick, Matias is a witness to their coital, on-the-clock rendezvous let us not forget.

Likely Marisol will get an anvil in the Ultimas Capitulos.

Thanks Xint. Very nicely done.

Poor Irma, she was helping the good guys... I expected a little more sympathy for her here...

Nah... not really.


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