Tuesday, December 09, 2014

La Gata #71 12/9/14 La Espera


I was going to be a good recapper tonight. I took notes and I was going to get all detailed, but...

What the f*ck was that? (Well, it wasn't Pablo Montero rapping... which is what I caught from MCET while I worked on this.)

It was LITERALLY hurry up and wait. Lower your expectations even lower folks, here are my usual bullets (with heavy emphasis on the BULL.)
  • We get a refrito of the snake drop. Esme awakes and screams. Pablo wraps the snake in the blanket and tosses it. She's been hit! She can't breathe!! Pablo calls for help.
  • At Fer's house everyone but Meche is getting ready to go to the hospital. When Chacharas arrives they decide he and Rita can take care of the babies, freeing Meche to go to the hospital, too.
  • At the jacal, Rita reads the cards and the future looks black for Esme.
  • The doctor tells Fer and Pabs that things don't look good. There are no guarantees. They wonder who could have done this? The worst part? They will have to postpone the operation.
  • Mariano informs Low that there's been a tragedy.
  • Gisela and Augie gloat. There's some babble about...oh hell I don't know. I have trouble taking notes and listening.
  • Esme has nightmares featuring Gisela smooching Pablo, Gisela in basurera clothing, Gisela married to Pabs with a 10 year old Leti and mini Pablo (who was really unattractive.)
  • Low, Mariano, Fer and Doc discuss Snakegate. How could this have happened? Fer tells Mariano the operation has been suspended for now.
  • Rita still reads cards while Chacharas thinks positively. He's still team God. Rita is team Cards.
  • Esme goes into respiratory arrest. (Is there such a thing? I'm loosely translating "en paro")
  • Esme flatlines while Pabs looks on. Low hopes she dies and throws in the obligatory "maldita gata."
  • Damian arrives at the hospital and gets filled in.
  • Carlos picks up Virginia at the institute. Dr Pañuelo invites himself (not his name. Close enough.)
  • Everyone waits. Fer talks to himself about implacable time and takes a second to wonder where Blanca is.
  • They try to psych us out right before commercial. Are they really covering Esme? Why do the doctors look so serious when Pabs and Fer ask about Esme?
  • Turns out she's alive, but it's touch and go.
  • More waiting.
  • Chacharas and Cucurrucucu Paloma. Sorry. Lola did it better. Some back and forth about him being a peluquero (barber)? And peluqueros always have three things hanging in the shop: a guitar, boxing gloves and a big honking crucifix (which he pulls out of his jacket.)
  • Fer prays that if God saves Esme he'll be wonderful father. I assume this means he'll start by actually TELLING her he's her father.
  • Virginia and Pablo wait some more. Low arrives and claims she hardly slept. Riiight. Pabs leaves them alone to make peace.
  • Augie tries to convince Blanca she loves him. Then he and Dio argue about payment.
We interrupt this recap for a possible plot point: Virginia tells Low that she and Carlos plan to marry after he finishes his studies and Low blurts out that she can't marry Carlos or ANYONE. Then Low thought bubbles that Virginia can't find out the truth and she hopes Carlos is out of the picture before it's too late. Pretty enticing and vague. Meh. The writers will probably forget about it. And why can't Virginia marry ANYONE?
  • Esme is out of danger! Yay!
  • We don't know when they can reschedule the surgery. Boo!
  • Gisela flounces into Mariano's office and asks him to help her get Esme out of the picture. Mariano refuses, tells Gisela Esme WILL recover and throws Gisela out of his office.
  • Mariano tries to warn Pabs.
  • Gisela sneaks into Esme's room and starts to choke her.

Previous: Episode 70
Next: Episode 72


On the plus side, this was super easy to recap.

Woo-hoooo, Sara! Thanks so much for the awesome honkin' bullet points and also my new favorite word, "snake-gate"! Did they ever show the hospital staff chasing down and removing the snakester?

Creepiest scene of the night: Esme in the wheel chair with Fela's dolly--pretty spooky.

Please somebody do a crowdfunding thing and buy some back cushions for Lowrenza and Augie's loveseats. Did those cushions fall off the back of the donkey wagon on moving day?

I totally missed the convo of Lo and Virginia. That is intriguing...Maybe Lo doesn't know who Virginia's father is and she's afraid Virginia is related to half the people in the basurero?

(I am really glad to see this page because Caray Caray was AWOL for awhile or maybe hijacked by some space aliens. Anyway.)

J in Oregon

Thank you, Sara!!! I love your wit and style. :))

J in Oregon...what a relief that I was not imagining CarayCaray being AWOL. I was getting a wee bit worried there.


Fatima, it was frustrating because I couldn't get on the page to ask anybody what was going on!
J in O

Rodrigo and the Brat both suffered snake bites in DQTQTQ.

Flat out how it's done Sara.

"Low, Mariano, Fer and Doc discuss Snakegate."

Yep, CS and Bridgette lost a leg

What the heck is a spinal surgeon doing tending a snake bite?

Why didn't anyone comb the hospital for more snakes?

How in hell did Pablo and Esmeralda make such ugly kids?

Where does Damien keep running off to?

Why is Esmeralda's regular doctor always smiling?

Is Virginia really a man?

Why does Augie loose his temper so easily with a nut? Patience Augie

Hasn't anyone ever told Pablo to stop shouting at the messenger?

When Lorenza will finally tell the kids there is no Santa Clause?

Why doesn't Meche catch a few winks on her own time?


Thank you Sara. I swear girl, you rule with the bullet points, girl. And yes you are being beyond good with this smokin' heap of crap.

You know, last night I thought: "LaToodle's peeps have crashed our site cause we trash her novella!" Yeah, man, life without Caray! Gives me the heebie jeebies!

Sara, thank you because we all know your fine work reflects how you feel about us, NOT the "quality" of this show.

Wow. I was whelmed last night. Thank you Sara for posting an excellent recap which was much more entertaining than the plot line. I vow each night that I am not going to waste my time watching La Gata, but come back every evening for more punishment. I love watching for production boo-boos. Noticed last night Mariano's butchered
hair cut some how changed from when he was in his office to his appearance in the hospital. I also noticed the size of the babies as they were in Rita's shack. Mighty small for babies nearing a year old.

Any one else watching Jane the Virgin?


Thanks for the comments everyone. I really appreciate when anyone takes the time to comment. I know I don't put the kind of effort into recaps that other more qualified recappers do. I am not a writer by any means and I admit I am a lazy son-of-a-gun. I don't know what I would do if I had to recap a REAL show (by that I mean with meaningful dialog and plot.) I am grateful for your compliments.

I am sooooooooo relieved that Caray is back. I was having some withdrawals!!!

Back later to comment on the episode.

Thank you for the awesome recap!

Tofie: OMG what if Virginia's a man?! I shudder to think but maybe a hermaphrodite? It wouldn't stop her from marrying but in Lo's eyes bring more shame to the family. I was thinking maybe she couldn't have children and Lo didn't want her to know.

Will we have to watch Esme be near death 8 times for her to lose 8 of her 9 lives?

I'm a broken record but can Gisela die now?!

Here's something I'm wondering...and I'm probably waaaay off base. What if Carlos is actually Low's baby? and Virginia is actually Dorila's? I haven't thought beyond that. There's something sketchy going on with Dorila, Low, Carlos, Rita and the baby handover.

And why the hell does everyone hand their kids over to Rita??????

Hi, Sara, thanks for this wonderful to the point recap.

As to your question about respiratory arrest; yes there is such a condition, but you don't treat it with a defibrillator.

As you all have noted, there is so much unbelievable stuff going on here that it is hard to comment on the actual tn plot and actions of the actors.

I hope they don't leave Virginia's background on the cutting room floor; that intrigues me.

Well, clearly I was wrong to think Lorenza had turned over a new leaf.

In Fernando losing weight?



Ok. I'm amending my theory because Dorila has been too mean to Virginia for her to be her daughter.

Thanks for the info about respiratory arrest, David. I'm also intrigued by the Virginia storyline and I wish we could have more of it.

I first jumped and thought Augie was the father of Carlos with Dorila but that wouldn't prohibit Virginia from marrying anyone.

Thanks Sara for all the good information.
It took a while but I can finally see why there are so many complaints about this novela. For one thing, it seems to have more than its share of unbelievable happenings. ie: The length of time they going keep Fela in that tiny hideout without bathroom privileges?

Esme and Pablo pledging undying love one day and the following day that love being threatened. I certainly can't call that exciting or surprising.

The hospital scenes are another source of frustration. ie: Leaving bed ridden Esme alone so soon after the snake bite incident. Only to have "what's her name" return disguised and undetected and taking her own sweet time to do a one handed choke on Esme. Too unbelievable to create even the least bit of suspense. She'll get caught even if it's by the janitor.

Surprised and glad to know that I wasn't the only one who didn't get a recording the other night. I was cursing and blaming my equipment.

OK, end of rant.


J in Oregon:
I know what you mean about the creepiness of Esme with Fela's doll. Didn't she (Fela) bury it way out in the basurero? How did it get to Esme? Cue the theme from Twilight Zone .... uy, cucuuy!

Oh, in my ranting I forgot to say that I wonder if Virginia has some biological deformity in her genes/DNA that she would pass on to offspring? There's not a heck of a lot of reasons why a person "can't marry anyone".

tofie-I just feel like has some secret. Maybe it's nothing to do with Carlos. She's just giving me a vibe and wow Dorila is loyal.

J in O and Anon2:10-I don't remember Esme with the doll. I must have been taking notes. I'll have to go back and look.

Sue in NY-Yeah, I'm gripey...but obviously still sticking around. I want to see how things go. I'm really annoyed by the Fela plot right now. Just dumb. It's like they are planning episode by episode and not for the long run. So that's why we get all the estupideces.

By saying Virginia can't marry ANYONE, Low has really thrown me for a loop.

That's Low has a secret.

Gracias tanto, Sara! These recaps are absolutely essential to me, since I'm mentally and physically exhausted--just 3 more concerts to go. Without your recap I'd be wondering if I missed something. But, no...nothing there to miss! What gives with this show?! Even Mr. 5ft noticed that they're just leaving Fela to rot in the shack and not bothering to look for her.

Gisela slinking around in her bargain uniform WITH HEELS made me think of the movie XXX where Vin Diesel knows the waitress isn't really a waitress because his aunt was a waitress and he knows she would NEVER have worn heels to work. Where's Vin Diesel when you need him?

Seeing Gisela in Esme's nightmare all dressed up as Esme is confirmation of one very important fact. Only gringo's Raven Haired Goddess can pull off the dumpster chic look.

I swear, I thought for a minute there, Fernando was going to use "I'll never tell her the truth" as a bargaining chip. He spared his shins tonight.

I knew it! I knew there was some secret to do with Virginia! I wonder if it's one of those problems-that-isn't-really-a-problem, like her blindness was caused by an illness that also made her unable to have children? I really dislike how in TN's having fertility problems or potentially passing something on to future generations is billed as "can't marry." Newsflash, TN producers...it's 2014. People marry for reasons other than having children!

Sara- I just read this snarky recap. You guys are really popping out some hilarious recaps for this tn. LOL!

I can't even pretend like I want to watch this show. If they focused on the Virginia mystery or Carlos mystery for more than 2 minutes an episode, I might be tempted.

I saw an episode of Poirot the other say, and the guardian/mother figure of a young man was trying to prevent him from getting married. She objected to whichever girl he fell in love with. Poirot discovered that the man's parents, who died when he was very young and left him in this woman's care, left him a big inheritance. The inheritance was managed by his guardian and he would inherit it upon turning 25 or getting married- whatever came first. She, however, had been stealing money from his inheritance for years, and was trying not to be found out.

Maybe this is the case with Virginia? Left in the care of Ugh and Low by her dead, rich parents, and set to inherit when she marries, but Ugh and Low already stole her money.

Too clever for these writers? Yeah, you're probably right. :)

Vivi, if the writers were better, I could see that! Unfortunately, (1) they're not that good (or, they're following instructions) and (2) I would have thought that would come up while Fernando was having all their assets seized. Although, again...see #1. I guess anything is possible on this show.

Sara--the Esme-with-doll scene was part of a daydream/illusion of Gisela's (I think) because it showed her with Esme's children and Pablo visiting the dump. Esme was silent the whole time, while Gisela said to Pablo "come on, let's get outta this dump and never come back"> I am so serious.

Meanwhile I can take anything but I can't take another fake incest plot. Please. Just NO. Don't go there, writers.

J in Oregon


J in O- I remember that scene. I looked up right as they were walking off.

"Don't go there, writers."

Are they going anywhere?? I just see a lot of running around in circles. :-)

I thought young Gisela was cuter than young Esmeralda.

When is Esmeralda gonna wake up and realize her life is in shambles because her attachment to Pablo. Just not worth the hassle. I was laughing so hard last night when that Pablo mug was peering through the hospital door, with the sad face. Dude makes me vomit.

I wasn't able to comment yesterday but I am back on track today. Actually I did try to read
the recap last night but I couldn't get into the Caray website. I thought that my computer was going out but I didn't have trouble anywhere else.

Thank you Sara for your bullet points. One stood out to me and it was---Chacharas is still team god--Rita's team cards.

Tofie---You always blow me away. A few comments and answers from me

Why didn't anyone comb the hospital for more snakes? Good question but I didn't see anyone take the one out that already was there.

My question is did the snake decide to bite Esme through a sheet and blanket? I guess so because the snake was on top of the bed the whole time.

What the heck is a spinal surgeon doing tending a snake bite? Yes, good question. Where's the snake doctor?

Why is Esmeralda's regular doctor always smiling? Tofie, that's an easy one. It's because Esmeralda is a goddess.

In the dream---How did Pablo and Esmeralda make such ugly kids? LOL
I thought that the kids were Pablo's and Gisela's.

Where does Damien keep running off
to? Answer--Damian is a very busy lawyer handling several big cases.

Why doesn't Meche catch a few winks on her own time? Right, Meche is on guard duty. No sleeping while on guard duty.

Why does everyone hand their kids over to Rita? Another good question Tofie---let the bruja have them. Riiiight

Must see tv tonight---a one hand strangle hold.
the gringo


gringo-I wonder what will happen tonight, too! I think I'm pretty sure Esme won't die. I *hope* Gisela gets caught. I mean, Meche is RIGHT there!!


Ohhh, J, I know what you mean! They love to do that situation where, because people cheated on each other, you have 2 people in a relationship who share a half-sibling, but aren't related to each other by blood...but someone always lies to them first and tells them they ARE related to separate them. It's almost a square on the Telenovela BINGO card!

tofie, what do you mean? She keeps waking up and realizing that over and over again and then going back on it. No, wait...she always thinks Pablo's life sucks because of her. Never mind, my bad!

Lolz, my first thought was also that Virginia was a boy! Bloody hell, how many more hospital plots are these writers going to come up with? it feels like we have spent weeks in and out of hospitals, I for one am over it!

Loved "snake-gate". Loved!

Was it TdA when they were in the hospital all the time?

TdA was so traumatic, I blocked it out. I also swore off Mejia/Latoodle, but since I blocked it out...

It may have been. There was a mystery virus, I think?

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