Thursday, December 04, 2014

La Malquerida #72, 12/3/14: Keepsakes and Pilfered Items

Mexico Episode #78

Estesmug knocks on Uli’s door. He says he doesn’t know how Uli managed to get out of prison, but he’s going to make sure Uli keeps his promise to stay the heck away from Acacia! Uli says this is between him and Acacia, and Este doesn’t need to be sticking his nose in. Este says it matters to him because Acacia is important to him. He forbids Uli to set foot in Benavente again. If he does so, he’ll be thrown out on his rear. And if he had his way, he’d have Uli kicked out of El Soto too. “Do you think after the way Acacia and you all treated me, that I’d want to see you all again?” Este hopes it’s true that he doesn’t intend to approach Acacia, but if Uli does, he doesn’t know what Este is capable of! (But we in Viewerville certainly do!)

Acacia has taken a long pause after Hector asked her the 50 Million Dollar Question: “What kind of relationship have you and Esteban had?” She says she’s never seen Este as a father, and goes back to the beginning, explaining how she got along with him when she was a kid; hated him when he married her mom; moved away; came back and continued hating him; and then started to like him. But that has now changed after he left Cris and hurt her.

At the Association office, Este starts nagging on Norberto as soon as he arrives for being late. Norb says he’s having wife troubles. And trouble with booze too, Este points out. He then solves the mystery of why he was asking about the brothel last episode. He tells Norb that the other day, when he was drunk off his a$$, he invited Este to accompany him to a brothel (casa de citas) just outside of town. Este wants info on where this brothel is located and who is the owner—those places only bring troubles. Norb claims drunken ignorance and claims the only brothel he knows about and frequents is in San Jacinto. Does Este want to join him? Este refuses and informs Norb that he and Cris are back on AND expecting a baby. Norb is shocked—after so many years of marriage? Norb doesn’t have to fake his smile at the news for too long because Manuel interrupts to speak to him. He lets Norb know that Uli is free! Norb adds it to the many things going wrong for him today. He tells Manuel to step up his Acacia wooing, because not only is her ex free, but Cris is pregnant and there will be another heir to the Benavente lands and fortune.

Over yummy chocolate cake, which I notice Acacia avoids, Hector tells Acacia that she’ll always be able to count on him. She wants him to help her to get Uli to forgive her. Hector says he’ll do what he can, but she also has to understand how much hardship Uli went through, including surviving a murder attempt in prison. This just makes Acacia feel even worse about what she did, and I’m glad. She wants to talk to Uli, and asks Hector to pass on the letter she wrote. Hector refuses to be the go-between, but points out that Uli is right behind her. He excuses himself to make a phone call.

Acacia starts with the tears and saying we have to talk, but Uli still isn’t having it. He reminds her of how she refused to listen to him. She begs him to take the letter and read it- it’s his. “It’s mine?” He takes the letter and rips it up right in front of her. She cries and begs. He tells her to forget it, and to please tell Este to quit bugging him. Acacia departs telling him how sorry she is.

Dan brings the business contract to Este and Este signs. They both look snug and happy with themselves.

Luisa comes over to Ale’s Home-Sweet-Brothel to pick up the pots and pans she left after the dinner. Perla listens from around the corner.  Luisa tells Ale that she’s decided to forget Manuel. “With Arturo?” Luisa says no, but Ale has a knowing smile—the most genuine smile we’ve seen from her in weeks. Luisa then says they ended up putting her box of keepsakes (recuerdos) in Luisa’s room. Luisa asks what’s inside—things from German? Ale says yes, but also things that belonged to her brother and her diary. Luisa wonders when Ale and Dan are getting hitched in the Church. She knows Padre Rocky would love to marry them since Ale gets along with him so well. Perla interrupts to cryptically tell Ale that Dan has a business meeting soon and Ale’s guest needs to go. Luisa runs to get her stuff, but tells Ale that she should talk to Acacia about Uli because she’s really sad (but she doesn’t get the chance to tell Ale that Uli is free). After Luisa leaves, Perla takes the opportunity to taunt Ale about Uli rotting in prison.

Hector tries to get Uli to see Acacia’s side, a jealous woman in love. And all things pointed to him having left with Nuria. Uli is just tired of it—tired of the reproaches and the distrust. Hector asks if he still loves her. Uli doesn’t know what he feels, but he’s hurt that she didn’t believe in him. Right now, he just wants to concentrate on work and trying to get the commercial center project back.

Juliana brings her box of keepsakes from their relationship to Andres. He’s surprised and touched that she kept everything, and accepts her invitation to lunch. During lunch, she does her best to rekindle the flame. He says they are not the people they used to be—she is not the girl he once loved. Juliana says that she still loves him. He counters that if she really loves him like she says, then she will let him be with the woman he loves, Carmen.

Perla runs to Danilo with the gossip about Ale’s diary and what it could imply if anyone reads what’s in there. He calls Rubio and has him search Luisa’s room for the keepsake box. Of course, Rubio takes the opportunity to read the diary first before bringing the box of things to Dan. He finds out all about Ale’s past as Turquesa, and learns that Ale is planning with Padre Rocky to denounce Dan and Padre Rocky has agreed to back her up to the police. Dan decides that Padre Rocky needs to meet his maker, and the keepsakes (Carlitos' drawings and toys, the letter German left for Ale after they first slept together but didn't have sex, and the diary) will be destroyed. He allows Rubio one shot of his prized tequila, but Rubio wants more than that for payment. He’s building his little nest egg for his plans for world (hacienda) domination, after all.

Norb then visits Dan and tells him that Uli is alive and FREE! They try not to panic. Uli won’t be able to link them to his kidnapping. Dan wants to further ensure that no one involved will be tempted to talk. His solution—kill everyone who was involved (that includes Memo, people). Unfortunately, the sierra girl (Itzel) has taken off and no one knows where she is. Dan thinks she’s sufficiently scared to never return. However, Norberto thinks they should NOT kill Uli because it would raise too many suspicions at this point.

Acacia barges into the home office, hopping mad. She confronts Este about confronting Uli.
A: Who do you think you are?! My owner (dueño)? How dare you tell Ulises not to come near me?! Why did you do it?
E: That guy isn’t worthy (digno) of you.
A: And who is? You?! Are you trying to distance him from me because you insist on continuing our thing/what’s between us (lo nuestro)?
E: (He grabs her arm.) So you are accepting that there’s something going on between us?

Acacia snatches her hand away and backs away from him. He comes around the desk and smarms up to her.
E: Come on, Acacia. Tell me the truth. “Te gusto? Te intereso como hombre?” Do you want me? Are you attracted to me? (Do I make you horny, baby?!)
A: You’re crazy, Esteloco! Of course not!
E: (He closes the distance between them and grabs hold of both her hands.) We’ve already kissed, and although you say that it’s impossible for there to be anything between us, I want to know if you felt the same things I do.
A: (She pushes him away) Shut up! You already know that I don’t! I don’t want you to keep butting into my life! You keep acting the same with them all—with Ulises, with Manolo. Understand that you don’t have any rights over me!
E: I’m just looking out for you.
A: Well don’t do it! Dedicate yourself to caring for my mom and the child you’re about to have!

Their shouting brings Cris to the office, but all she catches is that Acacia is ticked off that Esteban is butting into her life. Cris doesn’t want them fighting and admits she asked Este to speak with Uli. She was going to do it, but Este offered since he doesn’t want her to have any upsets while she’s pregnant. Acacia warns them to keep Esteban out of her business, or their relationship will return to being combative like it was before. Estesmug just looks on, then gets shifty eyed when he speaks to Cris about not permitting Acacia to treat him like she did before.

Uli and Arturo go to see Andres in his hotel. He hugs Uli with a happy greeting, and Uli and Art thank him for all he did for Uli, and for their family by buying their house. The boys want to pay him back, or at least pay rent for now, but he refuses. He gives them their house keys and asks them to make sure Carmen accepts it. He assures them that he is NOT in a relationship with Juliana. Carmen is the woman he loves. Andres also offers Uli the job of leading the construction of the medical practice he'll be opening up in El Soto. He wants to spend more time there to be close to German. Later, the boys have to work hard to get Carmen to accept the house. They tell her she should fight for her man and that they don’t believe he’s with Juli. (I wish Uli would point out that she is acting the same way with Andres that Acacia acted with him. THAT would wake her up.)

Acacia mopes and cries, but stays firm with Cris about insisting that Este stays out of her business. Cris asks if there is something else going on that she doesn’t know about. Acacia mentions that it might be better for her to leave immediately for San Jacinto with her grandparents. Cris wants Acacia to spend the rest of her gap year (I’m assuming) with her until she starts university in San Jacinto. She wants them to share this time before the baby is born. Or is it that Acacia really isn’t pleased about the baby? Is she jealous? Acacia assures Cris that she is excited about the baby. Cris begs her not to fight with Esteban and hugs her.

Manuel comes over to take Acacia out clubbing (antro) to forget their mutual sadness. He waits while she changes into…well, how do I describe this? A see-through black doily and a black lace bra. The looks on Este’s and Manuel’s faces when they see her say it all. Estebone is so hot and bothered that he has to clutch Rubio and beg him to help him get Acacia out of his head. Rubio tells him to think of his wife and child! That seems to do the trick temporarily and Este goes to walk it off. Rubio thought-bubbles to himself about the hacienda falling into his hands soon. Este waits up for Acacia, even though Cris told him she got a text that she was fine, and watches from the shadows as Acacia and Manuel flirt and say their goodnights. Acacia managed to keep Manuel from getting drunk, and makes him promise that they will both concentrate on applying themselves and working hard. Once Acacia goes inside, Este emerges from the shadows. He has a hard time concentrating and being in the moment with Cris once he gets back to the bedroom.

At the brothel, Ale has managed to get out of her bedroom prison. A drunk john approaches her and asks her assistance in calling his daughter to make an excuse for his being late. Ale takes advantage of his inebriated state to first get him to tell her his phone passcode; then she convinces him that the best excuse to his wife and kids is that he lost his phone; she palms his phone and then calls over one of the girls to distract him and take him off. Perla pops up like a bad rash asking what Ale is doing walking around freely. Ale hides the phone behind her back and is saved when Memo arrives and Perla becomes distracted by her blue-eyed suitor. Ale runs away. Memo tells Perla how jealous he was seeing her all over Dan. He asks if she still loves Dan. He wants to take her away from this life. Perla says it’s impossible. Dan is her owner (dueño)—she belongs to him. Memo leaves upset.

Estalker goes into Acacia’s room and sniffs and caresses the blue dress she was just wearing. I worry that we’re going to get a Monica Lewinsky situation, but he flings the dress to the ground and leaves.

The next morning, Ale tries her best to play the good wife as she sees Dan off. He kisses her, and then happily waves the keys with which he will lock her in the bedroom, like any good husband. Ale immediately takes the contraband cell phone out of a decorative vase and continues to send compromising pictures of business at the brothel to her email address. Seems she must have taken these photos secretly the evening before. Unfortunately, before she is done sending all the photos to her email account, the phone begins to die and she doesn’t have the charger!

Uli meets with Juan Carlos at a restaurant to discuss the construction project. JC says that as the head of the Committee (that partially financed the project), he should have believed in Ulises about the fraud. But as Acacia’s grandfather he still has many doubts about his relationship with Nuria. (Shut up, JC!) Uli remains polite, and firmly states that he is not getting back together with Acacia, but he can tell him to his face that he was never unfaithful to Acacia. The other Committee head joins them and immediately says that the project is dead, because the main investor, Suyaki, has pulled out. The story of the fraud was all over the news, and he wants nothing to do with a project that’s so tainted with a bad reputation. Suyaki’s lawyers are already working, because the stolen money wasn’t recovered and the purchasers/investors are clamoring to get their money back. JC says it was a great project, but he doesn’t think there’s anything that can be done to save it.

Este surprises Cris with a bassinet, changing table, balloons, and tons of baby gear in their bedroom. They are smooching happily when Acacia marches right into their room without knocking. She stands rooted to the spot and watches them make out for a full five minutes until they notice her. She says she’s happy that Este has done all this for Cris and the baby, but her face and eyes say something totally different. Este says he will dedicate himself to Cris and to being a good father.

Luisa is hanging out with Art and Uli at Uli’s place, and thanks them for treating her with such kindness and respect. Art says of course, that’s how she should always be treated. The two chat happily, and very close, on the couch while Uli answers the door. Yet another unwelcomed visitor—this time it’s Manuel. Manuel claims he’s come to get his (I believe it was Norberto’s) money back that was stolen. But what he’s really there for is to rub in Uli’s face that he and Acacia are now dating. Uli is ready to punch him in his weasely face, but Art holds him back. That causes Manuel to turn his venom towards Art and Luisa. He asks if Art knows that Luisa is only with him because he dumped her. Luisa tries to tell him to shut up and say that’s not true, but he continues. “Did you tell him how you begged me to stay with you after we had sex?” Arturo loses it! He calls Manuel a disgrace, and the punches start flying. They tussle on the porch, and Art gets the upper hand by giving Manuel’s burned hand a good twist. (I feel no sympathy for him.) Finally, Uli manages to stop the fight and Manuel gives up. Luisa stands in front of Arturo to confront Manuel, and says:
“How did I not realize before how you really are? But I’ll tell you now, Manuel, that you are worth nothing. How I regret having trusted you!”
Uli runs Manuel off.

Avances: Cris trips down stairs and is hospitalized. The baby is at risk!


I planned to make this brief, but so many important conversations happened tonight that it was NOT possible.

The diary has been discovered and poor Padre Rocky is on the hit list. So is Memo. But it seems Uli is off the hit list (for now). Whew!

Great recap, Vivi! And for the

So glad Luisa got to tell Manuel off. There's nothing worse than a guy who bad mouths his passing fancy.

Boy, that was some dress Acacia wore.



Thanks, Vivi for that great recap. I am watching the episode right now. This show just keeps moving along as the storyline steadily unfolds unlike some novelas...La Gata , I am looking at you..

Blecchh..Estecreepy rubbing Ack's blue dress all over his face. Que ? When Estestupido signed that document with Damnilo , he had no idea that he was signing a deal with the devil and probably his own death warrant. You are sliding down a slippery slope, dude. I feel like barfing every time he grabs Cris for kiss. Yuck

Oh Vivi, what a perfect title.

I devoured your exceptional recap, savoring every single word. Your conversation translations were marvelous and greatly appreciated. Stellar.

"He’s building his little nest egg for his plans for world (hacienda) domination, after all"; "A see-through black doily and a black lace bra" and "worry that we’re going to get a Monica Lewinsky situation" were among my many favorites.

I also loved your keen eyed observations including "(I wish Uli would point that she is acting the same way with Andres that Acacia acted with him. THAT would wake her up.)".

You are so right that so many pivotal things occurred - where do we start??

Manuel's teetering on the edge of evil has now ended. He has plummeted to the bottom. How utterly cruel and despicable to attack lovely Luisa. I'm really a peaceful solution is always best kind of woman but I tell you I was cheering Arturo and wished he had beaten him to a pulp. While my heart went out to Luisa, I do fear this something this emotionally devastating was the only way she would be able to give the thought of Manuel up. Ann, I hope she believes every word she flung at him...

Did anyone forsee Ale's diary being discovered so quickly? The writers once again shocked me. I had the journal was going to be Ale's salvation. I also thought Danilo was going to beat her but it doesn't appear she even know he has it. I'm cringing thinking what horrible vengence he has in store for her. And while I felt pity for Perla in the past, it evaporated when she held up and mocked Carlitos' drawing, Ale's most cherished possession.

Rubio is dead, dead, dead to me. For a brief moment, I thought he had kept the diary back but no. What a revolting weasel.

And God bless Ale. What quick thinking about the phone! She never, ever gives up.

I momentarily felt badly for Acacia when Uli ripped up her letter but all pity left when I realized that any unhappiness she is experience is trumped by what Ale must endure a hundredfold.

Acacia's explanation of what her relationship is with Este was quite palatable although she was clearly uncomfortable in the telling. Will Hector be able to put the pieces together?

"He counters that if she really loves him like she says, then she will let him be with the woman he loves, Carmen". Smack! Take that Juli.

Este can't keep his roving, dress sniffing hands to himself. And Susanlynn, I agree that Este's dealings with Dan will be his undoing. Good riddance.

Sorry for rambling, this was such a pivotal episode.

Wonderful Vivi. Again, thank you.


Thanks Ann-NYC and Susanlynn!

Susanlynn- In fact this episode when Rubio and Dan speak about Este signing the contract, Rubio says that Este doesn't know that he's signed a deal with the devil. That put a happy smile on Dan's face.

Vivi, tonight, would you kindly post the link so I can put my recap up?


Diana- As always, I love your comments. You always get the conversation and our thoughts going. This was indeed a pivotal episode, and I was totally shocked by the diary reveal and Dan getting his hands on it. I also fear for how he'll take things out on Ale. He'll probably wait to tell her after he's killed the priest, which will devastate her.

Diana- Of course. I'll be scheduling it to post automatically since I'm not sure what time I'll be home tonight.

Diana-Luckily, Ale still has the drawing from Carlitos that German framed for her. The drawings and toys in the box were Carlitos' things she got from her mother's hovel after the murder and funeral.

Thanks Vivi! I don't have any understanding of how or when the links post but appreciate it.

Also, I didn't comment on the beautiful decorated crib and mobiles, but after my initial reaction of how beautiful, I got a very uneasy feeling - and not just because Este is a lying, cheating, murdering so and so....

If Danilo does kill Memo, I'm wondering if that would be the final catalyst to turn her against him. I would have cared more but after what she did to Ale, she is out of my good graces. Hrrummph.


I'm referring to Perla in my last comment. My brain in processing faster than my typing today.


Muchisimas gracias, Vivi! Excellent recap.

Goodness, I did not expect Dan to get the diary so soon. Luisa, why weren't you nosy enough to check out that diary when Ale left it? Drat. I'm wondering if Rubio made a copy of it.

I'm actually feeling sorry for Acacia. She's whiny but basically a good person. Esteban can handle getting it on with Acacia while married to her mother, but I don't think Acacia could handle it, if it happens. The self-loathing could send her to a manicomio.

That's the dress you wear when you're on a date with someone you have absolutely no romantic interest in? Hmmm, wondering what Acacia would wear on her honeymoon.

I hope nothing happens to the priest. Ale would feel so guilty.

Oh, so Ale still has Carlitos' picture. A small relief, Vivi.

Niecie, yes, that dress should be in the dictionary under "sexy". Too bad she wasted it on Manuel.


Niecie- I agree that Acacia would not be able to handle the guilt of having an affair with her mother's husband. She's barely holding it together after the kiss. We'll see how this all unfolds, but Este made it very clear last night that he wants more, so Acacia is deluding herself that he can be a good husband to her mother. From this moment, she should want that man out of her mother's life. She already knows and saw that Cris can survive perfectly well without him. She's the one who can't quite let go, even with all her threats to leave the hacienda.

ITA Niecie in DC… Hoping Rubio made multiple copies of the Ale’s diary before handing it over to Damnilo. Looking forward to Ale unleashing a can of whoop-a** on Damnilo when she discovers Carlito’s drawings have been discarded. What was the significance of the shoes in the box?

Diana- Even though Ale still has the one framed drawing, I'm still ticked off at Perla for dissing the other drawings and the toys and being happy they are going to be destroyed, when she knows how much Ale loved and adored her little brother. Plus, I'm sure Perla doesn't know about the frames drawing. For all she knows, they are destroying the very last keepsakes she has of her brother.

Anon 9:57: I'm not sure about the shoes' significance. They might have some significance or they might just have been used to camouflage the other things in the shoe box.

Vivi, as I said, I am pretty much done with Perla.

Ale has been nothing but kind to Perla and has reached out and saved her from getting in trouble more than once with Danilo.

And this is how she repays her?

There is cruelty mixed in with the jealousy which really bothers me. The gleeful expression Perla wore when pawing over the few very pitiful reminders Ale had of her brother was just terrible.


Vivi---I'm glad that you went all the way instead of doing a brief
translation. Your writing is so good that when I finish reading I always want more.

Luisa comes over to Ale's Home Sweet Brothel.

Rubio wants more than a shot of tequila. He's building a little nest egg for world (hacienda) domination.

Uli is ready to punch Manuel in his weasely face---I wish that Uli
would have given that disgusting twit more of a beat down than he did.

I want to know what is in that contract agreement that Estedummy signed. I guess that we'll find out in a future episode.

So Luisa didn't get to read Ale's
diary. That bastard Rubio got to it. That guy would sell his mother if the price was high enough.

So now DanEvil knows what Ale is up to. Alejandra is going to pay dearly for that diary and the padre had better be saying his prayers because he doesn't have long to live.

Memo taken out? He was never recognized. His mask was always on

Diana---Like you, because of Perla' past I did have some sympathy for her, but no longer. Perla has become happy, for the most part living on the dark side.
When Memo wanted to run away with her and start a new life, she said
no, that she belongs to satan Dan.
She's wasted, there is no bright tomorrow her. Perla, you're going down. No redemption for you.
the gringo


Thanks for the recap, Vivi! I meant to comment earlier this morning but didn't have time.

Damn Rubio! At first I thought he was going to disobey Dan and pretend not to find the diary. Although Dan would've made him look more. I'm pretty sure the note that was in there from Germán was the note he left Ale after he painted her the Sagrado Corazon.

I liked Acacia's desperate attempt to keep Este away from her. She IS an adult and should take care of her own problems. Este, Cris, JC, and Elena should back off and not interfere.

When Rubio said that he would soon be the patron of La Benavente I'm wondering if Dan had Este sign it over to him. Obviously Dan wouldn't care about Cris. Maybe somehow Rubio thinks Dan is letting him in on the action. I'm curious to find out what that contract is all about.

So it sounds to me like Ale had the phone stealing thing all planned out. She already asked Acacia for a charger. Didn't she have another phone that Dan took away?


Oooh, TF! When did she ask Acacia for a charger? Yes, Dan is in possession of Ale's cell phone.

Este said he had a lawyer look over the contract, so I don't think anything about Benavente was in there. Plus, Este has no legal rights over Benavente that would be holding in any contract. We'll just have to wait to see how Este gets screwed over by this contract.

Vivi, this was a home run out of the park. What an awesome recap. So many choice one-liners.

Estalker, estupido, espanto Esteban es totalmente asco. He deserves every moment he spends in the company of the other slimy life forms in this novela1 such as Danilo and Norberto. Hector continues to prove himself the most astute, incisive character in the show, and I'm hoping for a grand romantic reunion between him and Cris. Does anyone remember En El Nombre del Amor? Only this time, I hope neither one of them dies.

Oops sorry Vivi. I posted a spoiler. Acacia will give Ale a charger in tonight's episode. That's what I get for getting ahead.

No worries, TF. We'll survive with that spoiler. ;-)

Dona Gringuita- Yes, I am also looking forward to Este getting his, right along with Rubio, Dan, and Norb.

Yeah it's not exactly a big spoiler. But it looks like Ale is putting her plan in motion. She will need help though. Who could possibly help her?

Dona Gringuita,

I SO remember El Nombre del Amor - one of my top 5 favorites. I fell in love with Hector/Arturo right then and there. He and Cris/Victoria have an easygoing, wonderful chemistry and I am also anxious and hopeful they end up together here.

OT, not long after ENDA ended, I remember seeing a large article on up and coming stars. Allison Lozz, Eugenio Siller and Sebastian Zurita were featured prominently. Allison (whom I still miss) retired as a teenager, Eugenio is at Telemundo and I have not seen Sebastian since CS '09. But the older actors are all still here and prominently so.


Diana- Sebastian is with his mom over on Telemundo. They starred together in the recent La Impostora, where he was the galan.

I also enjoyed VR's and AP's chemistry in ENDA. They've starred in many tns together over the years and are good friends from what I gather. Not sure if they will have a happy ending together in this one, but I hope so.

Very good Vivi.

I see Laura Flores (another huge fav of mine) is also at Telemundo. I miss her...



I don't know if you watched Abismo de Pasion, but SZ was supposed to be in it as the galan instead of David Zepeda but apparently he was let go because he expressed his distaste of doing a lead role. I didn't watch CS so the last time I saw SZ was in ENDA. Didn't SZ have a brief role in CME? I didnt watch that either unfortunately.

TF- Yes, Sebas was in the first episodes of Cuando Me Enamoro, as Juan Soler's younger brother who gets murdered and starts his whole revenge plot. I think that was the last thing he did for Televisa.

Diana- Laura Flores was in Reina de Corazones which just ended. (Telemundo started combing 2-4 episodes every night to wrap it up, but Caray Caray is recapping whole episodes until the end.) Reina was an illogical ridiculous tn, but a lot of fun until recently. Laura got to play a tough CIA agent. But although the character was different than anything she's played at Televisa, I don't think it had anywhere near the depth of many of her Televisa roles. Her crazy villain in Refugio still haunts me. She was lovely in ENDA as the classy, glamorous mom of the young villainess. She was a delight as the absent-minded, loopy Netty in Llena de Amor. A hoot as Daniela Castro's crazy jet-setting sister Yuyu in Familia con Suerte. And I know people loved to hate her as the selfish alcoholic mom in Al Diablo..Guapos.

I figured Vivi. I know CME was a remake of La Mentira and I did see LM. I think the first time I saw Laura Flores was in Mundo de Fieras with Cesar Evora and Seb Rulli (and others). Her character died in MdF though. But for a good reason, if I remember correctly.

Finally a comment from me. Vivi, bravo, well done I enjoyed the recap. I read every day but I stopped watching at episode 15. Too icky for me but I love the recaps, confusing, I know, lol. Este has a fatal attraction type of thing with Acacia. It is not love but obsession. Poor Ale, will she ever get a break?

TF, no I had no idea of the backstory on SZ! Very interesting. And I did see CME (at least part of it) and do remember him, now that you mention it. I think I thought he would be a huge star and I don't think that has quite happened yet.

Vivi, to be honest, my favorite Laura Flores role was as Eduardo Yanez' mother in CS '09.

I cried my eyes out during her death scene with him. She made the fact she is at least 10 years younger than her "son" entirely forgettable. I wil never forget that scene.



Ok so I found an article from earlier this year that seems to reveal the real reason why SZ was let go from Abismo. The producer of Abismo, Jose Alberto Castro (who produces La Malquerida), supposedly deemed SZ too young for the role even though SZ and Angelique Boyer (the female lead of Abismo) were the same age. They actually previously dated a few years prior and at that time of Abismo Angelique was dating Jose Alberto so there may have been some jealously on JA's part because SZ claims JA took other projects away from him.

So Alejandra now has a phone with brothel pictures on it. Question--
Does Dan allow customers taking pictures at the brothel? This just doesn't sound right to me. So Acacia will bring Ale a charger for the same phone and model number. QUE? Ok, I get it, it's a novela. After the pictures get to her email address (Dan lets her have a computer?} then what? Who will send the pictures out?
the gringo


TF, that would explain a lot. Also, I had heard rumors that SZ claimed he was losing out on certain roles due to JA, so everything you noted makes sense.

You posed some good questions. Danilo takes pictures for blackmail insurance purposes I assume. I would suspect most patrons wouldn't want to take pictures for fear that they might end up in unsuspecting spouse's hands! As to how Ale is going to process the pictures through e-mail, I haven't a clue!


My last comment was directed to gringo.


Yeah Diana. It's all very interesting. I would've liked to see SZ in more TNs. I only saw a couple episodes of La Impostora.

I got home early!

Gringo and Diana- From looking at the photos I think it was implied that Ale tooks those photos that evening. You don't need a computer on hand to have an email address and this is the best way for her to save evidence in a place Dan can't reach and doesn't know anything about. She can worry about how to get the evidence to the authorities later. Sending it to herself for now allows her to collect evidence in one location that no Rubio hands or Perla can reach.

As for the charger, we'll have to see tonight. That was a spoiler from tonight's unaired episode. We don't know if Ale specifies the make.

Thanks for explaining that Vivi.

I'm on pins and needles waiting for tonight's episode to start.


Jose Alberto Castro did not produce Abismo de Pasión, the producer was Angelli Nesma.

Anonymous, you're right. I meant to correct that.

Vivi, I was thinking about the phone/charger compatibility too. Guess we will find out.

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