Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Mi Corazon Es tuyo #116 Ana performs for Soledad, Isa kicks Yomama out, Fernando tells Fanny he feels something that he can't see separates him and Ana


Fernando and Ana have dinner out in a roof/balcony surrounded by roses… Fernando could tell Ana is distracted. She says she can’t believe all the events of the last few days… Fernando says Soledad is ‘guapa’ like Ana. Ana blushes a bit with his using and his pronouncing the ‘guapa’. She wants to call the house to check on the kids, he grabs her hand and prevents her from dialong, he wants her to enjoy the moment alone with him. Suddenly they hear the children of the choir sing the theme song of the show… Fernando brings Ana to the fence to see the kids who are at street level singing. Off key, like UA said… Ana gets a bit closer to Fernando, they are both moved/happy and turn to each other… about to kiss…

Lo Nuevo:

We see Isa is at office reading Angel’s business card and remembering their encounter. Betty comes in. wants Isa to sign some documents. Betty asks her if she knows about Freeky. Isa was with him at hospital. Betty notices her bruise on her neck. She says it was urticaria (irritation/rash). Isa tells her that Fernando will come back to the office. Isa is excited at the idea of working with Fernando every day.

Laura tells Leon that she was hurt by Freeky. She feels cheap, used, etc. She seems to want Leon to vouch for her to get back in Fanny’s good friends list. Laura says she feels alone. Leon gets a call from Fanny while they talk. Leon smiles and Laura guesses its Fanny. They get into cheesy talk and Laura rolls her eyes and blows hard. More cheesy talk. Leon and Fanny will go somewhere tonight. He hangs up and ‘see ya, gotta go back to work’ for Laura.

Jenny tells Bruno she is so disillusioned… she promised herself not to cry. She can’t believe Nico left without even a goodbye. Not caring about her feelings or her pain. Bruno is understanding. All he can say is Nico is also suffering and left without courage to face his own pain. Vouches for Nico being noble. (hah?) all he did was for love (double hah?) Jen questions herself if he left her for being pour, ordinary, or a bad homemaker. Bruno does not believe it was any of that. Bruno said it was more Nico not having the will or drive to go on. Jen says suffering is no use. Nico won’t change his mind.

At gym, Johnny tells Dana he would like to help Jen stop suffering. Dana says all you can do is be there for her supporting her. Maybe with time you can get a chance. Trainer summons him. ‘you gotta leave sorrows at home’.

At El Oro, Bethoven is saying goodbye to Soledad. God bless you. Come by when you can. Sure will do. Be very happy. Bethoven wishes them three a good trip back. Fernando thanks him for everything. Soledad says goodbye to her adored ‘pueblo’ El Oro.

Back at the house in a flash, in the girls room to put them to bed. Fernando comes in on Ana, Ali and Luz. (My guess is Sarai is there too). Luz sees them both happy, guesses it was because they kissed. ‘ Right, Daddy?’

Freeky is in hospital, remembers himself freaking out when his dad died. Suddenly he wakes up wide eyed (ok, NOW he looks REALLY FREAKY) And he tells himself that Fernando Lascurain will pay dearly.

Isa and YoMama… Isa is confirming Angel the doctor at hospital is the same guy she talked to about Soledad. YoMama remembers that she met Angel when he showed up with Fernando. Isa says it is perfect that he did not see Isa then, he can’t connect her with the fake daughter of Soledad.

YoMama asks her to not think so much about Angel and call the hospital to check on Freeky. Maybe he woke up and is ready to throw her under the bus. Isa says ‘you’re right’.

At that moment Freeky pulls off his IV and runs out almost running over a nurse.

Fernando and Sebas talk about Sarai’s parents. Fernando tells him they are getting divorced. Sometimes divorces run smoothly but sometimes there is a lot of bickering and hurting between the spouses. And Sarai’s parents used to bicker and fight in front of her and now are using her (custody over her?) as part of the argument. Ana explains to Sebas that Sarai feels like the ball being tossed between one parent and the other. Sebas says ‘poor [Sarai]’. Fernando says that is why Sarai is so obsessed with cleanliness (she protects herself whenever she can control it). He spoke to her last night and she was crying.

Sarai is reading a Tolstoy book and tells Luz about it (Ana Karenina?). Tells Luz it’s a love story. Luz says she is young, pefers stories about good friends. Luz imagines a scene of friends with Mau when Mau is dressed as an European nobleman from the 18 th century, sort of what the golden era composers wore. Luz is having a tea party conversation with him. White gloves and all. Mau is sleepy and falls from the chair. (is this a take on Ana’s tea for Fernando?) They end up reading/looking at the book together in Sarai’s bed.

Fernando and Ana run into each other in hallway. He tries to offer her a ride with him or even with the driver, since she is going out with Soledad and its late at night and he feels it is dangerous for them, but Ana talks him out of it saying she needs to talk to Soledad about women stuff. They set another date for 2am in the kitchen. High five hand play. See you at 2. Ana leaves, leaving Fer swooning about her… (oh she drives me crazy… ‘como me gusta!’)

We see Freeky in hospital robe sleepwalking (or faking to be) around hallway. Two nurses try to stop him. He falls down.

Angel is practicing his magic tricks with the big rings again. He then reads the book on it, and finds a sonogram picture of his child (you would be 4 years old now, dear). He gets a call from ‘Ines’ (Isa). They joke on her being ‘dumb’ (well, the jury is still out on that one, Isa). She acts like a stupid high school girl and says just called you to give you my name. (DUH!!) She hangs up and YoMama does tell her she sounded vulgar and looks (or is behaving like) a teenager and spoiled. Isa again tells her she can’t stand her… Yomama says that makes two of us. YoMama still can’t believe the long list of stupid moves Isa makes… Are you also going to screw up with the new doctor you are now targeting?

Fernando tells Bruno that he is now behaving like Nico (like Nico was with Jen?) Bruno is worried about Jennifer. They are also worried that Fanny is not home yet. Fanny is at the ‘home’, helping a girl take care of a kid. She is tired. Fernando calls Fanny. Isn’t it late? You should head home. Fanny did not bring the car so she gives him the address to come get her.

At Chicago, the girls are there, so is InoDoro and Johnny and Jennifer. Jenn came to work to distract herself.

Johnny swears to InoDoro that he won’t fail him. InoDoro says better not. You better start working down your debt.

Ana is showing Soledad the dressing room. Soledad likes it. Offers to help Ana with her hair… The intro guy comes and asks Ana to be ready a bit earlier than usual. Ana gets Soledad to help her with ‘waffle-ing’ her hair (lo vamos a waflear).

Johnny stares at Jennifer… she gets mad when he says he is staring at her beauty.

Fernando brings Fanny home, she has fallen asleep in the car. He remembers when she was little and he carried her asleep into the house, like a princess. He gets teary-eyed saying now you are a grown woman. Delicate and beautiful like your mother. (Have to say this Fernando is very detail oriented, much more sensitive and into his feelings than the old Fer) His phone rings. Torres tells him that Freeky came out of the coma, walked around and then fainted again. According to the doctor, he fell into a coma… again. (Fernando seems a bit concerned)

Fanny and Fernando talk as they walk in, Fanny also finds it strange the story about Freeky falling while Isa was there.

Bruno says everything is fine with everyone else. Fernando invites Fanny to get something in the kitchen. He fixes them some sandwiches. (and hot chocolate?) Fanny asks how it went at El Oro. He tells her about the surprise dinner for Ana. Everyone there is very nice. Fanny asks about Ana forgiving him. HE says he thinks so but he feels like there is something that still separates them, like an invisible wall but he can’t see it.  Fanny looks visibly conflicted (but she knows it is not her explanation to give)

Ana had left Soledad in her dressing room. Soledad was dying of curiosity to watch her dance. So Ana promises that when everyone leaves she will do a little private dance for Soledad.

Ramona tells Yomama that Isa asked her to wear gloves so she won’t contaminate her. Ramona asks YoMama if Isa will tell Angel that she is preggers. YoMama says that is her strategy, to trap him. A bit later, Isa and Ramona come out of the bedroom, Ramona is rolling out two suitcases. Isa announces to YoMama that she is kicking her (Yomama) out of the house. (wow! Isa never stops drawing the line lower and lower, especially toward her own mother)

We see a special dance number of Ana for her mom, Ana even grabs the mic and tells everyone that this is for her mom, and everyone there knows she had been looking for her for 30 yrs. (are these only the employees left there? I sure hope so) So Ana makes one more special performance just for Soledad. Soledad is very excited and pleased at Ana’s talents. At the end of her song, both Ana and Soledad are in tears. Soledad enthusiastically shouts that ‘this is my girl!!’ Soledad in tears congratulates Ana for her talents. They embrace and cry together. (you can tell Ana is crying also of sadness since this ‘talent’ will drive her and Fernando apart at some point and she knows it better than anyone).

YoMama argues to Isa that she is her mother and brought her into the world. Isa repeats she can’t stand her anymore. Yomama says you are the one that can’t stand yourself. The optimist, the loving one… (Not!) Isa nags that Yomama is constantly scrutinizing her moves and decisions, always understating her, destroying her self-esteem (I would say Isa does that to herself). Yomama says it is me who is hurt by your calling me a ‘naca’ and vulgar. Isa says she better go. Yomama asks where. Isa says I don’t care. She then yells at Ramona to help YoMama get her bags out. YoMama is still in disbelief ‘you really mean this? You have no mercy from God. You don’t do this to a mother’. YoMama tells Ramona that her own child does not care about her. Don’t even have a place to sleep. Isa keeps pushing Ramona to take Yomama’s things out, or you go with her! Ramona is in disbelief as well.

At the Lasc kitchen, Fernando and Fanny are talking about his return to the office. Fanny says she had talked to the employees already… oopsie, she remembers she was going to meet with Leon. Fanny calls Leon, apologizing. She says she just got home tired, Dad went to pick me up (since Leon was also concerned it was dangerous for her to be out there this late). Leon has to finish his thesis paper. They reschedule to tomorrow… he tells her he misses her body (whoa!)…

Fanny heads up to bed. Fernando looks at Fanny Sr painting… wondering what is it that stands between him and Ana.

Still at the Chicago dressing room, Ana is talking to Soledad. Soledad is admiring how much Ana does. It is an art that she performs. You are a decent woman. Ana explains to her that people have a prejudice against ‘antro dancers’ . And if Fernando finds out that his kids nanny works at Chicago, he will fire her. Not just because of the tube dancing, but mostly because of the lies. Soledad says the more time passes it will be worse.(that's what we in viewerville keep telling her!!) Ana is afraid that when he finds out he will send her packing. Soledad asks ‘don’t you think he could forgive you?’ Ana doesn’t think so. Soledad confirms Ana loves him. Ana is really paranoid of losing him. Soledad embraces her, encourages her ‘love is forgiving’. You will see.

Previews: Isa again tries to smother Freeky with a pillow. And Ana’s secret is in danger, Fanny and Lenin found a video in the internet with Ana dancing on the tube, Fanny worried about what happens if her dad gets to see it. (ok, Ana, you gotta get a grip, girl!! Act like a 30 something year old, for God’s sake!)


Great work, Marta.

I had almost forgotten about the cell phone video, but at least the writers didn't. This is going to get ugly.

My guess is that Yomama will end up in Leon's neighborhood.

Thanks, Marta, the recap was womderful.

I also wonder where Yolanda will end up since her witch of a daughter threw her out. Ramona's eyes could not been any bigger as she witnessed this travesty and had to help Yolanda out with her bags.

Now we have Fernando perplexed by the indescribable barrier between him and Ana and we can also add Soledad to the long and growing list of those who know about Ana's dancing. It is so sad to see Ana so afraid of telling Fernando the truth that she just keeps on digging a deeper and deeper hole for

I love that Ángel practices his magic tricks.


Marta, thank you so much! I missed bits of the show here and there so really appreciated your recap.
I didn't see Ana's performance for her Ma, but right afterwards saw...her costume and ballet slippers were very classy looking.

I thought Carmen Salinas looked really beautiful tonight, don't know if it was the color of her jacket or what, but she looked great. I'd love to see her in a straight drama.

J in Oregon

Pole dancing for your mama. That’s a new twist. It looked like those lacy sock things were preventing her from properly gripping the pole.

Isabrat is unbelievable. Also stupid. Yolanda knows most of her evil secrets. I suppose if Yolo were to remind her of that, there may be a matricide. *shrug.* She enabled her evil spawn; I can't feel too bad for her.

Mucha gracias, Marta!

Why must Isa use that stupid baby voice when she's trying to seduce men? It's gross. Why does this pervy production team think children should have adult relationships and adults should act like babies as seduction? Nasty.

I love that Sarai, who claims to not believe in love, enjoys reading romantic stories. I'm glad Luz decided to befriend her.

Julia...yah, let's skip the under-age romance stuff and get some girl power going for Sarai and Luz! Actually Fanny and Edith is one of my fave storylines; no reason everybody has to be matched up with someone.
J in Oregon

Marta great recap for all the little comments lost to poor audio.

I hate to harp, but I think the writers are really doing a disservice to the Nico/Jen ^ Johnny storyline. First they build us up with a great romance between an older man and a well-deserving, lovable, funny younger woman only to throw the disgusting wormy slime Johnny in our face.

Not wanting to be cruel, but maybe Johnny will have a "hollow" anvil fall on his head with no beanie cap on and just disappear across the Southern horizon (not this way)!

I think Ana's mother is going to put some breaks on Isabruja. She must have learned a few tricks will in jail!

Sorry, just realized I may have offended some south of the Mexican border. So we can't send Johnny North, East, South, West, up to heaven, or, well down there either.
I guess he has an audience somewhere, just not in my household!

He could take Lenin and go on an extended around the world nonstop cruise!

Does anyone else think that Sarai is a bit young to be reading Anna Karenina?

I actually wonder whether her parents' marriage is reflected in that book.

Thank you so much Marta.

Anna Karenina at what 8 or 9, just get her a subscription on line for Cosmopolitan?

At least Ana had the good sense not to have her mother in the audience during business hours.

Since what Ana does is family entertainment why doesn't Doroteo rebrand, start selling pizza, and book kids birthday parties.

Great scene with Isabela & Yomama as she pitched her out. Isabela sure is confident Yolanda will never turn on her or likely never even crossed her mind. Isabela is not good with running a risk analysis before impulsively acting.

Wait, didn't Fanny just almost kiss Lenin and then blabber she was preoccupied with the guy and tonight all lovey dovey with Leon?

Yep Fernando, there is an barrier, it just is invisible to you. Any man with a pocket full of pesos can see it in technicolor and up close.

Bruno is an idiot, excusing what Nic has done. Nic a noble man? What an ass.

Yes, Juan, hang in there and circle like the buzzard you are.


Bruno is a virgin, so what does he know about this situation? He has less experience with women than Nando does.

I wish Laura would just disappear.

After seeing Enfrique doing the Monster Mash I'm ready to post another casting game.

No wonder Fanny hangs out with fruitcakes/amateur hookers like Edith and Laura. She aint far behind. Birds of a feather.....she just has a much more deceptive facade.

Tremendous Marta. Boy, you had a weird episode to detail and did it wonderfully!! Love the snark and the shout outs to us in viewerville!

Last night was one big telegraph of things to come. Yeah, we get it, we've been able to "get it" for weeks--Fer will find out about Ana and it won't be pretty. I'll be stunned if he shrugs and says all is ok with the way they keep harping on this. And Ana, for heaven's sake, now that you have her, LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!

And whoever mentioned the video yesterday--kudos!! I forgot about it and voila, here we go.

I get advanced reading, I read Doctor Zhivago at the age of 10, but I think the point they are making with Sarai in reading Anna Karenina is ill thought out. This may be a story of love, but it is darker than that and results in the heroine committing suicide. WTH writers? This is what you put in her hands? If she was going to read a story of love, try Jane Eyre ( at least it ends happily-true love and all that). I am getting so tired of forcing adult plot lines on the kids.

I agree Julia, Isa for all her book learning, is not very bright when it comes to thinking things through in her plotting and planning. Yomama knows all her secrets, and she throws her out? I think it's time for her mother to see the monster that has been created and take her down. She's too big for a spanking over her knee, but she can still teach that child a lesson.

And yes, I ate that baby-doll voice Isa uses around men. I had a feeling she would try to change her name to Angel, but seriously, she thinks with everyone he knows, she won't run into someone that can out her? Only thing that worries me is if she plays on being an abandoned pregnant woman who's "man" doesn't want the baby and Angel being in a fragile place about his lost child will do something stupid like "make an honest woman" (impossible) out of her. No writers....I wrote it, I get things wrong, make this wrong.


Oh, no; por favor! Angel doesn't deserve that.

Isabruja might think that throwing Yolanda out prevents her ratting her skanky self out, but Angel will remember that address.

Thank you, Marta. Your recaps are always a treat. I just loved your commentary on the previews -- get with it Ana!

I figure, Lord help us, that Yolanda could end up at the mansion. That is where she said she would still like to be. Fernando might eventually send her packing, but with the money for an apartment. Just a thought.

Luz has changed physically in recent months, getting taller and losing some of the baby look. She is such a good little actress and very pretty. I did enjoy the exchange between Sarai and Luz, even if AK is quite a bit advanced for a child!!!! I read it in my early 20s and will never get over it -- the ultimate and most heartbreaking romance.

Quite a few mentions of the bad neighborhood where the shelter is located. I hope that we don't have a kidnapping or some other act of violence against Fanny.

It is clear that the story has been extended and will continue to be extended (to 200?) with filler, so many more adventures in store for the children and their friends, I guess. I hate it when the nasty and sociopathic villain turns into a full-blown homicidal maniac, but we are there with Isabela. Not the usual characterization of a pregnant woman, but then again she has lied about the pregnancy, too.

Happy New Year to all! I hope that 2015 brings many good things to the Caray, Caray community.

Yike, Mati. I hadn't thought about the Fanny and working late at the neighborhood. And with Gabriel on the loose...ok, I don't like where my mind is wandering.

And I did love the little Luz/Mau fantasy because I needed a cuteness overload last night, though lord, dressing them like Anna K. an Vronsky was so wrong!


Happy new year and lots of blessings and health and joy for 2015 for all! here is some food for thought from a 90 something yo lady who wrote this list when she was 40 something and still lives by it...
1. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
2. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
3. Pay off your credit cards every month.
4. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
5. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
6. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
7. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
8. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
9. Burn the candles; use the nice sheets; wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
10. Overprepare, then go with the flow.
11. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
12. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
13. Forgive everyone everything.
14. What other people think of you is none of your business.
15. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
16. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
17. Believe in miracles.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.
20. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.
21. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
22. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
23. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
24. The best is yet to come.
25. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.
26. If you don't ask, you don't get.
27. Yield.
28. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.


Daisy - Oh, no -- hadn't thought about Luz and Mau being dressed as Anna and Vronsky. I had only one eye on the screen and didn't pay attention to the detail. The plot of AK could have taken a different direction if she had that magic sleeping tea around!

Marta - What an excellent list! I love the practical advice (pay off your credit cards every month) amidst the higher-order advice. Good thoughts for New Year's Eve and those of us who still make resolutions.

Love the list Marta. I sent a New year's note yesterday to a group with the paraphrase of an old quote that sums up a lot of this wonderful list:

"Life is short, forgive quickly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile."

Happy New Year to everyone!!!



Luz seems to have outgrown Mauricio already. She looked so much taller than he was in that fantasy scene.

The twins have definitely grown since the title sequence was shot. I'm imagining what they'll be like at Nando's age.

There is a definite ick factor about putting such young children into adult situations. This producer has a few issues.

Costuming aside, I kind of enjoyed Luz's little fantasy scene. Usually I'm not that into watching Mau; he's really too young to do much more than just be there. He's definitely more toddlerish than Luz; she seems a long jump ahead of him development-wise. But I thought he did a good job of acting in that scene for such a little guy.

I wonder how hard it is to film with such young actors. Kids that age can certainly get into a bad mood or a difficult phase very suddenly and decide they don't want to do whatever they're supposed to be, even if they were the sweetest most cooperative things ever when they got the job. I guess that's why a lot of child stars grow up into such terrors; once they've got the role, their parents and handlers are going to get them to play the part even when they don't want to, so they get used to being coddled and bribed into doing things with not enough discipline.

I cannot imagine any romance that would make 2 a.m. dates exciting, especially after working a full day with the kids and a night shift at the club. Ana needs to tell Fer about the dancing if only so she can start getting some sleep.

lol Julia... i have to second the idea of 2am dates... even though that is how my husband and I started dating... long story.
anyway... did you all notice how she kept trying to put the first huge bite of the cake in her mouth but that is when Fernando would tease her with his proposal in pieces (proposal to take dance lessons, that is... bummer!) too funny that she never got to put the cake in her mouth (granted she must have swallowed the piece he left at her night table already)

Recap great as always Marta!! So where is everyone living these days? Bruno asked Johny to live in the house I think, ugh. Jen is back in Ana's house, Soledad is living at the mansion now ? Yolanda, who knows. Will Soledad live with Jen and Ana at her house when she is kicked to the curb? Curious minds want to know.

New New Year everyone! Marta awesome recap. Loved your list. We can all so much better following them. I wonder why Ana is so afraid to reveal the truth to Fer. It doesn't make plot sense. How do they weather the storm ahead if there is a wedge between them. Her fear of his rejection makes no sense. In his own words., she is the love of his life., and she knows it. I agree the producer has issues . Why cant kids just be kids. They don't need novios or novias to be well adjusted. They have a solid loving home, just stick to childhood pranks. We aerie cool with that.


I wish they would focus less on romantic relationships and more on friendships, or at least have more of a balance.

I liked Ana and Jen's friendship, but they don't spend much time on that anymore.

Fanny's friends have all been pretty toxic aside from Edith. Nando doesn't seem to have any friends. Does he or Alicia talk to Briana anymore? Briana seems to have vanished since Alicia has boringly switched to just smooching dullsville Pablo all the time. I liked Alicia better when she was hanging out with Brianan. Sebas doesn't seem to have any friends. Nor do Guille, Alex, or Luz up until she started to befriend Sarai. I don't count Mau as a friend for Luz. He kind of is, I suppose, but he's more like a little brother, not really a peer for her.

Not that we really need more storylines of the children's relationships, but if they need to fill time, why not give them more normal friends and skip the stupid child "romances"?

I think Jen should marry Angel and they should adopt Isa's baby. I don't care if he thinks he's in love with Ana. That's ridiculous. They just met. Jen is all that without the shrieking. SAVE YOUR EARS, ANGEL.


Gracias, Marta, for the wonderful recap and advice for 2015! Our elders have a wealth of wisdom to share with us, don't they?

Tofie - "Since what Ana does is family entertainment why doesn't Doroteo rebrand, start selling pizza, and book kids birthday parties." Too funny. Can you imagine parents discussing birthday parties with their kids? "Hijo, would you rather have your eighth birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, with the rides and games, or Club Chicago, with the pole dancers?"

IMHO, the unfortunate fact is that Ana dresses scantily and dances seductively around a pole to gratify men and cater to their visual pleasure. It's hard to legitimize her career choice as anything other than one that demeans and objectifies women.

Urban - The producer's definitely pushing the ick factor. And AK seems too heavy for an eight-year-old kid.

While I feel very sorry for Bruja Mayor, I blame her for creating Bruja Menor.

Happy 2015 to all!

I missed Ana's dance for her mom...did she do it outside of regular Chicago hours? Was it 'toned down'? I just saw afterwards that she was wearing what looked more like a classical ballet getup.

J in Oregon
(wishing all a happy happy new year!)

Ana's routines are not all that sexual in nature. If she were doing those same pole moves in less lingerie-looking costumes (even if they were as skimpy), in a setting more like a circus or even like a dinner theater or with a modern dance troupe, or teaching a class of this in a gym, it would be perfectly respectable. It's that she's doing it for leering drunks in thug Dorotoad's nasty club that makes it ick.

All the same, though, it isn't THAT BAD. She isn't even having personal contact with any of the patrons. It isn't the nicest side job, but to me doesn't seem like a reason for a guy to dump the woman he's in love with, even if he's as stuffy as Fer. The not telling him about it forever is more of a problem, but even that seems like something Fer could get over if she just presented it properly.

Ana just needs to have Doro locked up so she can have exclusive use of the club without his interference for awhile, fill the place with rose petals and candles, have someone bring him in blindfolded, then do a special dance just for him to reveal it as a "special surprise for him" instead of "shameful secret". It's all in how you package it :).

Happy 2015 to all!

Bruja Mayor will likely turn on her brat before another 20 episodes; it can't happen soon enough for me. And if she doesn't, the maid probably will.

Ana danced for her mother after the club had closed, when just the employees were still there. Her clothes were still rather lingerie-like, or at least the bra top was.

Julia, I LOVE LOVE your packaging ideas. can i hire you to plan any future bachelorette party (or actually a bachelor party, isn't it?) for any friends of mine? you make a MAHVelous party planner.

Daisynjay. cancelo, cancelo

yes, Cancelo Cancelo!! God save ALL our girls from a skunk like Gabriel.

Since there are no novelas tonight, i get the night off. Have a happy joyful healthy 2015 everyone!! CHEERS!!

Thanks for the recap, Marta.

Crawling on the floor, spreading your legs, and tossing your hair back is not dancing (not in this context). If I were Soledad, I would be supportive, but I wouldn't be gushing with enthusiasm and I'd be trying to help Ana find another line of work as soon as possible.

Julia, ITA with your opinions about Ana's dancing and it all being a matter of how she might package it to present it to Fernando.

Talking about dancing, I am watching The Nutcracker tonight as I am writing this since we are novela free. Sure makes me want to dance!

Best wishes to everyome for a healthy and happy 2015!



Happy new year everyone!

Marta thank you for the excellent recap and New Years list!

I have to agree with Julia, great way to make the reveal! Also, while I agree that dancing at Chicago is not an ideal job, did any of you know that pole dancing has been trying to become an Olympic sport? It's true! Ana (and Esme) are not the only ones trying to convince us that this is a respectable line of work. Although at least Ana seems to recognize the implications of working in a club like Chicago.

I found the eviction of mama Bruja shocking. I hope Yolanda takes a YOLO attitude and tells Fer who the baby daddy is. Again, how stupid is Isa? Throwing out the woman who knows all of your dirty laundry? And why didn't Yolanda threaten to tell the truth about the paternity? At least she'd still have a roof over her head.


Haaaaappy New Year All!
Rebecca--I had the same thought about Yolanda threatening to spill the beans so Isa would let her stay. But then Yolanda would have to sleep with one eye open for the rest of her life...she knows what her hija is capable of.

Is there an episode tonight?

J in O

Yes, J in O, there is an episode tonight.


Thanks Jarifa!

This was a lovely recap. I feel as if I have been desensitized to the objectification of women. Although sexuality can be found in any culture and on any station, I feel as if programs on Univision or Televisa are far more sexual than shows I watch on American television. Especially dance routines. Has anyone seen Nuestra Belleza Latina? The show is filled with beautiful Latina.women, but some of the dance moves are highly erotic. In fact, I laughed when they kicked a beautiful young lady off the show for posing nude in tasteful artistic photos before she ever became a contestant, but the dances they put together and force women to do are far more suggestive than the nude female body! I guess that is why I don't find Ana's dancing to be that big of a deal. Now that I have read some comments, it is changing my perspective on the matter. Any line of work that forces a woman to objectify her body for money is not going to empower women. Which has me thinking, actresses stripping down to bras and panties and thong bikinis is no more honorable than what a stripper does. I mean they are both playing a part.


CHECKMATE. You go Yomama

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