Pato tells Silvana that while he's gettin' bizzy with Sofia on their honeymoon, Silvana is to get busy with the factory. You know, mess up the delivery schedule and quality control, make sure inferior products get sent out late, that kind of thing.
Chava visits Senor Landa to look for a job. Since the explosion at the Pan Americana race, Landa doesn't have a car but he does have a friend who needs a mechanic. Is Chava interested in working for his friend? Landa calls and Chava gets the job.
Irais whines to Alexa about breaking out a tooth while climbing with Matias. Alexa wants Irais to help her plan a surprise for Sofia's bachelorette party.
Fausto is interested in Iker's past. How does a guy as young as Iker know so much about meditation, teas and herbs, and avant-garde fashion? Iker answers that he does lots of reading and is someone who is interested in the finer side of life. He moves into Fausto's personal space and asks if Fausto understands what he means? Fausto gets all flustered. After Iker leaves the room Fausto fans himself. I really hope this is not going to become a storyline where Fausto is the old guy in a May-December relationship. I'd rather see Fausto keep his dignity than see him chase or be victimized by a troubled young drug addict/con man.
It appears that Alexa has rounded up some pretend friends to come to Sofia's bachelorette party at a local bar. Except for Sofia's sisters and two co-workers, there is nobody I recognize in this crowd of women.
Two sisters, two co-workers and about a dozen
who were promised Victoria's Secret gift cards.
Waiters bring trays of drinks and Alexa starts chanting, "Shot! Shot! Shot!" Someone passes a lemonade to Dani and she whines about not getting to drink alcohol. Alexa urges Sofia to drink a shot. She does. Silvana excuses herself and leaves the table. Alexa forces another shot on Sofia, then takes her away for a "surprise". In the hallway they have another shot, then another. Alexa tells Sofia her surprise is in the room just down the hall but Sofia doesn't want to go. Alexa has to push her into the room.
It's dark. A guy dances in the shadows. Sofia sits down on the couch to watch. You'll NEVER guess who the dancer is...
The dancer takes off his belt. He takes off his shirt and tosses it to Sofia. She grabs it and he pulls her toward him. He runs her hands down his bare torso, then spins around behind her and runs his hands down her sides. We of course see that the dancer is Chava. Surprise!! As he turns Sofia around and kisses her the music changes from a pulsating dance rhythm to that lame theme song. They kiss for a long time.
Alexa and Silvana return to the party. Silvana asks about Sofia. Alexa says they had a surprise that was just for Sofia alone. A private show.
Chava and Sofia break apart. He says that Sofia is making a big mistake. Pato is cheating on her. Chava knows that Sofia loves him and she should just admit what she feels. Sofia counters that she doesn't want to be just another girl on Chava's list. She brings up Flor and Araceli. He asks if Sofia has heard anything else from Flor. She admits she hasn't. Well, doesn't that mean that Flor was just trying to come between them? As for Araceli, it's over even if she won't admit it. Chava insists that no other woman has had his attention or his heart since he met Sofia. Chava tells Sofia that Pato doesn't deserve her. She doesn't love Pato. Sofia gets angry. She yells that all she ever got from Chava was sadness, disappointment, and disillusionment. She tells him to go away and leave her alone. She walks out and goes back to the party.
Sofia grabs her purse and yells at Alexa that her surprise was in bad taste. Party's over! She's leaving! Sofia doesn't look at all intoxicated even after downing four shots of tequila in less than five minutes. Alexa drops a wad of cash on the table so Sofia's pretend friends can continue the party without them. Alexa and Dani go after Sofia.
Back at the Ripoll house Sofia yells at Alexa for surprising her with a half-naked Chava. Alexa isn't sorry. She doesn't want Sofia to ruin her life by marrying that rat bastard Pato. Sofia warns Alexa not to interfere in her life anymore. She doesn't care what either of her sisters think, she's marrying Pato. Sofia storms upstairs. Dani tells Alexa that she crossed a line this time. Maybe they should just support Sofia's decision and wish her luck.
Alone in her bedroom Sofia cries and remembers kissing Chava. She yells, "I hate you! I don't want to love you!" and throws pillows around.
Chava muses alone in the dark, "I can't let you ruin your life. I can't."
Over the next several days:
- The wedding plans continue with food and wine tastings on Snob Hill.
- At Lupe's, Paco and Chava suffer through a meal with Javier.
- Morgana watches Isadora and Javier get wasted in another bar.
- Chava fixes a motorcycle.
- Araceli and Pedro walk through the park arm-in-arm. They kiss.
- Chava continues his all-too-obvious surveillance of Pato.
- Matias continues his all-too-obvious surveillance of Silvana.
- Alexa and Armie kiss in the mechanics area of the factory. I'll bet NOBODY knows they meet there, right?
- Oliver gives Dani a piece of paper. Yeah!!
- Chava takes Nandito to the park.
- Matias and Irais try to climb the wall together.
- Nandito reads to Irma.
- Renzi closes the deal on another house in the neighborhood.
- The Boy Band tries to find a drummer.
Fausto wakes Sofia. She's glad that Fausto has finally accepted her marriage to Pato. Fausto is only concerned with her happiness.
At Lupe's, the Three Totally Inept Musketeers are forced to admit they've come up with no evidence whatsoever to prevent Sofia from marrying Pato. And besides, who can stop a train wreck once it gets started? Chava still hopes to find a way to stop Sofia's marriage.
Well, we tried and we failed miserably.
How about we go into the detective business together?
Back in Sofia's bedroom, Alexa gives Sofia a ring. They kiss and exchange Love You's.
You're making a huge mistake. Good luck with that.
Dani gives Sofia a bracelet.
Greta gives Sofia a pair of earrings that Greta wore at her wedding to Octavio. Sofia is touched. Greta hugs her and says that she is so happy that Sofia is marrying the man she loves. Sofia looks doubtful. Sofia sobs that she wishes her papa was here to walk her down the aisle and give her away. Greta tells her that Octavio would be proud of her. They dry their tears then everyone leaves the room to let Sofia get all gussied up.
Greta goes into her studio and sobs, "Sofia. If you knew the truth that your real father is alive and could give you away." But Greta cannot break the promise she made to Octavio. She doesn't want to. Really? Excuses, excuses. The guy is dead. He'll never know.
My daughter will be unhappy forever
but at least I'll have art supplies.
Sofia asks Fausto to walk her down the aisle and give her away. He is touched, "Me?" "Yes, you're like a father to me." Fausto is overjoyed. Sofia has made him very happy!
Sofia gets ready for the wedding. She remembers back to the big, sloppy oyster kiss in her office. She cries. So do I. I was hoping we'd never have to re-live that icky slurpy kiss. She remembers another kiss. More tears. Another kiss. More tears.
Thanks to extra heavy duty mascara I can cry
and not end up looking like Tammy Faye. |
Sofia comes down the stairs in her wedding gown. The top of the dress is pretty but those side cut-outs are just odd and the bottom of the dress is a disaster. It looks like the designer forgot to sew the skirt on and Sofia is just getting married in her petticoats.
Gown by Petticoat Junction
Sofia wants Fausto to accompany her in the limo. Greta nixes the idea. Miguelina and the maids help Sofia toward the door. Cristian wishes Sofia all the happiness in the world. But we know he's lying.
Sofia walks to the car. I notice that she's not wearing the same hairdo that she had when she was crying in front of the mirror. The chauffeur opens the door and Sofia and her dress get into the car. They drive off but a short time later the driver stops. He asks Sofia to give him a minute. He gets out and Sofia is shocked - but we aren't - when Chava gets in.
You've heard of Kid Rock? Well I'm Kid Napper.
Everyone and his/her mother waits outside the church for the bride's arrival. Renzi asks Pato if he is nervous. Pato admits that he is a little nervous, then laughs that Sofia bought the story he told her about his parents not coming to the wedding. Silvana just glares at him.
Chava and Sofia argue in the car. He tells her he had no choice but to try to stop her from marrying Pato. What he told Sofia is true - Pato and her bestie Silvana have been making whoo-hoo! If Pato is cheating on her now, who knows what he'll do once Sofia is tied down to him.
Pato tells Renzi that Silvana will begin the plan to ruin the company while Pato and Sofia are on their honeymoon. When they return, Pato will take over the company and keep Sofia in her place at home. Pato asks about Irma. Renzi says that she's still in a coma and hopefully will stay that way. It would be better for Irma to never wake up.
Sofia leans over the driver's seat and yells that everyone is waiting for her at the church! She orders Chava to take her there. He says he will take her to the end of the world, but he won't take her to the church. Sofia yells, "I hate you!" She threatens to jump out of the moving car. Chava laughs, "Go ahead. Jump."
Maybe that dress will act like a parachute and slow down her fall.
While the car is moving Sofia opens her door. Chava pulls the car over. Sofia gets out and runs away and Chava chases after her. Sofia tells him that their relationship was never meant to be. She orders him to leave her alone. She never wants to see him again. Sofia waves down a taxi, gets in and leaves Chava behind.
Pato tells Silvana to buck up. At least try to pretend like you're happy! Silvana says she took tranquillizers just so she could stay calm while watching the man she loves marry someone else. Pato tells her not to do something stupid like try to disrupt the ceremony. Matias keeps a close eye on them.
Greta worries about Sofia being late. Alexa thinks that maybe Sofia is having second thoughts. Greta decides to go inside the chapel to pray. Fausto asks Alexa and Dani if they think that Greta is acting strange. Alexa believes that Greta may have actually realized that Sofia won't be happy with Pato.
Paco has brought Lupe' a huge bouquet of flowers. Lucas and Marisol are at the table doing homework. Paco asks about Chava. Lupe' tells him that this is Sofia Ripoll's wedding day and Chava's having a hard time with it.
Chava drives around and thinks about Sofia's words, "Get out of my life! I never want to see you again!" It finally dawns on him that he's still driving the limo. He wonders what else he can do to try to stop Sofia's marriage.
At the hospital Manjarres hangs around outside Irma's room wearing hospital garb while Armie and the doctor discuss Irma's condition. The doctor tells Armie that it's good that he comes to see Irma every day. Irma needs the complete love of her family. Armie asks how much longer Irma will be comatose. The doctor thinks it could be years. Armie is worried about the cost of Irma's care. They talk about moving Irma to a less expensive hospital.
Nandito reads to Irma at her bedside. Suddenly her hand moves. Nandito drops the book and asks, "Mamita?" Irma's eyes move under the closed lids. Nandito runs out of the room and tells Armie that Irma moved.
Renzi is afraid that Pato has been dumped. Pato nervously calls Sofia and gets no answer. He walks over to Dani and Alexa and asks if they've heard from Sofia. Dani tried calling the driver but he didn't answer either.
Please, please, please. I don't want to look like a fool.
Alexa tells Pato that maybe Sofia backed out. Maybe Pato wasn't what Sofia wanted. Pato demands to know what Alexa's problem is with him. She tells him she was just kidding. Pato walks away and Alexa calls him an idiot.
Pato paces the sidewalk nervously. A taxi pulls up. Pato sees Sofia inside and runs to help her out of the cab. She uses the excuse that the limo broke down and she left her cell phone at home. Alexa and Dani tell Pato to get away from Sofia. She needs to go inside and fix her hair and makeup.
Back at the hospital Nandito insists that he saw Irma's hand move. The doctor and Armie follow Nandito into her room. The doctor cautions that the movement might just be a reflex. He checks the pulse in Irma's neck. Suddenly her eyes open, then close again.
Irma begins to find her way back.
The doctor looks into Irma's eyes with a light. He tells Armie that this is a great advance in her condition. Irma opens her eyes, her hand moves again. Wait. You mean people don't just awaken from a coma, immediately realize where they are, escape from the hospital and run down the street like Alejandro did in LQLVMR??? Huh. Well I'll be darned.
In the church, Sofia fixes her hair. She remembers Chava's words in the car about Pato fooling around with Silvana. Sofia shakes her head, she refuses to believe it. She stands up and shakes out her veil. As she does, she hears a familiar voice through the wall. Greta is in the chapel praying to the Virgin. Sofia moves closer to the door to listen.
All I wanted was to live the rich life and not have to clean my own house.
Greta prays out loud, "I visit you a lot Holy Virgin." Okay, that right there is an outright lie. We've never seen this woman so much as set foot in a church. "I came here today to pray for forgiveness for the mistake I made that has tormented me for the last 30 years." Sofia quietly opens the door to the chapel and listens to her mother's prayer.
Please help me keep the truth from everyone.
"You were a mother too. You know a mother would do anything to protect her child. The only thing I did was try to give a father to the baby I was expecting. Even though Sofia is not the daughter of Octavio Ripoll he will always be her father." Sofia is stunned.
Sofia steps into the chapel and asks, "What do you mean, Mama?" Greta breaks down and cries.
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