Thursday, January 08, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo on Wednesday, January 7, 2015- "The Truth will Set You Free."

Dani who has changed out of her dress watches Sofia saunter in still dolled up as a blushing bride with Patricio who promptly leaves.

Sofia comes in demanding to QueenBeeGreta that she is to tell her who her father is.

Alexa is with Armando when her phone rings a fabulous tone and she has to go.

Greta tells Sofia 50% of the truth and that is enough to set off her berserk button. Greta has a flashback to her wedding with Octavio and when Sofia was born.

Sofia yells at Greta some more which is amazing. Greta trues defending herself which she does and says she doesn't regret a thing. Sofia is livid and Dani comes in; she is worried and asks why she isn't with Chava. Sofia ignores that and lays it down; OCTAVIO RIPOLL (SHOULD BE RIPOFF) NO ES SU PADRE!

Alexa comes in asking what is up with the mystery? Fausto says he is a stinky poo in Greta's eyes and nose right now so Alexa should go see this for herself.

She comes in and Sofi grills Greta for having forbidden Daniela's relationship with TooSexyForWordsLucas and.                                 Alexa's relationship with ArmieSize15FootEqualsBigBanana when Greta was in a relationship with a poor man and the result of that relationship was her! Caras de imPACtO all around!

Cristie calls Silvie letting her know that Sofia's returned, there's an obligatory, mandatory, respiratory Maldita Sofia (think of Maldita Gata from Lorenza in La Gata.) She simply and bitchingly orders him to find out everything that's possible to be found out.

Chava says to Armie3rdTelenovioO'Mine that he is going to rip his love for Sofia out of his heart.

DaniPinkShorts comes in to talk with StillBlushingBrideDressedSofi and they console each other. Sofia acknowledges that Alexa is and was Octi's primogenita and favorite.

Alexa and Sofi have a heart-to-heart about how Sofia having had worked so hard all her life and Alexa was always the fave regardless of the effort Sofi put into everything.

Chava and ArmieDressedLikeUncleJesse talk about throwing Sofia out of his life for his career.

SofiBathrobe rocks back and forth repeating Greta's life-changing confession in her head; she compares her love for Salvador with Greta's....uhhhhhhhh with Paco that she still doesn't know was with Paco.

Chava's home and Nandito blabs something rotten Marisol said and she lies about not having said it. Miguelina says that she's beat from having cooked all day and for there to have been no completed matrimony,  fuggetaboutit! Lucas pats her shoulder and Miguelina seems to like having been touched by him a little too much. She's out and everyone else who doesn't live there either follow suit. Chava 'fesses up that Sofi didn't get married and Lupe says he should be glad. He really isn't and won't be he says and sulks it all the way to his room to wallow in tears on his racecar bed.

Silvie gabs her revenge non-sense with Christie ; they're gonna drug Greta and Pato comes in to stretch out this scene. He spills to Silvie about what went down at ministerio publico and heart-breaking news for Silvie that he still needs to play the good BF.



And worthless lying conniving bitch unGreata is still lying to the girls, saying Octavio never knew that S was not his. AND leaving out the part about Oct threats to kill Paco, etc.

Thanks, corazon, for the laughs this a.m. "Wallow in tears on his racecar bed." What an image! LOL

I loved the over the top yet so realistic overwrought hysteria of it all: Sofía screaming the ugly cry; Dani and Alexa taking advantage of the moment to let Greta have it as they never would have dared before; nobody caring how Greta feels or not (yay!). Looks like the days of Greta ruling the roost are gone.

Now what implications will this have on Sofía and her (non)position (?) in the family and business? Is it time for musical chairs. If she leaves the mansion she could always stay with Lupe; everyone else does.

Too bad the girls can't move out and take Fausto with them.


Jarifa, it was beautiful watching the Ripoli girls going off on Greta!

However, Greta is still holding back all of the truth. Big question is whether Paco will find out about this development because news does travel fast!

Steve, stupid Greta still feels a moral obligation not to divulge the identity of Sofía's real father because she made a promise to long dead Octavio????? Hard to believe. When did she get so ethical????

I would so love for Sofía to find out about Pacosooner rather than later just to take the last bit of control away from Greta.


Move out? Take Fausto? ¿Que? It is time for Greta to move.

I'd just let her stay and rot all by her lonesome in the mansion. Let the girls move on to a fresh and unsullied Greta-free existence.


Jarifa, Sophia will probably find out Paco is her daughter around Ultimos Capitulos.


Sophia will probably find out Paco is her dad around Ultimos Capitulos.


I think Paco is going to find out tonight. Surely it won't take long for the Alexa -> Armando -> Chava -> Lupita chain to be completed, and we all know that once Doña Lupe knows ANYTHING, the jig is UP!

Thanks, Corazon. I watched with the sound off last night.

So Greta admitted that Sofia isn't a Ripoll, but didn't admit that Octavio knew? What's the point of that? It makes both her and Octavio look bad. It makes her look deceitful and Octavio like a fool. If she tells Sofia that Octavio knew, it would make Octavio look even more like a hero in Sofia's eyes, and stop this foolishness of her thinking she has to give up her position at the company because she isn't a Ripoll. Octavio knew she wasn't his bio-child and still selected her to run his company.

Thanks for this funny recap CS.

What is Sofia bitching about? Really? She was not treated differently, she was given the reins of the company and she lives really large. If Octavio didn't know he was blissfully ignorant, so what, but we know he did, and still fed and clothed and treated the girl like a princess. Bet she wouldn't trade places with Araceli. Only thing I can think of that pisses her off was intimated by Alexa, and that was, her bio dad may still be a ne'er do well. Well, that would take a little air out of her colossal ego.

Oh, I'll believe Salvador will move on when hell freezes.

Vivi, the only reason I can come up with for Greta not to tell is that technically she still has not completely broken the promise she made, that Paco is the father.

Our pal Sal's gonna take a 10-minute retirement from Sophi's family crisis and come back rejuvenated, hopefully before Sophi and Pat the Rat's 2nd attempt of a shotgun wedding.

Besides Paco, who in this whole mess has the mental horsepower and the testicular size to figure this out and tell Sofa. Fausto already knows but will probably keep his little mouth shut. Paco alreafy suspects it but that will never get through the maze to Sofa.

when Sofa knows the whole truth that takes a lot of power away from Patricia also since he will not be able to hold that over Gretas head

Thanks Corazon!

Greta's confession completely takes away the blackmail element of Pato's plan. It really doesn't matter who Sofia's father is, Greta was being blackmailed because Sofia wasn't a Ripoll and now Sofia knows that. Like the comment above says, it won't take long for Alexa to spill the secret to Armando.

I'm just frustrated that Sofia is still intent to ride the "I'm getting married to Pato" train to disasterville.


Thanks CorazonSalvaje.

I'm enjoying this TN but get a much bigger kick out of the recaps and comments, especially recently. I'm still having a problem adjusting to David Zepeda as Chava.

I'm looking forward to Sofía discovering that Patricio has known the truth about her father for quite some time and hasn't seen fit to share that information with her.

Also hoping that Irma is able to recall what happened to her.



Patricio does.

I often think about a parallel universe for these characters with Araceli running The Ripoffery now renamed The Fernandezery.

Considering the recipes are Paco's and that this novela, although stretched out like bubble gum 'til Easter, will be tied up with a bow (what novela hasn't done that? Just speaking realistically!) I hope Araceli and Sofia get to run the factory as sisters that is if they ever find out such non-sense is to be. I wonder about 'Celi's skills as a company leader. NONE of what I just said is spoiler-material BTW.

I bet you that if La Virgen could talk, she would tell Sofia who her father is but knowing Greta would intervene, I imagine her tackling La Virgen.

I have to LMAO at the thought of Greta and Paco having had sex though.

How is it going to sound if she ever says, "Tu padre es Francisco Fernandez de la tienda enfrente de Chocolates Ripoff."

Wake up Paco. :-)

Ya I didnt really include Pato because I'd never expect him to spill the beans. If Sofia steps down will Pato still have reason to marry her?

Chava took a 10-minute retirement all right..... Having HOT SEX with Araceli.

Araceli is beautiful naked!

You go Araceli. Get you some. Even if it is blind drunk? Chava you're a better man than me. Viva tequila.

Kirby, Araceli saw an opportunity & got it last night!

Kirby....I busted out laughing at this comment.

Cynderella, this confirms Araceli is still addicted to Chava!

Araceli evolves to Araceleech, lol.

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