Thursday, January 15, 2015

La Malquerida #100, 1/14/2015: Esteban is Unmasked, But There Are Still Truths to Be Revealed

Mexico Episodes 112 and 113. Cut scenes in italics.

Episode #112: Cris Starts to See the Light
Hector has just told Cris that he thinks Esteban doesn’t see Acacia as a daughter, but as a woman. Cris is incensed. How dare he insinuate something like that! He tries to explain that this is based on his observations, but Cris isn’t having it. This is something terrible he’s insinuating—that her husband is interested in her daughter?! It’s impossible! Hector apologizes, but says he couldn’t keep quiet any longer. Cris says these are just his crazy assumptions. “Esteban has known her since she was a little girl! He loves her like a daughter!” Hector apologizes again and says this isn’t easy for him. He thought about it long and hard, and knew it would put their friendship at risk. Cris agrees, because what he’s saying is monstrous. Hector hopes he’s wrong, but he wouldn’t be able to deal with his conscience if something really is going on. “No. You’re wrong/screwed up. This CAN’T be true! Get out of here!” Poor Hector leaves.

Dan reminds Esteban that they agreed to be partners and friends, in good times and bad. Este can’t believe Dan has the gall to contact him for help after what he did to Alejandra, Cris, and to all of them. Dan doesn’t see how Este can be giving him lessons on morality, after what HE’S done. “You and I know very well what it’s like to be driven mad by a young girl. We are more alike than you think.” Este takes offense at being compared to Dan. He wants to know what Dan wants. Dan explains he needs enough money to get out of there, since the guy helping him has disappeared. Este asks where he is, but Dan is wise to his game. He'll have instructions for him later.

Rubio keeps Este’s secret and throws Norberto off the Esteban scent. He tells Norb that the likely culprit was Danilo, and the likely target was German. Norb goes to speak to the police chief.

Hector’s words have had their effect, and Cris sits on her bed going through pictures of Este and Acacia, particularly the pictures she took of them on her honeymoon—the ones that got Hector’s mind going in the first place. Cris seems to be seeing the light, and asks God to not let it be true—it can’t be true. Esteban wouldn’t have dared. Her expression is much less certain than her words.

Juan Carlos tries to convince Acacia to eat. He’s worried that she’s not eating, but more worried that she won’t smile. She cries and tells him she’s very scared. He wants to know what she’s scared of. Inside the house she’s very secure and no one can hurt her. Acacia says she isn’t scared for herself, but for the people she loves. (A sign of growth in our self-centered girl.) She doesn’t want anyone else she loves to die. JC says he didn’t raise her to be a coward. Just because we’re afraid of something doesn’t mean we shouldn’t move forward. Sh!t happens that we can’t avoid, but that’s no reason to give up. He tells her to look at him as an example—old and sickly, but he wakes up each day excited to enjoy what else life will bring him. “And you’re going to give up this happiness? You have so much life yet to live, Acacia. It would be a great loss to lose yourself in this sadness, my love.”

Cris continues to look at the honeymoon photos and flashes back to that trip (Acacia and Este walking on the beach), the wedding (Acacia and Este slow dancing), and when she found Acacia and Este cuddled on the hillside. Elena walks in and interrupts her thoughts. Elena sees she’s not ok. Cris tells her Hector told her something disturbing, but refuses to tell Elena what it was. Elena takes a photo of Cris, Este, and Acacia from the wedding and says what a shame that such a beautiful family is no longer the same.

German speaks to Lizzy about accelerating their wedding for before they leave for Spain in two weeks. Lizzy asks if he’s sure he wants to marry her. German assures her that he is, and says it will do them good to be far away from there. She smiles, kisses, and hugs him. But when they hug, both of their faces say something different.

Juliana scolds Norberto because three bill collectors came to the house while he was out. She can’t take the shame of it. Norb says they don’t have a lot of money coming in, he didn’t sell his cotton to Perera because he’s offering too low of a price, and Juliana spent a ton of money on wedding foolishness! She thinks they should use the money that was intended for Manuel’s business. Norb loses it and says she can’t touch that money!

Este comes into the bedroom and Cris coolly questions where he’s been. He gets nervous, especially when he sees the photos, and makes excuses about being at the Association and working with Chucho, since SOMEONE has to work around here. Cris continues to observe him as if she’s seeing him for the first time and says she knows Manuel’s death hasn’t affected him the way it has the rest of them (i.e. it seems he couldn’t give a damn), but his death has stirred up a lot of things. Norb and Juli are in really bad shape, and the most important thing to her is her daughter. Este tries to lay on the charm and says he’s worried about Acacia too, and Cris—look how tense she is. He caresses her shoulder, but Cris looks unmoved. She then asks him what’s happening with the textile biz and the new contract. He continues to get nervous and says Campusano is coming back next week and that’s when they’ll sign the new contract. Cris continues the cool interrogation. Didn’t Este say Campusano was in a hurry? Este says he told Campusano about the Manuel situation and that Cris is in no condition to sign right now. Cris tells him to let her know when he’s back, because they can’t leave this up in the air—there’s a lot of money at risk. Este asks how Acacia is doing. Cris says much better…since Ulises came to visit her. “That idiot was here?!” Cris gives Este a good, hard look.

Juli screams at Norb to do something and move on to the next plan to make money, now that Benavente has slipped out of their hands. She wants him to pressure German to come back and work at the finca. Norb tells her that German needs to dedicate himself to his painting career, and Juli better not pester him about coming back to the finca. (Did you ever think 50 episodes ago that we’d see this scene?) Juli says they NEED him here. She wants Norb to manipulate German by telling him that Manuel would have wanted him to come back to the finca. German won’t be able to refuse. “We can’t do without money! I’m warning you, Norberto. Without money, like this, I CANNOT remain in this finca!” Norb tells her to get out, forever!

Cris says she will do even the impossible to see her daughter well, and Ulises does her good. She refuses to argue about it. She gave Uli permission, period. She asks if he saw Rubio. Este says he doesn’t believe he killed Manuel, and Cris asks then who could have killed her godson? It might be true what Uli says, that it was Dan trying to get vengeance on German and Ale. Este latches on to this. Of course! It was Dan. He plants the idea that Dan could have one of his people mixed in among the extra guards and this person killed Manuel. Now, they have to change all the guards, he says. Cris asks, what if it’s someone amongst themselves who’s helping Dan? Este’s eyes get wide with guilt. He says he’ll mention it to the police chief, and then tells Cris not to worry about it before kissing her and going to shower.

German talks to Andres about going away to Spain. He worries about leaving Juli and Norberto alone—they’re so depressed. Norb overhears and comes in and tells German not to let them stop him.

Hector asks for Uli’s discretion and tells him what he told Cris. He starts by saying, for a while now, he’s felt that Este’s affection for and protectiveness of Acacia was way out of proportion. Uli agrees that he feels the same. It was more jealousy than protectiveness. Hector shares his theory of Este seeing Acacia as a woman, and Uli immediately gets an “I knew it!” look on his face. It’s what he’s always wanted to say. Esteban has always come after him like a man/rival, and not like a father.

German tells Norb that he feels now is the time for them to be united. Norb won’t hear of his staying. His mom might make some drama about money and debts (German worries he’s gambling again but Norb denies it), but he wants German to stay firm and stick to his plans to go to Spain and make his life. He gives German a cash card with the money for Manuel’s store. He wants German to use it to start his new life. German tries to turn it down, since he will be paid well for his work. He’s worried about Juli and Norb. Norb wants him to go ahead with his plans—marriage, Spain—especially now that Dan is a suspect in his brother’s murder.

Hector tells Uli how mad Cris got, but he understands because he didn’t have proof. Everything is becoming clear to Uli now. He says, poor Cris! Hector is sure that Cris just needs time to think and assimilate, and that’s what she’s doing right now. Uli is worried about Acacia and her mental health. Hector informs him she’s seeing a psychologist who should be able to help her. Uli swears he will go after Este if he tries something with Acacia. (Too late, dude!)

German is worried about Ale’s safety, but Andres and Norb are in agreement that Ale is well cared for, and he needs to get on with his life with Lizzy, if that’s what he wants. German says it is, but can’t fathom leaving Ale when she needs him most. Andres points out that it might be just what she needs. Doesn’t German realize how much it hurts her to see him and Lizzy together? Norb promises to care for Ale for German. Ale arrives and listens around the corner as Norb encourages German to go to Spain, marry Lizzy next week, and to be happy.

Este catches Acacia in the hallway and asks about Uli’s visit. Acacia is practically shaking with fear as she tells him that she told Uli not to come back. “So now you understand that you only belong to me?” Acacia meekly says she understands, as a tear rolls down her cheek. Este leans in close as if to kiss her cheek, as Acacia cringes. Cris walks up and observes and asks if everything is ok. Acacia runs to Cris and says she was just coming to see her, and everything is ok. Cris looks thoughtful, but keeps her cool.
C: Esteban, I’ve been thinking, and I think it’s best that you leave this hacienda for a while. (Acacia gets behind Cris and clutches on to her.)
E: Are you serious?
C: I told you I would do anything to make sure my daughter is ok. And I see that your presence does her no good. If you leaving will be good for her, then that’s what we’re going to do.
E: Acacia, do you really want me to leave?

German’s two dads continue to pressure him to leave—at least stay away until Dan is caught. German agrees, and Ale leaves quietly crying. German wonders if people will disapprove of them not observing mourning, by getting married, but Norb disagrees. We carry/wear our grief within. He makes German take the money. German thanks him and says he’ll think of it as a gift from his brother. They share a tearful hug, and Norb and Andres share a heartfelt handshake. Norb goes to speak to Luisa.

Cris tells Acacia, who’s clinging to her, not to cry, and points to Acacia’s silence as a reply to Este’s question. He needs to go. Acacia puts her head on her mama’s shoulder. Este tries to hold it together as he says he’ll go pack his suitcase. Acacia hugs Cris and cries.

In the kitchen, Luisa warns Norberto that she’ll sic her lawyer on him if he tries to threaten her like Juli did. Norb asks her to listen.
N: There are few times when I’ve spoken so seriously as I will now. I came to offer you an apology. I ask your pardon for what Juliana said to you, and for all the ways I also insulted you. But most of all, I regret having ever asked you to get rid of my grandchild.

In her bedroom, Acacia asks Cris why she ran Esteban off. Cris says she did it for her. Because Acacia is the most important to her, and because she loves her. “But in the same way I defended you, now is when you have to tell me what is really going on with Esteban?” Acacia sighs and hangs her head. Cris continues to ask what went wrong with Acacia and Esteban, and stands up to grab a box of tissues that she sees they’ll need. (Sorry. This is going be less like an Oprah girlfriend chat, and more like Jerry Springer, Cris.) Ale comes bursting in, a mess of tears, needing to talk to Acacia, so Cris has to save her interrogation for another time. She leaves the girls to talk.

Norb reaches out his hand and asks if Luisa forgives him, and she takes it. (He’s wearing WAY more finger bling than any woman in this show.) She’s happy he now knows he didn’t have a right to demand she take the life of her child. Norb understands if his actions have lost him the right to be a part of his grandchild’s life, but he promises that he’ll at least make sure that Juli doesn’t make her life miserable. He only asks one thing. “Raise/educate your child in a different way than I did Manuel.” He chokes up and walks out.

Esteban packs quickly and rifles though the documents he’s taking with him. He drops a meaningful piece of paper without noticing it. He takes a picture of Acacia, tells her how he won’t be apart from her for long, and packs it in his suitcase. Cris comes to help him pack, but he’s all ready to go. He says if this is for the best, then he’s in agreement. The most important thing for him is that she’s ok, and if Acacia is not ok, Cris is not ok. They hug and when they separate, Cris stares at him as if she’s seeing him for the first time. Este asks what’s wrong and why she’s looking at him like that. Cris asks if he still loves her. He lies that of course he does. She says she doesn’t need to hear it (she needs to feel it). He points to all the ways he shows it, and kisses her again.

Ale tells Acacia about German going away- she didn’t think it would be so soon. Ale then quickly apologizes for laying her problems on Acacia when she’s going through such an awful time (just payback for all the times you did it for her, Ale). Acacia says it does her good to listen to someone else’s problems, and Ale wants to know if Este has been messing with her again. Acacia tells her how she distanced herself from Uli because of Este, and how scared she is. Ale tries to calm her fears, when a knock on the door interrupts. It’s German, who has come to check on Acacia. He wants her to tell him if there is any way he can help her. They hug and speak of Manuel. Ale tries to leave them alone, but German gently takes her hands and says he needs to speak to her. Acacia tells them to go talk.

Esteban finally takes his leave of Cris. He’ll be waiting until they can once again sleep in the same bed.  Cris paces the empty bedroom, and accidentally kicks the mysterious folder paper on the floor. Elena rushes in asking why Este left with a suitcase. Cris says she sent him away for Acacia’s good. Elena says it must be hard to choose between the two people you love most. Cris says she may have been too selfish before (when Acacia was a girl), but this time she’s making sure she puts her daughter first.

German tells Ale about the job in Spain. Ale feigns ignorance and excitement at the news. He didn’t want her to find out from someone else. Then he drops the bomb that he’s marrying Lizzy next week. She tries to cover her heartbreak and wishes them happiness. She knows Lizzy will make him very happy. He says no one deserves to be happy more than she does. He begs her forgiveness for the things he said and the way he treated her when she was with Dan. He was crazy from jealousy and sadness. He asks that she not resent him. “How could I hate the man who made me so happy?” They embrace as they both cry.

Juli asks Norb if he’s spoken to German yet about coming back to the finca. Norb tells her to fuhgedaboutit. German is going to Spain. Juli is first upset, but then sees the bright side, if it means he’ll be dumping that shop girl. Norb laughs and tells her German will be taking Lizzy with him, as his WIFE. “My son, with that vulgar townie?!” Norb twists the knife some more and tells her the wedding is next week, and if she wants to be invited, she better play nice.

German and Ale are standing close enough to kiss. She wishes him luck. He caresses the side of her face and wishes her happiness. He would do anything, and would come back immediately if anything were to happen to her. Ale says his only obligation from now on will be his wife, and he needs to leave her in the past. German says firmly that he can’t do that, and says, “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” He leans in for a kiss, and Ale pulls away, sending him to go do everything he needs to do for his trip and wedding. He walks away, and she turns away. Then he comes back and calls her name. They rush into each other’s arms crying, and embrace like they never want to let go.

Norberto explains to Juli that if Dan is behind Manuel’s murder, he doesn’t want German to be in danger. He couldn’t take losing another son, he sobs. Juli looks disgusted by his weakness. “That’s not going to happen. That’s what police are for!” Norb tells her he won’t let her blackmail German. Juli gets haughty and says she will speak to Andres—she’s sure he will support her. Norb breaks it to her and he and Andres already spoke, and they are both in agreement. Juli can’t believe she lives in a world where her two baby-daddies are co-parenting successfully without her. She goes on a rant. Norb points out that he and Andres want German to be SAFE—something that doesn’t seem to concern her. Juli cries that now they’ll lose everything. Norb can’t believe she could be so egotistical to want German to be in danger. He accuses her of having no soul.

The next day, Esteloco is in his hotel room, talking to the photo of Acacia. He looks through his documents and panics because he can’t find the LETTER.

Meanwhile, Cris is in the bedroom, sadly stroking Este’s side of the bed. Her eye catches the LETTER, and she opens it and reads it. It’s the letter Ulises sent Acacia when he had been kidnapped!

In town, Perla runs into Este and says she has a message from Rubio. He’s super desperate to see Este. His message: Este needs to come talk to him, otherwise he will speak to Cris about you know what. Este says he’s going right now.

Cris ponders the letter in her office, and Acacia walks in. Cris asks how she is, and gives her the letter saying it will make her feel better. If she has any remaining doubts about Uli, this letter will clear them up. Acacia is beaming that what Uli said was all true.

Esteban is approaching the house entrance, when the police chief and an officer stop him. They have a warrant to search the whole hacienda. Rubio’s machete was not the one used for the murder and they have to check if the murder weapon is on the premises. Este tries to discourage them, saying that if Dan sent someone to do the job, surely they took the weapon with them. The cops say it’s their job to search. Este tells him to speak to Rosa about the arrangements for the search.

Acacia berates herself for not believing Uli at the time. If she had, everything would have been different now. Cris tells her not to be hard on herself. If it weren’t for everything that happened with Manuel, Cris would swear that Acacia is still in love with Ulises. Acacia says that no one can understand what Ulises has meant in her life. His love was pure and honest. Cris says she believes Uli still loves her. Before Cris can answer where she found the letter, Rosa runs in to announce that Esteban is there. Cris goes out to see him and asks Acacia to wait in the office for her.

Este is rummaging through his drawers and files like a madman, when Cris walks in. She asks if he’s looking for this, and pulls out the letter. “Why did you say that Ulises never sent this letter? Why did you hide it from my daughter?!”

Episode #113: The Ugly Truth
Esteban says he did it because he, like Cris, didn’t want Ulises to be with Acacia at that time. They all thought he had committed fraud and run off with Nuria! Cris asks if he’s sure that’s the only reason he did it. “What was your real interest, Esteban?!” Esteban gets irate right back, and says that when he married her he promised to protect her and her daughter, and that’s what he was trying to do!

Ale finds a very worried Acacia in the office. She’s panicked that Este will convince Cris to let him return to the hacienda. “I can’t tell her anything because she’s not going to believe me. She’s blinded by her love for him.” Ale says she can sleep with Acacia in her room, but that’s not a permanent solution. Acacia knows, and that’s why she told the psychologist everything. She hoping he helps her figure out how to deal with this whole situation. Her main concern right now is to not hurt Cris, and to not let Este hurt Uli.

Cris demands that Este swear that he’s only interested in Acacia as a daughter. Este throws it on Acacia. He can’t believe that now she’s accusing him of something like that, and Cris believes her. Cris calmly tells him that Acacia told her no such thing. Este is visibly relieved and Cris goes back to raking him over the coals about the letter again. He tries to distract her by informing her that the police are there. He tells her they are looking for the weapon. Este tries to convince Cris of the absurdity of the search—surely Dan’s hired killer took it with him. Cris says she wants them to look. They have nothing to hide, and they need to find out who killed her godson!

Juli tries to guilt German into staying—he’s not properly mourning his bother; he’s abandoning them. She finally says that someone has to take charge of the family biz, and then tries to make him feel guilty about abandoning her, his mother. Of course, she can’t help throwing out an insult for that shop girl, and German has to remind her that she’s named Lizzy. She refuses to go to the wedding. German says he’s not a child, and he’s not changing his life just to please her. She cries and says she can’t believe he’s being so inconsiderate, when she’s always supported him. German tells her she always does what benefits her, and has never cared about the well-being of Norberto or her sons. Juli ups the ante. If he marries Lizzy, then he can consider Juli dead!

Lizzy’s dad tells her how happy he is that she’s getting married soon. It will make her mother so happy. Lizzy tells him how important their happiness is to her, and hugs him, but she has something very important to tell him.

Juli tries to appeal to Cris to help her convince German not to marry Lizzy. Cris refuses- she’s happy for them. Juli says of course. It’s because she has that WHORE Alejandra living there. Neither Cris nor German will permit her to insult Ale. Juli continues to berate Cris for also having the flea-ridden Luisa there, and allowing Uli to visit. Cris tells her to shut it—she’s tired of her. “Get out of my house and don’t come back!!” Juli is shocked, but gets no support from German. Cris tells her to go, or she’ll have someone throw her out. Cris apologizes to German. She knows Juli is his mom, but love and respect are earned. She hugs German.

The police ask Luisa about all the various places on the hacienda something could be hidden, including the areas where people hardly go. They want to see it all.

Elena joins Acacia and Ale in the office and tells a nervous Acacia that Este only came to get a few things and go. Ale leaves them alone and Elena asks Acacia to confide in her about why she can’t stand Esteban. Acacia says she believes that Esteban wanted all that was her father’s, and now he’s trying to take advantage of Cris by taking money for this business. Elena wants to know if before they were such a happy family, in what moment did that change? Acacia says it changed the moment Este stopped loving her mother the way he used to, and started up with all these doubts and conflicts. Acacia says she knows Cris pushed him away, but he could have fought for her, like Hector did. Instead he comes and goes. “Is that the husband you want for my mother?” Elena says she’s right, but at the end of the day it’s between Cris and Este. Acacia says she knows, but she’s tired of it and it’s not up to her to resolve their problems! (Who asked you to?! You ARE one of the problems.) Elena is taken aback by this passionate speech.

German goes to see Uli and tells him how worried he will be about Ale while he’s away. Uli says he’s more worried about German, marrying someone else when he’s in love with Ale. German counters that he’ll always love Ale, but life has taken them down different roads, and he’s engaged to Lizzy. Uli understands he cares for Lizzy and enjoyed dating her, but that’s not enough for marriage. Is he getting married for love, or gratitude?

The police comb the lands and seem to hit pay-dirt. Looks like they found the buried machete!

Cris comes to see Uli and shows him the LETTER. He tells her that he knew Rubio had been the one to receive it. This is news to Cris. She tells Uli that she never understood why Acacia married Manuel. When she saw her reaction when she read the letter, Cris realized that Acacia loves Uli more than she admits. Uli smiles from ear to ear, but tells her Acacia wants time and distance from him—he thinks to properly mourn Manuel. Cris understands, but hopes someday he and Acacia can be together again. Uli asks how else he can help her. Cris starts to ask him something, but changes her mind and leaves.

Este comes back to the hacienda, but Rosa doesn’t let him into the house. Cris left instructions that he not be allowed to enter without her there. She tells him she’s worried about what Acacia has been saying about him being the murderer, and she of course doesn’t believe it. Este takes her hand in (false) gratitude, and asks her how Acacia is. Rosa tells him she’s a bit better, up, and with Ale. Este seems pleased.

Uli has coffee in the office with Hector, and tells him he found Cris strange and mysterious. Hector finds it strange that she didn’t mention how and where she found the letter. Uli knows something weird is happening at the hacienda and decides to go. Hector tells him to not do anything stupid.

Dan calls Esteban and demands his money. Este says he couldn’t get his hands on the money because Cris ran him off. Dan isn’t convinced. He knows Este doesn’t do anything without a safety net. Didn’t his wife already give him money for his business? Perla will be waiting for him in the café in an hour. If Este brings the money, no one will have to know about his dalliance with his stepdaughter and what he was capable of doing for his love.

Art tells Andres and Carmen that he and Luisa are getting married that month, before Luisa begins to show. Andres is beaming that two of his sons are getting married in the next month. Art is shocked to learn that German is getting married next week and then immediately taking off to Spain. Carmen says she will split herself in two and work on planning both weddings. Andres thanks her for helping with German—both he and Norberto want him gone and safe from Dan. Carmen is happy for Andres that German is getting married with the last name Vivanco—Hector mentioned to her that all the paperwork is ready. Andres tells her, no, it’s not happening.

Norb cries over a picture of his family in the Association office. German comes to see him and tells him about the horrible fight he had with Juli. He can’t deal with her. They see life so differently. Norb thinks it’s good that he will be leaving this life and all the pain behind—he will be getting rid of German Palacios. Norb breaks down and cries. He will become a Vivanco. German says he will continue to be a Palacios and knows that he carries a lot of Norberto in himself. Now he considers himself lucky to have two fathers. “Even though Andres is my biological father, he already knows that I love him a lot. But I also love you.” German tells Norb that Norb has changed a lot, and he will proudly carry the name Palacios for the rest of his life. “Son.” “Papa.” They hug and weep.

The cops dig up the machete, and Chucho points out that it’s Esteban’s machete!

Meanwhile, Esteban is arguing with Ulises, and trying to prevent him from entering the house.
E: I’m the owner of this house, and Acacia…
U: Acacia is what? Say it! Because now I know you don’t love her as a daughter, but as a woman.
E: You’re crazy! How dare you say something like that?!
Este tells him to leave or he’ll call the police. Uli ignores him and tries to pass. Este pushes him so hard he hurts his hand, which is sore from his machete adventures the other evening.

Lizzy paces the Benavente living room waiting for Ale. Ale wishes her and German well in their new life away from all the bad memories and her. Lizzy tells her she’s wrong. “The one who’s going to marry German, is YOU.”

Este loses it. He tells Uli that Acacia loves him (Este). Uli calls him crazy. “Yes, but for her.” He won’t let Uli take her from him after all he’s done for them to be together. Uli calls him sick. Acacia should have been like a daughter to him. “But she’s not my daughter. I love Acacia more than my life, and I desire her more than I’ve ever desired anyone else!” Cris has arrived and heard this damning declaration.
C: What are you saying, Esteban?! It’s true! You desire my daughter as a woman!

Dan calls Perla to tell her Johnny never brought his money, and Esteban will meet her in an hour to give her the money.

Esteban tries to deny what happened. Cris sends Uli inside and goes on the war path. She heard exactly what he said. Quit lying!  She goes after him with her fists and a riding crop. There’s a lot of cursing going on about how he could do such a thing to her and her daughter, while she whips and beats his shoulders and chest. When he should have been seeing Acacia as a daughter, he was seeing her as a woman. What he did is unforgivable! She slaps him hard across the face. Go Cris!

Lizzy tells Ale that she’s come to break off her engagement to German. She can’t marry him because he loves Ale. She only has to see his face each time he says Ale’s name. She feels how she loses him bit by bit each time he sees Ale. Or the way he worries about Ale. Not like a friend, but like a man who wants to protect the woman he most loves. Ale swears that she just wants to go far away, where they don’t have to hear about her. Lizzy doesn’t think it matters how far away she goes, he’ll always find Ale in his heart. Ale feels bad that she’s causing this. She tells Lizzy that perhaps German is just confused, and when he stops seeing her, things will be fine. Ale says he loves (querer) Lizzy. Lizzy says he may love her (querer), but he’s IN LOVE (amar) with Ale.

Cris asks Este, “How could you offend my daughter in this way, and me, who has loved you with all my soul?!” She loved him as much as she now hates him. Este says he loved her too. He didn’t lie when he said she was the love of his life. “Then what was Acacia?!” Este swears it was because of how much he loved Cris that he fought so hard to gain Acacia’s love, but before he knew it he was falling in love with her. Cris asks how he could accept those kinds of feelings. “How was I to avoid it? Love can’t be avoided, and less when passion is involved.”
C: Stop sullying my daughter with your prohibited thoughts!
E: Look, Cristina. Don’t put the blame on me. You were the one who asked me to get close to your daughter.
C: Yes, as a daughter!
E: I swear that I tried, but I couldn’t help seeing her as a lovely woman…
Cris tells him to shut up! She wants to know why her love for him wasn’t enough. He says he tried to kill this prohibited love, but little by little he lost control. It was stronger than him.
C: You weren’t man enough to leave, instead of sullying our love! Instead you stayed. You stayed for her!
E: I swear that I wanted to rescue our relationship, and that’s why I married you in the Church.
C: What?! Since way back then you’ve been pretending that you love me?

Lizzy tells Ale it was in speaking to her mother that she realized something—it’s not about how long you live, but about HOW you live. Lizzy wants to be well loved/loved totally. Ale says of course-- she’s a good person and has done so much for German. Lizzy says that in the same way Ale stepped aside and sacrificed for German, she’s going to step aside. She doesn’t want Ale to feel bad, because she didn’t do anything to cause this. This time it’s Lizzy who wants Ale to promise that she’ll make German very happy. Ale looks like she’s won the hot man lottery.

Este continues that the more he tried to forget Acacia, the more his desire for her grew. He would have given his life for this not to happen. It was like the Devil brought Acacia here. Cris says she understands now why Acacia hates him so much. He obviously insulted her with his dirty intentions. That’s why she’s in such a bad state. She demands to know just how far Esteban tried to go with her and what did her say to her to leave her so frightened.

Ale tells Acacia the happy news about Lizzy leaving German free. Acacia is happy to hear this, but is not surprised since anyone with eyes could see that German loves Ale. Talk turns to Este, and Ale encourages Acacia not to be scared of him and to confront him. “Even though it might hurt your mother, you have to tell her the truth.” Acacia says she can’t, and not just because of her shame, but also because it would kill Cris with sadness. Ale doesn’t think that’s going to happen. Acacia is worried what Este would do, because she is sure he killed Manuel.

Este doesn’t rat out Acacia, and asks Cris not to ask him more questions. It will just hurt her more.
C: I need to know the truth!
E: The only thing you need to know is that I made a mistake. And yes, you’re right that I should have left when I realized what I felt for your daughter.
C: But you didn’t! Instead you stayed here, pretending and lying to my face! In my bed! You swore your love for me, while you were thinking of my daughter!
E: I thought staying by your side was the best thing I could give you.
(Cris slaps him twice- across both cheeks!)
C: I am too much woman to receive love out of pity! I would have preferred a thousand times that you shouted to my face that you didn’t love me. Now, answer me! How far were you capable of going with my daughter?!

Luisa and Ulises run up. Luisa hesitates, as she looks at Este, before saying that the police found something. They found the weapon—the patron’s machete. Cris turns to Este in shock.

Inside, Ale does her best to convince Acacia to tell Cris the whole truth. Acacia is worried they'll just think she’s crazy if she tells them about Este’s threat. Ale points to her own example—she could have avoided so many things had she spoken up sooner. “At the end, I realized that it wasn’t Dan’s threats that kept me quiet, but my own fear. Plus, you’re not alone. Don’t let something worse happen. Speak up.” Acacia says she’s right. She’s going to tell her mother everything, and may God help her.

Cris and Uli start yelling and accusing Este of killing Manuel. Uli grabs him by the collar. Este spots the police walking up, and sucker punches Uli before running away.

Perla (and an undercover cop) waits in the café for Esteban, who never comes. Esteban jumps on his horse and rides away from the hacienda like a bat out of hell.

Lizzy dumps German. She needs a man who looks at her the way he looks at Alejandra. She needs someone who loves her completely, which German can’t give her. And he also deserves that kind of love. For that reason, she’s giving him back him freedom. She gives him back his ring and tells him to give it to Ale. He tells her how wonderful she is, and kisses her on the cheek before leaving.

The police tell Cris that Esteban running away like this is basically an admission of guilt. Cris is beside herself and faints. Uli carries Cris inside past Acacia who panics and follows, and JC asks what’s going on. He is in disbelief when the police chief tells him. “How’s it possible? Esteban, a killer?”

Ulises tells Acacia that they found evidence that Este killed Manuel, and now he’s on the run. He tells her not to worry and pulls her into a hug.

Dan calls Perla for an update. She tells him Este was a no-show. Dan is ticked off. What’s he going to do now? Perla says he can rely on her. Why doesn’t he tell her where he is? Dan wants to know where SHE is. Perla slips and says that the police told her that Esteban is running from the law and Dan picks up on it. What does she mean the police told her? She covers and says she heard that Este is on the run for killing Norb’s son.

Andres has come to see Cris to examine her. He gives his condolences to Acacia but says that at least now they know justice can be done. He leaves, and Cris asks Acacia to come to her. Acacia tells her to rest. She’ll care for her and won’t let anything happen to her. Cris says this will mark their lives forever. Acacia tried to warn her about Este, and she didn’t listen. Ale comes into the room to give Acacia the encouragement she needs to come clean. Cris begs Acacia to forgive her. “Esteban is the worst man I’ve ever known. I can’t believe what that bastard did to you.” She tells Acacia that Esteban admitted his feelings for her, and that he offered her the most prohibited love there is. “That’s what you couldn’t tell me, right? Those were your real reasons for hating him, right?” As Acacia is struck mute by her guilt, Ale answers for her and affirms this is the truth. “Esteban pursued/sexually harassed your daughter.” Cris sobs.

Uli speaks to Hector on the phone getting him up to speed. Andres is worried about Luisa and the baby and wants her to rest. She says she’s fine. Both she and Rosa are having troubling processing that Este is a killer. Luisa wonders how poor Cris and Acacia are going to recover from this.

Perla begs Dan to tell her where he is. She misses him and wants to see her. He tells her he first needs to get money from Esteban. Perla tells him that’s not going to happen. “I already told you that the police told me he’s a fugitive.” Dan definitely picks up on her slip this time, and realizes that she’s working as a snitch for the police. Perla panics and can’t cover. He calls her a traitor. When he finds her, she’s going to regret ever being born! “You are ALL going to pay!” Perla hugs Julianita, panicking and apologizing. Because of her, they won’t be able to catch Dan. The police officer is really understanding and tells her these things happen.

Having opened up the conversation between Cris and Acacia, Ale slips out of the room. Cris continues to beg Acacia forgiveness for not having realized before, for trusting Esteban so completely, and for being so stupid. Acacia tells her Este took advantage of her being a good person. “I was blinded by love. I didn’t want to listen to my mother’s intuition, even though it told me something was wrong, that there was something else happening. I married a monster! And look what he did to you. What kind of mother am I to not have protected you like I should have? Forgive me!” They fall to their knees.
A: No, Mama. What happened with Esteban was my fault.

Avances: Hector urges Acacia to tell Cris the whole truth, and she tells Cris that she returned Este’s feelings!


Esteban has deeply gone PSYCHO!

Oh Vivi, what a masterful, beautifully crafted recap. Your careful conversation translations were marvelous and added so much to understanding the traumatizing events that unfolded last night.

Not only did you recount the events we saw in vivid detail, but you filled us in on so much that we missed! I didn't cry last night but did just now when I read "German tells Norb that he’s changed a lot, and he will proudly carry the name Palacios for the rest of his life".

So many wonderful lines but "Juli can’t believe she lives in a world where her two baby-daddies are co-parenting successfully without her" and " Juli continues to berate Cris for also having the flea-ridden Luisa there..." were a few of my favorites. I've always thought Norberto sported too much jewelry so really appreciated "Norb goes to speak to Luisa. (He’s wearing WAY more finger bling than any woman in this show.)" Exactly!!

I will start with Ale and German. “He walks away, and she turns away. Then he comes back and calls her name. They rush into each other". Star crossed lovers no more. Hopefully, Lizzy's valiant release of German will lead to their being together.

Hector's words did seep into Cris' conscience and as the intelligent woman she is, began to correctly process what occurred. I thought the writing clever as Cris pieced the elements together to see for herself (with only gentle prodding from Hector), what was there all along. It will be interesting to see how she receives Acacia's recounting. Will she see it as the ultimate betrayal or will she hold Este (and perhaps herself) more accountable?

Where exactly does Este think he is going on horseback with no money and no resources??

Norberto was making amends at lightening speed it appears. German is embracing him with the gentle, supportive love of the son he believes himself to be. I am happy he is keeping the Palacios name. As Susanlynn noted yesterday, I think he will be a loving abuelo.

Now knowing he has been betrayed by everyone he trusted, caged animal Danilo is more dangerous than ever. He is also without money, but he may have resources. I cannot see him languishing in that filthy hotel hell hole much longer. I fear he will be on the move shortly.

Vivi, I have mixed emotions. I am so grateful and appreciative of the heart and effort you put into this and knowing everything that occurred was very gratifying.

I am sad though that we did miss the opportunity to actually see the emotional scenes you gave us.

Gracias amiga.


And Uli. He seemed so hopeful, knowing that Acacia loves him lit up his face like a shining beacon of hope.

I must confess, I am starting to weaken. If Uli loves Acacia that much, and if he can put the past behind him, and if Acacia returns his love, I am not going to protest any longer. For Uli's sake.


Just don't know what we'd do without you Vivi. This one is too good for the nuggets to fall through the cracks.

"(Did you ever think 50 episodes ago that we’d see this scene?)" Nope

"(Sorry. This is going be less like an Oprah girlfriend chat, and more like Jerry Springer, Cris.)"

OMG, the Esteban admission to Cris and her anguish and rage. Only one person could attack Esteban like that and live.

Cris, begging Acacia to forgive her not knowing the whole truth, incredible scene.

Norberto & German when it acknowledged Norberto had changed. Gosh these guys are good.

tofie, "(Did you ever think 50 episodes ago that we’d see this scene?)" was one of my favorites too.

Yes, I also loved the German and Norberto scenes. The acting has been beyond stellar, hasn't it?


I went through half this TN thinking Norb killed Alonso so his redemption has been spectacular to me.

Thanks for the early and lovely comments. These were quite the episodes! I guess we ought to be grateful that Univision is being "generous" enough to show this last week with limited commercial breaks, since that lets them leave in a few scenes that would otherwise be cut.

The writers and actors are bringing it to these final episodes. My favorite line of the night was Cris telling Este she is too much woman to need pity love. You go, Cris!

But of course now Cris feels it's all her fault, and it so is not. Can't wait to watch Acacia come clean and tell her the whole truth.

Thank you Lizzy, for being woman enough to realize your own worth and to step aside. Juli's head is going to explode when she learns German is no longer going to be with the "shop girl" but instead with the "whore". Can't wait! :)

Thanks so much ,Vivi, for recapping TWO action filled, emotion packed episode. I have convocation tonight do I will not have a chance to watch until later.

As for Este, maybe his horse heard from the cows about all his sins and will throw him into a ravine. Adios, Estebad. Will the murder of Alonso stay hidden?

Vivi, another stellar recap!

Does it mean German will keep both last names -- not just Norb's name!


Ann-NYC- It seemed like German is just going to keep Palacios and not change at all, which makes me feel sad for Andres. But it seems that German and Andres realize that the name thing is far more important to Norb. Andres was never hung up on the name, although he was pleased that German wanted to take it. I hope that German does drop Juli's name and takes on Vivanco-Palacios as his name instead.

They have us feeling sorry for Acacia but don't forget the little red nothing outfit she had when she and Estekiller shared a room. I always thought she knew what she was doing looong ago when she would go into the woods to work on her tan. She is far from guiltless and should still have an anvil on lay-away.

"I hope that German does drop Juli's name and takes on Vivanco-Palacios as his name instead" - what a splendid idea Vivi!

Norberto is one of the most about faced redemptions I've seen in a while.

Kirby, I had dreamed a sequence early on of Norberto looking over the cliff, seemingly to cause Alonso's death. So, you aren't alone.

Susanlynn, Rubio has really nothing to lose (he's already lost Luisa (whom he never had) and Memo (whom he thinks is dead). He's turned on Danilo. He hasn't killed anyone so he may well use his knowledge that Este killed Alonso as a bargaining chip. Speculation only.

I can't believe I'm saying this but that news might be too much for Acacia to handle. Cris will - she is strong but to me, Acacia is the more fragile of the two.


Kirby, I've relented a bit and agree with what Vivi said yesterday that a pound of flesh has been exacted from her. With more to come tonight.

Yes, what she did was reprehensible but I think she's paid the price.


Is what has happened to Acacia so far actually punishment or just consequences of her actions? I reserve forgiveness and redemption for when she confesses to her mother, sincerely ask for forgiveness, and willing to accept the consequences of that disclosure. The problem I have with TN redemption, many times it is a reward, and that reward was what they desired all along. To me, Acacia riding into the sunset with Uli is a reward.

tofie, I agree with what you said.

I think Aca is truly repentant. Now. I do think in fairness though, much of it was triggered by Este rounding the bend to violence and insanity, particularly to her. Had that not occurred, I don't know what would have happened.

Uli is the prize and I also hope she tells Cris everything and is truly contrite.


I think Acacia fueled Este's fire initially by succumbing to his kisses. So, that was a consequence.

His abusive, psychotic behavior and murder of Manuel was punishments.


Ack has a lot of growing up to do. She needs to go to college and volunteer to help someone somewhere. She has lived In a world of wealth and privilege , and she is very self centered, She does not deserve Uli ..yet...but maybe he can help her grow and change and to know the world and her place in it.Thinking of others is an important lesson for her to learn.

Both Norberto and Acacia were guilty of selfish, immoral behavior that hurt people that love them. Both of them lost Manuel. Both of them are currently tormented by their mistakes and their grief. Acacia hasn't come clean yet about her greatest sin (but previews show she will tonight). Norb hasn't come clean about having Uli kidnapped, the fire, and the other shady stuff he did to destroy Benavente. Does Norb deserve redemption and love at the end more than Acacia does?

I thought it was interesting that Esteban did not throw Acacia under the bus and hurt Cris more by telling her that Acacia returned his feelings.

Though I shouldn't mention the two shows in the same sentence, one deviation from redemptive reward, Brigitte in DQTQTQ lost a leg and started helping the poor in a remote village. All she did was pretend to sleep with her adoptive sisters bf (and her bf was killed by the same guy) and be a general bitch. No reward other than her family continuing to love and speak to her.

While Acacia did fan Esteban's flame and it is a result of her behavior, I liken it more to bait and a fish took it. That is not a negative consequence but an intended one.

Vivi, been thinking about Norberto all morning (more so than Acacia or Esteban) and he has to come clean to all those he hurt, including Ulis. He started with German and Luisa. German I believe, has forgiven him and actually offered the greatest reward Norberto can receive, his love. Gains one son for the life of another. Gains a grandchild perhaps, after trying to destroy that life and Luisa's too and nearly financially ruined.

When did Norb come clean to Ulises? He accepted Uli's condolences and apologized for punching him and accusing him of killing Manuel, but he has not admitted to him that he was behind his kidnapping, torture, and near death.

Tofie- I see you aren't saying that he has already come clean, but that he needs to. Yes. ITA.

Yep, so far Norb has scored the unfailing love of one son. The friendship of his son's father. Luisa looked like she was definitely weakening at the end of his apology, so I'm pretty sure she'll let him be a part of his grandchild's life. If he really put effort into it, he could turn around his financial situation, and I'm sure German won't let him go under.

Now, he needs to continue with the redemption road show (Uli, Cris) and end things with Juli, once an for all. They are not good for each other.

Juli, on the other hand...there is no hope for that woman.

He hasn't come clean to Ulis.

I also, noticed that Esteban didn't go for the kill shot with Cris and tell of Acacia's involvement. Despite all that Esteban has done, I think he has struggled most with hurting Cris and why he stood there as she slapped and beat him with the riding crop, knowing he deserved that and worse.

Tofie- I also found it interesting that Este told Cris that she was indeed the love of his life, but when speaking about Acacia spoke about the passion she inflamed in him.

Once again, I think Esteban is a sicko and doesn't really know how to love. But interesting that he's made that distinction between Cris and Acacia in his mind.

yep, Vivi, noted that one too and I believe him. Sick as he is, under that facade, he knows only one person ever loved him unconditionally and saved him from the gutter. Only one person could he give himself to, that made him better than the devil he is and when he turned from that, to the muck he returned. He knows. Now he's a rabid dog.

Enjoying your conversation tofie and Vivi.

A definite distinction as you noted Vivi in Este's mind betwween Aca and Cris.

"Sick as he is, under that facade, he knows only one person ever loved him unconditionally and saved him from the gutter". Well said tofie.


Cris now knows that Este lusted after her daughter; fell out of love with her; and killed her godson. Two more big blows to go-- her daughter returned his feelings, and he murdered her first husband. It will hurt terribly, but I think Cris is strong enough to take it.

Tofie and vivi..your comments about Este are so insightful . Perhaps Cris was almost a mother figure to him since we have figured that Este is supposed to be younger than Cris and we know that she is kind, loving, caring, and giving to everyone who comes into her orbit. She is probably exactly what Este needed/wanted most in his life because he was a poor orphan. Unfortunately, he killed Alonso to get Cris. Oddly, I am seeing a similarity to our ex-son-in-law who had a less than happy childhood because I think that our daughter was the best thing that ever happened to him...but he threw it all away. He never killed anyone, but he had many vices and slid down a very slippery slope . She met him when he was at a good point in his life , but things changed .

I feel sorry for Cris because it is so hurtful to discover that someone you love is not who you think he or she is. Cris will feel as if she was living a lie all these years loving someone like este who has masked his true self all this time.

It's weird that Esteban only made his situation worse by not telling the whole truth about acacia and him. He was like a sinking ship but he should have taken acacia down with him, its not like she didn't deserve it.

Susanlynn- What an interesting real life comparison!

I wouldn't necessarily say Este saw Cris as a mother figure (certainly not in bed)-- he saw Rosa as that. But he definitely flourished as her partner. He spoke with great joy about those years they worked hard side by side to get the hacienda back on its feet. He taught her about hacienda work, and she encouraged him and supported him going back to school and taking on leadership in the hacienda community. He taught her to take the reins of the hacienda, and she built his confidence and supported him trying to improve himself. But his true nature was bound to reassert itself, and it did when Acacia came back a woman.

Anon 1:26- He didn't do it for Acacia (maybe partly). He did it for Cris.

Excellent as always, Vivi in DC. The huge lengths to which you have gone to provide all of the missing pieces of this wonderful story will be forever appreciated.

Sergio Goyri, in spite of what appears to be a huge ego, would not have been the right man for the part. How unprofessional to publicly state that Christian was not "the one", but Goyri was definitely NOT the one.

I think the Esteban character was played correctly by Meier. He is a sociopath. Many sociopaths have that innate ability to fool people for a very long time. There are aspects of them that make them lovable. There have been moments in this story, that the blank look in Esteban's eyes have bugged the heck out of me, but as I see now that they really bothered and disturbed me. Kudos to the actor for having that ability.

It was perfectly played in the pivotal scene between Cris and Esteban. That he could stand there and continue to lie in the face of being caught was played to perfection.

I do not believe that Goyri (in what few TN that I have seen) would have brought that to the table. I am reminded more so of that when I see these previous to the upcoming TN. He's a macho with a mustache and a cowboy hat. The Esteban part required nuance and not just over the top macho.

My .02 for what they are worth.


I just finished reading Vivi's SUPER GREAT recap and will write a few comments but before I do, I want to comment on Univision communications.
As you all know. for the last few days I have been sending Univision Corporate emails strongly complaining about the cuts--editing they often seem to do when a great novela such as La Malquerida is nearing it's completion. This isn't the first time that Univision has done this.
With all of the emails that I have sent, I have yet to get an answer. I now believe that the Univision Corporate contact, send us an email is there for people or companies that are interested in some way with doing business with Univision and not as a complaint forum.
I went to the regular Univision website, not the corporate site and checked around. Yes, you can register, sign up for the website and check out everything that Univision offers including an email chat room. When you sign up they want your name, email address
and date of birth. Date of birth?
Don't know why they want that, maybe for age demographics of their listeners. Do you have to give them your real date of birth?
I don't know but this seems like a way to let Univision and people that use Univision know what we think about what they have been doing, editing to pieces several great novelas that they have been airing.
Comments please.
the geingo

Fatima- Thank, amiga. And I agree with you too about CM's portrayal of Esteban. I was also annoyed by the blank stares, like you, and questioned how CM was playing the role. But now I see that CM played Esteban as a sociopath perfectly. SG would have been totally wrong for the part, and needs to keep his mustachioed mouth shut.

Speaking of SG, why is it that in the new tn, he gets to play his character both in the first part, AND the rest of the tn which takes place some 20 years later? While all the other characters appear to have different actors play their younger selves and their older selves (e.g. Iran Castillo/Rebecca Jones, Alejandra Garcia/Sabine Moussier). We get to watch him and his old mustache kiss on young women throughout the entire tn. Blech!


Gringo- I honestly don't know what the best way is to reach anyone at Uni who will listen. I have heard that Twitter is really the best forum, but according to TF, no one on the Uni twitter account for LM have said a peep about the obviously chopped up final weeks. It seems we are the only viewers upset about it.

Vivi, I don’t know how you do it. I watched this episode, taped, after it was over and then went to Caray and your recap – beautifully written, with the missing bits all in there, and funny asides too – was already up. I couldn’t believe it. I was too sleepy to comment then, but I marveled. Thank you so so much.

I thought it was a hoot that Esteban took off on his horse – a splendid creature (I love his feathered fetlocks) more suited to carrying a knight in heavy armor in a joust than to speed – and the police and Ulysses followed ON FOOT. Didn’t the police come in cars? Did they actually think they could catch up with even a slow horse?

But the police aren’t entirely feckless – somehow they managed to find the machete in all those vast fields.

I’m sorry, but the Esteban actor (CM) just can’t hack it. It was his big scene last night and, as has been the case all along, he just can’t bring conflict to his character. He didn’t look agonized, just listed his bad doings almost in a matter-of-fact way. During this whole show, all he has managed to do is to be large and masculine. And he’s good at looming, and stomping down hallways.

I’ve been contemplating the upcoming turn of events when Acacia will tell her mother that she was guilty too. This is telenovela justice, but is it really a good plan? Can poor Chris, who had a breakdown over her baby, take anything more? Her whole life with her husband is now trashed, and he’s cheated on her, not just with some other woman, but with her daughter for heaven’s sake, all the while pretending that he still loved her – even sleeping with her.

This puts me in mind of a letter I once read in an advice column where the lady writing in said she’d been married all her life to one man, and on his deathbed he confessed that he’d had a single affair decades ago. She was absolutely devastated, all her memories trashed. She not only had to mourn a dead husband, but also the grief of knowing that her life with him wasn’t what she thought, and that she’d been betrayed. At that juncture, was it necessary to tell her? He may have lifted the burden of guilt from himself in his last moments, but the time to tell her was back when it happened. I’m thinking the time for Acacia to tell her mother would have been while it was going on. This will give Acacia the punishment she deserves, but what about the price to Chris? Is it the right thing to do? Does Chris really need to know this?

Maggie- Great question about whether Cris really needs to know at this point. We keep wanting for Acacia to face the consequences of her actions, but should Cris really have to face those consequences too?

The breaking of the sacred bond between mother and daughter will hurt the mother as much as it hurts the daughter-- likely even more so.

I think that the writers did not have Ack and Estegoneonthehorse do the deed so that she could be forgiven and redeemed in the end. That might not have been feasible if they had actually done the bunny hop.

ITA. The reason Esteban didn't tell Cris of Acacia's involvement was to spare Cris additional pain.

Thank you for the recap, Vivi! What an episode it was, but you're right there is much more to be revealed. Part of the BIG SECRET has been revealed so now it's Acacia's turn to fess up.

I think Cris finally saw that Hector was right when she saw Esteban's reaction to Uli going to see Acacia. She finally started to get the hint. Esteban had the cojones to shout from the rooftops (in an arrogant way) to Uli that yes he indeed did love Acacia and who should overhear it but Cris. I loved when she started slapping and hitting him.

The scene that actually stood out to me the most was the scene with German and Lizzy when she asked him if he was sure he wanted to marry her. As you so perfectly described, Vivi, the looks on their faces said it all. I think that was the moment when Lizzy knew what she needed to do. She is a good person and I'm glad she got to talk to Ale about it. I'm also glad that Uli talked to German and made him accept his true feelings. German felt that marrying Lizzy was the "right" thing to do but even Manuel had told him that he didn't have to do that.

The scene where Ale and German say goodbye to each other reminded me of the scene when German first confesses his love for Ale. When they went back for a final hug in this episode and didn't seem to want to let go that reminded me of when Ale had told German that a relationship between them wouldn't work and he starts to walk away but she pulls him back
into a hug like she doesn't wanna let him go nor lose him completely.

I'm glad Cris found the letter Esteban dropped. I am glad he was caught for that too. I can't believe he got away. Will he go hide out with Dan?

The Norbie/German scene almost brought tears to my eyes. It was so good. Superb acting. You can see Norbie loves German and German loves Norbie.

I think CM has been perfect for this role and had Esteban been more over the top during the confrontation with Cris, would think it over acting. I'm not a huge fan of Victoria but perhaps because she did such a stellar job in that scene anyone would have paled beside her. The look in her eyes and tone of voice conveyed, a crippling pain, disgust, betrayal, shame, rage, love, hate and remorseful realization she hadn't protected her daughter from a monster. She didn't even get close to the edge of over acting.

Sergio must have some clause he gets to mack on all the young girls. If I watch I'll be treated to more bad dye jobs. Fool. Swear, he thinks just by showing up we girls melt.


Thanks for the great comment, TF. I know you are as much of a fan of the Ale-German couple as I am, and have been cheering them on. I worked hard to hide my fangirl feelings in the recap and just gave the facts on the German-Ale relationship development these episodes.

But I'll let my fangirl out for a second and say how much I loved that cut portion of the goodbye scene too-- how close they were standing, the way German stroked her cheek, the near kiss, and the desperate hug at the end. Can't believe these two were going to give up on each other. Thank goodness Lizzy took matters into her own hands.

I agree Vivi. I can't wait to see the reconciliation between them when it happens. Lizzy was very brave. The first part of her last convesation with German was cut out. German goes to the store to take her some papers for the civil ceremony and that's when she tells him that she thought it over and decided she can't marry him. Like she told Ale, she tells German that she talked to her mother and her mother advised her not to go through with the wedding. She says her mother was the other reason to accelerate the wedding. I believe also in the cut scene where Lizzy talks to her dad she says that she had a long conversation with her mother.

Do you all think it would be tacky for German to give Ale the ring he gave Lizzy? The ring was given to him as a family heirloom by his grandfather, who specifically said to give it to the woman he loves. It's not like he just ran out to Jarrod's and picked up a generic ring for Lizzy.

Susanlynn – To me, how far Esteban went with Acacia is just a matter of degree. He was completely obsessed and stalked her, so I think the reason they didn’t do the deed is to keep Acacia telenovela-pure for Ulysses.

As for Estaban being a sociopath – if he were, he wouldn’t have agonized when he first had the feelings for Acacia. He knows what he’s doing is wrong. Now, Dan is a sociopath, full of insinuating charm. And it’s a hardly a blip on his radar – more an inconvenience really - that Ale hates his guts and is terrified of him. And that the other women are kept sex slaves and, he feels, his possessions. All that seems right and fine with him, as long has he has what he wants.

That’s interesting about the Univision’s twitter feed. It’s beyond unbelievable that nobody is mentioning the cuts. Is it possible for Univision to sanitize its feed by removing tweets? I don’t know how to tweet, but it would be great if one of us who does would put a tweet up there about the cutting and then see if it’s still in the feed an hour or so later.

With all that he went through, German is still the luckiest guy in this tn. He's had TWO women who have loved him unconditionally, to the point that each is willing to step aside, not in anger or with hurt pride, but solely thinking of HIS happiness. And he has responded with love, kindness and dignity to both. SO unusual in a TN, so refreshing!

Well said, Anon (3:34)!

Vivi, I do think it would be tacky if German gave that ring to Ale. If he does give it to her maybe she can wear it on her right hand or maybe even attach it to a chain and wear it as a necklace.

Anon 3:34- AMEN! How refreshing in a love triangle in a tn that nobody acted like a fool, a jerk, a beyotch, a nut, or a stalker. No one resorted to a fake pregnancy to hold on to the man. There were no cat fights, hair pulling, or name calling. Clearly, these writers are adults.

TF- I feel it would be tacky too, but it is a family heirloom. Maybe it just needs to skip another generation again. They could give it to Luisa's child if it's a boy, perhaps, for the same purpose their grandfather gave it to first-born German.

Vivi---You're spectacular! Such a GREAT recap and with all of the cut scenes as well. THANK YOU!!!

A great speech from JC to Acacia

Norbie tells Juli to get out forever. WOW!

Este tells Acacia, so now you understand that you only belong to me. With all that was going on all around him, Esteloco was still pushing. What nerve this goy has.

Was that another cut scene? I would have liked to have seen when Norberto manned up to Luisa.

Juli can't believe she lives in a world where her two baby daddies are co-parenting successfully without her. What a shock Juli.

Vivi---such a great line, Juli's
head is going to explode when she learns German is no longer going to be with the shop girl but instead with the whore. I lost it when I read that. My wife was looking at me like WHAT???

Vivi---A great comment at 11:35

Fatima---I also think that Christian Meier was the perfect choice to play Esteban. That blank goofy stare of his was priceless and went perfectly with the role he was playing.

Vivi---I am not grateful because
Uni cut a few commercials. DAMN UNIVISION! they shouldn't be cutting this novela at all punto.

Right Diana---Este takes off on a horse with no where to go and with no money. What?

Right again Diana---Not only will DevilDan soon be on the move but I think he will be lashing out with a devil's rage to all that he thinks has done him wrong.

Diana yet again---You won't protest for Uli's sake---Well I will protest for Itzel's sake. It makes me sad that she has been written off of the script and forgotten about. We should remember that Ulises wouldn't even be alive with out her help. I hope that at least she will be there when Ulises and Acacia ride off together into the sunset.

This whole novela has made me remember something that I told a female co worker some time ago. I was only joking--really, just joking but I said something like,
See it's all you women's fault. You make us men go crazy with your beauty and your charms. LOL
Thinking about Esteban loosing his mind has made my comment of long ago seem to ring true.
the gringo


That's true Vivi. Maybe German shouldn't have used that ring in the first place despite how noble he is. Lizzy even told him not to give it to her if he wasn't sure. Again, yes he did end up telling Lizzy he loved her (amar) but what did it mean? Sometimes love isn't enough and in that case it wasn't. Like Ulises said, was it love or gratitude? Clearly it was only gratitude.

Gringo- It would have been fab if Itzel and Uli had gotten together. But she's not forgotten. She was never a resident of El Soto or part of these people's lives. Uli just mentioned contacting her and her grandmother when Pat's location was found, so that they could stop living in fear and be able to return to their village in the sierra. I suppose that is exactly what they are doing, and helping out the doctor Uli and Andres sent to their village. I imagine the doc is young and hot, and immediately takes a shine to Itzel. :)

Vivi, I don't think German should give Ale the ring. I think he should buy her a wedding band something that signifies their love.

I would not want a ring my husband gave to another...

And in the end? I don't think that Ale even cares about a ring. German is all she has ever wanted.


I too can't wait to see Juliana's reaction when she finds out German is marrying the "whore". She will be just peachy when she finds out! Ha!

Thank you for this recap. I have not read it yet, but I am sure it is awesome.

I might not have time to comment later, but I wanted to thank you in advance. I am sad to say that my dear grandmother passed away early this morning at the age of 96. I was able to spend time with her last night and say goodbye. She had a full life and I have peace in my heart that she is now resting.

If I feel up to it, I will comment after reading the recap.

Hasta pronto...

AuntyAnn- So sorry to hear about your grandmother. My deepest condolences. How wonderful that you got the chance to be with her as she passed, surrounding her with your love. We hope you get the chance to come back here for a bit of distraction from real life grief. But if not, all the best to you and your family, amiga.

AuntyAnn, sorry for your loss.

I get why Univision and Telemundo cut down telenovelas; tv being a business with ratings expectations to meet yadda yadda.

But Univision displays spectacular stupidity to cut down the final few weeks of any telenovela. The last ten episodes of Malquerida are by far the highest rated in the novela's whole run with people tuning in the see the shit hit the fan, but instead of 10 nights of good ratings, Univision will only get 5 nights.

I've also never understood why they don't post the full episodes of cut down novelas on their sites at Uvideos and Hulu. There must be factors I'm not seeing, because simple math tells us you sell twice as many ads for 10 full episodes posted on Hulu versus 5 edited ones.

(Equally stupid, though off topic, is when Univision has a hit like Corazon Indomable and they run it for 2 hours a night, so instead of having a strong ratings performer to act as lead in for their prime time lineup 160 nights a year, they squander it and only get a strong lead in for 80 nights. No other network would shoot themselves in the foot in that manner. Well, except maybe NBC.)

Thanks, Vivi. You are fabulous to give us two jam-packed episodes in one hit. I too loved Juli can’t believe she lives in a world where her two baby-daddies are co-parenting - lol.
I'm a big Itzel fan but, sadly, since Uli still loves Acacia I'm granting my permission for them to get back together. Initially, Uli and Acacia were planning to take it slow while she attended university. So if they do this, that'll give her a little time to grow up and become less self-centered.

But it will always bug me that if Este had tried to boink Acacia in a meadow strewn with rose petals in a heart shape, instead of in her bedroom next to her mom's, she might've run off with him.

My favorite scene: Cris striking Este with the riding crap. Each time Cris's arm raised to give him a blow, I found my own arm raising to strike him too.

I also loved the Hector-Uli convo when Uli says "I knew it!" If you’ve ever had someone in your life that wasn’t what they were cracked up to be but you were the only one who could see it, you can relate to Uli's satisfaction at getting this confirmation from Hector.

Wow, I had no idea that Este's machete looked so different from Rubio's. As soon the hacienda worker saw it encrusted in dirt, he knew instantly that it was Este's.

Poor Rubio. Nobody seems to care that he was innocently locked up. Not Rosa, Luisa, his patrona... Sucks to be you, Rubio.

I give CM a thumbs-up. I thought he was especially good when he was the truly loving husband to Cris but tortured by his lust for Acacia. He’s not bad at BSC either.

German and Ale should talk about the ring. If I were Ale I wouldn't want it, but then it is a family heirloom.

Niecie- Funny, but I would be able to pick my dad's machete out from any others. A man has his machete for years, until the thing falls apart. The wooden handle takes on the distinct shape of the hands of the owner. The wood gets molded and shaped by dings and dents that have happened to it over the years. My dad uses his machete for multiple purposes, mainly to garden. But it's also his protection weapon in the house against home invasion, vs a bat or gun.

AuntyAnn, My condolences on the loss of your grandmother. So sorry.

Vivi, Your account of your dad's machete is eye-opening. I had no idea machetes were so distinctive, and now I want one (even though I don't garden much!).

Thanks Vivi for your unbelievable work on this novela and today's recap. As always, I feel the sadness coming up for me as I think of this TN going away. I always have some sorrow and emptiness for a few days after. I won't be watching the TN that will replace this one. I've had enough of Goyri to last me for a hundred years. So glad he didn't get the Esteban role in Malquerida. Can't take much of Sabine Moussier either. Blech.

I now feel compassion for Acacia. She is so young and so immature. As someone said earlier, she has a lot of growing up to do. Go to university, volunteer in some really hard places, and get a real life. She' too young and immature and unsettled for Uli. Wish he could have married Itzel.

I want to see Danilo dead and Esteban in khakis in a hellhole Mexican prison forever.

This has been an improved role for Victoria Ruffo. Less crying, more grounded to the earth wisdom and the capacity to get really pissed and dish out justice. I hope to see her in more roles like this. But first, I want to see Cris and Hunky Hector ride off into the sunset.

Niecie- The ones I've seen sold in the States all have plastic handles. Not sure if that's just the way they make them these days, or if other countries still have wooden handles. My dad brought his from Jamaica long ago. He loves that thing, and we tease him mercilessly about it since he thinks you can use it for anything. "Hey Dad, can you open this can for me...with your machete?" LOL! He rolls his eyes at us and laughs.

Thank you, Dona Gringuita. I will be sad to not chat with this little, but mighty, group each day. I'm excited to see how the writers wrap up this story, and am sure it will give us much to talk about this weekend after we have all seen the finale.

AuntyAnn, I am very sorry for your loss.

My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. I'm sure your being with her gave her the strength and comfort she needed.

I hope that those you love are able to give you the same comfort. God bless.


Niecie, your "Poor Rubio. Nobody seems to care that he was innocently locked up. Not Rosa, Luisa, his patrona... Sucks to be you, Rubio" made me smile.

He certainly isn't coming home to much. Now that he is free, I'm starting to wonder if perhaps Este's killing of Alonso won't be revealed (?) I had thought spilling that secret might lessen his sentence but now there would be no reason for this reveal.


Diana, I too have been wondering if Alonso's murder will be revealed. The only reason Rubio knows is because Este told him, but Rubio has no proof that we know of.

Aunty Ann...Condolences on the loss of your grandmother. It is good that you were able to say goodbye. I was at my mother's and my father's bedsides when they died. Love is stronger than death.

Wow, wow, wow. As well as Vivi's great recaps, I read every single comments, all 74 of them and was very affected by all of them. All of them exciting.

Susanlynn, I especially cracked up with that cow gossip with Este's horse.

I am still wondering tho, did they do the deed as in the advances shown, were they cut by the editing or they did not do IT?

Initially, I thought of not continuing to watch this tn, due to the yucky subject matter, and the seemingly immoral handling of the topic. Like the characters are so humane and looked normal, and were just victim of a strong feeling for each other. But I continued, and I started to notice that they started giving Este dark secrets and sociopath behavior and Acacia, who was so clueless, started feeling sorry for her Mom and all that big guilt and anguish she is undergoing.
And all the actors are great!
Thanks everyone, I like all your comments. Anne


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