Friday, January 02, 2015

La Malquerida, capitulo 92.

Recap will be done and up as soon as I can keep power on.  Having lots of rain which is icing over.  Discuss until then.


Gloria- I hope you are safe, warm, and have power.

I don't know what game Acacia thinks she's playing, but she seemed pleased with herself to prove that Este "loves" her more than Cris. I can't even come up with a swear word that properly describes this girl right now.

Gloria, I will echo Vivi in that am hoping you are faring better and have warmth and power.

I am looking forward to reading what I know will be one of your always excellent recaps.

Vivi, I believe you and others had mentioned there was some lingering resentment from Acacia regarding Cris. And, obviously some competition. Esteban is not "all that" and hardly Svengali. I don't see the allure. Any allure frankly.

There has been some discussion Acacia and Uli will end up together. I do not see how that could possibly happen now. She has crossed into irredeemable territory. It was disheartening and rather sickening watching her last night.

How could she???


I was also holding my breath when Rubio was eavesdropping on Luisa and Rosa's conversation.

The fact he has absolutely no suspicion Luisa is pregnant worries me greatly.

I am very, very afraid for Ale.


Yeah, it's a good thing Rubio didn't learn what else ultrasound can be used for.

Gloria,we will happily wait for your recap! Be safe out there.

I just finished reading the comments from yesterday. Before I say anything else, WELCOME BACK, Diana!!! I hope you had a lovely time. :)

You were all discussing what I had wondered and asked about two days ago: What will become of Tin Lizzy (she is wooden and tin like to those cold noodles)when German finds out the truth?

I SO agree with Vivi in DC that if German were to stay with me (pretend I am Tin Lizzy), I would not be happy knowing that I was living with a man who loved another woman. What kind of life would that be? A very complacent, dull, and boring life. Sorry, security does not trump love.

It really would be something if Ale were to die. That would stray into new territory for these formulaic writers. Tin Lizzy has done nothing to deserve death even an accidental one, so I hope the writers don't become lazy and go that route. While I agree that Tin Lizzy's father and his old fashioned ways are deserving of respect, he needs to give a little in case Tin Lizzy does agree to step aside. Who knows? Maybe she will come to her senses when she sees that she is NOT the love of German's life.

Ale or no Ale, Tin Lizzy is not the love of German's life. End of story.

I only wish that this TN were not at the midnight hour, so to speak. I can never stay awake and never can find the time to see it on Hulu Plus. This story is so much more interesting and better written than La Gata, why don't they switch time slots between these two?

Maybe they will move Corazon to the earlier hour and go to two hours of LM and put La Gata on at midnight?

Yessiree Bob, that is my choice!


Gloria..I hope that you are warm and safe and keep power so that you remain that way.

Geez, what is happening ? Este barges right into Ack's room while she just stands there with her wide eyed stare with her blouse unbuttoned..que the hell ? These two dumb bunnies are dead to me. Poor Cris is being deceived by the two people she loves and trusts most in this world, The truth has to be revealed so that Cris realizes the truth about these two losers. She deserves a happy life with someone who loves and appreciates her. How can the writers ever redeem Ack ? Will she save Cris's life ?
Well, we are supposed to get a wintry mix that is supposed to turn to rain. I am wondering if hub and I will be able to get to our annual belated New Year's Eve dinner with old friends at a local restaurant. Our winter has been mild so dpfar.

Vivi---Thanks for moving my La Gata comment over to it's right place after I posted it here by mistake. I am not computer literate, didn't know that could be done.
Gloria---Hope that you have back up power or a warm fireplace where you are at. The big story going around LA is that we survived the 50's this week. Yes,
40's and 50's and we thought that we were freezing but nothing like rain that turns to ice. Hope things are better out your way soon.

The sparks were flying last night in more ways than one. Ulises and Manuel--Manuel, Norberto & Juli--
Ale and Perla (I guess that was play acting) and sparks about to fly with lurking Rubio spying on Rosa and Luisa. And then--- and then it was Acacia going after Este in the cow barn and later Este going after Acacia inside the house. WHAT IS GOING ON THERE?

Esta Lunes, Acacia and Este are about to bed down in the house, in Acacia's bedroom!!! QUE??? Is anyone else home? Cris, JC y Elena
the gringo


Wow. The hormones were running wild in this episode! We got Acacia AND Lizzy stripping down so to speak. If Este and Ack do the deed I will be flabbergasted.

So let me take a wild guess here: Since Cris inadvertently gave Este the idea to get Ack involved in the deal he has with Dan that will mean that Este will put Ack in and take Cris out so that if and when he gets the money he and Ack can run away together. Poor Cris. She has no idea that she's being played.

Juli sure is greedy. I do feel bad for Manuel. You know he's mad when he calls his mother by her first name. Norbie should've just kicked her out of the finca.

Maybe it's a good thing Rubio doesn't know what an ultrasound is. He will be ticked off when he finds out Luisa is pregnant.


Exactly how did Juliana think that she was going to get away with taking the money for the store location b I am wondering about what reason she gave to Manuel and Norb.

Lizzie was certainly getting frisky in the meadow. I guess she wants German to do a nude of her. Odd,

And once again, Este and Ack are looking for love in the cow barn, hey folks, I grew up with lots of friends who lived on dairy farms , and let me just assure you that the sights and smells of cow barns do not inspire thoughts of lust and love. Just saying. My friends thought that it was hilarious to squirt people in the face with a little blast of warm milk fresh from the cow. Very funny stuff. They also liked naming their cows after their female classmates...also so funny..not. , However, I never saw anyone necking next to those cows.

I have given up on La Gata. It is just too weird and makes no sense at all. Plus, Gisella gets on my last nerve, so I cannot even watch it just to see mi telenovio Marcelo.

Well, now we know Acacia wasn't trying to protect mama but make things tough for her crush. High school love triangle drama. Like it or not Esteban & Acacia sizzle.

I think Esteban underestimates Acacia with the suggestion she be put on the textile deal. He assumes once he beds her she'll be putty but not so fast.

Hello Fatima mi amiga. Thank you for the warm welcome "home". Loved "What will become of Tin Lizzy (she is wooden and tin like to those cold noodles)when German finds out the truth?" - fantastic - both your comparison to wood and tin and the fab "cold noodles".

Vivi and TF, thank you for noting that Rosa and Luisa were discussing an ultrasound. I did not not catch that or much of their conversation I was so fixated on Rubio's face...

Susanlynn "These two dumb bunnies are dead to me". Yes, to me as well. I know you've wondered if Alonso's murder will come to light - I am starting to wonder myself. I think it hinges on Rubio who is in fairly close proximity to becoming unhinged himself once he finds out about Luisa.

I'm watiting for clarification from Gloria's recap on a few things, especially if Acacia told Manuel Luisa and Arturo were expecting.

TF and Susanlynn, I thought Lizzy undressing in the field (yet again) was also strange. She and German clearly are now enjoying some new and good physical chemistry but it seems painfully clear that German and Ale had a strong emotional and spiritual connection in addition to a sexual one that German and "tin Lizzy" (thanks Fatima) can likely not emulate.

gringo, I could NOT believe Aca and Este were getting ready for their extremely illicit (and revolting) rendezvous in Acacia's bedroom.

But, will Acacia back out again before they are caught??


Gloria - Hope your power stops flickering and that you and your family stay warm and toasty.

Vivi - Excellent recap yesterday. Wow, there were more than 50 comments on a Thursday.

Diana - Welcome back! As you can see, Acacia went even more downhill while you were away.

How horrible that Acacia gets a tickle knowing it's her Este really wants and not her mother. Beyotch.

If Acacia weren't claiming to be Miss Goody Two Shoes, I could take this better. But she's acting with Ale like "Oh, I just don't know how I feel -- woe with me." Acacia, just own up to the fact that stepdaddy gets you hot and the whole forbidden betrayal and besting of mama is the icing on the cake. No way will Acacia wind up with Uli.

Last night’s show seemed choppy – has the cutting begun?

I wish Esteban was being played differently. I don’t know if it’s the actor, or the director, but Esteban seems so aloof and arrogant when he’s with Acacia – hardly the stuff to make a girl’s heart go pitty pat. There’s no pleading in his eyes.

It’s kind of amazing that the fellow who struggled so mightily to stay on the straight and narrow when he first realized he was lusting after his wife’s daughter now has absolutely no compunction, no limits. In order to bring this off, the part should be played as more wild-eyed, more desperate, more out-of-control, I think.


"Acacia, just own up to the fact that stepdaddy gets you hot and the whole forbidden betrayal and besting of mama is the icing on the cake"

very well succinctly put.

I think Esteban is all in and was close to losing it but realized he made a mistake being hasty and putting pressure on Acacia. This is the guy that killed to have Cris and the ranch and the presence of mind and self control that no one suspected. He is detestable but not stupid.

LOL Diana. Yeah, Luisa and Rosa were discussing whether or not they had enough money saved up to pay for Luisa's doctors visits, tests etc.. Then later when Rubio went back to see Luisa he asked what an ultrasound was because he had overheard her conversation with Rosa. Luisa simply told him that it was a test to see the inside of a person's body and Rubio told her he didn't want anyone to see her insides lol. He obviously couldn't ask more questions because that's when Germán arrived to see Luisa.

The Lizzy/Germán scene was like a scene out of Titanic lol. I find it hard to believe that they were the only ones there at that meadow. That's really strange.

I liked the Ale/Perla scenes last night. They were a riot. They almost got caught by Dan. I was shaking my head laughing when Dan said how he loved that they were fighting over him and that he loved/cared for them both.

@Maggie, you stated my prolem with this Este and Ack thing. I don't buy the "romance" due to a missing something from the actor playing Este. I don't get those looks, lol, but it is not passion or lust to me more like befuddlement. I rather read the ladies excellent recaps than wacth so thank you ladies.

Breathlessly waiting for your recap Gloria because I know it will rock. Be safe!

In typical Friday night form, the novela leaves us hanging in suspense with Cris's hand on the door of Ack's room behind which incestuous acting out is going on and Cris is getting betrayed seven ways from Sunday. The cow barn scene (sights and smells aside) my breath is taken away by the boldness and carelessness of Este & Ack, and I keep hoping that Cris will saunter in as she has in the past.

There's no way Cris will not find out what's going on with Este & Ack, and when she does, I pray that Hector will have returned from Italia because Cris is going to be down for the count. If we thought the post-partum, death of a child depression was bad, look out.

Ale and Perla did some good acting, and I'm not feeling good about Perla's future at all.

In true novela justice fashion, Dan has to die, and I hope it is long, slow, and painful. Since Este had Alonzo killed, I assume he'll die too.

God almighty, get Ale & Estrella out of the hellhole safely!

TF...yes, Dan is a legend in his own mind, and all his imprisoned women want him....not and Blleecchh.

Maggie...I agree that the expressions on Este's face are puzzling. To me his expressions indicate arrogance. He has Cris for cash and Ack for youth. He seems to feel pretty certain that Ack is eventually going to give into his charms....again I have to say Bleeccchhh. I still say that this is a midlife crisis that spun really out of control. After killing Alonso, Este trod the straight and narrow and became the big man on campus. Then, Ack sashayed into his midlife and....well....he got off track. He wants to have this lovely young thing before his testosterone drops, At this point, I wish that Ack would succumb to his charms (ha...being sarcastic here). ..and that Cris would catch them in the act because that appears to be what has to happen for Cris to finally open her eyes and notice that Este and Asck are panting for each other...insert another bbllleeecchhh here.

Niecie, "Acacia, just own up to the fact that stepdaddy gets you hot and the whole forbidden betrayal and besting of mama is the icing on the cake" was splendid.

And ITA, there is no way in hell Acacia deserves to end up with Uli.

Maggie, Vivi and I have been wondering when the chopping will begin. Begin it must as there are only 10 episodes left and many more actual shows. Sigh.

I agree with you and Susanlynn about Esteban. He is just not showing the passion and desperation that seems appropriate for what is transpiring. I keep wondering how and even if they will be caught.

Dona Gringuita, I feel Dan must and should die too. In most instances, I feel life without freedom is a just punishment. Not here. He does not deserve to live.


Gee, DIana, only ten episodes left !!! The good guys had better start figuring out what is happening soon.

I agree that Dan deserves to die for what he has dne to Ale and who knows how many other young girls in addition to the murders that he has committed.

I hate to have this great ride end, but I am anxious to see how the writers resolve everything. My fantasy ending is lots of loving pairs..Cris and Hector, German and Ale, Art and Luisa....we could give Uli to Lizzie as a consolation prize because I Do not want Ack to end up with any cash and prizes at the end. She can go off to college and find herself. Good luck with that. Prison for Estesmug or death. I want Dan off the face of the earth

Susanlynn, Dan deserves death for what he has done to Ale alone.

I am torn - I will hate for this to end - what an engrossing well written story, what superb acting - not to mention Madelaine, Vivi and Gloria's fantastic recaps and incredible, insightful blogger comments.

That said, I would like happy endings for those that deserve them, to all those you noted...I am very anxious to see what transpires.

To be honest, as difficult as this has been to watch at times, this is becoming one of my favorite TNs. I reserve the right to change my mind though if anything happens to Ale. :(


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Esteban is too unfocused. Romy - “befuddlement” is the perfect word for his expression a lot of the time. Other times he just looks not too bright. I feel sorry for the terrific Acacia and Chris actresses trying to play against his blankness.

But Romy, you’re missing some outstanding performances by other actors!

I want Acacia and Este to run off together -- not a loving pair, but a lusting one. Then one day Acacia finds out somehow that Este murdered her dad. Finally, she's horrified by what she's done, but too late because no one wants to hear from her.

I hope Uli goes to Chile and starts a new green project like he planned and then needs a medicine woman to help him with herbs and stuff so looks up Itzel and boom! love strikes.

I'd like to see Ale back with German since she loves him and has sacrificed so much for him. But I'm fine with Ale simply getting free and living her life without him.

Susanlynn and all- Friday's episode was not chopped. There are 10 night left for this show on Univision, and 19 hours left of the show. You do the math. That would work out to 9 nights of chopped/combined 2-in-1 episodes, and the final night a full hour. I'm getting angry just thinking about it.

Yesterday "La Malquerida 1949" was on TV.

Corazon- You can watch the entire 1949 movie on YouTube anytime:


Tofie- The scenes with Ale and Perla were my favorites too. So funny how they are playing Dan, and how he thinks he's God's gift to women.

Once the chopping starts next week (as I assume), I'm going to watch the remaining episodes online.

@Maggie, I do catch a few episodes here and there and I agree the other actors are great. I especially love Africa(Ale) She is doing a great job. Kuddos.

I also want Esteban and Acacia to scamper off and in about 6 months she'll bail for some young dude and he'll have nothing. She was bemoaning seeing loving young couples hooking up.

I'm ok with German & Lizzy and think Lizzy cuter than Ale anyway and a better fit for German.

I love Ale but thinks she needs decompression time, then she can rock the world.

Cris can do better than Hector if she'd just look in a larger pond.

I hope for a Uli/Itzel or a Uli and Hectors understudy (can't remember her name) and think the two of them could build something.

Oh, Guillermo García Cantú is awesome. Love every minute he is on screen.

Can't agree with you on Lizzy being cuter than Ale. Something about her scrunched up face just looks whiney, even when she isn't. But she is an attractive girl, and a nice one at that, who deserves to be with someone who isn't thinking of someone else.

Perhaps if I saw Ale without the makeup, especially the ruby lipstick and the skin tight short skirts, I'd have a different opinion.

Hi Everyone, I am trying my laptop for my comment, hoping it will take.

I hope everyone had wonderful holiday season and everyone nice and toasty at home (with Power!!)

Recaps have been great, I read every single word even though I watch it on tv. Interesting comments, all I have to say is that as much as I loathe "el estupido de Danilo," I absolutely hate Este to no end. Besides being a murderer who "assumed" the identity of that man he coveted, as husband, father, and hacienda owner, he is turning mother and daughter against each other. He is a lying manipulating cheat. He painted himself as being so "uninterested" in Chris's money and hacienda that he suggested putting in Aca's name. How perfect, then he can run off with her daughter and live Chris with nothing. Who knows how his brilliant idea will pan out because Aca is blown this way and than that way and is just very unpredicatable. He looks perverted to me when he is with Acacia because now he knows she wants him, the part of the button on Acas blouse reminded me of a pedophile even if Aca is not a child. I replayed Rubio's scene a few times because he was so funny "no, no, Luisa I got lots of money...they don't need to look at your insides." He was so scared for her and protective. He is so weird and money hungry, but at least he has limits as to how far he will go. I am glad he said he would not want to be far from Luisa or do something that would make her despise him when approached by Danilo. Speaking of Danilo again, at least he is open about his sleeping with Perla and Ale and they are aware they are sharing the same repulsive man, which you cannot say about Esteban he is lying to both Chris and Aca. He is such a pretender. Plays it off so well, that he has to be a sociopath, or psychotic liar, and just plain evil. I wish the worst for him, then Danilo, Norbie not so much anymore. Norberto and Juliana remind me of the Rose's, the 80's movie with Michael Douglas and the hoarse sounding blonde lady. I am glad to see Ale and Perla bond and pull a fast one over Danilo. I enjoy Sabine's acting, she plays the role of Perla very well, shows her many sides and her philosophy on life based on own life experience. It is good to see someone that lived a life of abuse to fall in love and not become jaded. I think she was funny after witnessing Manolo beat on Uly, she smoothes out his shirt and says "oh, look how they left you all wrinkled" and by the way, I want my money back too. Poor Uly can't catch a break, he went through all that nightmare because Nuria sold the same spot and they was much fighting over that A2, and NOW EVERYONE wants their money back. Being in real estate I can tell you, that is stressful. There is resolution, but to go through so much then people want their money back. I feel his pain.

Novela lover- Uli is probably glad to be rid of two such problematic buyers. I'd sell A2 to someone else asap. :)

In addition to Este convincing Cris to invest in his biz in Acacia's name, he also sneakily got assurance that she had not changed her will. If Cris dies, the hacienda will be divided between Acacia and Este equally. That was my first real moment of thinking that Este intends to kill Cris.

Vivi, "Este intends to kill Cris" crossed my mind too. Some unfortunate accident perhaps?

Hey everyone! Hope all is well and that you all had a great Holiday.

Now onto business. I think Acacia thinks she is doing good by demonstrating (to herself) that Este doesn't deserve Cris because he is cheating. But she is forgetting who the other woman is. And if she's doing all this to demonstrate that Este is a lying, money hungry cheat, she's in big trouble. She is in denial. Yes Este is evil, but what are you Acacia? You want and desire your stepfather, but the worst part is that you acted on it. You could have stopped it, but you told Este that you would take the risk and be with him. Wait til Cris hears that part if the story.

Hasta pronto

This comment has been removed by the author.

Novela Lover,

I agree. Nuria got Ulises into that mess. Maybe it is better that Juli and Perla asked for the money back. It would've been nice to see Perla get the lot but her dream still may be a long shot even if she manages to escape with Memo.

I do hope Este doesn't get the idea to kill Cris. That would mean he's really crossed over to the dark side and that also would mean that evil wins (at least in that aspect because I don't think Dan will "win")

Nineteen hours of novela into ten hours, two weeks of show time----
It's time to start blasting and I mean BLASTING Univision Corporate for this--I am but I am only one person.

Not speaking Spanish I have to say that the great acting of Perla
Sabine and Ale Africa Had me fooled last night. That was some fight. Until I saw them hug and smile I had bought it hook line and sinker. Dan must be thinking that he's the cat's pajamas. Boy is he going to be mad, a raging bull when he finds out that Perla is skipping out on him. I hope that Ale doesn't get hurt or the end table overturned.

Dona Gringuita---Yes get Ale and Estrella out of that hellhole---I say burn it down.

Susanlynn---He wants to have this lovely young thing before his testosterone drops. Este won't be able to keep up with her for long.
He'll be buying a lot of Viagra soon.

Susanlynn---Give Uli to Lizzy? I Want Uli with Itzel.

Diana---If anything happens to Ale, I'll go ballistic.
the gringo

Kirby---I don't think that it's incest, Acacia is not his daughter
But anyway, they are family. So


I think that Este crossed to the dark side when he dropped that Boulder on Alonso.Este has always been on the dark side, but after he killed Alonso and married his wife and took over his life , Este was very careful to walk the straight and narrow...until hot, young ACk sauntered into his life. he discovered that he and Ack are both in Cris's will. Well, he killed once to get what he wanted, so I think he would be willing to kill Cris so that he can have the new model. Neither.Cris nor Ack have any idea who this dude really is. He has been wearing that good guy mask for a long time. I am so anxious to see what brings him down. Lust has made him very careless. How sbout a cattle stampede during one of those make out sessions in the cow barn ! Mooooo

I agree Susanlynn. Este is the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. However, he won't be able to hide behind that mask for long. Before that happens however like you said he might attempt to destroy anyone who gets in his way.

Long day and I am just now coming back to our "site".

I did get to see this on Hulu Plus (thank heavens I have it as I don't have a DVR). The MINUTE Esteban proposed that idea to Cris re Acacia, etc, I immediately, and I mean IMMEDIATELY, felt that he would have no qualms about bumping off Cris so that he and the fool Acacia could run away.

When I saw the look on Esteban's face, I felt nothing but loathing for the jerk.

As for Acacia, GIVE ME A BREAK! When that jerk Esteban walked into her room, her boobs were practically falling out of her shirt! Then, she "pretends" that all of a sudden she remembered that the top button was unbuttoned?! HOLY COW!

I hope Cris catches them in this compromising position. They are both such fools. They totally deserve each other.

Diana, amiga, I'm glad you like my "Tin Lizzy" moniker. :) She and German are simply not a couple. Period.


I'm going to say this again, but I think they could bump La Gata (that is one ridiculous show, let me tell you) to the midnight hour and let us have two hour episodes until the very end.

I am going to write to Uni and make that recommendation (as if they would listen, but heck, a girl can try, right?).


Maybe Uni is going to air episodes on the weekends? That would add 4 - 5 hours. I really hate it when the Uni scissors come out, and at the end? That's when all the good stuff happens.

Sorry I have not commented in so long. But please know that I have read the recaps and comments. To Vivi, Diana and Gloria, thank you for your hard work and dedication. I hope I can join in on the converstion more often in the last 2 Weeks. Once again, gracias!

Hasta pronto

TF- Since you follow this on Twitter, has there been any grumbling on Twitter about the likely upcoming cuts, since I'm sure many of those folks know the original epi count? Supposedly the networks follow the Twitter discussions.

It will be interesting to see what Uni does to wrap this show up so quickly. I completely agree that La Gata has spun off into nonsense ...cut that Uni and leave La Mal alone. We want to follow every little nuance that happens to bring this Novela to a conclusion. Who knows what twists and turns will happen between here and the finale. If TPTB start snipping and trimming, the viewers will be the Malqueridas.

I agree that Cantu is a fabulous actor. He is not playing his usual BSC evil villain . He was a devil in Fuega en la Sangre. in this one, he has many shades of gray (ha). At the beginning , I was sure that Norb was the villain, and Este was the good guy with flaws and feet of clay. Wow..what a twist the writers gave us. Norb is not as evil as we assumed just amoral, lazy, selfish, and covetous, and Este is pure clay and the real villain. At least Dan was recognizable as a bad hombre from the minute he stepped onto the scene.

Susanlynn- I like how the writers did a switcheroo on us with Este and Norb too. When we think about Norb's actual crimes, he's guilty of contracting the kidnapping of Ulises, and setting the Benavente fire that maimed his own son. And of course soliciting prostitutes, but I'm sure that one will slide. In a way, Manuel's injury was instantaneous punishment for Norb setting the fire. He still needs to pay for the kidnapping of Uli. But compared to Dan's and Este's crimes, Norb looks pretty tame.

I've identified the videos of the remaining full episodes on YouTube. Waiting to see what Uni does this week.

I loved your takes on Norberto Susanlynn "Norb is not as evil as we assumed just amoral, lazy, selfish, and covetous, and Este is pure clay and the real villain" and Vivi "Manuel's injury was instantaneous punishment for Norb setting the fire. He still needs to pay for the kidnapping of Uli". Both true and insightful observations.

AuntyAnn, glad you will be here as we near the end. I did wonder if they might air some epis on the weekend OR preempt another show? It would make sense that it be Hasta simply because of the time slot (which I am watching and like). I wish but doubt they will pull Gata as this is a bit brutal for prime time. Sigh.

gringo and Fatima, I am going to write Uni as well.


And how ironic that the man Norb had kidnapped (and nearly killed) was the man who saved his son's life from the fire HE set.

Diana- Glad to read you are still enjoying Hasta. I got bored with it, but hope it keeps its audience since the galan switch.

gringo Where in the world is the link to be able to write to Uni? Their web pages are so chock full of SO many things, I cannot find an obvious link.

Could you post one for us? I looked in all of the usual places. It might be staring me in the face and I just can't see it.

Thank you, gringo!



Surprisingly no I have not seen anyone mention the possible cuts. Really some people have only said they wish it was over soon just because it's getting crazy.

TF- How odd. Would they rather have a choppy 2 week end over a 3 week satisfying end?

The word "incest" has come up in some of the comments, and while Este and Ack are not blood relatives, what they are engaged in is emotional incest, and it is every bit as damaging as if they were biologically related. Este is violating the trust and vulnerability of a younger person who is his step-daughter, and although she is technically an adult, the familial relationship of power and trust that has been established between them over the years is being violated. When you are in the role of parent or step-parent, it doesn't matter if a child or step-child is attracted to you. It is your adult responsibility NOT to act on their attraction to you or theirs to them.

I know Vivi. I guess they probably have no idea about the cuts. And personally for me even though yes I agree it's getting crazy in almost any TN the last few weeks are the craziest. All I do is just shake my head or laugh nervously like "this is just ridiculous" but I know it's going to be crazy.

Fatima---I don't know what you have, I have Windows 7. When I go to the search bar I type in Univision Corporate then I hit enter. A whole page or more of Univision websites will pop up. Close to the top it will say---either Corporate Univision or Univision the #1 place to reach Hispanic America. Click on one of those. When you get to the website you will see a white bar on the top of the page. on the right side of the white bar you will see contact, click on it and you will be there. They will ask you for a name and email address. They will also tell you that they will get back to you but they never do. Anyway, I hope that this helps.
the gringo

gringo, thank you. I just emailed Univision corporate.


La Malquerida faithful---I just sent Univision a stinging email. I'm sorry if I hurt feelings over there but I just couldn't be as polite as I am on Caray, Caray! I
told then to pot their tequila bottles down and come out of their drunken stupor, especially in their editing department. I asked why La gata which was written so poorly and has become almost unwatchable is left intact while La Malquerida is set to be chopped to pieces. I ended by asking if Mickey Mouse is running Univision? I know that I wasn't very nice but I hope that they start to wake up over there.
the gringo

gringo, THANK YOU! I also have Windows 7, so I will do as you suggest above.

All we are asking if for Uni to keep a good TN intact to the end. It is not fair to their dollars paying viewers who sit through their commercials and to have loyally followed a TN to have it cut at the very end.
Of course, I am preaching to the choir, but had to vent a wee bit.


I guess I'm naïve, but at first I thought Ack wanted to get Este in a clinch to prove he cares for her and not her mother and to somehow to prove it to her mother. But if she was responding to his amorous moves how can she make her mother believe that she wanted her to know he had been making advances to her for a long time and this was the only way she could prove it to her. That he's a rat!!

Now, don't all jump on me at once!!☺



@Donna Gringuita, thank you so much for your comment. I believe it is incest. It drives me crazy when I hear Ack is an adult or Ack and Este are not blood relation, so what? They are both scums for what they are doing. If Ack was 10 yrs old every one would be up in arms so she's 18 it is not so bad? I am talking about what I read elsewhere not here. Univision sent Ack away so people can go "Oh he did not raise her" like it makes it more acceptable, smh.

Ann-NYC---Yes Acacia did set out to prove to her mother that Este stalker was after her and yes you are right again that Acacia is REALLY responding to him. I think that Acacia is very confused. I don't think that she knows what she wants. Poor mixed-up spoiled girl. What a contrast between her and Alejandra. Ale is focused and knows exactly what she is doing. Even risking her life to do what is right I must add that Acacia is a mess while Alejandra is nothing short of a hero/saint.
the gringo

Ann, I agree. My take was that Acacia kissed Este in the barn to test him but that she, unintentionally, responded to him because he turns her on.

Dona Gringuita and Romy, I agree that Este has violated parental trust. At the same time, I can understand Acacia crushing on him since she never saw him as a father figure but as a friend. But of course that crush should've -- at the most -- stayed only a fantasy in her mind.

I don't know how far the story will dig into the roots of Este and Acacia, but Este use to give Acacia little gifts (daily? weekly?) when she was a child. We have never seen Este show affection for any other kid (come to think of it, there are no kids in this TN). I'm wondering if Este fixated on Acacia even back then. Also, Este was “playing” the fatherly role with Ale when Danilo wanted to marry her, but I always felt he was doing this because of Cris and his ego as a landowner, not because he felt fatherly toward Ale. In short, Este is a big fat fraud.

I agree that what's going on is not incest. Nothing illegal is being done. It's not, dare I say it, statutory rape since Ack isn't a minor. If anything it's committing a sin. It's breaking the laws of God.


Niecie...The relationship between Ack and Este reminds me of one of my favorite novels and miniseries The Thornbirds. Father Ralph was smitten by Meggie and she with him when they met when she was a young girl of about 12 or maybe younger. He went away, and when he saw again when she was a young woman, they both fell hopelessly in love...a doomed love but one that was consummated and produced a son. Such a tragic love story. However, the Ack /Este story is icky not tragic.

So I guess that now the big question is---when Cris either catches Acacia and Este in bed together or to a lesser extent, kissing out in the cow barn, will Acacia play the innocent card? You see mommy I told you he was no good. He's been chasing me for some time now. I told you, I told you but you wouldn't believe me.

Another thing that I have been thinking---when DanEvil finds out that Perla has skipped out on him
he will fly into a rage. Will the end table be knocked over at that time?

So will Juli get to keep the money from the sale of the store location? If she does, she will be sitting fine and dandy for a while anyway.

Rubio will be learning the truth about Luisa anytime now. There will be fireworks. Actually I think from here on out we will be seeing fireworks nearly every night.
Must see TV.
the gringo


How did Juliana explain taking that money to Norb and Manuel ?

I'm still viewing--and reading the well-written, detailed recaps--sporadically. I'm in disbelief that we're in the capitulos culminantes, and Cristina is STILL clueless. I so not ready for Monday's episode!

All of the actors are outstanding, while Christian Meyer is just so-so, as so many of you have commented. Que Perla sea segura, y tenga mucha suerte, no importa lo que pasa...

Does anyone else believe that before Esteban can harm Cris, that either Cristina or Acacia will find out about Alonzo, and kill Este? My imagination may be running away, here, because I'm a novelist...

Susanlynn, from what I got of the convo between Norb, Juliana, and Manuel, Juliana didn't explain a darn thing. She tried to "mi amor" her way out of the whole deal and basically said nothing.

This is one point where I am kind of lost as I surfed in and out too much in the beginning and middle. What, exactly, is it that Juliana wants and what is she trying to do now? I'm a bit confused on that count.


Yeah Susanlynn, Juli didn't say anything. If she did she did it off screen because when Norbie asked her why she wanted the money he basically answered his own question with a question asking "Are you thinking about leaving?" After that the scene changed then when it went back to their conversation it picked up with Norbie saying that he felt like hitting Juli. She would've come up with an excuse anyway but I doubt Norbie nor Manuel would've believed her.

Forgot to add that I followed gringo's instructions and have dutifully sent my email to Uni.

Please, Univision Corporate, please listen to Viewerville.



Who knows what Juliana wants, but from what I gather she wants to be far from Norb, but doesn't want to work to support herself. She desperately wants Andres too. I guess she figured if she got the money back from Uli she could get away from Norbie, have money for herself and try to worm her way back into Andres' life. She's a fool!

Thanks for the explanation, Fatima and TF. I think that Juliana wants money and a man she can that order. If you look up the word "shallow" in the dictionary, there should be a picture of Juliana. I get a kick out of the way she flips her hair when she is flirting with someone. We have seen her putting the moves on Este, Andres, Hector, and even her own hub Norb...with little success. Maybe she should use that money to take some courses so that she can get a job to support herself...ha..that will be never happen.

You all have perfectly explained Juli's motivations. I think she really thought she could lie, charm, and flirt her way out of the situation when she was caught. But everyone can see through her now. The icing on the cake was when Manuel called her by her first name and walked away. Hey, he could have called her worse.

Juliana's hair should be its own character-- the way she flips and whips it when she is flirting or angry. Her hair does have great body, though, so why not work it.

Sorry guys for not being able to do the recap. We did end up losing power due to a tree falling and a few of us lost power. (life in rural oklahoma).

Then Saturday my family got some devastating news about my nephew. He was diagnosised with hodgkin's lymphoma. So as you can imagine, we have been quite upset. He's 18 and will be graduating this year.

Then late Saturday, my sister-in-law's mother was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia.

Again I apologize for not checking in, but it has been a difficult weekend.

I guess Juliana thought Manuel was so lazy that he wouldn't follow up on his business location. But Manuel seems to be trying to grow up a bit.

I took another look at this episode and can't get over the contrast between horrible Danilo and horrible Este with their women. Danilo looks delighted that Ale is "jealous" of his relationship with Perla, and over the moon thinking Ale finally has fallen for him. On the other hand, Este looks so smug and "I'm all that" with Acacia.


Gloria, I'm so sorry. No need to apologize. Being there for your family is the most important.

Gloria..sorry to hear about your family's difficult weekend, I am sending you snd yours good vibrations ))))))))))))

Oh gloria, I am so very sorry to hear about your nephew and your sister in laws mother.

Will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

As Niecie said, no need to apologize - family first. Always.


Gloria- My goodness. All the best to you and your family. I'll be thinking of you and sending you lot of warm hugs and well wishes.

If you can't deal with recaps this week, just let us know. I can put up a discussion page.

Niecie, "horrible Danilo and horrible Este" indeed!

In a way though, if Dan is delusional enough to believe Ale loves him, perhaps it will divert him from trying to further brutalize Ale and throw more furniture (that darn nightstand is always on my mind)...


"Este looks so smug and "I'm all that" with Acacia"

He does, because for Acacia, he is

ITA, Tofie. Este knows he has Acacia wrapped around his little finger. While Dan knows that a decade of pleading, begging, beating, raping, and threatening Ale have done nothing to break down her resistance. He thinks he's living the dream having her be jealous and possessive over him, like Acacia is with Este.

Loved that little scene in the bedroom after Dan kicked Perla out and Ale circled around and behind him with her arm around his neck, and whispered in his ear about kicking Perla out. He looked like a little boy, he was so surprised and tickled at the idea of Ale being jealous. Loved the calculating look on Ale's face too. Good work by both Africa and Albert there.

Gloria, what stressors you have had this weekend. Please, never worry about the recap. We are an understanding group.

Aunty Ann and TF, thank you for clarifying some things re Juliana. I sometimes get lost with her storyline. I agree with Susanlynn that "shallow" describes this character very well.

Here's another one who is going to end up alone.

This is just a general thought and one we discussed many times on "Robo", but one of the hardest things about these TNs (for me) is this never ending portrayal of women being "owned" or "controlled" by the men in their lives. What's even harder is that some of these women don't seem to object.

Believe me, I certainly respect each society's cultural history, etc, but this "ownership" business just gets on my nerves.

In real life, there is a family from Mexico that has been helping me with my Spanish. The husband/father clearly is the man in charge. His wife is a smart woman, but she will never, ever go against his wishes nor will she say anything that would make him look like he was not in charge.

It's been difficult some times having conversations with them. I see some of these same characteristics in the TN. It is not always the most satisfying type of relationship both in real life and in fantasy! LOL!

I think this came to mind when I saw the preview the other night of the TN that is scheduled to replace LM. Sergio Goyri was doing his usual macho routine with the female lead. Then, we switched back to the fool Esteban and the even bigger fool Danilo and I could have screamed!


Link to contact Univision corporate

I don't know how to make it a direct link. Maybe Vivi in DC could fix it for me.


Just so we have it, here are the basics of what happened this episode:
-Acacia decided to “prove” that Este is a lying cheat, but really it seems that she’s just trying to prove that she’s more of a desirable woman that her mom. She kisses Este in the barn and renews their affair, and seems to be pleased to “prove” that Este loves her and not Cris. He later takes things further by entering her room while she’s getting dressed. She weakly objects as she holds her barely buttoned blouse closed, when he unbuttons it further and starts kissing all over her. She is obviously hot and bothered, and seems quite willing to go further.

-Dan confronts Ale about hiding things from him and not revealing the affair between Acacia and Este. He wants to know what else she knows about it. Ale deflects and distracts him for a while by flying into a fake rage about Perla listening in on her conversations with her friends and thinking that Dan is her man, when he’s Ale’s—she wants Perla out of the house! Dan is pleased that Ale is jealous and fighting over him. It keeps him from escalating his interrogation and anger (good work, Ale) about her hiding info, but doesn’t want her to do it again. In the end, he thinks Este and Acacia being in a relationship will be good for him (Dan). Dan, is a very good mood, later goes and kisses and practically mauls Perla—so pleased with her love and commitment to him.

-Rubio overhears a conversation between Luisa and Rosa about all the medical costs, including an ultrasound, and how they will need to really need to scrimp and save. Desperate for money for Luisa, Rubio goes Norb. Norb doesn’t think he’s of much use to him now that Este is back. But he would pay Rubio well if he found a way to destroy Benavente crops. Rubio has some decisions to make.

-Manuel and Norb confront Juli about stealing the money for Manuel’s store/biz. See TF’s explanation about Juli’s non-explanation of her actions. Manuel and Norb are both disgusted with her, Manuel calls her by her first name. Norb informs her that he’s invited German and Lizzy to have their wedding on the finca. If she objects (she does), his wedding present to them will be to kick her out of the house/finca.

-Lizzy and German discuss the wedding. Neither think it’s a good idea to do it at the finca. Later, in a field, Lizzy give German new paint brushes, so that he can finally paint her. Then strips down to nothing but her boots.

-The police tell Uli that they have found the body of the man they presume to be the migrant who escaped kidnapping with Uli. He was found near Dan’s lands. This is proof to Uli that Dan was responsible for his kidnapping and he tells the cop so and admits to the anonymous calls. The cop tells Uli that these are serious accusations, and they found nothing on Dan’s lands indication drugs. He warns Uli to stay out of it and let the cops handle it. Uli goes and positively identifies the body.

-Acacia and Manuel have a joint pity party. Manuel is down about the loss of his business. Acacia is down about…well, she can’t really say. She gets wistful about all the happy, in love couples around her. Manuel is not happy to learn that Luisa and Arturo are included in the list. Acacia tells him that things are VERY serious between them.


Recap Part 2:
-Esteban manipulates Cris. He offers to bow out and step aside to not cause any problems between Acacia and Cris. When Cris refuses that, he suggests another tactic—have him Acacia work closely together so that she can see he is above board. Hey, like what about making her a partner in the new business with me? Cris thinks this is a great idea—it will be a way for Acacia to see that Este is honest; learn about investing in a business; and make money in something outside of the hacienda. She’ll invest in Acacia’s name! Este then suggests that Cris go one step further to prove to Acacia that he has no interest in Cris’ money—Cris should change her will and take him out, if it’s still the same as it was. Cris says it’s the same, and she’s not changing it. If she dies, Esteban and Acacia inherit the hacienda equally. Uh oh!

-Ale and Perla compare notes and realize that Dan is trying to play them both and has no intention of throwing Perla out of the house. They pretend to be fighting when he comes up, and competed to accompany him to go meet with Johnny. He’s as happy as a clam, and blows them both kisses and his love as he leaves. They have a big chuckle about it when he’s gone. Ale encourages Perla to take advantage of Dan being gone to go to Uli and get her check. Then Ale calls Uli and tells him he should come see her now, while Perla has gone off to see him. She then preps Estrella to get ready to go at any moment—dress in street clothes and hide under the covers until she gets Ale’s signal.

-While Acaica and Este are close to getting busy in her room, Cris comes knocking on her door and puts her hand on the latch!

WOW. I just googled Juliana (Nora Salinas) after your comments about her hair. Broad just dont like wearing clothing does she?

Fatima...I saw the preview for the new novela. It looks as though Sergio is back to playing his BSC villain.He does it very well. Didn't he carve his pegleg into a statue of Lucero in La

I had an interesting weekend. Hub and I had our annual belated New Year's Eve dinner wuth old friends. I have been having foot pain lately , and after doing some research online, I Think it might be plantar fasilitis, I was amazed to find out that my three close friends have also had it. We are all teachers who stand a lot. I also wear just socks indoors , but I now know that I need to wear shoes for support.

Vivi..Thanks so much for once again providing us with a recap. I do not understand much, so you gave me some important information. I was wondering what the policeman was telling Uli. I thought that he was just telling him about not accusing Dan without proof. I am glad that the police found the body and told Uli.

I hope that Hector returns soon. Uli needs some help to bring down Dan , and Cris needs someone to wake her up to what Aack and Este are doing right behind her back. Hector has to stop being so subtle and just giving hints and be more direct with Cris about what is really happening between Ack and Este . There is none so blind as he (she) who will not see. What a fool believes , he (she) sees...shout out to the Doobie Brothers and our dear Mads,

I so hope that the writers do not redeem Aack . She does not deserve Uli or a happily ever after. Foolish foolish girl. You are betraying your devoted, loving mother for your father's killer.

Maybe not incest, maybe not even illegal, probably happens a lot more than we think, but it sure as hell is going to make somebody unhappy for a loooooong time. "So Chris, how's the hubby?" (bursting into tears) "You didn't hear? He ran off with my daughter two years ago."

" end table be knocked over" it was my understanding that Ale plans on being gone before he returns.

Vivi, thanks for the mini-recap. I had been afraid that the detective that showed up at Uli's door was a trap sent by Danilo, but it seems the detective is legit.

Fatima, appreciate the Univision contact info. I just sent them a message.

Vivi, I am in awe. Did you just reconstruct this from memory? Amazing. Your memory and detail blow me away. Thank you so very much.

So Acacia just told Manuel things are serious between Luisa and Arturo. So, he doesn't realize Luisa is still pregnant.

While I am sad that Cris has told Esteban about her will, I am hoping her status as the star of this novela will ensure her survival.

Now that Ale is setting the plans in motion for Estrella to escape, I am even more fearful for her.

I didn't realize Uli admitted to being the anonymous caller. I hope he didn't put himself in jeopardy!

I don't think Rubio can or should be redeemed but I hope he starts making some better decisions. He does want to help Luisa though so he may do something further to increase his coffers. Sigh.


Vivi in DC, HOLY COW!!! Thank you for that recap, on the fly, no less!

Niecie in MD, THANK YOU for writing to Univision.

Susanlynn, try some Merrill slip ons instead of your socks or regular slippers. They have excellent support. If you purchase from Nordstrom, they will ship for free and returns are free. They are true to size. I have any number of Merrills which I use for my walk abouts.

Ok, gang, I am SO late for work that I cannot tell you. See you all tonight!!!


Gloria, if you are unable to recap tonight, please post something to that effect by this afternoon and I will try and put something together. It won't be anything near the caliber of what Vivi just posted, but it will hopefully supply some details.


You're welcome, amigos. Yes. Done quickly on the fly, between reviewing work emails. :) Forgive the typos.

VIvi..You gave me so much information that I missed.

Manuel is a piece of work. he dies not want Luisa , but he is upset that she might be with Arturo. Move on, Buster.

I have no idea how the writers are going to wrap up all these threads. I cannot wait to see how all these storyline scare resolved.

Fatima...thanks for the suggestion. I am always barefoot or in flipflops or sandals in the summer and socks inside in the winter. I was blaming my size five feet for the aching , but now I know that I need to have shoes on for support. My one friend who had this said that she started wearing Vionic shoes and the pain went away. I just ordered a pair of those. I got info on line about resting the feet and using ice , and I am much better.

Great Vivi, really in awe of you.

I'm glad the police know it was Uli and they cautioned him not to go cowboy on them and try to do this himself. This way they will back off on German.

Gloria---We/I miss you but family is so much more important than a novela. Everyone understands and sends hopeful wishes your way.

Vivi---Thanks for the brief recap.
You covered a few parts that I wasn't able to pick up by reading the comments. --- Forgive the typos? Are you kidding? I know that I have typos when posting (not on purpose) and I am not on the fly. Vivi, you're awesome.

I didn't think about it before but when reading the comments I realized that when Juli is trying
to put on the charm with a male potential, she does play with her hair.

Manuel probably will be quite angry when he finds out that Luisa didn't abort, thinking that he will be found out.

So Ale is planning the big escape.
(thanks Vivi) I hadn't caught that
Maybe tonight Estrella will be freed and the dvd's will get into the right (police) hands. Thank God that the police in El Soto aren't corrupt.

Must see TV tonight, I will be watching every second of it.
the gringo

Gringo, I'm wondering if maybe Manuel will be relieved when he finds out Luisa didn't abort. While he definitely doesn't want the complication of a baby or to be tied to Luisa, he felt like a wimp for joining in with his parents and bullying Luisa. I guess we'll see...

Gloria – what a very rough time! All the very very best to you and your family.

Vivi, I don’t know how you do it. I’m in awe – all from memory! My husband and I were watching the season-opener of Downton Abbey last night and asking each other “Who’s that young woman? Whose little kid is that?” etc. I bet that doesn’t happen to you! I wish I had your memory.

Fatima – thank you for the contact link! I went to it and left my cranky comment, but it looks like it’s aimed more at advertisers than viewers. Still, it least it’s some way to reach them. I mentioned that some people have given up watching due to all the cutting at the end of their telenovelas.

Funny how it had a check box to sign up for some notifications, and the box couldn’t be unchecked. Sigh. More stuff to delete in my inbox.

It would be great if I could switch days with someone. I have a summons for jury duty tommorrow. I would like to get more than 4hrs sleep since I didn't get much this weekend.

Gloria- I'll put up to post for Diana to recap tonight. Do you want to take Tuesday or Wednesday night?

Anon, what has Acacia done now to go into un-redeemable territory this time ?

Maggie, I am SO glad you wrote to Uni! Thank you!! I, too, tried to uncheck that box, but I figure they are not going to send us anything.

Susanlynn,I'm glad you found some shoes. I was in such a rush this morning that as I was in the car, I realized that I had misspelled "Merrell" I put an 'i' in there. know what I mean.

I can only imagine what will happen tonight!!!


OK Gloria and Vivi, I will recap tonight.

Please get some rest Gloria.


I can do Tuesday. Thanks.


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