Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo #130 Tues 1/20/2015. Pablo has to move to Argentina... Fanny decides to walk away from Leon for a while... Ana keeps pushing Fer away with the 'kids cofusion' script and Fernando has little toleration to cold water showers


Ana/Fernando outside kissing, hiding from Sebastian, they state they are sure of their love for each other… even though Ana does not want to tell the kids yet… ‘we would’ confuse them, but it was you and I, then you married Isa, then I dated Diego then you and I again…’ yada yada… but it is enough for him to hear she does not doubt of his love. More kissing.

Lo Nuevo:

Sebas gives up on waiting for Dad/Ana to show up, goes back in… meanwhile Fer and Ana, still hiding behind the poinsettias, keep swearing the lurrrvvv… Ana insists they can’t kiss in front of the kids. Fer puckers up for another kiss but Ana is feeling pains in her back, gets a quick massage from Fer… Ana calls him on talking too ‘folkloric’ (LOL!) Fer is visibly running out of patience on the ‘waiting because of the kids’ pretenses… They finally walk back in.

When Fer/Ana come in, Fanny and Nando are impatient to hear something from the ‘picarones’. But Ana/Fer give the green light to open presents. The twins get costumes like ‘El Chavo’ (a character made famous by a comedian who died recently in Mex). Fanny keeps questioning Fer/Ana, she can’t understand the ‘hiding from the kids’ stuff either. She is asking why… just like he has been. Fer and Ana finally give in to Fanny that they were kissing, and Fer adds on that it was beautiful, wonderful!... Fernando moves on to watch the kids open presents. Alicia temporarily thinks she has no present under the tree… and even Nando mocks her saying ‘she ain’t got any!’ before Fernando says no, look harder. There is one for you too. She finds it and is real happy. Meanwhile Fanny is getting Ana’s reaction to the kiss… just as childish reaction description from Ana. Ana also tells Fanny Fer gave her a ring, and Fanny temporarily assumes its is an engagement ring, which Ana writes off right away.

At Leon’s they are also having Mau get his present… a small bike and some soldier (looks like Iron man, it is called ‘SUPER CHICO’), Mau is excited saying it is the one he had asked for!! He looks up and says ‘you are the best!’ to God while Leon takes a photo of him.

Fanny is trying to get Edith to get up from bed. Edith was dreaming about some plane. Fanny gives her some coffee. Edith notices Fanny has something in her mind… she has been thinking ‘maybe Leon is not for me’.

At Leon’s, Leon is talking to Reina about Fanny and Laura… Leon is saying same as Fanny ‘maybe princess Fanny is not for me’. Reina asks ‘what about Laura, is she for you?’

Edith still thinks Fanny could not live in a humble place like Leon’s… Fanny says it is more an issue of Leon’s temper. She reminds Edith that she and Leon have split and made up several times, but Leon solves everything violently. Fanny says it is a pattern that she does not like. She says Leon lacks maturity, has tantrums too often./easily.

Nando gets an e-card from Ximena saying she hopes to see him soon. He is impactado.

Ana is bringing the baby to her room, she gets a surprise flower bunch with a card ‘Via this card, I will inform to you that our dance practices will increase in intensity and intimacy/closeness. Please dress up even more beautiful than you are used to. For more information, please contact your dance partner… and hopefully, your life partner.’ Ana is elated… She looks again at the ring she just got from Fernando and writes him a response.

Fernando in his room gets the response slipped under the door. Fernando at first thinks it is Siete scratching the door but goes and sees the note. ‘Very dear dance partner… I thank you in advance for your attentions/details and I hope you too get ready for us to shine the dance floor… and if possible, get even more handsome, although that would be abuse… have a very good night, Ana Leal. PS… The “being my life partner” sounds wonderful!...’

A knock on his door. He thinks it is Ana so he says ‘Ana!’ with a smile when he opens, but it is Fanny ‘sorry to let you down, pa! / don’t say that’, who needs to talk to him… about what is going on with Leon. And her concluding she needs to get away from Leon for a while. He gives her a comforting hug. For a change he has no opinion or at least admits what he thinks doesn’t matter… (he is there to support her… good for both of them).

Luz comes to Ana’s room, wants to stay with her. Ana has the baby with her as well. Luz notices the smell of the flowers, Ana got them from a handsome loving man, a very good dad… his name is Don Fernando. Luz asks why he got her flowers. Ana says because its Christmas. Ana puts the baby in the bassinet and goes to bed with Luz. Before falling asleep, Ana remembers the recent kisses with Fernando…

Next day, at Isa’s… Isa and Yomama are having breakfast. Isa wants Fernando to pay for her lipo… Yomama is sure he would also pay for her skin stretching, … etc… she is mocking Isa for sure. Yomama does not think she and Isa have much to talk about, Ramona at least listens to her. Isa whines, as usual, then leaves after asking Yomama if she would not like to live in a senior home. Yomana is sad, tells herself Isa is capable of locking her in a senior home.

Jenny and Johnny are stuffing themselves again with sandwiches and OJ. They are talking about the renovations they need to make to the studio location. More La Costena product placement.

At Lasc mansion, Fer is taking a shower and suddenly runs out of hot water. Bruno is around and hears the ruckus Fernando is doing in shower so Fernando sends him to check the water heater. Ana and Bruno are checking the w.h. Ana suggests they call Johnny to check it out. She dials Johnny and he arrives just as Isa arrives too. They exchange a weird look/stare (kind of a weird opposite attraction from what we can see). She calls him the most ‘n a c o of the n a c o s from n a k-eel-andia.' She yells at him and he seems to ignore her. She again whines to the camera.

Bruno calls the office. Betty runs to answer the phone. Bruno is a bit weird in his tone, then lets her know Fernando will be late to the office. Before hanging up, Bruno asks her out on a date for coffee. She is up to it. You know where to find me. Bruno hangs up ‘Bea-triche’… (this guy is unpredictable in the romance department for sure)

Doorbell rings, Ana runs thinking it is Johnny. Isa comes in, tells Ana she came to see her son. Ana rushes Johnny in (he had come in right behind Isa), intentionally making Isa wait a bit. (Ana refers to Fernando as ‘Fernando’ in her talking to Johnny but this time Isa ignores it…) Ana tells Isa the baby is sleeping. (stretching her arm with the monitor toward Isa to note that there is no sound coming from the other end). Ana is making a bit effort to be civilized with Isa even though Isa takes her jacket off and drops it on the couch as if this was still her house. Ana offers her coffee. Ana leaves the monitor by the piano and goes to the kitchen to ask Manuela for a coffee for Isa. Ana tells Manuela that if the coffee is cold, it's ‘no problem’.

Angel at his office… Magda comes in. Again Angel is very uncomfortable. She comes in and again kisses him on cheek. Hi… Hi. What did you think of your Christmas present? … (no response).

Pablo makes it to the Lasc house, he is crying, tells Ana that his family all are moving to Argentina. For a year! Ana asks if Alicia knows. Not yet. The monitor sounds that the baby woke up. Ana sends Pablo to the kitchen to wait. Ana runs upstairs. At the kitchen, Zeus says he loves Manuela’s cooking. Manuela asks Pablo what is wrong. Manuela feels bad for Pablo, offers him something. He asks for a drink. Zeus also offers to help. But no one can help Pablo now. He keeps on crying.

In her room, Alicia is in la-la land. The twins and Luz are trying to get her to react. Even taking her shoes off, but she seems in a happy trance… They have to sprinkle water to make her react. She is angry at them. She was thinking of Pablo… love is like that. Yeah, love!.

Ana brings the baby downstairs and puts it in Isa’s arms. Isa is sickened of the baby stinch. Ana suggests Isa change the baby, but Isa wants Ana to change him. Manuela comes to get Ana, says Johnny needs some tools/parts. Isa ends up alone with the baby and is so sickened by the smell she even puts a handkerchief around her nose/mouth.

Back to Angel’s office. He wants to be honest… the first thing he has to do is forgive her. She says she understand. She has not forgiven herself. Has tried to come to terms with it. And find an explanation… among others, her fear of the baby not being healthy.

Ana is caring for Fernando. He is shaking, needs that water heater fixed today!! He seems to have a big trauma with being cold and wet. Ana says it is ‘mental’. Ana and Bruno keep putting layers of towels on him, he keeps shaking. She asks him what else he needs… ‘you know what I need… a kiss from you… a tiny one!... ‘ (he wraps her in his arms, she laughs)… she clears her hair off her face… as soon as they begin to kiss, they hear Luz yelling for Ana. Ana pushes Fernando right to the floor, hurting his nose again pushing a towel into it. Then pushes him back into the bathroom while she responds to Luz so she can come in. Luz comes in and very seriously asks Ana if love turns you into a zombie. Ana has to hear the question again. Luz is asking because of Alicia. Ana remembers about Pablo and goes to the girls room… has to wake up Alicia from her ‘trance’… gives Alicia the heads up that Pablo is downstairs with bad news.

Angel tells Magda that she changed. At first they had so much in common, working for the benefit of children and adolescents… but then she became materialist… what happened to her? She admits it was ambition. She started to move up in the company. Angel had respected that in her… but she became seduced by luxury, money. She would like to come back to what she and Angel had planned, her being a psychologist and him a podiatrist… she wants to retake her practice at her consult office… she asks him if he would not mind she re-opened her consult beside him again. (they used to have office together)

Ana returns downstairs with Alicia, Ana asks Isa if she gave the baby the bottle. Ana asks Isa if the baby burped after drinking his bottle. Ana reminds Isa about her loud burps at the engagement party. Isa does not like the joke. Ana shows her how to burp the baby. Ana walks to kitchen with Alicia. As soon as Ana and Alicia are about to hit the kitchen, the baby throws up all over Isa, and of course Isa whines about her outfit being expensive and imported (always about her and her things)… The baby keeps squirting Isa so she yells for Ana.

Pablo is so upset at kitchen that when he tries to get close to Alicia he tumbles and falls down. He is crying telling Alicia about his family moving back to Argentina (they had lived there many years before). Alicia is in shock. They hug upset. Alicia keeps repeating ‘No, Pablo!...’ as they hug.

At the ‘Merceditas’ home, Lenin is disguised as a pirate reading a book to the kids, Fanny is there. Jenny calls Fanny. Wants to talk to her about something important. Fanny tells her come to our house. Jenny does not want to run into Nico, so Fanny and her arrange to meet elsewhere later. Edith is also there at the home.

At the office, Leon again receives the visit from Laura, who is telling him what she told Fanny (lying about what she really said) and that Fanny slapped her. Leon is in disbelief that Fanny could do that. Laura tells him Fanny’s new friends are changing her.

Ana has taken Alicia and Pablo to the library. Alicia gets even more upset when Pablo tells her the move is for good.

Fernando is finally dressed up downstairs. Isa tells Fernando that Ana is in library with Alicia and her boyfriend. Fernando heads over there. Isa asks Bruno for help with the baby, but he claims knowing less than nothing about babies. (yeah sure! Butler at a house with 7 of them??), claims Fanny Sr cared for her kids and that he knows as much about babies as he knows about pigmeon culture.

At library, Fernando wants explanations. Ana says there is a huge problem. Fernando claims problems have solutions. Fernando wants Alicia and Pablo to step away from each other. He notices Alicia is very upset, asks her what’s wrong. Ana explains that Pablo has to leave, and he is her first romance. He whispers that he has a meeting at 11 that he has to run to, (Ana is sounding upset at seeing Alicia suffer) and he trusts Ana to care for Alicia (‘te la encargo mucho’), stealing a couple of brief kisses from Ana before heading out. As if suddenly he remembered he no longer puts office stuff ahead of family issues, he turns around.. walks right by Ana (who thought he wanted a third quickie kiss).

F: Alicia, even if it is hard to believe, I can understand your pain… and I even feel a bit jealous to admit it… I know Pablo is your first love. And even though you two are a bit young, I can understand that your feelings are intense and real… and it is a bit hard to console you two or help in this situation since I can’t really interfere in the decisions of Pablo’s parents… I am so sorry. (hugs Alicia again and shakes Pablo’s hand) All I can tell you is… that you should be thankful to life for having found each other and for beginning to experience this wonderful feeling… love. … (Alicia hugs Pablo) You two can count on my support in anything I can do for you. I love you very much, Alicia. (caresses Pablo’s face) and thank you, for loving my daughter, young man. (Alicia and Pablo both hug Fernando, to Ana’s delight, she signals ‘mi Corazon es tuyo’ to Fernando, he winks and throws a kiss back at her)

Previews: (VO: Isa has traded accomplices) Freeky gets another visit from Isa where she brags to him that he can’t tell Fernando the truth… he thinks swearing he will take revenge from both her and Fernando… meanwhile Fernando is going through his best moment… he has no idea the anvils flying above (VO: Freeky is ready to destroy him!)…


Thanks, Marta, for a great recap.

Funny scene with Johnny and Isabela. She was sort of fascinated by his biceps. Maybe THEY could be a couple!

Loved Isabela with the baby vomit on her.

Poor Pablo and Alicia.


Great recap Marta :
I haven't watched the episode yet but kind of feel like I don't need to because your recap was so detailed.

Does it bother anybody else that Isabruja is taking such little interest in her baby?

Here we go again with Osorio and his character changes, Pablo leaving for SA just when Alicia was turning out to be a pretty decent girl and getting away from money-grabbing, materialistic Isabruja.

Thanks so much MartaIvett, can't believe you got a four-course recap up so quickly. Enjoyed it!

Poor Pablo, he did a good job in the crying scenes. But I don't think his character is leaving. In the avances last night (Monday), it said something about Pablo being responsible for bringing bad luck or tragedy on the Lascurain household, or STTE.

And speaking of true love, what happened to the whole Bruno--Manuela plot line? Now that Manuela's back to normal, he's asking Beatrice out?

J in Oregon

Thanks for the wonderful recap, Marta

Cute moment when Ana calls Pablo "Chinitos" (curly hair).


Thank you, Marta! I feel the exact same way as you do about the way Ana handles her being in love with Fernando. Enough with the girly talk already!!

Oh, I can totally see Isabela and Johnny happening! Hopefully sooner rather than later and this way Jenny will be free.

Wouldn't it be great if Jennifer got together with Angel instead of ugly face Johnny ? That would make the show so much better ! If she and Nico don't get back together (which looks less and less likely), let her go for Angel !

It's hard for me to see how Angel, who plays a pediatrician on the show, would be able to forgive his ex, Magda, for aborting their child. I'm even surprised that abortion is a subject brought up on this Novela with such a conservative, predominately Catholic audience such as Latin America.

Has abortion been a subject matter of many other novelas ?

As always, just wonderful Marta.

What made me double take is the fact that Mags appears to be a child psychologist. So this woman who doesn't have her own act together and didn't want to deal with a child with special needs tells others how to deal with their troubled children?? I can't even...

I'm totally behind the idea of Angel/Jen. The way Johny was looking at Isa, would the writers go there? I mean he was always a bit of a Lothario before. Then poor Jen again. What is she, the writer's door mat?

Wonder if the Pablo suddenly moving was from negative back-lash on the character? Here we go again, first love versus second and real love. And heaven help us, Ximena is coming back. Make it NOT so. Maybe she'll come with a boyfriend or husband in tow. I can dream.

Betty and Bruno...has a nice ring to it. Seems Manuela gets the weird chauffeur? Get dizzy from the musical chairs.

Have to say--good point Fanny made on Leon's temper.

And for all those who wish the tween reactions from Ana on anything Fer does would stop, I'm right there with you. I know it's supposed to be her personality, but it just puts me off. Makes me think their relationship is nothing more but some high school crush.


Great work, Marta.

Anon, abortion is not a common subject, but it has been discussed in other series. The first one I recapped for discussed it when a 17-year-old got knocked up. She wanted to have an abortion and her mother wouldn't permit it. It was mentioned in that series that in Mexico City it is possible to get an abortion in the first trimester no questions asked. I confirmed that with a few searches. The D.F. is unique in that.

There is one state where abortion is illegal under all circumstances including to save the woman's life and in all the others there are permissible circumstances, but Mexican residents have posted that it still isn't easy. I didn't see any information regarding parental or spousal permission, both of which I regard as punitive.

In Magda's case I suspect that she was looking to avoid disruption of her career and the loss of her figure because it is certainly possible to avoid Down's Syndrome now because a geneticist could ID the gene and do IVF for her and Angel.

For me, I am rather enjoying the coming and going of so many characters. It is making the novela more interesting and true to life where " people come and people go . . . "


To continue from my earlier comment, I'm also not buying such an about-face as Magda telling Angel he can have all the children he wants. Also, for anyone who hasn't seen the movie Nine Months, it is certainly possible to be a child psychologist and then decide not to have children.

Alicia is not in an enviable situation right now and may end up being more vulnerable to Isabruja.

Isabruja not bonding with her child does not surprise me at all. There are women who have difficulty with babies who aren't toxic bitches like her, so her failure to bond with this infant shouldn't be too shocking. When her causing Sebastian's accident comes to light I hope she pays the price, which means that someone else will raise this baby.

Thank you, Marta. As always, so complete and better than the episode!

What a circus the household is at full throttle! The hot water heater, Johnny, Fernando with his towels, the baby and Isabela, Pablo and Alicia all needing attention. Quite a job for any nanny and any parent.

Great, great scene with Johnny and Isabela.

I am glad to see that Jenny is going to take some of Nico's money, as suggested by Johnny, to support the shelter.

Lots of set-ups in this one. I fear that Alicia is going to try to follow Pablo or do something that will prove very disruptive to the peace of the family. Maybe it is simply to get closer again to Isabela. She is looking so pretty lately and really does seem to have settled into a calmer pattern.


Awesome Marta, just awesome.

Who would have thought Juan the TN stud? Isabela repulsed yet, turned on by the guy. He was his usually forward self with women.

While I agree Leon not a match for Fanny, including his temper and resort to violence, Fanny forgets she slapped Laura and is just as immature, kissing Lenin capriciously.

Know it's cutesie and all but I liked how Ana wants those kisses.


Thanks, Marta, for another wonderful recap!

Daisynjay - I, too, noticed and appreciated the irony of Magda's decision: a child psychologist who fears raising a special-needs child.

Ewww. Edith sleeps with all that makeup on?

IMHO, the best part of this tn will be when Jen donates her divorce settlement to the "Merceditas" home.

Diego Nicolas is adorable. He's got good aim . . .

Thanks Marta and thanks UA for yesterday. I don't seem to get much time to comment anymore.

I have no problem with Pablo leaving.
I don't understand why Ana wants to still keep their relationship secret. All the kids know about them already.
I didn't notice Sarai around when everyone was opening presents.
I've wondered before about why they have Edith sleeping in full makeup. We've all seen her and the entire cast has seen her without it. It's unnatural to "sleep" with it on. It certainly wouldn't look perfect like it did last night after sleeping the entire night with it on.
I'm good with Fanny and Leon not being together anymore.

I guess I'm ready for this one to end.


I'm not anxious for this to end but had hoped we would have a bit more plots than just the various and sundry romantic entanglements of ten, seventeen and whatever year olds. Couldn't we have the kids involved in something else besides romances? It would have been rather cool actually if Fer and Ana had been resolved now and then we move forward with them trying to actually be the co-parents of all these kids.
I sort of cringed yesterday watching Ana still running around and having to play servant to Isa and deal with all the kids, plus whoever else has moved in and shown up. I understand Fer has to work, but I agree, the secret from the kids is stupid at this point.

And I agree on the Edith makeup fiasco. Hair I get, but all that eye goop. That isn't even good for the eyes. I was hoping it was day after Christmas Eve I just fell asleep mode, but betting not. She needs to just ditch it already.



Say what you want but Leon should have kicked Fanny to the curb when Lenin first surfaced. Seen it 10,000 times. "Oh you are so jealous, we are just friends". "We were studying and I fell asleep at his/her house". IE: If it walks like a duck and quacks like......If Fanny were truly committed to Leon she would have sent Lenin packing at first flirt.

BTW it appears that house grows bedrooms as needed. Edith appears to have her own room. I wonder if Fernando could off the cuff give an accuratr count of how many live in his house.

Part 1 of 2

Urban A: Regarding your question as how popular Santa is in Mexico I lived there 16 years, so I can share some of my thoughts on the subject. Sorry for the late response. I just can’t seem to get the opportunity to post.

In Mexico it used to be that Santa Claus was almost nonexistent. As far as Christmas Eve goes, it was El Niño Dios who brought children presents, not St. Nick. Santa was considered an “anglo” tradition and shunned by most conservatives as a gimmick to erase genuine Mexican traditions. Another holiday seen in this light is Halloween, but that is another story.

As of late Mexico has been invaded by foreign cultures, the American culture being the most predominant one. Everything “anglo” is popping up, ranging from Walmart, Sam’s Club, Home Depot and McDonalds, just to name a very few. The shift towards Santa is much stronger now; having parents rushing towards trying to keep Mexican traditions alive. Add to this TV shows and films that originate in Hollywood and you have a country inundated by American culture. Evidence of this can be seen in the novella with Fannie’s English phrases and Lenin’s “comfort zone” remark (although this could be a valid Spanish phrase since it has roots in psychology, but I would have translated it “zona de comodidad”or even “burbuja de comodidad”).

When I saw the Santa scene my first thought was wondering how many conservative people watching this in Mexico would be insulted to have such a detailed account of Santa’s visit to the Lascurain household. Never mind that mixing Santa with the kids sent the novella into the realm of fantasy. While this scene was detailed, scenes depicting a traditional Christmas missed detail and formality. For example, one very important part of a Mexican Christmas (not sure about other Spanish speaking countries) is the laying of the Christ Child. Nativity scenes are very popular in Mexico. This was evident to a certain degree in the novella where the Lascurain children were briefly seen setting it up. But for most real Nativity scenes, the Christ Child is missing! The Child is only included in the Nativity scene on Christmas Eve amidst traditional celebrations that symbolize the nativity. This was not represented in the novella. This tradition includes song and prayer while the Christ Child is placed in the manger in between Mary and Joseph and a celebration afterwards that culminates in the Christmas Dinner (which was shown in the novella).

Another example is the traditional Posada. This is a reenactment of Mary and Joseph’s plight to find a room when they arrived in Bethlehem. Since there was a census going on at the time (in fact they were there because of this) there were lots of foreigners and all boarding houses (inns?) were filled. I think we all know how that ended. To get a Posada going various neighbors get together. Some play the part of the inn keepers and others play the part of Mary and Joseph, the weary travelers looking for lodging.


Part 2 of 2

The group that is looking for lodging goes to a house and asks for shelter. The people inside playing the inn keepers turn them away. All of this is set to music which was heard in the novella. In some cases, the group asking for shelter actually carries around the Mary and Joseph statuettes of the Nativity set. This repeats for various houses until the group inside one of the houses sings a different tune where they allow Mary and Joseph to enter. A celebration follows with candy for the kids, mandarin oranges, peanuts, sugar canes, piñatas, Christmas punch for everyone, tamales and sweet bread.

In my opinion this was not represented well enough in the novella. In fact I would ask, how many of you not familiar with the Posadas actually understood what was going on?

For completeness, the posadas also include praying the rosary and litany which was also absent from the novella (even a 10 or 15 second clip would have done). This is a very Catholic thing which I suspect was added by the Great and All Powerful Church to keep the Posadas religious in nature and not just historical.

Another Mexican tradition that was woefully represented in the novella is the Pastorela. As other posters indicated, this is a reenactment of the shepherds’ visit to the see the Baby Christ Child. They see the star, angels guide their way and the Devil sends various challenges to keep the shepherds away (which can be in the form of temptations or tricks). The novella’s rendition did not include any shepherds (at least I did not see any), but in defense of it, it did include a sheedog (a cross between a sheep and a dog), angels and three devils, but as I saw the Three Wise Men do battle with the Devils for a moment I thought I was watching a Force battle between Jedi and Sith. I should note that a Pastorela does not typically include the Three Wise Men (in techie terms this would be called an anachronism), but with a creative work, anything goes!.

And speaking of the Magi, for the poster that asked about this, yes, it is A Big Deal. The Day of the Three Wise Men is an important holiday and in some form it surpasses Christmas. Some towns have a parade to celebrate this day (actually the parade is the day before). If the organizers have the resources they get exotic animals (i.e. camels and elephants) and create a caravan. People involved in the caravan dress accordingly (what I call biblical clothes). Then at the end of the parade come the Three Wise Men representing China, India and Africa. These parades get very popular. In fact my sister is trying to purposely hide the parade from her youngest son because going to see the parade is a huge hassle in finding a spot along its route. People actually camp out hours ahead to get the best spots (although nothing as extreme as iPhone shoppers).

I wrote a story describing the myth (as opposed to the scientific version of the Magi) of the Three Wise Men as it was taught to me as a child. If anyone is interested in reading it I’ll post back when it is finished and make this story available.


To anon at 3:34 AM (wow, I am impressed!) who asked about abortion and its use in novellas: In Mexico abortion is a very controversial subject. Since the main population consists of conservative Catholics abortion is seen as murder, so its treatment in any entertainment medium is a delicate path to walk. Of course in this novella it was represented as would be expected, avoiding controversy. Since only Angel and Magda are affected by this I’ll just mention them.

Angel – he sees abortion as an unforgiveable action. This is clearly shown (over and over) in the novella by his unwillingness to forgive Magda (aka Marta) for having done it. The slight problem with this is that to me it seems to come across that he was bothered more by the fact that she did not tell him, and not by the actual deed itself. Still this makes abortion look like it is something bad, really bad so it makes the conservatives happy that the character echoes their own opinion.

Magda – this is the “evil” person who aborted her child. The novella shows the horror of her action by having her character be miserable and in need of forgiveness, willing to make it up by having as many babies as Angel would want (agree with others that this was over the top, but whatev). Her regret and lament over the abortion makes it clear that abortion is a bad, bad thing. Again the conservatives are smiling.

Angel will forgive her. He has no choice as it is written in his script. This will make the conservative happy (again) because Angel’s forgiveness empowers him over her, reinforcing the fact that her act needs forgiveness because it was a bad thing. Only through forgiveness and true remorse and repentance will she find redemption. Another novella Que Pobres Tan Ricos also touched on this subject. The pregnant character thought about getting an abortion. She did research, but those scenes always seemed gloomy, she seemed troubled by the thought and she had lots of doubts about going through with it. In the end she did not (of course, again she had no choice) and once the decision was made there was a change in ambiance to a more optimistic and cheerful tone. Abortion was, again, portrayed as not being the answer.


WHAT? When did pecker-stealer Laura the Ho start working at the bean factory? I had seen her visiting Leon and thought their visitor policy was pretty lenient. Tonight she has an official badge and all.

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