Friday, February 13, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo on Friday, February 13, 2015. [#127] (This week has been crazy but I'm back!)

Chava in an oily tanktop.

Patricio is being grilled by Sofia until Noemi comes in to let Sofia the big guys are in. Sofi excuses herself.

Alexa has Paolo's sympathy while she gabs about having screwed the Ripollery over and not deserving her forgivethness. Paolo coddles and boosts her ego.

Sofia and Daniela squabble about when Greta comes in demanding information.

Lucas lets Marisol know the band fliers are out and being the jealous cow she is, suspects Rosa is in love with Lucas.

Rosa is working hard at Cuco's.

Grrrreta bitches at Sofia for being anti-PatPrick. In comes the devil, agreeing with Greta and buttering her up. She demands to know if the chocolate was contaminated which Dani clears up. Grrr says she doesn't know if she should believe Sofia anymore (ding ding!)

Silvie vents to Cristian about how much she hates her current situation and that pill Grrr. She wants her dead damnit!!!!!

Dani is excused by Sofia so she can snap at Grrr. Sofia says she is running this shit so keep Patricio out of it Goddamnit! Grrr thinks the whole anti-PrickFace thing is all Chava's fault.

Matias coddles Chava.

Greta gets more (fake) alliance assurance from PatPrick and Prick gets bonus points for being against Chava. PrickFace throws all this on Chava like everything else, then on Alexa and Sofia which makes sense for once and Greta starts choking but overcomes it unfortunately.

Chava is about to go beat up PrickFace when Sofia stops him. They have such sweetness when together and coddle each other as usual.

Grrrr and PrickFace badmouth Chava, Sofia and Silvana then come to the conclusion Sofia must be supervised. Pato is in charge of that one alright.

Peralta is fresh off the flight and straight into a helicopter.

Chava and Sofia are making out in plain sight when Greta catches them and bitches at Chava of course. Sofia's last nerve has been gotten on but Chava puts that fire out with smooches.

Paolo and Alexa are really convincing me.

Malvado Peralta Viene a Chingarte: Olly and Peralta catch up on life and such matters.

Paco and Lupe in the kitchen; Paco loves that Lupe shares with everyone regardless of quantity. Lupe asksabout Araceli and PedoBear.

Marisol and Lucas argue for a hot second then cool; the news Lupe and Paco are dating reheats Mari under the collar.

Unintentionally Sexiness: Alexa and Paolo style.

Lucas mentions Grrrr working in the factory and Paco is subtly aghast. Lupe doesn't see what's wrong with Grr working there and in come Chava and Sofia! Paco gets a call; he has to go.

Grrr and her GBF talk about what's going on in the factory. Damn, she called Chava greasy-handed (then again, tofie called him a grease monkey LMAO.) Fausto defends the hell out of Chava but it isn't getting through to Grrr.

Sofia has the support of Lupe, Luc and Mari. Lupe lets something slip which results in Sofi confessing she's not Octavio's daughter.

Lupe is having a hard time believing this but she is good with empathy. Sofia said it hurt her so much that she was lied to but Chava got her through it. Lupe says her lips are sealed (sure) and she feels so loved and warm in the sweet house.

Grrr just grrr'd and in comes Alexa; where have you been? Fausto fills Alexa in.

Lupe suggests to Sofia to forgive Greta. Chava blah-blahs about his car and starts making out with Sofia.

Fausto coddles Alexa who was ready to tell Greta about her movie gig. She tell Fausto about Paolo and he speculates some but she assures him she is in love with Armie.

Speaking of the sexy devil, he lets Nandito know about fighting for custody of him.

                 End of Capitulo 

Avances- Peralta has found out that Patricio didn't marry Sofia (I'm guessing through Olly.)


After this show ends, Lo Imperdonable is likely to be on. I wonder what would be in creation after Lo Imperdonable.

I desperately want A La Luz del Angel or a Giselle Gonzalez show to take effect.

How long before Greta targets Chava's family?

Her hostility reminds me of Lorenza of La Gata!

Re: Peralta. As he was flying over in the heli I thought he was about to fly over Ripoff expecting to see cleared ground and bulldozers. Then the shite would have really hit the fan (patprick). But alas, he just went home to brainwash Dulliver. Can't wait for the Peralta "what do you mean you didn't.....?" anvil for patprick.

Now that Lupe knows that Sofia is not Octavio Ripoll's daughter, PLEASE let her tell Paco and soon. I hope the chain of events has begun which will lead to Paco knowing the truth and then Sofia..
I wasn't expecting her to find out until later on but with Lupe now knowing and she and Paco often talking about Chava and Sofia, I can't imagine it staying a secret for much longer and it's getting me excited.

Anon, I'm afraid Paco won't find out until Gran Final!

Peralta will want result if the neighborhood is sold: don't be surprised if Greta gets involved in wanting the neighborhood bulldozed.

Armando needs to MAN UP & confront Paolo before he loses Alexa for good!

I'm waiting for Cristian to get caught!

Jarifa, thank you for your fantastic recap you posted yesterday. I would also like to thank everyone else for filling in.

Anon, I think Lupe is fairly insightful (well, on most things with the notable exception of the worthless Javier). I suspect she might put two and two together fairly quickly about who actually is Sophia's father. I'm not as confident though the truth will come out now. It's such a pivotal part of the plot line here and tend to agree with Steve that this revelation will occur later rather than sooner.

Oliver is a really nice kid. It's amazing he turned out the way he did in spite of his parents. If Dani and Lucas do get back together (which I suspect is highly likely), while I don't feel badly at all for spoiled, jealous, personality deprived Marisol, I do feel for Oliver. He needs a break.


Thanks, CorazonSalvaje, for your very entertainig recap!

So glad Paco decided to go home and eat with Araceli with her pissy face rather than have her come over to Lupe's. That would have ruined the meal for everyone especially Sofía and Chava. Seems like he is starting to think and act.

So funny Lupe calling Paco the "pre novio". At this speed they will both be dead and gone before an atrempt to get to the altar.

So "Alexa" was so bad the director was going to audition other actresses. She sure didn't see that coming. Of course her costar Paolo will prevent that from happening. Will she end up paying one way or another?

Greta was just too stupid to be believable.

Fausto has disappointed on the home front with being so flattered by Iker's attention he cannot see the whole picture.


Corazon: Thoroughly enjoyed your recap and glad you are back.

"Matias coddles Chava" and "Sofia's last nerve has been gotten on but Chava puts that fire out with smooches" made me smile.

Marisol being jealous of Rosa is ridiculous on so many levels. Marisol must get tired of sucking so many sour lemons - perhaps she and Arceli can buy in bulk. Like you Jarifa, I was glad Araceli wasn't there to dampen everyone's spirits as she usually does.


And yes, I also agree Paolo seems to be mesmerized with Alexa. The director? Not so much.


Actually in real life it would have been: Director...: Wow Paolo what was I thinking? I'm gonna let her go." Paolo: " Yeah Alexa's dumber than a box of rocks. Let me hit it a couple times, then shitcan her."

Thank you Corazon.

Did I get it right that Greta going to work at Ripoll Chocolates? Where, what position?
If true, that will be terrible for Sofia.
the gringo

Nooooooooooo, Gringoooooooo Greta just paid a brief VISIT to Ripoll. That was just a figure of speech on Corazon's part. A joke in the recap. :-)
An honest day's work would kill the old bitch.

Thanks Kirby, I got it now.
the gringo

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