Friday, February 13, 2015

La Gata #118 2/13/15 El Fin: Was this the finale to "El Garabato" or La Gata? (™LN)

First of all, I want to thank Diva for taking on the leadership for both DQTQTQ and then for allowing me to drag her kicking and screaming into this mess. Mea culpa.

Eli-Thank you for jumping in there and with such wit and style. I can't tell you how many times in real life something has happened and I've thought "Oh the F*ckery!"

Lila-You are a pro. Special kudos to you. First time recapper AND it's with this dreck. Any recapping from now on will be a piece of cake.

I am excited that the team is sticking together for La Sombra del Pasado.

Finally many thanks to each and every commenter who stopped by. On a show like this, your support was SO appreciated. The patio has been an absolute blast and I feel really privileged to share it with fun folks like y'all.

Let's cuss and discuss (™Emeraldrose).
  • There were some genuinely GOOD scenes in this episode, which made me cuss because so much of our time was wasted with Meatball, his wife and the Juan Garza garbage.
  • I really would have rather had more cutting mid stream and had the FULL fin than the shredded version we got tonight.
  • Really? You call those anvils? "Anvils were pebbles"(™Carvivlie)
  • Not enough Mariano...who he was talking to the other day?
Some scenes will be covered more than others and as usual some will be combined.

Esme is in a swivet. Pablo said he would bring the kids back in two hours and it's been two AND A HALF hours. Jarocha tells her to calm down. The kids are with Pablo and he loves them. He wouldn't let anyone hurt them. Esme doesn't think Jarocha gets it. Lo is manipulative and Esme is worried about what the woman could be planting in Pablito's head. Little Virginia doesn't think her grandmother is going to let Pablito come back. "You know how she is." She tells the grown ups. Good thing she's got TWO grandmothers. Carlos agrees--Lo and Blanca. Virginia corrects herself. Oh, then yeah. I've got three abuelas: Blanca and "the other one". Virgina explains that Lo told Virginia not to kiss her because she was black. The adults are taken aback. As am I.

Lo fires Dorila. Dorila quits first...and tells the old bat she's going to be left all alone.

Virgina continues her tale. The good thing is her grandma Dorila told the NOT to mistreat Virginia. "Grandma Dorila?" Carlos asks. Yup. She says she's your mom. Dona Rita told her.

Carlos Horacio had a wonderful dream. He dreamed the dirty beggar lady was his mamá. Could that be possible? Is she my mom? Victor Garabato cries.

Esme has gone to the MN Mansion to get Pablito, but he refuses to leave. He wants to stay with Mamá Lorenza. He tells Esme she's bad and dangerous. That's why they call her LA GATA! (Insert Cat Flash.)

Lo is upstairs cursing the maldita Gata. The boy is hers. ONLY HERS!!

Esme explains that yes, they always called her the Gata. She never told them about her origins, but yes, Jarocha called her Gata as a term of endearment as did Rita (she's forgotten episodes 1-30 I guess.) The way Pablito said it though really hurts her. He still insists he doesn't want to go with Esme. Pablito wants to stay with Mamá Lorenza.

Mamá Lo is upstairs talking to Augie's spirit. He's congratulating her on her master manipulations. She insists she really was depressed. Augie misses her. He's waiting for her to join him in hell. She thinks she's getting a second chance with her grandson at her side.

Said grandson is still refusing to leave. He wants to stay with Mamá Lorenza and Esme tells him that Lo is not his mamá, but his grandmother. Esme also tells Pablo he's partly to blame since he can't seem to find the nerve to stand up to his mother.

He immediately proves her wrong and goes up stairs and yells at Lorenza for turning his son against Esme. When she does that, she hurts him--her own son!! HE'S LEAVING FOREVER!!

Pablo arrives at the MN mansion. Esme is upset. In the short time that Pablito was with Lo, she managed to turn him against Esme. Pablo assures Esme that little Pablito does love Esme. He's just confused. Pablo is going to fix this right now. Where is Pablito? When Pablo and Pablito come back downstairs, the child will give Esme all the love she deserves.

Meanwhile, Fer informs Fela that he, Osorio and Pedro finally have the proof they need to put Lo away. She won't be a nightmare for them anymore. (I wonder if Esme regrets not letting him press charges 10 years ago when Lo was caught trying to leave the twins at the top of a garbage heap to be eaten by rats.) They are with the judge right now. It's just a matter of hours.

Carlos confronts Dorila. He wants to know why she didn't tell him sooner. They could have been together all this time. Dorila says she was ashamed. It still hurts to see him. She was forced to leave him. No one forced her to treat him so badly, though. Now seeing her granddaughter Virginia she thinks she's paying for what she did. (We've been screwed out of a good story, though. WHO forced her to give up the child?) Carlos is not holding a grudge. He missed having a mother, but he wants to try to have a relationship with Dorila. Virginia will learn to love her as a grandmother, especially now that she only has one.

Pablo has brought his son downstairs and boy this kid has a whopper of a story. Apparently, he saw Esme kissing Rogelio. Esme is cheating on his father with Rogelio Aceves. Mother and Father carefully question him. He is unable to give a description and finally cracks under their interrogation (I'm being hyperbolic.) He confesses that he was told to tell this lie by Lo.

Edgar HatBro Suarez MD asks if Gisela has taken the money out of the safe. She has. They struggle. He falls and hits his head. QEPD Edgar HatBro Suarez MD. Gisela is on her way to a faraway tropical island.

The doctor informs Carlitos that Virginia is a good candidate for a surgery that will allow her to see and that she did not inherit her mother's disease.

Esme tells Pablito that she's hurt that he would believe what Lo said. Pablito tells her he just wants his parents together, but he loves his grandmother, too. He doesn't want her to die. Pablo tells him she won't. Pablito loves his mother. He asks his mom to forgive him. Leti comes in and asks if anyone loves her (really? Little black sack dress and boots?) Her father picks her up and hugs her. He adores her, too! Group hug! Family suffering over!

Carlos and Virgina talk about the operation. It's her decision. She thinks it would be nice to see colors, flowers and the grass where they play. Carlos wants her to remember there's a small chance the operation won't work. She understands. The worst that can happen is she stays blind. But she would like to see so her mom would be happy (sintiera feliz) and see the world through her daughter's eyes. Carlos tells her her mother had a special way of seeing things and saw more than anyone. Virginia will have the operation. She wants her father to be there with a picture of her mother as soon as they take off the bandage. She's never been able to imagine her mother. Carlos tells her that's the first thing she'll see (*sniffle*)

Pablo and family have a new house...

And WTF Lo is in jail? (Whiplash) She's accosted and robbed by the obligatory jail bullies.

Fer, Osorio and crew explain that she called her sons and they didn't answer. You reap what you sow. Now they are just waiting for officials from the country to which she was being deported.

Carlos Horacio and Victor Garabato visit a dying Ines. (Ok. Full disclosure. As well done as this scene was, I really felt like it was too long. Maybe it didn't feel that way in the original uncut version.) So Carlos Horacio notices that the nice lady finally looks at peace and not sad. She says she is at peace. Garabato wants her to rest, but she says there's plenty of time for that. She tells Carlos Horacio that he helped her cleanse herself of all the bad she did. Victor explains to him that the nice lady saved his life. He's about to explain to him that Ines is his mother, but she stops him and says she's the beggar from La Ciduded Encontrada. Flashbacks. Carlos Horacio tells her about his dream that she was his mom. Ines tells him dreams are nice aren't they? She tells him to fulfill his dreams and not to let anyone take his dreams from him. Flashbacks. Don't let anyone tell him he can't do it. Believe in something bigger than himself. She always found it hard to believe in God, but he should. He's going to be a very happy person. She tells him to fall in love. Flashbacks. Make mistakes and learn from them. Always try to be happy. She tells him she loves him. Victor Garabato stays and tells her he loves her (Te amo) and she says she loves him too. Carlos Horacio climbs up and gives her a kiss and says "Thank you for everything mamá." Ines slips away. (Why couldn't we get this kind of quality all along?)

A straight-jacketed Gisela mumbles about hating la Gata and purifying herself. No disfigurement. I am not happy.

Esme explains to Pablo that Gisela is in a psych ward. I sort of feel that we missed something interesting. Mariano and Pablo haz sads. Their mother was a lot of things (racist, classist, loud, manipulative, abusive) but she was still their mother and now she's locked up outside the country where they can't even visit her. Their parents lived to do evil, but they were still their parents. Esme tells Pablo he has her and their children and Pablo reminds Mariano that he will always be there for him.

Lo is in a maximum security prison which allows mascara and eye-liner. She's sounding a little loony herself asking for Pablo and saying she doesn't deserve all this. She is La Gran Señora Martinez Negrete. Flashback to her interpretive dance (™Diva) Maldita Gata was stronger....The love of that maldita gata....Augustin...Augustin...even you don't come to visit me...I miss damn ghost...I don't want to be alone... (exterior shot of same prison where they held Fer.)

WARNING: I will not do this scene justice. I just bawled when it aired and I might lose it again watching.
A suddenly sighted Dr Javier is getting ready to remove Virginia's bandages. She's a little nervous. A lot of people came to see her, but the doctor only let one person come in. She asks him not to tell her. She wants to see if she recognizes him. The bandages come off. The doctor warns her it might be blurry at first. He counts to three 1...2...2 1/2...2 3/4....tres. She blinks and turns to Carlos. We see Viginia's picture in his hands. She quietly says "papá" and the theme song starts up and so do my tears. Let me gather myself again before I continue. She asks him to come closer because she wants to be sure. She touches his face. She confirms it's him. He thanks the doctor. Pierre Louis is good at crying. He shows Virginia the picture of her mother "Mi señorita bonita número uno." Virginia takes the picture, kisses it, hugs it and says "mamá" Flashback to Virginia Sr. on her death bed. This one scene has made the pain of this show worth it. I mean, I hate that Virgina Sr. died. That was dumb, but at least she gets a nod at the fin and I can be happy knowing that her daughter did not inherit the have a baby and die disease.

Aaaand then we descend into stupid.
  • Willy (? Crap I cannot remember Hots-car's name) finds a baby.
  • Garabato tells his boyz about his life once he found out Carlos Horacio was on the way. He worked hard. Sometimes he wanted to quit. blah blah blah.
  • Flashback to 45 seconds ago when Willy found the baby. Willy asked Dam to ask him to help with the adoption.
  • Rita is reading the cards.
  • Jarocha is going to have quadruplets.
  • More Barrio Boyz. We've come so far! Flashbacks!
  • Rey gets caught. 'Cause we really gave a damn.
  • Barrio Boyz again. We've got nothing holding us back!
Whiplash cut to a wedding. Pablo and Esme are renewing their vows.
Pablo: I'll go first. I'm afraid of failing you. I'm afraid of being there for you and then later not being there. I want you to hear this with my own voice (sound better in Spanish.) You are the love of my life. I love you and everything I feel for you I can't express in words, but I promise to spend the rest of my life finding the words to express it one day. You are my muse and the dueña de me vida. I love you.

Esme: Pablo. I love you. And I'm going to spend the rest of my life telling you so you'll never lack from my lips the most beautiful phrase ever invented "I love you"

The priest reminds Pabs to kiss her. Esme thanks Rita for being like a mom to her and pimping her out to Meatball. Pablo thanks Jarocha for protecting Esme all those times. And it kind of fizzles into congrats, hugs and flashbacks.

One last view of Mariano.

♪y vas a ver....♪

The Fin flashes on the screen, but don't blink because you might miss it. They go right to credits.

Previous: Episode 117


Sara - I LOVE the cat pic.

Haven't watched the finale yet. Will be back later.

That's my Ash. He's a little demon, but he LOVES my husband.

I've got an obese Principe, too...but I can never get a good picture of him.

Thanks to all the truly talented recapers. This TN was very poorly written and edited. The actors did the best they could. Sad waste of talent. The recaps were funny and insightful. we cannot thank you all enough. All i can say is, this TN ended to no one's regret.


Thank you thank you to all of the wonderful recappers!!!!!!!!!!

The disappointment of this show stayed thru the end. Anvils were pebbles.

Carvivlie-Mind if I quote you?

Hanna- They did do the best they could. I thought there were some good scenes tonight and it's too bad that for so many weeks our time was wasted with stupid story lines.

Sara, I would be honored.


Thank you so, so much recappers and patio peeps. You guys are the best.

Was this the finale to "El Garabato" or La Gata?


There was almost no Esme and Pablo, which was probably just as well. We didn't really see Lorenza or Gisella get arrested. Presumably, Gisella spent most of the last eight years in a mental hospital anyway, so that was nothing new. Very, very un-satisfying anvils.

We didn't get a single word about Mariano, but we did get a chase scene and an arrest of the one barrio boy who didn't get reformed. WTF? They wasted time on that?

Doc Creepy got his sight back apparently, but no explanation of that or did I miss something?

On the plus side Inez and Garabato had some well acted hospital/death bed scenes and Virginia 2.0 got her sight back. Also Mr. LN finds Inez to have a very attractive and expressive face.

What with the general crappiness of this TN and the worst editing in the world, that was absolutely the stupidest fin I've seen.

Again, thanks to all you recappers and patio peeps. You explain what I miss, offer insight into the language, make me laugh out loud and yell "YES!" I can't wait for this recap!


May I quote you, LN?

QTH? Lorenza gets sent out of country to a maximum security prison for a fraud? SMH

Pablito tells a terrible lie about his mother and isn't reprimended for it. Brat.

Gi is back in the padded cell. How did that happen?

No more shirt and vest combos. Bye bye Edgar.

RIP Ines. That was a nice scene.

I liked that Rey got an anvil. Too bad Meatball never got one. Oh well.

Too much spent on Barrio Boys talking towards the end. Yaawwwwwnnnnn.

Can't wait until Sombra.

*too much time spent on the Barrio Boys

The best part of the finale:

Virginia II gets her sight back.

Agree, best part was VA getting her sight. Nice surprise

No Mariano love disappointing.

Don't understand barrios boys getting so much time.

They probably cut it out but there was a beautiful scene where Virginia Jrette straight up asked Lo why she hated her so much.

Well at least Ines died so there is justice in this; I'm reminded of Fofito's fate in LQLVMR. Eternal Peace.

OMG that annoyed me to no end!!!!!!!! I'm sitting there looking at that clock going c'mon people, this thing needs to be wrapping up. I don't care about you goofballs.

I don't want to subject myself to watching any more of that horror show, so I'm just over here eating a Cinnabun and waiting for the recap!

That last comment was about the Barario Boyz.

I'm working on it Eli! I'm getting distracted by coffee and facebook. :-/

Just posted some of it. I'll keep working!

No worries Sara. Take your time!

Mariano was with a blonde at the vow renewal on the unedited version. Not sure if they showed her on Uni since my recording cut off during the last scene.

I could care less about Barrio Boys as well. I can't get over Willy finding baby. Really? So random.

There was also a scene on the unedited version where Dr. Javier tries to get together with Icky but she tells him that she loved him but her heart is with someone else now. I didn't even bother to watch the scene but Icky and Damian kiss and they get together. There was also a scene that I skimmed through where Rita was with her herbs at Ines' grave where she says her goodbyes to her. There was also a scene with Gi at the gallery where she goes crazy and then all of a sudden she's at the padded cell again. Not sure if she imagined the gallery or if that really happened.

Facebook is the devil sometimes!

So I guess I'm the only who thought the Barrio Boyz scene(s) were sweet LOL. Willy Hot-Scar carrying a baby was one of the most attractive things I've ever seen.



Thanks Sara for the wonderful recap of the finale.

A BIG THANK YOU to all the recappers - Sara, Kat, Eli, and Lila. You all did a marvelous job on each and every one of your recaps. They were all a joy to read.

Sigh...this show could have been soooo much better. I feel bad for Maite, Daniel, Laura, Erika, etc for having been a part of it. Latoodle could have done so much with this story but she and the writers didn't seem to care.

2 more days until Sombra. :)

I think Erika and Jorge Poza were woefully under used.

Yes they were.

Also underused:

- Meche
- Monica
- Monica's Dad
- Augie (after his kidney transplant)
- Vero
- Omar
- Dorila
- Damian
- Virginia
- Carlos

I add Virginia and Carlos becase we were robbed of most of their romance except for what we saw here and there whenever they'd bother to show them.

All those flashbacks towards the end could have been used to tie up some loose ends.

Sara, I would be honored to be quoted by you.

As an interesting tidbit, Hatbro died on two shows in one night. Gisela pushed him and he hit his head on La Gata, and on Que te Perdones, where he plays Don Fausto's brother, he was shot and killed by Lucio. Hah!

Thanks, LN! I'll go do that now!

Thanks so much LN! I thought your line was a perfect title!

Poor Ricardo Franco! Two deaths in one day!

Is he still ok on Quierto Amarte? LOL

Yes poor Ricardo Franco. :(

He seems to be everywhere though. Isn't he in Mejia's new one too?

Wow Sara--thank you! Love your kitty pic. Your recap had drama, humanity, suspense...everything this dang TN was missing. You, Lila, Eli and Diva have been just the best, can't thank you all enough.

The Gran Finale was sort of like a car running out of gas. Lo's anvil is a lame jailhouse shakedown by two broads with body odor. But the scenes with Ines and Little Virginia were awesome. Howe come the whole thing wasn't that well written?

Alsoooo, when Hot-scar (or Hots-car) went outside and heard a noise under the stairwell, I thought excitedly "it's a litter of black kittens!" But no. Disappointment is my destiny. However at least Mariano had a date for the final vow renewal ceremony. Yawn.

Mauricio--thanks for filling in the cut out parts, helped to make some sense of it.

Did I understand that our recap team is signing on unilaterally for La Sombra? Yay! Let the weekend begin!

J in Oregon

First, a giant thank you to our dedicated recap team! Sara, Diva, Lila, and Eli, you made it possible for us to stick with this mess until the end.

And what a rancid, raggedy-^ss mess it was! Way overbalanced on the side of cruelty and stupidity, with only occasional tidbits of sweetness and growth.

I did find excess water in my eyes at Virginia's sight restoration and Ines' deathbed scene. Ines' straighter hair also looked like it grew about 8 inches. Loved little Carlos Horatio--so much more acting skill than little Pablito. (Like father like son?)

Can't comment on the pebble sized anvils. Too angry at the minimal punishments, although it did my heart good to see Lo stripped of her jewelry. Why deported? unless Mexico was so tired of her they wanted her out of the country.

Quadruplets for Jarocha? Is this a reward or a punishment?

Thanks to the patio for so many amusing and thoughtful comments.

WTF, WTF,WTF.WTF.WTF..........
Sara, I miss your rants.
Why were there choppy scenes(GI in the manicomio), unexplained scenes (the baby found), and unnecessary scenes(the barrio Boys). I guess the writers threw everything there, like pick up sticks and said, "here you smart alecks, Caray bloggers and recappers, do your own gran final."
I could guess that Rita has turned her psychic ability of reading the tarot cards into great bizness.
Hahaha, I'm getting choppy myself. Can't help it.
Did I read somewhere that they should have had Quiero Amarte instead of La Gata here in this time slot. Well they should have done this.
I am sad that they did not show a proper ending for the real black La Gata.
I thought that was Monica with Mariano and whatever happened to her too? Not that I care, Bitch!
They shouldn't have named this La Gata, it should be : Kids in the
I started just hovering around here and enjoying the blog, and now I ended up well invested and ranting away. Excuse my fowl language. I love everybody and my million thanks to all the recappers and contributors here. Anne

DIDN'T REALIZE IT'S ALREADY SATURDAY AND FEB 14TH! I'min Los Angeles and still Friday. Anne

I have nothing ... just ... nothing! :-(

I think the only other gran final worse than this could be PSMA's.

The only fates I liked there were

I HATED that FeVer didn't die to the point I had to lie to myself it was satisfactory and Isa and BonBon had to get back with fART and 'Za.

Here, the only villains that died were Edgar and Augie right? Considering this is a Mrs. Mejia, you'd expect Gi to have escaped the looney bin (MUCH like Hernan did in La Tempestad.)

Thank you, recappers, for your Herculean efforts on this crappiest of crappy crapola!

The worse part of all is that WE WERE WARNED!!! But we're all hard-heads (not to be confused with empty heads like the "good guys" from this dreck) and just had to see for ourselves.

As George Lopez would say, "That way you learn!"

Did no one tell these people not to run with scissors?!

Gracias, Sara! I'm glad I watched late so I could have the benefit of reading the recap immediately after and making sure I saw the right show. Thank you for talking me into this one. I mean, it totally sucked, but at least we had fun recaps!

I agree that there were a couple of different shows going on tonight, but while La Gata was ending El Garabato was just getting started. Four guys of varying hotness running a construction company together and raising three kids? I'd watch that.

As for La Gata...good effin' riddance! Five minutes from now, she and Pablo will be bickering about something again.

I don't know why some foreign country would give a crap that Lo illegally moved money that was legally hers to a bank there. For that she got extradited? Puh-leeze. And I agree, that was TOTALLY the same jail they've been showing us all this time.

Pierre Louis brought the goods to every scene he was in tonight. Somebody give that guy a lead role already!

I'll probably have more to cuss and discuss tomorrow, but that's enough to be getting on with.

Sara- Fabulous job with this finale recap! You make me want to watch my recording to see the touching scenes you described so beautifully. Gracias. I'll watch over breakfast. Really looking forward to the Viginia Carlos scene.

Mauricio- Thanks for the details on the cut scenes. It doesn't seem like those scenes really added anything much.

Kat- Do you really think Televisa (or ANY Spanish language network) has come far enough to put Pierre in the lead role, even of a comedy or teen tn?

J in O- yesterday afternoon I had already started thinking about the Fin. I was also hoping for a litter of kittens at some point. I was disappointed as well. (We do seem to think much along the same lines,don't we?)

I thought Willy finding a baby was a little ridiculous. Though I agree with Corazón that Willy did look very attractive with a baby. I still wish he had gotten a little styling. His beard is great... It's just a mess.

Which reminds me...

La Paloma- "rancid, raggedy-^so mess" is an apt description. We're all stronger for it though. I'm sure the new motto for many will be "I'll never watch Latoodle again." In addition to being a spoiler-free zone, Caray just might end up a Latoodle-free zone.

Anne- I'm glad you enjoyed my rants. Not everyone does. And no need to apologize to me for your language!

Corazón - I thought this Fin was more touching, but I think I may like the PSMA Fin a little better. It was edited, but not as badly as this one. And the anvils were better.

Anon1- I know that feeling. See Tuesday's recap ;)

Anon2- I know I've learned my lesson.

Diva- YES! Pierre Louis brought it! He is fabulous and we better see more of him. I would actually rather see him stay in a secondary role since those seem to be only interesting ones these days. The galan roles all seem to be dumb jerks.

Thanks Vivi!

I think La Gata proves that race and skin color is still an issue in TNs. There was plenty of it here... even though Latoodle may have thought she was making a statement about how wrong it was. 90% of what we heard was racist crap, and the message that it was wrong was drowned out.

Even during the Virginia/Carlos scene they brought it up. Virginia tells her father another reason she recognized him was that they were the same color. Really? I don't know. It just rubbed me the wrong way. I would love to hear your thoughts, Vivi.

RCN did a TN with a lead who was of African descent. (And he's a cutie, too.),_la_leyenda

I'm not sure if it's still airing on the international channel. I know I saw it on my cable guide in the fall.

I also want to thank all the recappers for their due diligence and hard work, you've made this more enjoyable than it should've been. Good job bringing it home Sara, you've pretty much summed up my thoughts on the show so I'll just make a few comments.

I hate the fact that the translation was screwed up and running behind the actually talking but I pretty much got the gist of what was being said.

-I thought the Garabato and Ines scene was well done, but like Sara said it was a little too long. Having little Carlos thank Ines and tell her that he knows she's his mother was very moving and well done. I also agree that he was a better child actor than the brat that played Pablo's kid.

-One minute Lo is in her house and the next she's in Jail, wth?? I hate when they jumped around like that. Same with Gisella, one minute she's rich and leaving for the islands, next she's in a sanitorium, wth?? Also, maybe it's in Latin countries that they do this, but in America when you're arrested, you're booked and your property is taking from you. You're not put in jail cell with criminals while still wearing your valuable jewelry. That was very weak writing, unless that's how it's really done in latin countries.

-Virginia getting her eyesight back and seeing her mother for the first time really did get me misty eyed. It was very touching and well done by the show. I do believe that a mother is the most important person to a young girl and her not having hers was really brought home by the scene. I was able to block out the sadness with the utter stupidity of the show not explain how the doc got his sight back, did they not think we would notice?

-I know it was completely random but I was happy for the brother to find the baby. Yes, it was unbelievable but I was happy for him, and you could see he would be a good father, he was even still carrying the baby at the Pablo/Esme vow renewal ceremony. I just love happy endings for people.

-4 babies???? Really??? C'mon, if you said twins I could get with it, but don't ridiculous! 4? at her age?

All in all, the finale was weak and left much to be desired, but it did have some very good scenes. Lo and Gisella's punishment was beyond pathetic. I was actually rooting for Ines to survive and I didn't think I would after what she did. But it looked like she found redemption and truly regretted what she did, unlike Lo and Gisella.

Once again, thank you to all the recappers and a job well done!

Also, which character is Pierre Louis?

Thanks for the link Sara. It was based on the life of someone real, so they had to use a black guy in the lead. One of the reasons I enjoyed Brazilian tn Lado a Lado so much was that one of the two main galans was black, and one of the two main heroines was black (light skinned). But Pierre has done well for himself being in two high profile tns and gaining fans, while still being so young. I hope he continues to hone his acting and gets bigger roles.

Bryan- He's Carlos. Although I loved him more in DQTQTQ. Grantees, I actually watched all of that tn and seemed to miss any of his scenes each time I dropped in on this tn.

Pierre Louis was another underused talent.

Granted not grantee. :)

I hope we also get to see more of Marilu V who played Virginia I. We're seeing Alejandra Gil (Ines) again in Que te Perdone, and I agree she has a very expressive face. I hope we see more of her in bigger roles. I still remember as the high priced hooker with a heart in Porque el Amor Manda. I thought she made that small role memorable.

Thanks Bryan! I noticed the caption lag last night. Very annoying.

Totally agree about this being a kind of weak ending.

Yes, Marilu V is good. She's shown herself to be pretty good at being bad, too. (MPV)

I will have to catch Robles Gil in another role. I couldn't get past the first three episodes of Que te perdone.

Sara, so Lorenza hated Virginia because she was black ? WTH ?

Explains the hostility!

Lo hated pretty much everyone if it wasn't for being black, then it was for being poor.

Sara- Forgot to say how much I loved that pic of your cat. :)

Sara, I like you alot.

"Lo is in a maximum security prison which allows mascara and eye-liner"

No idea what can be said that hasn't already. The sad thing here is I will remember La Gata, you know when something bad happens or pain involved. The first memory I have as a child was at 4 (mother confirmed the age). My father had several step delivery vans and remember he piled me and my older brother in one Saturday. Only one seat so my brother grabbed the back of the seat and my father put a small chair in the aisle for me to sit. Soon as he took off the chair tipped backwards and I smacked my head. End of the highly anticipated excursion and a lump the size of a golfball.

The second & third tier actors came to act while the leads just showed up.

Ines deathbed and Virginia's first sight well done.

Not sure how soon Pierre may appear in a staring role when most TN's do not include indigenous Amerindians either (or dark skinned mestizos)unless they are field or domestic help or criminals. I was glad to see the prominence of Ianis Guerrero here.

LN, Mr. tofie thinks Ines pretty, more so than the "cat". He liked Alejandra Robles Gil in CI too.


I like you too, tofie.

What a horrible outing that must of been. Poor little tofie!

I will remember La Gata too. The show was horrible, but the Patio was a great support group.

The first show I recapped was Triunfo de Amor. Like La Gata it derailed pretty quickly (though I would still say it was marginally better than this.) The Patio didn't have a name yet (I'm pretty sure that was during AdP.... The Patio of Lowered Expectations as NovelaMaven dubbed it. Caray historians help me out), but it got me through TdA as well.

What I'm trying to say is yes, sometimes the most painful shows are the ones I remember most. With fondness even. Mainly because of the Patio Peeps who suffered with me.

Explains why TN's have a long way to go in terms of diversity.

Big question is whether the actor, who played Carlos, will move to Brazil for other TN gigs ?


Did Mariano & Augie get anvils ?

TN's need to have 2-hour Gran Finales'!

Steve- I don't think he speaks Portuguese, but he does speak French.

Tofie- Yup. The shocking lack of Mexicans who look like they have any native Mexican blood in tns is disheartening. I mentioned the other week on Quiero Amarte that the young actress who plays Hortensia, is a good young actress, the same color as the actress who played Dorilla, will never break out of playing the BFF of the young heroine, or the maid.

Speaking of maids, whatever happened to Low's African maid who wore all the beautiful West African outfits and the butler who loved her? I remember liking them.

They just seemed to disappear :(

Sara, thank you for quoting my cuss,etc, I have not watched the FIN as I have been enjoying the wonderful Arizona sunshine Diva so thoughtfully provided for my mini vacation here. THANK YOU DIVA. Thank you to all recappers and Patio Peeps for a fun ride through the run of this TN. See you all on the Sombra patio.

I'm glad you are enjoying your mini vacation, Emeraldrose. And thank you for the quote. So perfect for this show.

Looking forward to seeing you in the Sombra of the Patio.

Thank you Jesus Mary and Joseph for allowing me to live through this crap.

Vivi, It'll take a more diverse group of executive producers and directors and frankly someone with balls to cast more representative of the contribution and audience.

When I visit family in asia, I watch Thai versions of these TN's called Lakorns. Light skinned, of Chinese ancestry or Eurasian dominate the key roles, not at all representative of the general population and predominate social strata.


Ah, ok thank you vivi. I agree he was pretty good in his role and he did bring it when he was on-screen.

I'm watching my recording right now. Had to stop and say how much I loved the sassy neck roll and crossed arms Viginia did when she told the silly adults how Low rejected her because she's black. If she weren't playing a blind girl, I'm sure she would have rolled her eyes too. LOL!

Tofie- Yeah, this is a problem across the globe.

Next LOL moment: the doctor telling Carlos to calm down and that he and his friends are SO dramatic. :)

Totally misty eyed after the Ines deathbed scene. I do wonder how many viewers were convinced to NEVER donate bone marrow, because you know, it can KILL you? Shaking my head (and not in a cute Virginia II way).

Dear Sara, 5FT, Eli, and Lila, how can we possibly thank you enough for sticking through a TN that seemed like CI,2.0.

I stopped commenting long ago as every time I stopped in to watch the show, I couldn't get past the first 10 minutes. I SO appreciated the wonderfully creative and oftentimes hilarious recaps! You guys hit it out of the ball park each and every time!

The Lorenza character bothered me the most with her racist, patronizing, and parochial views on life. I disliked this character intensely. She was an upsetting character and one of the reasons I stayed away (not to mention the huge gaps in continuity and poor writing).

I need to see the "FIN" just to bring full closure to this mess.

Having followed the comments daily, I wonder, did gringo abandon ship and his beloved Maite?

Does anyone have a synopsis of "Sombra" and a cast list?

Thank you guys again a million times over!

Vivi in DC, what are you watching now? I always appreciate your thoughts and comments.


Misty eyed again during the Carlos-Virginia scene. Nicely followed by the scenes with the Barrio Boyz and the Baby. I would totally watch THAT show. Esme and Pablo, who?

Another reason it was good that I didn't watch most of this show, I never had to watch my telenovio Marcelo be blind creepy doc. Just got to see this last scene of him being hot, caring, and restoring Virginia's sight.

Oh, Sara...LOVE your kitty! I am a kitty person, too and have a beautiful Principe of my own! He is my boon companion. :)


Fatima- there is a synopsis:

No real cast list though.

Vivi - your comment reminded me that in LA Fuerza the Maripaz character also died donating a kidney. In both cases we're looking at "bad" characters so I guess the message can also be don't donate if you are a bad guy. Lol.

Thank you Fatima! My Príncipe is my buddy. Though he's not been real happy about me calling him "Fat Príncipe"

Hey Fatima! After the second week of Perdone Dios I started watching regularly. Just couldn't get into it when it was in the past. It has settled down now and is entertaining. I'm watching Quiero Amarte, but have not seen it this week. Have to catch up. I half watch Hasta el Fin del Mundo, but find it pretty dull. Basically, I'm not in love with any tn right now. But that's ok.

Well, I can see why your Principe would be a tad miffed!

My Principe is pretty streamlined. He sits on my lap as I watch the TN. He was definitely not impressed with "Gata".

Thank you for the Sombra synopsis link. I somehow missed it. :)


Thanks, Vivi! There is no way I can stay up late to watch Perdone, so I will pass on that one.

I also half watch "Fin" only because I still can't get over this Pedro/David switcheroo!

MCET is losing me as well. I am just disappointed to see my fave Silvia Navarro in this role.

If Sombra looks good, I will join all of you there.


In other words, both Mariano & Augie got away with it & weren't heard from again?


Lorenza's ugly racism rubbed me the wrong way!

Any thoughts on the final wedding look for Esme? I loved the headpiece and that the earrings were delicate. Not sure yet about the dress, but thought she looked beautiful.

Will we start to see Rita in those psychic friends type of commercials?

I did like the headpiece. I liked the first (er technically second) wedding dress.

Jeez those two had THREE wedding ceremonies.

I'll have to watch the full Gran Final online next week. What a horrible Gran Final ever!

Not enough anvils !

Steve there were actually NO real good anvils at the end of La Gata. Not like 1) falling off a church roof and being impaled on a crucifix, 2) drowned inside a shipping container 3) buried alive with the ghost of your dead husband....Now, those are ANVILS worthy of a good villain. This finale was Very Disappointing.

J in O

Well....THAT happened. And so it ends as it began with a whimper instead of a bang. Thanks to Sara and all our valiant recappers for soldiering on through the muck and the mire. Onward to Sombra.

Ha! I almost used your first line as my title susanlynn!

If anything this show was consistently inconsistent. There were some moments of good story telling but mostly there was filler.

After complaining about the weak and stupid things in La Gata, I was thinking about the few entertaining moments that could go on a highlight reel. What ones did I forget?

Jarocha stalking Pablo at his wedding to Monica, carrying a baby as she moves up the side aisle.

Mariano rolling and throwing a fit on the couch from too much Gisela.

The rodeo scene, with the Esme-Monica girl fight and the kisses with Pablo in the arena.

The FIN scenes with Ines and Virginia II.

I liked the scene when El Sil was released from prison.

I also liked the scene when he found Blanca.

Oh! And when Fela said goodbye to the doll.

And the time Dam busted into the pizza shop and saved Esme from Meatball.

Sara, Daaarling! Sorry I am so late. I JUST finished the episode and will be back later to read your fabulous final La Gata bow.

Thank you for thanking me, my Dear, it HAS been a blast!

Thank you for taking a hit TWICE per week through this, what a trooper! I'll be back later to read your 'cap and all these marvelous comments as a treat and break from stuff I have to do!


You're welcome, Lila!

I've been recapping twice a week since last March (give or take a few weeks off.) I don't know what I'll do with just having to recap once a week! Lol.

See ya later!

If we pull ALL of the good (and only the good) scenes from the whole run of this awesome novela together, we might just have enough for a one-hour after-school special.


That's about right. There werent a whole lot.

It's me again. last night, something bugged me and didn't dawn on me till this morning.(LA time). Can anybody please tell me if I am right ....
Many chapters ago, when Blanca was till Fela, they showed her and Esme as attached to each other like the mom and daughter that they are. When finally Fela got back to her senses, and lived in the mansion, gradually, they grew farther and farther until there was a total disconnect between them. why, Esme was even treating Jarocha as like her mother. Of course their lines are sometimes clear about their feelings for each other but there was no physical connection between them especially towards the end when Esme was experiencing mom in law problems. This was just my observation. Please explain or did anybody notice it too? Anne

Wow Anne. I can't say I noticed it, but now that you've pointed it out I see it. Gosh. Thunking about it I realize that Blanca was almost non existent at the renewal ceremony. Hell, Esme acknowledged and praised Rita for being like a mother to her.

Well Damn. That's just not right.

It semed like Esme and Jarocha became distant after the time jump too. :(


Hmm, Anne they did seem estranged. I can blame some on Pablo, if Esmeralda not underfoot he was butthurt, but mostly I blame Fernando, he didn't want her out much. If you wanted to see her you had to go there.

Yeah, Fela and her doll the best one for me and Virginia I deathbead w/she and Carlos.

Ines gettin off smacking the John around after drugging him good too.

Wow Sara, as it turned out, you were the lucky one or maybe unlucky depending on how you look at it. Anyway, thank you for a job well done. It's been a blast.

Also thanks to Eli--La Diva y Lila
You guys have made time spent out on the patio so much fun.

I don't have time to read the comments, maybe later today or
sometime tonight but I will add a few of my thoughts about the La Gata ending now.

As you guys know, I miss Ana Brenda from Corazon Indomable and also from LQNPA. I will also be missing Maite the raven haired goddess from La Gata. OK,OK, La Gata was written very poorly as we all know but for me, Maite Perroni made it all worth while. And I must not leave out the other actors and actresses who all did a great job. It was only Nathalie Latrilleux, Ms. Latoodle-oo that let us down.

No Principe last night. Too bad, I was hoping for a final bow from Principe but we weren't given that treat.

Thank goodness there was no Meatball to anger us. I'm glad that he wasn't brought back again.

To me there wasn't much continuity
hardly any at all. The scenes didn't flow together or seem to match at all. I know that there was a near revolution over La Gata, the way it was presented to us but still---last night's chop job was just terrible. Well to me anyway. As I said I haven't read the comments yet but I have sent a curse filled comment to Univision already this morning for what they gave us last night.

My favorite scene was not Esme and Pablo. No not the main lead stars. It was when Virginia saw her father and the picture of her mother and father together for the first time. That scene was very tender, beautiful and touching. I had a lump in my throat.

My second favorite scene again was not of the two leads. It was the little Carlos and Ines scene in the hospital. I have a lump in my throat right now just thinking about it. I wasn't sure until the very last seconds if Ines was going to live and become part of the family or die. It was the latter. At the very least little Carlos got to know who his mother was. Again a very touching scene.

A lot of things didn't make any sense to me. We went from Lo in the mansion to Lo in jail with nothing in between. Likewise, we went from G walking out of the apartment with the money and HatBro apparently dead on the floor after hitting his head during a fall. Next we see G in a padded cell in what appears to be a complete crazy mode. QUE? What happened along the way?

Oh well these are a few gringo thoughts for now.

David---Looks like we are going to have to take a big loss on our anvil production co. Looks like all of those anvils that we produced were nothing but wasted effort.

More later.
the gringo

Wait, if Virginia 2 did not inherit her moms illness then why was she blind?

Gringo and David, don't let your anvils go to waste! Put them on EBAY or send them on consignment to the Viewerville market (sorry, forgot the name). Better yet, put them all in a box with a self-exploding device and send them to the Mejia/Lartilleux office with an "Open Immediately" sign on it.

We've had a lot of edited finales lately huh?
(La Caca, DQTQX2, MPV, La Malquerida, PSMA.)


I don't remember the end of MPV being edited. That was already a short tn.

They did however change the time for MPV.

I look back at the ends for La Malquerida and almost everyone in my family had a fave.

Mine was when the Acacia's Death ending (2)

My 10 year old nephew liked the TV broadcasted one with everyone alive (+ Ale's wedding and Danilo's torching. We were OK with him dying but he wanted Esteban alive paying his debt to society. I also liked Ack's death because that was the only end where it was clarified- by El Rubio of all people- that Danilo was dead.)

You're probably wondering why I abruptly mentioned La Malquerida.

In the alternate ending for La Gata, Africa Zavala is in it. It felt fitting LOL.


Corazon, darn shame Virginia was being treated like crap by Lorenza: refusing to hug her SMH!

I didn't know Africa Zavala was in this TN!

If Esme made sense in anything, it was when she said Lo was born with a sick heart barren of love.

Africa is just in the alternate end with Principe and a book that has a picture of Pabs and Esmerz kissing with the word FIN.

I just watched the alternative ending for La Gata. I liked that there was a descendant of Principe, but I think I like what we saw last night.

Anon1:53- I love your re-purposed anvils idea.

Vivi- a little off topic, but is MPV the first time they've changed a time but still within the primetime slots? Does that make sense? I know things have been taken to the afternoon or midnight.

gringo- I share your frustrations. I want to know what happened between Lo in the mansion and Lo in jail. Same with Gisela. And I'm eagerly awaiting Maite's next project (whenever that may be.) I will watch her no matter what. Oh, I better be careful. If her next project were a Latoodle I don't know what I'd do!

Sara thanks for the recap. You mentioned Mejia's new novela. What's the name of it?
I've got a lot going on and will be out of touch for awhile. Want to make sure I know who's behind whatever I'm able to tune in again.


Sue- It's either Lo Imperdonable or Quiero Odiarte Pero Te Amo

I had read somewhere that Africa played grown up Leti in some kind of Gata alt ending. Did anything else happen in the alt ending?

Sara- I think there was one other primetime switch but can't remember what it was. I feel it happened the first time when a comedy switched from 7pm to 8pm or 9pm, where they remain now. In any case, I was just happy that they did a time switch with MPV and didn't move it to day or midnight or start chopping.

Not really. Just her reading to her twin babies.

I was glad they switched MPV as well. I was always a day behind until then. Lol.

Let's hope grown up Leti has more sense than her mama and daddy. We know her brother already looks like he inherited their (lack of) brains.

Africa has now played the mother of Livia Brito in flashbacks in Abismo, and the child of Maite in Gata flasforward. She should make it a habit of taking these micro roles being related to all of Televisa's raven haired goddesses. :)

CorazonSalvaje: "Africa is just in the alternate end with Principe and a book that has a picture of Pabs and Esmerz kissing with the word FIN." What? They had an alternate ending prepared? Was it one of those viewer vote things? Dang they should have waited and asked us.

Here is my alternate ending: Esme and Pablo wake up in bed, their two well behaved children come running in to greet them, and Esme says "Pablo, you won't believe the nightmare I just had about growing up in a dump..."

J in Oregon

Hm. I'm not impressed with the alternate ending with grown-up Leti. It doesn't really add anything to the story.

Vivi, Do I think Televisa has come far enough to put Pierre in the lead role? No. But only because I think they underestimate and/or don't respect their audience. He's hot and he's a good actor--best of both worlds! If they really want to get hung up on the color of his skin...I wish I could say that it's their loss, but it's our loss as well. I'm tired of these cute guys who can't act in the lead role, on top of that lead role being the role of an un-galan-like galan.

As far as Vero goes, she and Omar both disappeared at around the same time, so I'd like to imagine that they're off somewhere together.

Bryan, I noticed that as well, with Lo still having her personal items with her in jail. I don't know if the Mexican jail systems do this, but I've certainly never seen it on a TN before.

"Jeez those two had THREE wedding ceremonies." Sara, every time they got married, it's as if they expected it to fix some other problem and that sure didn't work the first two times!

Anne, I agree there was a lot of "giving Esme her space" that went on. It was silly, really. Before they were officially her parents, she was accepting their help. The minute they revealed they were her parents, all of a sudden it was "I have to stand on my own two feet, you can't solve my problems for me." So they sat in their house worrying about her and never doing anything because Esme wouldn't like it. *sigh*

gringo, when they showed Gi in that padded cell, I remembered the first time she was in one and wondered if HatBro didn't really die and dragged her back to his own personal padded cell in his basement.

Just read the recap Sara. Thank you and your assessment matches mine exactly: some good scenes and the requisite stupid. The scene with Carlos and Virginia II was indeed VERY touching as was Ines with Victor and Carlos Horacio. VERY moving. I didn't get that lump in my throat that I have when some novelas finish but at least I got close to it with the two aforementioned scenes.

I haven't read comments yet so forgive me for repeating: we wuz robbed of good anvil deployment scenes! After all the havoc the baddies wreaked right up to the end we don't even get to see how they got theirs?

Whatever. It's done. That bad novela can't hurt me anymore!

Here's my group hug I forgot yesterday, the LG recap team radiating out to all of you!


So was Damian the La Gata equivalent of CI's Tobias (who went MIA.)
This was a cut and paste of CI

Mariano- a non-flanderized Alvaro

The list goes on...

there were actually some things that I liked about La Gata, I guess that I am one of the few that actually did like the dump where Esme grew up. Those early scenes gave me a little more insight than I already had about poverty and how people learn to cope with it. It certainly was something new to me and not expected as a main set in a novela

I enjoyed the hill slide that young Gata and Pablo had so much fun with. It made me think about many of our upper classed or upper middle classed children in America who feel deprived and unloved if they aren't taken to Toys R Us at least once a month and are allowed to buy just about whatever they want. Hey, a slide down a hill if fun and doesn't cost a thing.

I liked anxiously waiting to see Principe each night. No he wasn't seen every night but it was fun waiting for his grand walk on.

I liked the fact that although poor, some (Damian) found a way to better themselves.

I liked the actors and actresses that were chosen for the cast.

I liked Esme's babies, especially Leti, she has such pretty big brown eyes.

I kind of got a kick out of mean old Rita. She did a good job early on a least. I could go down the list---Virginia and Carlos of course were favorites but I don't want to name each and every one of the cast. As I have said, they all played their parts well.

The story had it's ups and downs for me but I wanted to send out a few positive thoughts amongst all of the negative ones.

Yes---The raven haired goddess was definitely an incentive to tune in each week night. Maite will be missed but until she stars in a new novela story, I have her music cd's and videos to keep me happily waiting .
the gringo

Gringo, thanks for reminding us of those little beams of sunlight. I found the dump scenes so different from the usual mansion-centric novela settings. Often wondered how many of those "extras" were people who really lived there?

J in Oregon

I'm hoping Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse gets its due some day. Aside from TdA, this is the only show where I'd say Livia is likeable. To think, if it had stellar ratings, it would be on now and LSdP would be after MCET probably LOL.

The stupid robot control wouldn't let me on until today for some reason.

Thanks, Sara. Just a wonderful contribution, and in keeping with the extremely high standards of all you great recappers.

Gringo, I'm not too worried about the anvils yet. I'll bet we get some chances to use them on La Sombra.

Got a houseful this weekend, so if I don't get a chance to say more, it has been a special experience to interact with all of you and poke fun at/complain about this production.


Vivi- I really like África and I'm happy to see her getting bigger roles (AC and La Malquerida come to mind.) They've got her paired with Eduardo Yañez in Amores con trampa.

Thank you for the group hug Lila!

CS- I guess we can assume Tobias went off to law school and became a corrupt judge. ;)

gringo- I love watching shows with you because you are so enthusiastic about them. It's infectious. I love your list. I will also be listening to Maite on my ipod.

J- I bet a lot of the extras were folks that lived there. Since watching this I've added "Única mirando al mar" to my reading list. It's about a dump dweller in Costa Rica.

David- enjoy your houseful and keep those anvils in reserve. I hear that La Sombra is pretty dark.

A few more thoughts on La Gata---
It's always hard for me to let go of a novela once that it's over.

I made a mistake in my last comment when I referenced baby Leti's as pretty. Those big brown eyes were more than pretty, they were beautiful. And her long dark hair, another raven haired goddess
in waiting I would say.

It will take me a long time to forget Augie, his rough voice and drunken stupors. (thanks David for helping him along in this regard) I guess that one could compare Augie to Aquiles Trueba in
Refugio. Augie was the big mouth rough talking up town big city bully while Aquiles was the big mouth rough talking small town bully. Two different locations but basically the same kind of character.

While most thought it ridiculous,
I rather enjoyed Esme as the Russian revolutionary looking out
over the trash/garbage of the proletariat. I don't remember who said that but it was a great line. Yes it was a little bit funny because Esme was dressed for a winter blizzard while everyone else were wearing summer T-shirts but because of evil people and a corrupt judge, Esmeralda was trying to keep and protect her children in the only way she knew and that was to find
safety and protection in the only place that she knew well. The place where she grew up, the local dump.

I probably could ramble on some more but these are all of the thoughts that I have for now.

La Gata, a bad novela? How many novelas have their own logo? I LOVE--LOVE--LOVE the Principe gold star logo.
the gringo


Just a heads up on LSdP and all MaPat productions in general, after Carla Estrada her and Marco Vinicio are the runners up for Best Dress Porn in a Novela.

I remember all the sweet fabulousness of Nicole in Ni Contigo Ni Sin Ti and Marcela's magical jazzberry jam dress magic in La Mujer del Vendaval. Funny that MaPat always finds a way to pay tribute to Carla Estrada.

Finally! It's over here in the States, now I can comment! Let's see if I remember everything that I wanted to say.

The reason that I stopped watching this show, was because Esme and Pablo were always breaking up and making up, over and over and over again.

I got tired of Esme accepting him, and Pablo doing something stupid, and screwing everything up, making Esme mad at him, and he at her.

The novela ended up getting boring for me about the time I stopped watching (episode 53 or so).

It was a shame that this didn't live up to my expectations, as I thought that this was a Maria la del Barrio remake, and even though it wasn't, it seemed very promising. Sadly, it ended up being a chore to watch.

Was I the only one that found Virginia cute and adorable? I really liked that little girl. Leticia was adorable too, I really liked her as well. Pablito, not so much.

Pablo didn't seem to care to much about his children at all in these last episodes, where time went by, and the kids grew up. He seemed detached and uninterested.

Carlos Horacio was portrayed by the same boy that was in Por Siempre mi Amor; el chilaquil was his name I think. Bruno's son, who really liked Gaby. Guess he got tired of being their son, and wanted Ines and Garabato as his parents instead.

Carlos Horacio, stole the whole final episode for me with, "Gracias por todo, mama." His line indicated that he knew Ines was his mother.That right there was the reason to watch the finale, as nothing else was really important (that I can remember right now).

His line indicated that he knew Ines was his mother.

Glad to know, that in the end, Mauricio was still in love with Esme. But who was he talking to on the phone in his depa?

Also, wasn't that Monica at Esme and Pablo's wedding? Did this woman finally make up her mind about whether or not she wanted to be the villain or the friend? Apparently, so.

Hated Gisela's finale.

Can someone please tell me what happened to Meatball? I never did find out. He was married all the time? And his sidekick, Strombolli or Strombollini, Guadalupe? What happened to him? Was he the one that shot Meatball?

And more importantly, what happened to Maria?

Sara, thank you for recapping. And I'm glad that you'll be sticking around for LSDP.

More later as I remember.


Sara I remain hypnotized by your cat photo...
J in O

Golden Sunflowers-I'm so glad you stopped by. I thought of you often during the run of this show. Yet another warning I ignored. LOL. And you pretty much summed up everything that drove me crazy about this show.

I'm not entirely sure what happened to Meatball or his wife. He testified in the farce of a paternity trial and we never saw him again.

And I agree with your assessment of Carlos Horacio. It was very sweet when he thanked Ines and called her mom.

J in O- I tried for WEEKS to get a decent photo of my Principe, but I'm terrible photographer and he hates having his picture taken. The best I could do was the gray one. That's pretty much what he looks like most of the time.

Tuesday morning, just got a chance to watch the FIN. DVR cut off the ending. QTH? Thanks to all for filling the gaps.


Thank you! That's very sweet! I had hoped that you would enjoy the novela better than I did.

BTW, are you a writer?

HAHAHAHA! Nope. Not a writer. I think that's kind of obvious. ;)

I actually kind of hate writing. It's hard and requires lots of patience, editing, cutting and rewriting.

Actually Sara I wasn't joking at all. I really did think that you wrote. Interesting to see that you are not an author.


I hope you enjoy LSDP when you begin to recap it. I hope it's better than this was.

You're too sweet!

I hope you will stop by and join us for LSDP!

Thanks Sara!

Hello.. I'm a few months late! Sorry.. but after reading all the funny and amazing recaps..I don't think I want to continue watching it! It's just about 20ish 30ish episodes here..thought it would be wonderful..

Sorry, Anon! We all thought there could be a chance...but sadly we were wrong.

Lol..I'm glad I saw the recaps before I was dragged into an entire world of plain misery!

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