Monday, February 09, 2015

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 2/8/15 ♥ #144 ♥

Capitulo 144: Dorofeo Gets Trumped... Again

Ana & Jennifer's House: Ana, Jenny, Dana, and Johnny discussed their scheme to get her out of Chicago. She was sure they had Dorofeo where they wanted him because bribing a city official is illegal. They would keep him off her back, then hurt his business by hiring his employees to work for them in the pole-dancing school. Dorofeo would end up in jail.

Athena raised a brow. “Could they be thinking of not destroying their original? That could make this work.”

It would be their only guarantee,” said Hermes. “He never dealt honestly with them, so he deserves no better in return. I believe they call that Karma”

Great gods, can you protect them?” asked Estefanía. “I chose Ana for Fernando. She is a good woman, just a little naïve.”

We'll do what we can,” said Athena. “She has a lesson or two to learn, but she doesn't deserve any more pain than she's endured.”

Thank you, all,” said Estefanía. “I will serve you forever for this.”

You need not worry about that,” said Aphrodite. “You are here as a reward.”

La Costeña: Isabruja was talking with Dorofeo, who wanted her to come over to Chicago to talk. She didn't want to go there and suggested they meet somewhere neutral. He persisted that if she wanted to destroy Ana she would need to come over at about 9pm.
She would be escorted directly to his office. She told him she still had things to do at the office and he ended the call saying she'd come if she wanted this badly enough. Then he called for his minions and mused that if he was going to lose the goose that laid the golden eggs he would cause a even bigger explosion.

Ana & Jennifer's House: Jenny talked about how the other dancers would become teachers at their new school along with Dana and Ana. Ana got up to leave, hugging Dana with gratitude, wishing for her a good future with a good man. Johnny got up and winced in pain (probably from the hard landing Isabruja made on the bed the day or so before). Ana left and Johnny avoided talking about the pain as he offered to make coffee for the ladies.

Lascuráin Mansion: Fanny finished a phone call, then called Ana for the address of Angel's office. She and Edith were preparing to go to the charity house to help. The doorbell rang during this and Ximena arrived. Edith was not too pleased, but did not make a case of it. Ximena handed her a small box, saying it was a gift of good will.
Fanny told her that they were on their way to the charity house and would she like to accompany them? Ximena agreed and as they left Edith explained that the place was a refuge for girls who needed help.

La Costeña: Fernando was sitting at his desk and remembering when his first wife accepted his proposal and how happy it made him. Beatriz came in with documents he needed to sign and he told her about this, also that it was 21 years before. He also told her that he had asked Estefanía whether he should marry Ana and she had told him “yes.”
Beatriz was pleased to hear that he was going to finally officially propose to Ana. Beatriz was very pleased for him.

Lascuráin Mansion: The younger kids came home from school and Ana greeted them in her new clothes, looking less like a nanny and more like their mother. One of the twins kissed her and she had them sit down while she talked about various regional Mexican foods, including things made with animal blood. The twins made comments about “like vampires, right?”
Siete listened attentively with the kids, like a good child. She got them all excited about dinner, then sent them upstairs to change. She reminded them that in other countries people eat strange things, including rats. Their Uncle Diego could talk more about that.
They went upstairs to change as she went into the kitchen.

La Costeña: Beatriz got very excited at Fernando's intent to marry Ana, even wanting to help plan the wedding! And did you get a ring yet? He told her it would all be in its good time. He signed the documents and she took them, excited as though he were a member of her own family. He went back to daydreaming of Ana.

Angel's Office: In the reception room Edith opened the box to find a pair of earrings. She thanked Ximena (who appears to have chosen them well) and Ximena asked if she could ask her something. “As long as it's not about Nando,” Edith answered. Ximena asked about her look and Edith answered her with the same question. She answered that it was because her look pleased her and Edith replied with a similar answer. “You're not much on conversation, are you?” “Maybe we'd better talk about the weather.” And Ximena told her she had changed her mind would continue to fight for Nando.

In the consultorio, Fanny talked with Angel about coming to the charity house with her to look at the babies. She had her car and would drive him. He got up and said he would come right away.

Not too surprisingly, Edith returned the gift to Ximena, calling her a hypocrite. She said they had nothing in common, except Fanny. This almost escalated into an argument, causing the assistant to shush them. When Fanny and Angel came out of his office they tried to pretend nothing was wrong.
Ximena commented on how handsome Angel was and Fanny introduced him to both girls. Ximena smiled a little too broadly.

Lascuráin Mansion: Nando had allowed Sebastián to take his new head shots for his Facebook page. Sebas pointed out the increasing number of “likes” he was getting. He even read some of the comments like “Glad you ditched the glasses” and “Do you have a girlfriend?” He's even a topic on Twitter!
He showed Nando the screen.

Is this going to our former nerd's head?” asked Eros. "I swear, I didn't shoot any arrows!”

I know, son,” said Apollo. “But he's only 17 years old and the world makes it too easy these days to have things like this become overwhelming. But maybe he'll end up with a better girlfriend in the long run. Aren't you still keeping an eye on Brianna?”

Magda arrived and went up to the playroom where Ana introduced her to Sebastián, the twins, and Siete, the latter of whom barked politely to greet her. Magda spoke of not having patients yet, which put the twins on high alert, running out.

Charity House: Angel told Fanny that one of the babies needed to be hospitalized. He asked about the baby's mother and Fanny explained that the baby didn't have a mother; she had been found in a box in a dumpster. He looked sick at this information and got up to make a call as Jennifer arrived. Johnny was fantasizing about her at the same time.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana and Magda sat in the parlour discussion the twins. Ana didn't like the idea of medicating them with stimulants because they're only eight years old. Magda said that this would be for her and Fernando to decide. Ana asked how things were going with Angel and Magda told her that Angel didn't trust her. It was about the baby. Magda told her that she sensed that Angel was in love with another woman.

Bruja Central: Yolanda must have said something to Isabitch about going to church because she wasn't having any. She made fun of her mother's spiritual venture as she walked toward the door. Yolanda told her that asking pardon of injured parties and making amends were necessary. This stopped Isabitch for long enough to ask whom she was talking about and she said “The one I hurt the most. Ana.” “You asked forgiveness of my worst enemy?” Yolanda nodded.

Even I'm getting tired of this harpy,” said Athena. “Can't we just finish her off now?”

Not quite. We need the right situation in which to reveal to Fernando that he isn't the father of Diego Nicolás,” said Hera.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana and Fernando were in the library talking about Acapulco; possibly him trying to figure out where they should go on their honeymoon. Ana wasn't sure what this was about so she asked why he was asking her about this.
He told her he wanted to know everything about her so there would be nothing hidden, no secrets.... and she began to look afraid. She choked up and leaned in so he couldn't see her face.

Chicago Club: Dorofeo waited in his office as Isabitch entered. She waved her hand in front of her face as though to dispel a bad odor as he started in with the sort of flattery she normally falls for. She waltzed right in and he said something about sterilzing the place. Not that this scored any points. She refused his offer of a drink and wanted to get straight to business.
He told her the information would cost her mucho dinero. As in six zeroes after the number. She told him off, saying she also had her limits.
He called her a “dejada” and she slapped him, saying he had no idea what she was capable of. He looked up, saying he also had his limits. She told him that if he wanted to do business with her he would have to come back with a much lower figure. It was therefore No Sale and she walked out with him yelling after her. His two henchmen stared and he yelled at them to keep quiet.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana tried to tell Fernando not to give her gifts every day because she didn't have the money to do this. He told her she had given him things more valuable than money every day, such as the love for his children and himself.

Followed by a kissfest, which was witnessed by a very happy Luz who didn't stick around long enough to be caught. Ana turned around and finally told Fernando she sensed someone's presence. More kisses and te amos.

Such a sweet child,” said Aphrodite. “Makes me wish I had a daughter.”

She is,” said Estefanía. “I was very upset that she didn't talk for a year.”

I know. You were such a great mother to those children.”

That's why I chose Ana. When Luz talked after being around her for only two days I knew I had chosen wisely.”

No te preocupes,” said Aphrodite. “She will have a wonderful, loving future. I promise you that.”

Hospital: Fanny, Jenny, Edith, and Ximena were in the reception area. Jenny was upset about the baby; it seems that this is the baby she was looking to adopt. She and Fanny talked about her having to marry Johnny first. She called Johnny to tell him about the baby. He looked upset, but seemed hopeful about marrying Jenny after they ended the call. He had also told her he had a surprise.

Jenny noticed that Edith and Ximena were keeping their distance from each other so she asked Fanny what was up with them. Fanny told her that both were madly in love with Nando.

Lascuráin Mansion: All the boys were in Nando's room, the younger ones looking over his shoulder when he was on the computer. They wanted him to help them buy something and he asked how they got the hand buzzer. They agreed to tell him after he helped them out. Somehow this segued into their asking him about Edith and him admitting that she dumped him when Ximena came back. The twins in particular were very curious.

Hospital: Fanny and Jennifer briefly discussed what happened in Dorofeo's office just before Angel came out. He told them that the baby's condition was much more serious than he had thought.

Margarita's Apartment: Laura arrived and León asked her to sit down so they could talk; Mauricio was with Margarita. He asked her what she said to his boss. He repeated what Perla had said; Laura accused her of lying and why would I say a thing like that? She accused Perla of having the hots for him and that's why she wants to ban her from visiting him at the office. She finally left, saying she wouldn't bother him there anymore but that it will be his problem if he lost his job.

She is an embarrassment to her entire sex,” said Artemis. “There isn't an honest bone in her body.”

Don't worry; she'll get her just rewards for that,” said Hera. “The world doesn't need another Hissabela.”

Hospital: Angel told the ladies that the baby has a compromised immune system and is very susceptible to infection. Furthermore, that baby Aurora is anaemic. Jenny asked if they could see her but Angel told her that Aurora was in Intensive Care. He didn't have a good prognosis but said he would be with her all night. Jenny started crying.

Lascuráin Mansion: Manuela was cooking up a hearty soup as Fanny and her two besties returned. Ximena started talking about how much she enjoyed the day at the charity house, which made Edith get very territorial. Fanny said she was tired of this and Edith said she also was. She told Fanny what Ximena said when she was in Angel's office. “I have the right,” said Ximena. “Yes, you do,” said Edith, enumerating what Ximena was taking away from her as she walked out. Fanny asked Ximena what she was up to, Ximena said she didn't want to lose Nando,
and Fanny walked out after Edith, who had felt like she was being thrown aside. Fanny told her nobody could do that without her consent. Edith seemed sure that Fanny preferred Ximena for her brother, but Fanny wouldn't let her go farther down that road. She told her that Ximena had once hurt Nando badly.

In Ana's room, Fernando was holding Diego Nicolás as Ana did some cleanup. He called her over to tell her something then kissed her.
The little red car came in to catch a video. They heard it and turned around in time to see the twins and Luz pick it up and run with it. Ana seemed worried but Fernando asked “What could they do with that video?” and in a few seconds they were kissing again.

Chicago Club: Dorofeo was wondering what to do, knowing that as long as Ana was in possession of the video of him and the city official he was at her mercy. That was why he tried to get money out of Hissabela. His two henchmen seemed too stupid to understand.

Bruja Central: Yolanda asked Hissabela where she had been all day. Hissabela ignored her, yelled for Ramona, and shut off Yolanda's TV program. Yolanda asked what went wrong, Ramona entered as though she were a simple-minded servant in a bad comedy, and Hissabela demanded a glass of red wine.
Yolanda asked whether she was going to see her son and Hissabela asked why she apologized to “la nanaca”. Before Yolanda could answer her Hissabela began calling her a traitor, yelling that she would never forgive her. This upset Ramona so much she dropped the tray with the full wineglass. At the next accusation of betrayal, Yolanda said that she was tired of feeling the way she did.
Hissabela went on again, then noticed that Ramona was staring at her. She started on her for staring like an idiot. Yolanda got on her case for this only for Hissabela to respond that she could yell at anyone she wanted to. As Ramona returned with the dustpan and broom Hissabela told Yolanda she wasn't talking to her so she couldn't repeat anything to “la nanaca.” She ordered both Yolanda and Ramona out of her sight, then taunted Yolanda some more, suggesting that she go live with the Lascurains. “What, they didn't forgive you? Nobody loves you?” she went on, sounding like a grade school bully. Both Yolanda and Ramona sulked out of the room.

She should have slapped her flat,” said Hera. “Except I think she's still afraid of her.”

She should threaten to tell Fernando about Diego Nicolás not being his child,” said Athena. “She could send him an anonymous note suggesting a DNA test. Now would be the perfect time.”

That's brilliant. Which might be why she didn't think of it.”

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana kissed Alicia and Luz goodnight and as Luz got into bed with her teddy bear she asked Ana “Are you and my dad getting married?” Alicia joined in with this.
None of them knew that Fernando was standing in the doorway holding little Diego Nicolás and smiling. Luz went on about how they were always kissing and Ana called her out (affectionately) as being the one who saw them in the library. After a little more banter she kissed them both goodnight and closed the door on her way out.
She saw Fernando and realized he had been there at least for the previous few minutes.

Bruja Central: Hissabela, alone in her living room, concluded that if Dorofeo was looking to give her any information about Ana that it had something to do with Chicago. She was smarter than he because she knows she doesn't have to pay millions for something she can discover for herself.
She remembered sitting in the place one night and hearing a dancer named “Ana” introduced. She then did some internet searches – all night long, apparently, as the wine bottle was 3/4ths empty – and finally found the original video that Fanny had found by accident. She gloated.


Great recap and Olympian/Estefanía commentary. Very creative! Thanks so much, Urban.

Fanny sure is not very smart in dealing with her friends. Did she really think that she could do an outing with Ximena and Edith --romantic rivals--at the same time? It is one thing to expect them to be civil to each other is there were a chance meeting, quite another for a "social" outing. . Fanny is clearly is in La La Landia on this one. What was she thinking? Not much evidently.

Loved Ana talking about all the different kinds of Mexican foods. Made me hungry!

Ana missed another perfect moment to tell Fernando the truth but only looked uncomfortable. How and in how many more episodes will Isabella tell Fernando Ana's secret? Should be good.



Urban thanks again for the screenshots and dialogue from the Gods.

I loved Isabruja's nickname for Doroteo, "Gordoteo".
Think I will use that one from now on.

More tomorrow after I finish watching the episode.

Thanks Urban !!! Can Ana please use lipstick that doesn't smear all over her face and Fernando's during their unending teenage kisses? The finger wiping of the smeared lipstick as they talk in between smooches is very distracting. Oh, the silly details we notice.

What a wonderful recap Urban. You were on fire last night!

We are getting a lot of filler aren't we? I mean how many times do we have to watch Ximena and Edith fighting over Nando? And the way he's all into the new website, sort of shows maybe he likes the attention and both girls may be on the outside looking in. (And lord, that boy sure has the bulk and muscles too...part of the Makeover? TEEHEE). And Ximena flirting with Doc Angel. Yep, don't trust her.

Are we going to have to deal with a Johny illness and Jen being all sobby over him in the hospital? (I'm sorry---I apologize profusely, but my first thought when he looked ill was "Oh maybe they'll kill him off?" I know, mean.)

This whole dragging out the Chicago reveal just so Isa can be the one to do it is bordering on boring. Just do it already, we know it's coming. Of course, they build Ana and Fer up TN world something has to happen to make that crash and lucky us, we get to see the kids crushed.

Looking at your screen shots, anyone feel eery looking at Fer and Fanny Sr. and how much Ana looks like her. Really seemed obvious last night. I would have so much preferred someone who wasn't that close in looks. Make you wonder if Fer sees her as a Fanny 2.0.

Kind of figured they would leave Laura as the skank-ho she was, but I'm still not all in on Fanny and Leon getting back together. There is just too much dysfunction with those two.

Head scratched the baby illness. First thing normally here is any abandoned child is taken immediately to the hospital to be checked out. Maybe different in Mexico?


I think Osorio just willy-nilly bends the storyline to match his daily whims, and I do mean DAILY. There is little to no consistency in the plot threads, and one is left wondering if any particular gesture (Johnny rubbing his chest) or conversation (Angel telling Ana he has fallen for her) or look (Ximena's flirtatious look at Angel) will pan out as part of the story or just be dropped like a hot potato.

I think that Ximena flirts with any male she finds attractive. She may have observed this behavior in her own mother so it seems "normal" to her.

I deliberately chose those particular screen shots of Estefania, Sr for their resemblance to Ana. This resemblance may also help explain why Luz responded to positively to Ana from Day One. This casting wasn't accidental by any means. Ana is the energetic woman that Estefania was when Fernando married her up until the mysteriously unnamed illness that was supposed to kill her.

If Osorio is always so impulsive regarding plot drops and resolutions it wouldn't surprise me if we were finally to learn that Estefania Sr had been murdered. The way she was laying on the bedroom floor when Luz found her looked suspicious.

Very nice recap UA, I missed some of the episode but caught most of it.

@Jarifa, I agree 100% with you about Fanny. What is thinking by going out with both Edith and Ximena? There's no way that could turn out good and she should have known that. Also, for someone who is claiming to trying to stay out of it she seems to have made up her mind who she wants her brother to be with.

About Edith, she is such a whiny, insecure girl. Last I check, she broke up with Nando what is she fighting for? She dumped him but is going to fight Ximena for him?? Did the writers think about this at all because if you break up with someone you don't have dibs on them anymore? She also showed more insecurity by telling Fanny that she knew Fanny wanted Nando to be Ximena, and then Fanny had to talk to her like child and tell her that wasn't true. If Fanny truly wants to stay out of it, she needs to do a better job of keeping her friends in line.

UA, haven't finished reading (loved the first section of Mount Olympus with Fanny asking for Fer and Ana to end up together even though she is a bit naive) but wanted to add a couple things... I believe we came from Commercial with Fernando asking Ana stte of if she had been to the beach and she said she had already told him she only saw Acapulco and it was raining hard so she could not see much. He then said what seems a famous phrase in Mexico 'de noche todos los gatos son pardos' (basically saying at night or in the dark all cats look alike)
I don't think he was thinking of a honeymoon setting, maybe a background setting for the proposal? i am just guessing.

The part that was dramatic was his next line where he again repeated that he did not want any secrets or hidden things between them, and Ana started making that puppy crying sound and puckering her mouth.

Thank you for this recap, screenshots and messages from the goddesses. I love it when Estefania joins the mix. Also enjoyed the comments about YOUNG Nando. We have to both suspend disbelief that these two older girls are fighting for him and remember that he is a naive and generally inexperienced young man -- who now has a web presence with his new look! Ay, ay, ay.

Turns out that Doreteo can be dealt with only by someone equally mean and rotten. Isabela was right not to pony up the dough and smart to go home and figure it out herself. I hate it when the villains are so much smarter than the good guys. On the other hand, there will be consequences.

Daisy - I had the same thoughts about Johnny. His end? More likely lots of tears and wondering on Jenny's part why her partners keep getting sick.

I just wish that Jenny could adopt that little baby by herself!

Betty and Bruno - over and done with? The plot lines certainly do come and go. I hope that this one will be revived.

Ok, finished reading. brilliant, as always!
have to say you almost caused an accident with your last line from Mt Olympus:
“That's brilliant. Which might be why she didn't think of it.”

LOL!! good one!!

also Luz said 'ahora si te vas a casar con mi papa?' (literally it translates to 'NOW you are going to marry my dad for real??'). Let's remember she was the one that caught Ana and Fernando on that major kiss before all heck broke loose with Isa's pregnancy, the morning or night after the zoo... when Fernando was in sweatsuit in the library... so Luz was the one that yelled that Ana and Dad are kissing!!! and Ana and Fer had to play dumb... then he got engaged to Isa... and this is why Luz asks now 'NOW it is for real??'

Totally agree that Luz identifies Ana with her mommy, and this is why they got so connected from the get go... and yes, if i think hard about it, it is kind of creepy that they look so much alike.

Ximena's look to Angel ... well, lets remember who Ximena was way back, when she first tricked Nando into doing her homework. She was the 'girl in every black book' at high school... and now it seems her 'liking of boys' is pointing to Nando but at the same time she gets attracted to someone like Angel. The girl needs to get a grip on her hormones.
BTW the storyline between her, Fanny, Edith and Nando is getting old and boring YAWN!!! I want Nando to end up alone... and I agree that It would be ok for Fanny and Leon to be dating again in the end, but she is nowhere near ready for married life.

The baby seems to have two potential adopting couples: Jen and Johnny and Angel and Magda...

Johny and his shoulder pain... could this be an injury from when he beat up that guy or are you all thinking this will turn out to be an illness?

and finally, Dorofeo... now that Isa found the secret he had planned to sell her on her own, will she be on his sh__ list?? will he seek revenge on her even MORE than seeking revenge on Ana? I believe he hates Ana still way more than he would hate Isa now. So my guess is Isa's secrets, whichever Dorofeo knows about, will be safe with him.

Excellent as always UA. I first thought Fernando was musing about Ana and your collage shows at least I'm not a total idiot, the resemblance striking.

Didn't Jenny just catch Juan with Isabela, she has brushed it aside without a second thought.

I don't give a crap about Juan.

Don't understand fighting over Nando, just don't. I hope he gets away from both those girls, not because he is such a good catch, but he is after all a 17 year old boy.

Ana told Jenny she wants to talk to her about what Angel declared. What difference should it make to Ana that Angel is in love with Ana? We gonna have Jenny again push her to him should she and Fernando tank, like she did toward Diego?

I worry how Luz will react if/when Ana & Fernando break up.

The conversation between Ana & Magda interesting. Ana knows Angel is in love with her, Magda knows he is in love with Ana, he told them both, yet neither acknowledge that fact to each other.

Even if the original intent was that there was something fishy about Fanny Sr.'s death, Osorio probably already forgot that plot point so her death will remain unresolved likely due to producer's senility.

I could see Luz going back into Traumatic Mutism again, although she might fake it. She's learned a lot from her prankster bros.

Nando is attractive because he's safe. He's younger, not into hurting people, smart, attractive, and has a rich dad. His wealth may not mean much to Ximena and would be relatively unimportant to Edith because she is a survivor, but it's a safety net.

I actually am glad Isatattletale has found out Ana's secret and will expose her. Enough is enough! Ana has had ample chances to tell Fernando the truth about dancing on the tubo and she hasn't done it.

Fanny is quite naive because she continued to be friendly with Laura after Laura moved in on Nando behind Xime's back. But maybe Fanny never thought it would happen to her since Nando is her brother.

LOL @ Sebas getting Nando hooked up with Facebook, Twitter, etc. Now all Nando needs is a Vine, an Instagram and a Snapchat and he'll be all set!

Isabela better not gloat or mention what she knows in front of Yomama or Yomama will give Ana a heads up.

Just sending Fernando the video won't be enough, he'll need to see her on the pole. Then he'll know how much a fool he is, teasing him as Lola and every lie.

Thanks but can you take out some of those god awful spaces in your recap? They are annoying. Just sayin....

I don't know who this Anon at 2:04 is, but this comment is uncalled for. "Spaces" are awful? This is your blog and you are free to construct it anyway you want. Interesting that the content of the recap is not criticized.

I love your approach to this overly-silly kid-laden novela. You and the other recappers are what make it tolerable--Silvia, you and Jorge have not been able to save this one for me.

Urban, long time we haven't connected on a telenovela, but this comment raised my dander.

Keep it up. You have lots of admirers.


I almost deleted the comment but it occurred to me that Anon's browser might be putting spaces in that don't belong.

I try to only include spaces that are necessary, such as for paragraph breaks. Google does not provide WYSIWYG for us so sometimes this doesn't work perfectly and I end up with photos not aligned the way I want them and other such things.

As for how I feel about this novela, this is only the second comedy one I have been able to tolerate (the other one having been PESE). Jorge, Sylvia, and Siete are what keep me watching; they're all rolling with the punches. I also like the three youngest kids and I'm normally not a fan of seeing child actors. There are a few things I would like to slap the producer for, but that has been better said elsewhere.

And anyone who doesn't like my writing or posting style is free not to read my articles.

Tee-Hee, Urban. The last time we worked together was on QBA, a real tragic comedy!

The Anon at 2:04 comment may have come from someone using Chrome. Melinama has notified us several times that it doesn't work with this blog (though I wonder why it wouldn't). She has even posted it on the sidebar. I hadn't thought about that, so I apologize in advance to the Anon at 2:04 if that is the case. I was a little harsh in your defense, but I'm a staunch supporter of your style.

I'm currently following along the rebroadcast of LQNPA with the recaps. Yours are definitely at the top of creativity.

I use Chrome, so I don't get it.

We definitely need a WYSIWYG feature because of how photos should be lined up. Since I don't try to post photos in this blog side by side anymore I'm wondering whether I should have them display larger.

Back to our story:

I think that compared to Enfrique Dorofeo is a buffoon. He could be brought down easily. Enfrique, however, is like a mad dog... one the size of an Irish Wolfhound. Everyone needs to worry about the chance he might escape.

I like your recaps UA and appreciate the photos and commentary. Not sure everybody understands the commitment you recappers make for us.

Spaces? Please, the work it takes to put these recaps together, if you have never tried to do something similar, let's not worry about some spaces and enjoy the wonderful words and descriptions we get. Take those spaces as a place you can pause and appreciate what you just read.


I've posted this before, but it bears repeating once in a while:

It usually requires two viewings of an episode to do my recap articles. For this series I do the screen grabs on the first viewing. Sometimes I redo them if I have the time and there is a better facial expression on a particular character for that situation. It also allows me to listen multiple times if someone is talking faster than I'm used to or using vernacular I don't always understand.

The writing happens the second time. That takes twice as long and can take longer, especially if I get interrupted by phone calls, deliveries, or managing a dispute between my cats.

In the case of a drama series where a particular literary style seems called for, the first viewing also involves notes so I can make decisions on which dialogue needs to be detailed. The writing phase can take longer, such as for the second half of LQLVMR, but you guys showed me it was worth it.

Total time is usually 7-8 hours, but can come to 10. We should get paid for this by somebody.

look if we go to the theory that Estefania was murder i would believe it was Enruqie because when he first came into Fernando house he look at the picture and said something and smiled
now that would be a plot twister look he hated Fernando so much why not take what he loved,i'm just saying if that was the theory

UA--You are being paid with our adulation. Next thing for you is to take something you've written to a publisher. Especially your riffs on our Greek gods. You could write a play.

Did you ever see the Mexican movie, Divina Confusion (2008)?

Cute premise that bored Greek gods want to taste a bit of the human life. All the important gods appear on earth. Luis Roberto Guzman is Dionysius, Jesús Ochoa, and Diego Amozurrutia is Eros, whose arrows don’t go where he wanted them to go, but he was only trying to help. Hera gets really mad at him. Ana Brenda Contreras, Alan Estrada, Diana Bracho and Pedro Armendariz are the humans. Serious hijinks ensue.

I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but do try to see it. (Mexican 2008)

Wonderful recap!

Must admit getting a bit bored with this show but looks like, finally, some drama coming our way.

Urban, some people are just ignorant of the fact that you do these recaps out of the goodness of your heart. It always strikes me as odd when readers start complaining about recaps or making demands as if you recappers are their paid employees.

Anita, thanks for the movie suggestion. It sounds very entertaining. I will have to try to find it.



Thanks UA, I always love the bravery of anonymous posters who criticize. That takes some real guts.
I use chrome and I don't have any trouble viewing the recaps. I only have trouble on the recap feed which doesn't show up on chrome.
Perhaps the pictures aren't showing up and that is where the spaces are that anon sees.

One correction for some of you. Fanny didn't try to get Ximena and Edith together. Ximena asked Fanny to talk Edith into meeting with her, which Fanny did, and Edith agreed to meet. That is why they showed up together and why Ximena had a present for her.


What a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive

And that is basically Ana’s position as she works overtime to hold up the charade. Of course now our favorite villainess Zerobella is getting ready to strike, unless someone or something stops her. Judging from the previews looks like tings will get edgy today, but then the people at Televisa are also working overtime to make these previews as misleading as possible, so anything can go today.

This is the first novella that I’ve seen where all the couple get broken up:

Johnny and Ana
Isabela and Fernando – ok I listed these first because these two breakups were fate
Fannie and Gustavo (group this one with the two above)
Diego and Ana
León and Tamara
Jenny and Nico
Fannie and León
Nando and Xi
Nando and Edith
Licha and Pablo
Bruno and Manuela
Bruno and Betty
Luz and Mauro – ok, this is an innocent baby friendship, but they still got broken up as I doubt León will be taking Mauro to play with Luz anytime soon.

Saraí and Sebas – basically in the same category as above.

Couples currently: Ana and Fernando and Jenny and Johnny. Given the track record of breakups I wonder whether these two couples will make it to see “Fin” scrolled onto the screen. I kinda wish the novella would end as it is. The Chicago pole dancing stuff is out of place. All this has done is show that Ana is willing to go by the most dangerous road possible where the end result will be the same as if Fernando found out.

Note to Isabella: Hurry up and show Fer what you found!

Doroteo, on the other hand, is putting on a good show. Those Tears of Vengeance were priceless. Who says that murderous fiends don’t cry. I was kind of sad that Isabela found out Doro’s secret and now he won’t have anyone to harass.

And for those who can’t get enough of Luz…


About those "gawd awful space" Anon.

Those are images that for some reason do not display, but the browser reserves space for them.

I also have the gawd awful spaces at work, but just move on and read the text which stands by itself. When I get home I go back and look at the images. This is odd since I can see images posted by other recappers. Must be some small glitch with the server that is hosting the images.

UA: I can believe the 10 hour sprints to get the recap from conception to publication. You and the others not only keep us informed about the novella, but also entertain us to levels that the novella's producers can only dream about. I for one would have given up on the show if it weren't for *everyone* here.


Gracias, Salvador, and everyone else.

For all that is mildly to moderately wrong with this series we have to commend the following actors:

Silvia, Jorge, and Mayrin for being good sports about this crazy story

Isabella Tena for being the most precocious kid ever

The Alanis twins for making us like these little imps

Siete for being adorable

Rene Casados for being cast against type.

Now.... we added a new nick for Isabela today, so let's run down the list:


Did I forget any?

Re: Anon's spaces comment. It isn't the complaint so much, though I believe it was unnecessary, it was the way it was said. A little common courtesy would not have been amiss.

Don't know what I'd do without the recappers. I'm so far behind, I'm playing catch up with watching the eps, but still want to stay current with what's happening. I know how time consuming it is be to do the recaps. I got a taste of it doing the HPLP lists, and those were not near the time committment recaps are.


I don't spend 10 hours on writing my recaps, but I also don't put pictures in mine. I put in about about 4.

Anon's problem might also be a firewall. I can't see the images from UA's recaps until i get home from work or when i see them that same night at home. At work the firewall won't let the pictures through. so that might be Anon's problem too.

Woo Hoo Haa Haw. Nando in the background swarmed by mini-hoes while Goth and Zim fight over him in the foreground. Hilarious. Wasn't this the first time those two had seen the Nando 2.0? If so they didn't appear to notice any change. ? ? ? Maybe I missed sumptin.

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