Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #157 3/30/15 Paco Chooses and Araceli Loses
Pato tells Silvana that Araceli is suing Sofia.
Armando tells Nandito that he has to tell the truth during the psychological evaluation.
Paco and a lawyer discuss revoking the Power of Attorney that Paco gave Araceli.
Sofia takes Peralta to meet Pato.
Monday's Episode:
(Some scenes have been combined)
Sofia introduces Geronimo to Pato, "Geronimo is Oliver's father. He is in the import/export business. He knows some clients who might be interested in our products." Pato shakes his hand, "As Ripoll's Director of Finance, I am always interested in international expansion." Peralta seizes the opportunity to zing Pato, "Your reputation precedes you. I have heard that you are a man who gets results."
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I'm here to do the job you couldn't, Pinhead. |
Pato looks uncomfortable and decides to leave Peralta and Sofia alone to talk business. Geronimo tells Sofia that the client he had in mind has heard about the problems at the factory and now has some doubts about doing business with Ripoll. In fact, his friend skedaddled out of Mexico and that's why Geronimo is here. He invites Sofia to lunch to discuss the situation. Now Sofia looks uncomfortable.
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Where's the poisoned chocolate when you need it? |
Paco goes to Irma's to ask Araceli why she's filed a lawsuit against Sofia. Araceli knows that the Ripoll family got rich off Paco's recipes and she wants justice. Paco reminds her that it wasn't Sofia who took his recipes. Besides, that's all in the past and the recipes and the money the Ripoll's made off of them mean nothing to him. Sofia is almost broke and it's not fair to punish her for something she never did.
Paco pleads with Araceli to drop the lawsuit. Araceli won't hear of it. She is convinced that Paco loves Sofia more than her and that he'd do anything for her. Paco strokes Araceli's hair and reassures her, "I love you and would never trade you for anything or anyone." Then he steps in it, "But Sofia is my daughter, a product of my love." Araceli turns away, "She has to pay! Those recipes and your work are worth a lot of money! I can't believe that you'd cover up for Octavio Ripoll! I never thought that you would give up your principles to protect her!"
Paco can't believe that Araceli has become so cold and calculating. It seems she'd run over anyone for money! He warns Araceli that she has until tomorrow to stop the lawsuit or he will go to court to void the Power of Attorney he gave her. Araceli cries, "You'd take back what you said you gave me out of love?" Paco walks out.
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Sofia, Sofia, Sofia! |
Irma comes out of the bedroom, "So I guess we're not going to be millionaires?"
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I suppose the next thing you'll tell me is that you put our winning lottery ticket through the paper shredder. |
Pato calls Renzi to tell him that Peralta showed up at the Ripoll factory and he's talking about finding international clients for Ripoll. Not only that, Oliver, the kid helping Sofia, is Peralta's son! Pato is sure that Peralta put Oliver in the factory to spy on him. Pato worries that Peralta is trying to find a way to eliminate both of them. Renzi tells him not to do anything stupid and to keep away from Silvana.
At the hotel, Silvana does yoga then asks the instructor for tips on how to get pregnant in a hurry.
Alexa and Paolo are interviewed by a reporter from Televisa. She asks Paolo, "You and Alexa are a cute couple. What's your relationship like outside of work?" Paolo smiles, "We're just friends, but who knows? Maybe it could turn into the same kind of love as Eric and Mathilde." They walk away from the reporter and Alexa asks Paolo, "How could you say that?"
"It's just for publicity. Besides, it's good for your career."
Alexa doesn't look happy.
Oliver is working hard when Pato interrupts him to talk about Geronimo. Pato had no idea that Oliver was the spawn of a famous business bigwig. Oliver tells Pato that he likes to live his life outside his dad's shadow, then quickly shows Pato the door. There is work to do.
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This is the door. Your butt belongs on the other side of it. |
Chava and Armie talk about how unfair Araceli's lawsuit is to Sofia. Blah, blah, blah. As Armie and Nandito leave Chava tells Nandito to be sure to tell the truth to the psychologist. Chava asks his boss for yet more time off to go do something personal. I guess those cars do fix themselves.
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Can these cars wait? I need to go lick my Blondie's face. |
At the restaurant Geronimo asks the waiter for a bottle of wine, then asks Sofia about the deal she made with Raphael Silvetti. Sofia is taken aback by the question. Silvetti has been a gentleman about the whole thing and gave her his assurance that he wouldn't talk about it. She's puzzled that Geronimo knows about it. Ripoll owes Silvetti a lot of money but is working hard to meet the payment. Geronimo offers to help Sofia any way he can.
Armie brings Nandito back to Irma. He asks if Irma is the one who encouraged Araceli to file the lawsuit. Irma denies it and says the only thing she has done is offer Araceli some advice. Armie reminds Irma about the psychological evaluations and insists that she tell the truth. Irma scoffs, "Me, lie?" Armie reminds her about her faked paralysis and the self-inflicted beating that she blamed on Alexa. Irma needles Armie, "I saw Alexa on TV with Paolo Elizondo. They make a cute couple. You know Nandito wants us to have another chance."
Fausto gives Greta her medicine and notices that she doesn't seem to be enjoying her time in the studio. Greta says she is distracted by something she and Paco discussed. Fausto gets all excited thinking that Greta and Paco may rekindle the passion of their youth. Greta poo-poos the idea. No, Paco wants her to keep Octavio's role in the recipe theft secret from Sofia. Greta thinks it's time to out Octavio for the rat bastard he really was. She asks, "Should I tell Sofia the truth?" Fausto tells her to use both her head and her heart to decide.
Irma tells Nandito that it's really, really important that he tell the psychologist the truth about his dad's girlfriend Alexa. Nandito reminds her that Alexa isn't around anymore. Irma says, "That doesn't matter. You just tell him about all the problems and the fights that we had because of her. Promise me you'll tell him."
Pato calls Renzi to tell him that Oliver is not part of or even aware of Peralta's plans.
Sofia tells Geronimo that she is surprised by Oliver's maturity. He seems to be taking the breakup with Dani so well. Geronimo brags, "He's my son. I taught Oliver how to recover from hard hits."
Back at the factory, Mattias tells Sofia that he's tested Ripoll's recipes against the recipes in Paco's notebook and the results are identical. Sofia tells Mattias, "Martin Coria was a thief!"
Pato and Renzi meet with Geronimo at his office. Pato sputters about why his plans to wreck Ripoll went sideways. Geronimo doesn't care, the only thing that matters is results! He's tired of their excuses. The Magnus Project is going forward and Pato and Renzi will get paid if their work is satisfactory. Peralta warns them that Oliver is not part of the scheme and he wants to keep it that way.
Chava comes to see Sofia at the office and she tells him that Ripoll has been using Paco's recipes for years. They kiss sloppy. Later they go to see Paco and Sofia tells him that she knows Coria stole the recipes. Paco needs to be recognized and paid. She insists that it's what Octavio would do!
Fausto tells Dani and Alexa that Miguelina quit after Greta accused Lucas of being a thief. The girls confront Greta and she tells Dani that it's her fault that Miguelina left. Dani should have stayed away from Lucas.
Iker vows that he will take Dani away from Lucas. He gives Dani's picture a big opened mouth kiss.
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Iker gets even more icky. |
Chava takes Sofia home. He warns her not to tell Araceli about the findings with the recipes, that way Sofia and Paco can come to an agreement privately.
Pato calls Silvana and tells her about his very bad day. She talks him into coming to the hotel so she can console him with sex. She hangs up and gets excited at the thought of getting pregnant.
Armie calls Alexa and wants to see her. He's hiding just outside the Ripoll house. Alexa makes up a story about a co-worker losing her script and needing a copy of Alexa's as an excuse to get out of the house. She finds Armie, they say "I'm lost without you" and sneak away.
Dani whines to Fausto about everyone calling her a tramp and Oliver getting over her so quickly. Fausto thinks Oliver is hiding his pain. FF--->>
Cristian meets with his drug dealer in a bad part of the 'hood. He isn't looking for placebos or recreational drugs. He wants someone to do a job for him. The dealer knows what he means (wink, wink).
Sofia and Greta talk about Araceli's lawsuit and the stolen recipes. Sofia thinks that Octavio would have taken action to remedy the situation and compensate Paco. Greta blurts out the truth, "Octavio did it! He stole Paco's recipes and registered them as Ripoll's! Octavio threatened Paco's life if I ever told the truth!" Sofia is stunned. "No! I can't believe it!"
End of Episode.
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Irma never misses a chance to sow a little discord. She was especially despicable trying to program what Nandito says to the psychologist. I would love for him to tell that to the psychologist. The problem is she knows he is too young to go against her. Can't wait for her anvil. Her calling Armando "papullo" makes my skin crawl.
Talking about skin crawling: any time creepy Peralta was in a scene with Sofía.
So Greta did the right thing and finally came clean about Octavio. Wonder if his ghost is going to menace her some more now that she has totally betrayed him. Too funny!
And then there is pissy-faced Aracely like a toddler throwing a tantrum and stomping her feet because she can!
Matías looked and acted so aporopriate as "the chocolatier" "the keeper of the recipes". They need to keep him in the work role and not turn him into a buffoon after work.
Irma is likely getting to keep Nandito (the kid is on my damn nerves: let him see what kind of psycho bleech she is!)
Paco telling Araceli where to go was CLASSIC!
I admit, I was about to bail on this one after Paco was willing to throw Araceli under the bus to protect Sofia's memory of Octavio but Greta's admission gets things back on track. I'm convinced more than ever, had Paco kept his foot away from his mouth and Salvador on his leash Sofia would have resolved this with Araceli. Sofia will know, the way Paco handled this, is hurtful to his ugly duckling daughter.
I would like to see Sofia introduced to a successful age appropriate businessman like Peralta, just not Peralta.
And that damn Irma, has she ever told the truth? I hope the kid tells the psychologist my mom said, blah! blah! blah! and fix her good.
Loved your recap XInt. Your side comments were very funny.
Er....OK if you insist. Now you're not going to want to fork too are you? Oh Sofia you really are dumb enough to fall for Chava 2.0
I'm with Jarifa, Irma is such a despicable person! I was disgusted when I saw her telling Nandito what to tell the shrink. I just hope he gets a good psychologist that will be able to spot parental goading.
Steve and Kirby, love your comments! Seems like Iker/Cristian wants to get rid of Lucas? He is such a creep, I could tell he was a creep since he first appeared in rehab with Silvana, It seemed to me like Cristian could have had incestuous feelings towards his sis. Blegh!
I said it before, any guesses on how long it's going to take bimbo Sofia to realize Peralta wants to "fork" her?
Xlnt---Your recap is well just plain excellent and your pictures with captions? Well I tried to choose among them but you have made it so hard, nearly impossible
and so I will leave it at that---I
like them all.
I will say though that there should be a mountain of comments instead of this small number. It's a shame.
You guys crack me up---How can a
blonde bimbo be smart enough to run a large company? Is it that Sophia has business smarts but not so much love smarts?
Kirby---I'm laughing my head off.
Ok, if you insist. Now you're not going to want to fork too are you?
Iker chasing after Dani? YUCK!! That pervert.
As I said I do like this story but can't stop thinking how this Ripoll mess will turn out for all that are a part of it. I don't want to even think about Peralta scoring with blondie or Iker with Dani. Will Marisol find happiness in her young life. Will Greta die? What will happen to Silvana?
There are so many loos ends that are still waiting to be tied and so I will be on board until the happy ending.
the gringo
I always enjoy your recaps but your screen shots and fabulous captions never fail to make me laugh. Superior, all the way around.
"I suppose the next thing you'll tell me is that you put our
winning lottery ticket through the paper shredder" and "Can these cars wait? I need to go lick my Blondie's face" were my favorites.
"Greta thinks it's time to out Octavio for the rat bastard he really was". Ummm, really? Wasn't she wringing her hands and bemoaning she'd betrayed him mere episodes ago?? In any event, glad she has changed her tune.
Iker licking and giving an open mouthed bass kiss to Dani's picture was last night's low lite. Shudder.
The recaps are so superior to the spisodes.
I can't decide if I hold Arceli or Irma in more contempt. Irma is dangerous but Arceli's pure pity is tiresome to the point I just want her to disappear.
Finally, Greta tells the truth about Octavio. I sure hope she doesn’t backpedal tonight.
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