Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo #164 10 Mar 2015... Knight in shiny black car Lascurain arrives to rescue the tube princess... a dead freek, a rush wedding plan and a villain planning to crash the wedding


Fernando goes looking for Ana in her room, ends up calling Johnny to get directions to the poledance school. Fernando runs out and won’t even let Soledad say a word…

Freeky remembers when Ana confronted him at Alicia’s bday and called him rabo-verde and prevented him from getting to Fanny alone. Ana arrives at the studio, goes in and starts prepping the tube, Freeky comes behind her and grabs her, knife in hand.

Lo Nuevo:

Ana asks Freeky the obvious, what he’s doing there… he is rough with her, ties her to one of the tubes.

Jenny and Johnny call Fernando(who is in the car on way to polendance studio, he looks anxious), they are curious as to why he wants to talk to Ana, hopefully something good… ‘I can’t wait(ME URGE!!) to talk to Ana, have to tell her how much I love her, that she is the love of my life!(ME URGE!! ME URGE!!)’ Jenny and Johnny are soooo happy for Don Fer and Ana. As he hangs up, Fernando looks a bit worried/sad.

Back to studio, Ana and Freeky argue about whether he had any rights to Fanny, Ana argues Fanny was too young for him… Ana is pleading, he was in hospital in coma, he is not well… Freeky tells her Fernando is his enemy and that he knows Fernando would suffer very much if he lost Ana after losing his first wife.

Fanny very happily tells Lenin she got an 89 in her test. He leaves her alone, he gotta get something for her. She posts a status on her page that she is happy she scored a 89. Leon sees it and ‘likes’ it and posts congrats to her.

Back to studio… Ana makes the mistake of making Freeky even more angry… she then pleads more, 'the kids need me!!'

Fernando’s car arrives, he tells the security idiots that he is going in alone, runs in (if he knew there was any danger in going in, i would argue 'WHO IS THE BIGGER IDIOT??, but he is just running in to talk to Ana, has no suspicion of danger)

Freeky asks Ana to say goodbye to the world just as Ana is pleading and Fernando arrives and yells his name. Fernando backs up a bit when he sees Ana has a knife to her neck. HE begins pleading to Freeky to take him instead. Don Freeky’s ghost appears to Freeky and yells at him to take vengeance now!! Fernando realizes this and starts pleading with Mr Rojas, apologizes for his abrupt decision. Freeky mentions that he spent years planning his revenge. Freeky starts crying while Fernando continues pleading with the ghost… Freeky walks over to where his dad supposedly is… As Freeky is away Fernando uses the moment to untie Ana. By the time Freeky turns around Ana is free and runs out while Fernando and Freeky fight… Fernando is visibly stronger than Freeky since he can push/throw Freeky toward the tubes several times. At the third time Freeky bounces from the tube toward the floor with the knife under him so he is not moving. The security idiot Arroyo arrives and Ana behind him, she calls for Fernando who walks toward her.

Jenny and Johnny have begun the paperwork and errands to adopt baby Aura. They enjoy a cuddle moment with her at the Merceditas.

Arroyo tells Fernando that Freeky is dead, he calls the police while Ana tries to convince Fernando (who is visibly shaken by the incident) that it was not his fault, that Freeky provoked it all. Fernando tells Ana that Freeky said something about a secret he wanted to tell Fernando, but had no time to tell it. Arroyo tells Fernando that there is nothing to worry about, but that the police wants to talk to them. They can wait outside. Ana convinces Fernando to go outside while Fernando, still shaken, repeats that he would have tried to help Freeky’s dad to fix the quality of the aluminum cans, that Fernando broke the contract for the sake of the consumers and the families.

Outside… Ana gets Fernando to sit with her at the curb. She asks if he needs her to run to buy him some water. He is fine. He asks her if she knows why he is there. Ana says no idea but I am so thankful you are here… HE pulls the letter out of his jacket inside pocket (the opposite pocket from where he put it when he went to Ana’s room but whatever) She asks ‘didn’t I have it?’ ‘yeah, but Luz found it, read “Fernando” and gave it to me’. Ana asks if he read it… He says ‘yes… (holds her face in his hands) I did… I also want to give you back this (pulls the ring from the other side of the jacket (again the opposite side from where he put it)… if you still want it.’ (she is the one to hold his face in her hands now) She asks if he forgave her. She loves him so much… (kisses him all over face)… he has to ask again if she wants it ‘of course I want it! I want it!’ (he puts the ring [and what a ring!] on her finger) ‘I love you too… always have loved you… and now I know my love for you is totally unconditional… I took a while to understand it but… I DO forgive you, my love… but … I also want to beg you… please forgive me too!’ ‘don’t tell me that! I have nothing to forgive you!’ ‘a love like ours could not end this way’… ‘a love like ours, Don Fernando, a love like this… has no end! I love you!’ (finally we get the reconciliation kiss… right there at the curb loL!)

Hissabella is at the office asking a shocked/worried Betty where Fernando is. Betty tells her Fernando is dealing with a problem… Hissabella gets anxious to hear the details… Freeky died…

At the senior home, Romulo, the one guy with hat, is telling Yomama that the children make their own decisions. Yomama insists that the parents program the kids brains… Ruby misunderstands her… again… Radames the other guy, the one with mustache, is now curious. Yomama is sure her daughter won’t end well. Romulo tries to console her.

Back to the office, Betty tells Hissabella that Freeky was about to kill Ana, Fernando arrived and fought Freeky who had a knife.  Hissabella turns to the camera. Hissabella is very anxious to find out if Freeky got to tell anything to Fernando. If Freeky told him, I am (cut throat sign) lost!... I have to find out if Freeky got to tell Fernando that he is not DN’s father.

The kids arrive home from school. Ximena is watching them for a moment, Ana called her and asked if she could lend a hand while Ana gets home. XImena does not give the kids any details other than Ana is ok, just running late.

Pablo is giving Alicia some nose to nose caresses. He says it is how eskimos kiss.

Ana is kissing Fernando ‘are you feeling better?’ ‘I want to go to the house, take a bath, get in the jacuzzi’(he laughs since she is kissing him behind his ear)… ‘in the Jacuzzi?’ ‘of course! Do you want to (come with me)?’ ‘are you inviting me?’ ‘yeah! Sure!’ ‘with the bubbles and the minty smell?’ (out of the blue Hissabella shows up and is not happy to watch/hear the romantic/cheesy scene going on) … Hissabella insists in asking Fernando what happened with Freeky, where was Ana and whether Freeky said anything to Fernando… Fernando says only what Hissabella had already told him. That Freeky wanted to take revenge over what Fernando did to his dad. Hissabella questions if Freeky said anything else... Ana finds Hissabella's constant questioning about Freeky a bit ‘metiche’ (gossipy). Fernando has had enough so he says ‘whatever, Ana and I are going home’. As Ana and Fernando stand up, Hissabella can’t stop herself from asking directly ‘are you and Ana…’ Ana, who can’t wait to rub it in, tells Hissa ‘I don’t know if it is thanks to your perspective or your graduate degrees… but… obviously! (with arm gesture as saying ‘look at us now!’) we reconciled! (Ana gives Fernando a quick kiss and they get going while Hissabella again makes the locomotive sound and turns colors of her anger…).

Hissabella is at the morgue seeing Freeky’s body, she has told those guys that Freeky was her brother. She wants to be left alone with the body… takes the sheet off… She thinks Freeky is ugly… ‘look where you ended up. Remember our times at Harvard? Remember how attracted I was to you? Remember how we planned it all together? How I would get in the business, seduce Fernando… of course I did not know about your dad or even less about your revenge plans!! … ay, Enrique… I think they were the happiest years of my life… at least you had the good sense not to tell Fernando you were my kids’ dad… now no one will know… you even did me the favor of killing my doctor. Now my son will think all his life that he is the son of FL. I hope it is not so hot in hell… Enrique Basurto… you ended horrible…’

At the house the kids have all been summoned to living room. Grandma Soledad is there as well, with DN in her arms. Fernando and Ana have sent a message with her to have them all gather there and wait for them. They went upstairs only to change clothes. Manuela and Bruno join them. Siete is also there barking anxiously.

Fernando and Ana finally come downstairs. They have an announcement. Fanny notices Ana no longer is wearing the uniform. Ana starts the intro ‘ladies, gentlemans, kids, dogs, mom, baby.. everybody! … Fernando gestures to her to wrap it up(or to get serious, not sure)… They announce to the kids (at unison or as close as they can) that they will get married next Saturday!! The kids all are putting a confused face, Bruno and Soledad also do the same… as if they did not believe what they just heard… Fernando looks a bit confused. Ana too. Suddenly the kids and everyone else breaks into celebration mode. They also do the ‘alabio! Alabao! A la bim bom ba!! Los novios! Los novios ! RA RA RA!!!’ then the rain of questions starts ‘How many days till the wedding?(one of the twins) Dad, when did you forgive Ana? (Sebas)Are you marrying by church?(Alicia)’ Fanny is so happy. Nando says 'i always knew you loved each other!!' Soledad, Manuela and Bruno give their congrats and their cheers as well.

Fernando asks if they (Ana and him) can speak now… But Fanny announces ‘not before a Lascurain group hug!!’ They all climb on Fernando and Ana, who fall back on the living room chair. Soledad watches joyful, with DN in her arms…

At the senior home Hissabella is visiting Yomama (surprising to Yomama, apparently Hissa never came visit her before), … Yomama tells the nurse ‘check out how pretty she is, but too bad she is ugly inside’. Hissabella as usual with her attitude of gaggin about the dirty and humble place. Yomama mentions to her that Hissabella does not give her any money. Hissabella has a good news and a bad news. Yomama asks what the bad is ‘Fernando and Ana reconciled’ Yomama thinks this is a real good news. Hissabella hisses that Yomama is a traitor. Hissabella tells her the good news is that Freeky is dead. Yomama worries and asks if she killed him. No… Yomama says the good news is the bad and the bad news is the good.

Fernando and Ana tell the kids that they are only getting married by civil law for now until the church wedding to Hissabella gets annulled, which will take a while to complete. Ana and Fernando swear to all the kids that they will never be apart ever again. Ana assures them that there are no more secrets between them. At that moment Fernnado tries to play a joke about some sweedish model he had something with… Fernando assures the kids that even if there were secrets between them they would forgive anything. Ana repeats that Fernando is the love of her life. Fernando notes that it is 21:30, aka 9:30 at night, (Ana thinks he is about to say 'everyone to bed!' so she says it for him, but that is not what he meant)  Fernando and Ana declare (Ana saying she is Mrs Lascurain) that their love is indestructible. They will be together forever. They will spend every minute making each other happy… 'and both of us making you all happy'. The kids demand a kiss… Fernando and Ana kiss while Fanny takes pictures for posting in her social page.

Hissabella is still steaming about Fernando and Ana together and Yomama tells her ‘there is something called love’. Hissabella whines that Fernando never loved her. Yomama says he is a wonderful man, but not even that wonderful man could love her. Hissabella nags that Fernando was already in love with Ana when she came along. Yomama tells her she has to admit she lost and go on with her life. Hissabella is not going to give in. If she split them once, she can… (whispers something in Yomama’s ears that scares her, I think she said ‘terminate them’ or stte).

At the girls room Ana and Fernando are with the girls. Luz says she is so happy they are together again. Luz asks if Ana will sleep in dad’s room… Dad is all for it, but Ana is trying to simulate propriety and says will wait until the wedding. Alicia says ‘Ana, there is nothing wrong with it!’ (which gets a ‘say what??’ reaction from both Ana and Fernando). Ana says 'if we will sleep together, we need to move DN’s bassinet to your bedroom'. Fernando says he will ask Bruno to do it. Immediately Luz runs out to tell Bruno to do it LOL!!

Fanny posts the pictures and announcement of the wedding next Saturday on her social page.

At Margarita’s, Leon is trying to explain to Mau that people grow and become adults and then they need to become independent. Mau says adults are very complicated. Leon says he bought the apartment so they can live on their own, even though Abuelita and Reina will still help him watching Mau while he works. Leon sees Fanny’s post. He tells Margarita and Reina. Reina asks Margarita not to try to read too much into it but Leon and Fanny are connecting via messages.

Ana arrives at Fernando’s room. Luz is already there carrying her PJs, pillow and pink pig plushy. Ana is so happy and thanks her. Fernando arrives saying the boys are in the ‘envelope’. Luz tells him what she brought and gets thanks from Daddy too. Luz doesn’t even need escort back to her room.

Ana asks Fernando if they can talk. Sure! Ana tries to explain to him why Fanny kept her secret too. He says no need, he understands that Fanny had to hide the truth because all the kids had grown fond of Ana and Luz talked again. Fernando promises to talk to Fanny. Ana starts spitting compliments for both Fanny and Fernando. Fernando asks her if she is trying to sell him a good image of his own daughter. Ana goes ‘OOHH!! What follows the W! EQUIS!!!’ Fernando laughs it off… Ana jokes about them sleepwalking not affecting anyone anymore now that they are together. He suggests they sleepwalk to her bedroom... then they get cuddly with I love yous. Ana keeps on talking so he (impatient lol) shuts her up with kisses… Ana finds it quite nice (que padre!) for him to shut her up that way… so they slide down to the floor kissing the night away.

Hissabella sees Fanny’s post about Fernando and Ana wedding on Saturday. Hissabella has a tantrum ‘over my dead body!!! Over my dead body!! They won’t marry!! NO y no!!!’

Yomama is alone crying, she is crying for her daughter. ‘my poor daughter suffers so much!’ The nurse holds her hand.

Hissabella writes an email to Arquimides (the computer whiz)

At Fernando’s room Ana is sleeping practically over him, Siete comes and gets on the bed too. The baby starts crying so Ana gets up and gets him to go back to sleep, then gets back in bed. Slowly we see all the younger kids, from Luz and the twins up to Sebastian, arrive and get on the bed with them.

Morning comes. Arquimides is arriving at Hissabella’s. He wonders if she needs more help with the ‘machine’ which he doubts would have crashed again. No, she needs his help with something else… she needs his ideas to prevent two people from getting married.

Previews: Hissabella visits Ana. Warns Ana she won’t marry Fernando. (still VO says MCET is in final weeks…)



What a great detailed recap of an episode that, at times, was a little bit hard to understand with all the background noise overpowering the dialogue.

We've waited almost the entire novela for someone to put an end to IkkyLizard and low and behold no kidnapping, Fernando is the one to put an end to IkkyLizard, and we have a reconciliation between Fernando and Ana, all in one night.

I'm with Urban in that I think Osorio passed up a great plot point by not having made IkkyLizard responsible for Fanny Sr.'s death. Also, it looks like Osorio totally forgot abut wrapping up the l I little detail of the attempt on Don Nico's life in the hospital. IkkyLizard is dead now so Fernando will never know; although I guess it doesn't really matter.

Hopefully, the final weeks of the novela will prove more cohesive than the beginning and middle.

Thanks, Marta. The recap,was excellent.

Great episode as things move towards the end.


Fernando was very effective talking to Enrique's hallucination of his father. He caught on to what was going on very quickly.

The fact that Enrique fell on the knife and Fernando did not have to kill him directly was a good decision by the writers.

Isabela was so creepy talking to Enrique in the morgue and touching him. Yikes!

Isabela was equally creepy telling Yolanda she was going to "aniquilarlos" (annihilate them ) Fernando and Ana.

Poor Yolanda, but will she warn Ana and Fernando about Isabela's sick plans?

So happy the wedding is in one week and they are not letting an annullment and church wedding hold up the process.

OFF TOPIC: if you want to see a light romantic comedy you might want to try "A La Mala" if it is playing nearby as it was for me. It stars Aislinn Derbez. A familiar face was Juan Pablo Gil (who plays León) and who had a very small (about two lines) part. Nice entertaining bit of fluff to see on a Tuesday afternoon.


Great recap! Very detailed. Fanny is driving me crazy with her indecisiveness. Ugh. Men should stay far away from that girl, as adorable as she may be. And she is beautiful!

MartaIvett: Exquisitely detailed recap, covered everything--thank you so much! I always marvel at (and appreciate) the time and effort put in by all the recappers.

So... I was happy to see Leon without that perpetual angry sneer on his face. Hoping for a happy ending for him (and little Mau, he is such a cutie). Sad for Yolanda, she has seen the light but it's too late to help her daughter.

Did anyone else think Enrique was going to rise up off that gurney and grab Isabela by the throat? With Enrique gone, guess they are going to ramp up the evil on Isabela, she is the only villain standing.

J in Oregon

Boy, that Diego Nicolas sure is a talker!

Thanks martaivett.

Kind of a long one buuuut, "Ana is kissing Fernando ‘are you feeling better?’ ‘I want to go to the house, take a bath, get in the jacuzzi’(he laughs since she is kissing him behind his ear)… ‘in the Jacuzzi?’ ‘of course! Do you want to (come with me)?’ ‘are you inviting me?’ ‘yeah! Sure!’ ‘with the bubbles and the minty smell?’ (out of the blue Hissabella shows up and is not happy to watch/hear the romantic/cheesy scene going on)" (Fave.)

This is a little off topic but not by a lot-

Senorita Sarai's actress can be seen in YNCELH as the younger version of Azela Robinson's daughter. This child actress always plays a character whose parents are a cross that must be bored. Also, how was Sarai's storyline resolved?

Good stuff, Marta.

We got what we wanted for Freaky, although it seemed a little soon, relatively speaking. In retrospect, he wasn't as major a villain since he was only in about half the episodes vs Hissabela, who is in nearly all of them. Her and Dorofeo's evil will ramp up now.

Fernando was really thinking on his feet by interacting with the imaginary ghost. Good show! It will take him a long time to get this out of his mind and it may occur to him -- or Ana -- that Enfrique was the person who tried to kill Nick, who had no enemies.

At least the kids are safe from him, but with Hissabela's threat, we now have to worry about what she will do. If she really said the word "annihilate" we may actually have to worry about a bomb or something.

To the question of Sarai (silly name variation), she went home to her mother and was never seen again. She would have preferred to stay with Fernando's family. We never saw her parents.

Gracias, Marta, for the action-packed recap summary!

Unfortunately, I arrived home around 8:40 last night and was shocked to see Ana and Fernanduh reconciled. I missed all the Freeky action, which is what I really wanted to see. Hopefully, someone puts two and two together and realizes Freeky was the one who tried to kill Don Nico.

Isabruja seems unhinged, like she's crossed into Freeky territory.

When my children were young, I never would participate in behavior - at least not in front of them - that I would not like for them to emulate. Thus, I couldn't help but think Fer and Ana openly sleeping together gave Alicia and Sebas the green light to do likewise. Just my train of thought . . .

Alicia isn't ready for that and I think she's smart enough to know it. Ana and Fernando are adults and are getting married in less than a week, so this is a unique situation.

Although it makes me wonder how many widowed men with kids end up marrying their kids' nannies.

What got me last night was when Hissabruja talked to Enfrique's corpse about how they planned for her to marry Fernando. At first it didn't make sense to me that they would plan such a thing together without her knowing what his real motive was, but it makes total sense in view of how he may have intended to lead her into a trap where she would have to do anything he demanded of her. This psycho considered himself to be a master manipulator, especially of women.

He likely intended to use Laura to get to Fanny but that didn't pay off. He didn't take the time to do his homework on her. Her betrayal of both her female friends by going after their guys didn't fit in with his plan. Nor did he bank on her disgust at having to boink him for her tuition money. God knows what perverted things he might have made her do for her to look seriously nauseous afterward.

great job Marta.

We get to see how complete Yolanda's transformation is, does she protect her interest, including her daughter, or do the right thing and warn Ana & Fernando?

Will Fernando take the painting of Estefanía down or put one of Ana beside it? What of the one of he and Estefanía in the library?

I don't care about Fanny's love life

So at this point, Fernando is on pace for 9 kids!

Does you think Silvia yells in this show to emulate the loveable obnoxiousnessthat Fran Drescher once showcased?

I would recommend to Fernando to put his first wife's portrait in the library and a portrait of Ana or of himself and Ana in the drawing room. First, he should ask the older kids' opinion about that. I'm sure Luz, Alex, and Guille would be OK with it.

I am actually wondering what kind of a message this series is sending about large families. We have seen no sibling rivalry, no major conflicts, no financial issues. This is a wealthy family with mostly psychologically healthy kids; the two real problems with solutions we have seen were Luz's traumatic mutism (miraculously cured after she knew Ana for 48 hours) and Sebas' issues with parental authority (also cured by Ana but it took a little longer). No long-term psychological damage by Hissabela because she was ousted quickly. However...

Nando's transformation from Nerd to Hottie isn't that realistic, maybe because the actor is actually 23. It also bugs me that he chose a girl who used and humiliated him with the end result being an accident that required a long recovery. I'm not getting why he didn't insist she get completely out of his life after that.

Should have previewed first. And my answer is that I hope not.

I couldn't stand Fran Drescher's accent or her manner. There is nothing lovable about it. If this was the case I have to wonder how they dubbed her.

UA- I saw The Nanny in El Salvador once and they didn't.

Marta, another splendid recap as always.

Sort of feel gyped by Eeky's quick demise, but kudos to those who predicted he would be a goner. Isa's "conversation" with him was indeed creepy and somewhere along the line, I think she totally snapped but successfully just comes off as a spoiled overgrown child who wants her way. But knocking off Eeky this late in the game means no reveal on Nico, Laura I would assume is definitely just gone now since no other reason to bring her in and I really thought Eeky would be the one to spill on little Diego.

So now I think it will be Yomama in an attempt to make amends for her daughter who I think she realizes can't be redeemed. I doubt though Isa will meet her maker, but maybe put in the slammer for attempted murder if she is serious on her threats? No spoiler, but we have to free up that baby somehow for Fer and Ana to adopt. Everyone is just too attached to go to anyone else.

Question since I missed scenes over the last week: does Ximena now live IN the house? Does she go to school or do anything? Cause honestly, Nando should have at least 3-4 years of a collegiate career ahead of him. Don't get how those two are progressing...



Wonderful recap!!!

I was expecting a little more drama with Freaky's death. Like going down in a rain of bullets or being hit by a truck. Falling on his own knife, and then being dead so quickly when the knife clearly wasn't anywhere near his heart, and no blood?

I did enjoy him going crazy talking to his dad but it also garnered him some sympathy from me. The death of his father and the perceived offenses toward him had driven him mad.

Why does the wedding have to be so quick?

I must admit I am completely against annulling a marriage when children are involved. Yes, he didn't love Isa but he (thinks) has a child with her. So that child now becomes a bastard in the eyes of the church? Don't agree at all.

got through only half the comments...
EB, here is the whole ep from last night if you want to watch the 1st half.

Also, since all the kids know what Fernando and Ana were doing at the beach, i don't find it that far out that Alicia would be fine with Fernando and Ana sleeping together before the wedding. Esp since they were engaged with the approval of all the kids.
I think the producers were very careful not to let Fernando touch the knife during the fight since without Fernando's prints in it it would be hard to cause trouble in accusing Fernando of murder, especially considering Fernando had already reported that Freeky was trying to kill him and his loved ones ... interesting that Fernando was able to manage Freeky and push him off not once, not twice but three times during that short fight.
UA, great point about Freeky's intention to use Hissabella and then force her to help him.
more comments later... got plenty of work to do

"...and a villain planning to crash the wedding"

In more ways that one!

Ana not preggers! yay! Ok, so... uh... what about the fainting and nausea? Shouldn't she see a doctor or have these symptoms magically disappeared

Fernando is accompanied by able bodied armed bodyguards and what are his most famous words? "Wait here (in the car)"


Does anyone remember whether Enfrique ever told Isabitch that he tried to kill Nick? For a while I thought he was too smart to do that because it would have put a blackmail weapon in her hand, but he was sufficiently deranged to have forgotten that in his disappointment in being foiled in that attempt.

The church annulment can be granted on the basis of Hissabitch's lie about DN's paternity. That would be a lot easier to prove than her intent to marry for money rather than the right reasons, which can't really be materially proven. The fact that Ana even mentioned this tells us that we will ultimately see this lie get exposed.

There was some blood on the floor after the fight ended, but it wasn't well-placed. There would have been just enough episodes left for there to have been suspicion cast on Fernando if there weren't other issues to resolve.

Hissabruja was definitely losing it because the smart thing to do would have been to wait for Fernando to tell her about Enfrique's death. Trying to find out what he may have said before his meeting with Satan will come back to bite her.

UA: After last night's episode I started to wonder whether DN's paternity would come out. If Isa uses the computer hack to launder money from the business, and thus Fer, and she goes to jail, would that be enough for an easy annulment?

Wondering how Isa is going to use the computer guy to stop a wedding...hack the licenses and make them disappear?

That got me, too. Fernando and Ana spent a night in a police precinct cell, so I wonder whether she was thinking of that and trying to create a record of a bigger charge and a suspicious money withdrawal to make it look like Fernando bribed the head of the station or something.

If that's what she's up to, it's more than enough to send her to the Big House. But I want her to get it for everything she's done before as well. For that Yomama needs to come clean.

UA, i agree. that is why i kept rewatching the fight scene and noticed that Fernando never touched the knife, he only grabbed Freeky by the wrist to push him back but he never really touched the knife. so if your prints are not on the weapon and the weapon was not yours to begin with (not sure if the security guards can tell Fernando was not armed when he walked in) then there is nothing solid against Fernando. He certainly has spent enough money to keep himself and his family safe from Freeky... and in looking for him for him to not have just spent the money getting someone to wipe Freeky out. Besides Freeky's motive to go after Fernando for the revenge but Fernando had no reason to go after Freeky since he doesn't know about DN's paternity. but i agree, if there was enough novela left without a huge list of loose ends to untangle they would have time to go that route.

Thanks, Marta, as always. Wonderful effort on our behalf.

Lots going on last night but I am with EB, a little too much knowledge on the part of the kids of the inteimate goings on with our lovebirds. I am giving them a bit of a pass because the kids are needy and want them to be together so much -- note the gang that ended up in the bed. But not the best model for the kids -- wonder how this dimension of the story was received in Mexico.

Great that Fanny did well on the ensayo. Success in school and studying what suits you is a good message from this novela amidst all the confusion.

Eager to see what crazy Isabela has in mind now.

Isa has committed so many small and medium offenses, with a couple of larger ones, that put together amount to a heavy and hard anvil.

I really hope I like the finale. I'm a TN newbie. I started with CI, then PEAM, LQLVMR and then La Gata. I haven't liked the finales of any of those. CI and La Gata were atrocious throughout. PEAM, for a comedy, ended so dark and weird. And though I really liked Robo, there weren't enough anvils, or hard enough, for all the good people that died or were hurt. Was a real downer at the end for me.

Carvivlie, I think that producers have lost sight of what makes for a good finale in order to either satisfy the whims of viewers who seem to want something other than same-old same-old FPS or who are trying to prevent spoilers from being released.

Or who -- like this producer -- use their power to mess with actors who are crucial to the story and end up messing up the story.

The whole idea of alternate endings is also ridiculous. Most of the time all this does is make for lazy writing because all they do is shoot one or two final scenes that vary with no consideration for whether it's logical to the build-up. To do the right thing with alternate endings where that's possible within the best-written series you need to start with that intention and shoot three different final weeks. Nobody's done that yet.


Carvivlie, I am a romantic at heart throu and throu so i liked the finales of Destilando and Que bonito amor... just because... it was not in 10 minutes...
having that said, we should be lucky if the final two weeks do not involve any of:
1. someone going blind
2. someone losing their memory and everyone else thinks them dead
3. someone gets 'doped' and put in a compromising situation where their significant other believes the worst possible scenario (possibly aided with photos)
4. someone's kid gets kidnapped
5. someone sees their significant other in a compromising snapshot set up by the villain
I could go on and on and build a list of at least 100... but you get my drift... there is such an animal as the telerisa idea rulebook for 'impactful' finales. lol!
UA, i am with you, the better novelas sometimes get spoiled by the producers trying to either add several dozen eps tacked in the end or wrap up all the stories in the last 10 or 15 minutes of the novela.
Take La Hija del Mariachi... they had to tackle on a rushed ending because the novela was already sold internationally and they could not extend it in Colombia and not provide a shorter finale... the short finale was rushed adn a bit dysfunctional... but then again the longer finale was not perfect either.

I just re-read the first comment and now it occurs to me that Osorio may not have passed up that opportunity after all. In the mortuary scene when Jezebela talked about planning this with Enfrique we were not told about how far back the plan went.

Didn't he also say in the pole gym that he spent years planning this revenge? This means that he could have killed Fanny, Sr., recruited Jezebela with the idea that they would take Fernando for his money and/or company, and started the rest of his plan without telling her what it was really about.

He was just crazy enough to hope to kill Fernando (after wiping out the rest of his family) so Jezebela would inherit everything, marry her, and maybe kill her, too. He was able to effectively conceal his crazy for a long time or he wouldn't have gotten as far as he did.

As for Jezebela, if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

UA, lol!! yes, the door for that to come to surface is still open.

Two minutes after I posted that I realized that since it had been a year since Fanny, Sr's death, Enfrique might not have recruited Jezebela until months later. It might never have occurred to her that he killed Fanny, Sr, and she wouldn't have seen the crime scene.

Which means that with no police investigation, the guys who would have taken the body away might not have realized that something was not right and there would not have been an autopsy. Since it's her ashes that are in the cemetery's columbarium, there would be no proving this now. Even if he ever told Hissabela (which I now doubt) nobody would believe her if she said anything about it now.

Hissabella did not know, but it is still possible Freeky killed Fanny Sr. (remember in Eva Luna, the villain lady Marcela had killed the guy's parents and former wife and that did not come up as even a possibility until the end)

but you are right, since Freeky is now dead and Fanny cremated, no way to prove unless someone comes from the past to say it.

have they ever said what Fanny Sr died of? we all know she was diagnosed months before she actually died... but of what?

I don't think Fanny Sr. was murdered. But if it did happen, how terrible for those kids to find out their dying mother was murdered.

I wonder if maybe the intent at first was to do more with Fanny Sr's death, making it somewhat vague but as has happened a few times in this TN, the plot takes a left turn and we go down another avenue and Osorio never goes back and deals with either the character or the plot line. The "write as you go" teleplay method.

Carvivlie, too bad you missed out on a few recent TN's that had better endings. I sort of liked the Cuando wrap up, and of course, AB was really good. I didn't mind Robo that much, better than most I think. (CI still makes me twitch).

As much as I enjoyed Teresa, I regret it started the now lazy trend of going with alternative endings. It was fun with that show because it was written in such a way we were in suspense until that last few minutes , but with something like this TN, I don't get what we're supposed to see. Seems we are moving in predictable lines, even telegraphing the pairings. No suspense as far as I can see...unless they give us different ways for Isa to meet her anvils.

Maybe we get to choose whether we get to choose which Hip Hop song Sebas will dance to.


They never told us what disease was meant to kill Estefania. She did look weaker in succeeding flashbacks but we didn't even get a hint of what symptoms she had.

The only ending for Teresa that made any sense was the one that had her leaving DF and starting over where she was in a new office with a new boss and a new partner she intended to seduce. She didn't deserve to get Arturo back and there was insufficient build-up to the idea of Fernando murdering her. For the latter they would have needed to plant clues at least a month before the finale.

The "alternate ending" of LQLVMR was strictly meant for shock value. In fact, killing either of these guys wasn't justified.

Per the Eva Luna example (Thanks for the reminder) we might find out later that Enfrique killed Estefania. If he was able to sneak into the mansion despite a security company he certainly could have done so without one being around.

LOL DaisynJay! i don't think they will go to the possibility of Fanny Sr having been murdered either... it would be a bit creepy for someone to have to tell the kids, esp the 3 younger ones that were hers (Luz and the clones)... i believe Osorio wanted to return this tn to the 'family dramedy' and not creepy path.
LOL on what is predictable or telegraphed via the opening credits and what is left to us to play games predicting...
as long as we don't have a Hissabella rolled up flat by a construction tractor or burned to a crisp i am fine if this is supposed to be family show.

I agree that Cuando me enamoro was one of the best endings i have seen

Since Luz didn't speak for a year after Estefania's death I wondered whether she had seen someone leave the scene somehow. Except that she is likely to have recognized Enfrique as her mother's killer when he came into the bedroom and picked up DN.

As long as Ana doesn't have more than one child at the end I will be happy. I'm surprised Fernando didn't have a vasectomy after Luz was born.

I was just listening to the Alejandro Fernandez song Que Voy Hacer con Todo Este Amor, the theme to the novela La Esposa Viuda. It starred Adela Noriega, Sergio Sendel and a smoldering Jorge Salinas. It didn't make a lot of sense as a novela, but the theme song was fabulous and the principal actors were all very good.


I watched that one three times to figure out why they ended it the way they did. The death of Blanca was expected, but the death of Marisol was soul-destroying to Jose. His deepening depression after that doomed him.

Was it possible that Marisol's death was written in to give JS that heartbreaking scene of him crying over her body? There is no equivalent scene in Gone With the Wind because Clark Gable was afraid to do it. Had he had the courage to do that scene he might have gotten the Oscar that year.

JS was not only robbed of getting the leading lady at the end of that novela, he wasn't even nominated for an award.

I miswrote the title: La Esposa Virgin.

UA - I felt very disappointed with how it ended but sure remembered JS's performance. He certainly is one of the most dependable and talented actors out there.

I didn't know that about Clark Gable. I watched a good Spanish series (36 episodes) called La Señora, with lots of good and well-known Spanish actors. The absolutely marvelous and convincing heroine, Victoria, played by Adriana Ugarte, dies in a freak accident at the end, just as she and her great love get together at last. The Spanish audiences were furious, felt betrayed and that the death undermined the moral themes of the story. There is a long internet trail of complaints about the ending. However, the actress didn't want to come back for a third year and the producers opted to kill her and the series off.

Gracias otra vez, Marta, for the link. I just watched the full episode. Lots o' action!

I liked how Fer was upset about killing Enrique. I thought that was very realistic and how Ana kept consoling him and wiping his face.

I love the montage of the kids draped all over the bed.

Regarding the Catholic annulment issue, it says here under "Process" that children are not regarded as illegitimate.

With regard to Ana's pregnancy symptoms, I wonder whether it was a hysterical reaction from all the stress she's been under since the weekend at the beach and Fernando's coldness.

UA: rumor is Robert Donat won (for Goodbye, Mr. Chips) the year Clark Gable was nominated for Gone With the Wind because they needed to boost RD's popularity.

Don't you just love politics? Not.

And novela awards are also infected with it.

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