Monday, March 02, 2015

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 3/2/15 ♥ #158 ♥

Capitulo 158: Stranger in the Night

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana was in the parlour to greet the kids as they came home from school. They were more than pleased to see her, many hugs and kisses. Bruno took a photo with someone's cell phone while Fernando watched with an ironic and possibly embarrassed expression.

A little while later Ana and Alicia talked in the kitchen, with Alicia asking for details to fill in what Nando had told her. Ana explained that many people have prejudicial thoughts about places like the Chicago Club and the kind of dancing she did there. She explained that she had to wear sexy dresses, but also that she never stripped. Perfect timing because Nando entered just in time to hear that.
He sat down at the table but went through the motions of civility toward her, asking when she had returned. She explained that it was a little while ago and she was in uniform because it was the right thing to do.
Manuela didn't contribute anything to this, but she definitely understood what had been going on.

Alicia asked Ana whether she was going to marry her dad. Ana shook her head, said no, but added that the good was coming back to her and the other kids. She asked about the ring and Ana told her she was unable to remove it. Manuela then said that this was a sign, but Ana said “No; it's that I've eaten too much salt and I'm bloated. Thanks.” The latter was slightly dismissive and Manuela took the hint and got on with her work.

Outside something must have distracted the guards as a truck entered and Enrique sneaked in while two of the guards were inspecting it. Neither had seen him enter the property and he ran in the other direction to avoid them. One guard looked inside the truck, which belonged to a tech company Nando called to address the slowness of their internet connexion. They walked away and Enrique ran back, as another guard was walking toward him.
He opened the back doors of the truck and got inside, closing the doors before the guard got any closer. He ducked below the window levels to avoid being seen.

Where is Ares?” shouted Apollo. “I've been looking for him for the last three days.”

I haven't seen him,” said Aphrodite. “He doesn't spend the kind of time here that he should.”

I think Hera sent him down to look for Zeus,” said Artemis. “But we know that's never a good idea. He might be causing just as much trouble.”

Bruno entered the kitchen, looking for Nando to tell him the IT guy had arrived. Nando got up to take care of this, pleased at the man's promptness. Just as he was leaving the four youngest kids came in. Alicia excused herself as Sebastián sat down and expressed concern for Ana. She assured him she was alright as the twins prepared a welcome-home prank for her.
One maintained a look-out while the other shook a can of cola, then offered it to Ana as though it were a martini. After some prompting she accepted it and it gushed when she opened it, onto the skirt of her newly-cleaned uniform and the little boy's shirt. She laughed (which most of us would not have done), but then, she needed to.

Nando escorted the techie upstairs, explaining the their connexion had been slow for a few days. Outside, one of the guards looked inside the truck but didn't find Enrique, who had made his way to the driver's seat.

Two cars pulled in, one of them Fanny's. She was having a minor disagreement with Lenin, who was in the passenger seat next to her. He was getting jealous about León, but she didn't want to talk about it. He didn't understand the situation.
Reina called her on her cell about the misunderstanding with León. Enrique watched through all this as Fanny finished the call, exited the car, and walked past the truck to go inside.

Ana & Jennifer's House: Jenny tried to get Juan to talk about his mysterious phone call. He told her he had spoken with a compadre named Pedro. He kissed her and left, but she was not satisfied.

Lascuráin Mansion: After Fanny went inside Enrique got out of the white truck. He carefully closed the doors and walked back toward the gardening shed and hid inside.
Fanny and Lenin, meanwhile had gone into the house and were greeted by Ana, who explained she was back but only as the nanny. Fernando had insisted on the uniform. Fanny said this wasn't important; what was important was that she was there with them. Nando escorted the techie downstairs, satisfied with his work. He bid Ana and Fanny a curt “Buenas tardes” as he went back upstairs. Ana noted his attitude.

Fanny tried to get some homework done but saw the painted egg that had been on the flower sent by León. She wondered how it was that it had ended so badly.
Luz came in asking her to help find her plush toy, sure that the twins had hidden it. They followed her in, denying they had hidden the plush turtle. Fanny put Luz on her feet and said she would help look for it. She put the painted egg back on the nightstand. She had to explain what it was and that León had sent it to her at the beach. The twins were impressed. Luz asked whether Fanny still loved León and she said she did.

Unknown Street in Bad Neighborhood: In front of a graffiti-covered building, Juan met up with Pablo, who turned out to be a badass-looking bald dude in a leather coat. “Do you have the merchandise?” he asked.

Gardening Shed: Enrique stood inside, staring at the tools hanging on the wall, then going through things on the shelves.

Has he been praying to Ares?” asked Hera. “Those things could easily be weapons in a madman's hands.”

It's possible; he's insane enough. Somebody has to stop him.” said Hermes.

Lascuráin Mansion: The doorbell rang. Ana was out of uniform, which Fernando curtly noted. She told him that it was dirty and in the wash; she was answering the door because Bruno was busy. They were back to formal address, which clearly was awkward for both.
Ana opened the door to Hissabela, who deliberately showed her distaste and called her a fourth-rate servant. Ana baited her by saying that Fernando had forgiven her and “won't fall for your tricks.”
This got his attention and he got up to demand to know “What tricks?”

Ana stared back at him as Hissabela looked at her. Finally Ana said, “Nothing, sir; there's no reason to talk about it.” and left the room. Fernando looked at Hissabela and asked what Ana was talking about. She answered she didn't know but suspected it was something from a long time ago. She was there to talk to him about the shareholders' meeting.
She asked him “You didn't forgive her, did you?” but he would not answer. He merely led the way into the library and allowed her to follow.
She gloated to herself that he hadn't and sashayed childishly behind him into the library.

In the kitchen Ana was making hot chocolate and telling Manuela what had happened. “So that bloodsucker was the one who sent the anonymous note?” she asked.

Yes,” Ana told her.

Manuela was indignant on her behalf and got up to take over at the counter. Ana just told her to sit down and relax. She explained about the disguise and how Fernando had come to Chicago, and what happened afterward.

Fanny and Lenin were in her room trying to get their assignment done, but it wasn't going well. She was oversensitive and unable to concentrate. He was surprisingly understanding, which pleased her.

In the shed Enrique was remembering the day he killed Dr Saldana after the revelation that Isabruja's baby wasn't Fernando's. He said “Tonight, I will meet you, son. My son.”

In Ana's room, Nando brought back the baby's bassinet while Ximena was holding the baby. He moved it into position and Ana thanked him. As he started out the door Ana said she wanted to talk to him for a bit.
He tried to ignore her but Ximena said everyone has the right to explain themselves. Ana's cell rang and she checked it. She excused herself for a moment to talk to Jenny, who told her that something weird was up with Johnny.

Unknown Street: “Pablo” said “Show me the money” and Johnny asked for the merchandise.
They took them out simultaneously and Johnny said something about there can't be anything wrong with it. They made the exchange and Pablo walked away.

Ana & Jennifer's House: Nothing was resolved on this call as Jenny ended it. She then tried to call Johnny's cell but got a robovoice saying it was busy. She was irritated.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ximena said she would leave, but Ana urged her to stay. “You're one of the family, no?” she asked. So Ximena stayed.
She put the baby to bed as Nando asked why Anan lied and why she kept dancing after becoming the nanny. “The first for necessity and the second for obligation. Can I explain it to you?”

Down in the office Fernando looked at some pie charts and closed the folder. He told Hissabela he didn't agree with her plan. Her estimates were too high, or something.

Fanny was trying to tell Lenin she needed to get her homework done alone. He told her he enjoyed helping her. He went back into poetry mode for a moment and they kissed.

Margarita's Apartment: León sat on the sofa, singing his and Fanny's song. He still was in pain but trying to feel better.
Reina told him she had spoken with Fanny and said he was home but they needed to talk to each other.

Lascuráin Mansion: Fanny saw Lenin out the door and came back in, remembering the horrible scene in her father's study when she begged his forgiveness over keeping Ana's secret.
At the same time, Fernando finished up with Hissabela and she got up and took the folder. Again she commented that he hadn't reconciled with Ana. “Evidently, no.” he said, somewhat sarcastically. “Then why is she here?” asked La Tarantula. “She works here; she is my children's nanny,” he said. “Good night.” As he turned to walk out she said she would like to see Diego Nicolás. He told her she could and opened the sliding doors.
Fanny was on her way in only to see Hissabela gloating on what should have been her way out. This made her change her mind and do a quick about-face. Fernando told her to have Ana bring the baby downstairs. He told Isabruja to make herself at home and walked out.
She gloated her way back to the sofa, saying this was her house (present, then past tense). She looked up at Fanny Sr's portrait.

Pity the portrait didn't do a Dorian Gray and show anger at her,” said Hera.

That could still be arranged,” said Hermes. “I could do it right now.”

Never mind. Save your powers for something more important. She's already crazy so we don't have to gaslight her.”

Ana was telling Nando about the bus accident in the flood, the fire damage, and that she lost a lot and she and Jenny had to make sacrifices. That was why she signed Dorofeo's contract. Nando asked why she didn't ask his father for the money and she replied that it was because she didn't know him. She had no idea about the consequences of such a request, including losing the nanny job. Not to mention that Dorofeo was a gangster. She described what he had done to Johnny because Johnny owed him money, too. Nando was still implacable, saying that the contract has nothing to do with the lie. The admission of guilt on her part wasn't enough for him. She cried, saying she didn't want to lose his father.

Nando, get over this. You may be a science and math genius but you don't have the life experience to understand Ana's situation.” Athena was a little irritated.

I did shelter Nando and the others a bit too much,” said Estefania. “He still sees things as black and white. Just like his father.”

Fernando went into the kitchen for some tea. “Herbal, like the one Ana makes?” “Yes,” he replied. Manuela then wanted to talk to him about Ana, but he did not permit it. Sensibly, Manuela backed off.

Fanny – who had witnessed Ana's disclosure to Nando from the doorway – told her that Hissabruja wanted to see her son.
Ximena volunteered to take him downstairs and Ana finally allowed her to. After she left the room Ana told Nando that nothing she told him about from the losses, the fire, the contract, the concealment, etc., changed how she felt about him and his siblings.

She started to cry again. It wasn't clear whether she had gotten through to him.

Ximena brought the baby down to the parlour and – predictably – Hissabitch demanded to know why the servant didn't bring the baby. Ximena said Ana was in her room and handed over the baby. As she excused herself and started back, Hissabitch asked, “You're the crazy one, right? Of course! You're Nando's girlfriend who ended up in the asylum!”
She rolled her eyes in imitation of someone who's lost her marbles. “They got you out of here in an ambulance? I don't know if I want you touching my son.”

Ximena didn't flinch. She replied, “Yes. I'm the crazy one, but you know what? I love this baby more and take better care of him than his own mother does!” She then turned her back to leave.
Hissababy stuck her tongue out behind Ximena's back showing she was less mature than Luz. Diego Nicolás started crying. Hissababy looked at him and said “I don't want you with lunatics. All the lunatics are after me.”

No te preocupes, Estefania,” said Athena. “She will get her just desserts.”

How could Fernando ever think of marrying her? What if he never knows about the baby's real paternity?”

He will if I have to see to it personally.”

Gardening Shed: Enrique talked to his father's imaginary ghost, saying he was waiting for the entire household to be asleep. He imagined hearing a reply. Outside a guard walked around with a flashlight, which he eventually flashed through the slats in the shed door.
Enrique had retreated into the far corner, out of the beam's path. He remained still as the guard passed by.

Ana & Jennifer's House: Johnny tried sneaking in, but Jenny had stayed up. He closed the door, removed his shoes, and was about to tiptoe to the next room when she came in, turned on the light, and demanded to know where he had been.

Lascuráin Mansion: Isabruja was holding the baby and talking to him when Sebastián came downstairs.
She was holding him at a distance, likely because he had just soiled his diaper, and she heard Sebastián. She looked at him, calling him “Brat” only to have him correct her with “My name is Sebastián, Witch.”

And my name is Isabela, Sebastián,” she said, with sarcasm. She then demanded that he get Ana because of the baby. Sebastián pointed up the stairs and told her that Ana was in her room, which is on the right, if Isabruja wanted to see her. He then started to leave.

Listen, snot-nosed brat,” she started. “I just ordered you – “

Madam, you don't get to order me to do anything. 'Bye.” he said, calmly as he exited to the kitchen.

Of course, La Sangronella muttered to herself about what a nasty child Sebastián was. Then to the baby about she knew what she was going to do.

Ana & Jennifer's House: Jenny threw a pillow and a blanket at Johnny, telling him that if he didn't tell her what he was up to, he's sleeping on the couch. Permanently.
She went back to the bedroom and shut the door, leaving him to ask himself what he was going to do.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana started changing the baby's clothes, commenting about his mother's poor taste. She started taking off his clothes to exchange them for brighter-colored ones when Luz came in with her plush turtle. She said she was afraid of nightmares and asked to stay with Ana and her baby brother. Ana told her it was okay, so Luz got into her bed while Ana finished changing the baby's clothes. She appeared to have fallen asleep immediately.
Ana touched her through the blankets and apologized to her.

Bruja Central: Isabruja was talking to Beatriz on her cell and before she ended the call she had picked up a stemmed glass and a bottle of her favorite poison. After she ended the call she made a snide comment about fraternizing with a secretary as she sat down to her laptop and turned on the video she shot of Ana.

She poured herself some wine, then looked for Sebastián's Facebook page. She put the video on it and cackled. Along with a few demons from the hell she must have come from.

Lascuráin Mansion: While Ximena slept on the other side of her bed, Fanny tried to get her homework done.

Ana couldn't sleep. Neither could the baby. She pulled the blankets up around Luz as she decided to go downstairs to make herself some tea.

Enrique was waiting for the right moment to get out of the gardening shed. He finally stepped out, but not carefully enough because he stepped into something messy on his way to the lower floor of the mansion. He got to a door and began picking the lock with some twisted wire.

Ah, rain! Now I know Zeus is there,” said Hera.

Yes. Let's hope this is enough.”

Fernando, still in his business suit and tie, knocked on Fanny's door, calling “Hija?” When she didn't answer he entered her room and found her asleep at the keyboard. He silently asked himself, “How long can you be angry with your children?”
He woke her and she was startled. He said to calm down, addressed her as “mi amor,” and saw her back to bed. He then turned out the light and closed the door.

Ana went down to the kitchen, turned on the light, and saw muddy footprints on the floor. She noted that this was odd, and went to the counter to prepare tea. Fernando entered and the sound startled her. He was startled to see her and started to leave.
She tried to call him back. He stopped. She asked if she could talk to him. “About my children?” he asked. “About us,” she answered. He turned and left. She said his name a few more times before realizing this was futile.

Luz slept in Ana's bed, hugging her plush turtle. It was raining outside so she woke up at the sound and called Ana's name.
She opened her eyes, the lightning flashed, and she saw Enrique standing by the bassinet holding Diego Nicolás. He shushed her, as though he were anything other than a cold-blooded psychopath. Luz remained silent, staring at him. He was looking at Diego Nicolás, thinking “I am your father. I will protect you. Everything will be alright. He turned toward Luz as the lightning flashed again. She did not move.

Ana was looking through a grocery bag as the lightning flashed again. She found what she was looking for and more lightning came. The storm and rain continued.

Fernando was back upstairs and he entered the girls' room just as Enrique came down the hall, casting his sinister shadow on the opposite door. As Fernando closed the door Enrique said “Soon I will be in charge of you, Fernando.” He slowly walked down the hall, as though he owned the place.

Fernando sat on Luz's bed facing Alicia. He whispered, “I love you, Alicia” as he touched her hair. He kissed her and remained still for a moment.

Enrique did not. He walked down the hall to Fanny's room and quietly touched the door handle. Fanny and Ximena slept, Ximena closer to the door.

More thunder and lightning as Enrique crept into the room. Ximena stirred slightly. Another flash of lightning.
Enrique stood and stared at the two sleeping girls. “Fanny!” He thought to himself.

Hermes, make sure that child doesn't become mute again,” said Hera. “This psychopath needs to be caught.”

No te preocupes, Madrastra,” he said. “I'm not making that mistake again.”


Urban, thank you for the comprehensive, illustrated recap with your unique Olympian commentary.

Enrique in his fedora and overcoat is hardly dressed appropriately for skulking. I hope Fernando does not pay fthe guards he hired when he finds out Enrique the Skulker has wormed his way into the mansion.

So "cheapy" Fernando gave Ana only one uniform but then complains when she wears her street clothes because she has to wash it. Would he rather that she run around naked?

It was the old "tal padre, tal hijo" with Nando not wanting to understand Ana's life and fear. It was not so long ago he was being bullied himself. I wonder who helped him become more confident and sure of himself. Short memory but he is still a kid. For that reason I do not think Ana owed him any kind of explanantion. SHE should have kept it between Fernando and herself.

The highlight of the "ghost" scene was the offerinfg from Subway.

Johnny could be labelled as the perennial LOSER if he has gotten himself into some illegal dealings.. If he has, Jemmifer needs to get rid of him and move on on jer own.


I think Johnny's subterfuge is all a stupid, overly drawn out ridiculous stunt to give him some kind of story and all he's doing is trying to get a ring for Jenny. Too much ug-mo again!

Thanks, Urban.
I am really irritated by this "lying" issue that Nando talked to Ana about. I don't consider it lying because she was never asked about it in order for her to lie about it. Maybe sin of omission? It should be her personal life or work apart from her being a nanny. what she does after work hours is her private thing. Not even when she was asked for marriage, there was no occasion of lying to /fernando, but instead she wanted to divulge her secret life but Fanny asked her to delay it. So it was a sin of omission lying. And this sin was only this time, not early on for like I mentioned before, it's her private life what she does after work hours. I think I saw this mentioned before by one of our contributors here. I just want to second that opinion because od Nando's claim about the lying to his dad.
btw, maybe I missed it, but I was wondering what happened tp Fanny's friend, the ho, (is her name Laura?)the one trying to steal Leon. Did Enfreaky already kill her? I haven't seen her for a while. Anne

I meant "So it was a sin of omission, NOT^ lying. "
Sorry, I'm guilty too of omission.

and... of not od. Anne


Like always you give us a great recap filled with humor, details, superb translations, comments from the Gods, and spectacular screen shots (1 word or 2?). As my sleeping pattern is all messed up, I appreciate so much your early posting (always only a few minutes after the end of each episode).

I don't think I'll ever like AU no matter what role he plays. He looks like one of those caricatures that artist draws for restaurants or other places; only he looks like a caricature in real life. In don't have anything against anyone who is less attractive than others (myself included), but AU's looks, together with his stupidity, make for a less than likeable character. I still don't understand his attractiveness to the Mexican audience. Not having to see him will be one reason I'll be glad when this novela is over.

Nando is still stuck on blindly siding with his father and not being fair to Ana who has only had his best intersets at heart and done nothing but help and support him.

Other than Sergio Sendel, I can't think of anyone else who does evil, stalker, and creepy like Lisardo. Even Sergio Goya is great playing an antagonist, he doesn't come close to Lisardo.

In looking back over the history of the novela, I can't remember whether Isabruja ever did anything to kill anybody. Her treatment of Ana (name calling, stepping on her hand, etc. ), Sebastián (throwing him against the wall, name callling, etc.), and of her own mother merit an anvil, I just don't know how heavy the anvil should be.

While Fernando didn't call Ana nasty names during the Reveal, he said something almost equally as devastating and mean, which was to tell Ana she didn't deserve his children and their love.

At least Nando had good manners while with Ana; something the Lascurian have in common.

If anybody is interested, I'm still taking votes for who or how Fernando learns that DN is not his son biologically and whether or not he finds out that Enrique is the real father.

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It's double posting again. Wish I was still working so I could ask the IT guy why.

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Everybody has talked so positively about 'Quiero Amarte" and I just realized it is on Hulu! Great!

Thank you so much UA for this unsettling episode (for me)

I cannot stand RIcky walking throughout the house unmolested.

Trying to create some Jonny drama is stupid.

Every time Fernando allows Isabela free reign in his home and office and responds to any of her digs I want to choke him.

Every time Fernando refuses to have a civil discussion with Ana, even if it changes nothing, even if he believes none of it, makes me want to choke him.

I want Fernando and Fanny to make up. That is killing them both.

At least Ana isn't screeching.

I have no problem with Nando asking point blank about the lying, all the background was justification for the initial non disclosure but not why she did it. I do find it odd she felt her obligation to Doroteo trumped any obligation to tell Fernando the truth, after they became an item. Ana admitting to Nando, the real reason she lied and she should have told him the truth before dating, going away for the weekend and accepting Fernando's marriage proposal, admirable. Glad she reinforced, despite the lying about her extracurricular activities, her love for them all genuine.

Yay, no creepy Angel last night.


Such a great recap Urban.As we head into these Ultimates, I realize how much I'll miss our glorious gods and goddesses and their insight when all this is over.

Best part of last night, Lisardo making fools of the security detail and doing his best creepy stalker. The man deserves an award for how well he pulls this off. I'm with you Victoria, he is the master along with Sergio. They both have that evil sneer smile too.

Did enjoy the kids' all putting Isa in her place, but hated watching her with the baby. Kept wanting to reach through the screen and grab him. There's not a motherly bone in that body.

I actually appreciated the fact that Nando didn't immediately jump into "everything is ok" mode after talking to Ana only because it is true to the character we've seen all this time. Frankly, same with Fer. What progress they were making in understanding and flexibility took a giant step backward with this reveal. I think to some extent, though frustrating to watch, it's realistic. If anything, we should have gotten more of the TN to truly deal with the repercussions from a trust stand point, but with Eeeky on the lose, I'm sure all will be wrapped up and forgiven soon. He's a 17 year old kid, and right now he's acting like one in digesting things.

That said, hated the aside to Ximena that she was now part of the family. Ah, that would be no. I even find it weird she has seemed to move in, don't care it's in Fanny's room. Once again, Nando, 17-18 years old. Whatever...

It would be so wonderful to have Jen kick Johny to the curb, but we won't have that luck. And Fanny needs to just stop the crap and make a choice because the longer she strings Lenin along, who is more than understanding of the situation, the more I'm aggravated with her character, no matter what she is going through in the family.


I am even wondering now whether the baby is Enrique's. All the doctor said was that DN isn't Fernando's.

Jezebela may not have been able to supply a DNA sample of Enrique's at the time and Enrique didn't care, based on the conversation they had about this which was still hypothetical. He didn't seem to care about this until after his father died. This would actually be normal in a normal person.

My gut is now telling me that Fernando will find out during a confrontation with Enrique. There has to be one of those before this is over. My previous vote was for a medical crisis, but I now rank that as second because the baby looks too healthy.

It doesn't matter to me which it is because the end result will be the same: Fernando will realize that Jezebela is the real skank. I'm also betting that Ana is pregnant and this discovery will follow immediately.

As to Nando, he's only on the brink of 18 years old. He's likely to have extreme viewpoints at this stage of life. While he is intellectually very mature he's socially behind where he should be at this stage in life. Fanny is a lot more understanding of such things despite being relatively sheltered at her age, but this is one of the real maturity differences between boys and girls at that stage of life.

I wish I could revise the above post; I hate getting repetitive.

Just a quick comment about Lisardo Guarinos before I prepare more caffeine: He is a stellar villain. If he had a basso profundo voice I'd be tempted to think he is Enrique Rocha's heir apparent.

IMO Nando is socially immature because of his previous "nerdiness" where he shied away from friendships in order not to be bullied or made fun of.

Fanny had friends which helped her mature at a pace equal to or slightly less than other girls her age. On the other hand, Nando's growth social-wise has been stunted more than normal not only from living a sheltered life but lack of interaction with others. It seems as if he just kept to his bedroom and his computer.

He admitted on several occasions that he had no friends. That has to be incredibly difficult.

No spoiler, but according the IMDb the Mexican finale was 2 hours. This means that ours will be on the 27th if there are no doubles or pre-emptions. I hope there is a new series lined up for Jorge Salinas real soon.

Thanks for great recaps as always. I had some family issues and did not watch this during all of Jan-Feb. Started again last Fri, and after reading recaps back a few days, feel caught up and don't feel like I missed too much. Sorry to see Ximena is back, Edith is more interesting. And everybody finally changed the ringtones on their phones. Hey Johnny, Starsky called and he wants that sweater back.

That beautiful sweater was a gift from Ana in the opening episode. He was wearing it when she caught him cheating on her and he's worn it since when dating other women, including Jenny. Ana's most likely over that by now.

To an earlier post: In theory Ana's dancing should not even be an issue here. We weren't shown any posters with her on them, which is surprising that Dorofeo wouldn't do if she was his main attraction. No videos previously on YouTube, but that isn't a stretch from reality: Dorofeo wouldn't have wanted to lose live, paying customers to a YouTube channel. We know she has never prostituted herself and all the other females in that place had her back. She had no real competition and nobody else was out to oust her for the position of top attraction.

The latter has to be very unusual.

I'd love to know who lied to Fernando in the past and what that was about for him to take such a hard line on this. Hard enough to hurt himself as well as Ana.

I didn't the full extent of Johnny's stupidity and lack of tact until I rewatched a scene where he used all of Ana's savings (to buy her house), without her knowing and without her permission, for one of his "get rich fast" schemes. She had been saving for ages to buy a home and the assh*le threw away everything.


Thank you Urban!! I'm wondering when Sebas gets that video sent maliciously from Isa if he won't just think it's really cool, since he's so into dancing. I think he's going to have a reaction like Alicia, "y?"

Victoria thanks for the reminder, the type person Juan really is, and how idiotic and desperate Jenny must be to want that guy.

I was waiting for Nando to mention the danger Ana placed the kids in by not at least warning them the type of guy that held her hostage with the contract and kept Juan locked up for a week and beat him. Passed right over that one.


I've looked slightly ahead, but will not tell what I know.

Tofie, I'm not sure Nando understands what Dorofeo is about. At any rate, I think that the kids are safe from him if only because his anger is at Ana and he is far less intelligent than Enfrique is. He doesn't have enough brains or minions to get past this security measure and he is more likely to try to grab Ana when she's away from the mansion. There is nothing else he can do to destroy her emotionally since he knows Hissabela would have already done that. The worst he can do is put her in the hospital unless Osorio intends on giving us a really dark ending.

Tofie/Victoria, I think we are seriously supposed to look at Johny as the lovable louse that just needs a good woman's love to help him get his act together. Such a stupid cliche and I'm holding to the idea that Johny is Osorio's alter ego. Hate the way it makes Jen look in this show - she has been through the ringer and where Ana gets Fer, she got Johny? Ah, why is she getting the fuzzy end of the lollipop?


Daisynjay, that was great, the fuzzy end of the lollipop.

That's new for me, and I can't wait to use it! !

Victoria, it comes from this scene. One of the funniest movies ever.


You never cease to amaze me ! I don't know how you are able to link such things. I enjoyed the clip and am old enough to remember the day that Marilyn Monroe died and how upset my mother was. !

Your reach of all things is so educational. Have you thought about which novela, if any, you will recap next. ? I'm not interested in seeing one of my favorite actors (EY) wearing such a ridiculous mustache. I love mustaches on the right guy, but in the advances I've seen, he looks downright corny.

I wonder what's down the pipeline for Televisa?

Just wish Carla Estrada would start producing again.


Tell me about it. :(

My greatest fear is that Televisa will never produce another novela de epoca. I really miss those.

I don't know what I'll do next with these until I get a TV set in place. I may have to take a brief hiatus. When does Hasta el fin del mundo end and what comes after it?

"the fuzzy end of the lollipop" lawd that's funny

Juan is Osorio's alter ego but really a scumbag. Hard for me to get my head around both Ana and Jenny wanting to marry and have a family with the clown. Jenny already brushed aside catching him and Isabela in a compromising position same as Ana was ready to with the girl she caught him with.

Another terrific recap!!

At least Nando heard her out but agree that Xime is hardly part of the family.

Fer obviously needs surveillance cameras all over the property with someone monitoring 24/7.

Poor Luz! Can you imagine if Reeky had decided to kidnap her? But he seems to have eyes only for his baby and Fanny.

I think Sebas might think Ana's dancing is cool too. But I wonder if that will open up the pandora's box to the clones and Luz knowing.

I think Jonny's whole escapade is about buying a ring too. He is our only comic relief at the moment. Though I guess not many of us feel that! He doesn't bug me.

UA, thanks again for the great recap and pictures.
LOVED the Mt Olympus referring to the Fanny Sr portrait responding to Isa's stares/words... wouldn't THAT be something of a nightmare for Isa??

Isa has not succeeded at killing anyone but she has attempted to kill Enrique and i believe one more character, besides hurting Sebastian several times.

Fernando has not only hurt Ana and himself, but mostly his own kids with his attitude/reaction to the revelation.


I was surprised that when Ana told Isa 'Fernando (notice she referred to him as just Fernando) forgave me already and won't stand for your tricks' Fernando did not confront Ana for lying about his forgiving her.

and as far as Ana not lying, most of the time it was just omission of the other life of hers... but during the Lola incident she flat out lied to him and even faked an italian accent to cover her tracks. no other way to call that.


Isa has also mis-treated Fernando's other kids, slapped Ana and other characters, and broke Ana's guitar, lied to and almost killed Soledad and kicked her own mother out of her house.

Isa was about to push Ana down the stairs once, but Bruno walked into the room.

Most of the things I've felt about what's going on has been said(Ximena moving in, Nando and Ana talking, etc). However, when Isa was talking to Ximena and she did the crazy face with the sound effects, i busted out laughing. I told my wife, "this woman has no boundaries!" I don't know if it was meant to be comical but that's the way it came across. Isa is not the least bit reserve in her insults, and some of them are just so blatant and tasteless she looks incredibly childish. When she made that that face and they added the "Boing, Boing" all I could picture was a little kid doing it. I laughed hard.

My feeling now is that it would be better for the twins and Luz to know. It should be a preemptive strike before Hissabela has any chance o hurt them.

As to the issue about Ana's lie to Hissabela, Fernando knows she sent that anonymous note. He also shuts her down when she tries to twist in the knife.

He seems to know that indifference is the best weapon.

I look forward to your recaps every week UA. Thank you so much for a stellar one! Not much to add to the conversation other than what's been said. In regards to Isabela though, seems we're forgetting she tried to kill Freaky. She's is pure evil. In a lot of TNs the antagonists are evil due to greed or some other reason but Isa has money. She enjoys making other people miserable just for the sake of it. I want to see a Texas size anvil fall on her, she is a disgusting excuse for a human being IMO. I miss Edith. Didn't miss Angel. Don't give an F about Johnny and Jen.

From yesterday's commentary:

I think Angel & Fernando are on the same social class level; I think Soledad was Angel's nanny.

Ana did not owe Nando an explanation; however, he knew Fernando's side of it and used it to bash Fanny. So he needed to hear Ana's side of it so he would think twice about bashing Fanny & possibly influencing the other kids.

I didn't have a problem with Ana calling Ximena part of the family because she would've said the same thing if Edith were in the room. Or if Lenin or Leon were in the room. Ximena's part of the family enough to hold the baby but not family enough to hear what Ana has to say?

The children should be sent to the US or Nico's beach house until Enrique is caught. Fanny can't fall any further behind in her studies than she already has...the other 6 can be tutored.


Anon207: I agree about Xi. Being Nando's girlfriend makes her a member of the family, in my book.

Also, re: the previews. I was so afraid the family would pass off Luz's seeing Enrique as a dream. Glad they didn't go there.

I'm not sure Nick's beach house would be safe, but my gut says that this is where the final confrontations will happen.

Fanny certainly can't afford to fall further behind in her studies. I think that female prof has it in for her, too. The younger kids would be better off in the US... with Ana. That would also protect her from Dorofeo.

I haven't forgotten that Isabruja tried to kill Enfrique, but that could be argued as self-defense. It is also possible that the bashing on the head unleashed the true crazy, but there is no predicting that.

UA: Thanks for the recap. Love the pics and the Pantheon's take on things. Always a good day when we have input from Estafania.

Speaking of "Estafania", I like that Lenin calls Fanny that, acutally most of the time.

I thought maybe Johnny was buying a gun.

Isa bashing Enrique on the head was self-defense, but all those trips to the hospital to finish the job weren't. She does have murderous tendencies. Really looking forward to her anvil.

Was watching a Lifetime Movie Network movie over the weekend where the heroine was taking pole dancing lessons to get in touch with her sexy self and as a surprise for he husband. She ended up being falsely arrested for attempted murder and one of the cops kept on about how she was taking stripper lessons (I guess to show she was capable of murder ?!). P****d me off. I’m sure lots of strip clubs having pole dancers, but as we all know, pole dancing doesn’t necessarily equate to stripping. It’s been around L.A. for years as a workout regimen. Started by a rather well know actress of the 1980s. I can remember it being offered by the Learning Annex. There are a few studios in my area that offer it. Hmmm?! No way. I'm too old and creaky. Guess I'll just stick to my Bollywood dance class. But it does look like fun.

However, I'll bet you get callouses on your hands from having to grip the pole hard enough to climb it, stay on it, and to have the ability to do turns and spins.

If that offered it at my gym I would take it. SN's core strength has to be amazing! I wonder how long it took her to get that good.

Also, I think it's good that Sebastian will see the video and probably show it to the clones & Luz. If Fernando & Ana ever reconcile, other people will know what Ana did (since it was blasted on the news) and the family would need to present a united front to protect against teasing.

Isadummy would still be in that house if she hadn't mistreated the children.


It's pretty sad that Fernando didn't do anything about the way Isabruja treated Ana and didn't act until she did what she did to the kids. He let her bad mouth and treat everyone with contempt.

I hope that Alicia never knows how Isabela REALLY feels about her.

Anon207. I agree that if Fernando and Ana end up together, it is better for them to present the video to the whole family (explaining what was real and what people could assume [in acceptable kid-friendly wording]) and talk about the possible gossip/teasing in the future (possibly from people who saw her at the club or in the internet and might recognize her) and what they should all do about it (or not do).

Anon, i agree that there are things in ISa's catalogue of cruelty that better be left unsaid (her true opinion of Alicia, the fact that she was the one that hurt Sebas, etc). No need to reopen wounds with new details once everyone is happy and has good riddance of her.

Au contrario, I hope Alicia finds out.

She has enough confidence now that she can take it. And Fernando has to know, too; Ana has probably already guessed.

Thus far the only thing she could go to prison for is the attempted murder of Enrique. There could be another prosecutable crime coming up... if Enfrique doesn't kill her first.

While most of Isabruja's schemes have failed, she has been just smart enough to not embezzle money from La Costeña.

Which still could happen now that Dorofeo extorted half her assets out of her.

After all of the awful things Isa has done, it's sad she may get off scot-free and be let loose to connive another family. I wouldn't put it past her to go looking for sugar daddy 2.

I think Fernando would have learned his lesson about people embezzling money out of LC or putting the company on a downspiral spin... he would not allow anyone to mess with La Costena money again (mostly for the sake of the employees and having his reputation/legacy on the line)...
But UA, you are right, there is very little for which Isa could be going to jail... unless she has more skeletons in her closet from the past. or she does more stupid things in the future.

Isabruja attempted to murder Enrique and innocent little Siete. I hope her evilness will be matched with a fitting fate!

As for Fernando, he is beginning to disgust me. It is okay for him to hang out in strip clubs and become infatuated with an "Italian" pole dancer but it is not okay for Ana to be that dancer?! Puh-lease. The double standards!

If Alicia ever did find out how Isabela really feels about her, I would hope the family would turn to Yolanda to help. And I think she would.

I think if Yolanda could tell Alicia that her daughter is sick and not right in the head and needs help & prayer, that would stave off any bad feelings Alicia may have, more so than if Fernando/Ana/Hermanos tell her.

Isabela needs to be found out and punished for harming Sebastian but I don't think it would do any good for Alicia to know. I think Isabela's true feelings for Alicia is more psychologically destructive than Isabela maiming Sebastian.

Thank you UA, great job. I think that Isabela wasn't lying when she said Enrique is the father. That's just my personal opinion.

How annoying and hard to believe that Enrique could get in the house and move around like he has and no one has spotted him or heard him.

The more I see Fanny and Lenin together, the more I feel certain that Lenin will meet an untimely death.

I also want to say that I doubt very much that Sebastian will see the video that Isabela sent him. The writers are bad, but I don't think they will have a 10 year old viewing it.

Hissabully could go to prison for Sebastian's "accident" if that could be found out. I don't remember if Yolanda knows about that.

Sebas is almost 12 now, although I think he's 10 from an emotional perspective.

@ Anonymous
You are right, conspiring to murder is a crime. However she did not get caught unfortunately. I have nothing but disdain for people that harm or kill animals, or those that are capable of doing so. She belongs in a mental institution rather than prison.

I've missed some episodes and not read every recap. Would someone be kind enough to tell me why Bruno and Beatrice are not an item anymore?

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