Friday, March 06, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 33 -Dun Dun Dun! Full Recap

We are back again and it seems like a pretty darn good utopia where  Sim won  the elections  ,there is some order in town,the now fat turned Marc is probably still begging for drinks and Satan has nothing but bad days ahead! But as always the tides always shift,sometimes not in our favour :(

Recap (Part 1)

Previously (Some scenes were merged) 

Max is trying to get Abi to forgive him for his years old misconduct aka Jose Luis Syndrome,he acted like such a spoiled brat. To illuminate the situation he  asks how are things in school and she says great but i have this temper. Max replies that he likes her because of that same thing and you slap pretty well! 

Macaria is blabbering to Ren on how poor old Satan has been teary,  my Comrade in Bed  even lost the elections and not even Die Hard (Diana)  is there to console him. Ren is disgusted that she still loves him but Mac switches the topic for Pat,has she seen him around? Ren says nopes ,not a trace!

Back at the Netherworld aka as Pat crying Shame is begging dead old Juliana for forgiveness. But as he was busy mourning ,the amazingly Hawt Ximena lurks by and Pat sensed it and called for her but gets no response.  He looks at the room but finds Nothingness as she enters to mourn too in her fabulous outfit. 
She claims that even after the marriage her wounds have not healed as she hoped,Xi misses Jul"s time spent with her and Pat. She cannot even bring herself to hurt Pat,she will never forget him.  But its time to move on thats why i came here to bury myself with you ,she cannot feel anymore as she writes on the crest with some kind of chalk she bought from Walmart her own name as her heart is now dead and buried! 

Someone isn't God"s favorite anymore

Lucio is moping at some fountain and Mac comes by. He bends her to sit. He"s desperate cause no living soul wants to work in our Gulags aka vineyards but everyone is moving to the place where basic human rights such as rest are being granted, El Ramada!  Mac is enjoying the show since Abi is the owner. But Lucifer wants that place to go to Hell cause he must buy it.   My master Satan which i kiss his arsehole everyday and I cannot know everything goes wrong for us its like the dumb  Turk Benito and  DropDead Gorgeous  Diego are forewarned each and every time.  Mac advises Luc that he should question some workers ,perhaps someone"s leaking (Now i wonder whats their state of Sanitary"s? It just wreaks of Shit or did I just fart?)

The Sin of Lust does not age 

Benito and Mac are later in their house chatting about Luc,he keeps setting barriers for us and thanks Mac for spying on Luc. Mac warns that they cannot let Fausto have this land. She seduces and employs Dumb Ben to be her Gato and to do what ever the hell she wants at any moment. Ben  has second thoughts later but fixes his problems by literary Cannonballing at Mac with his kisses,that guy is truly horny in my opinion !

Later Fausto aka Satan is remembering his treatment of his  favorite trophies DieHard and Ren ,even the ugly rape scene was shown as he sipped down  but lamentably not choked on  the drink.
He knocks on Mac(d) "s  doors just as she and Ben were getting handsy. She  excuses herself and goes to greet him. Faucet wishes some consolation in Bed since he is SO alone. Mac wises that"s not her problem ,its his own fault cause he has rejected her so many times how does he even dare? Faucet  moans that he didnt want to find other women in town but if you dont WANT it ,its not a problem mine. Mac now suddenly gets interested and wants him to wait.  She convinces Ben with the excuse that she"s only cooking him dinner cause Vic took a rest.  Ben wants to go along with her but she refuses,if they see us Fausto will know that it was SHE who helped him out with intel. Ben says that he loves her but Mac is not interested into that gay chemistry of emotions and sends him out.  She calls him an useful idiot cause atleast he can help to keep the shape  of El Ramada in tic toc !

Evacuate immediately ,guns ready ? Fire! 
(Merged Scene)

Amanda and Ren are chatting about Abi"s whereabouts. Amy says she"s at the Garden and Ren guesses that she is doing the unknown feat of practicing what she learned at the university. She calls Abi in with Ren wearing a Red Dress as Abi enters 3 Years Later but now Ren dons the dress of Black.  She congratulates Abi for being the best at Class and completing her carrer of Agronomics ,she"s getting a  party hosted! Both Ren and Amy are so proud !
Abi muses that it was quite easy and Ren compliments her nerdery and love of Books :)
Abi thanks Ren and they cheer with a cup of fine Wine but theres a knock and its none other than good old Satan to ruin your temporary Utopia of Peace . He compliments Abi"s new found growth and asks "Ren did you miss me?" . Satan sips from her cup,giving it Measels and he shall surely not crowl!
He asks what are they celebrating and Ren replies that they are just being happy cause Abi graduated.  Satan is pleased to this,giving Abi his regards "All health to you Hoe,you made Gestapo proud! " ,now GTHO so i can (Hopefully not ) beat up my trophy wife as i damn well please!  (No ,he did not say that,i just read his Mind cause i am so good at reading people !). She calls him names as we are shown the accident flashback  again ,he robbed the light in her eyes besides she wont stand Gestapo any more!  Anyway he wants her to be present but Ren ain't wanting it but its not an opinion,its an order says the Fuhrer as Abi is forced to intervene in this disaster.

Amy leaves but Abi is not moving though,she"ll stay in close distance .  Fausto is all in a complimenting  today as if he was doing some kind of Public Service cause he claims that Ren became much more beautiful! Ren can see trough his BS and knows all his games so why did he come? Fausto is teasing her that its just impossible for her to tolerate his galanish ways but also replies that  Mat is coming back home tomorrow which sort of created a temptation for  Abi from behind as she cracks a smile.

The clock finally tics

Back in the kitchen Vic and Amy are chatting. Vic cannot believe that Fausto came here but since she has a day off she decided to visit them,i am sure he would not mind cause i visit you all the time i can. Amy is glad that she came and notes that time flies by fast but its the opposite for Vic cause she misses all of them very much. Amy also misses her daughter cause unfortunately that snake is her own blood!

Benny is trying to get his handsy with Mac but she repels him. Dumbo Ben wonders what changed and she simply changed her mind,he is useless to her. Ben is pithed cause he did everything just to get a lick but Mac replies that he did nothing grand for her ,just some useless things.  Dumbo unfortunately rhyming with  Rambo (Hopefully i am not insulting the Elephants intelligence from the flick "Dumbo"! ) asks what could he do for her and she exlaims that the best thing is for him to leave and dont think of touching me. He leaves as she just smirks like Jerry does when Tom falls for the baits !


What a charm

Luc is enjoying in a house with Max as Max brags about how his father bought the house,does he like it? The furniture was bought from abroad cause you cannot get anything good in Hell-Town! Luc says he likes it and asks what is of his mother.   Max replies that Dad and Mom are still traveling abroad  ,besides would he like a tequila?  Anway talking about business ,you never succeded with buying the Ramada and all of your plans go astray . Luc tells him to have patience ,they will get it soon! Max says that he ran out of patience but Teodora interrrupts them and Max tells that she can leave now and pays her a large sum.( Is she cleaning only furniture or feet as well?)  Teo informs them that Dianaconda is coming home soon so she will  not be staying much. Luc thinks it will bring please to Master PumpAHoe and Max tries to convince her to stay,he pays her better but Teo will think about it. She goes as Luc reads his infatuation extremely well and Max confirms it.

Teo meets with Dorothy and Dor chides her for still working here . Teo mumbles that its for a better pay and i almost forgot that i have to attend Mia now,she would want  it spotless. Dor says that she misses Abi and so does Teo.  They go for a hike.

The devil"s time to grow horns (Merged scene) 

Fausto  is now facing both Ren and the Fast and  Furious Abi, she is not the same sheep as before and wants him out . The Devil says its fine and he changed his mind ,he needs her for nothing. Forget about the party or seeing Mat. He goes outside and grabs Elena , he needs an urgent talk with her!

Later ,Ele and Fausto are in the house. Ele is admiring the house cause it brings much memories when she raised Mat here but Fausto wants her to complete what she was told,did she understand? Elena is not sure if its the right thing to do but Faust aint asking for her opinion,its an order Heil!  She is to try the best to bring Ren and Abi to the Party and call me Don Fausto for Christ"s sake!  Ele says that she will try her best but cannot promise anything. Fausto grabs her ,she better not fail him!

Apetite flows like blokes  and drunks when pawned

Vic and Diego  are eating with  Dumbo Ben some food but he aint eating,but he said it was delicious. Vic guesses problems with Mac.  Diego says he should be happy cause we had a great harvest . Dumbo asks if he paid the hypoteque and Diego says no chance in Hell. Vic asks how much big was the loan and Diego says it was enough to pay them for years. Dumbo replies that banks always win,always ( Yup i agree,in our country Slovenia we have tons of bank and we are their  Red Cross,we even have a bank named "Bad Bank" ,bad bank ,zero work but great salaries! ) . Vic asks what would happen if they failed to pay and Diego says they would most likely lose the Ramada!

Speaking of Ramada , Luc and Max are getting wasted in the bar. Luc wonders if its really a good idea to buy the ranch and Max approves cause he could make a hotel out of it ,like the residents from my town would like it and cut the vineyards! Luc says its a horrible idea and Max wises that they should keep the vineyards cause it would make a good tourist attraction. Luc goes to order a drink for himself and Rafa,the bartender speaks wonders that it is quite visible that the kid came from some other town,they cannot respect the camplife. Luc pokes that its not of his business and takes a bottle.

Recap Part 2

It seems that Sim"s mandate is running so she will have to find a sucessor. They cannot lose since the town already knows Fausto is full of Shit.  The Cugar sisters wonder who will be the successor and Sim replies that its gonna be Violeta,with the support in town we shall win in a landslide and nothing less!

Fausto is now back home and undresses his jacket for a extremely hot sweater that i would otherwise love to have but i know its tainted with Curses! He begins sliming over Abi and promises to himself that she is his new pray and  he shall give her a great scare one day as i crawl  and throws up and yell out of disgust!

Renata and Elena are talking about Mac and Ren is glad that she is glad for her that he is returning .
Elena informs her that there will be some party in the Hacienda and her presence would be welcome but Ren aint wanna go,you can forget about it!

Anyway Abi is in her bedroom and cannot wait to see Mat again.
Amy is later cooking something and asks Abi if she would love to see Mat again. Abi confirms ,she missed him so much and would do anything in her power to go the party but if  Ren is not agreeing than she simply wont go! Ren lurks from behind .
Abi later complains to Connie about not being able to see Mat when he will first come but she"ll only see him when he decides to visit her. Why does love has to be that hard? Connie in her dead-like silence  grabs her forehead gently.

Its morning and Sim&Tonio are mourning over Freddy " Yet To be Kruger tomb . Sim says that they will never forget him  but Tony is still blaming himself. Sim consoles him ,imagine Freddy as an angel now he must be watching all over us but Tony says he could barely look over him even when he was 6 years old. Sim wants Tony to not imprison himself more but to find himself a good girl,to marry and give me nietos but Tony is oblivious to all that. Sim wants him to promise to his fallen brother to at-least think about it but it falls on deaf ears.  They leave and Meliton sees them from behind

Fausto the Sly Devil is begging Tom to help him convince Ren to give him another chance ,he wants to change.  I already tried but the request falls on deaf ears. He would also like to get the help of God of course !  (This is really one  the most irritating scenes ever!)

Edi is tearing Efi apart cause she has now no visitors at nights. Not only to talk but not even touch? Edu is pithed and tells her that she needs no looking and if she doesn't stop she will go and tell Tom all about their sins! Edi threatens  that she wouldnt dare it .

Back in Hotel Hell Mac is preparing the hallroom with some of her minions  . Vic comes and is pithed at Mac pretending to be the owner . Mac says they are just preparing for Mat"s arrival.!
After Vic"s further goading   Mac chases the goons away . After they go Vic proclaims that she knows that Mac has been sleeping around for few times .    Mac confirms it saying that  she was indeed warming Fausto"s bed, who knew Hell was such a cozy place? Vic gives her a slap and there comes another one and they also scream until Fausto finally gets to interrupt and break this annoying fight( Atleast he is good for something!)

Edi and Efi canceled their arguing for a while and Efi"s glad that she stopped herself for not telling Tom about Edi"s sins. Edi reminds her that they're both sinners. Efi stops her blabbling,she could still go and tell Tom about her adventures with Motor. Edi is disgusted cause he actually likes her but Efi is not convinced, he is all about fixing his debt to her and nothing else!

In Hotel Hell ,Fausto is drilling Helena for failing to obey and was about to hit her until Ren and Abi actually made the obnoxiously stupid choice to actually come.  They all greet  and hug each-other eventually after smaller difficulties. Ren reminds Fausto that she will only be here till the Party and will then leave .  Mat comes and Abi embraces him tightly and it seemed like a happy moment until Mat reveals the Suprise of the night: I introduce to you my spouse,my loyal Hoe till the end i die from Ebola ,the one and only DianaConda!
She says "Hii how are ya doing?" as Abi"s heart gets broken yet again.

(End of Capitulo)


Count, I was rather wondering if staying up to see last night's episode was worth it UNTIL the final seconds.

I am trying but not succeeding in trying to help with a good title. "Honey, I'm Home", "Look what the galan dragged in", "Surprise, surprise, surprise" and "Fausto gets sucker punched" were all I could come up with.

There are a lot of creative minds here and I'm sure you will get many suggestions.

Really looking forward to your always excellent recaps!


Diana- I like your look what the galan dragged in title. :) ITA, the last seconds of this episode was what really made the episode. How in the heck did THAT come about with no one knowing?

Looks like Abi with her engineering degree, Simona with her term in office, and Diego and Benito getting Enramada off the ground have been very busy these past three years. But what the heck have the rest of them been doing with their time? What the heck does Max do, now that he lives in town, for example?

I'm shocked Fausto let Simona live through her full term. I guess another unfortunate accident in her family would look suspicious.

Laisha (Ximena) was wonderful in her brief scene in front of her daughter's niche, as she figurative buried herself along with her daughter.

Vivi, Max emits an air of entitlement. His perpetual sneer and dour expression is a real turn off for me. Even when he smiles, I feel he doesn't mean it! That said, he has no idea what his father has done so for that, he has my sympathy.

"Laisha (Ximena) was wonderful in her brief scene in front of her daughter's niche, as she figurative buried herself along with her daughter" was beautiful Vivi. And, very true.

Yeah, I don't know how Mat and Di pulled things off. But it does seem a TN staple that when people "go away" they are not heard from much. Yikes! What will Helena have to say? The good news was that Fausto had the wind knocked out of him. I am sure his retaliation against Di will be swift and severe.


All I can remember is:

There was a "months later" time jump. Max is still an ass.

Then there was a "years later" time jump (3 years)

Abi graduated from university

La Enramada has been mortgaged & somebody warned Diego about not missing a payment

Fausto wants Renata to come back to the hacienda on the pretense of attending Mateo's coming home party; she said NOPE

Fausto threatened Elena to get Renata to come to the party.

Mia's maid said Mia was coming back to town.

Macaria wouldn't give up the goodies to Benito.

Vicenta pimpslapped Macaria twice and pulled her ear. They got into a catfight.

Abi was all happy to see Mateo until he announced he came with his esposa, Dianaconda, who bounced up by his side. Fausto was impactada! (and Abi too)

Oh, and Ximena cried at her daughter's grave and said her marriage wasn't going the way she expected it to, and that from then on she was dead like her daughter. She carved her name on her daughter's name plaque and left the tombs.

Part 1 is now finished! This was quite a large imput for me since its much bigger than usual so sorry for the discussion page not being visible . Enjoy!

Thanks Count for your part 1

I noticed that devil dog was running around manhandling the women last night. What a nice guy he is and what a good mayor the town could have had---NOT!

If Abi looses El Ramada I'm gonna scream!!! There probably will be some foul play soon and a payment could be missed. NOOOOOOO!!!
the gringo


Count, thank you for a great Part 1.

"He"s desperate cause no living soul wants to work in our Gulags aka vineyards but everyone is moving to the place where basic human rights such as rest are being granted, El Ramada!" was my favorite line of many.

Has Benito finally realized Macaria is Ms. Hyde??

While everything Fausto does makes me ill, telling Helena to call him "Don" Fausto really made my stomach turn.


The time jumps were a little confusing. With some it was easier to understand what they had been up to than others. Abi and Mat obviously were studying, and the servants kept serving. The Padre kept ministering. But Ren, Fausto, Mac, Lucio, Max, Diego, Benito, the Spinster sisters, Detective Barragan, it's hard to imagine what they've been up to. Just getting three years older but all other circumstances staying the same.

Anyway, I know that now we'll be getting back in the swing of things.

Great detailed recap, Count. Thank you, as I missed the first 20 minutes or so.

Part 2 is now posted ,enjoy!
This episode as quite annoying since as i already pointed out that the happy times are getting their days counted and Evil will conquer Good once again,how will our great but gullible people manage to turn the tides?

Hi everyone!

Great to hear all the comments regarding this great telenovela. I'm loving this remake much more than the original, 'Abrazame muy fuerte' (well, except for the music... does anyone remember the cool music from AMF??)

Am THRILLED that Laisha's character's have FINALLY put in their appearance, and I'm fascinated to see how she does in these roles. She has big shoes to fill- Helena Rojo won awards for her performances in AMF as 'Damiana' (the rich-bitch twin), and 'Juliana' (the psychotic twin).

Thus far, I don't know about you all who are familiar with both TN's, but I think the actors in the remake are MORE than the equal, and in a lot of cases, even better than their AMF counterparts.

Here's something you all may be interested in... someone has created a YouTube video showing the actors and characters in both versions, beside one another. Check it out, if you like (it contains no spoilers... just shows each character from each version, beside the same character in the other version). Here it is:

My best wishes to all for a super weekend!! :-)

Stevey ,thank you for the video but i dont think the others would condone it,for now i will keep it up. It doesnt reveal any anvils but it could lure people into spoiling themselves so its kind of irrelevant since from Tv Show viewing experience or movies people still read spoilers even with the spoiler tags present.

As for the potrayals i liked Motor and Tony's in Abrazame more from the view of things,they looked super HOT unlike the current Tony who is just plain garbage.
I thought Mia was a freak but from seeing this video her counterpant makes even Skeletor and Frankestein seem like rolemodels for art and culture!

I would watch it but i wouldnt know if i could stand VR in this role ,Rebecca Jones is much more convincing for me! I did not know that Meliton from the past was a Black Man that came like a huge suprise for me.

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