Thursday, March 19, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 43 -Full Recap

Update:Here is the recap for Capitulo  43  ,courtesy of TN4Ever who volunteered to recap today instead of me and i thank him/her very much for her efforts! 

Que Te Perdone Dios, Capítulo 43 – Curtains for Tia Mia. That’s a wrap!
Refrito: Mateo and Abi agree that they love each and must wait for Mat to be free for proper lovin’. Mat leaves and Abi laugh/cries with joy/horror. Comandante Barragan reveals details of a confidential conversation he had with Renata, but tells Helena he doesn’t want to talk about it because it’s confidential.
Onto the new: Toño comes home to find his mom crying. He assumes that it’s for his lost brother Freddy, and Simona doesn’t correct him, but we know it’s because of the pressure she’s under from Mia.

 Simona calls him her hijo, her Hijo, her HIJO.  He doesn’t realize it’s because he’s just the opposite.
At the Hacienda, Amanda, who in addition to being a servant is also a close advisor to Renata on sensitive matters, asks if Renata really asked Barragan to suspend the investigation in Pablo’s murder. Yes, she did. Renata doesn’t want Abi to find out the truth about her parentage as a result of this investigation, but from Renata herself. So Renata will tell her. No, she’ll impede justice in a case of murder because she doesn't want Abi to get mad at her. 

Also, Fausto is asking for another chance, and I guess him getting into trouble as the murderer would hurt that fragile initiative. What strong, unselfish and logical reasoning there, Renata. Amanda is actually the voice of reason saying Fausto won’t change, but Renata feels she must give him a chance since one of the conditions is that they will adopt Abi. Renata wants to adopt Abi in order to reveal little by little that Abi is her birth daughter (which in my mind would render the whole adoption null and void), and it seems Fausto wants to adopt her to rape her. What responsible social worker would approve this couple for adoption?

Mateo and Diana are in bed, and Diana is trying to smooth over their fight about him kissing Abi. She doesn’t doubt his love for her, and understands that others will want him and are jealous of her.  Mat pulls the old “I don’t want to talk about it,” and Di tries to turn that into an intro to amor, but Mat rebuffs her. She isn’t happy.  He turns out the light, affording a nice torso view. He’s a dunce, but he works out.

Meanwhile, Fausto knocks on another bedroom door, Renata’s. Knocking is the signal that he’s not in a raping mood, as we’ll see in just a moment. Renata mentions that she wants to talk with Abi, and he’s Mr. Attentive, offering to go get her, being very smarmy with his new chance. He then says, “Buenas noches, mi amor,” to which Ren replies, “Buenas noches. Fausto.” Ouch! The moment the door is shut, Dr. Pat “Apple Cheeks” Duarte calls in, and insists that Renata account for why she wasn’t at the Hacienda earlier when he came a-callin’. Seriously, he’s like, “Where were you?” “I had to go out.” “For what?” “To atender un asunto (deal with something).” “What was it?” “Goodness gracious, it was about Pablo Ramos.” The Dr. looks kind of crestfallen. He was probably hoping it had to do with him.

In yet another bedroom, Abi comes from the shower in a towel, and as mentioned before, Fausto doesn’t knock before opening the door to spy. She has her back to him, drops the towel to walk around her room desnuda without locking the door, and he must have gotten an eyeful. About this time Mateo gets out of bed, probably imagining in his mind what Fausto is actually seeing, and strolls up to Fausto in the hallway. When asked what he is up to, Fausto covers deftly by saying Ren wanted Abi, but Abi is asleep, nothing to see here, move along, let’s go have a night cap. Mat as usual believes whatever, and allows himself to be led docilely away.

Away from the Hacienda, in Meliton’s jacal, Mel asks why Lucio risked being seen. Lucio needed clothes because he hated wearing Meliton’s wooly mammoth coat. Mel says Lucio is healing well but should rest, and Lucio says he will descansa cuando muere (rest when he dies). When Mel asks why Lucio wants to kill Fausto, Lucio rants about all he has done for Fausto, and takes single-handed credit for the success of the crops at the Hacienda and for the success of Fausto.  He reveals that he is worried about Max, too, as he is sure Fausto will go after him. We end the scene with one of those close ups of evil, scruffy Lucio.

In Fausto’s office/study, Mateo gives a great demonstration of stoopidity when he asks Fausto for advice about relationships. He says he wants to divorce Di. On the inside Fausto is surely going, “Yeah!” and high-fiving all around, but he remains passive on the outside, merely asking how is it that Mat was so in love but now he’s not? Mat says it is only physical, and Fausto again is clenching his jaw in a frozen smile to avoid adding his two cents to that! Mat then says that he is in love with somebody else, and right away Fausto advises cheating on the wife versus a divorce. That’s been a go-to thing for him for years of course, but Mat isn’t into it. Fausto can’t resist a few te lo dije’s (I told you so’s). Mat raves about his new love, as if they are the only who have loved, as if marrying somebody else in the face of that love somehow enhances that love. Now that he has decided/discovered he’s in love, it’s like a gushing faucet is opened. Finally, Fausto wants to know who is the lady, but Mat won’t say. It would have been funny to see Fausto’s reaction to Mat getting the girl again!

It’s a new day, and Marcelino’s wife Violeta shows Mia into Simona’s office. Mia proceeds to extort money from Simona. She has an unknown but large sum written on a piece of paper, and Simona must produce that sum by the end of the day. Simona refuses to compromise her principles on graft, but Mia doesn’t care and threatens with revealing the truth about Toño. After Mia leaves, Simona is understandably overwhelmed, and then Violeta proceeds to extort information out of her about what is bothering her. Simona says she doesn’t walk to talk about it, and to show that she means it says, “She’s blackmailing me.”

In the study, Macaria is questioning whether Fausto really fell off his horse, and Fausto is asking if she’s seen Lucio. They lie to each other. One of the help (Amanda or Vicenta?) tries to stop Max from entering Fausto’s study, whose first order of business is to insult Mac and run her out of the room. Then he taunts Fausto by saying the offer is withdrawn to invest on behalf of Lucio into Fausto’s businesses. Fausto pretends to be disappointed and pretends to be impressed with the wealth and power of the Zarazua. This scene seemed kind of pointless.

Upon leaving the office, Max runs into Abi and mentions his dad. Abi says that the word is he left town. “Why?” asks Max. Because of something horrible he did to someone close to Abi. Max doesn’t know what she is talking about (naturally). Then who always shows up on the heels of Abi? Yes, it’s Mat. Max calls him on his BS behavior as a married man chasing after Abi, and Diana shows up to second the motion. Max declares that he is in love with Abi (yeah, take a number) and she is considering being his girlfriend. Abi rushes to assure her married boyfriend that it simply isn’t true. Diana nicely twists things around to accuse Abi of being involved with all kinds of men, basically accuses Abi of Diana’s own behavior. Now married Mat defends his girl to his wife and also tells Max that he will kick his butt like he did before when he saw Max kissing Abi against her will. Diana specifies that on this occasion, it was Abi who initiated the kiss with Mat. Max wants to know what’s up with that, but Abi tells him to buzz off, that she doesn’t owe him any explanations. That’s something she’s got right.

Marcelino is on the phone ordering bodyguards for himself and Fausto, stat! Looks like Lucio has him pretty shaken up and scared. He takes out his fear on Violeta, just coming home, and goes all macho about what her place is and her meal-providing duties. He says she has to choose between him or running for presidenta. She blows him off and starts gossiping about Simona’s problem, that Mia is blackmailing her. I’m thinking, “Why on earth is she telling him this?” but Violeta conjures up Simona and Marcelino’s longstanding work relationship as a reason he ought to help her. That’s weak, really, weak, on Violeta’s part. To solicit unasked-for help from her deadbeat husband on behalf of Simona. That’s going to turn out well.

Mac is going to pay Lucio a get well visit, and runs into Meliton outside, who says, “I want to talk to you. You know about what.” I’m glad somebody does, because I don’t. They agree it will be at a later time. Inside the jacal, Lucio says he needs money to get out of town, he can’t stay at Mel’s. Mac says, “Ask Max,” but Lucio, upstanding guy that he is, says it isn’t proper for the father to ask the son for things, that the father should provide for his child. What a model of moral rectitude. Mac informs Lucio that Max is with Fausto right now. Doh!

Marcelino must have hustled his fleshy hindquarters right over to the Hacienda, because he’s in the office telling Fausto all about Mia blackmailing Simona. They assume it is about something political, and hope it’s something corrupt that they can use against Simona in the next election. All this was after Marcelino told Fausto about the bodyguards on order, and that they are both sitting ducks for Lucio. Fausto says he also has something to use against Lucio, which is his son Max.

Now it is Fausto who has hustled his skinny posterior to Mia’s house. He pretends to be on the friendliest of visits, and gives Mia the pésame (sorrow) for the loss of her son. Mia, in all her lip-ringed glory, pouts accordingly about her “loss.” But Fausto does find it interesting that his contacts in the D.F. have Julio Acosta listed as a fugitive, not deceased. Isn’t that strange? Fausto isn’t even done yet, but Mia is already folding like a card table. 

No poker face on this lady, even though she was an actress. Meanwhile Fausto is saying how generous he has always been, giving Mia the house in her name, etc. And then he states his belief that Julio and Julian are the same person! Mia will do anything to keep him from revealing this information, which she hasn’t even attempted to deny. She is on her knees begging and crying. Fausto takes her face in his hands, kisses her forehead and sets her back on the couch. All he wants to know is the nature of the blackmail with Simona. Mia was probably hoping for a carnal resolution, but she tells him what he wants to know. This is one small town, with a very well-functioning grapevine.

A superfluous shot of Mateo doctoring in the Centro de Salud. He gives kindly advice to a patient, and then away from the bed tells the nurse to get blood tests done on this guy. He might as well have drawn his finger across his neck and shaken his head. This is only a backdrop for Abi to come running in, denying that there is anything between her and Max. Mat quickly blows off the rest of the patients to pull Abi into a broom closet, to talk about the urgent issue of if she is interested in Max, and Mat says he will ask for a divorce from Di.

Fausto, now back at the Hacienda, and without breaking a sweat from all the running around, has Macaria usher Simona into the study. Simona is surprised at the summons. Fausto is playing the part of a benevolent benefactor (is that redundant?) and wants to make a donation to the Centro de Salud. It happens to be for the exact amount that Simona needs to pay off Mia, and it’s in the form of a check made out to Simona herself. Simona says it shouldn’t be made out to her, in order to avoid the appearance of impropriety. OK, no problem, how about a wire transfer, right now, into any account you name? We know Fausto is trying to trap Simona, but she doesn’t take the bait. Instead, she lays it on the line and says she’s in a serious jam and needs a personal loan for the amount he’s offered for the hospital.

 She will sign a pagaré (an ‘I will pay,’ an I.O.U.). Fausto’s all like, “OK, that’s fine, no questions asked,” and opens his safe, full of stacks of cash. Who should come in right at this moment but Macaria bearing coffee? Neither Simona nor Fausto think there is any reason to curtail their private business, so Fausto counts out the large sum and asks Simona if she needs a bag, paper or plastic? She opts for her reusable purse, and loads up.  Macaria’s eyes look like they will bulge out of her head and she almost licks her lips at the sight of all that lana. Who was just saying something about needing money? I can’t remember.

Back at home, Simona calls Mia and sets up the meet. She’s got the money.

Now the study is being used by Renata and Macaria. Did they reserve it, because it didn’t seem likely a few minutes ago that it would be free. Reminds me of booking a meeting room at work. Ren starts by saying how great the affection is between these two. Somebody call a doctor, preferably Dr. Mat, because this is another case of stoopidity.  Anyway, Ren tells Mac that she’s going to pitch adoption to Abi, and that Mac shouldn’t alegar (dispute, make waves). So that is that, Mac won’t alegar.

Simona and Mia meet on a park bench and make their drop. Simona says don’t blackmail me again (the magic phrase that get blackmailers off your back every time) but Mia won’t make any guarantees. In fact, she says she will want the same amount again in a year. Mia acts very heartlessly toward Simona, and even crassly tries to kiss her goodbye and send along a kiss for the boy. This is her own grandson that she is so cold about. 

Mia leaves, but doesn’t make it very far before a masked mugger starts ripping her purse away from her. A tug-of-war ensues, but only for a few seconds before the attacker plunges a knife into Mia’s abdomen! She releases the purse and falls to the ground. The mugger, who was pretty tall and in general built just like Lucio, but moving way too spryly for somebody with a recent bullet wound to the chest, makes like a banana and splits with the purse. Simona rushes up and cries for help. “¡Auxilio! ¡Auxilio!” Her human kindness is in evidence as she earnestly calls for help for this woman who has created such tremendous problems for her.

The group in the study has swelled to four. This place needs a revolving door and an occupancy limit sign. It’s Renata, Fausto, Macaria and Abigail. Ren pitches the adoption to Abi, and Fausto and Mac back her up. Renata is smiling hopefully, and can’t see that Abi is doing anything but. Her eyes look anywhere except at Ren (not that Ren would know), and she looks miserable.
Avances: Mat asks for a divorce.



I'll be right on it. I need to do something at school though but it'll be quick then I'll hurry.

I just wanted to say I use Chrome and I haven't had any issues with the recap feeds.

Count, Corazon, maybe I could give it a try? I happen to have tmw off, so I could do it tonight and tmw morning. But how would I post to the site?

Let me know, and no feelings hurt I understand of this isn't the right time for my debut!

Thank you.

I have the day off too but if you would like to recap, you can. eMail me it at

Thank you! Yes, I would like to do it. I will send it in the morning.

IMHO and as positive criticism, I personally think you guys are unnessarily turning out way too detailed and lengthy recaps.

Those of you who contribute your time and effort into recapping have all my respect and admiration. Working full-time and raising three kids makes watching each episode a challenge, let alone finding the time to recap. Putting so much effort into a lengthy recap would burn anyone out quickly.

Maybe just an overview of each episode would suffice, although I know there are those who want every conversation translated perfectly.

Maybe we, the viewers, should think of Caray, Caray as Public TV, where if you want to have the pleasure of watching, you should donate your time and money (in this case, reciprocate by volunteering to recap).

Anything to keep the comments coming!!


TN4ever- THANK you so much for helping out and chipping in!


CountXAlecran & CorazonSalvaje(;- we appreciate your efforts SO MUCH- thank you for being our anchors for this most enjoyable novela!

Just had to say that! :-)

Wow, great episode! Mia reached new depths of despicable-ness, but her greed was answered in spades by the cruel, but just, hand of fate (in this case, those of a random street-thug).
RIP- Mia.

And poor Simona, I really felt for her with the bind that she found herself in. My god, when Macaria walked in just as Fausto was giving Simona the hush-money she needs to silence Mia, I groaned aloud "Oh NO!" as I hate to think what a snake like Macaria is going to do with this knowledge!

For anybody that's interested, QTPD changed the way the blackmailing Mia character meets her untimely end from her counterpart in AMF. In AMF, 'Flora' (the Mia character) twisted a heel, fell into a canal and thrashed around like a hopeless idiot as she was carried downstream. All this while Carmen Salinas (who played the 'Simona' character) wrung her hands and yelped for help (none of the two, apparently, knew how to swim).
Here's the link to the original, if anybody is interested in comparing the two (but watch out for the sidebar, lest your eyes be directed to other videos whose titles may contain spoilers...):

One other interesting difference- in AMF, Flora meets her end just after she's made her pitch for blackmail money. Hence, there was no begging the Fausto character for money, let alone getting some, let ALONE the conniving Macaria character witnessing the transaction, and then let ALONE having the whole bunch stolen!! I'm curious to see where the writers are going to go with all of this...

Best wishes to all!! :-)

Wow i cannot believe we have a new death on our hands,now i guess without Mia things will get even hotter ,will Julian become the. new head of the house?

I haven't seen this episode yet, but I gather from comments that Mia is dead. Good. I started hating her the minute she started blackmailing Simona.

Count, thanks very much. Always appreciate your efforts.

TN4ever, look forward to your recapping!

Stevey, thanks so much for your mini-cap.

I did not feel badly for Mia but poor Simona! Now Fausto has her over the barrel, not a good place!

And sorry, I can't get behind Abi and Mat. He's still married for heaven's sake.

Abi needs a lock on her door. Watching Fausto ogle her was sickening.


I thought Lucio was Mia's killer, but hubby says no, you could tell when they were fighting for the purse. Could it be Mac herself? I don't think it was random.

Thanks Diana, should be up soon!

I would've scooped up the money after Mia got shanked.

The shanking of Mia wasn't random. Somebody knew she was coming into all that money (yet, they didn't take the money, did they?)

The only people who knew for sure that Mia was going to receive a very large sum of money was:


Violeta & Marcellino knew Simona was being blackmailed but maybe not by who (Violeta could've guessed by who came to visit Simona).

Because the person didn't also shank Simona or take the money (as far as I could tell), I'm thinking the shanker is connected to Fausto some get control over Simona.

Macaria would've taken the money.

Simona could've avoided all of this by telling Tono the truth.

Tn4ever i give you my blessings to begin recapping for the Tuesday episodes while I stay with the Thursday ones. Like Corazon Savaje told you,Jane should be contacted forst so she can grant you the authorization to post recaps on this website. You will receive an email immediatly when it is done so so dont worry about it!

I would also like to get your email so we and the other members on the team can be in broader contact.

About the episode itself i did finally watch it and i found Mia disgusting and weretching but i am not glad we get a death on our hands yet again ,i expected a more glorious karma since she did really nothing that bad before,i though she could have been redeemed.I hope she is not dead cause its way to early for her to start paying for ignorance . And i think the assault ( I wont say murder cause Lucio) was planned all along by Fausto,there is no chance in hell Fausto would give her that chunk
of money. I think he merely abused the situation to get vengeance on Diana just like how they say " Revenge is a dish best served cold" right?

Atleast Sim will be able to sleep easier but i guess the opposite will happen ,she will now despair more than ever and its not like anyone would like to see a despairing Simona, only happy and nothing less!


They didn't take the money??!! I guess I was taking notes and not watching the screen at that time. I assumed the whole maneuver was for the money.

Yes, Simona's troubles are just like Renata's. They build their whole premise on how afraid they are of their kids' reactions.

Sorry not forst but first and neither Corazon Savaje Lol!

The mugger did take the money TN ,i am just saying that Fausto give her that money on purpose just to send a guy to kill Mia to take the same amount of money back . Kind of like " Give and take" to get the besties on Diana and Simona at the same time.
I know Fausto's evil cannot be described by words but he is bloddy brilliant .He kind of reminds me of Feo Cordova from Por Siempre doing evil for sport!

I think Fausto's motivation in this is wanting to set up Simona for a political fall. He really wanted her to take that money, was willing to give it in form of a check or wire transfer. I don't think he's worried about the money. On the other hand, Lucio needs money, and Mac needs to help him since Fausto wants to kill her, too.

Count,thank you for the blessing and for welcoming me to the team. I'm not sure if I can commit to Tuesdays, though. Here's my mail so we can talk:


Hey Corazon, I sent the recap to you about 4 hours ago. Any chance it went to your spam folder? Or if you just haven't had time to post, please forgive the bother!

Thank you.

TN4Ever you could send the recap to me and i will do the updating myself!

Thank you Count! Just tell me where, and I'll do it right now.

On my mail, TN4ever. You already have my mail in your inbox because i already sent you a message


OK, I sent it! Your message was in MY spam folder. Irony can be so ironic. Corazon thank you for the help and for letting me take over today. Count, thank you for getting this posted for me! I appreciate the opportunity.

Sorry for all the hassle, but thanks for the patience.

I didn't see the shanker take the money but it still remains the same: the only people who knew Mia was getting a large sum of money were Fausto, Simona, Mia and Macaria.

So if Fausto did send a mugger to shank Mia and take the money (to return to him) he'd still get money back from Simona trying to repay him. Or he'd call in favors from Simona.

At any rate, Simona was stupid for wheeling & dealing with Fausto and Mia. She should've sat Tono down and told him the truth.

Now she's made a deal with the devil.

The full recap created ,edited and refined by TN4Ever has now been posted ,enjoy !

Fabulous job, TN4ever!! Even not having seen the episode, I could visualize everything and now feel like i have seen it. I was also shaking my head in agreement at all the instances you pointed out people's stupidity. Renata and Simona are both two good characters who are acting stupid despite their intelligence.

So it looks like it was Lucio who stole cash after being tipped off by Macaria. Well, at least now Mia won't blackmail Simona anymore. And even though she has to pay back Fausto, the fact that she didn't fall into his trap of embezzling the money and instead asked for a straight forward loan means he doesn't really have dirt on her.

Thanks Vivi that means a lot coming from you.

I think that Fausto still has the goods on Simona for taking the money to pay a blackmailer. And I guess all he wants to do is taint her reputation, because she won't be the actual candidate. Or taint the candidate by association, I suppose.

Anon207, you said it about what Simona did and should have done.

I hated how Simona took Fausto's monsy without checking twice ,she seems to be so easily deceived by his intentions and she was also desperate.I wonder how Tony came to be ,Mia said Sim was not his mother and Mia is too old to have an incest .So the question is who is Tony's real mother?

By the way i really hope Connie gets took to see Brutos grave in person, how is it that Ren,Abi ,Vic and Amy havent thought of that yet? Sure it would hurt like hell for a while ( Ren and Co would have to purchace some headphones first though) but its better to live in the truth that "s like a Hoe than fixating your life on illusions.
I wonder when Max 's adoptive will be seen,in episode 42 we saw a photograph of them but they are yet to make an actual appearance.

Countx- The last episode when Mia and Simona were speaking they said Julio and his girlfriend were very young and the girlfriend died in childbirth. Of course, the dead aren't always dead in tns, but they both seemed to think she is.

Hmm thats quite interesting Vivi. By the way i loved how Lucio just appeared at Marc's place threatening him,his wife and later claimed to Mac that he was being as highly stealthy as possible,i was like WUT? This will clearly mark his doomsday and i hope nothing happens to Meliton,he is the biggest loose end of them all and knows amost all of the towns secrets and Fausto will probably have no choice to off him ,who knows what Lucio could have supposedly told Mel. But i guess it would be way too suspicious for the town's Big Brother to die just like that!

Thanks Count for your super effort and recap.

I don't know who killed Mia was but my bet is that whoever it was the killer was hired by Fausto and the money will be on its way back to him. Add in Simona's repayment and Fausto is making out pretty good. I hate this guy.

I do hold ought though that Lucio could have been told by Macaria and so it possibly could have been him. Lucio wouldn't loose any sleep about one more murder. I guess that we will have to stay tuned for the truth.
the gringo


I give up. My comment posted and then disappeared a little bit later. My comments on all three novelas post and then vanish. I give up.

Anyway thank you Count for your great recap.
the gringo

Wow. After seeing tonight's episode, I think it's safe to say there's a special spot in hell for Macaria, right beside Lucio and Fausto.

TN4ever, I just read your absolutely sensational recap. A marvelous debut here on QTPD. I'm in awe.

"Simona calls him her hijo, her Hijo, her HIJO. He doesn’t realize it’s because he’s just the opposite", "Fausto is asking for another chance, and I guess him getting into trouble as the murderer would hurt that fragile initiative" and "Marcelino must have hustled his fleshy hindquarters right over to the Hacienda" were my favorites among many!

Mia meets her maker setting up a disastrous series of events for Simona.

Macaria's stock continues to plummet to new lows.

I don't want to see any more of Abi and her married boyfriend. He needs to get his house in order.

Thank you!


Diana, thank you so much for the encouragement! I appreciate it. I am going to pick up Thursday's recapping for QTPD.

I am not sure if the recap was done all by the same person, or split between Count and TN.

First off I want to thank your efforts and tell you I had never laughed so much. You guys are super witty, you writing is funnier than most sit-com's.

The part where Baragan discloses to Helena information than says he can't discuss because it is confidential....was a riot.

Such funny story telling at its very best. Thanks, it was superb!!

" it seems Fausto wants to adopt her to rape her. What responsible social worker would approve this couple for adoption?'

It shouldn't be funny to me, but I confess I laughed my head off.

And Macaria knows that, she is as bad as Fausto, don't believe there will be redemption for her.


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