Wednesday, April 01, 2015

3/31/15 Tues #158 Aracely’s tears will continue……HASTA EL FIN DEL MUNDO!!!

Casa Ripoll – Casa de Lagrimas
Sofia is overwrought upon learning her dad (technically stepdad), Octavio, isn't the hero she thought him to be.  Greta explains how Octavio threatened Paco's life if she ever told the truth about him stealing the chocolate formulas.  But she can no longer remain silent.  Paco should no longer continue to sacrifice himself, she won't allow it!  Even if it means Octavio now has further reason to be angry with her (yeah, like he’s alive).

Sofia can't believe the man who raised her was capable of stealing her father's formulas.  Greta confirms he unfortunately was and Paco's love for her is so strong that he asked Greta not to tell Sofia the truth.  He didn't want to ruin Octavio's supposedly irreproachable image in Sofia's eyes.  “He asked me to tell you that Coria was the one responsible for the theft.  But I can't.  I've owed this clarification for some time, for Paco.  This family owes everything we have to him.”  Sofia wails, “Then all those strict rules imposed on me by Octavio were all a farce!”  Greta explains Octavio hated Paco.  He never forgave her for choosing Paco.  That may have been why he was so adamant that they marry under those circumstances.  He and her mother forced her into the marriage.  She admits that as a husband, Octavio gave her many nice things.  She had his affection and loyalty.  As a father he gave them all his love.  But there was a dark side to him.  He was overcome by ambition and the need for power.  Sofia never would have thought that of him.  Greta is so very sorry to have to tell her this and cause her so much pain.  She's also sorry to have gone against Paco's wishes. 

Sofia can't take anymore and leaves the room in tears.  waaaaaah

Down in the Hood
Christian and his 'friend' discuss the high cost of whacking someone these days.  It could be as high as 20 to 30, or thereabouts.  Christian tries to strike a deal by offering to give him a down payment, but the dude doesn't agree.  He demands the full amount now, in cash, or no deal.

Casa de Chava
Matias can't believe this of his idol, his maestro Coria turns out to be a first class flim flam man (trácala).  In response to Lupe's objection to speaking ill of the dead, he says that after performing a slew of tests, the formulas used by Ripoll turn out to be identical to Paco's.  The worry now is whether Paco will sue them.  Chava doesn't think Paco would ever cause any trouble for his daughter or the company.  The problem now is that Aracely has brought forth a lawsuit since Paco gave her his power of attorney.  Lupe is sorry to see such disagreement among the two daughters.  She knows Paco loves them both equally.  Chava tells her Paco is going to take control of everything.  He's going to demand that Aracely withdraw her claim, or he'll revoke the power of attorney.  Lupe's worried about him and plans to swing by to console him.  Poor thing, his heart must be in pieces (añicos)

Casa de Paco
Greta comes by to offer her apologies to Paco for telling Sofia the truth about Octavio being the one who stole the formulas.  She knows that even from his grave, Octavio will not forgive her but she wants to amend her past mistakes, and to show how these two friends stole everything from Paco.  Paco worries that this may have been a terrible blow to Sofia. Greta confirms Sofia is taking it very hard.  The news shattered the image she had of Octavio.  On the other hand, Sofia will value Paco all the more.  She'll see the sacrifices he's made for her all these years.  Paco explains he just wanted to spare Sofia any grief.  As much as Aracely wants justice, the well-being of his daughter (meaning Sofia), Greta, and the company comes first.   

Casa Ripoll
Sofia is crying to Fausto.  She can't believe her father built Chocolates Ripoll on a such a vile deed.  She had always considered him to be so strict but yet marvelously virtuous.  “That's the other side of Octavio, may he rest in peace,” says Fausto.  “That is what provoked your mother to put up with (padecer) so much over the years.  He forced her to do so many things against her will.  This is why she's so tormented today.”  

Well, Sofia still can't believe it.  Fausto thinks she will know how to proceed now that she knows the whole truth.  Inexplicably, Sofia thinks the best path forward is to allow the lawsuit to proceed so that Paco will get the recognition he so rightly deserves.  Fausto doesn't think that's such a good idea.  She disagrees and thinks it's the only decent thing to do.  She cannot continue to perpetuate Octavio Ripoll's lie.  Fausto suggests there must be another way to avoid the courts and the ensuing media feeding frenzy that is sure to follow, causing the company irreparable harm.  While Paco may not want or need the recognition or the money, Aracely does.  He's sure they can come to a monetary agreement.

Sofia gets a call from Chava.  She tells him how she's learned the truth about Octavio.  The man she so esteemed has turned out to be someone as fragile as clay. 

Depa de Armando
Alexa and Armie continue their affirmations of love.  He tells her he loves her as much as he did when he first met her.  She's brought him happiness and hope.  However, now that they're apart, he imagines things that aren't true between her and that actor.  She laughs and tells him there's nothing between her and Paolo other than a great friendship.  He worries and asks what if Paolo wants more?  The tele talks of nothing but their great chemistry.  “They can say anything they want,” argues Alexa.  “The only truth is that my love remains as intact as it did when I first met you.”  She tells him he's also changed her life.  Smoochies.

Casa de Miguelina
Lucas is glad Migue put Grrrrreta in her place.  Migue thinks it may be for the best.  Now that he and Dani are dating, it would be best for her and Grrrreta not to be in the same house.  She's going to check with Lupe and see if she'll let her join the Pan de Lupe brigade.  Dani calls to say she heard what happened with Grrrreta and Miguelina.

Casa de Ripoll
Chava meets Sofia out by the fountain.  Yup, she's still crying.  She feels like a chunk of her life has been ripped out, and that her efforts to gain Octavio's approval were absurd.  She repeats that Greta fell into line with the lie because he had threatened Paco's life, etc. etc.  “Can you believe it?  It turns out that the man who raised me not only stole someone else's work, but he also threatened people.”  Chava consoles her, “It's difficult confronting reality.  But it's best your eyes have been opened.  The way I see it, this experience will help you to better know the man who gave you life.”  “That's exactly what my mother said.  It's incredible that Paco wanted to keep the truth kept from me in order to protect me.”  Chava thinks this proves what a great man Paco is.  She's grateful God has sent her an honorable (íntegro) and marvelous father. 

Silvana's room
Pato tells her Oliver is Peralta's son and Geronimo now has access to firsthand knowledge of all the goings on at Ripoll.  Silvana is shocked.  Pato doesn't think Oliver was put there to spy on him.  He's talked to him and thinks Oliver has no idea what his dad does.  He's worried about Peralta's proximity to Sofia and wonders what he may be planning behind his back.  Pato doesn't want to be taken out of the action.  Silvana thinks Geronimo would have removed Pato long ago if that were the case.  Pato still worries though.  He wished he knew Gerry's strategies.  According to what Gerry's told him, his plans remain unchanged.  Ever mindful of her biological clock, Silvana tells him to relax.  It's sexy time.

Loan Shark!
Matias has apparently contacted a loan shark, an elderly woman in an elegantly furnished house.  He foolishly asks if she'd consider lowering the interest.  Even her bodyguard laughs at the suggestion.
She asks if he has any collateral (aval=guarantee) like some property.  Without any collateral, there's no way she will loan him money.  Useless scene

Depa de Armando
Speaking of sexy time, Alexa and Armando relax in bed.  It's so good to have her in his arms again.  She's going to dream about him all night.  You get the gist. But she wonders what will happen in the morning?  All their problems will continue to keep them apart.  Armando thinks things are looking up.  The judge has ordered psychological evaluations for the three and well, we all know Irma is lacking in the mental department.  (I dunno but it angers me that they chuckle when he says this – they should be afraid, very afraid)  Alexa can only agree she's off her rocker after being falsely accused by Irma of assault.  Armie is happy to be talking about their future, because he's certain they will have one even though they must be apart for the time being.  He wants to feel she's his every minute of every hour.  He asks her to at least let him know what she's doing, even if it's just by leaving a text.  He just wants to have her in his life.

Casa de Paco
Sofia comes to see her pops, with Chava in tow.  She's so grateful he wanted to shield her from the pain of knowing the truth about Octavio.  She can no longer look to Octavio as a role model so she's replaced him with Paco as her role model.  She wants to undo all the harm done to him and asks his permission to see if she can reach an agreement with Aracely.  Paco informs her he's already seen an attorney to revoke the power of attorney he gave Aracely.  Sofia rejects this idea, reminding Paco he gave it to Aracely as an act of love.  Chava sides with Paco.  Those formulas are his and he has every right to decide how they're used.  Aracely is making bad use of the power of attorney given her.  Paco agrees with Chava.  He asks Sofia to let him be the one to resolve this. 

Casa de Chava
Matias is still looking for that loan.  He tells Chava that the Loan Sharkette refused him and now he hits up Chava for a loan.  Chava, of course, has no funds and luckily the house is under Lupe's name.  Matias explains his chickybebe is the cause behind his need for wheels.  If he doesn't buy a car, she'll leave him.

Casa de Ripoll
Sofia announces to Fausto, her sisters, and her mother that she plans to plead with Aracely to withdraw the lawsuit even though Paco has asked her not to intervene.  Sofia doesn't want to put her father with his back against the wall.   Fausto thinks the best solution would be for Paco to revoke the power of attorney.  The sisters offer to go with her as a show of solidarity.  Sofia doesn't want Aracely to feel pressured.  Besides, her lapdog Chava will be with her.  Greta isn't pleased to hear this but wisely keeps her trap shut.  Instead, she asks Sofia to keep them informed.  Fausto chimes in, asking her not to keep them in zozobras (anxiety).

Once the sisters and Fausto leave the room, Greta anxiously asks if Sofia plans to tell them about Octavio's misdeeds.   Sofia doesn't see the need and besides it would only serve to cause her sisters unnecessary pain.  Sofia and Greta agree this is best kept between them.  Sofia will concentrate on the positive things she learned from Octavio Ripoll.  Greta apologizes for not being brave, for not defending Paco.  Sofia stops her, saying she has nothing to forgive her for.  She now realizes Greta's life with Octavio was not easy.  “No it wasn't,” Greta agrees, “but he was the husband I chose.  And that was totally my responsibility.”  Sofia agrees Greta paid a high price but gratefully, due to her confession, Sofia is proud to know that Paco Fernandez' blood runs through her veins.  She tenderly dries the tears on her mother’s cheeks.

Empresa Ripoll
Irais consoles a distraught Matias.  Learning that his idol Coria was nothing more than a low life, conniving thief has hit him very hard.  He gets a call from ChickyBebe who doesn't want to hear about his sad story.  She just wants to talk about what they're gonna do tonight.  Some tequilas will solve all his problems. 

Marisol gets to her locker (casillero) and finds a stuffed bear.  She's sure this was placed there in error.  Switch to Pato who's grinning ear to ear.  What a great idea!  He's going to use Marisol to get back at Chava for everything he's done.  Bwa-ha-ha

Tribunal Superior de Justicio
Aracely, clad in her signature trenchcoat. I swear they must have had a bang up sale at Burlington's!  Anyway, she and Irma arrive.  Irma is certain Paco won't show up, enabling Aracely to go straight for Sofia's jugular.  She spoke too soon cuz here's Paco.  He tells Aracely that even though she's right, it isn't just that she destroy that company.  “I'm defending your rights,” says Aracely.  “Don't take away the power that you yourself gave me.”  “It's done!” he tells her.  “I've revoked the power of attorney and I'm on my way to see the judge to cease the lawsuit.  As of this moment you have no rights over my property.”  Aracely is muy impactada!  “You've put her before me! Where do I fit in? Where?” she demands.  Sofia, and Chava, walk in just then and Aracely confronts her.  “You got your way!”  Paco asks her to calm down but she refuses.  “No, I'm not going to calm down.  I always had your love and confidence.  And now, in two seconds, this upstart (advenediza) comes and takes it all away!”  She's so overwrought, bam! She faints!  Ruh-roh.

After the commercial break, Aracely has come to and is now sitting next to her very concerned father.  She doesn't know what happened.  She suddenly felt dizzy, and then everything went black.  She accepts a cup of water from Sofia.  She still looks woozy and Sofia suggests they call a doctor but Aracely refuses.  Paco asks for some privacy and the others walk away.  Paco asks if this has happened before and Aracely says no and that it's just all the stress and anxiety from the past few days.  Paco tells her not to get so stressed out but then tells her if she would only withdraw the lawsuit and not cause problems for her sister, he'll give her back the power of attorney (why?).  The urges him not to reject what he by all rights deserves.  He tells her he's already made his decision.  Aracely angrily replies, “Yes, you made your decision.  You chose her.  You prefer to help her than to see justice done.”  “If that's how you want to look at it,” he replies.  When she carefully gets back to her feet, he tells her that even though she's critical of his actions, he asks her not to forget that he loves her.  She pouts and he tenderly kisses her forehead and then she begins to weep.  He tries to console her and asks her not to cry.  She turns away from him. Paco, having been rejected, walks away.  And now the two people she most decidedly does not want to see just now walk up to her.  Sofia asks her not to cry and Chava is right there beside her.  Ugh, this is not going to end well.  Aracely turns on Sofia, “I'm crying out of rage!  I'm crying because you got what you wanted by blackmailing my father!”  Sofia denies this is true and now Chava has to put his two centavos in,  “Paco gave you the opportunity to do what's right.”  Aracely shouts “Do what's right? For the Ripoll to continue to rob him? That's what's right?”  Chava, never one to leave bad enough alone, “Stop with your lies.  You weren't seeking justice for your father.  You only wanted to rid yourself of Sofia.”  Irma steps in to defend her cousin and shouts for everyone to leave Aracely alone, saying she needs air.  Can't they see she's weak?

Once alone, Sofia tells Chava she understands Aracely's need for justice for Paco.  Chava pets her and tells her she's very bright and he's sure she'll find a way for Paco to get the recognition he deserves.  Paco walks up to them and says there's no need for them to remain.  He and his attorney will be meeting with the judge to review the revocation of the power of attorney.  He'll call her later with the deets.  He goes to Aracely to see how she's doing.  Aracely is seated with Irma and is still sobbing.  She doesn't reply.  Paco walks away with his attorney.

Irma turns to Aracely, “Well, he's certainly sent to you fry your asparagus! (LOL)  This was our last chance to be millionaires.”  Aracely, being Aracely, “Not only was I not able to get back at her for everything she's done, she herself delivered the final punch to demonstrate that I no longer mean anything to my father.”  waaaaaaaah  Well, now Irma's crying too! “It's obvious now that the güera hija is the only thing that matters to him.”

Empresa Ripoll
Sofia returns to her office, Chava by her side.  If it were up to her she would see to it that her father would receive monetary compensation for all the years Ripoll Chocolates exploited his formulas.  Unfortunately, the company is not in a position to do so at this time.  Darn.  Things are getting better but the debts mounting along with the problems.  Chava asks about Gerry and his supposed friend who wants to invest.  Sofia explains Gerry's still working on it.  Chava asks about the possibility of Gerry giving her the investor's deets and that would remove Gerry as the middle man.  Just sayin'.  Well, Chava's not going to rid himself of Gerry that easily.  Gerry told Sofia that the investor is rarely in Mexico and furthermore relies heavily on Gerry's opinion. 

Pato comes by and asks about the lawsuit.  When Sofia tells him the lawsuit was rejected, Pato states the obvious by saying the company avoided a payout it can't afford.  Chava sarcastically congratulates Pato on his astute business acumen.  Pato ignores him and suggests that if Sofia would give him more responsibilities, he could help the company avoid these problems before they happen.  Sofia doesn't want to discuss this now.  After he leaves, she reminds Chava to stop yanking Pato's chain at least until they're sure he's not involved with Renzi.

Marisol finds another teddy bear at her locker.  Hmmmm.  Who could it be?

Pato angrily returns to his office.  He warned Chava not to humiliate him.  Well, Chava's going to regret it when he sees his little sister suffering.  What's he up to?

Pato gets on the phone with Peralta and tells him about the outcome of the non-lawsuit.  Pato insists the media would have a field day with this info.  Geronimo angrily reminds him not to pursue that.  He wants Pato to use his position to continue debilitating Ripoll's finances.  Pato can only obey.

Elsewhere, Matias is still going on and on about wanting to buy a car for his chicky-bebe. Blah, blah, blah,  in the end, Irais agrees to be the guarantor on his loan – idiota!

Casa de Irma y la Drama Queen – Is the long awaited baby poop about to hit the fan?
ruh-roh:  Irma and Aracely return home.  Irma is really worried about Aracely, insisting she go to a doctor.  Aracely continues to blame it on the stress.  It'll pass although she knows that after today, she'll never go to her father's house again.  Irma wonders if this means Aracely is going to become a permanent guest.  Aracely offers to pay her way.  Irma's fine with that but she's under the delusional impression that Armando will be returning soon.  Now that Alexa's taking up with that actor, Armie is sure to come back any day now.  Aracely can't believe Irma is still thinking there's going to be a reconciliation.  Irma needs to understand it's over with Armando.  There's no turning back.

Casa de Chava
Paco visits with Lupe.  Lupe gives him the chisme on Miguelina.  Paco knows only too well Greta's shortcomings but he feels she has a noble side to her.  Lupe's ears perk up.  Paco continues, telling her how it was Greta who insisted that Sofia know the truth about Octavio.  Lupe prefers to change the subject because Paco always defends Greta.  Lupe wonders if he's going to surprise her by telling her his passion for Greta has been reignited.  Paco scoffs at the idea.  Lupe doesn't look too sure. 

Empressa Ripoll
Matias is overjoyed at Irais' offer and promises he'll make the payments on time.  He won't let her down.  He goes on about the fantastic car he'll buy, etc, etc,  Chicky bebe will be so happy, etc. etc.

Love is in the air along with time fillers………
Chava and Sofia on the phone saying goodnight – he's actually working on Patotas

Pato and Silvana are getting busy at her hideaway

Lucas and Dani are smooching while Iker watches, and fumes.

Next, a montage:  Sofia checking out Patotas.  Rosa shows Lucas pics of his father boxing.  Patotas, Armie, Chava, Nandito.  Fausto giving Greta her pills.  Patotas, Armie texting Alexa.  Nandito at Pscyhological testing, Javier coughing up blood. Chava getting blood drawn. Marisol gets another bear. 

Greta gets dizzy in her studio.  Downstairs in the kitchen, Fausto is with Iker, and then BAM! My DVR stopped so I didn't catch the cliffhanger.  Sorry, kids.  



My DVR chops the last minutes of Hasta and it bleeds into the beginning of the hour for Que te Perdone Dios. Today, for some reaon, QPD didn't record. Must be an April fool's joke. Oh well. I'll catch up tomorrow. Please feel free to let us know what happened.

So, are y'all thinking what I'm thinking? Is Aracely preggers? I thought after all this time, she would've known by now, no?

I know Chava's the good guy but it bugs me how he butts in. His suggestion to Sofia in encouraging Paco to revoke the power of attorney smacked of self-interest. Without it, Sofia and the company stand to continue to make oodles of money without having to compensate Paco. This is good for Chava if he ends up marrying Sofia. And I know Aracely is a crazy, stubborn ex who won't give up but technically she is right. Paco's formulas were stolen yet she's being touted as the bad guy. IMO.

Paquita- Wow! I don't know how you did this fabulous recap with minimal snark. I was half watching as I did other things, but every time I walked back into the room, either Sofia or Aracely was crying. And they both cry like little children. Yep, they're sisters alright.

I've told y'all that Araceli was PREGNANT!

She's just waiting for the perfect time to drop the preggers bomb, which will devastate Sofia, who will hate Chava!

You've heard it here first!

Paquita, here are the last couple of minutes from my videotape:

Fausto and Iker are chatting over "tea and cookies" in the kitchen. Fausto is concerned that Greta's condition seems to be deteriorating even though he is following the Dr.'s directions exactly. Could it be that the medicine is again not agreeing with her? Iker doubts that since Fausto is giving it to her at exactly the right times and suggests it might have something to do with Greta's state of mind. He then comments that it must be very hard for a mother like Greta when their daughters have relationships with men that are not worthy of them as the case of Daniela and Lucas. Fausto cuts the tea and cookie time short telling him that the choices the girls make must be respected by everyone including Greta. Iker thinks to himself that Dani's relationship will last only until he has enough money to get rid of that "buttinsky" Lucas.

Salvador and Sofía leave for a motorcycle ride talking about his big race tomorrow. He is hoping for a win with some help from above and then nothing will be able to stop them.

Peralta is at the office taking care of business and reading mail. Phone call : He asks underling Urrutia for news from the bank. The bank board is meeting in the next few days and Peralta hopes that their decision will be favorable to him. Urrutia assures him they have the board in their pocket and the board meeting only a formality.

Next Peralta asks underling Aldo if he knows how he is going to take care of the business he asked him to look in to. Aldo says he has found out the man's routine. Peralta says that is perfect because Salvador Cruz cannot compete any way any how in the race tomorrow. He then stabs his letter opener into his mail.


Love it Paquita.

"the well-being of his daughter (meaning Sofia), Greta, and the company comes first"

I of course agree, flawed as Araceli is, she is taking the fall for all this and it's Paco's bungling fault and that attack dog Salvador jumps on after she's down. He's nothing but a bully and it is in his self interest. Sofia could have settled this whole thing but the two with the most to gain (Paco & Salvador) counseled her other wise. When does Salvador go after Sofia's other sisters? I can't help but feel sorry for Araceli and now Alexa and Dani because neither are the offspring of Greta and Paco. Lupe will be cast aside shortly and just wonder how they will make her to be some crazy irrational loon.

Kinda irritated me also when Armando and Alexa, post coitus, were running Irma down, she is the boys mother.


Correction: ARMANDO was working on Patotas. Chava, as usual, was standing around doing nothing.

Thank you, Paquita. I enjoyed the recap. VCR's can be weird. My favorite "Is the long awaited baby poop about to hit the fan?" Very funny!

Well, if pissy-faced Aracely is pregnant then she will be getting a lifelong souvenir from her rape of Salvador. Still think he should gave gone to the police no matter what a blow to his masculinity it might have been telling them the story. The lawyer committed a felony!

Talking of pregnancy, how long until Silvana is pregnant again?

No sympathy for pissy-faced Aracely: she never should have gone for the law suit. She might have had the legal right to do so but it was none of her business. I wish she, Irma, Greta and Marisol would all get a one way ticket to anywhere so they could keep their bitterness to themselves.

Please someone put Irais out of her misery. No sympathy for her and her stupidity re. Matías.

Good plot twist with Patricio going after Marisol. I like Iker the "licker" willing to save up and pay for someone to get rid of Lucas.

How is Peralta going to prevent Chava from participating in tbe race? Guess I will have to watch tonight. :)


Fabulous Paquita.

Your recap put the show to shame with such excellent lines including "I swear they must have had a bang up sale at Burlington's!" and "Love is in the air along with time fillers………". You really included every single detail.

Thanks for adding the extra info Jarifa.

It does look as though Araceli is pregnant. Well, Chava and Sophia were doing too well and something had to happen to rip them apart. If she is, I'm sure it's her ex's child but she of course will likely try to say it's Chava's.

Vivi, the sisters do cry like little children. Both equally annoying although Araceli has gotten on my last nerve.

And speaking of, I have lost all respect for Matias. The actor shone early on but the writers have done everything to reduce the character to an annoying sideline. What a waste of Julio's talent.

I am slightly afraid for Marisol. Revenge is always reprehensible but when focused on an innocent party, even more so.


thanks Paquita---for your great recap. ----- A trench coat sale at Burlington's? I'm still laughing. Yes, it must have been a Burlington's sale.

I wrote a comment and posted it yesterday. Jarifa read it and posted an answer to it at 4:52 EDT
Today I went back to re-read some of yesterday's posts and my post was no longer there. I think that Blogger hates me.

Today---Bad news for Chava if Aracely is pregnant. Even after all of what transpired last night, will she come out a winner?
Armando's child?

How will Peralta prevent Chava from participating in the race?
The advances show a deliberate accident while Chava is riding his motorcycle.
the gringo

Thanks, Paquita. Excellent title and recap. I meant to look up “aval” but forgot; love the vocab. My favorite: She's so overwrought, bam! She faints! Ruh-roh. - lol

Such a cold-hearted thing Pato is doing to Marisol with those adorable itty bitty Teddy Bears. Pato can do whatever he likes to sink Ripoll, but what he’s doing to Marisol is just cruel.

I found myself cheering for Irma when she told Chava to back off Aracely. Honestly, Aracely has never listened to him before so why would she do it now with him in her face as he's stuck to Sofia’s side? Idiot.

Hmmm, I’m wondering if Fausto knows about Octavio’s affair with Silvana’s mom?

Lupe No. 1 would’ve seen that Paco is still very much stuck on Greta. I agree with an earlier comment that Lupe No. 2 needs to smile more.

yep, Marisol is venerable. Her heinous crime was being jealous, yet she will be attacked. Salvador is all puffed up growling at Araceli protecting Sofia but other than intimidating Lucas one time in his home, won't see the new attack on his sister coming.

Sofia is a strong enough person she doesn't need anyone and Salvador creates more drama because of his presence and bad advise. Like, he needs Sofia to be some damsel in distress so he can feel relevant, the condescending fool. I don't understand, she can kick ass and take names and has finesse, why allow the bull into the china shop.
She needs to put her foot down again and tell everyone to butt out, she got this.

Irais is an idiot.


Ay Jarifa, gracias amiga! Wow, I missed more than just a minute.

I actually thought the writers were going to avoid the preggers story. So, this will be Sofia's nephew/niece/stepdaughter!

Anon 9:15 -- I stand corrected. Armando was the only one working on Patotas. lol

Will a motorcycle accident keep Chava from the race? Will Aracely's assumed pregnancy keep Chava from Sofia? Will Javier ever die? No, no, and I certainly hope so!

Chava will likely be busy with Araceli dropping the preggers bomb on him & Sofia, he won't have time to save Marisol from Patrick's sadistic plans!

Gringo, that us so weird because my response is still there but your original post is gone. There must be a gremlin in the Blogger . . .


Thanks for the recap Paquita. This was great!

I don't want Araceli to be preggers. She's so annoying. I hope that her storyline ends soon. She's either crying or angry. There's never a middle road. At least Irma's Irma's storyline with Renzi is interesting.

Thanks Paquita! Your recaps are always so detailed, they are great!

So Pato is targeting Marisol. I wonder if he plans to reveal himself as the secret admirer and then try to seduce her? Is she even out of high school yet? I don't know what Mexico's laws are, but that would be statutory rape in most US states.

Yes, I do think Araceli is preggers, but she spent more time having nooners with Pedro than raping Chava so it's probably Pedro's kid. But then again, it only takes once...

In Monday's episode I thought Iker was looking for someone to off Greta, but he actually wants to get rid of Lucas. I'm surprised he doesn't want to do it himself. He seems to have no qualms about trying to kill Greta. Go figure. :/


Araceli Pregnancy Bomb in 3, 2,.......

Wow you pee on her foot and crazo is preggers. I assume it will turn out to be Pedro's or whatever his name. Otherwise if Chava had been concious she'd be expecting quadruplets.

"Armando and Alexa, post coitus, were running down Irma....yeah me too. I wish they'd just STFU and kill her.

Diana: I have speculated on this before RE : Araceli preg.. Say Chava snd Sofa get married...say Araceli has a girl. Will Sofa's head explode trying to figure out if she is her step-daughter or her niece? She may need to look in the Fsrmers Almanac in the husbandry section.

On the bright (red) side the useless insect javier was coughing up blood last night.

Cyn: remember Araceli IS an attorney.

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