Friday, May 01, 2015

Amores con trampa #25 Alcohol turns people around... makes some sick while it brings the dark side in others

At the club, Yoya is confused, she never thought Diego would really be interested in her. Diego forces a kiss on her just in time for Frances to bring in Feli to see them. Feli looks angry but doesn't do anything. Diego gets them all to sit together only for Yoya to have to watch Francis kissing Feli all over.
Beto rants at Gallo about letting Yoya go with that 'pelafustan' (jerk)... Gallo is hessitant to do anything, says 'she looked so pretty!'...  Maria also says 'you know Yoya...' (meaning Yoya is very stubborn)  Perpetua says the same.  Porfirio just wants to watch tele...  Beto insists they have to go get Yoya. Gallo says lets wait till she calls again.  Beto insists, gets louder... says Diego is not that 'straight/proper'.  He tells them Diego is using Yoya to get back at him for taking Rocio away. Porfirio yells that the Carmonas are 'straight' and they have to show that 'tipo' (Diego) that he has to be 'straight' with them. Beto insists they have to go get her. Gallo and Maria and grandma worried, Grandpa looks a bit boozed up to really have any say or thought on the subject.
At club, Diego manages to turn off Yoya's cell phone (so the Carmonas can't call her).  She is spitting/(barfing?) on him, feeling bad for all the booze she has had.  She faints in Feli's arms... He tries to get her to respond.
At the Carmonas, Gallo is getting ansi by now... Porfirio thinks they are talking about killing a pig to make Carnitas... they explain its about Diego... Porfirio repeats one of his classics 'that is not good/right'.    Then Maria uses this situation to repeat her whinning about 'i wanted to go back to the fields'.  
Back at the club, this is all turning totally 180 degrees from what Diego and Francis wanted. far from turning to Frances, Feli still has Carmen in his arms and is really concerned about her, yells at Diego for letting her drink... Yoya is beginning to respond... but bends over when she sees she is in Feli's arms. Feli yells at Francis to take her to ladies room, Francis looks like she would rather peel a whole sack of potatoes than do that...
Isa calls Esteban and threatens him that if he is lying to her about Estefi and Santi NOT being together, he will be sorry. He hangs up with Isa and it turns out Stefi is there with him... he warns Stefi that Isa is more dangerous than she seems. He leaves, Stefi seems to have taken that warning more as a dare from the facial expression she puts...
Back to the club... In ladies room, Francis tells Yoya that she and Feli saw her kissing Diego... she even took pictures. Francis suggests Yoya keep Diego who is free... and assures her she doesn't even exist for Feli.   Francis comes out of ladies room... tells Diego the kiss he gave Yoya was not enough, he has to do his 'thing' with her on the way to take her home... Diego protests, that was not the plan, he does not even want anyone seeing him with Yoya.
In a flash, Diego and Yoya arrive at the Carmona's driveway... Diego tells Yoya he is beginning to like her for real (yeah right!... well, there is a chance he really means this) and kisses her again just in time for Beto and Gallo to see them... Beto goes irate, he wants to beat Diego to a pulp, but Gallo sends him with Yoya to go in the house and warns Diego that if he touched even a hair of Yoya he will be the one to hunt down (no stone unturned) and beat/kill Diego.

Gallo, Beto and Yoya come in the house. Maria, Porfirio and Perpetua are relieved to see her. Then Maria gets alarmed again when Beto and Gallo tell her what Diego was doing with Yoya.  Porfirio wants to 'pasar por las armas' to Diego (make swiss cheese out of him with shotguns), shoot first and ask questions later.
Yoya is feeling sick... Beto tells parents that it was not Yoya's fault, it was Diego. Yoya yells that 'noone forces her to do anything!'. But she falls back on couch, she does not feel good... Grandma will make her a 'miracles herb' tea, it revives even dead ones.  Porfirio wants some of that too... Then Gallo gets angry and says that the rules have to be followed in this house!! everyone is doing whatever they please and that has to change!! (Beto gives him a 'you first!' stare)
Next morning, Isa again gets startled by the rooster call.  She swears that the rooster's days are counted.
At Carmona's Perpetua is in Yoya's room. Yoya wakes up startled, thought grandma was the crying virgin Mary (la llorona).  Yoya is having the typical hangover symptoms. Grandma wants to give her some advise.  Yoya is confused... she has had so much happen since they arrived in the city.  Grandma says you don't have to change. other people have other ideas, but you don't have to change just because others do things or think differently.  You have to recognize the good folks, the ones that are not worth it you just pass by. Give people a chance to get to know you just the way you are. Yoya thanks grandma.  Grandma rallies her to get up and go to breakfast.
At breakfast table, (these people eat a TON of stuff at every meal!!)  Grandma and Grandpa (for a change?.. NOT!) are arguing about the food... Porfirio claims that he wants to eat what he wants to eat, even if it does him no good.  'prefer that it is bad for me than to let it spoil'. Here comes Yoya, she looks even worse, hair undone, in bathrobe, look spale... Susana rants at her, calls her the 'derailed goat in the family. They call her 'gusana' (her nickname).  Yoya has a headache.  Susana suggests they hide the alcohol that grandpa drinks.  Gallo asks Jacinto how he is. Beto says he pee'd again in bed.   Jacinto says only a little (squirt).  They try to turn it on Gusana and talk about Margarito in her bed, she defends that Margarito does not have 'accidents'.   Gallo gives Jacinto a hug. He wants him to drink milk for his vitamins and strength. Jacinto gulps his milk down, then announces he is heading to restroom (everyone stares at him) 'to wash my hands!, that's all!'  Beto is happy that they are giving Jacinto some attention.  Maria congratulates Beto on his idea. Yoya whines asking everyone to not be so loud.  Grandma rants at her a bit, Yoya appologizes.
Later on Gallo and Jacinto are running around the pool... Jacinto is excited that Gallo will buy food and some treats for his animals.  Jacinto says to Gallo that he understands he does not have much time to spend with him.  Isa is watching Gallo and Jacinto interact as father and son and seems to be a bit moved.  Isa then walks toward them and greets them.  She just came to say she wants this to be a new beginning for everyone.  Jacinto is excited again since Gallo just promised he will take him to the toystore and let him choose a toy.
Then Isa is back in her bedroom, with Santi, he is drinking (still early in the day). he announces to her he won'g go to the barbecue.  He claims he  (or his mind, rather) is the one that does any work around here. She reminds him all his employees will be there. He insists the farther he is from them the better. Already have their money, dont need them anymore, thank you!!  Isa warns him that Gallo will win over his employees and before he realizes, Gallo will be leading the business!  Santi says maybe the truth is rather that YOU want to go to that barbecue so you can see your 'rancher'.  It is not about the business, but about the Gallo.  'you like him, no? you have your erotic dreams with him, you sweat and wish you would be doing "cuchi chuchi" with him.'  Isa leaves offended. He falls back on the bed, another one with a headache...
Gusana is talking to Yoya, Yoya admits she did kiss Diego.  Margarito is in this cute little tiny barn fenced box thing.
Grandma comes to fetch Yoya, someone is waiting for her in living room. Its Felipe!  Yoya jumps and is ashamed she did not even dress up, she is still in robe and not fixed up at all. He tells her he warned her that going out with Diego was not a good idea.  Yes, Feli is angry, but mostly at Diego for having let her drink.  Yoya tries to get Feli to admit he was jealous of Diego.  She asks him flat out 'do you like me or not??'  Feli seems to want to hold back his answer since he is still dating Francis.  Just as they are about to be close enough to kiss, out comes Maria demanding to know what is going on!!
Back to Velasco manor, Santi is on phone with Estefi, who is in her new apartment.  Estefi wants to see him, he tells her its not a good idea since Isa already suspects he is back with Estefi.  Estefi does not want what they have going on to cool down.  Don't you want to be with me?? of course, dear!!  I promise that when I have some free time, I will see you and will pamper you some... (elegant way to say 'dont call me, i'll call you')  love you too. Santi hangs up and keeps on drinking.
Back to Carmonas, Feli tells Maria he came to see Yoya but he is leaving.  See ya later!  (Feli leaves) Yoya follows Maria to the kitchen. Maria rants at her that she is flirting with two boys at the same time... Yoya says that she does like Feli but Diego is the one that tells her sweet somethings.  Maria is angry, 'we raised you with different values than that!'  If your dad finds out you are dating two boys at the same time he will think you are a ho....  Yoya plays the martyr card again 'noone understands me'.  Maria says 'not even you do! Straighten up or i'll tell your dad!!'
Gallo is telling Beto to get a bit more presentable (for the barbecue party), the guests are about to get here.  Geto is angry since Isa is coming, Gallo tells him to trust him. He will not do anything with Isa. Beto says 'you already did'. Gallo gets a bit offended... Beto warns him 'you better not do anything stupid'.
At her house, Isa is dressed for the barbecue... she is ranting with Conchita... she is madly looking for Santi.  Conchita tells her Santi has been drinking all day.
Outside the door of their house, Rocio is crying, Alejandra comes out. Alejandra gives her a support hug.  Rocio is thankful Alejandra is always teaching her some good life lessons.  Alejandra says she always feels like Rocio is always stressed out, like she is about to explode... Rocio explains that those that know call it 'passive aggressive stress/depression'. It has not been easy to grow up without a mom.  Ale claims that they share her mom.  Rocio denies it. She says her mom died, and it was even her fault.  Maybe it was better for her not to be born at all... she feels guilty that her mom is not there. She wishes she had a memory of her but has nothing. This is why she dresses in black. it is the color of sorrow, which is what is in her heart.   Ale tries to cheer her up, 'your heart is not alone'... Rocio gives thanks for 'having the best sister in the world'. They hug again.
Isa came to get Santi... neither of them is excited to come to the 'barbecue' at the Carmonas. Santi is drunk. Isa is outraged of his state and they start wrestling for the glass of booze he is having.  they are stumbling all over the furniture. then he starts reciting the blues, lately she would rather die alone than be with him.  He says 'life has its cycles' (something about the waters goin back to their level while birds migrate away)... just a few days ago he had to threaten her with a gun for her to step in the Carmona house and now she is the one insisting they go.  He starts getting slurpy on her neck and she gets scared and jolts away from him. Santi tells the lampshade that this darn 'dog rider' will not only end up taking his business, but also his wife.  Then he cries 'do whatever you want' and pushes her away.  Isa then leaves, and he stays there crying alone.
Previews:  seems the 'barbecue' will be the social event of the millenium!! Santi is openly insulting Gallo and the Carmonas, Gallo tightens up his fist in front of all the employees of Santi's business.


You are so super fast! I just peeked at the blog to see if the Sombra post was ready and I get this post too! I'll be back in the morning to read both of them.

I haven't watched the whole episode yet. I just saw the part where Diego said he liked Yoya for real. He looked pretty sincere.

Diego isn't so awful. He deserves a nice girl to bring out his good qualities.

OT: haven't had a chance to read the recap or comments for the last couple of days. This has probably already been mentioned, but just in case it hasn't , there's a movie on Oxygen this weekend that looks interesting--Ana Maria in Novela Land.

Thanks, Marta, for the enjoyable read this a.m.!

My favorite part lastnight was when Santiago was fighting with Isabel and was standing under the lampshade. She steps on the switch and the light goes on right over his head.

Interesting how Facundo wants to come down on the whole family after the Carmen intoxication incident because you just can't have everybody doing what they want, when he was the one who gave her permission all on his own to go out with Diego.

Of course granny Perpétua was the one who gave Carmen the best advice.

Interesting information:

Rocío feels responsible for her mother's death and that she has nothing to remember by. Also she gives Isabel credit for (good or bad) always being there for her.

A drunken Santiago is worried about losing his company and his wife to Facundo.

My favorite lines:

Facundo's fatherly threat telling Diego that if he touched a finger on Carmen he'd be looking for him in his grave. (debajo de las piedras)

Grandpappy Porfirio teeling an angry Beto to break that guy's (Diego's) snout (hocico).

Can't wait for the barbecue!


you are so right in
Interesting how Facundo wants to come down on the whole family after the Carmen intoxication incident because you just can't have everybody doing what they want, when he was the one who gave her permission all on his own to go out with Diego.
i was thinking the same thing. did you see Beto's face after Facundo yelled that? like 'yeah right, you better start by applying the rules to yourself, and stop yelling at my family like that until you do!'

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I'm catching up on the shows I missed last night this morning. Just read your great recap and am watching now, Marta.

I can't believe that Facundo blamed the drunk Carmen affair on Maria's fashion show, instead of accepting the blame for letting her go alone to a club, with a guy they don't trust, and without her brother, AFTER Maria had said no. Facundo is digging himself in deep with both Beto and Maria. Neither one is going to put up with this hypocrisy for too long.

Thank you so much, Marta! When I'm not recapping I try to watch without the Spanish captions. I always miss something, and it was nice to know I had a Marta recap to fall back on. I missed a lot of the Santi/Isa scene in his office. I never understand drunken Spanish.

Seems to me everyone is throwing a lot of blame around. Maria manages to blame Rocio for almost everything, and Facundo seems to blame everything on the desfile. They all need a little introspection....Facundo needs it THE MOST.

Diego is dangerous. He seemed really sincere. I watched for 30 seconds last night and fell for it (I hadn't seen the scene with Francis outside the bathroom.) Wow what a sincere and sweet face he can put on!

Favorite scenes:

Facundo and Jacinto

Ale and Rocio (Alejandra has a beautiful soul.)

Feli all flustered when Maria comes out. He heads for the kitchen and backtracks. Moves in to kiss Maria on the cheek and backtracks.

Margarito of course.

The scene between Rocio and Ale has me in tears. Such a sweet relationship between the two, and Ale is a sweetheart.

Sara- I loved all the scenes you loved, including Margarito. :)

Really love Isa's green dress.

Oh Vivi! Ale and Rocío had me teary eyed, too!

Isa did look great in that dress, and her pulled back hair style was very flattering.

There seems to be a perfect combination of poignant and funny in each episode.

Thanks, Marta. Such a fun recap.

I do not like Diego or his hair. Even if the second kiss in the car was not an act, he's moving too fast. I'm 100% behind Beto on this one.

Interesting that Perpetua was so sweet and offered Carmen good advice, while Maria flew off the handle. I guess it's good cop, bad cop but I would like to see Maria chill.

So how old was Rocio when she lost her mother? I wonder if it was in childbirth since she blames herself.

Facundo and Jacinto scraping off there shoes in sync - so cute.

Sara, from yesterday: first of all thank you for the headers and your kind offer of assistance. It is appreciated. You have made this very easy.

I love the Margarito commercials directing us to his Instagram account.

Ale does have a beautiful soul. Maybe she will help tame her parents in the end.

Niecie, that was cute with Facundo and Jacinto scraping off their shoes in unison. I wonder how many takes it took to get it that perfect.

We may be a small group on the patio but we are a fun group.


Anything I can do to help Jarifa. You and Marta have been a great help. There is no way I could have recapped this all alone.

I think I want to sit down this evening or tomorrow and try to make a list of our mysteries and questions. Anon207, Urban and Vivi are much better at keeping lists and details, but I really think we may need it. They keep throwing little mysteries and hints of back story at us.

Sounds like a great idea. It can be easily "out of sight out of mind" for me with the length of novelas in general. It is so different when you have only 10 to 22 episodes of infomation to keep track of.


Looking forward to that list, Sara!

I agree that it is a mystery of Rocio's mom's death if Rocio blames herself. You might be right, or maybe it was when Rocio was very young (single digit age)... maybe Rocio saw her drunk... i really hate thinking her mother killed herself because Rocio told her the dad was doing nasty money deals.

Here's a list off the top of my head. Please feel free to add/correct. I've saved the document so I can update it and share it as we get further into the story.

Information we know
Isa stole Santi from Estefy a long time ago. Estefy wants revenge.

Esteban and Isa had a fling.

Esteban wants Isa for his own.

Esteban and Estefy are working together to break up Santi and Isa and to take Santi's money.

Santi and Isa worked together to blackmail Facundo.

Santi is scamming Facundo to get his money.

Maria overheard Isa on the phone. I can't remember exactly what Isa said, something like she doesn't regret anything she's done.

What were the circumstances surrounding Feli and Rocio now living with Santi and Isa?

Rocio's mother is dead. Rocio feels guilty. Why? How did her mother die?

Why did Isa need Rocio out of the house "before a certain date"?

Who is Rocio's dad? Why does Isa consider him a good-for-nothing reprobate?

Why did Santi and Isa stop sleeping together 5 months ago? Possible reason: She had an affair with Esteban.

Great list, Sara. Thanks for keeping track. I would also ask, why is Isa so hard on Rocio?

That's an excellent question and should be added to the list!

Great recap, Marta, and great list, Sara. Thank you both.

Looking forward to Facundo's barbecue which should make for helpful and loyal employees. Wonder if Santi will show up and cause a ruckus. He does live next door or will he opt out. Love tiny Margarito.


I'm excited about the barbecue too! Monday doesn't seem so horrible knowing that I've got some great TN action at the end of the day.

Yes, thank you, Marta, for the recap, and thank you, Sara, for the list.

You might add one thing to the list. I think I remember that when Rocio and Diego split up, they said nasty things to each other, and Diego told her that when Beto found out about her dark secrets, he wouldn't be able to handle it ... or something like that.

I really like this little telenovela. It has mystery, comedy, cute little Margarito, and the scenes with Jacinto that
are so poignant. And it moves along quickly. Thursday's show was so fast-paced, it was like having a finale in the middle of the season.

I'll add that to the list, Aneta!

You are so right about this show. It's very entertaining!

Argh! Autocorrect! Aleta!

Quick question. I'm sure it's been covered, but I've forgotten. Who's older, Rocío or Feli?

Sara- I don't know. I assume Feli, but only because Rocio just turned 19, and Feli seems like he's been in college a couple of years already.

Thanks, Vivi. Rocío seems older to me. Must be the self-recrimination.

Feli could be a freshman who's 17-18. In any case, I only think there's a year or two at the most between them.

I think I just jumped to the conclusion that she was the oldest because she was paired up with the oldest Carmona.

I wish she would go work with Beto and Facundo at Grupo Velasco.

Sara, thank you for your lists. They are excellent and will be good to refer back to.

They really have covered a lot in the first five weeks. No dead episodes so far. I hope they keep up the pace.

I can't wait to settle into the patio tonight. Maybe I should have my own carne asada.


We've definitely had a fast-paced five weeks!


Sara, thanks for the list. Seems like Isa holds the key to most of the mysteries.

I did wonder why Isa was worried the mysterious "it" when Rocio turns 19, but not about Felipe.

Oops -- worried about the mysterious "it"

Hmmm. That is interesting, Niecie. If we are saying that Feli is the oldest, then it seems to me it would be more important that he was turning 19. I will definitely adding that to the list!!!

Come to think of it...why 19? I would think 18 or 21. Anyone have any enlightening words about the age of majority in Mexico?

I've updated the list of mysteries. I will post it in the comments tonight with the recap.

I will try to keep it updated and post it periodically. Always feel free to tell me to add something.

And I saw a blurb today about the next Rosy Ocampo show. They said it was starting "after the summer." I'm hoping that means this extension won't be too long.

Sara good for you you have the summer free have fun and you are right lupita from dqtq should have her own show she came out on un refugio para el amor as well

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