Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Amores con trampa #38 and #39 5/20/15 and 5/21/15

Have we had a slow episode yet?? Every night seems action-packed! Jarifa will keep us up to date with all the details. Look for her recap in the comments.


Recap will be up later tonight or early tomorrow a.m. : )


Looking forward to it, Jarifa! I saw a preview while I was watching Sombra and it looks like it's gonna be a good episode! I hope Hulu doesn't let me down tomorrow morning!

Capítulo #38. "What Goes Around . . ."

Part 1

We are picking up the action with Beto at the Carmona household where he is trying to call Rocío. Facundo catches him in the act and is not happy. He tells his son that "Las puertas de la casa son muy anchas". In other words, if you don't like it here, don't let the door hit you on the way out. (Poor Beto)

At the same time, María and Carmen are at the gym taking a tour with a trainer. Isabel is also there working out and comes over to ask María what she is doing there. María gives her a sarcastic response: she's cleaning the floors. Isabel lectures María and Carmen on the efficacy of exercise and staying fit. 35% of staying fit is exercise the other 65% is diet. She then starts out with tlacoyos (corn cakes)and goes through all sorts of traditional foods María will have to give up. Carmen defends her mother. María asks Carmen to leave so she can talk to Isabel alone. Isabel pops on her headphones and looks uncomfortable.

Facundo asks Beto if he has been clear enough with him. Beto says he has. Facundo needs Beto's help to build the construction business and Betoneeds to study for his career. Since they are in this great city he wants him to take advantage of it. He should have enough time to do those two things. Now he wants him to get dressed and look good because they are going in to the office to work. Esteban called. Beto tries to get out of it by saying that he does not feel well. That is a no go with Facundo who tells him it is not a choice but an order. Before he always let Beto do what he wanted but now he plans on keeping Beto on a very short leash. He also wants him to get that foolishness out of his heart because tomorrow is going to be a very important day when that "chilango" (guy from DF) Santiago's life is going to change forever. He will tell him all about it on the way.

Back at the gym, María removes Isabel's headphones so she will be able to hear her clearly. María wants to know if it is true what Santiago said about Isabel feeling things for her husband Facundo. Isabel says she does not have to answer her. María threatens her with ripping out her eyes if she does not answer her. She points two fingers at Isabel's face and Isabel closes her eyes. At the same time, Estefany just happens to witness the whole scene and is wondering who that "naca" (low class ignorant woman) is who is threatening Isabel. María continues telling Isabel that she will tell her what she wants to know even if she has to drag the words out of her "pezcuezo" (neck). Isabel quickly tells her that here they use the word "cuello" for neck and that she is just as stupid as she always is. Isabel tells María that she finds Facundo to be attractive, sure of himself, strong, manly, tough and that he smells like a real man. Estefany comes over and asks Isabel to introduce her to her friend. María says she is no friend of mine. Estefany says well to your enemy then.

Part 2

At the Velasco house, Rocío is crying in her bed. Conchita is concerned about her since she has not eaten. . Rocío had never been so happy as when she was with Beto. Alejandra is so happy Rocío is back. Conchita suggests that they leave Rocío alome because she does not feel well.

Back to María: she is now having a coffee with Estefany who is recounting her sad tale of Isabel stealing away Santiago. She and Santiago were the perfect couple and very happy until "Isadora" (Isabel) arrived on the scene. She tells María that she pulled the same arrogant stuff on her as she is pulling on María. She told her that she liked Santiago and was going to take Santiago away from her. She is a demon. People of the same ilk end up together. After all these years Santiago has ended up to be jst like she is. No matter what she did she could not win out over that Isa? Isa what? Isabel. She is all alone and does not want that to happen to María so she is offering her her friendship in helping her so Isabel does not het what she wants. María is not too sure. She says that Facundo respects her. Estefany says Santiago respected her, too and look what happened anyway. She wants tMaría to see her as a friend, as an accomplice to help her pluck the feathers off that demonic bird of prey. She can see why María wouldn't want to trust her after her experience with Isabel but she Estefany is not like Isabel. (Estefany thinks to herself: she is worse!!!)

After the coffee all three women are working on a machine:

María on the step machine (?)is thinking Estefany is right. She is not going to make it easy for Isabel. She doesn't know with whim she is dealing.

Isabel on the treadmill (?) is thinking it doesn't matter if Estefany gets involved, she is still going to take Facundo away from María

Estefany on the elliptical (?) is thinking that she will let María and Isabel have at each other and then.she will pick up the pieces. "A río revuelto, ganancia de pescadores." Troubled waters, fisherman's gain.")

All three then say to themselves: Facundo will be with me!

After the gym, María comes walking in to her home all sore ams stiff from the workout. Carmen gives her a pep talk about how could they'll look. She tells grammy Perpétua and Carmen she was not happy Isabel was there. Carmen and granny tell her she will just have to deal with her. . María is off for a bath and then granny will give her a massage with camphor oil.


Part 3

At the Velasco's, Santiago is telling them all, at the dinner table, how grateful he is that is spite of serious problems they are still together as a family. He then happily tells his family all about the successful sale of 15% of his company shares to the German investor and how this sale is going to solve all of their debt problems forever. New times! Their monthly allowances are back. Conchita will get her back pay. As soon as he is done mentioning that the most important thing is that their lovely daughter Rocío is back, Isabel starts picking on Rocío for looking so sad and suggests that she go back to her room rather than being sad like that at the table. And so it starts. Isabel continues on to criticize Felipe for getting Francis pregnant. Alejandra rells Rocío they are going to be aunts. Felipe leaves. Santiago asks Isabel why she has to ruin everything every day. Isabel tells Rocío she is ready to protect herself from the bad vibes she is sending her over the table. Rocío says it is not worth her effort because it is always the same in this house. Santiago agrees it is always the same. If anyone is interested, he is on his way to meet with the board of directors and to inteoduce the new German investor.

At the board meeting Santiago tells them that the new kncestor is a very fine person and he only sold 15% of his shares so he is still the major shareholder. They hope this doesn't turn out to be another one of his mistakes. Just at that moment Facundo and Beto enter the meeting. Santiago is not happy but Esteban reminds him they have every right to be at the table. Santiago "forgot" to invite them to the meeting. He supposes they are there to meet the new shareholder. Facundo answers that if he is talking about Franz Burger, he is not coming. Santiago asks how facundo knows his name. Esteban tells Santiago that Fran Birger does mot exist; thay Samtiago sold his shares to Fecund. Facundo asks him if he did not read the fine print. Santiago has to sit down. Facundo explains that he is now the majority shareholder with 55% and Santiago has 45%. Esteban says to,Santiago,that Facundo is now his boss. Facundo elaborates saying he is the president, the owner an all of the decisions will be his!

Santiago cannot believe that that "campesino limpiabotas" (boot cleaning peasant) did this to him. He loosens his tie. He becomes disheveled screaming they tricked him. He looses it. They are traitors. He ends up on all fours crawling down the table to the end where he tries to choke Esteban. Facundo fans him with his hat.

Susana, Margarito and Alejandra are outside of their houses about what happened earlier at school. They were eating their lunch together. They ended up sharing lunches .Alejandra saw Andrés (who Susana said was walking worse than a new orn colt)and decided to give him some hot chocolate to make up for her falling on him and breaking his leg. Poor Alejandra ends up spilling the hot chocolate all over him. The girls and Margarito agree that love shouldn't hurt so much.

Back in the board room Santiago is still hysterical screaming on all fours on the board table. Facundo is rubbing it in telling him since he is now the boss, Santiago will have to do what he says. Suddenly Santiago holds his chest, cannot breathe, says everything is falling in on him and it looks grey. He falls unconscious. Esteban thinks it is a panic attack. Felipe tells him to call an ambulance. In the middle of his "act", Santiago thinks: the company doesn't matter at all to him. It is broke. When that fifth class rancher finds out, he will know Santiago has won and Facundo will go back to being as poor as he was before in his vulgar town.


Part 4

Carmen is all ready to go out shopping for workout clothes with María. María wants to know why she is not at school. Carmen explains how she lost Felipe forever because he got Francis pregnant. María says he has to get married now. She does not want her losing class time over him.Carmen says she knows but each time she sees him her heart falls to pieces. María tells her to pick up the pieces and move on.

Santiago is all laid out on the paramedic's gurney. He looks unconscious or dead. No paramedics are attending to him. Felipe is crying and shouting that his father trusted him Esteban. Esteban says: your uncle firedme/Facundo hired me. They are all crying. It looks like a wake. Esteban suggest they take him to the hospital to find out the cause of his heart attack. Facundo says they can always do an autopsy and with that Santiago sits up and screams and they all scream. Santiago says he is feeling much better like a bull or an ox. Yay, Facundo cheers he is alive! No hospital for him. He is going home to rest. He warns Facundo: He who dies last dies best. No, he who laughs last, laughs best. He is out of there.

Isabel is at home thinking about the having to stay abreast of Estefany's friendship with María. She wants Conchita to help her fill the house full of artifacts from the country so it will look like a ranch.

At the Carmona's dinner table, Facundo is announcing to his family how the company now belongs to the Carmona's they all toast. Facundo says that Santiago pitched a fit. María asks if he is okay. Facundo says why should that matter to him after what he did to him. Hedeserved what he got. Nobody is to be friendly with the Velasco's. María asks him if he doesn't see he is becoming just like Santiago. They are like two drops of water.

Santiago is on his bed playing video games when the kids come in to see about him. Isabel told them he had a panic attack.. He is loving the attention from the kids.
Isabel is working on her boutique orders and cannot be bothered.


Part 5

Diego sees Carmen at the university and wants to ne her boyfriend. She says she is giving up on Felipe so they canstart going out together. They share a kiss and Francis's mean girls friends take a picture to show Francis.

At the Velasco's, all of the kids are in the living room worried about Santiago. Where is Isabel when you need her? Nobody knows. Beto comes to talk to Rocío and find out about how Santiago is. Rocío wants to talk to him alome. She wants to know if Beto knew what his dad was going to do. He says yes, he did more or less. There was nothing he could do. She is mad he didn't let her know and all of this could have been avoided. Her uncle could have died from a heart attack. When her uncle was going to pull a fast one on her father she let them know as soon as she could to warn him . What about you? Beto says she wasn't even answering her phone. She says it seems like for him his family will always be the most important thing for him and even though it hurts her to say so, the same is true for her. Their parent/aunt and uncle are right: it is better they not see each other. Beto doesn't want to give up. She kisses him on the cheek goodbye.

At the university in the washroom, Francis is with her mean girl gang. She is happy with the kissy face photos od Diego and Carmen to show Felipe. Carmen just happens to be in a stall and overhears that Francis's pregnancy is a lie. She confronts her about it. Francis just smiles.

Facundo is on his horse galloping around. Isabel comes out. (The way the shot was done over the horse and Facundo, he looks gigantic and Isabel tiny.) He asks how she and Santiago are. He asks if Santiago told her why he got so ill. He didn't so Facundo tells her the reason: he is now the owner of the company. She is shocked. He tells her they messed with the wrong person. Somebody can only make him a fool once. Sheis not to worry because he is now in charge. Her family will need nothing because Santiago will work for him.. Her family will be dependent on him. "On him?" She asks . María comes out yelling for Facundo. Isabel splits. She asks if he is talking to Isabel. He tells her no more of that jealousy stuff and grabs her and kisses her so that Isabel can see. Isabel stares and then goes in the house.


Part 6

Carmen tells Francis that she is going to tell Felipe. So Francis and her gang chase her, catch up with her, grab her phone and smash it so she cannot call Felipe.

Isabel confronts Santiago. She calls him an idiot and tells him they lost the company due to him. She starts to beat him. She told him not to sell the shares. He is screaming in pain and trying to cover his head. Now they have to depend on Facundo. He says no the company is really broke. She asks how is that possible if Facundo put up his money. If she calms down he will explain it all to her. SHOCKER: Santiago says: It has been so many years since she last beat him. She tells him they lost everything, to just shut up. She starts beating him again and Rocío, Felipe,and Alejandra are all there to witness it eventhough Rocío has covered Alejandra's eyes. Finally Felipe gets Isabel to stop by yelling "¡mamá Isabel". She is crying and looks miserable.

El fin


Thanks, Jarifa. You didn't miss a detail. I loved Santi's freak out. I hope Facundo discovers his plot to fleece the company and foils his plans.

I hope Maria continues to be suspicious of Stefi. I did life when she had to remind Stefi of Isa's name. LOL.

Did you notice the mirror advisory about bullying in the girls bathroom right in front of Francis and her minions, just before the three start assaulting Carmen? That was some irony there.

I have to say, Carmen and Diego looked good together, and she seemed to be enjoying his kisses. But he will no have two hurdles: 1) Carmen now knows Francis isn't pregnant with Feli's baby; 2) I'm sure Francis will reveal that Diego helped her with the baby lie.

Thank you, Jarifa!! I love the details. I needed them. The coffee is taking forever to kick in this morning and it affected my comprehension. I didn't even catch that line about it being years since Isa last beat up on him.

I did notice the bully advisory poster....which annoyed me even more when the girls were chasing and accosting Carmen...did no one see? I just seems so hypocritical to keep mentioning the bullying and then no one is standing up against it. I guess that's what the anvils are for.

I can't help it, I like Diego. I hope he can have a happy ending.

I am sad that Beto and Rocio have broken up (again.) Not awesome.

Favorite scene:
When Estefy was talking to Maria and the random gym guy obviously found Maria attractive. Go Maria!

Sara- Yeah. I liked that someone finally noticed how attractive Maria is. Maria was so embarrassed by the male attention, though.

The two girls sitting, holding Margarito and a bunny, while recounting their day, was a nice little scene. I hate that Facundo is even including this friendship in his ban on the Velascos. Even in her most unreasonable moments, Maria did not include the little kids in the adult drama.

Maria was embarrassed, but the best part was that it didn't even register with Estefy. Isa and Estefy are making a big tactical error in discounting Maria. Bwahahaha!

Facundo is being completely unreasonable. It's making him unlikable right now.

Argh. I forgot to say to Jarifa that I how you included Margarito when describing the Ale/Susana scene.

Vivi, thanks for pointing out the bullying sticker. I will have to take a look. Yes, Diego is in a tricky position. It will only be better when he tells Francis to take a hike.

Sara, I hope that the random gym guy is just the first of other guys that notice María. Poor María looked so uncomfortable that some guy other than Facundo might be interested in her. Good point that at least there are anvils here to take care of the bullies.


I suppose that since Maria has been with Facundo since she was 14, and surely no men in SBelC would have dared flirt with Facundo's miner, she doesn't have much experience with male attention.

Mujer not miner. :) Oh, tablet.

Lol, Vivi. I thought you meant "mina" I've heard that for "girl" on my Chilean soap. And you're right, Facundo might have been Maria's first and only suitor.

I wish we could get Diego off the character fence. That way I can hate him or not be ashamed to sort of like him.

I was surprised that we had domestic violence at the hands of a woman. Just one more detail that makes this novela way different and better from what one might expect.

My favorite parts:

Estefany having coffee with María and telling her the "Isabel/Santiago saga" while being constantly interrupted by people she knew. María was all ears. Isabel always forgetting where she was when talking about Isa??? just made it funnier with María hanging on every word.

The whole board scene from start to finish. I especially enjoyed Santiago on all fours on the board table and jumping up just fine thank you at the mention of an autopsy. Very cartoonish.

The Margarito sighting, of course.

I am looking forward to another fun one tonight.


Vivi, these tablets sure are fun, aren't they? I love mine but it is always a challenge typing on it which is what I end do so much on it. You are so right about María probably having no to very little experience with guys. Such an early romance with Facundo. I wonder if Facundo ever had any competition.

Sara, yes, I so agree that Diego needs to come into the light already and ditch Francis. I was hoping he was going to refuse to help her with the pregnancy proof. She is another one like Isabel that seems to have the ability to get what they want from any guy around them.


I was disappointed that Diego caved into Francis's whims as well...BUT, maybe that means he really does have some feeling for Carmen. It doesn't excuse his behavior, but maybe he was thinking it would help him get Carmen.

If they decide Diego is going to be one of the nice guys, I hope he doesn't end up alone.

Sara- Diego definitely did it because he wanted Feli out of the way of getting Carmen. He really does want Carmen now, not just pretend like the first time. But he shouldn't have played dirty to woo her, and it's going to bite him in the butt. I think it's a forgivable offense though, and I kind of want him to win Carmen over. I like Feli and think he's a nice guy. But he's kind of weak with Francis, and I just don't find him as interesting as Diego. I think Diego won me over when he comforted Carmen about her parents' troubles, and revealed his own sad tale of parental infidelity and divorce. He just became way more interesting than Feli. I think he and Carmen could do a lot of growing together. That doesn't mean they have to be end game (marriage and babies), but I think they could challenge each other and bring out the best in each other.

YES, Vivi!! Diego is so much more interesting. Feli is just so...blah. His character really doesn't interest me in the least. Yeah. He really seems like the weakest link to me. It's almost like he's only around so we can have the interesting Francis character.

Right now I'm sort of mulling over Rocio and Beto. I have a hard time believing that everything could have been avoided at the board meeing. It doesn't help that Beto said he knew "more or less" what would happen. That's too vague for me. I don't think the two situations (Beto telling Rocio about Fac/Rocio telling Beto about Santi and Isa's plan) are equal.

And I HATE that they are breaking up because of "their families." There has to be a way for everyone to come together.

Oh. That's why I'm watching. Hee hee.

Wonderful recap! I finally caught up last night. I'm still two epis behind on LI.

I loved the gym scenes with Estefy working out with full makeup on and her hair down. Makes me think she is there more to pickup guys. Maria is so thin (I think Africa has lost a lot of weight since AC) that I found it funny Isa telling her what foods to give up.

I thought it was interesting how upset Isa was at Santi for losing the business. Doesn't she want Facundo? Now she could get him, the business and the rest of his money. Lack of foresight on her part, lol.

The Beto/Rocio carousel keeps turning. They need a nickname...BeCio, Roceto?

Surprised the Francis secret is out so soon.

For all of his manipulation of his family (meaning the kids feelings), Santi does genuinely care about the kids. I liked that he is so kind to Rocio.

BeCio and Roceto are BOTH great!!

Carvivlie, ITA Isabel is a real mess. Aside from Facundo, I don't think she knows what she wants anymore. Very funny. I also like Santiago with the kids. You can tell he loves them. Just too bad he is so in love with Isabel.


Thanks, Jarifa. Fab recap.

I laughed out loud when Santi, during his fake panic attack, yelled "no, Mama, no!"

Yay to Maria attracting some outside male attention. Loved Maria’s “cleaning the floor” line to Isa and Carmen backing up her mom.

I'm giving Facundo a break on being an ogre with his family. He's trying to shut down any feelings he has for Isa, and everybody else's relationship with the Velasco's is collateral damage.

Isa wants Facundo but she's still too snobby to want him to be in charge of the business.

"I'm giving Facundo a break on being an ogre with his family. He's trying to shut down any feelings he has for Isa, and everybody else's relationship with the Velasco's is collateral damage.

I hadn't even thought of it that way. Interesting thoughts.

Grandpappy Porfirio came up with another interesting saying last night to apply to Santiago when Facundo said Santiago had described himself (strong as) an ox before he left the office. "El que por su gusto es buey hasta la ayunta lame". He who is an ox for his own pleasure, even licks the yoke. Sounds like a person who is complicit in his own mistreatment. These folksy sayings are always fun.


Lyikes! Looks like without knowing it Grandpappy was describing Santiago's relationship with his batterer Isabel. Is the old guy psychic or what? Very funny..


Thanks for translating that, Jarifa. I've been so brain dead lately that I hear these sayings and phrases, and they sort of register and I think to myself I should write them down and investigate them more, but it don't. So I'm grateful for your mentioning it. I need to start watching with a notepad so I can write those sorts of things down. We're getting great ones on this show.

And Porfirio did describe Santi and Isa's relationship perfectly... Even if he didn't know it.

Capítulo #39 "María Makes a Deal with the Devil and Francis Takes a Flop"

Part 1

The mean girls lock Carmen in a maintenance closet.

At the Velasco's, Rocío asks Isabel if she is crazy. How could she beat up her uncle? Isabel's response is because Santiago condemned us all to hell. Felipe tells her to calm down. She cries that they have lost everything and that this is the beginning of the end. She'll end up selling quesadillas.

At the Carmona's, María asks Beto what is wrong. He tells her about Rocío breaking up with him. She says it is for the best because they are from different worlds. He says he lost the best thing he ever had in his life. Facundo overheard it all as he was standing right outside the door listening.

Carmen is still locked in the closet screaming and praying for someone to let her out. A maintenance man hears her and lets her out. She pushes him in and locks the door from the outside whe he starts asking questions She runs to her car to her car. Francis and her gang are in the parking lot are hiding behind a car asking what she is going to do now since Carmen got out. Francis says that she will just have to improvise and wants them to wish her luck as she fives them her purse to hold. Carmen backs up her car, then pulls forward accelerating and Francis stands in front of the car waving her arms for Carmen to stop. Carmen tries but can't so she hits Francis. We hear the thud and Francis is on the ground with her gang and a growing crowd of onlookers taking photos. Carmen is all upset that she killed her as the mean girls accuse her of running Francis over.

María goes over to talk to Santiago. He welcomes her and apologizes he is dressed like a sick person bit someone they both know put him in that condition. Santiago's silver tongue starts to work. First he feels for her: a real woman here in the city and how alone she must feel filled with worries and doubts. She has no friends so he is at her service with all due respect. María is agitated. She will not take a seat and says she can ot stand him because he is crooked and a lousy person. He gets upset and stops her and asks her if that is anyway to treat him when he has put himself at her service at her feet? She doesn't care about him putting himself at her feet, she just wants to leave the city and save her family and she cannot do it on her own. He asks her to be more clear because he doesn't bet it. On the mone hand she cocmes to his home and insults him while on the other hand she is asking him for his help. He wants her to be clear and put her cards on the table and he will do the same. She was thinking about what he told her the other day and she accepts that they should unite forces so he doesn't lose Isabel and she doesn't lose Facundo. Santiago just smiles. She is even ready to help him get his company back if that is what it takes. He tells her she won't be sorry. He is so excited!

Back at the university parking lot, the mean girls are hovering over Francis to see if she will open her eyes. Francis starts talking in a weak little voice Asking what happened. She moces and her shoulder makes a cartoon worthy creaking sound. Now she remembers Francis ran her over. Her knee makes a cartoonish noise as she moves. Carmen wanted to kill her. They should bring charges against her at the police station. Francis says one more time there are cameras that caught it all. She starts repeating that she is dying. Carmen comes over to her and Francis grabs her, sits up and tells her that if she says one word to Felipe, she will make her life a living hell. Felipe will find out she ran her over and she will be in court for attempted murder. She had better think it over real well. Francis has her friends help her up and they leave the scene. Her friends tell her she is a genius. She tells her friends that is why she studied aerobic gymastics. She knows how to fly through the air and fall. Nothing wrong with her and carmen is left crying in the parking lot.

Part 2

Back at the Velasco's, Santiago is telling María they are going to do great and nobody will defeat them. María is not too sure what he is talking about at this point. He asks again if she wants to ally herself with him. She says she does but only to save their marriages nothing else. Not so easy he says because her husband stole his company from him. Did she already forget that he robbed him of his company that gave him meaning and life that he worked to createsweating so hard year after year. She counters with that he had robbed Facundo first. He begs to differ saying that he proposed a business deal to Facundo. He didn't hire a fake German with a Yucatan accent to set a dirty trap. María says what is done is done . The only important thing is to distance his slippery wife from her husband and if he helps her do that she will give him a hand in getting his company back. Santiago,says they are really understandin each other now. She is like one pillar of life and he is like another And that the cupola of success is only possible if they do not separate the pillars. They have to join together so that nobody can stop them and the cupola of love will be reestablished by their effort. Does she agree. María looks like she thinks he is nuts and tells him she just wants to get back to the country and forget the house where they are living and forget everything that happened in the city. He says: partners? Only if he promises not to tell anyone and not betray her . She warns him that Facundo is rash and fierce but she is worse. They finally shake on it. He tells her he will be the brains of the plan and they will go far: as far as San Bartolo el Chico. Funny sight gag in the scene: when Santiago is talking about pillars and cupolas there is a building off in the distance that has pillars and a cupola.

Santiago goes in the house where Isabel is on Santiago's laptop. She wants to know all about the 50 million. He gives her the report he had Esteban make up about the money. He wants to wait a while until things calm down before he opens his own company. She sees 30 million in the bank. Where arenthe other 20 million.he tells her there were debts to pay off with the workers and others. there are expenses in construction. Then there was the case of the vribe he had to give to stop the process of the seizure. Why? So his dear wife could maintain her standard of living. They start arguing about money but end up with Santiago saying it is all about that dog riding cowboy. His happiness will be short lived because he knows less about business than she does. He does not even realize he is the majority shareholder of a bankrupt company. She asks then why does he care so much about the company. Because Facundo pulled a fast one on him. He made him look like a fool. That he will never forgive. That corn planter wants to be more clever than he is. Never.

María returns home and Facundo wants to know where she has been. She comes up with having been out looking for gym clothes but she couldn't find anything. Facundo says he likes seeing her in athletic wear with all of her curves. He asks her to trust him, not be so angry with him. He cannot be totally hapoy because he misses her. They cannot go back to the country now because of the company. She says she knows but wants him to stop the obsession with his war with the Velasco's. He has already won. He needs to worry about his family. Doesn't he see how unhappy the kids are? Especially Beto. Facundo tells her that the kids will have to get used to it because nobody is going to twist his arm. Well, she is not going to let this ruin their lives. If he does not change his attitude, nothing is going to change between them. She is just letting him know.


Part 3

Carmen and Susana are in their room. Susana is tlalkkng to Margarito about how cute he is as he is squealing. Carmen is tired of listening to the squealing and tells Susana to piut him out of their room. Susana want to know why she is in such a bad mood. She says it is because she feels like she is inberween a sword and the wall. She makes Susana promise her that she will not say anything to anybody about what she is going to tell her because she always ends up telling someone.

Another dimner at the Velasco's. They all started eating before Santiago got to the table. He notices. He wants to know what stinks. Turns out it is a potted herb that Isabel had Conchita buy because its smell reminds her of the country. Isabel talks about how it reminds her of what it smelled like when they went to pick up Rocío in the country. Rocío asks Santiago if he feels better about the swindle Beto's father pulled on him. Santiago doesn't know what he can tell her. Isabel however says it was your uncle Santiago who wanted to cheat him in the first place thinking he would not realize it. Alejandra asks if just for one day can they not talk bad about her father. Santiago thanks her and reminds them he is there and he wants some food. Isabel asks if Rocío is going out with her outfit and makeup, Rocío says it is obvious that she is going out. Felipe is upset that she would go partying when Santiago is not well. She lets them all know that the old Rocío is back somthey had better get used to it.

Carmen has told Susana the story and asks what she thinks. Susana's reaction is that she is just stupid stupid stupid. Not even granny's chickens are as birdbrained as she is. Carmen is upset and tells her to get out. Susana reminds her that that is not possible becausethey share a room and Carmen is sitting on her bed. Susana tels her that Francis made her look stupid so she should do things the right way and talk to Felipe. She should not be here more afraid than a rabbit looking at the hot coals. Carmen comes back with Susana does not get it because Francis said she could get arrested. Susana starts to laugh sayiing and you believed her? Younreally are stupid. Carmen admits she ims really angrynwith Susana because she is right. Tomorrow first thing she needs to talk to Felipe and tell him the whole truth.

Back to the Velasco dinner table where Santiago sarcastically says he knows what is coming next with everyone being so worried about his health he is going to his room before they start arguing. Henthen thanks them all for ruining his day.

Isabel tells Rocío that she does not have permission to go out or see Beto. She tells her she is done with Beto forever because of them. They argue some more about the same old same old and Rocío goes out defying Isabel. Conchita tries to tell Isabel that Rocío is not well. Isabel calls her a crazy niece and a rebel without a cause. Felipe is worried about Rocío. Isabel more perturbed than worried. Better she be out than hanging around here with her bitter face. She always ruins everything. Felipe tells her that she sounds. Like Rocío does not matter to her. She matters Isabel says but she is tired, she has had it with her, she is throwing in the towel.

At the Carmona's Facundo hears María in the shower and wants to bring her in a towel. Her answer is: No, not for as long as he acts like Santiago. Does he not realize they are like two drops of water? Facundo stands and thinks about it all and talks to himself. No they cannot be similar. He ws just defending his interests trying to get the money back from Santiago who was trying to steal it fromhim. The kids want to be friends butnthey can't but it is not his fault, etc., etc. María comes out asking him if he is going crazy because crazy people talk when they are all alone. How he has changed!


Part 4

At the Carmona breakfast table, Facundo announces he is giving a big party at work to celebrate the Carmona take over. Grandpappy Porfirio is impressed that Facundo had that idea come out of his big old head since he had thought it was just there to hold his hat. Ha! Ha! He is also loking forward to the girls who will be there. Granny and María will be making their best dishes for food. María asks if he plans on inviting Santiago. Facundo says no. He does not want him to bring down the party. Better he stay home crying like a little girl. Margarito is coming. He wants the workers to really know all of them well. He wants them to make a good impression.

Beto goes outside just in time to see a drunk amd drinking Rocío getting out of a cab. He wants to know how she is. She tells him it should not matter to him because he is not a part of her life. He says of course it matters because he knows her. She tells him nobody knows her. She is just like what he is seeing now. He does not believe her.. She just wants to go home to sleep. She wants to erase him from her life.. She goes to her bedroom and just wants to get Beto out of her head and out of her heart. She will get him out of her life even if she has to destroy herself partying.

Carmen gets to Felipe way too late. Francis has already talked to him so he believes that Carmen hit her with her car on purpose and caused her to lose the baby. He is angry and does not want to hear what she has to say eve nthough she is telling him the truth that there was never a baby.

Isabel walks in on Santiago in the kitchen. He begs her not to beat him. She cannot be bothered. How could he be so stupid? Santiago promises to fix it all and wants to tell her about plans for the new company. She does not want to hear. He is good for nothing. She starts making eggs. Santiago gets melancholy and starts to talk about how everything would be so different if he just had a wife who was loyal, truly loved him, supported him, who would send him messages during the day, who would call him on the phone during the day, and who would tell him that it is all going to be just fine. Love him? She herself didn't realize when she stopped loving him. (Sounds like a bad country song: i couldn't resist) Santiago asks now what is her life going to be. Like since she has filled the house up,with that stinky plant. It is "ruda" just like her. At least he remembers its name. He starts to ask about ham then continues on with her putting in a stanle for a cow, braiding her hair, dying it black , etc. having her romance with the rancher. She has the worst taste falling in love with the rancher.

Felipe and Carmen are still fighting he basically tells her to get lost. Francis would never lie about something like that. He leaves and the mean girls tell Carmen that Francis will love seeing pictures of her crying.

Back in the Velasco kitchen, Isabel tells Santiago that what he is saying is absurd. She doesn't feel like eating anymore. Santiago says she isn't answering because she knows he is telling the truth. She wants to know what he is taking. He says a pain pill. With coffee? It says to take them with food. Because of this "new love" he is going to have to start taking drugs. She wants a pill of his. No, he is going to tell her the same thing she told him when he asked her for a sleeping pill: get your own. He ask her not to go. She leaves him eating all alone in the kitchen.

Felipe meets with Francis. She has played with her makeup so she looks sickly. She tells him how horrible it was being at the clinic all night long. He doesn't know why she didn't call him. She is better now he is with her. She is afraid of Carmen. He tells her Carmen is no longer a friend of his. She needs him more than ever.. He tells her it will all be okay and they willnever be separated again. She is happy.


Part 5

Carmen has been crying in the girls washroom for a half hour so Diego goes into see how she is. Carmen tells him she doesn't want him to make her suffer. She wants him to promise he will never hurt her or play with her. She doesn't want to suffer anymore in this life. Diego does not understand anything. She wants him to love her, take care of her, make her happy. He just holds her,as she cries.

At the Carmina house they are getting all if the foid ready to take over to the party at the company. María, grandpappy, granny, Susana and Jacinto,are all working together. Grandpappy ismthinking about hot oeppers, his snout and agua ardiente. Granny wants to know where that slacker Carmen is. María says she thinks she is going to the party straight from school. Susana and granny don't get why they all have to go. María says you know how Facundo is when he gets something in his head. Jacinto is seeing himself as a high finance empresario like the great Bill Gates or magnate Onassis. He has on a white shirt with a bow tie. María , with the excuse of fixing her makeup,, leaves the kitchen to call Santiago about the party. He is interested.

El fin


Wonderful, Jarifa! I love how you always find the humorous moments, even in an unhappy episode.

My favorite scene was with Susana, Carmen, and Margarito. Loved Susana's no nonsense direct advice.

Feli can keep Francis. But Diego is just going to dig himself in deeper if he doesn't come clean with Carmen and Feli and tell them he knows there was never a baby, and supplied the fake ultrasound.

Most shocking moment: Seeing Isa cook! Even if it was just eggs and tortillas.

Fabulous, Jarifa! Thank you. You managed the painful and the humor perfectly. It really was a kind of heavy and painful episode. Santi really breaks my heart. He loves Isa (though I can't fathom why.)

And you are right, Vivi. Feli can have Francis. He's overheard Isa saying Francis isn't pregnant and know Carmen is telling him the same. What.A.Dolt. You can do better, Carmen!!

Diego MUST come clean!! Please, please, please writers...redeem Diego.

What sort of hell will break loose at this party? Can't wait for tonight.

I just loss my post! So here we go one more time with the goofy ISP's.

Vivi and Sara, ITA agree about Diego and Felipe. What.A.Dolt. is just perfect.

The saddest scene of the night for me was also my favorite: Santiago and Isabel in the kitchen. The most poignant part was when Isabel says that she herself didn't realize when she had stopped loving Santiago. He looked like a kicked dog.

Another sad scene was María's betrayal of Facundo by joining forces with Santiago. Up to now she had the moral high ground in the family. She is doing it just to save and get her family back to the country? More like going behind her husband's back. No sympathy for her.

Then there was the plot convention in telenovelas that drives me crazy: when good characters never act in a timely manner while villains keep to a predictable schedule of action. Why did Carmen have to wait until early the next day to explain things to Felipe? Why was she surprised that he actually felt like he did because Carmen had gotten to him first? Phones don't work at night? A real, "duh?" moment.

Of course, Susana gave the best advice of the night as she saw right through the "Francis flop" incident. She and Margarito could go into the counseling business.

The party should be fun tonight! That is all for now.


"Poignant" is a perfect word for that scene in the kitchen. Poor Santi is sitting there and they are both going through the motions of a typical married couple, but Isa is just not there emotionally. I know it's just a show, but I'm getting choked up just thinking about it.

"Then there was the plot convention in telenovelas that drives me crazy: when good characters never act in a timely manner while villains keep to a predictable schedule of action.

This line is all kinds of awesomesauce. It describes a frustrating truth! But at this point I'm so done with Feli that I'm sort of glad it happened...except for poor Carmen having to suffer.


So far, the writing has really been excellent in this one: example the Santiago/Isabel kitchen scene. Also the acting. This is my first time seeing Ernesto Laguardia in anything. He has been really outstanding in both the comedy and the drama.



Wonderful recap!!

ITA Jarifa, the scene in the kitchen was heartbreaking. It was subtle, not overly dramatic as TN's can be, which gave it a real "truth".

Please let Diego be redeemed. Feli is so stupid.

Maria's unhappiness and fear of Isa stealing her husband is so big that she would rather betray him. This will not end well.

I don't condone violence, especially as a method to solve problems, but I wanted Carmen to slug those two Frances wanna bes.

Carvivlie, I do not see it ending well for María either. She has no defense.

Nanette, I am right with you! They sure had no problems being physical with her.


I don't condone real-life violence and I generally don't like my entertainment to contain realistic violence, but I am all for Carmen smacking the Francis wannabes. I don't like to see Carmen crying in front of them.

Carvivlie said
It was subtle, not overly dramatic as TN's can be, which gave it a real "truth".

Word. Though this is a comedy, we are seeing first rate acting and it never feels exaggerated to me. Who said that recently?

Can I ask for some input from you all?

Now that my summer vacation is starting and several shows are in reruns, I will be able to watch Amores con trampa "in real time" and could even do a separate recap for Monday AND Tuesday. This also means I could give Jarifa separate headers....but it would have to go back to 3 posts a week in September.

What do you all think? Keep things as they are or try daily posts for a while? What's the easiest for y'all?

Beginning to like Diego.

Where's Waldo moment. I've already spotted the green VW in one of the city animations, but noticed it in one of the country ones last night.

Thanks Sara and Jarifa for the recaps this week.

Jarifa: I didn't watch the entire ep last night. Just caught the taunting and picture taking at the end--but really wanted C to deck them.

I was thinking about the "shorter" TNs. I think they're better because there isn't time for many filler eps. Something is happening almost every ep. I also think they lie to us about the ep count. I think they plan on having long TNs. They wait until we've invested too much time to drop them and then announce an extension.

In the kitchen scene, Isa smiled a couple of times at what Santi was saying. Does anyone know what he told her to make her smile? They were little smile, maybe bittersweet.

I saw EL in FC/BS's play. He was the best part. He's very funny (I was very glad to see how well he does drama, too). I loved the scene when he caught Fac and Isa and the boardroom scene. He does broad comedy, but knows where that fine line is when it turns into stupid instead of funny and doesn't cross it. Major talent.

Jarifa, thanks for my afternoon break.

I just don’t think it's right that Carmen locked up the poor maintenance guy who freed her, but oh well he was just an extra anyway.

So disappointed in Maria. Now that I'm ticked off at her, I'll admit that it's always bothered me that Maria sees none of the advantages of the city. Facundo always claimed he came so the kids could have a better education, but I also see a joy in him for the newness of it all. Too bad she can't support him in turning the business around, but then he didn't support her with the shawls. Looks like Maria just delivered Isa a good opening.

Isa leaving the table and placing her placemat and plate in front of Santi was so sad.

Sara, I am just so delighted that you, Jarifa, and Marta are doing recaps for the show. Any plan that's good for ya'll is good for me.

Agree with Niecie that whatever works for the recappers works for me.


Niecie- I see your point about Maria not finding any joy in the city. But really what's in it for her. She's stuck in the house all day cooking, cleaning, and washing, just like Fac wants her. So she's doing exactly what she was doing in the country, except with no friends and family around. Everyone else in the family except the abuelos are meeting new people and doing new things. Even gramps has new people to flirt with. What's Maria got? No wonder she and Abuela are the two most eager to go back.


Vivi - It's a shame that so far the only women Maria has met want her man. That does put a damper on wanting to make new friends! I'm hoping they brought that fashion show guy back as a confidante to Isa so that somehow Maria gets back to the shawl business. She had so much pride when they called her up and gave her applause.

Sara, I am fine with whatever you want to do for the summer. Yay, for summer vacation! Enjoy!

Nanette, I didn't know that EL was in FC/BS's play. Now I am even more aggravated with myself that I missed it. Very interesting telenovela theory!

Niecie, to me it was just weird that Carmen locked up the maintenance man. She really didn't have to.

Can't wait for the party and the party crasher!



Thank you for the recaps all week long, Sara, Jarifa and Marta.

I guess Facundo can't throw a party without uninvited guests, though I guess Santi is invited by Maria. Will he make it into another fiasco and will Maria be found out as an accomplice? Gotta watch.


I haven't been able to spend much time on the patio today and I'm kind of bummed out about it. I've been reading the comments, though and you've all made me realize how much depth this show actually has. Y'all have really enhanced the enjoyment of my first comedy.

I am going to pay closer attention to the animations! I want to see the green VW.

The ruined parties have got to be a running joke.

I'm inclined to just keep things as they are since I would have to go back to work in September. But Jarifa, if you ever want a separate header for Wednesday and Thursday you just let me know.

I thought this TN was ending in August even with the extension. I guess it's September now?

Jarifa: the fourth person in the play was Eileen Mujica. Flaco told me she used to be a Televisa actor but now works for Telemundo.

I think originally there were only supposed to be 100-ish episodes, but they decided to extended it. The show that replaces AcT in Mexico starts filming next week so it seems to me it won't be a really long extension.

And if this goes to September I can't imagine it won't be far into September.

We are about 20 episodes behind Mexico.

Sorry to comment bomb. I didn't have all my thoughts gathered.

Sara: Thanks.

(I've been a bit of a comment bomber myself today)

Not at all Nanette!

Just wait until I'm officially on vacation. I'm gonna have plenty of time for comment bombing!

Well i think this tn is good by the way thanks for the recap you did good i really think Diego should come clean because if yoya finds out she won't forgive Diego and feli is going to be upset

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