Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #3 Wed 5/20/15 “Chance Encounters and Fast Friendships Set the Wheels in Motion For the Start of Our Love/Hate Saga”

Once he gets Sanson to calm down, Martin turns and asks Veronica if she is ok.  Their eyes lock and she smiles softly, barely giving him a glimpse of her dimples.  After the requisite several seconds of staring at each other, he takes Veronica’s hand and asks if it hurts.  She says except for the rope burn on her hand, she is fine.  She smiles again, thanks him and says he is “her hero”.  He continues staring at her.  They talk briefly about her over-confidence in handling Sanson.  Vero’s friend Mariana runs up to ask if she is ok.  Martin turns and introduces himself to her, but just as Mariana is about to tell him Vero’s name, the tour guide rudely interrupts and asks if they can continue their tour, thus depriving Martin of his first chance to find out Vero’s name.

Alfredo meets Martin at the club so he can sign some important papers.  He is glad to hear that Martin wants to join the club and notes that going there and meeting new people, like the girl with the dark hair he just saw him with, will help distract him and raise his spirits.  Martin smiles and turns, wistfully glancing in the direction where Vero headed off with Mariana, then saying to his friend:  “Yes, she is very beautiful.  She made a big impression on me…..But now I can only think about one woman, the one responsible for my brother’s death.  That’s why I came to this club, to get close to the Prado Castelos….To avenge my brother’s death.”  (Despite a lack of storm clouds, we hear another lightning strike.  “El cirquero” Mejia strikes again!!!!)

Vero and Mariana join Emi and V-snake (my personal nickname for Virginia, but feel free to use it as you please) at the clubhouse.  Mariana mentions Vero’s close call and Emi of course is concerned.  Vero assures them she is fine, except for her burned hand.  V-snake mentions that she and Emi were just talking about the welcome home party their family will be throwing the next day in Emi’s honor.

Salma visits Jorge at his office and says she is happy because she just met with some friends, who are all on board for tomorrow’s party.  But, she is also worried because she found out Vero was the one who convinced Jorge to let Emi go off to study in Spain.  (Ah, yes, Spain, the best place to study about pre-hispanic civilizations, since Spain is the one that destroyed them!!!)  Jorge is not the least bit concerned, but Salma makes it clear that she doesn’t want Vero giving her opinion and “convincing you or my son that he should do something other than what WE always planned for him.  That’s a matter only for us, for the family.” 

Emi is not terribly excited about his party, but Mariana is ecstatic and can’t wait to go with her boyfriend, Pablo, who coincidentally arrives at that precise moment.  V-snake already knows him, so Mariana introduces him only to Emi and Vero.  Vero tells him she has heard what a talented painter he is, then quickly says her goodbyes because she has to go back to her office to work.  Emi walks her out but plans to stick around to enjoy a bit of fencing.

Salma insists that their business should only belong “to the family”.  Jorge reminds Salma that Vero IS part of the family because they adopted her.  Yes, says Salma, adopted.  That’s why only Emi should end up with everything we own.  Jorge insists that he loves Vero like a daughter and points out that Vero has worked very hard helping him run the business.  Salma is sure it’s only because Vero wants to end up with part of the business, and she doesn’t think that’s fair.  Jorge already did plenty for Vero by taking her in, giving her a great education, and it’s time for her to find her own way, become independent, and leave the house.

Emi thanks Vero for changing the subject the night before when his dad started talking about business.  He repeats that he is not interested in that, but only wants to dedicate himself to pre-hispanic civilizations.  (We’ve heard it enough times already to suspect where “el niño” Emi’s storyline will lead us.  Perhaps Mejia wants to give us enough lead time to reinforce our beanies before that happens, so we should all thank him for the advance warning.)  Vero encourages Emi to consider other ways he could get involved in the family business, which she notes has grown quite a bit into various market areas.

Jorge asks Salma why she doesn’t want Vero in the house.  I just have a hard time getting along with her, she says, and I’m not willing to let her be “a bad influence” on Emi now that he is back.  (Imagine that!!!  She thinks there is still a danger that her “niño” Emi will grow up to be independent.  Perish the thought!!)  On the contrary, says Jorge, just remember that it was Vero who convinced Emi to study business before he studied anthropology.  “But she is always challenging me.  Yesterday she told me that our son is already a grown man and he can decide for himself what he wants to do.”  But that’s true, says Jorge.  “Well, yes….and no.” says Salma.  (Yes, she really said that!!!!)  She claims to be concerned that Jorge will be left to fend for himself running the business, while Emi will just continue to waste his time with Vero engaged in “distractions”.  (Her poor “niño” has been back all of two days and she already thinks he is slacking due to Vero’s bad influence!!!)  Besides, she says, she is not suggesting that Jorge stop supporting Vero – she only wants him to get Vero an apartment and let her find another job, that’s all.

Mariana breaks the news to V-snake that she and Pablo will soon be traveling to the jungle.  They are not going on vacation.  They are going because Pablo plans to create a series of “very special” paintings.  V-snake is impressed that Pablo could convince Mariana to go to the jungle and wonders how he managed that.  Pablo says he is excited about his trip and is sure that he will find there “many interesting motifs” to paint.  As Pablo speaks, we fade out and into the next scene – (what could this possibly mean?! Mejia, you are so subtle!!!)…..Ana Perla and her over-protective grandfather disembark from the riverboat taxi at the Mina Escondida dock, where they are greeted by Blanquita and Polo.  Once again grandpa bemoans Ana Perla’s need to travel to Mina Escondida.  Well, how else will I meet anyone, she asks?  Crescencio wonders who she could possibly want to meet.  Someone she might want to marry, suggests Blanquita.  No, says abuelo, you can forget about that.  When the time is right, I will find the right husband for her.  Cara impactada de Ana Perla.  Poor girl.

Mariana dreads the heat and the snakes in the jungle, but that’s what excites Pablo the most.  She tells him he is an “adventurous dreamer” but needs to land his plane already, because the only important thing is for him to make a name for himself so his paintings can sell at the highest prices.

The tour guide leads Martin to the club’s fencing area.  Within seconds, Martin and Emi (dressed in full black ninja get-up, while everyone else is in standard white) introduce themselves to each other.  Emi offers to engage in a fencing bout with Martin, and Martin happily accepts, without even knowing that this ninja dude forms part of the family he wants to infiltrate.  (Aaaah, such a happy coincidence…only in a telenovela.)  Martin immediately tells the tour guide that he will definitely join the club.  Emi must not have many friends, because he is quite happy to hear that his “new friend” (who he just met!!!!) was “accepted into” the club.  (Uh, Emi, it was the other way around….oh, never mind!!)  And since there’s no sense in wasting any time getting to know each other better, Emi and Martin will have their bout already, never mind that the membership forms have yet to be filled out.  And, oh, by the way, they finally exchange names, and we get Martin’s cara impactada when his new friend tells him his name is “Emiliano Prado Castelo.”

Mariana admits to V-snake that she loves to travel in comfort, but for love one must sometimes make sacrifices.  (How touching.)  Pablo excuses himself, and Mariana sighs and tells V-snake that she simply adores him, although he lives in the clouds.  He is like a “big boy” with “a man’s talent”, and she can’t wait to marry him.  V-snake reminds her that he has no money, but Mariana begs her to keep that a secret.  She doesn’t want anyone to find out, for fear she will have to sell his paintings for a lot less than they are worth.  V-snake can’t believe Mariana would fall in love “with someone like that” when her family has so much money.  Well, Mariana still can’t wait to marry him.  V-snake tells her she might not be the only one getting married, because now that Emi is back she is sure that she will marry him.

Jorge shoots down Salma’s ideas.  He wants Vero near him, at home and in the office.  Salma may prefer Virginia because she is her cousin-in-law’s daughter, but he prefers Veronica.  Salma begs him to at least be firm with Emi so he will take over the reins of the family business.  It wouldn’t be fair for it to end up in the hands of someone (like Veronica) who is not even their blood relative.

Martin and Emi are about to begin their fencing bout, interrupted by a flashback of Martin and his brother Demetrio ready to engage in their own bout.  Given the ashen look on Martin’s face, Emi wonders if Martin would prefer to leave their bout for another time.  “Oh, no, no.  It’s just that seeing you there in full gear, you reminded me of someone, says Martin, insisting that they continue.  (Yeah, because somehow dark-haired Demetrio all dressed in white looks so much like fair-haired “niño” Emiliano all dressed in black.)  Just take a look at the next flashback and you will confirm their striking similarity.  (Well, not really.)  But you will hear Demetrio telling Martin he finally took up Martin’s beloved fencing “in order to impress a girl” he likes.  Martin is sure to remember now that the evil woman he hates is a fencing enthusiast.  Finally, his fencing bout with Emi begins.

V-snake tells Mariana she’s heading over to watch Emi’s fencing bout.  “I want him to feel my unconditional support at every moment.  This time Veronica will lose.”  She remembers that as soon as she likes someone, Veronica hooks up with him.  But not this time.  (Yeah, V-snake, not this time, but only because Veronica has standards and Emi is way past his prime.)

The fencing bout ends with Martin victorious!!!  Emi graciously tells Martin that he is a great sportsman and gets him to promise a rematch.  They’ve known each other for mere minutes, but Emi is ready to give Martin his card, with his home address on it.  Martin is welcome to stop by his family’s finca some day, Emi adds, so they can practice together.  They can even ride horses together, he suggests.  (Boy, the “bro-love” force is strong between these two, at least coming from Emi’s end.  He seems as much in love with Martin as he claims to be with Veronica.  Almost love at first sight, too.)  Martin assures him he will be happy to visit his home.  (Happier than you can imagine, Emi.)  Gushing like a preteen cheerleader, V-snake runs up and congratulates Emi on his win.  He corrects her, notes his new buddy is the champ, and promptly introduces her to Martin as “Virginia Prado Castelo.”  She offers him her hand, and as he takes it he says to her:  “So that’s your name?  Virginia Prado Castelo.”  As if that weren’t odd enough, Martin clasps her hand for so long that Emi once again wonders if something is wrong.  The requisite chit chat ensues, during which Martin finds out Emi has no siblings and Virginia is his cousin.  As Emi and V-snake leave, Martin says softly to himself:  “So you are the woman who caused my brother’s death.”  He stares at the V-shaped scar on his hand and utters “Virginia…Virginia” with a look of absolute hatred on his face.

Abuelo escorts Ana Perla all the way to the small schoolhouse and firmly reminds her to return on time to the dock.  He tells Blanquita to watch her cousin and never leave her alone.  Abuelo then greets the aging schoolteacher and tells her he hopes she will get well soon....“so Ana Perla won’t have to come help you anymore.”  Ouch.  When he leaves, Ana Perla tells the teacher not to worry.  She’s happy to help her.  In fact, the teacher is the one doing HER the favor, giving her the perfect excuse to get out of her house.

Another red alert for the ladies of the patio….this time we get a shot of the bare back and then the bare chest of a new character, Julio, who is busy freshening up by a small wash area.  A maid comes out and reminds him he should not cleanse himself in the patio, lest Ms. Ana Perla should pop in and see him like that….in the flesh.  Julio smiles and I suspect that’s exactly what he hopes will happen one day.  The maid warns him that he could get in trouble with Don Crescencio, but he is not concerned.  He knows both the girl and her abuelo are away.  He sighs as they talk about what a nice girl Ana Perla is, always trying to help everyone, not like her troublemaker brother Manuel, he always mistreats all workers.  We are then treated to a glimpse of Manuel at Mina Escondida’s bar behaving like the brute he is and manhandling the waitress, telling her she should be grateful that he set his eyes on her.  Lucky for her, his abuelo walks in and reminds him he has a responsibility to run their mine.  (El cirquero Mejia strikes again and inserts here a useless scene of NanC bathing in the river.  Of course, the male members of the patio may not find it so useless.)  Manuel complains to his abuelo that he is more an overseer than an administrator at the mine.  The workers are ALL a bunch of slackers and he can’t possibly do everything on his own.  He put them in his place but had to go get a drink to blow off some steam.  “Fine,” says Crescencio, “with slackers and with women, one has to have a firm hand.”  (LatinaInMD hereby officially declares that she despises this abuelo, and Mejia too, for throwing in right here yet another useless and horrendously green-screened scene of NanC bathing at the river, with poor Blanquita having to witness it.)

Emi visits Vero at the office and finds out that in his absence she took several courses in jewelry design and she is so good at it that their entire new mother’s day collection was designed by her.  In fact, don Jorge was so impressed by Vero's designs that he even wanted to produce Vero’s own branded line of designs.  And on top of that, we hear she also runs Jorge’s foundation and charitable works.  Emi is in awe of her.  Clearly, Vero can do no wrong in his eyes.

Claudia asks Alfredo what Martin is up to, if he is going out with someone.  She insists he has to know because he is Martin’s best friend.  Alfredo responds that she has to understand – even if he knows, he is not going to tell her.  She resents his tone.  She is not asking to be nosy.  She is asking because she is truly concerned for Martin, who she can tell is not well, even depressed.  Martin walks in and Claudia immediately wants to know what she can possibly do so he won’t be sad anymore.  Don’t worry about it, he says, but she keeps insisting on trying to help.  When she walks out, Alfredo tells Martin that Claudia is right, but Martin insists all he has to do is make the woman who caused his brother’s death pay for what she did, and he will not stop until that happens.  He hands Alfredo Emi’s card and assures him that tomorrow he will take the first step.  Today he met Virginia Prado Castelo and he is sure SHE is the owner of the V-shaped pendant.  (Lightning strikes again.  Curse you, Mejia.)

Salma and V-snake join Jorge in his office and lament that Emi didn’t join them during their delicious lunch.  Jorge reminds them that Emi preferred to have Vero give him a tour of all of the company’s new operations.  Salma complains it’s too soon for Emi to worry about the business, he should be focused on spending time with the family.  (Wait, what? Just the day before she was complaining about Vero’s bad influence keeping Emi away from the business, now her bad influence is bringing him into it too soon.  Clearly, Vero can only do wrong in her eyes.)  Vero and Emi come in, and all Emi can do is rave about how much the business has grown.  Salma and V-snake tell him to imagine how much more it can grow under his command.  Now his mom wants to know if he has made any decision about joining the business.  Yes, he says, after discussing it with Vero, I’ve finally made a decision.

The bar’s waitress is busy making a “special hot sauce”….just for Manuel the brute.  She wishes she could have smacked him, but since she can’t, she is taking it out on those poor tomatoes, smashing them with all the strength she can muster.  The bartender tells her there are plenty of people who wish they could smash Manuel just as much.

Blanquita shares with Ana Perla her embarrassing encounter with NanC bathing in the buff in the river.  Can you imagine if Ospin or another rower had seen her?  Nah, says Ana Perla, I doubt anyone would dare touch Nanciyaga, because it would cost him his hand for sure.  For sure, giggles Blanquita, she would chop up into pieces anyone who bothers her with that massive machete she carries around.  Ana Perla asks Blanquita if she thinks their abuelo is serious about finding a husband for her.  Blanquita is not sure, because abuelo has been saying that since Ana Perla was a little girl.  She suggests he is just saying it so Ana Perla won’t go out with anyone.  Ana Perla sure hopes that's the case, otherwise she doesn’t know what she will do.  (Meanwhile, the bar waitress is still fuming, hating the fact that no one dares to confront Manuel.)

Salma is not pleased to hear that Emi consulted with Vero first.  He tells them all of course he did, because he is convinced that Vero always knows what’s best.  Vero begs him not to give her so much credit, after all the decision is all his.  V-snake strikes with her poisonous tongue, reminding Vero that she has a tendency to put ideas in people’s heads.  (uhm, like convincing them to go off in search of a pot of gold, Virginia?!)  Emi ends the suspense and tells them all they should be grateful to Vero, because SHE convinced him to join the family business.  He promises to devote many hours to the business, but also to his other passion.  In fact, adds Vero, he is going to combine them both and they are going to create a new line of pre-hispanic jewelry together.  “So now we will be even closer than ever,” beams Emiliano.

Martin insists that Virginia is the evil woman, because she was at the club and talking about fencing, which his brother loved so much.  Alfredo warns him that his desire for vengeance is blinding him, and he is just making conjectures.  Martin tells his friend to stop talking like father Juan.  He fully intends to go to Emi’s home, get as close as he can to that woman, and use all weapons at his disposal to conquer that miserable woman who made his brother suffer so much.  He is going to take her to live where his brother lived, so she can suffer like he suffered.  “And I will be her worst torturer….I’m going to make her fall in love with me like a mad woman, because I don’t want her to be happy with any other man.”  Alfredo can’t believe what he is hearing and he can’t understand, especially after seeing how Martin looked at that pretty woman at the club earlier that day.  “I don’t even know her name, and I don’t care.”  Alfredo gives his friend one last warning:  “By condemning that woman, you will also be condemning yourself.”

Next episode:  Destiny has another surprise for Martin – his second encounter with Veronica.  Will he finally find out her full name?  Will he still be so sure that Virginia is the woman he intends to destroy?  Tune in and find out.


thank you for the wonderful recap! I'm so over the grandfather...and it's only episode #3...

Another amazing recap from you Latina! Wow!

Anyone else creeped out by Ana Perla's grandpa's obsession with her? Why is he not as concerned with Blanquita's virtue? Weird.

Thank you, Director, for that Ricardo Franco wet, shirtless scene. I laughed at loud, and then remained laser focused on him the rest of the scene, although for some reason I couldn't remember what he said...

Eli- Grandpa and Salma are the two most annoying characters to me. I wish Salma were actually evil like Josefina in CME, but instead she's just a stupid beyotch, and that's way more boring and annoying.

Thanks, LatinaInMD! Two great recaps two nights in a row! This TN looks like a fun ride and the weird stuff (SS mature playboy) only adds spice. Kinda like the special salsa in the cantina.

It looks like a fair number of CI cast members are here, along with some of the other usual suspects. V Snake works just fine as a nickname.

The painter-girlfriend trip to the jungle seems to have the potential for a real trainwreck. The obnoxious grandpa/grandson team at the mine can't be good, either.

I didn't seen the previous versions of this story, so look forward to whatever drama they're dishing.

Didn't see the previous versions

Grandpa makes my blood boil,that old fool, ugh! Salma is being totally unfair to Veronica and is treating her like crap because her mom was a ho? Yeah, that seems fair.

BUT....which "V" is the one guilty of Martin's brother's death?

Think about it Kirby. Does the Veronica we've met seem like the kind of woman who would tell a guy she wouldn't give him the time of day until he struck it rich, and dump him because he hadn't made that fortune fast enough? Someone who would say she's about to marry a rich guy, so bye bye?

Vivi: Big question is whether Martin marries the evil sister, Virginia ?


Two wonderful recaps in a row from LatinaInMd? How lucky can we get!

My favorite line of the episode: Vero's friend Mariana, upon seeing Emiliano for the first time since his return from Spain, tells him he looks so MATURE. There you have it, folks. Something happened to Emiliano in Spain. Something very spooky.

I do believe Ivan is getting set to bring on the crazy. This IS going to be fun.

Awesome Latina, thank you

"(Ah, yes, Spain, the best place to study about pre-hispanic civilizations, since Spain is the one that destroyed them!!!)"

Two things up front. One, I have never seen any version of this story. Two, barely has the wound scabbed over from Mejia's wife's last tale, LG, and see they are of the same mind.

Golly, ain't there anything Veronica can't do? Kinda see why Virginia's a wee bit butthurt. Veronica this, Veronica that, Veronica hovering over Jorge, Veronica arm & arm and private counsel to Emiliano, Veronica poots smell of lilac.

No way the limp rag Virginia the woman of Demetrio's dreams. The world is besotted with Veronica.


Thanks for such a great recap, LatinaInMD.

I really enjoyed this episode and I am hooked.

Sebastian Zurita looks so different then from when I saw him on "En Nombre Del Amor".

I love the nickname V-Snake.

It is creepy how Abuelo overprotects Ana Pearla so much while he doesn't overprotect Blanquita.

I'm already hating on Manuel. Can't stand him.

Thanks Vivi. But I suspect we have been set up with the Evil/Non-evil girls both having given names with "V". Just an innocent coincidence?

Kirby- I think it's pretty clear to the audience which 'V' is evil and which is good. It's Martin who's being set up to be confused.

I want to be confused too. How can Veronica be so perfect and Virginia so much a stinker and I believe Demetrio would give her the time of day when he worked closely with Veronica? It's not only who Martin would fall for but who his brother killed himself over. So far, no contest. Hoping we see some redeeming qualities in Virginia, basket weaving or something.

Fantastic Latina. Ever so grateful for all the detail. I caught snippets last night since I was more zoned in to the Cavs game. This brought me right up to speed and then some.

Gramps can go any time now. Jerk

Someone should carry around a tape recorder for Salma so they can press the button and remind her what she says from one minute to the next.

So the setup for the competition over V-1 has been laid out. Emi vs. Martin fighting for the woman they both are going to want. I so want to see those future sword fights. V-1 starts getting moony eyed over Martin, I'm guessing that's when we see the crazy Sergio kick in, and most likely why Meija wanted him in this thing. We all know he can bring the crazy obsessive.

V-2 right now is just annoying but I'm sure we will see a real vicious side to her character too soon. If TN law holds true, she will want her cake and eat it too once she gets a load of Martin.

Have to say, sort of get what tofie was saying. We get it that V-1 is the heroine, but it would annoy the heck out of me too to hear someone's praises sung morning, noon and night even if I liked them. Nothing like feeding the ire of the people who apparently don't think the same.

And yes, thank you for the gratuitous Ricardo moment. Patio was much appreciative.


Agree Vivi, Ricardo Franco's introduction has been my favorite part of the show so far. Including Martin's angsty, rainsoaked mourning at his brother's graveside and his subsequent shower scene.

More shirtless Franco and less "Nino" Emiliano, please and thank you.

Cassandra G.

Virginia hasn't done anything to endear herself to Jorge and Salma dislikes Veronica because of who her mother was. I'm betting Veronica's mom was a love rival for Salma.

But back to Veronica & Virginia: Whether you think it's shady or not, Veronica went to school and studied and works at the family business. She involves herself in the things Emiliano and Jorge care about.

Virginia apparently hasn't done that, supposedly due to her sickliness. Maybe she can't ride horses but she could pick up a book and read up on pre-hispanic history. It was genius of Veronica to suggest to Emiliano to work at the family business, but incorporate his interest in pre-hispanic history/art into the jewelry designs.

Salma might gripe about not wanting the family business to pass down to somebody who is not a blood relative but Virginia isn't a blood relative either.

Blanquita was a bit too excited at Nancyiaga bathing in the river.

I will say Martin's reason for revenge is dumb. Unless V wrote a note to Demetrio to go kill himself, she had every right to dump him for whatever reason she liked. She is not the reason he killed himself, unless she personally gave him the gun to blow his head off with.

Yes, heartbreak is sad and painful and something we all have to go through. It hurts. But if you're killing yourself because your gold-digging girlfriend* thinks you're a broke joke, you have other issues going on.

Team #V for the break-up: she could've ended up married to an unstable man who would've harmed himself, her and maybe others. No thanks.

*Demetrio had to know on some level that V was a gold-digger and only wanted him for what money he could give her. That's the only way I can see him in 2015 going off to strike it rich quick as a gold miner. When the Dear Juan letter came it was only confirmation that V was a gold digger.

Nevertheless, gold digging is not a crime and V had the right to dump Demetrio for being broke or any other reason she liked.

Thanks for the recap. Loved this quote: "(Ah, yes, Spain, the best place to study about pre-hispanic civilizations, since Spain is the one that destroyed them!!!)"

Every time I'm in the "Hispanic Foods" aisle of my supermarket I want to complain to the management that these are not Hispanic foods; these are pre-hispanic foods. These are the foods the Hispanics found when they got here.

Anon207- Well said! All three versions of this tale are based on a dude stupid enough to seek revenge on a woman, just because she broke up with his brother, who was stupid enough to kill himself over it. Boohoo! People break up every day. Each of these women dodged a bullet by getting out of a relationship with a man that unstable.

Emiliano and Jorge like Veronica because she's smart and a hard worker, Salma dislikes her because she has a strong character and because of who her mom was. Virginia seems to be happy sitting at home looking pretty, which is not an attractive quality!

Thanks for this nifty recap right on the heels of your most excellent recap of Tuesday's episode, Latina. Impressive.

Well, for all her many attributes, Verónica is certainly no horse whisperer. No wonder Sanson was so rowdy with the way she was yanking his head around with the reins. (Of course in CI her motherly instincts left a lot to be desired as well.)

I'm sure that Martín must be a skilled swordsman but that gazelle-like leap he makes when he advances with the foil makes me giggle (generally I chuckle at amusing things but this guy manages to make me giggle like a child).

Now this made me chuckle, tofie:

"Veronica poots smell of lilac."

One might think.


yeah, Carlos, I've never seen a leap like that. Almost something you would have seen Danny Kaye do to cover for ineptitude after bragging about being a swordsman.

Thanks everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed my recap and the episode. Just a reminder that starting next Tuesday and every Tuesday thereafter we will all get to enjoy Eli's awesome writing and hilarious snark. I'll stay in charge of Wednesdays. I hope you will continue to enjoy watching what is sure to be a great spite of Mejia.

WOW!---Thanks Latina for two in a row and both perfect at that.

2 V's. It is just impossible that
the sweet goddess Veronica V-1 is the V that Martin is looking for.
V-! snake would be more like it but maybe---just maybe there will be a V #3.

I am not liking Abuelo. He is nice and caring for the one young lady but not the other one. What's
with that? Was there something that I missed? Will I have to start wishing for an anvil for this guy?

Right anon 207---Demetrio had to know that V was a gold-digger. maybe he didn't care.

Will be watching tonight, this is getting good.
the gringo

Thanks, Latina! Great job these two nights.
If we use logic and common sense, yes, Martin is way out of line with his revenge. And Virginia kind of has a point in hating perfect Veronicà. Demetrio was a stooopid fool no matter how you look at things, too bad that nobody mentioned how he was not the first man with a broken heart.


Thanks, Latina. Your recaps are invaluable help to put these characters' connections together.

I know Nancyiaga is not a major character, but she seems to be the only woman not attached to a father figure or a lover. And it's nice to see the actress with her hair not over-straightened. I'm hoping they'll use her for more than boosting male viewers. Blanguita being stunned by her skinny dipping was just dumb.

I too am underwhelmed about Virginia's ability to inspire a man to go crazy. Virginia is very languid. The actress can bring on the spicy, so I'm puzzled. Maybe there's a third woman out there who's name starts with a "V"?

Thanks for your great recaps. And thanks for bringing these characters out in more detail for me. Starting to make more sense and I do agree that Martin is being overly dramatic, but isn't that what makes these TNs so interesting? I mean we are being truly entertained. What was so bad about Veronica's Mother? Does anybody know? Virginia is just waiting like a coiled snake to strike.....I wonder how long that will take. I think Sergio is doing just fine and it's fun to see him in a non-evil (I hope) role. I don't quite get the jungle people connection other than that's where the mine is and Demetrio's house.

Just wanted to say thanks for the recap LatinalnMD. Had me laughing throughout with all the great snark!

Agree with all of ya'll about the Emi casting. I am liking Ivan Sanchez, but I wonder how it would have turned out if Sergio Sendel (circa La Esposa Virgen) was cast as the galan. I would have liked to watch that!


I don't think either one of those Vs is the v on that pendant. this tn is full of surprises. It'll be fun watching them unfold.

That salma is a piece of work. Its ok to take in her cousin-in-law's daughter, who probably needed someone to care for her, just like veronica did. Is the cousin on jorje's side of the family or someone else that was married to someone on salma's side of the family. Oeeeee, all this kissin cousin stuff is exhausting.

So veronica was adopted, she's not blood to jorje or salma. Ok I gotta rest now. This Is getting good.


Sebastian Zurita was also on La Impostora on Telemundo!

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