Thursday, May 07, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #57 - Wed 5/6 - Nobody's sleeping tonight

As Sev begins to sneak out of his hiding place, gun at the ready, the unhelpful witness and the building super (one guesses) show up.  They're helpfully talking loud enough to warn off whoever it is they think they heard up there, which makes the super's baseball bat all the more ridiculous.  Sev slinks back under his rock as Aldonza, Renato, and the two new arrivals make their way out of the apartment.

Emmanuel, newly homeless, witnesses Pato and Lola dining al fresco on some yummy looking tlacoyos.  Pato tells the following joke:

What do una pulga (a flea) and un torre (a tower) have in comment?  A tower es alta (is high) and a flea salta (jumps)!

I think if Em could have heard the joke he might feel a tiny bit better about his situation.  But then there's Lola and Pato's laughter, subsequent argument about whether the joke was ridiculous and if so, why Lola laughed, and Pato is touching her face and Em remembers Lola coming on to him in the stables, pointing out how clueless he's been and that she has a thing for him and snogging him and Lola and Pato keep laughing and…pobre de Emmanuel!

Meanwhile, Silvia and Joaquin's dinner continues.  There are no laughs here.  Silvia advises calm--if Joaquin files kidnapping charges on Flavia he's just going to make things worse.  Flavia's just trying to give him a scare and she'll be back in a few days.  Joaquin doubts it and is worried Flavia will take Ray out of the country and he'll never see him again.  According to Silvia, she's seen plenty of cases like this and Flavia knows if she does that she'll be in a LOT of trouble.  If they file charges, they'll spook Flavia and she really will try to put more distance between them.  But If it turns out that Flavia doesn't come back and they have to file charges, Silvia will help.

Lardo.  Cards.  Loser.  No, really, he loses all his money.  And then he begs to play on credit.

Humberto is home and upset about Emmanuel getting kicked out.  "He's a member of the family!"  Uh, has Humberto not been paying attention?  When have either of the harpies EVER treated Emmanuel like a member of the family?  The only reason Em wasn't living in a room under the stairs is because they don't have one.  Pru flat-out lies that Em was being a total asshat to her and Valeria and hurling insults at them.  Hum doesn't believe it.  Even when Val backs Pru up.  He's sure they said something to him to provoke him.  Pru denies it--all she did was take him to task for the lies he was making up about Valeria.   ¿¡ Que qué?!  Humberto, knowing what Emmanuel is like (and, knowing what these two are like!) says he'll need to hear Em's side of this.  Pru calls Em  un mediocre (a nobody), waiting to unsheathe his claws like a resentful cat.  Hum says that's bull--Em has always tried to make it on his own when even Humberto hasn't been able to give him the opportunities he deserves.  "What about everything we've always given him since he came to this house as a newborn?"  Humberto tells her to shut it--all Em has ever gotten from Pru is desprecio (disdain) and Val has always treated him con la punta de pie (with her toe; wanting nothing to do with him).  Pru never treated him like a son and Val never treated him like a brother.  Val says he isn't and Hum forced Emmanuel on them.  Humberto storms out, saying he's going to go look for him.

Lardo is still in the cantina, trying to lose more money he doesn't have.  Sev has finally managed to get him to answer his phone.  He tells Lardo that there's a warrant out for his arrest, thanks to the fingerprints and Renato's talking to the cops.  He'd better not go home or to Las Animas or come to the DF.  Just stay at a friend's place or stay out on the streets.  And he'd better not open his mouth.  Gee.  All that money he lost would probably come in handy right about now, no?  He runs out of the cantina, to the disappointment of his fellow card players, and right into Emmanuel.  No words are exchanged as Lardo keeps running.

Em goes into the cantina and meets up with Joaquin, who, unlike the last time they hung out, seems determined to get drunk off his ass tonight.  "Chicks, man."  "Yeah.  Chicks."  Emmanuel gets himself a glass to join Joaquin and share his own tale of woe.  Dudes, man.  Dudes.

Renato takes Aldonza to his house and insists she stay there.  It's late and he's not going to send her back out there.  They wake up Ren's dad, who agrees that Aldonza should stay there.  He offers his help with the apartment situation and offers to make her a sandwich if she's hungry.  Meanwhile Ren is already rushing upstairs to make up his room for her, while he plans to take the guest room.

Cris gets an idea.  I refrain from making a sarcastic remark, but it's difficult.

Aldonza calls Adelina to let her know that she arrived (*cough* hours ago *cough*) and she's staying at Renato's house.  How much do I love Adelina's hair?!  Quit pulling it back, Adelina!  Oh, right…phone convo.  Uhhh, we're not going to tell Tio Padre J where Aldonza is staying annnnnnd Cris knows she's in the DF.  I think that was it.  Let's face it "Adelina looks really hawt without her hair pulled back" was the point of that entire scene.

Cris' idea was to wake up Melesio.  This is a terrible idea, Cris.  He wants to talk to Lola, like, now.  It's urgent!  And it can't wait until morning!  Well, yes, Prince Cristobal, your crappy love life is WAY more important than your loyal subjects getting a good night's sleep.   Now that the ENTIRE FAMILY is awake, Mel hands over his blanket so that Lola can wrap up in it and go OUTSIDE to talk to Cris.  Meanwhile, Dominga suggests they get one final cat nap in before they actually have to be awake.  Which, considering one of them runs the kitchen and the other runs the stables is probably earlier than any of the Royal Family, which makes it even crappier than Cris decided to go wake them up.  Because Lola is his only hope.  Get another hope, Cris.  Lola can tell him where Aldonza's apartment is, since she was there before.  "I have no idea how to get there!  The city is huge!"  And also, it burned down, so what are you going to do, hang out outside and ask everyone walking by if they know where to find her?  In another circumstance, I might admire your tenacity, but right now it's pre-dawn, you woke up a bunch of people for something that could have waited until morning, you're making your "friend" sit outside on what I assume is cold ground, AND you have now told her that Aldonza left town without saying goodbye and you know how much that hurts Lola.  Lola reminds him that the apartment burned…oh, wait…this is news to Cris.  He figures she didn't tell him because she was distracted by other plans.  "What plans?"  Damnit, Cris!  Way to make Lola feel out of the loop, dude.

Aldonza lies in Renato's bed crying and thinking about Cris proposing to her and Valeria kissing him.  Renato hears her crying as he's sneaking down the hall with a glass of water and peeks through the door, not looking like his eyes are all that dry either.

Cris says if Lola doesn't help him find Aldonza there won't be any plans to tell her about.  Oh, nice, so now you're withholding gossip?!  Like she wouldn't have helped you anyway!  Lola says her Gansito, er, Pato can help.  "Who?" Yeah, well, Cris, if you were interested in anyone else's life but your own, you might have known about things like Aldonza's apartment burning down or Lola having a new boyfriend.  Oh, right, he did hear about Pato from Emmanuel.  And he's even willing to put aside his pointless dislike for the chilanguito (chilango; guy from the DF; anybody know if this only sounds insulting because of who's saying it or is it always an insult?) if consulting him can help him find Aldonza.

Uriel tries to make nice with Mari, but she's not in the mood.  He tries to tell her that they only pay more attention to Abelardo because he needs it more, because he's all over the place and doesn't know what he wants.  Mari says he's not the only one.  She hates being bored (!) all day in the house.  Uriel reassures her that when she finds something that actually interests her, he'll be there to support her.  Maybe instead of sitting around the house waiting for a spark of inspiration, she could try doing something useful and see if inspiration strikes that way.  Just a thought.

Padre J has decided he needs to get out of bed.  And get rid of his collar.  The foam one, anyway.  Adelina has her hair back again, sadly.  She wants to know what to do if Cande shows up to try to seduce the Padre.  Ok, the second half of that sentence was only implied.  Padre J says while he'd rather not let her in, they can't be rude.  Adelina says it would be a scandal if people found out what Cande feels for him…one more Alcocer scandal.  Hey, maybe Aldonza got the come-hither gene from both sides.  ¿¡ El Padre J tiene lo suyo, que no?!

Uriel is off to work when two cops show up with the arrest warrant for Abelardo.  Aw, and he was having such a good morning.  And Irma was reminding him to take the pills for his ulcer.  He may need Hum to up his dosage.

No two ways about it, Candela is getting all dolled up to go hit on Padre J some more.  Dominga knows what's what.  Cris is walking past the open door and hears that his mom isn't trying to seduce his old friend and mentor, she just longs to be close to him.  Cue the music!   Dominga reminds her she can sin in her thoughts, too.  "Well if the doors of heaven are closed to me for this, screw it!  I'll never let go of what I feel for him!"  Oh dear…Cande means business!  She's flashing knee and everything!  Don't let the tight braids fool you and listen to the faux fur vest--Cande is on the prowl!  "I've loved him my whole life and that's never going to change."  Cristobal, as a true son of Cande, shows that he's learned his lessons well and now violates HER privacy by storming in and demanding to know whether she's talking about Padre Jeronimo.  "Answer me!  Is it true what you said?  You're in love with Padre Jeronimo."  Cande looks horrified.  I'm delighted!  The student has surpassed the master.  [insert evil laugh here]

Irma has checked Lardo's room and it doesn't look like he slept in his bed.  Uriel refuses to let the cops check his room.  So the cops refuse to tell them why they're looking for Lardo.  Uriel pleads with them, so the cop says he's being sought as a suspect in an apartment fire in the DF.  That's all he can tell them so as not to entorpecer (impede) the investigation.  Uriel and Irma are taking this much better than I expected.  Uriel just hugs his wife and says they need to get a good lawyer.  Uh, I'm going to suggest you not ask Silvia.

Get your popcorn or beverage ready, Cande's about to try to answer the question.  She sort of babbles incoherently and then Cris angrily repeats the question and when she babbles some more he screams at her to talk.  Dude!  She's not my favorite person either, but since when does screaming at somebody to answer a question when they're already trying and can't get the words out an effective interrogation technique?!  Stop yelling at her!  You're ruining my enjoyment of the scene!  Cande just keeps shaking her head and Cris says her silence speaks volumes and now he understands her crappy relationship with his dad.  "No, it was Roberta!"  Even Cande doesn't look convinced as she says this.  "No, mom, you're the one responsible.  If my dad got involved with that woman or who knows how many others, it's because you never gave him his rightful place."  Oh, Cris, no!  There is NO EXCUSE for Sev's behavior!  Don't go down this path!  Cande tells him he doesn't understand.  "No, I understand perfectly.  You married my father without loving him and he probably always knew."  Cande begs him not to say anything to Sev or Sev will KILL Padre J.  Cris now understands all her concern for the Padre.  "You know what?  I feel sorry for you.  Really sorry for you.  You ARE obsessed with an impossible love and I'm afraid your frustration is just going to keep growing.  So don't EVER tell me again that Aldonza isn't good for me, because you are the LAST person who should be telling me that."  He storms out and Cande breaks down.  That was…not as much fun as I wanted it to be.

Cris is back at his buddy the Police Academy Chief's office to talk business.  Sev sees he has a call from Uriel, but ignores it.  Academy Chief wants to meet Cris since he assumes that after the wedding that's who he'll be doing business with.  Sev pastes a fake grin on his face and says yep, that's definitely how it's going to be.

"What do I do now, Nana?"  Dominga says Cris is obviously freaked out by what he heard, but he's a grown man and he'll understand…with time.  She knows that it might be hard for him to understand how a woman can love a man for so long, but she doesn't think he'll love her less for it.  "You're his mother.  No matter what, he's going to respect you."  Cande's not so sure.  She has no more authority over him.  She can't even explain, because there's nothing to explain.  Dominga says it's not as bad as it looks…as bad as it would be if Sev found out.  Cande agrees.

Renato serves Aldonza breakfast.  His dad went off to the hospital early.  Shop talk…the empresa de bienes y raices (real estate company) and the perito (expert) are evaluating the damage to get an estimate of the repair cost for Aldonza's apartment and the apartments of the neighbors.  Aldonza figures after she sells the apartment there won't be any profits.  He really can't say.  By tomorrow, at the latest, they should know more.  Aldonza plans to go to the university and pick up her degree certificate.  Renato takes a call from Pato, who says the judge still hasn't issued a resolution, but they should have one by this afternoon.  Renato lets Pato know that Aldonza is staying at his house.  They hang up and Pato makes kind of a "Huh.  Didn't realize they were moving that fast," face.

Academy Chief is off to take the signed paperwork to someone so they can cut Sev a check.  This leaves Sev alone in his office.  He calls Lardo and finds out that he's at "a friend's house."  Um, it's Tomas.  Anybody in town will tell the cops that the two of them are BFF's.  Shoulda picked another hiding place, dude.  Sev doesn't know this and just tells him to stay put until he gets further instructions.  He also tells him not to talk to his parents.  Lardo has been ignoring all their calls.  When he gets off the phone, Tomas wonders what's up.  Lardo, being the dunce he is, says he did a little job for Don Sev and he's got to lay low.  Tomas picks up on the implication that this job was pesado (heavy).  "Oh, no, he…just doesn't want anyone to connect me with it…but it's nothing serious."  Right.  Because people always have to hide out when nothing serious is going on.  Tomas doesn't look like he believes him.  Hey, I wonder how much Tomas would sell out his good buddy for?  Lardo ignores another call, presumably from his parents, and Tomas shakes his head like Lardo's a total dumbass.  Hey, man, you're the one who's friends with him.

Uriel hangs up the phone, looking worried.  Irma calls for news, but Urlel's got nothing for her.  Lardo isn't answering his phone.  Irma cries and says to let her know if he hears anything.  Uriel says he'll keep trying.  At this point, I see no reason for him to be at work.  He's just going to be distracted all day.  Might as well get out of the office and maybe, I dunno, go see if his worthless son is hiding out at his friend Tomas' house?

Lola visits Pato's hotel room.  No, not like that!  Well, I kinda wish "like that."  But, no.  She won't even come into the room…'cause gossip.  And Pato, bless his cute little heart, is beyond happy to talk to her out in the hallway.  As Lola asks which hotel Aldonza is staying at, Silvia exits her room and, having been bitten by the Santa Lucia gossip bug (or maybe this is a lawyer thing, being alert for all potentially useful information regardless of the source?) hovers in her doorway out of sight.  She hears Pato say that he can't be spreading gossip and violating Renato's confidentiality.  "But I'm your virtual girlfriend!  And Aldonza's best friend!  Spill."  Pato admits that Aldonza is staying at Renato's house--cara de "Seriously, dude?" de Silvia--and he can't say anything more.  Ooh, that is NOT the thing to say to Lola.  Silvia ducks back into her room as Lola rushes angrily back down the hallway with Pato in hot pursuit.

Dominga goes to talk to Cris.  He's hiding out in his dad's office and he doesn't want to talk.  He was surprised…no, disappointed.  Dominga says Cande's been keeping this a secret for a long time and it's not hurting anyone.  Even Padre J doesn't know.  Except that we know about the confessional confession/accusation and the coma snogging.  Cris says she's hurting herself.  It's a sick emotion that won't get her anywhere.  And he won't get involved.  Even if he wanted to, there's nothing he can do.  He pulls Dominga up off the floor where they've been sitting and asks if Lola has called with the info he asked her to gather.  He decides to go visit her at the store.  Dominga tells him it really is best if Sev doesn't find out and Cris says he knows.

Aldonza visits her old professor/mentor.  He wonders what happened with the job he recommended her for.  "Nothing.  I had to leave town."  He heard about her mother and he offers condolences.  Aldonza says she has decided to stay in Santa Lucia and revive her family's finca (country house; farm).  He's sure she can pull it off and he's glad she stopped to visit him while she was picking up her degree.  He'd love to take her for coffee and hear more about this farm project. That would be great, since she's waiting for Renato to handle some paperwork.  "Renato the brilliant law student?"  Yep, that's the one.  And they're off to get caffeinated.

Severiano finally answers a call from Uriel.  Sev pretends to be in the middle of doing important bidness and being gracious and magnanimous in taking Uriel's call and asking what he can do for him.  Sev puts on his confused, innocent face, even though they're only on the phone.  Though, in fairness, if you've got to lie to someone over the phone that probably helps sell it…plus, you never know who might be watching.  "He went to the capital, but for other things!  Puh-leeze!  Nothing to do with a fire!  Who could think such a thing?  Don't worry, Uriel.  Abelardo has nothing to do with it, I'm sure.  He came to do some work for me and I'll testify to that.  I'm sure this is all Aldonza Alcocer's work.  She blames me for everything that happens to her, so I'm sure she's behind this, too."  But Abelardo is missing.  "I'm telling you not to worry.  Your son is in Mexico and I ordered him to stay out of sight until we resolve this issue.  But I repeat, there is NO PROBLEM, so don't worry."  Uriel asks to be kept informed.  "Of course, and you keep me informed as well.  And under no circumstances inform the police!  I'm dealing with everything from here."  Neither Sev nor Uriel looks particularly reassured by this conversation.  And once again, we've seen how Sev's explanations always sound way more reasonable than Aldonza's to anyone who doesn't know what he's done.

Humberto goes out to Las Animas looking for Em, but Melesio says he hasn't been around there.  "What do you mean you hoped you would find him here?"  Hum explains that Emmanuel had a fight with his wife and daughter and left the house.  "Cuando a uno no le llueve, le lovizne" (It never rains, but it pours).  If he comes by, Mel will let him know that Humberto was looking for him.  He's going to talk to Sev, but Sev is in the DF, so he decides to talk to Candela instead.

Irma gets to the shop, late, but it's no problem because Lola opened up and besides, Irma is the owner and according to Lola, she can get there whenever she wants to.  Yes, dear, but where small businesses are concerned that's more likely to mean getting there way earlier than everyone else.  *sigh*  I wish I had a Lola!  Lola is concerned about what happened to Irma and wonders if Uriel is cheating.  Nope.  "Oh, Abelardo again?"  Irma sadly says she doesn't know what's going on or where he is.  Dominga comes by to see if Lola knows what happened to Emmanuel--that he got fired for defending Aldonza from Sev's fist.  Irma is shocked, but Dominga says Sev is capable of anything.  "There's more," Dominga says, "Emmanuel left the doctor's house and now he doesn't have anywhere to live."

The maid tells Humberto that Cande isn't accepting visitors, so he goes upstairs to look for her, over the maid's protests.  Silvia comes in, looking for Cris and the maid huffily says she's got to go close the door so the [unintelligible] will quit coming in.  Cris invites Silvia in and introduces himself, asking what he can do for her.  "Actually, I think it's what we can do for each other.  I hear you're looking for Aldonza Alcocer in the DF and I can tell you where she is and with who.  I work with Renato Ballesteros.  I'm also a lawyer.  I need this conversation to stay between us.  I have my reasons, but if you can't keep this quiet then…."  Cris swears he won't say a word.  "She's at Renato's house in Mexico.  She's sleeping with him."  Dun, dun, dun!

Previous: Episode 56
Next: Episode 58


No, I wasn't very nice to Cris. I know, I'm not the one he woke up in the middle of the night, but I still resent the arrogance of it. And his arrogance with his mother. And how that made me feel sorry for her. Damnit!

Oooo! Recap up!! Gonna read now!

Really? That was the joke? I didn't pay close attention so I figured that's why I thought it was stupid. Maybe I understood better than I thought.

I do love Lola and Pato together.

Back to reading.

How much do I love Adelina's hair?! Quit pulling it back, Adelina!


I think chilango only sounded insulting because of the way Cris said it.

There's even a magazine:

Yeah, really, that was the joke! I groaned, but what the hell...when it's a cute boy telling the joke that always makes them funnier. I would be ok with Lola and Pato getting together. As much as I like Emmanuel and I dislike seeing him all heartbroken...can you imagine Pato's heartbreak? I don't think I could stand it!

Ok, so, Adelina's this the character's choice to hide her hotness? And if so, why get it cut that way?

Or, more likely, the styling department's attempt to sell us on poor frumpy spinster Tia Adelina. When the actress is none of those things. And maybe telegraphing that Adelina isn't either and is just keeping her pheromones under wraps, lest she unleash a tigress on the unsuspecting male populace of Santa Lucia? Dare I hope?

Still not done reading, but just saw your comment Kat.

I'll probably catch hell, but yeah. A broken-hearted Pato would be unbearable. The actor seems to have more presence and charm than Alex Sirvent. Just my 2 pesos.

thanks so much, Diva. Your recaps always make me smile.

I missed last night's episode.

Now that Lola knows that Eman is jobless and homeless, I bet that she will admit to herself (maybe to nobody else ) that she still cares for him.

Renato is a sweetiepie and so much more proactive than Chris who seems to just wander around asking people and rich..Renatonis niwbreally, really rich...and cute.

I am sorry that I missed Candy in the fake fur vest and Ade literally letting her hair if only she could do that figuratively.

Well, time to check Hub's progress on his new project..expanding the patio for the grill.

The dictionary listed chilang@ as "pejorative" so I always want to make sure.

Can I go there...does he have more presence...I dunno!

OK, I'll go this far--right now, Emmanuel has bigger problems to deal with than his broken heart over Lola. As much as he wants to go drown his sorrows in booze "because, chicks", man, that is really not your problem. He needs to deal with his abandonment and self-esteem issues (and I think leaving the house and not groveling for his job back are HUGE steps), and his inability to fend off predatory women because of his need for affection (*cough* Mari *cough*), and his burgeoning tendency to try to drink away his woes, and then Em and I can sit down and discuss whether I'll give him permission to date.

Pato, on the other hand, while he seems more fragile, basically has his shit together. I can't see anyone getting the drop on Pato with a FATS. Or him succumbing to LLP. So, he's already out there, ready for a relationship, with the time to woo Lola, not likely to screw it up by doing anything stupid or falling for any tricks...and by the time Em might be ready, he and Lola would have been together for a while. And *I* would be heartbroken for poor sad Pato who was there for her for all that time and in the end, she still wanted Em instead.

Kat- Fabulous job with the recap, and the fashion and hair commentary. :) ITA on Adelina's hair.

You are kinder than I, because I had NO sympathy for Cande while Cris was browbeating her. It's not even a tenth of what she unleashes on him every single day. I did, however, feel bad for E-man. Jobless, homeless, and seeing the woman he loves having a great time with another guy. And it wasn't even faked for his benefit.

Pato and Lola continue to be adorable together.

Uriel and Irma aren't trying very hard to find Lardo. Just go knock on Tomas' door, people.

I was having my own version of Allie's terrible,m horrible, veryt bad morning (work!! Agh!!) and then I stopped for lunch and read your recap Kat!! OMG!! Where do I start with the brilliance? I about spurt out the ice tea with your version of the Em and Joaquin in the cantina.

Silvia is dead to me. 'Nuf said.

And what is the scandal of staying at Ren's house. His dad is right there people!

Ok, so Cris maybe had a few points in there to his mother, but making it looks like Sev was such an innocent party when he's had enough incidents to see his dad is no saint had me fuming. This kid needs to switch on the A + B = C neurons once in awhile. Thought he went a little overboard considering the "revelation". just me.

So her Mis Plans were all about farming somehow? Fits her expertise.

And I won't be popular, but I'm starting to like Allie with Renato more than Cris. There is something more grown-up when those two are together. And maybe healthier?


Gracias, Susanlynn! Ooh, patio expansion...sounds fun! I think you're right about Lola and her feelings for Emmanuel. Those two are always going to be in each other's lives in some way, because they're both kind people and were genuinely friends before all the snogging started.

And Renato is totally more proactive than Cris. I'm with you there.

Kat- ITA with your assessment of E-man. I don't think it's a presence thing. E-man has serious self-esteem issues. He goes through life trying to stay out of people's way so that they don't kick him, and holding on to the crumbs of affection he does get.

Gracias, Vivi! I know, right? Lardo only has one friend. How hard can this be?!

Meh, I'm not going to blame anyone for not having sympathy for Cande. She certainly hasn't earned it with her behavior. I'll just blame it on not having entirely finished my coffee before I watched...yeah, that's it.

I think I just want my galan to be a galan all the time, to everyone. I don't like Cris yelling at his mother, or being physically rough with his ex-fiancee, or punching his best friend, whether he has a "good" reason for it or not. I'm disappointed in Cris...and so I do irrational things like feel sorry for his mother.

Gracias, Daisynjay! I'm glad I could brighten your day a little. I know Cris was "shocked" but yeah, maybe this isn't such a huge revelation. It's not like he heard about the coma snogging! She wasn't confessing to an affair. She just has feelings for the guy. That's not a crime. What the hell is he going to do when he starts finding out about faked baby deaths and his "best friend" being his half-brother?

"There is something more grown-up when those two are together. And maybe healthier?" I agree with you. They have their issues, too, but I will grant you healthi-ER.

I'm surprised he hasn't yelled at her before. I've always been surprised at Cris's restraint with Cande. The only points I took away from him last night was blaming Sever's adulterous behavior on Cande's ongoing love/obsession for Padre J. I found fault with nothing else. Time she had a taste of her own medicine.

Vivi, "He goes through life trying to stay out of people's way so that they don't kick him, and holding on to the crumbs of affection he does get." *sob* Yes. Poor kid!

Vivi, "Time she had a taste of her own medicine." And darn it, I wish that would sink in for her and she would change her attitude, but I just know she's not going to and it's so frustrating!

Just saw your comment kat on Em. Agree 100%. Lola and Pato are very natural together and have a sort of quirky connection that seems to work for them.

Em is becoming the tragic hero in this tale and mirroring way too much of his mother in behavior. He remembers Lola throwing herself at him, but until that moment, did he ever really notice her? No. It was more that she was someone finally showing him a love and affection he had never experienced before that made him "fall" for her. (I don't count Mari because there was something rather forced and fraudulent in her emotions I think he could pick up on. Too much a game to her.) Since he doesn't have that again from, he misses it.


Daisynjay, "quirky connection" yes! I think Mari has got Em's number when it comes to wanting physical affection. If they ever really get their fake dating ploy rolling, she may be right that he'll get too "addicted" to her kisses to want to break it off. Damn her!

Hmm. Interesting about chilango being pejorative. I always thought it was just a thing like jarocha or regiomontano.

Sara, hence not always wanting to trust the dictionary. Jarocha I'd never heard someone saying in a nasty way, but both Em and Cris were practically sneering when they used "chilango" to refer to Renato/Pato, so...thought I'd better ask!

Hi, 5ft. Thanks for your always well done recap complete with your irreverent asides and observations.

Like Vivi, I have no problem with Cris brow beating Cande. She can sure dish it out, but she knows her situation is indefensible. I did not like Cris thinking that Sev was just a underappreciated guy who might have been a stellar dad if only Cande had loved him.
Jeez, wait til Cris finds out the extent of Sev's depravity.

Felling sorry for Eman. I wonder how low he will have to fall before he finds a base upon which to rebuild himself, and I wonder if Lola will be the catalyst for his turnaround.


Gracias, David! "I did not like Cris thinking that Sev was just a underappreciated guy who might have been a stellar dad if only Cande had loved him. Jeez, wait til Cris finds out the extent of Sev's depravity." When you put it that way...I'm cackling in anticipation!

Finally finished reading and THANK YOU! Your recaps always crack me up. Especially when you go into "dude-speak."

Dominga says Cande's been keeping this a secret for a long time and it's not hurting anyone. Even Padre J doesn't know.

Poor Padre. He never knew how Cande felt and she still wants to run around and blame him for everything.

Cande is another one in need of a psych eval.

I did not like Cris thinking that Sev was just a underappreciated guy who might have been a stellar dad if only Cande had loved him. Jeez, wait til Cris finds out the extent of Sev's depravity.

Well said, David.

I'm stocking up on popcorn for the patio in anticipation of that day.

Gracias, Sara! Yeah, um, my inner monologue sounds like Keanu Reeves. 'Cause I'm 12.

Is there anyone on this show who doesn't need therapy for something? And the ones who seem like they're doing fairly well probably could really use a hour a week to go talk to someone who's just there to listen and not add additional dramaaaaaaaah to their lives.

Popcorn...tequila...maybe some chocolate....

Augh! Kat - THANK YOU. You don't know how much I needed your recap! Not only because I couldn't watch last night's episode, but also because I needed all of those laughs!

Lardo. Cards. Loser. No, really, he loses all his money.
Lardo is still in the cantina, trying to lose more money he doesn't have.
"Chicks, man." "Yeah. Chicks." Dudes, man. Dudes.
Cris gets an idea. I refrain from making a sarcastic remark, but it's difficult.
TOO FUNNY! Actually lol'd.

There is something more grown-up when those two are together. And maybe healthier?

The thing that calls this element of their relationship to my attention is the same thing that makes me have to screw my beanie to the max at the start of almost every novela I've ever seen: Unending, unceasingly love/hate talk. In most TNs, that's all the protags talk about: "I love you so much, my love! You're my life. I would die if anything happened to you" against "I hate you! How could you?! I never want to see you again!" As unbelievable as it seems, I've only seen a small number of TNs that have made their protags seem like a legit couple vs. a cartoonish version from a kids coloring book.

Ren and Aldonza have that magic element: something else to talk about besides they're love. They have different interests, but are on the same team for their common goal. Their primary discussion is, of course, los planes, but it's not hard to imagine them talking about their own stuff. You can see them 10 years from now sitting at the breakfast table, after the honeymoon's long over and still friends before you even get to the deeper emotion of it.

I did like this bit of calmer thinking from Cris: It's a sick emotion that won't get her anywhere. And he won't get involved. Even if he wanted to, there's nothing he can do. Cuz...well...yeah.

RME at Val. I know, I know. Pru's feelings are her feelings, but that argument is just ridiculous. How old was she when E came into their lives? Yeah, 0. She was zero. Barring premature birth or Pru not knowing she was preggers at the time or Sev and Hum sending the baby off to some random place for a while then bringing him back, Rob was pregnant before Pru, so Eman's always been a part of Val's life. So this "you forced him on us crap makes very little sense coming from her. From Pru, yes. And I know, Pru's been feeding her this garbage her whole life so it's no wonder that that's all she spews, but UGH!


Gracias, HellaShelle! I'm so with you about the Ren/Aldonza magic. Writers, man. Writers.

Yeah, HellaShelle, Val is just a mean nasty person at her core and Pru has always backed her up on "Whatever la nena wants, la nena gets." She's a born-and-bred Mean Girl. And it's going to come back to bite Pru in the ass because I don't think Val has any actual affection for her. She'd throw her under a bus if it gained her some advantage. Val doesn't love anybody but Val.

Yeah. Val. I don't like her.

RE "Chilango" - see:

Diva-thank you for the recap! I have the show taped on my DVR but I got distracted by QVC...

If we are talking fashion, can someone please get Adelina better shoes? Please?!

I don't feel badly for Candela at all, she's a witch who would stop at nothing to get what she wants. She made Sev kidnap Roberta's baby for her sake, she is keeping her son from someone she knows he loves, and she's all over Padre J when she knows it makes him uncomfortable, she gives not one flying fig what anyone else wants/needs as long as she gets what she wants.

Thanks, Anon. Sounds to me like one of those words where it's better to be cautious and consider your intended audience.

Gracias Eli! Hm, the shoes are a little clunky, no? And she's been wearing some cute dresses... andcovering them up with cardigans. Set Adelina free already!

She was wearing a really cute color block dress the other day, and a cute pink one too, that I was just dying to see WITHOUT the big sweaters over them. No doubt about it. Adelina is hiding her hotness. But it certainly has never stopped Joaquin from noticing her beauty.

Just because, here's a cute pic of Michelle (Aldonza) haging out during downtime with Alexis (Sever) and Fernanda (Mari) and their little daughter:

Eli - omg, I've wanted to just burn those shoes for the longest time! I can get behind everything else, even the hairstyle no one else seems to like, but those shoes are the worst!

But while we're talking about the beauty of it all, what exactly is the deal with Irma's eyeshadow? Not a fan. Also not a fan of that lock of hair. I think I'm spoiled from seeing her character in ENDA with her cute curly hair.

Aw, what a cute pic! Michelle Renaud looks YOUNG! And Sev looks...sincerely not evil. He's a great actor.

hellashelle- Michelle is quite beautiful (and young looking) without any of the makeup they put on her in the tn. I advise not to read any fan comments on the side because they may give away spoilers since they are mainly Mexican fans.

Hellashelle - I'm with you in Irma's makeup and the very annoying lock of hair. The actress is lovely and she looks great in QA (my first experience with her) so this look is jarring to me.

Maybe we can take a collection on the patio for Ande and get her some shoes.

But honestly, I get this vibe with her and the way she dresses that she lives almost a nun-like existence. She has sworn off relationships, even earning her own living, to only take care of Allie and now the Padre. Costuming is playing up that sacrificial lamb vibe.

well meant, but like I said the other day, Allie is a big girl. If she thought about it, she should gently nudge her aunt to think about doing something for herself---take her for a makeover, buy her a new smashing outfit as a thank you, something. BUY HER SHOES!!.


Daisynjay- It seems it's actually been the other way around, with Adelina providing Al with cute dresses to wear, like the beautiful one she gave her for graduation.

Thanks 5ft, great job. Can someone explain to me the reasoning behind Sylvia telling Cris that Aldonza is sleeping with Renato? I would think that she wants Cris and Aldonza to make up and be a couple so she can have Renato.

I'm also surprised that Sev is helping Abelardo. We were guessing yesterday that Sev would kill him, but it seems like he's helping him.

I'm assuming that Emanuel is staying at Joaquin's house.

CATHYX- Sev is helping himself-it is not in his best interest for anyone to find out that he paid Lardo to burn down the apartment, and there's no way that Lardo will take the fall if he gets caught.

Severiano wants Lardo and his parents to THINK he's helping him so they won't suspect HIM when he does kill the dumb flunky. He's not going to take any chances that Lardo won't get caught. Lardo is history.

Sever has learned that good henchmen are hard to find. It's hard to find that perfect mix of ruthlessness AND smarts.

Great work!

And Sev will not be pleased when he finds out that Abelardo lost all the money at poker because Abelardo will hit him up for more. Lardo is a total idiot with an IQ in the low two digits.

No pity for Candela; she deserves a taste of her own medicine.

And I am done with Pru. Her nastiness to Emmanuel, the nasty way she also taught Valeria to treat him, is making me impatient for her stupid lust to bit her in the tuchas.

Diva...I am with you, loved Adelina's hair. She is so pretty, even when wardrobe fumps her up. Is the plot getting predictable or is it just me. Let's get on with dispatching a baddie or two.

Whoops...afternoon got away from me!

Gracias cathyx, Urban Anthropologist, emeraldrose.

All the comments about Adelina's styling are making me feel so much better about my own obsession :) I also feel like we're being teased...we know she made dresses back in the DF, she's friends with Irma now, having her own dress shop in SL seems like a great idea and has been brought up on the patio several times...but they're not giving it to us. Boo!

Under the heading of All Things Considered, how many customers would she have with Severiano spreading rumors?

Poor sev. He's a jackass because his screwed up wife is in love with the padre. He raped his son's girlfriend because of his wife's lack afection down through the years. He's an evil nasty, cold blooded, vindictive person all because his wife is hung up on the padre. Yeah, thats why. (Hah) He was messed up like this long before he met candy girl. Well thats what I think.


Urban Anthropologist, I don't know if that would be the bigger issue, or there just not being a lot of people in town or events where dresses are needed. If she did casual day dresses like she wears (which, I gotta say, for me it's rarely casual to wear a dress, but seems like plenty of ladies in SL are comfortable with them) that have that little hint of something special about them, and they're not wicked expensive and easy to care for, I think she could end up with a small, but loyal fan base. Rumors be damned! Or maybe "designed by a homewrecker" would backfire and end up be a good selling point. "Ladies, steal your husband back with Adulteress Couture!"

Lol, Nina...yeah, Sev's been screwed up since before he was born, with his bitter grandpappy losing the land.

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