Wednesday, May 06, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado, 05-05-2015, Capítulo 56

Recap by HellaShelle!

Here you go: One recap, light on the snark, heavy on the smh and rolling eyes.

Long story short: Aldie bought into Cande/Val’s tired plot and went back to DF. Emmanuel called Val out and is moving out. Pru slapped Lardo in front of Irma, who asked Mari about it. Mari threw a mini fit because everything’s always about Lardo. Sim called Las Animas for Sev, but Cris picked up and might be suspicious. At the end, Sev is literally lurking in the shadows of the burnt apartment, listening to Ren and Aldonza discuss the situation.

Long version: My recording oddly skipped the refrito and a little of the new, so I come in thinking I’m going to see Aldie rolling her eyes at Val’s ridiculous ploy BUT NO!!! Instead there’s Val leaning on Cris’s shoulder, promising she never meant to get him into this mess. Forgive me, she sighs dramatically. She’s exiting stage right when Cris yanks her back, wondering where the heck she’s going, having apparently imploded his life.

Melesio gently suggests that maybe Sev was out of bounds. Sev invites him to find a new job if he doesn’t like Sev’s management style. He leaves and Mel thinks to himself that one of these days, he’ll take Sev up on that suggestion.

Cris totally sees through Val’s tired ploy, and rightly suspects that his mom is in on it, but Val insists he’s paranoid. Cris says the only thing she accomplished was getting him to see what kind of snake she really is. Val counters that Aldonza’s at least as bad. She did everything she could to steal Cris away, that whor-Cris cuts her off. He demands respect for Aldie, who he’s always loved, even when he was about to marry Val. Val slaps him across the face and storms off.

Cande sits in the living room, gleefully awaiting fireworks. Sev comes in, furious that she let Aldie in. That little idiot humiliated him in front of his workers! Cande doesn’t care about this. She wants to know why he paid PJ’s hospital bill. Sev says because he felt like it. Cande, like Aldie, says he’s trying to quiet his conscience. Sev doesn’t care, he’s off to DF. Cande sarcastically sends him off with a kiss and a “mi amor”. He sarcastically receives them with a “vida mia” and informs her that Cris prefers to stay and think of Aldie. He leaves and Cande fumes.

Aldie is also fuming. She looks a little like a cartoon boiler that’s about to blow. Eman tells her to let it out, but she just takes deep breaths. It’s not rage, she says, it’s profound sadness. Eman suggests that Val set Cris up. Aldie scoffs that Cris wasn’t yanking himself away very quickly. She says she gets Val: Val and Cris were together for a long time. It’s hard to just turn that off. She tells E he doesn’t have to take her all the way home; he’s got enough problems, like the job he just lost on her account. E says knowing Sev and himself, it was bound to happen. He’s sure he’ll get a great job tomorrow. She’s super grateful to God that E’s her friend.

Lazy Abelardo has to get the door. He no sooner opens it than Pru slaps him across the face. She warns him to stop sniffing after her daughter. He says Val’s the one coming after him. Pru says Val’s just trying to make Cris jealous. Lardo almost laughs, but Pru slaps him again. Irma shows up wanting to know what the heck is going on. Pru says Lardo bothering Val it’s his fault Cris and Val broke up. She warns him again and leaves.

Cande claims ignorance about the VAldie confrontation. Cris gives up on trying to make her tell the truth and just tells her that no matter what she schemes, it won’t change his feelings. She says he’s not in love, he’s just infatuated. He returns that only time will tell. After he leaves, Cande grabs the phone and calls Val, wanting all the juicy details.

Irma’s confused. Lardo says Pru’s pirada (=crazy). He claims he and Val got together after the breakup and they just want to have a little fun. Irma’s surprised he’s not worried about Val’s rep in town. He’s super not; Val’s not a innocent miss, she’s up for all kinds of fun, but he doesn’t think his mom wants the details, right? Pig. Irma is disillusioned; she thought he had changed. She tells him he’s still a <b>patán</b>(=jerk, thug) and leaves. He’s annoyed.

Aldie fills Adelina in on what happened with Sev. Adelina worries for her, but says she’ll support her, no matter what. Aldie tells her she and Cris aren’t getting married and breaks down in tears. He’ll never desligarse de(=separate himself from) Valeria. It was too good to last, she sobs. She should’ve known. She cries in Ade’s arms.

Mel tells Cris about Eman getting fired for defending Aldonza (though, annoyingly, without mentioning that Sev was going to backslap her). He also tells him about the check. Cris tells Mel he’ll get the Eman situation sorted out, but Mel warns him that Sev’s so pissed, he threatened to fire Mel con todo y chivas(=with all his junk. Possibly “with everything, even the goats”). He tells Cris to be careful. And he’ll have to wait anyway because Sev’s already left for DF.

Val’s calmly reading a magazine. Pru comes home and Val gleefully tells her what happened. Pru only wishes she had been there. But she has good news too: she slapped the crap out of the bad boy that was bothering her nena. Val is pissed.

A subdued Aldie is giving PJ his pills. She eventually tells him that she and Cris aren’t getting married. She thought it over and they’re right, the very idea of it was absurd. The phone rings. Aldie clearly suspects who’s calling, but she gives it to PJ, saying it must be a citizen checking on him. It’s Cris. PJ turns the phone over to a protesting Aldie. With barely a breath, she tells Cris she never wants to see him again and hangs up. PJ doesn’t think that’ll stick, but Aldie will make sure of it this time.

Dominga comes into the office where a bummed Cris made his call. He tells her Aldie’s pissed and won’t even take his calls. Dom’s surprised that Cris is still there. She shoos him out to go straighten this out in person. She’s an adorable grandma.

Irma’s upset with Mari for not telling her about Lardo and Val when they spoke before. Mari’s tired of being on the All About Lardo show. She cries, saying clearly the only way to get her parents’ attention is to be bad. Irma says she’s wrong, but Mary won’t be swayed.

E is telling Hum what happened, including that Sev was going to hit Aldie. Mel stops by.

Cris is at Aldie’s. Adelina tells him Aldie’s not there. He asks her to tell Aldie that he’s not leaving until they talk. Adelina repeats that Aldie’s not there. He says he’ll go see her at the Santuario house then, but Adelina finally tells him that Aldie went to DF.

Mel’s stopped by to tell E how proud he is of him. He’s about to explain to Hum what happened again, but Hum gets called away on a medical emergency.

Cris is not happy. Adelina says Aldie left to straighten out some things in DF and to get away from him. Adelina refuses to give him an address or phone number and he leaves, dejected.

Mel doesn’t agree with what Sev did (obviously). E’s relieved to be back on good terms with him because Mel’s like a father to him. More like a grandfather, Mel jokes. But seriously, they’ll find something else for E and he can count on Mel’s help.

Adelina fills PJ in on Cris’s visit. PJ’s not happy with Aldie’s habit of running away from her problems. Adelina thinks some time away from SL will be good for her.

Aldonza cries on the bus, remembering Kiss UGH.Seriously?Thisagain? and bits of the subsequent fight. Which is good, since my recording cut it out: Sounds like she is mad because Cris didn’t tear himself away from Val immediately. Cris wanted to explain and talk it out.

Cris is remembering the same thing in his room: Aldonza telling him to forget about their plans, and not touch her. Eman trying to calm them down and Cris decking him for his trouble (Wait, WHAT?! I did not see this in real time and I’m shocked). The phone rings and Cris picks up. It’s la Señora Saavedra for his dad. He tells her Sev went to DF. Simoneta says she thought Cris was going with him. She says she’ll call Sev back later. Cris looks like he’s wondering why Sev shared such a random detail about his schedule with this virtual stranger.

Sev’s having dinner with his police academy buddy (I think). I wonder who will cut up his food, but he knows the waiter by name and they’re in a private room, so I guess he’s a VIP.

Irma shares the Mary issue with Uriel. She thinks Mary has a point about how much they’re focused on Lardo. Uriel thinks she’s exaggerating, but he’ll pay Mary more attention. Irma then fills him in on Lardo’s latest mess.

Cris is heading for a walk. He’s short with Cande when she asks where he’s going. Cande blames Aldonza for his snippy attitude. Just look how a bad woman can turn a son against his mother. Cris tells her she’s doing that herself. Just look at what a mother can do against her own son. She says he’s unfair and that everything she does is for him. His sick of that tired line because she sure doesn’t seem very concerned with his happiness. She explains that’s because he has a warped idea of what happiness is. Cris explains that he goes with his feelings and right now he’s feeling sad and frustrated because he can’t be with the woman he loves. When he’s with Aldie, he doesn’t need anything else. That’s happiness for him. He leaves and Cande looks like she doesn’t know what to do.

Ren picks Aldonza up at the bus station. He invites her to dinner, but she wants to see the apartment first.

Pato went to pick Lola up from work. They’re adorable and playful as they head to eat tlacoyos, which are apparently stuffed and loaded corn tortillas.

Joaquin meets with Silvia to discuss the Flavia situation. She says in these cases, the mother often returns in a couple of days, but Joaq doesn’t want to wait. He’s going to charge Flavia with kidnapping.

Sev is standing in the ruins of the burned apartment. He says he warned Roberta and now all that will be left of her family is ashes. He hears Aldonza’s voice and slinks into a shadowy nook. Aldonza remembers first arriving at the apartment and her mother saying she wants them to start over. She cries on Ren’s shoulder.

Eman confronts Val in her room. Val says he’s just mad cuz she’d never pay a nobody like him any attention. He says at least he has dignity, unlike her. Pru hears this and gets in his face, but E’s sick of taking their crap. Val tells him he can pack his things and go then. He thinks that sounds like a good idea and heads off. Val wonders if they’re really going to let him go. Pru’s all for it, she’s been wanting this for years. They just have to get their story straight for Hum, otherwise E will make himself look like the victim here.

Sev listens, gun drawn, as Aldonza panics about what she’s going to do without the apartment. Ren assures her that the responsible party will have to pay her for the damage. He tells her about the fingerprints. Sev’s pointy ears are up, especially when Ren mentions Lardo.

Avances: Lola asks Pato where Aldie’s staying. Silvia hears and goes to tell Cris herself.

Recap by HellaShelle!

Previous: Episode 55
Next: Episode 57


Thank you for the recap, HellaShelle!

Thanks for the recap, HellaShelle!

I just adore the long and short versions you provide! And I always appreciate vocabulary. I didn't get to see last night's episode, but I still got to learn a new phrase: con todo y chivas.

Hellashelle – Thank you for the great recap!

”Mari’s tired of being on the All About Lardo show.”
Great line!

I wonder what badness Mari will get herself into, to get her parents attention. !Valganos, Dios!

Will Sev throw Lardo under the bus? (we can only hope)


Hellashelle I too love the short and long recap. Thank you. And thanks for filling in the fine print for us. I miss some of the details and REALLY appreciate the recaps so much. Sun is put here, so off for a busy day.

See you all at the Naughty Melon tonight to watch the latest going on in Mexico and SL.

Sun is put? Bad auto correct....sun is out

Thank you for the recap HellaShelle, lets see how long Aldie and Cris can stay apart from each other and hopefully Eman leaves that house, too many viper abound there.

HellaShelle, thank you.

This was a normal "misunderstanding" episode. The only good news is I bet Lardo is the first to go. Sev knows he is not to be trusted and he really knows too much. Thankfully, the feds know too much about him. So adios Lardo, you will not be missed except by Val until she finds a replacement to enjoy her charms. It would be a hoot if she took up with Tomas.

Rosemary Primera

I am so disappointed, this TN crossed over to the stupid. I was hoping that they wouldn't go there and they did. Ugh!

The first few minutes of Cris felt especially manufactured. He stood there while Val was reaching for him and put his hands on her waist...what?! Then he lets her actually kiss him instead of backing away from her face. And FINALLY after a few too many seconds of her face attached to his, he pushes her away and says "enough" with practically no heat. It's like he's sleepwalking! And then...boom, there's Aldonza and NOW he's all "'cmon baby it's not what it looks like! Let me explain!" and punching Emmanuel and grabbing Val (and UGH! Enough with the arm grabbing!). Who the hell is this guy? Either Cris himself is inconsistent or he was written inconsistently today for some extra drama. It's not cool! It's like finding a really great restaurant and the first few times you go there every single bit is pure magic, so that's what you expect when you go there the third time, only suddenly it's all just kind of good-but-not-great, and then the next time it all tastes like someone nuked a frozen dinner and plopped it on the plate.

"He demands respect for Aldie, who he’s always loved, even when he was about to marry Val." OK, this was true, but gosh that felt especially mean! And considering he said it to Val, why do I even care?

"He’s super not; Val’s not a innocent miss, she’s up for all kinds of fun, but he doesn’t think his mom wants the details, right? Pig." Word! Don't be telling your mom that kind of stuff, Lardo!

"Mari’s tired of being on the All About Lardo show. She cries, saying clearly the only way to get her parents’ attention is to be bad." Oh dear. How much worse is she going to get?

Aldonza's sudden departure to the DF also felt contrived. I'm sure it was time to go and deal with the apartment anyway, but Adelina made it sound like she was gone forever, never coming back. This whole breakup was as sudden and irrational as the plan to get married.

I'm glad Emmanuel's getting out of all these toxic environments--Las Animas, Hum's house. I wish Cris would do the same.

"Sev’s pointy ears are up, especially when Ren mentions Lardo." Yes, Sev, go kill off her henchman before he can roll on you.

her henchman? "YOUR" henchman!

Judging from the comments, I'm kind of glad I haven't seen the episode. I'm never a fan of the FATS anyway (Face Attack Telenovela Style.)

If Lardo goes, that will be hard on Irma. Not that it upsets me all that much.

Nah. She'll get over it. And then Mari can be an only child. It's a win-win.

Ok, that was cold, even for me. Such is my disappointment.

Cold. But funny.

He stood there while Val was reaching for him and put his hands on her waist...what?! Then he lets her actually kiss him instead of backing away from her face. And FINALLY after a few too many seconds of her face attached to his, he pushes her away and says "enough" with practically no heat.

This is seriously such a disappointment. I hope this is not an indication of what we are in for. I mean...I knew that they weren't ACTUALLY going to get married. I knew that a break up was coming, it's only the 56th chapter after all. But couldn't they have found some other way to do it? This way is so contrived. ESPECIALLY if Val was telegraphing that kiss.

Why don't the dudes ever back up and ask "what the hell are you doing?"

I like "FATS"'s definitely a thing. Bad girl comes within three feet of any man and he's suddenly paralyzed and incapable of breaking off a lip-lock. Ugh!

Judge for yourself if you get a chance to watch, but for me this wasn't some kind of quick cobra strike...she moved in SO SLOWLY I don't know how he could have thought she was after anything else. He had plenty of time to react and he just...stood there.

NovelaMaven came up with FATS.

Scroll down and read the definition. It's funny!

...some kind of quick cobra strike...


Scroll down to "Dictionary Corner". Sorry forgot to say that.

Hmm. But reading the definition of FATS and seeing the description of the action makes me think it was a case of Dumbassery on the part of Cris.

Kat, I don't think Cris is too bright. He seems sort of dazed most of the time.

Rosemary Primera

He really does, Rosemary.

Okay. Cheating at work so I can't read comments.

Just want to Thank You, Hella! That's a hella recap! Well, I guess I was wrong that Donnies WTF face was about Val trying that old, tired, perfectly timed snogging trick. This kinda stuff makes Aldonza look like Al-dunce-a. Man! I'll be glad when they get tired of that old saw! What's next, Cande will help Val drug him, get in bed with him and send Donnie a selfie---which she will believe?

At least Cris didn't start thinking, "O, how could I have hurt Val so?" And I love that he doesn't believe his lying mom and that his spine is still firmly in place:

Just look how a bad woman can turn a son against his mother. Cris tells her she’s doing that herself. Just look at what a mother can do against her own son.

Speaking of cartoons. How cartoonish was that big, bold, SHADOW of Sev with the gun that neither Donnie nor Renato saw! What the FREAK! And now Sev knows they're on to Lard-ass.

Ok. Can't wait to get home and see whatchalltalkinabout!

Thanks, again, Hella! Maaaarvy!


Lila, "What's next, Cande will help Val drug him, get in bed with him and send Donnie a selfie---which she will believe?" EWWWW!!!

And yeah, probably. *siiiiiiigh*

Now that I've had time to calm down, I read the recap and I want to thank you Hellashelle for a great job.

It seems like our galans are suffering from LLP. It stands for Lip Lock Paralysis and all TN galans suffer from this. When LLP strikes, it renders them completely helpless, in fact, they are unable to move when a woman they don't want anything to do with kisses them at the same time the woman they want to be with walks in to see it. LLP afflicted Emanuel too when he was dancing at the party with Mari.


Yes, Lila, yes, that's it exactly. This show should have been called "Meddling Mothers and their Children".

OK, Sara, I've read it and if this was FATS it was some kind of slo-mo FATS with not just not being able to get away BEFORE it happens, but also during.

Rosemary, "dazed" is a good word for it. He really does give off the air of someone who's drugged, especially around Val. Novocaine in the lipstick?

Cathyx nailed it with LLP. That is a much better definition.

cathyx, LLP, yep, that's what it was!

Uh oh...we're having far too much agreement on the patio! This can't be good!

OK, so...Sev hiding behind the door...STUPID! And of course they never turn in that direction. On top of being there at night...why not wait until day when you might be able to actually see something? And how'd he get in? A little surveillance on the place and they'd be able to use him being there to cast further suspicion on him.

Morning guys,

I wasn't feeling especially inspired last night because the fallout from this kiss is too much. I almost wanted to change the channel or go to sleep.

What is it with the young people on this TN and stealing kisses? Can they not obtain kisses from willing partners?

To add an acronym (I love USOP by the way! It can be used at least once per episode), Aldie was acting a bit OOC last night. Knowing what she does about Cris and Val, I was surprised that she didn't just roll her eyes at Val, as she has for basically every encounter they've had up to this point. Or at least talked to Cris about this. What happened to them being on the same page, like they were about the Sev/Rob affair? Cris, also acting OOC. He's been pretty good at dodging Val's octupus arms post breakup, don't know what happened last night. I blame the writing team: they should have prefaced Cris' reaction with people (Hum, Cande, Dom) telling him to be gentle with Val b/c of her fragile mental health and broken heart and moved into the kiss via guilt inducing comments of how hard it is that she can't even touch him anymore, followed by caring hug.


Yes, HellaShelle, lots of OOC...was it precipitated by some OOI? Did somebody go on sick leave without leaving instructions? Did the hard drive with the original script get fried? Inquiring minds....

I haven't actually seen the episode, so maybe I'm speaking out of turn. It certainly seems like there was a lot of OOC going on last night. And yes, it would have been much more believable if they had had someone telling Cris to be gentle with Val. It certainly would have made sense.

It is all a little disappointing. Thank heaven for the patio.

Agreed. The patio and the recaps. They help me make sense out of things and double-check that I'm not misunderstanding or just having a bad day.

Aldonza and Lola suffer from LLPOS. That stands for Lip Lock Paralysis Overreaction Syndrome. LLPOS afflicts women where they completely overreact to the LLP and they lose all rational thinking. It takes several weeks to months to get over this syndrome each time they come down with it. Often the overreaction causes them to hook up with another well meaning male in the story who they will ultimately leave devastated and saddened by the certain break up that will happen in the last 2 weeks of the show.

LLP is priceless! Cris was definitely wearing his telenovela hat when Val was kissing him.

Another killer definition, cathyx!

Lila - LOL, yes the director of photography or someone must've had fun with Sev's menacing, gun toting sombra in one side of the screen while devastated Aldie filled the other. I almost laughed.

I admit that Mari's drives me up the wall. Even though she totally has a point about her parents obsessing over Lardo, I was still SO irritated by her crying and whining last night that I wanted to change the channel. Seriously, last night I was wondering if they should'nt have remade this as a 3pm TeenTN because this is ridiculous.

Eman's reaction was the highlight of the night and even that was OOC. I'm a little surprised that he took being fired and slugged so well and then, now that he has no income, is contemplating moving out, especially since the provocation didn't start out as his problem. Glad he's leaving though. Hum should go with him and leave the two harpies to peck each other to death.

All the talk of scurvy yesterday reminded me of the TN Entre el Amor y el Odio, another TN with Susana Gonzalez. I loved it, but I don't think it got a lot of praise in its time.

I'm also glad that Eman is not longer employed by Las Animas. I hope he can be hired as part of "Mis Planes."

Some random thoughts:

I feel like Joaquin wanting to file charges against Flavia for kidnapping is a little extreme...yet at the same time if things were reversed I would probably be up in arms about it.

I wish they would decide on one location for this to take place. I'm a little dizzy by the back and forth between the DF and SL.

Wait. To clarify.

If the situation were reversed and the man had run off with the child I would be up in arms and thinking the woman should be filing charges. How hypocritical of me.

In either case, I don't think you can file kidnapping charges on a parent. And in either case, no, it's not right to run off with someone's child.

And if not for that, I'd be applauding Flavia for leaving. If she seriously thought he was cheating on her all the time, then I think that was a much better choice than sticking around and making everyone (and I don't mean me, I mean herself, Joaquin, and Ray) miserable.

All true. I don't like her using Little Ray as a pawn. I never like those kind of plot moves.

I also thought bringing Emmanuel on board with Mis Planes would be a good idea, but also kind of a waste if horses are really his thing. I hope he has enough of a reputation that he hires on with one of Sev's competitors...heh heh heh...that would serve Sev right!

HellaShelle, oh, is that what it was! Yes, Mari's whining bothered me too, and I can see where it fits into a teen show much better than this. She's supposed to be an adult. As hurtful as it is to be treated like second-best, there is nothing holding her there. Now is the time to go do something on her own.

"Leave the two harpies to peck each other to death." Oh yessssssssss! And they would!

cathyx, LLPOS! Yes, it sure is!

I actually wondered if Mis Planes were to start a horse ranch and compete with Sev...but I rejected the idea. That DEFINITELY wouldn't be profitable in a year.

No, probably not, but if she was ever happy with both Em and Cris at the same time, I think that would have been a great "revenge."

Because they have made a point to let us know how good Em is with horses. I would like to see him do something with that talent.

I actually wondered if Mis Planes were to start a horse ranch and compete with Sev

Me too! Especially when he almost fired Melesio. But unless she met another horse trainer person who's already got the resources and just wants land, you're right, it just wouldn't soon enough.

Diva - HellaShelle, oh, is that what it was! Is what what what was?...that was a weird sentence.

Is that what it that why I felt weird about that scene with Mari.

Wait...did that make sense? I think I need a nap....

Restating...Oh, is that what it was about the scene with Mari that bothered me? I think you've identified it correctly as the scene belonging in a teen show.

Or maybe I need a second cup of coffee :D

LOL! you already know I'm dragging today. Your post made otal sense, I just throu myself off with my reply.

Listening to Marc Anthony's Valio La Pena to wake up.

I was still SO irritated by her crying and whining last night that I wanted to change the channel. Seriously, last night I was wondering if they should'nt have remade this as a 3pm TeenTN because this is ridiculous.

This is really witchy of me because the actress is older than I, but I can almost handle that kind of behavior on the TEEN ones because they ARE teens. The Mari actress is way too old to be trying to pull off that kind of thing...not to mention that the character is too old. So even if they had cast someone younger, I would still be annoyed that a 20-something was acting that way.


Ok, Marc Anthony AND another cup of coffee.

The actress is WAY YOUNGER than I.

Geez. I need a 3rd...digo 4th cup of coffee.

Wait...Marc Anthony is pouring coffee on the patio today?! Now THAT would wake me up for sure!

OK, someone's bound to curse me for this one, but now that I've noticed it, I must have more people join me in my horror...Mari's face doesn't move.

And now that you've heard that, you won't be able to keep yourself from looking more closely and it's going to bug you too.

Because I'm evil.

HellaShelle! Thank you for another stellar recap.

I have still not see the damn kiss. Missed the end of last episode, and they skipped right over any of last episode's ending, and it seems some new stuff too (the punch), when Uni started this episode. Oh, well. It seems like Cris suffered a traditional case of galanbesoparalysis.

I don't buy Al's anger about the kiss, and her saying Cris and Val should be together. I think the truth is closer to what she told Padre J. After the blowup she had with Sever, and the near slap he gave her, she came to realize that what she and Cris were planning would never work. There is just too much baggage and animosity and hate for them to live out their little romantic fantasy. She was looking for an easy way out, and Val provided it to her with that kiss.

Oh, and Lardo is toast! Sever is not going to let the police get anywhere near him and risk him spilling the frijoles. Bye, bye, Lardo. You served your purpose.

Holy Cow-- I checked a little bit ago and nothing was up and yet, and checked now and boy, I'm really late to the patio buzz. I think we need a round of something to calm us all down after last night.

First, Fantastic recap hellashelle.Boy my OSUP really applied last night, but IU was also screaming "Are you kidding me?" more for this episode. But you did such an entertaining job of it, I still enjoyed going thru it all again.

Now to the writers...what were you thinking...or not? This is all you could come up with as the big mid-way breakup? A lousy kiss. Now granted, I agree, he didn't exactly heed the warning of "Please,step away from the bitch" all that quickly, so points off for Cris. But for cripes sake, Allie knows the chick is a lying...well she lies, and she doesn't give the supposed man she loves a single second to have a voice? I cry fowl on this whole plot device. Allie is suddenly coming off so insecure, and it isn't ringing right.

Cris unfortunately also loses points for the E-man sucker punch. Is that poor guy everyone's punching bag? I just don't get Pru's attitude frankly. She apparently raises this child or did she? Did Hum take him in right away, or later as an older child? There has to be some reason why she has NADA affection for him. Did enjoy the Allie/E-man hugs and support. I'm sticking to him as Rob's son.

Now, as to Cris' points, he got maybe one or two back with that nice slam dunk against his mother.

Now here's my theory, no spoiler since I never even saw the originals...but Allie will move on to Renato, and he will willingly jumped right in, and when Cris finds out, he will be pulled back to Val all hurt and mopey as if there is no other young women in this town. I hate to think because those two actually did sleep together for awhile that she has that sort of pull on him. She sure was flashing him that evil "I got you where I want you" smile when he told her off.

Sorry--like Lola and Pato together and think E-man could use someone less excitable and calming. Mari doesn't qualify. heck he'd be better off with that sweetie that works in the rectory right now.

Lardo is so going to be hung out to dry by Sev. And I will enjoy every minute of that.



Vivi, I could see Al using the kiss as an excuse. I just wish she'd write herself a note on a Post-it and stick it on the bathroom mirror or something before she goes making up with him again. It's not like the obstacles have changed at all, she just can't make up her mind whether they're insurmountable or unavoidable from day to day!

Daisynjay, I can't say 100% for sure, but it's at least been heavily implied that Humberto brought Emmanuel home as a newborn. Pru just...didn't really care about him. She only brings up "raising" him and "providing" for him when it's convenient for her.

Thanks, HellaShelle. Your rendition was great and I really think your take was superior to, and more thought out than the writer's version.

Em can't get any respect from anyone in his pseudo family: Mel telling Hum what a stand up guy Em is, and Hum barely paying attention, then absent mindedly going off to tend to an emergency.

Can't wait to see how Lardo gets his. I can't stand the guy, and anything Sev dreams up will be okay with me. It seems like Sev could call on the services of Lardo's gambling buddy, who seemed pretty steamed at him for winning.

Aldonza reaction like that was a surprise and a disappointment. I see PJ stirring the pot here to affect a good outcome.

Thanks again, HellaShelle.


Hmm. Lulu and Eman. Gosh. That's actually not half bad!

The kiss as an excuse at least makes Al-dunce-a (good one!) look less like a dunce.

Oh yeah, meant to say I also thought Lola and Pato were adorable together. They really seem like a great fit.

Loved Padre J rolling his eyes at the whole on again-off again situation. He certainly doesn't believe Cris and Aldonza are over. interpretation of Padre J's facial expressions: "I can't do much more than roll my eyes right now, but once I get this foam collar out!"

I agree with Kat, Vivi. Great point on Allie because honestly, that would be about the most solid reason to fly off the handle so fast and break things off so completely with the guy.

She either deep down doesn't love this guy as much as she thinks she does, and lord help us, Cande has a point that this has all teen infatuation on both their parts for the one that got away, or she yes, needed psychologically needed to pull that rabbit out of her hat that said, you can't marry this guy because every day of your life you will be reminded of his father.

Without some sort of help yet dealing with all that for Allie, I just don't see these two back together. That would have been a welcome PSA to have her seek the help to talk all this thru with a professional. Somehow, I could see her being able to work through a relationship with Cris much more. Not his fault, but still. Until then, I feel like she keeps trying to push all that in a back closet in her brain and that's not healthy.



What's the deal with Cande, arrested development, missed high school? She just couldn't wait to call Mal (Val) for all of the juicy details.

I just assumed that Mari's non-facial movement was because her ponytail was too tight.

Yes, Lardo the jerk will be jerky before long. He may last two to three episodes at most.

Rosemary Primera

Look, most of these characters require a constant restructuring of the N beanie.
But Cathy at 11:36 identified perhaps the most annoying train of Aldonza: LLPOS. This character is tiresome and idiotic.

You guys! I must apologize, my sorry butt recapped something that happened last night on my Monday night recap, sooooo sorry!

Hellashell, thank you for a wonderful recap!

Rosemary P, "She just couldn't wait to call Mal (Val) for all of the juicy details." And she really did sound like she meant ALL the juicy details, which...ew!

Eli, I actually read that and figured I had tuned it out...because Lardo.

I read it in the recap and had an "oh shoot" moment,lol.

For some reason I thought the guys playing poker with Lardo were LETTING him win and then would take all his money. I wanted him to complain or refuse to pay up or get caught cheating so they would beat him up. But now it looks like Sev will take care of him. I loved that look on Sev's face when he heard his "perfect crime" has already been found out! Abelardo, we hardly knew ye ... no, actually, we knew ye too well!

To know him is to loathe him. Or something.

If he dies I'll feel really bad for Irma and her husband, they seem like nice peeps.

I'll feel bad...and then one of them will say "Where did we go wrong?" and it will be a really good thing that these are not real people and I'm not actually there....

Vivi - I think you're right about Aldie, but I don't think even she recognizes that yet. I think it'll sink in later, during the "I want to get back together" phase.

To clarify: Aldonza said she understood Mari because it's hard to let go of someone you've loved for so long. She didn't exactly imply that she thought Cris and Val should be together, just that he wouldn't be able to separate from her.

Which is such BS! The man cancelled his wedding that it took him years to build to, and then proposed to you within a month of seeing you again. He got his papers ready, he was ready to leave town for you, then ready to stay for you. He'd forfeit his inheritance AND his parents (which isn't saying much, but givven that you're an orphan, should mean something to you. I think this gran amor relationship deserves something more than "I never want to talk to you again!" You were about to get married for heaven's sake!

Ok. Rant over.

I don't know that Lola is too high strung for E. He's usually pretty mellow (when not drunk or looking at Lardo), so he might be a good balance. But she and Pato are adorable! They kind of remind me of puppies. If they don't have to suffer through something though they won't be together by the end.

Daisy - I have to agree with your theory. Which makes me feel like Cris and Aldonza are just mimicking Eman and Lola, with minor modifications.

They made Aldonza say she was mad about the speed, or lack thereof, with which Cris pulled away. But if that was going to be their sorry reasoning, they should've given her way more reason to doubt that he was over Val and


The man cancelled his wedding that it took him years to build to, and then proposed to you within a month of seeing you again. He got his papers ready, he was ready to leave town for you, then ready to stay for you. He'd forfeit his inheritance AND his parents (which isn't saying much, but givven that you're an orphan, should mean something to you. I think this gran amor relationship deserves something more than "I never want to talk to you again!" You were about to get married for heaven's sake

AbsoFREAKINloutely! She is more LLPOS than he is for the lip lock! Hadn't they just swore to each other the night before that they were ready to face whatever and shout it to the four winds how much they loved each other!? Then they flunk the first test!

I noted with surprise how unmoved, as a matter of fact Aldonza didn't react at all when Padre J. thanked Cris for SAVING HIS LIFE!!! She didn't move a muscle or bat an eyelash! Does she not realize that Cris pulled Padre J from the truck in the knick of time or he'd a been holy toast!?

I guess they had to bust her and Cris up though so Aldonza can let Renato remodel the apartment and invest capital in her new melon patch or whatever the heck it is.

Then, Donnie and Ren will go along swimingly until Sylvia comes up pregnant. I don't care. Just don't let Cris go back on what he told Val and Cande: that Aldonza is the woman he loves!

Domiiiinga! Keep yo' boy in line!

Lila- THEY didn't flunk the test. Aldonza did. Cris has always been 100% in. She's the one always doing the breaking up, blocking, or running away.

Thanks, Vivi! I happily stand corrected! Yes, Aldonza flunked!


I might be over thinking and I'm not defending her, but could some of Aldonza's behavior a subconscious pushing away of a relationship because she still hasn't really dealt with the rape?

Or it could just be overused TN trope.

Hellashelle, thanks for another helluva recap. So good.

I got a giggle out of the conversation between Irma and Mari. I thought that I was watching an episode of "The Brady Bunch,'' but instead of ''Marsha, Marsha, Marsha,'' it was ''Lardo, Lardo, Lardo.'' And those closeups seemed to show sisters talking instead of mother and daughter.

Wow..Mean was THE MAN last night. He stood up to SEv , his employer and ...shhhh, dad...and then let loose on Val and Pru.

The writing was very sloppy. AL has been shown as too smart for Val's schemes , so it was out of character for her to believe that Chris was a willing participant of that liplock. She should have had this line instead ''Let go of my man, you ramera.'' And I agree that Chris often looks underwhelmed and spaced out.

Sara- I absolutely think Al is subconsciously pushing Cris away because she can't deal with any of her negative emotions regarding his family-- the rape; her mother's downfall; her family's misfortune; etc.

Unfortunately, I think it's the latter. I almost feel like they're ignoring the rape. Oh, every now and then there's a vague reference to it but other than that time Donnie had a dream and Cris turned into Sev, feels like they're just going to whip it out later when it serves the plot.

Donnie is so going to the Bank of Renato. I'm not saying it's her intention but when she gets through laying her trembling lip and teary big browns on him he will INSIST that he help her.

I hope Sylvia conspires to keep Donnie and Renato apart and becomes an ally of Cris.

This is why I love the patio- this morning I was sort of mad that the writers used the tired LLP and LLPOS plot devices, but the discussion has helped soothe my anger and I am again looking forward to seeing what they do next.

Awesome Hellashelle.

Still traveling but wanted to thank you.

Vivi. Totally agree. Aldonza was looking for a reason to bail.

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Yes, the writers had to separate AL from Chris so that she could go to ''Banco Renato.''

I think that Lola will end up with Eman because her abuelo is such a big fan of his now. I am hoping that Eman goes to the padre now that he is homeless and unemployed . Then, he can move to Al's to help with her mystery plans.

Also, I guess that Chris will be following AL to the city and scowling at Richy Rich Ren.

Susanlynn, Banco Renato, so funny.

I like that Cris and Renato are (more or less) on the same footing, money-wise. That way we won't have a "she's picking one over the other because of money" or "what do you want with ese pobre diablo" from one or the other of the guys. Refreshing to see it's not about rich vs poor.

Cathyx..that was just an unabashed steal from Lila's ''Bank of Renato.''

Anonymous..Does Chris have money of his own..ready , available cash, a trust fund or is he dependaent on Mommy Dearest and Daddy Dreadful ?

On Aldi and Chris- in novelas the leads end up with each other 99% of time, however this once I wish they would change things up and have Aldi end up with Renato.

I don't see how she could get over what happened with her father and with her baby brother/sister, add to that the rape and I really, really don't want her and Chris together.

Great work, Helleshelle!

Sorry I'm late today but here's my two centavos:

Al-dunce-a may be looking for a way out because of the rape or because she feels guilty about Adelina. Personally if I were a shrink I'd be asking her if she would really put up with such Satanic inlaws. Nobody deserves that.

As for Candela, she'd be enough material for a whole psych treatise. This mean girl crap with Valeria is a ridiculous generational boundary violation, and I'm sure Freud would add new things to his Oedipal theories after a session or two with her.

I'm even more inclined to think that Abelardo had better watch his privates. There are two men out there who would gladly relieve him of them; Severiano because he screwed up and Humberto because he screwed Valeria.

So, does Banco Renato offer any perks when you open an account? Like...a cheek kiss with every transaction? Or maybe a calendar...?

A Mexico Beefcake calendar. I would open an account there for that.

I hear Banco Renato has fabulous hours and free notary and legal services, too :D Talk about one-stop-shopping!

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