Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Amores con trampa #58 and #59 6/17/15 and 6/18/15

Look for Jarifa's always wonderful recap in the comments!


I am just sitting here thinking about a title. The recap will be up late or early depending on where you are. This episode was just so good!


It was! I look forward to the recap. And the comments! There's lots to talk about.

An observation - they've been giving Francis a more natural makeup job and I like it.

Just finished watching. It was a bad episode for Isa, meaning it was a good episode. :) Yet another dream from Maria.

And now that you've pointed out Maria's prophetic dreams, I'm paying closer attention and trying to analyze them. :)

Capítulo #58 6/17/15. "As the Wheel of Fortune Turns: Some Are Up, Some Are Down, Some Are Just Playing Hanky Panky Spanky!"

Part 1

Isabel is forcibly kissed by Esteban. He is in a state of ecstasy; she thinks it was just disgusitng. Looks like she loses because he expects her to visit him every single day if he is to keep her secrets. He agrees he is crazy. He is crazy for her. She is sorry he did not end up dead in the cemetery. For him this is only the beginning!

Warning: I am spending a lot of time on the following scene because I think it shows the flirty bon vivant good ole boy nature of Facundo with the ladies.

Back at the office, Estefany has stretched her body across Facundo's desk (the better to talk to him, I am sure). She jumps up asking Facundo if Esteban did not seem strange to him. He agrees that he did. Estefany thinks they should work together to find out what is going on with him. Facundo is not too keen on working together on anything with anyone together unless it is with María or his family. Estefany tries to convince him. He says she is going way beyond the limit seeing "morros con casquetes" (kids with hoods) everywhere. She corrects his bad Spanish and says it is "moros con trinchetes" (Moors with knives). She is back on the desk asking him if she has gone way beyond the limit, would he like to go beyond the limit with her cleavage? He just laughs and accuses her of liking to make him turn red. She insists that she knows men well and she knows Esteban is hiding something. They are both up and she is touching him all over. He looks uncomfortable but not enough to leave. She says she is only trying to pick some lint off of him.He says she should leave it. She tells him she is not a woman who is into revenge so he can fall into temptation with her. He says he is already falling. She beckons him with her finger and he tells her that she reminds him of a snake that are in the cemeteries of his town. Whenever they went to bury one guy, they ended up burying two guys all because of a little snake. She cannot believe he just called her a snake! They both laugh some more. It was just a joke but it is not a joke that he does not want to get all wrapped up in this Esteban matter. She says she just wants to wrap Facundo up in her arms and goes to grab him. He tries to push her away and says he will forget he is a gentleman and will spank her so she should quiet down. She likes that spanking idea, turns her back on him and dares him to spank her. He raises his hand and just before he can give her that spank María walks in and sees them. Estefany quickly moves away and Facundo waves to María with his already raised hand. María wants to know what is going on: just work stuff is their answer.

At the university in the mean time, Diego arrives on the scene. Felipe calls him Carmen's "pastime". Not the case says Carmen. She and Diego are novios. She asks him not to tell anybody because they don't know at home yet. Felipe says no problem and tells her not to leave the university because of Francis and goes. Diego and Carmen kiss and Felipe sees it from afar.


Part 2

Back at the office, María starts off strong and angry knowing what she saw by saying that she was stupid enough to bring Facundo lunch, that it is the last time she is going to get up early to go to the market to get his lunch because she walked in on him flirting with some woman. Estefany goes off on María says she is tired.of being called an animal now that María is calling her a piranha husband stealer after. she was just called a snake. Enough is enough! Facundo is overly enthusiastic, so happy she brought him the crab that he likes so much, etc, etc., etc., Facundo just cannot think of enough good to say about her and the lunch. Facundo keeps sweet talking María, tells her he was not flirting, kisses her, sings a mariachi song to her, etc. and unfortunately she buys it. Estefany slithers out.

The poor girls at rhe reception desk witness:

1. Estefany having a conversation with herself out in the hall. She is determined to get Facundo for herself if is the last thing she does. She is going to have to learn how to cook the "crab in chipachole" which she finds disgusting. She will end up ruining her beautiful
figure studying to be a cook. She keeps making vomiting noises as she thinks about the food with lard and fat and depressed and alone.

2. Kissy face time with Facundo and María.

Estefany tries to slip back in Facundo's office when María leaves but he has locked the door.

Back at the Carmona's, Granny Perpétua is complaining to Conchita about the vegetables she brought. All Granpappy Porfirio wants to know is if Conchita his "manguito manila" needs any help peeling carrots. Granny says he is a fine one to talk. He cannot even peel an egg. Conchita is not too pleased when Granny asks her to help feed the animals. She was hired to be domestic help not outside help. Granny tells her everybody does everything in their household. ( jarifa: except the males of course). They all start talking about the anniversary party. María wants to talk to Granny. It seems that María feels like she is without a purpose, wasting her time. Granny tells her to take advantage of the time. Does she not want to get a store with her handiwork established? María does amd doesn't. Granny tells her of she likes to knit, go ahead and knit.

Santiago drops in on Isabel in the middle of the day at home. He wants to know if she went to see Esteban and how it went. She says it was perfect. Well, Santiago has an announcement to make just for her. He will never be defeated by anyone let alone Facundo so Isabel is going to help him by working full time with him in his revenge plot.

Part 3

Isabel tells Santiago she is not helping. She has her boutique that needs her attention. Surprise for Isabel: the boutique is no longer a problem because Santiago has not renewed the lease. She has two days to get her "garbage" out. So now with the boutique gone she has all the time in the world to help him full time.

At the office, Felipe is with Facundo who sends him off to a meeting with the new architect. Beto arrives as Felipe is going and asks where Felipe is going. Facundo tells him. Beto starts getting jealous because Facundo did not send him. Wrong move for Beto. Facundo tells him that Felipe is more prepared, talks better than both of them, etc. If Beto has not studied or finished anything it is his own fault. Beto should know though he is still his right hand man. Beto is just upset because whenever there is anything important he sends Felipe. Facundo tells him he never has time for work at the company always being more preoccupied with his relationship with Rocío or his mother's knitting. Beto is going to have to work harder. Facundo does not want any more of these temper tantrums from him.

Back at the Velasco's, Isabel is still in a state of shock. The boutique was her life's dream. She begs him to get it back. Santiago can't do this to her. He has already. He tells that her that her crocodile tears are more false than her "designer label" shoes. Samtiago reminds her of this would have happened if she would have won Facundo's heart. Facundo is so happy he is beaming. She says he is taking revenge out on her, not Facundo. Santiago tells her to think what she wants: it is over. Now he wants her to put on her false designer label shoes and grab her false designer label bag because they are going to the police station. They are going to withdraw the complaint that she filed against María because if they don't Facundo has threatened to sue them for what she did to him with the drugs to get him in that hotel room and he has proof. With that proof she will spend a whole longer time in prison than he ever will. He can even see her in her little striped outfit.

At the Carmona's, the whole family is watching tv with their 3D glasses and eating popcorn when there is a knock at the door. It is Santiago who is there to tell Facundo and María that the charges against María have been dropped. He wants them to know that filing them in the first place was never his idea. He and Facundo shake. Granny gives him a hand full of popcorn and he is gone.

At the Velasco's, Isabel is cleaning up a storm in her room. Alejandra tells her she needs her school uniform washed and ironed for tomorrow and Isabel's response is to ask her father. Rodío is there and says she will take care of it. Rocío tells Isabel she never has seen her so depressed. (Is her cleaning a sign of her depression???) Isabel tells Rocío about dropping the charges, losing the shop, etc.
she rails against Santiago. Why? Rocío suggest maybe because they have no money. Then they are discussing the money Santiago swindled from Facundo. Rocío hopes he returns it some day. Isabel says don't hold your breath. Isabel wants Rocío to help her. She is out of there to her own room.

Part 4

Rocío calls Beto to tell him the best news in the world.

María has a nightmare. In her dream she awakens in her bed and Isabel pops up in between her and Facundo. She says Facundo invited her this time. María calls her a witch so Isabel talks like one and disappears to another part of the room, maría tries to get rid of her but Isabel awakens Facundo who sticks up for her and tells María to leave her alone. He is going to take Isabel to her home because he is the one who rules the household and the "macho" of the whole region. From now on he is going to treat Isabel with a lot of love, adoration, etc. They are in each other's arms as they leave. Facundo's final order for María : when he gets back from Isabel's, he wants María to make him some coffee with those cookies that he likes. María wakes up screaming and wakes up Facundo, too. She is a nervous wreck. He asks if she is still his María. He was says she is his "María bonita","his negrita linda"just like Agustín Lara says. He comforts her.

Back at the university the next day, Francis is making fun of Carmen as she is trying to eat her lunch in peace again calling her "pinky pork" for starters. Diego hears it and has had enough. He stands up on a chair in the commons area and makes a public announcement about Francis: her dad just married her mother for the money, she invents false pregnancies and her only way of getting attention is being annoying to others. Francis is reduced to tears.

Santiago is skulking around the offices and leaves a box of files in the hall. Facundo picks up the box and brings it to Santiago who starts complaining about his small offfice. Facundo has a serious question for Santiago. He wants to know the number of the person that Isabel leased her boutique from. It turns out he wants to buy the property from the owner so he can give Isabel a play to sell her knitting. Santiago says says Isabel is not going to like that. Facundo says he does not care because Isabel doesn't have a dog in the fight. Santiago finally gives him the number.

Back at the university, Diego is on a roll. Even Carmen tries to get him to stop telling the great secrets of Francis. Carmen apologizes for it all. Francis keeps insulting her saying she doesn't want anything from her but that she is going to pay and she will get her where it will hurt her the most. Diego has to hold Carmen back from going after her.


Part 5

It is dinner time at the Velasco's again. Pizza is on the menu with orange soda. Isabel actually admits the pizza isn't so bad. She tells Santiago it would be just perfect if he weren't there. He asks if the problem is that there is pepperoni on the pizza or that the pizza is not Mexican. Neither. The real problem is that he did not fight to keep her boutique. So he can go. She hates him. Santiago has some news for Isabel. She is hoping that it is that Santiago is dying. Felipe finds exception with that. She says she is only joking. Nobody has a sense of humor. Santiago tells Rocío to give Isabel the news: the owner of the property wants her things out asap that afternoon. Rocío will take care of that. Santiago is beaming again as he entices Isabel with the reason everything has to be removed so soon. Because the property was sold that very morning and has a new owner. Isabel presumes that the person who bought it must want her clients and prestige. They robbed her. She asks if they know who the new owner is. Yes, they do! Who? Mary!!!! Santiago smiles and enjoys his pizza even more. Rocío just smiles. Isabel is upset.

El fin


María sure has more of a problem in the Facundo department than I originally thoight. I could not believe the exchange and activity between him and Estefany. Then I really disliked how he was able to manipulate María into thinking she did not see or interpret correctly what she had witnessed. I hope she cleans his clock but good in the coming episodes.

It was so nice seeing Isabel stuck having to see Esteban everyday and stuck working full time with Santiago on his revenge plan.

I loved seeing Santiago just so smiley when he knew he could stick it to Isabel.

That is all for now.


Great recap, Jarifa. Thanks.

I'm torn. Isa deserves everything she's getting, but I still find myself feeling sorry for her.

I'm beginning to think that maybe Fac wasn't so faithful in the pueblo.



Jarifa, our comments crossed.

Jarifia, thank you for the recap. I rarely look in but have kept one eye on the show but seems every time I do Facundo is disrespecting his wife. Consistently condescending.

Jarifa, thank you. "Consistently condescending" perfectly describes Facu's behavior with Maria (learned behavior obviously acceptable to him; look who raised him).

Nanette, after his exchange with Estefany, I wonder what Facundo really is like. Has he always had a wandering eye? Has he ever gone beyond just talk? Besides shocking in its own little way, it was a very interesting and funny scene with Estefany.

Tofie, Facundo has had some interesting moments indeed. I cannot wait until María gets her business going and is not waiting for him at home "pendiente" 24/7 and her old suitor Florencio appears. Might give old Facundo a run for his money.

I am loving this one!



Anon 6:36, yes, look to who raised him! : )


Two corrections part 3:

Santiago reminds her none if this would have happened if she would have win Facundo's heart.

Santiago is "beaming" with joy/not Facundo.


Thanks, Jarifa. Fantastic storytelling. I appreciate all the detail, especially all the dialogue between Fac and Estefany that I didn't catch.

In his defense, Fac was a big flirt with an ojo alegre back in San Bartolo, but he's never slept with another woman during his marriage to Maria. Early on, Maria and Perpetua were talking about his ojo alegre, but Maria was feeling there was something different with Isa. Also, when Fac was drugged and put in bed with Isa, he was devastated and told Isa he'd never cheated on Maria before and I believe him.

Coming to the city and getting rich, both which give him more options from the ladies, has gone to Fac's head. Smacking Estefany on the butt would've been so wrong, and I can't wait for Maria to get to bucket.

Maria's dream/nightmare was a hoot! Especially Fac telling her to have the coffee and cookies he likes ready for him when he returns from taking care of Isa. Hmmm, seems deep down Maria has Fac's number.

No pity for Isa from me. Esteban is putting the screws to her like she's putting them to Maria. Isa never did diddly squat with the boutique and was cruel in how she fired that employee. She's an idiot for not telling Santi the truth, instead of dealing with Esteban who seems nuts now. What's is Isa's biggest fear? Losing her prestige and money, or losing the affection of her kids? She never though-bubbles about losing the kids, so I guess its losing her high social status.

Thanks, Jarifa! Excellent recap.

Very happy that the boutique is now in Maria's hands. And I loved seeing Isa trying to do housework. Funny that she says the boutique was her life when she hardly ever went there, and really just used it as her personal closet and bank account to withdraw money whenever she wanted. I thought Santiago said that none of this would be happening has SHE not fallen in love with Facundo?

I admire Carmen for feeling bad for Francis and wanting Diego to stop telling her business. But Francis immediately proved she's not worth the sympathy. How does she decided to get further revenge on Carmen when it was Diego telling her business and Carmen trying to stop him. Her obsession with Carmen is getting sick. Thank you Diego for standing up for Carmen and fitting fire with fire (something Feli never did).

Niecie- Looks like we had the same thoughts about Isa and the boutique.

Typo- Fighting not fitting.

Maria's dream definitely shows she knows that Fac's behavior with both her and Isa is problematic. That crazy dream highlighted everything we have seen. Fac defending Isa to the point of disrespecting Maria. Fac belittling Maria. Fac being dazzled by Isa while expecting Maria to fulfill her little wifey role in the background, no arguments about it. Isa (figuratively) coming between them in their marital bed and marriage.

Of course, then Fac's words as they cuddled were no words of comfort as he states that she is the SAME little Maria. Guess what, Fac? Maria has already been changing, and you can bet she'll change even more when she becomes a business woman. Watch out, buddy!

Niecie, I have no sympathy for Isabel either. She was always at home doing nothing but being a lady of leisure. Now she is going to miss the boutique? Please!

Vivi, I checked my notes and you are right. Santiago did say none of this would have happened if she had not fallen in love with Facundo. If I remember correctly this is not the first time he has said it either. I really enjoyed Diego and his truth telling about Francis. Bullies often need to be confronted in kind to feel the kind of pain they cause others. I was disappointed that Carmen tried to stop him to spare Francis. Diego did a good thing.


Thank you so much, Jarifa. Most of the dialogue during the Estefy and Facundo scene went right over my head. I appreciate all the detail you put in to that. I thought Fac had made some progress. Boy was a I wrong.

I was also a little uncomfortable with Diego airing all of Francis' dirty laundry... Until Francis threatened Carmen. Why didn't Feli ever do something like that?

After the nightmare I don't seem to recall Fac saying he loved Maria. Yes, he said she was the same Maria "who loves ME." Did I hear wrong?

Sara- You did not hear wrong. I noticed that too.

Good. Then I will add that to the list of things that are making me indignant. It really bothered me.

Sara, you are right. It was all about him.


Oh, but on a happy note the party was mentioned again. So far it still looks like a go.

Not enough animals in this episode. Calling Estefy a viper and a pirhana doesn't count. ;)

Sara, who is the new avatar? I don't think I quite recognize him.


If we are to get to the party, then Maria's going to have to stick with her new policy of smiling, gritting her teeth and rolling with Fac's missteps. Otherwise, if she blows up, that party isn't going to happen. And we want that party to happen, dammit.

Barry Gibb. He's inspired by Sombra.

One more thing I liked (though I don't know why it tickled me)-when Santi said the new owner was MARY. Have I made my weekly declaration about Ernesto yet? He's great!

Just conjecture- Maria is going to grin and bear it and get her party... And then something will happen and she'll blow up at the party.

Sara- I'm counting on that. I hope this party is the biggest disaster party yet. Although, if Fac and Maria fall apart during their anniversary party, the kids would be devastated. I'm not looking forward to that.

Sara, thanks. Wow! That is a blast from my past. Time goes by so fast.

I also cannot wait for party time and all of their country friends coming to celebrate. That should give us some laughs.

A question: Why does Francis always call Carmen a pig as if it were a bad thing? LOL

A solution to the Francis problem: sic Margarito on her!!!


I will be livid if the party goes off without a hitch. I have come to expect disaster and I don't want to be let down.

But I would hate for Fac and Maria to have a come apart, so I think Jarifa has a good disaster idea- Margarito attacks Isa!

Aw man, Jarifa... The first thing I meant to say after thank you was that I thought the title was just marvelous! Titles are the hardest thing to me.

Wonderful recap!!

Felt bad for Beto when his dad was getting on him about spending too much time with Rocio and worrying about his Mom! What, so the feeling of the women don't count?

Why do we never see Beto at school? We see Carmen there all the time. And why is Beto never studying? I don't get the sense that schooling was important for him back at the ranch so he should be struggling a bit in college.

I was glad Diego stood up to Frances and Vivi was right that Feli never did. Come on Carmen give Diego a chance!!!!

Niecie so true that Maria's dream proved she has Fac's number.

Not sure how Maria is going to fill a whole shop just with her knitted shawls. I guess it is good that Fac bought the whole building so won't have to worry about making rent or a profit for a while.

It was nice to see Santi "winning" against Isa, even if it meant he has another ally against Fac.

Gosh I hope the party happens soon!

Sara, I feel like thanking you for this opportunity since I had so much fun with this capítulo's recap last night. Just me, my tablet, some vino and my videotape. I cannot wait until tonight! I am sure it will be another good one. Aren't they all so far? To me they are.

Carvivlie, I also felt sorry for Beto because Facundo's criticism of him seemed to come out of nowhere. No more tantrums for him!

As you all could tell my favorite scene was the Estefany-Facundo flirtation scene. Besides being hilarious, it was the first time I saw Facundo off the leash (so to speak) and free to be his flirtatious self. Quite the smooth operator! Estefany sure knows how to play him. I loved Facundo comparing her to a snake. She has been very snake like from the very beginning.

Of course the dream sequence was precious especially capoed off with Facundo's request for coffee and those cookies he likes after his amorous interlude with Isabel.

I never have seen Santiago so happy. His "red rose" lapel pin or whatever it is was replaced by a dark grey one last night. Again it looked like it was made of plastic or something. Very odd.

Just too much that I enjoyed last night.



I was talking to Flaco about this TN and how much fun it is and I mentioned the big secret Isa has and he told me that he saw what it was a long time ago (he's been catching bits and pieces). Isa and Santi were talking about it in a scene. It does concern Rocio and her turning 19. I can't believe that it's the whole secret otherwise why would they keep harping on it and not mention it again. Maybe someone did catch it here and I missed it. It's not really a spoiler but I didn't want to reveal it if you guys wanted to stay in the dark--I'm sure it will be revealed again later. I questioned Flaco to make sure it wasn't something he read, or saw scenes that we haven't seen before, and he said no.

Nanette: Rocio turned 19 awhile ago so why hasn't anything happened? It can't be the whole secret bec Isa is worried about Santi finding out something. Since it hasn't been discussed further on the show I would rather stay in the dark. Lucky you for being in on it!

I don't think the secret has been revealed to the audience yet. Had it already been said out loud and plainly, they would have had it repeated multiple times since then to get any new audience members up to speed. At the point, only Isa, Esteban, and mystery person on the phone with Isa, know the secret(s).

Carvivlie: I agree, there has to be more than one secret since Isa was talking to Santi about this one. Flaco was very sure of what he heard. I won't reveal it, though. Anyone wants to know, they can e-mail me.

Clarification: Flaco is not sure if Isa told Santi or thought bubbled the info.

If the secret is so damaging I wonder how Isa could have let it out of the bag to Esteban? Maybe in a moment of weakness. Or maybe he knew her before Santi and was around while it was all going down? I hope some of it is revealed soon.

Jarifa-your words mean a lot to me. I am so glad you are having fun. I know I love reading your recaps. I especially love your enthusiasm for the comedies. I know this one a little different from others, but I am so glad you and the rest of the patio are here to enjoy it. I'm counting this one as my first comedy since I am watching it from the beginning and every episode. If it weren't for you and Marta, I don't think I would have had the stamina to keep up with recaps, so I am really grateful to you both. Thanks to y'all's help, we've been able to keep the patio open.

Nanette-ARGH!!!!! the temptation!!! Don't be surprised if you get an email from me this week.


It's time for Fac to have a little competition. Bring on Florencio!

Niecie: that is what's so weird for me. Isa deserves everything she's getting and more, yet when she cries, I begin to feel sorry for her!! I can kind of understand where Fac is coming from when she acts like that in front of him. Oh no!! Can't believe I just wrote that.

I felt sorry for Frances too, until she turned on Carmen, who was trying to be nice, in spite of the horrible things Frances has said and done to her.

I expect the shop will have hand made shawls and Rocio designed dresses.


I promise I'm a kind teacher in the classroom and the kids mean the world to me but...SAVE THE TEARS FOR SOMEONE WHO CARES.

Nope, not an ounce of pity for Isa. She is emotionally abusing Ale and Rocio. She is no victim and she's made her bed. She many not turn in her assignment late! 0 in the gradebook!

Some of the things Isa does literally makes my mouth drop open. However, there's a vulnerability about her that I see glimpses of and then I feel sorry for her and then she does something else and I don't. It's a seesaw.

She does cry beautifully and she's got big, brown Bambi eyes.

You guys are starting to sound like Sati and Facundo. Suckers! Next thing you know, you'll start calling her Puchis. ;-)


Vivi: you're cracking me up!! I don't think I'll go so far as to call her Puchis.

Forgot to say how much of a hoot I thought Esteban's reaction to kissing Isa was. The guy is seriously delusional.

Recap will be up as usual late p.m. early a.m.


Was the epsiode good? I haven't seen it. WAH!!!!!!!!!

Yes, it was. Hope you can see it later.


Me too!

Capítulo #59 6/18/15 "Old Crises, New Crises and Facundo Does His Job as a Father"

Part 1

Facundo, Beto, and Granny Perpétua are bringing a blindfolded María into her new shop as they sing a piñata breaking song. On the count of three, she takes off her blindfold and does not know what she is doing in Isabel's boutique. Facundo tells her that it is now her shop and is his gift to her for their vow renewal. She is overwhelmed. Facundo tells her he has his company and she has her shop so she won't be so bored. She doesn't have to think about housework. All she has to do is work on her shawls, ponchos, ruanas, etc. They kiss. Granny wants to get an altar set up to St. Jude asap to rid the shop of any bad vibes that Isabel might have left behind.

At the same time, Isabel and Santiago are arguing in their bedroom about her boutique. She is upset about marginal people having bought the boutique. She wants to know how they bought it when they wouldn't sell to her after she had rented all those years. Santiago tells her that the Carmona's had the money. He calls her "Puchicita" (isn't that special???) and tells her it is all about solidarity not money. They can sink the Carmona's together. He wants some action but Isabel isn't giving in. With or without his help she is not going to just lick her wounds, she is going to fight to get her boutique back. Santiago tells her that now she knows how he felt when that corn planting rancher took over his company. Isabel has some more of her drops and on it goes escalating until they end up throwing pillows at each other. Alejandra, Rocío and Felipe overhear it all and Alejandra is so upset she is in tears. Rocío and Felipe take her to the Carmona's where Conchita comforts her and she gets a warm welcome and an invitation to play with Susana and Jacinto. As he is leaving, Carmen comes in and wants to explain to Felipe about Diego. He says she doesn't have to tell him anything. He calls Diego stupid and says he must have brainwashed her. He hopes they will be happy together. He cuts it short and leaves Carmen with her mouth hanging open.

Felipe arrives at the office only to find a very upset Francis waiting for him. She needs someone to talk to she feels so bad and tries to guilt him into it since they went out for two whole years together. He has no idea how Diego treated her. Felipe is not happy to see her, tells her to have some dignity, and it is it is his work place. Facundo comes out wondering what all the ruckus is and recognizes Francis as always being all frenzied and screaming like she has diarrhea. She tells Facundo she is on the verge of a mervous breakdown due to his daughter. First she stole Felipe and now that she is Diego's novia she is making ner life impossible. That hits Facundo like a ton of bricks. He had no idea Carmen had a novio and is not pleased. Francis points oit it is one thing to just be going out, another to have the title of "novia." Francis just smiles as Facundo rumbles off.

Part 2

Facundo has come home in the middle of the day and is bellowing for Carmen to come out. He asks her straightaway why he had to find out that she and Diego were novios from Francis, why she hid it ffrom him. He wants to know if they are novios. She says they are. They sit down to talk. He want to know if they is how they brought her up. No. He gave her permission to go out with Diego to get to know each other as friends not so they would become novios. She knew he would be angry. Beto is going out with Rocío and he says nothing. His excuse is that Beto is older. He is concerned that Diego has had his hands on her. She assures him he has not and that he respects her. That is still not good enough for Facundo so he tells Carmen that he wants Diego to come over tonight so that he can have a man to man talk with him. Carmen looks worried and embarrassed.

At María's new shop, Granny and Beto are helping her get organized when Rocío comes in to collect her aunt's things. María asks her to come work for her and help her oit. Rocío is really happy and accepts. The happiness does not last long because Isabel is the next one to enter the shop. She calls Rocío a traitor. María asks Rocío to nelp with some other boxes so that she can talk alone with Isabel. Isabel is on a rant telling "social climber" María that just because she has her store doesn't mean she is going to turn out to be like her. María assures her that is that that is the last thing she would want because she is happy with who she is and what she has and she knows that Isabel knows that is not limited to the store. Isabel accuses her of robbing her of her boutique she calls her a "below normal peasant" and Beto comes over to tell Isabel that that is enough of insulting his mother in her own shop. He tells to take her things and go. Isabel says she will send someone to get her stuff. She starts screaming at Rocío again and gives María her parting shot about how María has ended up with her Conchita, her boutique, her niece and nephew but she will see that María is going to end up with something that is going to even hurt worse. She tells her her husband is just his tiny bit from falling into her arms. It hurts because María knows it is true. Facundo will be hers. They all just stare as she leaves and calls Rocío a traitor one more time for good measure.

The next scene is the living room at the Carmona house. Susana, Margarito, Alejandra, and Jacinto are all there on the floor working on school stuff quietly while Granpappy Porfirio is snoring away and the tv is on. Conchita asks if they might be able to concentrate better with the tv turned off. Alejandra says it would be better to turn off the bear (Porfirio). Boy genius Jacinto then gives a lecture on how and why people snore complete with statistics. He invites Alejandra to come study with him some time since he has not wet his pants in a while. The door bell rings and it is Andrés who has come over to study. He says that he knows that Susana was the one that wrote him the note about liking him and he likes her, too. That is more than poor Alejandra can handle and she packs up and leaves saying she is going home. She tells Andrés that Jacinto wrote the note for Alejandra. It's Alejandra who likes him..

Part 3

Later that evening at the Carmona household, Diego has arrived wearing a pair of sunglasses amd ks sitting on the couch. Carmen tels him to take them off that her dad will want to see his eyes. The whole family appears with Susana and Jacinto each with kne boxing glove on leading the way. Facundo menacingly comes to the fromt of the group. He makes a comment about the sun burning and Diego takes off his sunglasses and stands up. Granny starts in about how he doesn't know how it is when Facundo gets angry. Jacinto waves his boxing glove saying he does not know Facundo Carmona. Susana has her glove and fist up saying that maybe there will be blows and blood might run. Diego greets them all and says how happy he is to be in the Carmona house amd sits back down. Faciundo takes a carrot out and sticks it in Diego's face and asks who gave him permission to talk. He then starts chomping on the carrot. He tells Carmen that Diego is not well educated and does not want to waste time. Facundo asks when is the wedding. Carmen is shocked and starts talking about them only being at the start of their noviazgo, just getting to know each other, having to finish their studies, etc.,. There will be no marriiage soon. María talks about how young people are doing the noviazgo thins way now. A big discussion ensues. Diego asks to speak and says he loves Carmen, will take care of her protect her, and will do all he can to make her happy. He asks if Facundo approves of that. Facundo passes the decision to Granpappy Granpappy tells diego to take his sunglasses off because he put them back on again. Carmen smiles.

At Esteban's, Estefanh is cooking somehting up but it is not food even though she has a chef's hat and apron ln. It smells horrible. Esteban says it smells like fox and broccoli. When she said she was cooking he expected something like chicken broth for a convalescent like him. Sje is stin king up his apartment. She has done it on purpose. Rather than learning how to cook for Facindo she is going to blackmail him Esteban. It is witchcraft she learned about on the internet and his place will continue to stink forever like a rotten fox unless he tells her why he is protecting Isabel. Esteban just drinks.

Back at the Carmona's, a carrot chomping Facundo asks if Diego in fromt of the whole family knows what "criadillas" are. He doesn't. Facindo laughs. How could he not know? Boy genius Jacinto steps up to explain that in Spain "criadillas" are the gastronomical term given to bull testicles. This is followed by a threat. Facundo tells him that if he hurts his daughter he will be eating his "criadillas". (On Univision they censored the "criadillas" not in the definition but in the threat--it was in the original version I tracked down). Diego looks scared. It is all very funny with Facundo still chomping on his carrot.

Esteban is still drinking and calling Estefany crazy. He tells her she will have to think of doing something else. She grabs some bunches of herbs and starts shaking them and rubbing them all over on the furniture and walls and him. She even does a little strip number taking off her apron. Esteban says he has seen it all before and that she is going to have to come up with something better for some info otherwise he will be keeping his secret to himself. Estefany starts sprinkling water all over and then the door bell rings.

Back to the Carmona's, Diego is going to have to listen to the 10 commandments of the Carmona family written by Granpappy
Conchita tries to put in a good word for Diego but brings up the fact that he was somebody else's novio which made him sound worse.
Facundo gives them permission to be novios. The door bell rings.


Part 4

It is Rocío who has come to pick up Alejandra. The problem is that Alejandra is not at the Carmona's. She left hours ago to go home. Nobody knows where she is.

At the Velasco's, Isabel is blaming Felipe and Beto for leaving Alejandra at the Carmona's. Felipe is blaming them for their fighting that drove her out in the first place Isabel is trying to call Alejandra on her cell phone and of course taking more of her tranquilizing drops. Alejandra's cell phone is turned off. They all go running off (to where who knows ) to find Alejandra.

Back at Esteban's it is some neighbors who have come on by to inform them that they are representatives from the neighbors advisory board to tell them about the complaints that have been made about the terrible smell coming from their apartment. People are even saying that there was a murder there and they are trying to get rid of the body by soaking it in acid in the bath tub. Esteban abandons Esteban telling the representatives that the only one responsible for the stench is that beautiful woman Estefany. She only has a small problem. She does not know how to cook. Estefany tries to garner some sympathy by tellkng a sob story about being a beautriful woman and not knowing how to cook. Esteban says she was trying to help him by trying a llttle cooking but now he is doing better. He suggests that she go before his neighbors throw her is a dumpster. The representatives insist that she do one thing before going.

Carmen is talking to Susana. She is starting to feel trapped by her noviazgo with Diego simce her dad gabe them his permission. She realizes she has lost her Felipe. She is not a happy camper. Susan calls her really silly being upset over that when Alejandra is missing and that is something to really get upset about.

The neighbor reps are having Estefany clean the whole apartment before she leaves. After she is done, Esteban then is interested in sending a memo to the security delartment so that Estefany is prohibited from entering his apartment. They start talking statutes. Esteban just does not want Estefany coming back into his apartment and cooking again. The female rep says they will take care of it at the next board meeting so Estefany will never be able to get in his building again. Esteban tells Estefany goodbye several different ways. He does not want her back in his apartment. Estefany says she has been thrown out of better buildings than that.

Alejandra is still missing. At the Carmona's, Beto comforts Rocío and gives her hope that Alejandra will show up. Granny takes very upset Conchita to the kitchen to make her some tila tea to help her calm down..

At the Velasco's, Isabel is popping pills and crying one more time.Santiago sarcastically calls ner the "mother of the year". Her daughter goes missing and she just takes pills.she is nervous. Santiago says they all are nervous. She should be out looking for her daughter rather than inside takkng pills. She just does not want to be bothered. The phone rings and it is Esteban. He bought a burner phone so that his identification would not be revealed. He knows that if she saw his name she would be capable okf not answering him. Santiago wants to know who it is. She tells him it is a wrong number. Santiago tells her to hang up but she sits there like a deer in the headlghts. She finally hangs up. They start bickering again. Santiago is going out again to look for Alejandra. She thinks he is being nice to be hugging her but then he starts to grab her. She didn't agree to that. Santiago leaves to go look for Alejandro and Isabel is left home alone and upset.

El fin


Thank you so much, Jarifa! You got a great episode! And did you say you do these on a tablet? AMAZING! thank you for tracking down an uncensored episode. Why take out the word in one case, but leave it in the definition? Really stupid.

I was really disappointed in Carmen. While Diego was getting grilled by the family I thought maybe she was very sure about being his novia. Then she went and whined about being trapped in the noviazgo. It bummed me out. It took a of courage to tell the whole family that he wanted to care for her and protect her and make her happy.

Another great episode last night eventhough the Estefany/Esteban stenchy apartment plot sure felt like filler.

I enjoyed Facundo putting Diego through his paces while chomping on his carrot and of course Susana with her fists up and her "one" boxing glove.

Carmen still has it bad for "Feli". Not good that she is feeling trapped in her now formalized "noviazgo". She should be kind and just cut Diego loose.

I hope thet find Alejandra soon but then again it orobably will be soon since the action is fast and the plot lines short in most cases. Maybe tonight?

Maybe next week for the party? sure hope so.


Jarifa- Thank you for this fabulous recap.

Loved Maria taking over her boutique and hiring Rocio. I hope Beto tells Facundo about Isa's blatant bragging about taking him from Maria. He'll just brush it off if Maria or Perpetua tell him Isa said that.

The Estefi Esteban scenes were funny. Even if they were filler. Those two are hilarious together.

I was proud of Diego for facing the whole family and being so honest about his feelings for Carmen. Which made me even more disappointed in her when she whined about being trapped and losing Feli. Can we bring in a new love interest for Diego, please.

I cracked up when Santi's hug with Isa turned amorous. Any bit of affection from her gets his motor running. I'm sure Ale will be found by the next episode. Poor girl. Nothing is going well for her.

Vivi, I so agree about Carmen. She knows by now that Diego just doesn't do it for her so she should be fair enough to let him go even if Felipe were no longer interested or available. Is it just more important to her to have a boyfriend at this point?

I am really enjoying Nora Salinas. She is so funny. That brings me to another point. What continually amazes me is how so many Mexican actors are equally good at both drama and comedy as compared to the US where that is not the norm.

Thank you, Sara, yes, it is me and my ipad and the vcr, ( sometimes the chromecast and youtube) all centered on my cozy couch. It would be amazing with less typos but I appreciate your compliment. Unfortunately the desk top is in another room. Thinking more about the "criadillas" threat. It was totally in character for Facundo to say something like that. I am sure their target audience knew what he was saying. Heck, I knew but just had to confirm it before I would post it. Maybe they thought it was too rough/graphic of a comment for here in the US. Do they not realize that their target audience in the US is the same as in Mexico? Always leaves me wondering.



I meant to say something yesterday about how fun your recapping sessions sound, Jarifa.

I am always impressed with how versatile the Televisa actors are. Don't a lot of them sing, too?

I like Diego and I like Feli. Carmen is a different matter. She's wearing thin. What she is doing to Diego is cruel.

I loved Maria telling Isa that she didn't want to be like her and she was happy with who she is. Maria is so happy to have that boutique. I love seeing her joy.

On the censorship - they've been so oddly inconsistent. Remember when they kept bleeping Negra?

Sara, so true about the censorship being inconsistent. On the positive side, "Amores con trampa" is probably the one with the least amount of censorship I have seen.

It was good to see María truly happy. She usually looks just so burdened (which she has been for good reason with Facundo)

I also liked the very familial scene with Jacinto, Susana and Alejandra all working on schoolwork in the living room on the floor with the tv and granpappy snoring away in the background.

How much longer to the party? I hope nothing comes up that pushes it farther back. Will Hilda be invited? She is another one along with Isabel and Francis that I have no sympathy for. The writers can't tell me anything about any one of those three that would change my mind. So there! Guess I had my say! : )


You tell 'em, Jarifa!

Oh those three are the trifecta of mean and spiteful. I'm at that table with you.

Murci totally stole the snoring scene. I didn't pay attention to Jacinto's snoring lecture because I was too busy watching Murci smile.

Yes, he does have a wonderful smile!


Jarifa: love the recap.

I think Carmen has been trying to convince herself that she cares more for Diego than she does. She knows what a great guy he is. He's certainly been there for her when Feli hasn't. However, I believe it really hit home to her when them being novios became official that she really can't make herself love him like she should since she's in love with Feli.


Nanette, very well put! Now how long before she does the right thing?


Thanks, Jarifa. Simply sensational storytelling.

ITA about Carmen. This would be the second straight time Diego gets dumped for another guy. She likes Diego (who wouldn't?), but I'm also wondering if she wanted to give Feli a little payback, let him see how she felt when he was with Frances. Of course, it's not comparable because Feli was with Frances when Carmen first met him.

How tacky of Isa to brag in front of Fac's son that Fac is almost hers. Vivi, I hope Beto tells his dad this, but the thing is Fac (like Santi) feels that Isa deep inside is a good person whose hard shell can be cracked. Her bad ways don't turn him off. When Maria caught them together at the spa, Isa told Maria (right in front of Fac and Santi) that Fac was there with her because he preferred her to Maria. At that moment Fac just winced, but didn't say anything like "Isa shut the f up, don't disrespect my wife." That's when I started setting up a table for Florencio. I want to see Fac suffer with Isa and realize Maria is the best thing that ever happened to him.

So much happens every episode. I left the room for a moment while watching and "poof!" Alejandra had run away from home. I'm glad Susanna told Andres the truth about the note. Hope she stays her no-nonsense self.

Jarifa: I think she'll stay with him out of guilt for a little while.

I have to say I did like that Feli told her not to let Frances drive her away from school even after he found out she was novios with Diego. But I didn't like how he let Frances rant on to Fac without trying to do anything about it.

Niecie, see you at the Florencio table! I cannot wait for him to shake things up. Sure hope he does.


Thanks Jarifa awesome recap i hope they find ale i can't wait for the party Maria looked so happy to have her own business she will make it a success estfany making estebon apartment smell bad was funny then cleaning it up ai Carmen she should have just let Diego go he is going to get hurt poor thing i can't wait for florencio to show up i have a question for all of you guys if some how the writer's turn Diego back to the he was or worse would you guys still like him i haven't been here in a while but i have a sick grandpa to take care of so i don't have a lot of time but every once in a while i will come back to read everyone wonderful recaps

Eva!-I'm glad to see you, but I hate to hear about your sick grandpa. I will keep him in my thoughts. Now for your question-I will be so sad if they make Diego back to the way he was. He's made so much progress!

Niecie- The mental image of you setting up a Florencio table has me giggling. In the little movie I've made up in my head you are gumbling about Fac.

Nanette-I think Carmen is trying hard to like Diego...but it's not working. I'm trying to feel sorry for her. I just can't seem to muster it right now. Diego declaring his intentions to Fac was just so sweet.

Eva: glad to see you. I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather.

Sara: Don't forget, this is all new to Carmen.

I hope they don't make Diego backslide.

Sara thank you i come to this place because for a while i forget what's going on it helps me to deal with what's going on about 8 months ago i lost my grandma to the same thing my grandpa is going through but i am sure everything will turn out just fine and indo hope that Diego doesn't go back to how he or worse i will still like him i just hope he finds a nice girl and i hope the writer's don't put him with Francis Nanette thank you very much

Eva: so sorry to hear about your grandmother. This is a great community to come to when you need solace.

I guess if Diego does turn to the dark side and Frances stays the same they would deserve each other; however, I'd rather see a good Diego and a reformed Frances if they hook them up.

OT: does anyone hear watch Korean TV?

Evangelina, you are back! I am happy that you were able to come by to visit but am sorry to hear that your grandfather is sick. I never thought of Diego going back to how he was or worse. That would be some change. Very interesting possibility.


OT for Nanette - YES! I've watched some Korean shows. Not a lot but I've loved the ones I've seen.

Sara: I stumbled across one a few weeks ago: The Girl Who Sees Smells. LOVING IT!!!

That looks interesting, Nanette! I may try and watch the first episode this weekend.

Jarifa-I did watch the first episode of PESE and really liked it. I will have to watch more. It was really cute.

Eva - So sorry to hear your grandfather is not well. Hope it helps to know that others feel for what your family is going through.

Now that you bring up Diego going bad, I can envision that happening if Carmen doesn't treat him right. She needs to own up to him about her feelings for Feli and call off this noviazgo before it gets started. I can just see Frances taunting him about being a wuss for Carmen.

Glad you enjoyed it, Sara. Lots of great performances beyond Camil, like Jesús Ochoa and Patty Navidad.


Sara: I missed the first 8 eps or so, but I don't want to know what happened. I'm having fun trying to figure things out.

Nanette thank you it was hard at first but i learned that she's in a better place i just remember her by the good things Jarifa thank you as well he is doing better today yeah it would be some change if Diego went dark or be worse i just hope he doesn't end up with Francis niecie thank you i am grateful to have this community for support i agree Niecie yeah Carmen needs to own up to not wanting to be with Diego just let him down before he gets really hurt

Caray is the best, Eva! We love to see you, even if it can't be every day. Is that Diego in your avatar? That's awesome. You are a big fan. LOL. You can sit at the head of the Diego table.

I'm glad your grandfather was doing better today.


Sara i agree caray is the best yeah it is Diego when he first started talking to Carmen and yay i am at the head of the table i needed a change in avatar i am a big wrestling fan so i had that old one way to long i am glad my grandpa is doing better today to and thanks

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