Monday, June 29, 2015

Amores con trampa #66 and #67 6/29/15 and 6/30/15

From Friday
Estefy and Maria are going out for a girl day.

The Panzón tells Florenico Gallardo that Maria and Fac are having trouble. Florencio wants to put a smile back on Maria’s face.

Florencio wastes no time in calling the Carmonas. Perpetua wastes no time in hanging up on him.

Fac is NOT happy about El Panzón spreading gossip. Perptetua asks what Fac is going to do. Florencio was always in love with Maria and now that he’s a widower, he may try and win her back. Fac knows Maria loves him. Perpetua and Fac decide not to tell that Maria about Florencio’s calls. They unplug the phone.

Rocio is dressed for the opening and she looks lovely with her hair down and in bright colors. She gives a picture of Isabel to the security guard and tell him that the person in the picture is not to be allowed in. Beto comes to see Rocio. (That kiss he lays on her shoulder is pretty hot.) He’s already gone to the registro civil to make arrangements for their wedding. She tells him they can’t get married. She just doesn’t want any problems between the families. She wants to marry Beto, but Maria is trusting her now and Rocio doesn’t wasn’t to ruin that relationship. Beto is very upset by that. They worked so hard to get permission from their parents. He eventually convinces her to take the ring back and marry him.

Maria returns home from her shopping and spa day with Estefany. Fac is beset by his animated inner demon and angel. “She’s been with Florencioooo. Look how prettily made up she is ” “Noooo don’t listen to that devil, he’s as bad as Florencio.” He asks where she was looking so pretty. He keeps telling her how pretty she is and trying to kiss her. She tells him to forget it. She’s going to worry about her things from now on. She tells Fac about Isa not being allowed at the opening. Fac clutches María and asks if anyone has been calling her. Well, a lot of people have. The press, Frederick Versanchez. She tells him about Estefy being her new model. Fac continues to interrogate Maria. She she seen anyone? He changes the subject. He needs a new shirt for the opening. She tells him to go buy one, but he starts pouting. She’s always gone with him. What does he have to do so she’ll believe him. She doesn’t know. Fac rips off his shirt. Do y’all need me to go back and find out which sleeve he takes off first? (María really cracked me up in this scene.)

Santi goes to see Estefany. (Her traditional Mexican dress is gorgeous!) He informs her that there is a clause in the contract that says he can sell the apartment whenever he wants. And he has an eviction notice. She needs to move out and ya. She asks him if he’s fallen in love with another woman. He refuses to answer. It’s funny because it seems like they aren’t even talking about Puchis. He seems very reluctant to answer and she starts yelling about him being in love with another woman. Then he keeps yelling “No neighbors! I”m not in love with another woman!” They settle down, but Estefy sadly asks again who he has fallen in love with. Still no answer.

Fac goes to get a shirt. Isa has followed him. Stalking is not in the least but funny to me. She traps him in the dressing room with her. She attacks him when he tries to leave. He may be telling her “No, no. You mean nothing to me. Please leave me alone.” but every word he utters is punctuated by one of her kisses and he ain’t fightin’ that hard. Fidelity. You’re doing it wrong, Fac. He tries to convince her that all he feels for her is pity. Again, he’s lounging in her arms, so I’m not inclined to believe that it’s “pity” he’s feeling. He finally seems to get indignant when he starts to talk about her husband and children. He tells her brain is a little broiled--bien quemada en la tatema (being real liberal with the translation here. Isa is convinced that Fac screaming her name at the ceremony was a Freudian slip. She asks what he loves about Maria.

And the first thing he comes up with is “she’s a good cook.”....

The second thing is she gave him pretty children (chilpayates.)

Super smart better be the next thing he says, but no. He says “because she loves me.” See what you did there, Fac? How everything has to do with what she DOES for YOU, not what she IS as a PERSON. (My apologies folks. The inner feminist roared.)

Isa asks if they had met all those years ago, if he would have fallen for her. He says no, but she doesn’t believe him. As she leaves the dressing room she monologues about how crazy she feels. She claims not to even know herself anymore. I think it’s supposed to convince us she really is crazy and not a robamaridos. I’m not buying it.

Mireya and Esteban discuss the progress of Isabel’s insanity. Mireya insists it’s working like a charm. I’m not sure Esteban is convinced. They can’t fail this time. Mireya promised she would get the job done and she will. She wants some smoochies. By now Isa is totally descocada (which wordreference is saying is “cheeky” and “brazen”. I’m not feeling any of those definitions. Anyone got a better one?) Esteban wants her nuts because it will be easier to take and enjoy Santi’s money. They start making out.

The Carmona’s prepare for the opening. Porfirio and Jacinto get their ties adjusted. Carmen Yoya wants to know if the dress she’s wearing is better for the opening or September 15. Fac thinks she looks fabulous for opening and any national holiday in the world. Conchita is told she is part of the family and needs to get dressed to go with them. Porfirio and Perpetua flirt. Oh yeah. Perpetua is into him. Porfirio looks interested, too!

Isa cries on Santi’s lap. She feels her life is over. She can’t find the strength to continue fighting for the family. Santi wonders when she ever has. She thought when they married they would be happy and financially stable. Santi reminds her money and happiness are the same thing. Isa thinks he’s not empathetic and can’t see it from her point of view. She calls him useless and insensitive. Santi tells her the family is trying to help her. They are looking past her craziness. He comforts her. He’s always wanted her happy ever since she was a little girl in her little ankle socks. Isa brings up the escuela de monjas again (she is proud of that fact….I didn’t realize they had known each other so long!) Santi offers to call Isa’s mother in Italy and ask her to come take care of Isa. Isa doesn’t like the idea Her mother never took good care of her. Isa’s mother left when Isa was 17 to live in Italy. Santi can convince her to come. Isa disagrees. The woman barely knows her grandchildren and never calls. Santi has made an appointment for a psychiatric institute in Houston. Isa needs a second opinion. Isa refuses to go.

Fac is stunned by Maria’s “new” look. I don’t find it that different. She asks why he doesn’t have a new shirt. He couldn’t find one he liked and he tries to steal a kiss. Beto busts in on this scene and angrily demands to know why Maria talked to Rocio. Fac tries to intervene, but Maria says she can defend herself. GO GIRL! Maria says she just told Rocio how things were. Unfortunately this was a trap by Beto. Rocio never said Maria had talked to her. Beto tells Maria that he and Rocio will marry in a month. We come back from a commercial and Fac is mid rant so I all I catch is the end when he says “ok, I’m leaving.” Maria takes over. Beto needs to change. They are late for the opening. Fac doesn’t want Beto talking to her like that...that is if that’s what she wants. He tries to charm her and kiss her. Nope! He tells her he’s got a surprise for her.

The opening looks well attended. There’s an homage to San Bartolo and then there’s this Italian guest. Am I supposed to know who he is? Frederick and Estefany compliment Maria. Frederick tells her she reminds him of Joan Rivers (QEPD) and Estefy likes the decorating.

I think Perpetua warns Fac about getting drunk.

Frederick calls Isa and tells her the boutique, that once looked like it belonged on 5th Ave, The Champs Elysees or Rodeo Drive, now looks like a store on wheels.

The Shadow Girls (™Marta) show up. Carmen is the good hostess. Diego is annoyed to see them. They get a text from Francis that just says “Do it now.” Nicolasa doesn’t want to do it. Nicolasa may be redeemable. Jessica says they have to or Francis will kill them.

Back at the Velascos Isa needs to go to the bathroom. Santi tries to follow.
Maria is being interviewed for the news. Fac interrupts. She doesn’t seem to understand the questions. She is asked about what would be her most fulfilling thing and she says her family is most important. Fac keep interrupting with “Viva Maria”. Shhh, Facundo. Beto tries to tell Rocio that he’s explained everything to Maria and they can get married. Rocio says she’s working and needs to help Maria. She goes and stands next to Maria at the interview.

The interviewer asks about the ambience of the boutique and Rocio says that Maria is a very creative person. Maria looks so very uncomfortable. Fac interrupts AGAIN. Estefy interrupts and then Conchita interrupts and says she’s the personal assistant to Maria and talks about the dress she’s wearing. I didn’t like everyone talking over Maria.

Isa goes to her bedroom, locks the door and calls Francis. She asks if everything is ready.
Avances: News of Maria spreads to San Bartolo!


Yay! Cannot wait!


I cannot wait to read the comments!

Because Maria is coming into her own a little and I want to hear the patio's assessment of her tonight.

All done!

Yay! Thanks so much, Sara. You covered everything in a very busy episode.

I think I pointed out many episodes back when Santi said he had been in love with Is a since she was 15, so yes, they know each other since they were kids. He also alluded to Isa not returning his feelings back then. I guess we can assume she didn't pay him any mind until he was about to walk down the aisle with Stefi years later. Which once again makes me think Isa and Fac are very alike. The writers tell us Maria fell in love with Fac when she was 14. I'm guessing Fac didn't pay her any mind until a few years later when she was about to walk down the aisle with Florencio.

Loved the opening. I like how we are seeing Maria assert her independence little by little. It wouldn't be realistic if all of a sudden she was media savvy, but I bet she will be eventually. I really hope Isa and Francis' plan to ruin the opening fails.

Loved Rocio in the bright colors. She really looked beautiful, and yes, that shoulder kiss Beto laid on her Was muy caliente. I really hope things work out for these two. But I already see how Rocio is starting to get really focused on work, but although Beto is n school we don't get the impression that he is taking it seriously. I really don't think they should be rushing to get married in a month. Why can't they be engaged for a year or two?

Con mucho gusto, Vivi.

I swear I don't remember at all the information about Isa and Santi and their lost love. They say the mind is the first to go. Lol. I'm a complete blank.

I get it that she wouldn't be media savvy, but I felt like Fac yelling an interrupting wasn't helping. Neither were Estefy or Conchita. Although they come off looking like the rubes, so I thought that was a good thing. Maria just looked more modest and accessible... Which I think the buying public will like.

I like to think Maria is not about being an "exclusive" designer but rather a designer for the "everyman."

His yelling was annoying. Once was fine and cute and showed support. But after that it was almost like he was stealing her spotlight with all that hooting. You're so right that everyone else came out looking like rubes with all their posturing for the camera.

Santi mentioned the 15 year old thing once. The recapper didn't pick it up, but I mentioned it in the comments. I think it wasn't long after we found out Maria had been in love with Fausto since she was 14.

Wow! That was fast!. As usual, Sara's recap was excellent. Thanks. Loved the "not amused" cat photo.

So, Estefany is now also going to be without a place to live if Santiago goes through with the what would be her eviction. Funny how he asked why would the loss of a little love nest bother a millionaire like her? Is he on to her? Santiago reduced his description of her crying from crocodile tears to "iguana" tears.

Hated to see Frederick so two faced with María; loved the return of Facundo's little devil and angel giving him advice.

María started out strong but just sort of disappeared as the episode went on, especially in the interview (as Sara mentioned with everyone talking over her).

The Italian guy was funny whoever he was.

At least Margarito got to go to the opening. He probably had the best time.

I wonder how the opening will be ruined. The "shadow girls" should have never been allowed in invites or no. Not smart on Carmen's part.



I was probably the recapper! Lol.

I don't drink, but geez I must have been drunk and forgotten. Lol. And I'm discovering that if I remember a comment, I almost always forget who said it. In my head I attribute it to someone else.

I adored... LOVED seeing Rocío in the bright colors. It was probably the wide skirt and ruffles at the shoulder, but her waist looked so tiny!

I really liked Carmen's dress too.

Show of hands- who was disappointed that Maria had those boots on? I wish she had at least gotten a newer pair.


Vivi, good comparison about Facundo and Isabel being similar re. relationships.


Diego did try to warn Carmen about those tontas. Jarifa- I think Santi is totally on to Stefi. Where is she doing to live now? She's banned from Esteban's building after the cooking incident. Do you all really think Santi is falling for another woman? He still looked pretty dedicated to his Puchis this episode. The only other woman in can think of is Maria. But he's only ever shown great admiration and respect for her.

Con mucho gusto, Jarifa!

That kitty is mine and he can be a meanie, but he loves my husband.

Thank you for noting the funny details and lines from Santi. Sometimes when I'm in a rush, I sacrifice the funny and just go straight for the action.

Oh I really hated seeing Frederick being two-faced. I shouldn't be surprised since he's besties with Isa, but I hate what it could mean for Maria.

Sara- I like Maria's white dress, but wanted to also see her in one of the colorful traditional outfits. But I guess the white dress made her stand out, like how designers often wear black to their runway shows. Yes, hated the boots with that dress.

Maybe Estefany will work and sleep in the shop?


She did stand out in that interview crowd. Her dress reminded me of Diego Rivera's "El Vendedor de Alcatraces"

Jarifa- I just hope she doesn't get invited to live with the Carmonas. I don't trust her with Fac!

Sara, good comparison for María's dress. Ewww, that would be weird if she were to go live with them. I don't trust Estefany's motivation especially the more desperate she gets.


Thanks, Jarifa! And it would be weird if Estefy were in the Carmona house. I just can't think of anyone else she can go to.

Wait. What about that aunt she went to? With the restaurant/fonda.

Vivi - I wanted to tell you that agree that Rocío and Beto don't have to marry so quickly.

Thanks, Sara. Love the recap.

Conchita kind of gave the Shadow Girls a "look" when they were texting Frances. Maybe she'll stop whatever they plan on doing.


Con mucho gusto, Nanette!

I saw that look too. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Is this opening considered a party? There might be a loophole that keeps it from getting ruined.

I saw that look Conchita gave and hoped when she rushed over to Maria she was going to say something. But nope, instead she started mugging for the cameras. Arrrggg!

Gracias Sara for the great recap and clarifications ...

Completely missed that Beto wanted to get married in a MONTH !!!!!! Maybe we can have that as THE wedding at the end of the tn with an "Anos Despues" preface. Rocio looks great with some color ... finally.

Esteph muttered something to herself in front of Maria at the opening which I didn't catch and which made me think that she hasn't come over to the good side. So now Maria has Esteph, Frederick, and Isa working to bring her down. But she will prevail; I'm counting on it.


Con mucho gusto, Lola! I wondered the same thing about Beto and Rocío being our wedding for the Fin. And I loved your "... finally" about Rocío and color. I really hope it's not the last time she see her in more cheerful clothing.

I *think* Estefy mumbled something about Maria NOT looking ridiculous like Estefy expected. If we're lucky, Jarifa or Vivi can explain it. :-)

I'm counting on Maria to come out on top, too.

I promise I don't comment bomb on purpose. :)

Yes, Lola- Estefy definitely isn't 100% Team Maria. I guess she's hitched herself to Maria's wagon because right now it's her best option?

Vivi - I meant to say it earlier, but I'm also wondering about Beto and classes. He never seems to be at the University and every time Fac asks him about classes, he has some excuse.

Thank you Sara, always love your recounting, when you commit, you're all in.

"Fac interrupts AGAIN" How in the world can he get his big ole head through a doorway?

I watch more than I would like to admit but Fac makes me so mad I could just spit. He's groomed Maria to be a good little wifey (ego prop) and love she has finally had enough. While it would be good for her to be on her own and realize her true potential, if she must be paired, I hope Florencio or someone even better (not Santiago) comes in that appreciates & respects her.

Rocío, was prettier than she has ever looked, agree.

I love Frederick, not his duplicity, just hope this is only an annoyance and does not destroy what he helped promote

Facundo and Isabel deserve each other and wish they'd just get on with it and stop the charade.


Con mucho gusto, tofie and I always enjoy your company. Thank you for stopping by.

I also wondered if Santi was into Maria. But he really seems to love his Puchis and wants her to get better.

Fac is just a dunderhead. It is a relief to see Maria stepping out from under his macho thumb.

Santiago reminds me of "Felix the Cat". Did someone say this already somewhere sometime?

"Dunderhead" is a word not used often enough but a perfect description for good ole Facundo. I hope he is capable of "getting it". He was so pleased with himself telling Beto to not talk to his mother that way and ending it all with his little wink. He is sort of pathetic these days on the home front.



Jarifa: A quick search of the words "Felix and Cat" on the site only yielded Telemundo results, so I think you can win the prize for being the first person to come up with Santi as Felix. And you deserve it! It is a perfect, perfect description.

Ugh. That little smirk and a wink last night was so stupid. He's trying to win his WIFE back, not get a pat on the head from mommy.

I think his angel and devil look even more like dunderheads. Maybe it's


"Descocada": "over the top"?? "shameless"?? Not sure those are much better.


When Mireya said it, I wrote it down and thought for sure when I looked it up it would end up meaning something along the lines of "off her rocker."

Shameless is good. Uninhibited? Even Isa was surprised at how daring she was being with Fac. Daring?

Any of those would fit the situation. Translation is always more of an approximation. : )


Thanks for the wonderful recap!!!!!

Rocio looked dynamite. I loved her makeup and the colors of the dress were just beautiful.

So I think Vivi has cleared up a mystery for me. If Santi knew Isa from 15 then he knows if she had a sister. So the sister part must be true even if Santi disappeared long enough from Isa's life to not know the secret she is hiding.

Fac trying too hard again during the opening.

Call me crazy but when Estefy kept asking who Santi was in love with I was thinking he may be falling for Maria. She has helped him out so much, he admits how great she is, he likes how focused she is on her family....Maybe he has a bit of a crush.

Really hoping Conchita stops whatever the Shadow Girls are up to. But I feel like the previews gave it away that all went well because they looked like Maria's store was a hit.

Con mucho gusto, Carvivlie!

The patio must be groupthinking because I mulled over the exact same points during my walk this morning.

I can see that Santi might have a crush. He does seem to think the world of Maria.

Sara, the fact that Isa thinks so little about her family and only navel gazes makes Maria look saintlier and saintlier (is that a word?)

Florencio, Florencio. Wherefore art thou, Florencio?

Sara, fab recap. Your comic timing is terrific. I find these two sequences hysterical: Florencio wastes no time in calling the Carmonas. Perpetua wastes no time in hanging up on him. and Perpetua and Fac decide not to tell Maria about Florencio’s calls. They unplug the phone.

Both Estefany and Frederick are ratfinks. Estefany for though-bubbling what a disaster Maria’s fashions are and Frederick for colluding with Isa when he of all people knows how fabulous Maria’s designs are. Basta! to both of them.

I’m softer on Fac. All the “Viva Maria!” was his way of bucking up Maria. He wanted to help but of course was clueless on how. At one point, he and Maria grinned with excitement at each other, like “Can you believe all the Big To-do is really happening?” Fac stood in the back of the crowd and didn’t try to grab camera attention as Estefany and Conchita did. Estefany was so full of it. At least Conchita just gave shout-outs to her family.

Rocio rocks. She tried to help Maria and articulated what Maria couldn’t. Maria has never had to express her design vision before because she’s never had to promote herself to investors, but she will learn.

Ack, Fac and Isa in the dressing room. I’m sick of him letting her take the lead in their “relationship.” Now men [guys, of course I’m generalizing] don’t like to talk about their feelings. I know damn well Maria’s cooking is not the first thing that comes to Fac’s mind about his wife. My take is he was just telling Isa the things that he knows she’s not about (cooking downhome food and birthing four kids) so she’d stop tempting him. I’d give him a gold star if he’d refuse to answer her and just walked out. What’s between him and Maria is none of Isa’s business.

My take is Isa married Santi cause she thought he’d take care of her in a grand style. I’m not sure if she ever was in love with him. She always badgers him about being a loser business/moneywise. I believe Fac married Maria for love. A while back Perpetua said Maria fell in love with Fac when she first met him. So it seems Maria knew Florencio first and met Fac later. With Florencio here, I guess we will find out the whole story.

Diana – Hope we hear from you soon.

" 'birthing' four kids' " perfectly put, Niecie.


Carvivlie: I think saintlier is a word. Maria is a genuinely nice person and Santi sees that. He does love his Puchis. He just wishes she weren't being so...crazy.

Jarifa: Televisa is mocking me. I watched yesterday's episode of La Vecina today and descocada was used there, too. This time it felt more like they were meaning "dingaling."

Nanette: Maybe today? But on the avances last Thursday, they made it look like he was coming to the DF and on Friday that shot of Maria looking shocked turned out to be Estefy in the Fly suit and Florencio was in the last minute of the episode. I want to see how he interacts with Maria! Hurry up Florencio!

Niecie: Con mucho gusto!! Please come sit next to me and explain the subtleties to me. I really miss all those little things. I appreciate it when people point them out. When I have time to rewatch things, I like knowing what to look for.

RATFINKS!!! There's another great word!! Dunderheads and ratfinks. Another reason to love this show: we get to use great English words, too.

I will try to look at Fac with a more forgiving eye. He and Maria are supposed to be together and if I don't learn to like the guy, I'm not going to be happy at the end.

"Birthing" just makes me giggle. Er. Not the actual process. The word.

Like Niecie, I hope we hear from Diana soon, too.

Sara, now what is the chance of hearing that word again so soon? Are these shows sharing writers? Too funny.
"Ratfinks"! Another perfectly good word I haven't heard in a while but it sure is a colorful choice that deserves to be used more often.



"Ratfinks" was just so perfect a word for Estef and Frederick!

I'm about to get started on the recap.

But first if you will all indulge me in a warm-fuzzy moment.

I don't tell you enough how much I appreciate this patio. As I watch the episode every night I get eager to hear what everyone has to say. As I read the comments every day, I am grateful for the insights and conversation clarifications that I miss.

I love the show, but I love having people to enjoy it with more. Thank YOU!

Tuesday Parte 1-I’m terrible at titles. What title would you write?

Events may be out of order and condensed para ser más flow
Maria’s interview continues. She seems nervous. Others seem to drown her out (Estefy, Conchita and even Fac), but she still commands attention in her quiet way.

Little does she know that Isa and Francis are working to tear her down.

After pictures the official opening begins. But the Shadow Girls(™Marta) are fulfilling their assignment. They’ve snuck into a room and gotten a duct open. The release a valve and a foggy gas fills the air!

On the catwalk, Carmen introduces the star of the evening her “Amá”. Fac presents Maria with a large portrait of herself. He tries for a kiss, but is out of luck. Suddenly, people begin to choke and cough. The fog! It’s everywhere! The guests begin to hilariously panic. Conchita informs Carmen of the presence of the Shadow Girls. Carmen runs to catch the culprits!

Outside Francis is waiting for her accomplices. They are almost to the car when Carmen catches up to them! With no consideration for her own safety, Carmen grabs all of the criminals and attempts to detain them. She threatens to kill them. Her special friend, Diego tries to stop her. He doesn’t want to marry a killer! Carmen doesn’t have time to talk about that now. She has to apprehend the nefarious crew! But it’s too late! They’ve escaped.

Inside the crown continues to panic. Gas is billowing into the room and it doesn’t seem to be stopping. Fac is quick thinking. He turns to the smartest head in the room: Jacinto! Quickly calculating the direction and speed of the smoke, Jacinto is able to determine the source of the leek. Together, they are able to shut off the valve. The guests are safe!

And thanks to Federick Versanchez, the opening is saved, too! Despite being a ratfink, he declares that the fog was brilliant! Just like London! Well done, Maria! Well done! Maria, a little confused and upset, accuses Isa of ruining her opening. Carmen quickly explains who the real ratfinks are: Francisca, Nicolasa and Jessica! Privately María tells her mother, Perpetua, how sad she is that this catastrophe has happened. She wanted everything to be perfect. Her mother says not to worry. Everything is fine!

News of the successful opening reaches Florencio in San Bartolo. He still finds her beautiful. There is no man alive that can take Maria from him! Not even that méndigo tullido, Facundo Carmona. (loathsome jerk….because really, wordreference? Cripple? Gimp? Abuser seems pretty harsh too) I have trouble understanding Augustín Arana when he’s in DF Businessman character. He’s impossible as San Bartolo Ranchero. I’m pretty sure he’s going on and on about Fac taking Maria from him and how he wants her back. There was something in there about her opening the boutique, too. I almost got the impression it was something he and Maria had discussed during their courtship?

Parte 2
The Carmonas sit down to a breakfast prepared by Perpetua and the housekeeper Conchita. Conchita came to live with the Carmonas soon after they lost their money and she has been like a mother to them ever since. Carmen shares the newspaper articles and good reviews with the family. her fashions are homespun and hearken back to the country. Carmen is sure they will be famous! Maria is pleased. But all the smoke makes it hard to see her face in the picture. Fac looks annoyed at all the attention Maria is getting. Carmen asks her father not to rain on Maria’s parade. Fac begins to speak, but Maria tells everyone to finish eating and scoot. She needs to go to the boutique to fix the mess from the opening. Susana wants to stay home from school and take care of Margarito, the events from yesterday have affected him psychologically. Perpetua will take Margarito, Susana needs to go to school. Conchita also grabs the paper. Doña Isabel is going to be green with envy! Beto excuses himself. He needs to get to his classes at the nearby University.

Isabel tears up the paper and yells at Santi. He never buys the paper! Of all the days! Rocio is happy. This publicity is going to be great for the boutique. Rocio reminds Isa that she didn’t take care of the boutique when she owned it. Isa can’t believe that those marginal people are doing better than she is!

Francis and the Shadow girls celebrate their horrible deeds. Unbeknownst to them, Carmen has left a couple of turkeys in Francis’s car! They flee in a panic. Carmen eventually retrieves the turkeys. She insults Francis (slave to peroxide!) and makes strong threats against her. Do not mess with Carmen’s family! Francis has a few things to say as well. Why is Diego still with Carmen? Why doesn’t he just stop the game and break up with her? The turkeys left a thoughtful gift on the seat of Francis’s car. Carmen and Diego take the turkeys (the avian ones) and leave. Francis calls Isa.

Isa has an appointment with Mireya. Well, actually she just came in and demanded that Mireya see her. Mireya tries to explain that she needs to make an appointment. Isa of course thinks this is ridiculous. Like she is supposed to just take an number and wait? Mireya can see is out of control. Isa says she’s going crazy. She broke her diet! BROKE HER DIET!! She’s getting fat! She feels like she has to take revenge on everyone! She knows the pills are the problem. Mireya disagrees. Thanks to those pills Isa can live with others. Isa needs to trust her. They probably need to raise the dosage. Isa really doesn’t want to take the pills. Mireya thought bubbles to herself that Isa is going to be completely nuts. Mireya wonders if Esteban will still love Isa after this “That” man will soon be hers. Is Santi “that man”?

Beto is actually spotted IN a classroom at the university. With other students. Unfortunately one of them is Hilda. Beto spends so much time telling her to shut up and leave him alone and that he’s not interested, that she doesn’t get a chance to explain why she’s there. The professor gets that honor. Beto is dumbfounded. Hilda smirks. Blech.

Parte 3
Florencio decides to change the name of his finca to Maria. Again with the unintelligible speech. Maria will eventually be owner of everything? All the cattle and the standing that goes along with the ranch? El Panzón want a little compensation for having told Florencio about Fac and Maria’s marital issues. Florencio is ready to do anything to get her back. “Let’s see what happens when Fac and I meet face to face!”

Maria gets ready to take all her yarn and supplies to the boutique. She wants to work there. Fac plays the petulant child. Maria explains that Conchita will take care of the house and Maria doesn’t want to leave Rocio alone for long. Fac wants to take her, but she’ll take a taxi. She finally manages him to leave her stuff alone and she leaves. Fac pouts about Maria not loving him any more.

Francis cries about the mean, mean Carmen. She reminds Isa that she said if Francis ruined the opening, Isa would help her get Feli back. Santi overhears. He can’t believe Isa sent Francis to do her dirty week. Doña Maria didn’t deserve that! After he throws Francis out, he tells Isa he wants to go with her to Mireya’s office. He wants to hear her medical opinion himself. Isa tries to dissuade him but is unsuccesful.

Diego reminds Carmen that she never should have given the tickets to the Shadow Girls. Carmen says she learned her lesson. She invites Diego to stay, but he’s eating dinner with his brother. He asks Carmen to come to his house and meet his mom. He has a surprise for her, too. Carmen looks scared and a little nauseous.

Maria and Rocio discuss the piece that was stolen from the Velascos. Rocio swears she didn’t know it was stolen when she bought it. She just assumed it was another piece different from the one that was stolen. Beto comes in and greets the two most beautiful and important women in his life. Hilda enters almost immediately. Rocio is not happy to see the girl that tried to poison her. Hilda she left, but she’s back and now she’s a student at the Uni. Caras de this chick is nuts. Hilda tries to provoke Rocio but Maria intervenes. Maria reminds Hilda about the poisoning and Hilda just says “all’s fair in love and war” and says good bye to her “suegrita”. Blech. Uy she makes me mad.

Oh my! Estefy is Mireya’s patient, too. She’s telling her all about the guy that used her. She’s a victim! Estefy gave him her body and soul (mainly body, not soul...her words) and he gave her an apartment...but now he’s trying to throw her out on the street! Mireya thinks Estefy needs to unmask the man!

Porfirio regales the family with stories of his days with Pancho Villa. Beto starts to tell the family about Hilda. Carmen apologizes for not warning him. She forgot. There’s some flirting with Conchita and Porfirio. Carmen asks permission to go to Diego’s house and meet his mother. Conchita notes that even Rocio never met Diego’s mother. Carmen is very worried that Diego’s mom won’t approve of her since she’s from the country. New character? I hope so!

Santi and Isa arrive at Mireya’s office just as Estefy is leaving. Isa slaps Santi for a good 5 minutes. Santi cries and begs her to stop hitting him. Estefy informs Isa that both of them are “out of style”. Santi doesn’t like blonds. He’s fallen in love with someone else! Isa faints thinking about the money he spent on the apartment and only comes to when Santi says she’s fat. Santi wants to explain. Isa calls Estefy a zorrillo (skunk). Estefy tries to interrupt the argument to defend herself, but Santi and Isa keep telling her to shut up. Can anyone explain the Borge Luis Borges joke? The episode ends with Isa, Estefy AND Mireya standing together demanding to know who Santi is in love with.

I kind of felt like I was channeling a Nancy Drew vibe at the beginning...but I could't maintain it. I have a whole new respect for "Carolyn Keene"!

Thank you, Sara, for your most entertaining and excellent recap. I especially liked: "Beto is actually spotted IN a classroom at the university." and you ". . . channeling a Nancy Drew vibe at the beginning. . ."

My faves:

1. When the gas (?) was escaping at the "opening" Susana telling Margarito that she was going to have to get him out of there before he cooked.
2. Boy genius Jacinto saving the day.
3. Santiago making Francis call him "don" Santiago.
4. Granny Perpétua giving Conchita a slap on the behind when she and granpapoy Porfirio got way too close for granny's taste.
5. Estefany telling Isabel all about the apartment that Santiago gifted her with.
6. Santiago admitting Estefany "was" his lover but was no longer.

My least faves:

1. Big baby Facundo trying to make María feel guilty one more time about going to work at her boutique.
2. Nobody filing charges against Francis and co. for the debacle at the opening; just like nobody filed charges against Hilda for poisoning Rocío. Sorry, just one of my pet peeves.

The "Borge Luis Borges" joke. Isabel is just so confused with the whole Santiago situation she says "para mí se puede quedar el otro con el uno y el uno con el otro y vice versa, Borge Luis Borges". (For me the other can stay with the one and the one with the other and vice versa, Borge Luis Borges) She is referring to the work of JORGE Luis Borges (Argentine 20th C writer) who dealt with many imaginative themes in his work. One of those was "the other". In his short story "El Otro" " The Other", Jorge Luis Borges has a conversation with an earlier version of himself: el otro (the other) . Who is who? Are they both real? Is one dreaming the other? etc. This theme pops up repeatedly in his work. Yes, all of that for a joke. One of those authors people are familiar with.

Sara, I am ready to roll for tomorrow. Thank you in advance for the header.


Terrific recap, Sara! So glad that even with the gas/smoke disaster, Maria was still considered a hit. Yay!

Jarifa- Ditto your likes and dislikes. I also loved Santi and Isa telling Stefi to shut up repeatedly. Thanks for explaining the Borges joke. Brings back memories of Spanish Lit classes long ago.

I think the man Mireya wants all to herself is Esteban. She wants Isa out of the way and out of Esteban's twisted heart, it seems.

Time for Santi to face the music about his affair with Stefi and the apartment he bought for her. I don't like Isa now having something she can hold over his head, but fair is fair. Knowing Isa, she's probably blab it all in front of Ale, and in the most hurtful way possible too.

I'm so ready for someone to drop kick Hilda back to SBeC. Ugh!

What will Diego's mom be like, I wonder? It really seems like he and Andres live alone (likely with servants) much of the time.

I also loved the baby birds in Francis' car, the gift they left behind on her seats, and the when Isa told her she had no intention of helping her get Feli back. I just love it when things don't go her way.

Sara, I missed last night but imagined it all with your recap completo !!

From what I'm hearing of Florencio so far, he sounds just as boorish, obnoxious, and possessive as Facundo. Maria has no say in HIS life for her either. I was hoping for a less self centered, and sensitive to others, kind of guy.

I'd like to see Maria take driving lessons and buy her own car with $$ she earns at the boutique.

Ready for tonight !!


Well, we know Facundo is Maria's end game, so they couldn't make Florencio a perfect man. Just the fact that he'll have competition may be enough for Fac to realize just what a gem he has in Maria and change his ways.

¡Con mucho gusto, Jarifa, Lola y Vivi! It's always a pleasure to recap.

I always love your lists, Jarifa. Extra special thanks for the explanation of "Borge" Luis Borges. I did some cursory googling last night, but since I thought the joke was more about "vice versa" I still wasn't getting it. My search even yielded that exact poem! I will go back and take a better look at it to see if I can come up with a lesson plan for it. I already use one of his poems for an exercise on conditional verb forms.

Lola I'm so ready for tonight, too! This show is so different from anything I've watched before and I am really charmed by it. I love your idea of Maria learning to dive and getting a car. If she is going to be more independent it's really a must. Carmen could teach her! I've been very pleased with how supportive Carmen is of her mother.

Vivi - it's probably not nice of me, but k always get a giggle when you've got your dander up about a character. Your suggestion that someone dropkick Hilda back to SBeC is an example.

And about Florencio - I understand why they aren't making him the perfect man, but I get an almost evil vibe from him. He's not just another version of Fac. I'm afraid really bad things could happen if he doesn't get his way.

A favorite from last night - it was really a mean thing but Beto calling Hilda a cross-eyed goat was funny to me. I think it's something about the word "bizca" .

PS Jarifa- I will have the header ready to roll. As always, thank you for all you do for us :)

Vivi- that k should be an I. Because I get a giggle...

I don't even think I can play that off as autocorrect. Lol.

Thanks for all you do, Sara! I loved "(That kiss he lays on her shoulder is pretty hot.) " and the cat not amused at Facundo talking about Maria's cooking as her highlight. but i do tend to agree with Vivi that he was pointing about the pluses Maria has that Isa will never have.
LOVED how the prank backfired on Francis!! and loved how Diego prevented Carmen from going too far and doing exactly what Francis would have wanted so she could accuse Carmen of violent.
One thing I did get about the Panzon conversation with Florencio was that Panzon wanted Florencio to pay him by giving him a calf (young cow) and then since Florencio did not respond he asked 'a goat then?' and Florencio downgraded his compensation all the way to a donkey. LOL!.
and it is not as much that i don't understand what Agustin Arana says but i just don't buy his rich selfish possessive rancher character... I loved him in Para volver a amar better. the character there did fit to his personality and was a good guy.

Jarifa, loved your list and your explanation about Borges reference by Isa. That scene with her, Estefany, Mireya and Santee was priceless!! my fav of the week so far!.


i also agree with Vivi that the man Mireya is after is Esteban... (which makes me roll my eyes wondering what a professional psychiatrist sees in him as a great catch.)


sorry, a buey, which is what Florencio offered Panzon, is an ox, not a donkey... my bad.

Vivi, I loved and laughed at your "drop kick" mode of transport for Hilda. I can picture it in a South Park cut and paste sort of way.

Lola, ITA that María needs to learn how to drive already. Without it she is still too dependent and predictable.

Sara, now Hilda is "descocada" I would say; out of her "coco" as well as being "bizca".

I have to do some thinking about Florencio.


Con mucho gusto, Marta! It's so wonderful to see you during the week!!!

I'm giggling madly about you wonder what a professional psychiatrist sees in Santi.

You may be on to something with Augustin as rancher. I'm trying to see it, but just not yet. Beanie adjustments may be needed.

I think Florencio as a character is being brought in to teach Facundo a lesson in not taking for granted the wonderful woman he has in Maria. I really don't think they will split up Maria and Facundo but Facundo needs to get some understanding and better appreciation for his wife.
But that makes me wonder what they will do with Isa, Santee (who I truly believe is still very much in love with Isa and just wants her to stop acting crazy.. i agree with whoever said that)
As far as Esteban and Mireya, they deserve to end up in jail. Estefani... maybe she will go back to wait on tables.

Marta- when I heard "buey" donkey was the first thing that came to my mind, too. I guess I need to review my farm animal vocabulary.

Jarifa- descocadaaaaa! (I'm sort of picturing William Shatner doing his KHAN! thing.) "Out of her coco"

Ay Florencio! We had such high hopes. I guess I should be glad he's kind of a jerk. I don't want Maria to suffer because she feels tempted.

Florencio is definitely there to get Fac moving in the right direction. I'm just worried about how determined Florencio is. They've kept it light so far. I hope it doesn't get too dark.


Comment bomb :(

With Hilda I definitely see the brazen and sassy in "descocada."

Somewhere in his ramblings last night, Florencio mentioned God had taken his "difunta"; so he must be a widower. How convenient! Anyway, he also seems to be an economically viable alternative to Facundo just a little premature with renaming his rancho "María". I am looking forward to him arriving on the scene already. So far, I like his character because he clearly knows that he wants María. There are no other distractions. If he just would slow down a bit when he speaks.


Yeah. Maybe I would like him more if he wasn't a speed talker. Lol.

He does have tunnel vision when it comes to Maria. Will he feel the same way when he sees Isa and Estefy?

Just get to the DF already! This is like the anticipation of the anniversary party!

Do you thaink that there might be an epidemic of "ojo alegre" in San Bartolo el Chico??? I guess we will have to wait and see . . .


*cough cough*

Just aspirated coffee while laughing.

There's something in the water!


Awesome recap!

Wow is Florencio confident in his skills to get Maria back! Putting the cart before the horse in renaming his ranch to Maria.

ITA Vivi, wish Hilde a sore bum all the way back to her campo. I wonder where she is living though? Student housing?

Glad Estefany and Santi's secret is out but where does Estefy go from here?

Santi is definitely still in love with his wife but I think he is crushing on Maria nonetheless. I really don't know what he sees in Isa. She has been self centered and completely unaffectionate (?) toward him the whole novela.

Glad Maria is sticking to her guns with regards to Fac.

Nice to know Beto actually goes to school. Who knew! lol

Con mucho gusto, Carvivlie!

Nice to know Beto actually goes to school.

Amen! It was a big relief to me!

Jarifa- Perpetua mentioned that Florencio is a widower the other day, so it seems to be common knowledge that he's now a free man. And clearly, he never forgot about Maria. Renaming the hacienda was REALLY jumping the gun though.

Thank you, Vivi. You are so good at remembering all the details. Your input is always appreciated.


Sara, terrific recap. Thanks for my afternoon break.

I couldn’t be more delighted that Fac is getting payback. When Florencio said he wanted to put a smile back on Maria’s face, I thought “ahhh, that’s so sweet!” But then he went and named his hacienda after her, “uh-oh!”

Wondering if Florencio was wealthy back when Maria chose poor boy Fac.

Glad Carmen got her revenge with the turkeys in Francis’ car, but I didn’t like seeing them cooped up there. It was a relief when they got out. The deposit they left behind, just perfect.

Loved Isa point blank reneging on her promise to help Francis get Feli back. But I'm still hoping everyone finds out Isa was behind the shadow girls’ stunt.

Lola, add me to the cheering group for Maria to take driving lessons.

Santi seemed to be getting close to finding out about Isa’s pills, before all hell broke loose with Isa and Estefany. Poor man. Don’t think I ever felt so bad for a cheating husband. I'm hoping he thinks to get the pills to a lab for analysis.

Con mucho gusto, Niecie!

I had to laugh at you saying that you felt sorry for the cheating husband. Santi does seem more like the abused party! I guess he literally is.

I feel a little guilty about how bad I feel for Santi. I wouldn't have minded at all if Isa had never found out about the affair. I would never make excuses for a cheating spouse in real life, but it's a combination of the way EL is playing Santi and the way Isa has been written that's making me sympathize with him. Isa has refused to sleep with him for MONTHS now. She belittles him at every turn. She doesn't pull her weight in the marriage, family, or home. She physically abuses him. Stefi showed up and stirred up old feelings, flattered him, and gave him an opportunity to stick it to Isa (although behind her back). I don't think he was inclined to cheat with just anyone. His time with Stefi was all about his feelings for Isa. In fact 95% of what they spoke about when together was Isa/Puchis.

Sara, sublime.

"He turns to the smartest head in the room: Jacinto!" and "Beto is actually spotted IN a classroom at the university. With other students. Unfortunately one of them is Hilda" had me laughing out loud.

Your descriptive words brought the action to vivid life for me Sara as I unfortunately wasn't able to watch. Gracias amiga for your always generous time and effort.

"Susana wants to stay home from school and take care of Margarito, the events from yesterday have affected him psychologically". The dear little divine swine! I hate to think anything will scar him emotionally!

I'm irked Francis and her useless crew continue their reign of juvenile hijinx. Sigh. Niecie, I'm glad the turkeys left her presents also! She deserves em.

"Fac looks annoyed at all the attention Maria is getting". Really??? Grow up man. He is really getting annoying, isn't he Jarifa??

Augustín Arana is a very good actor. But, in order for me to truly root for the character (and I am extremely disenchanted with Facundo right now), it would have to be someone truly able to compete on a charismatic level. Arturo Peniche comes to mind. Perhaps Cesar Evora.

I also hope we get to see Diego’s mother. Why do I not feel she will welcome her with open arms? ;0


Thanks Sara. Wasn't able to watch last night (long, weird story).

Think the Santi is in love with someone else shtick is coming out of left field.

Hate Hilde's smirks.

Was Maria happy hearing about Florencio (in the previews).


Con mucho gusto, Diana! (And I'm sure I'm not the only one who is happy to see you.)

Margarito is a divine little swine. What perfect wording.

I strongly second the suggestion of Arturo Peniche in the Florencio role, but Augustin and Africa have good chemistry. Can't wait to see if it's still there.

Con mucho gusto Nanette!

If Santi turns out to be in love with Maria, it won't feel too weird to me. But if it's anyone else I'll find it strange.

Maria looked mighty happy in the preview!

Nanette: I thought the same about Santi being in love with someone else. It all came from Estefy asking over and over as if she could tell he was, and someone other than Isa, even though there has been no overt signs of Santi having feelings for anyone else. Yes he has been nice to Maria but he hasn't gone looking for her or flirted in his normal manner when he sees an attractive woman. Maybe it is a writer ruse?

Enjoying the discussion about Santi, Nanette, Carvivlie and Sara.

Vivi, an excellent list of reasons why we feel for Santi.

I think Santi is in love with the idea of Isa. Surely it must be simply remnants of the better person she might have been once upon a time. He has definitely changed toward Maria and it is obvious he respects her and is drawn to her goodness. Knowing that she has morals, if he is in love with Maria, it will be interesting to see what he does with his feelings (if he does indeed have them).


I agree with Carvivlie. Santi hasn't shown any signs of falling love with Maria, or even having a crush. Maybe it's an Estefy thing. "If he's not in love with me then he must have fallen for someone else."

OT: for those who like animation, great movie on TCM Thurs am (6:15 PDT) called The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1927). Animation all done with silhouettes. Beautiful and awe inspiring.

Just set my DVR! Thanks for the heads up. Sounds fascinating.

Sara: they've shown it twice before on TCM and I've watched it both times. I'm not fond of animation, but love this movie. The intertitles (it's a silent) are in German, but there are English subtitles to translate.

Cool! I took German in high school. I wonder how much I'll understand.

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