Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #12 Tue 6/2/15 Dump the chump and the rest of your family

Oh this novela might drive me crazy, last night made me want to stab someone and we are only 12 episodes in, will this recapper survive?

Let's get to it, it will be a little bit short but only because I have work that I need to get to. Here we go:

Martin meets with Jorge to discuss becoming his gold vendor, he will also take the opportunity  formally ask Jorge for Veronica's hand in marriage. The two men meet, as far as the business deal goes Jorge accepts Martin as his gold provider but he will only agree to a one time deal, if things work out he will offer Martin a long term arrangement. Then they start to discuss Veronica and my blood starts to boil, if the rest of my recap sounds grouchy it's because I was grouchy watching this mess.

Jorge tells Martin that he can't let him marry Veronica until he tells him a few things about her, mind you this idiot has zero proof that the crap he's about to say is true, he's just repeating gossip that he heard without ever actually confirming that anything is true.

Oh and let's also add that he is not telling Martin anything useful, like that maybe Veronica has herpes, or a genetic illness that might be passed on to future children. Nope, what Jorge has to share is this: Veronica is not a virgin, she's had "men" in her life and one of her "special friends" was an employee (Demetrio). Martin stops him and tells him that he does not need this information, nor does he care about Veronica's past (liar!).

Jorge takes this to mean that Martin really loves Veronica-because really only love can justify getting married to someone that's had an active sex life with other partners, right? That's what I got from this and I feel stabby! Jorge also tells Martin that Veronica will enter the marriage with a small inheritance, Martin tells Jorge that she won't need the money, he'll take care of her (I'm sure you will you crazy bastard). Jorge says he will still put the money aside, should their marriage not last she will have something to fall back on. Well nothing says "I'm happy you two are getting married" than having a solid plan B for when the marriage falls apart. Nice going Jorge.

The meeting between the two men ends and Veronica runs to Martin to see how things went. He tells her that Jorge has agreed to the wedding. Veronica is happy about this! They go back into the study where they are joined by Salma and Virginia, the news is shared with them about the upcoming wedding, they are both happy to see Vero go.

Martin drops the bomb on them, he wants to get married ASAP, maybe in a week or two (the hell?!). Salma is the voice of reason-go figure, and says that that is not enough time, they are the Pardo-Castellos and need more time to plan a proper wedding. Martin continues to surprise everyone when he says he does not want to have a church wedding. Veronica is surprised and hurt to learn of this, she was raised Catholic and wants a religious ceremony.

Hmmm, maybe if Veronica and Martin had dated for more then say a DAY they would actually know how important religion is to each of them! Jorge suggests that maybe they are rushing into things and says that perhaps their engagement should last six months, Martin thought bubbles that he can't wait six months, he can't fake being in love with Vero for that long and what if he falls in love with her?

Martin says he is rushing things because he has to return to work on the mine and he throws in that in every relationship one person must give in to the wishes of their partner and agrees to a church wedding. Jorge still does not like this.

Veronica and Martin talk privately, he basically calls her a gold digger, but Veronica is too stupid to see this. She tells him money was important to her because it meant freedom but now that she has him she does not need to be free, his love changed her! Dumbass.

And now we move to another dumbass: Emiliano. Virgina breaks the news to him that Veronica is getting married, he would have found this out firsthand if not for the fact that he refused to go with Jorge to the meeting with Martin.

He is angry! He should have forgiven Veronica her indiscretions just like Martin did! He was foolish not to have done so and now Martin is getting married to the woman he loves. Excuse me?! Did we go back to the 1900's? I can't deal with everyone acting like Veronica is a criminal, even if she had slept with every man in Mexico City, nothing justifies the way Jorge and Emiliano are treating her! Also, Emiliano is a jerk to Virginia, I mean we know she's a snake but he does not, so why does he manhandle her? I don't like you Emiliano, I don't like you at all.

I'd rather shoot myself than live in this town:

Those are my thoughts as we go back to the little town of Mina Escondida (did I get that right?), Pablo has met and I guess fallen in love with Ana Perla. It's a darn shame he has a girlfriend. Blanca and her little brother (for some reason the names are not sticking with me!) create a distraction to keep Manuel from finding out that Ana Perla is not with them (I think), the little boy gets Manuel's attention by pretending to want to learn how to use a knife and Manuel takes the bait.

Meanwhile Ana Perla and Pablo share a kiss. It is love at first sight, and it annoys me because I'd like for someone to actually develop a relationship based on more than a five second slow motion shot, like maybe they fall in love because they both like Lucky Charms, ya know? I need substance! And I think the whole love at first sight thing is just lazy writing.

While Ana Perla is off smooching Pablo the little boy and Manuel share an awful bonding moment. Manuel tells him that in order to be a man he needs to always carry a weapon with him and he tries to get the boy to use a knife, when the little kid tries to stop with the knife play Manuel tells him to stop being a "maricon" and again my blood boils.

Listen, that word is the same as calling a gay man the "f" word. Univison bleeped it out which tells me that they know a US audience would not be down with the use of such an ugly word, so if they know this why do the powers that be at Televisa allow their staff to write this into a script? I am not a happy bunny.

The little boy injures himself with the knife and Manuel tells him tough cookies, as luck would have it Pablo bumps into them and makes sure the kid gets to doctor Botel for treatment.

Manuel continues to be an ass, and as he is walking he spots the waitress from the bar, he tries to force himself on her but she fights back. He thinks he should get anything he wants because of who his grandfather is and she tells him that the mine workers only put up with him because of who his grandfather is. He roughs her up and she drops her fruit, she's clever and yells "Don Cresencio!" this distracts Manuel enough to allow her to grab her things and run, as she goes she yells to Manuel that he should run home to his grandfather.

I hated this scene, hated this scene, I hated this scene.

Botel and Magdalena argue some more, she wants to go to Mexico alone and he wants to go with her, she wants him to stop drinking, he promises he will, blah,blah,blah.

In Mexico Claudia and Alfredo (whom I LOVE) are talking about Martin. He's getting married and Claudia can't figure out why. Alfredo says they need to stay out of it but he doubts the marriage will last. Claudia wants to know why he thinks this and Alfredo tells her it's because Martin is getting married far too soon.

At the Pardo-Castello home Salma tells Virginia that Martin owns a mine in a place called Mina Escondida and needs to go back to work, Virginia does the math and realizes that Vero is again getting what she (Virginia) wants.

Veronica tells Martin that she figured out where he met Martin-the gold mine's of course, he does not want to talk about it and Veronica assumes that it's because he's jealous! Wait, am I to believe that Demetrio never talked about his brother with Vero? Whatever, I'm just going to put on my beanie and move on.

Virginia goes to Martin's office, she bumps into Claudia who has a box full of Demetios pictures, Martin asked her to remove his pictures after Veronica almost saw a picture of Demetrio on his desk during an earlier visit. The box falls and with it it's contents, Virginia sees the pictures of Demetrio and meets Claudia and then my DVR cut of, help fill in the last minute or so peeps!

See ya next week!


OMG, Eli, this recap was a laugh per second. I almost sprayed my drink all over my keyboard at work reading your hilarious take on this nuttiness.

One little note, in your second to last paragraph you said that Vero told Martin she figured out how he (Martin) met Martin, instead of Demetrio.

You only missed the final seconds at the end - Ginny recognizes Demetrio in a picture, then is surprised when Claudia spills the beans and tells her Martin asked her to remove all photos of "his brother".

Thanks so much Eli.

At the end, Claudia tells Virginia that Demetrio is Martin's brother and Virginia is shocked with the news. Apparently, Martin telling Claudia "don't talk about my brother with no one" means nothing to her.

Sigh... Another couple that falls in love after five minutes of knowing each other. That seems to be the norm in this show.

It was maddening that Jorge would have to talk to Martin and let him know he is not the first in Veronica's life.

It is creepy whenever Martin says that he will give Veronica what she deserves.


Holy Moly--Eli, you are amazing! This was perfection and couldn't agree with much of what you wrote more.

I feel like a yo-yo watching Martin and Veronica. I mean the guy is seriously messed up right now, and she's all perky, get me to the church on time and you feel like you are about to pass out from the whirling going on.

So apparently Sex and the City never hit their little part of the world. Women have sex lives people! This has to be coming right out of an OLD novel, or Jorge and Emi are still in the twilight zone on women's rights and life-style. They make it sound like maybe being involved with two men is the end of the world, so my guess is these dweebs think any woman who has sex before marriage is a slut and only those pure as the driven snow get to put a ring on it. Okey then...

Claudia grates on me big time. Hopefully as they go back to the backwoods we don't see much more of her.

I missed the box incident at the end, but I can just picture V-2's eye lighting up with the possibilities of that new tidbit she just learned.


Tha Addams Family. uncle (Grampa) Fester and all.

This unbelievable shit would never happen with real humans

Eli thanks for an entertaining recap. Better than the show. Who let these fruits run around loose.? Poor Veronica. She should shitcan martin the molester and get an apartment in Mexico D.F. and proceed to sleep with the other half of Mexuco City she has not gotten around to yet. Sheezo.

Eli- This recap had me laughing out loud. Love Cranky Eli! LOL!

I decided last night that watching any of the conversations with the men in this tn would get me angry, so I ffwd through the Jorge-Martin and Emi conversations, and many of the other men. I could get the gist of what they were saying.
Jorge: "Vero is a slut and I'm so disappointed in her."
Emi: "Vero is a slut, but she's MY slut, dammit!"
Martin: "Vero is a slut, but worse than that, she's a golddigger, and I'm going to make her pay!"
Botel: "It's just one little drink. OK, I know your 1st abusive alcoholic husband said the exact same thing, but I can stop any time. Oh, he said that too?"
Manuel: "I'm the king of the world!"
Abuelo: "All outsiders are sluts and perverts! Now, Ana Perla, come sit on grandpa's lap and read me a verse from the Bible."


Thank you guys, I think I do my best work when things annoy me,lol.

Eli, you never, ever disappoint. Thank you

"That's what I got from this and I feel stabby!"

Vivi, ditto to everything you just said. Er, if it's one thing I hate, this crap is it! Just cause they got balls. Ahhhhh.

Eli, Thanks for the right on! recap. Most of the things that upset you also aggravated me:

The one about Jorge feeling it was his duty to tell Martín that Vero was "used goods" was the worst. It's irritating because the writers originally set us up to think Jorge was going to be a loving father figure for Vero. Now I see it was just a ruse! Maybe it's so we understand how hurt Vero is by his rejection.

And yea, the part where Martín is pretty much telling Vero that she is a greedy, avaricious moneygrubber and she blows it off by saying that was before I fell in love with you was an amazing display of obtuseness!

Tofie, LatinaInMD, NovelaMaven, thanks for yesterday's background/insight about Botel's drunkenness and marriage.

And now Botel treats all of Mina Escondiad for free? Okay.

I laughed ( and was aggravated ) in the scene with Abuelo and Pierre. Abuelo tells Pierre that he is a magnet for outsiders as he's checking out Mariana's derrière. Hypocritical old fool.





Great recap, Eli! I think you were carrying the angry-stabby banner for so many of us. Vivi, loved your take on our characters making comments.

Would we say that Abuelo has not left Mina Escondida for many moons? So long that his brain has completely turned to stone?

Hilarious Eli. You are are always so clever... even better when you are grumpy. Even this seemed to annoy you:

"...Emiliano is a jerk to Virginia..."

That bothered me as well.

Like everyone else, I was appalled at Jorge when he felt the need to share scurrilous details of Veronica's life. What a wonderful father figure. Grampa looks downright loving by comparison.

I thoroughly enjoyed Verónica's reaction to the prospect of Ginny as her maid of honor. This is shaping up to be a very entertaining not to be missed wedding. Don't Catholic weddings require some premarital counseling by the priest? That should be fun too.

Do we really know for certain that Dimitrio offed himself? I wonder if someone else pulled that trigger.


Hysterical recap!

It should be interesting to see what Vsnake does with the new info that Dimwit and Mar-teen are brothers. I am sure her evil sociopath brain has already worked that gift into her master plan to her advantage

Carlos I have wondered the same thing about Dim. (bulb) What makes Mar believe that to begin with, just the word of the local inbred priest?Reminiscent of Silv and Christian in Hasta about Grrrreta and their Mom.

Veronica reminds me of Isabella on PSMA, who kept making bad decisions after another!

I'm assuming she has zero friends ?

Im keeping an eye on this, as I did with CME but I just have to say CME was done so much better. The venganza story itself doesnt really interest me at all so Im not a huge fan of either but I actually really liked Renata and Jeronimo in CME. Jeronimo seemed to be a nice guy who just made a mistake with Vero.

Martin on the other hand just seems to be out to get everyone.

What I do like is the acting of both Sanchez and Ana Brenda! They're doing a great job and Grettell makes a great villain.

Also like the mine theme. CME had a beautiful vineyard but I can't really remember the last time I saw a gold mine?? And that waterfall is just breathtaking!

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