Wednesday, June 03, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #76 6/2/15 Close Your Damn Doors!


Short: Sev tells PJ about the night Ray died, but not about the rape; PJ struggles hard to deal with his newfound hatred. With Eman’s help, Cris sneaks into Aldie’s room and cuts a lock of her hair. There’s no water at Las Animas or El Santuario. Cris asks Ren to delay the divorce; Ren refuses. Cris tells Cande the divorce will take 3 months. Cande overhears Cris asking a DNA clinic if the test can be done without the dad.

Long:Severiano continues to torment PJ. He fills in the details of Raymundo’s death: that Ray caught Sev and Rob together and attacked him with a machete, leading to Sev’s losing his arm. When PJ asks why Sev’s telling him this after all these years, Sev says that he wants to make PJ an accomplice to his sins. He adds that he wants PJ to know why he’s always hated the Alcocers: Because their family got the lands the Mendoza’s once owned, because Raymundo made him an invalid, and because Roberta made him lose his family. He says PJ can’t do anything to him now, just like he couldn’t do anything when Aldonza needed him most. He doesn’t elaborate on this and PJ assumes he’s talking about the war between he and Aldonza. PJ tells Sev that his own actions brought all of this on, he can’t blame others. Sev says even if that’s true, he doesn’t care: Aldonza will still pay. PJ takes this as a confession that Aldonza’s not his daughter, but Sev says he never said that and PJ will never be able to prove it. Once Sev crosses himself and starts to leave, PJ grabs him and it about to give him the beating of his life when he looks up and sees a Virgin Mary statue. Sev laughs evilly in the background as PJ helplessly lets him go, hands tied by the rules of his faith. As PJ cries, staring at the statue, Sev creeps up behing him and says he hopes PJ can sleep soundly now.

Emmanuel hangs out in the bar, wondering how to tell Mari the truth. Cris joins him. Eman tries to stop him from having a beer, telling Cris not to follow his bad example (so apparently he’s a little self aware). Cris says it’s just a beer and Eman joins him with his own bottle at a table. Cris asks for his help with something that he explains off screen.

Lola, head in Aldonza’s lap, laments Emmanuel’s upcoming wedding. She blames Mari for taking advantage of Eman’s desire for a home and family to rope him in. She also blames Mari for her breaking up with Pato. Aldonza tells her not to cut Pato out at the first bump (Irony!). She advises Lola to give Pato another chance, but a true one; she shouldn’t use Pato. Lola admits that Pato treats her like a queen and doesn’t deserve how she’s treated him. Aldonza thinks that just like she has to forget about Cris, Lola will have to forget about Eman.

Pato is at a loss about what to do about Lola. He’s on the verge of getting mariachis and serenading her right now. Mari scoffs. “Mariachis? Serenade? Romantic music? For Lola? No!” She advises him to pretend like he doesn’t care about the break up and let Lola come to him.

Sev goes to the police and tells them what Uriel did. The officer repeats what we learned from Uriel last night about what the witness said. Sev says the only contact he had with Adriano was to speak to him on Lardo’s behalf about Lardo’s gambling debt. The police officer asks if Adriano’s number is in his phone, but Sev says Lardo called Adriano from his own phone.

Mari laments to Uriel that he is so lost in grief, he’s lost sight of his family. Uriel is so wrapped up in his grief he barely responds to her begging him to remember that he lost a son, but he still has a daughter who needs him.

PJ prays for strength to deal with the hatred that has arisen within him with Sev’s confessions. He’s so upset he practically screams out in his frustration.

Sev goes home to find Candela pacing in the living room. He doesn’t understand why she’s so obsessed with watching Cristobal’s every move. She protests. She just wants to know where he is and with whom (…at all times…forever). Sev reminds her that Aldonza asked for a divorce, so he’s probably not with her and tells her that he went to shut PJ up. Cande starts to freak the F out, but Sev shushes her in classic Sev style. He tells her he confessed with a capital C to PJ, telling him about Eman. Cande is horrified, but Sev says he knows what he’s doing.

Cris asks Ren to slow down the divorce, so that Cris can have time to clear up the misunderstanding, but Ren roundly refuses. Silvia overhears and is hurt. Cris warns Ren that he won’t let him take advantage of the situation to go after Aldie. Ren says he won’t ask for permission.

Sev is sneaking out of the house, but Cande’s still up waiting for Cris. He compares her to a chained ghost haunting the house, driven by her pain. She agrees; that’s what he’s turned her into. How she wishes she’d never learned about the things he did in the past! She asks where he’s going, suspecting a new mistress. Sev tells her not to ask about what she doesn’t want to know. He doesn’t want to add more eslabones(=links) to her ghostly cadenas (=chains).

Eman goes to see Aldonza. Lola leaves to give them privacy, which is probably a good thing as Eman’s focus is 90% on her while she’s there. Aldonza asks about him marrying Mari, but Eman doesn’t know how to be clear with his words, so he talks but doesn’t explain anything. Aldonza tells him to figure it out before things get worse. Eman asks Aldonza to give Cris another chance because she’s the only one he loves. Eman’s sure Val used Cris’s drunkenness to take advantage of him. Aldonza asks him to drop the subject. She’s tired and wants to turn in.

As he’s leaving, Eman makes small talk with Don Camilo, while there’s clearly something on fire in the front lawn. E finally says something and he and Don C race to what turns out to be burning haystacks. As they fight the fire, a shadow slips into the house. Eman convinces Don Camilo to let Aldonza sleep easy tonight and tell her about the fire tomorrow.

PJ is in bed, but wide awake. He gets up and prays desperately to God to stop Sev from committing more atrocities.

In the house, the shadow creeps up the stairs and into Aldonza’s room, clutching a pair of scissors. It looms over the sleeping Aldonza and reveals itself to be…Cris, of course. He snips a lock of Aldie’s hair, gently runs his hand down her arm, steals a kiss and whispers “I love you” before leaving. As soon as he closes the door, she wakes up and wonders if he was there.

Sev’s got a new lover. Seems like he’s tired of trying to have a wife or girlfriend and has gone straight to prostitutes. He’s even more abusive than usual, telling her that he’ll pay her when he wants because he’s doing her a favor. He throws her onto the bed and paws at her roughly.

Outside of El Santuario, Eman’s waiting for Cris in the getaway truck. Cris laments how hard it was to leave Aldonza sleeping there, looking all cute and snuggable. Eman chuckles with him, but says that this was quite a favor and he’s already got enough on his conscience, so Cris shouldn’t try another stunt like this again.

The next morning, Aldonza tells Lola about Cris’s visit. Lola thinks she was dreaming; after all, Don C was at his post all night. Aldonza is sure Cris really was there, but if it was a dream, she wishes she could keep dreaming forever.

Over breakfast, Cris tells Cande that he went to talk to Ren about the divorce and then went to the bar. He tells her the divorce will take 3 months. Cande tells him he has to talk to Val as soon as she gets back from Houston. Cris doesn’t have anything to talk to Val about and asks if Cande told Aldie what happened with Val. She says no, but is clearly delighted that now Aldonza’s more upset about that than the incest lie. Cris asks Cande if he might have any other half siblings, but she says no.

Later (over a breakfast of apple slices with syrup?), Aldonza thinks her life would’ve been simpler if she’d fallen for Renato. Ade warns her that even if he knows Aldie loves Cris, Ren might still hold out hope. Adelina wants to know if she’ll give Ren a chance since she’s divorcing Cris. Aldie’s thinking when Lola runs halfway downstairs in a towel to tell them that the water shut off in the middle of her shower!

Melesio, Jacinto, Cris and El Mudo are dealing with the same issue at Las Animas: no water. Melisio has another dizzy episode. Cris worries, but Mel thinks they’re all exaggerating and makes them swear not to tell Dom, who appears a minute later to take Mel to the clinic for his tests. Cris makes the boys promise to watch out for Mel and tell Cris if anything happens to him.

Aldonza and Don C are pondering the water problem. She thinks something must be wrong with the pipes. She’ll go into town to see what’s up. Lola’s heading to work too, but Aldonza’s needs to talk to Ren, so she tells Lola to go on ahead. Lola teases her about Ren (wait, isn’t she on Cris’s side?). Don Camilo advises her to beef up security: get more lights, another guard, escopetas(=shotguns), a dog and alambres de púas(=barbed wire). Aldie worries at the expense, but Camilo thinks it’s important to keep her and her aunt safe. Aldie says she’ll talk to Ren.

Sim calls Sev, but he hangs up on her before she can say much more than “We have to talk! Don’t hang up on me!” Cande comes in to tell Sev that Cris is asking about other half sibs. She’s worried that he’ll find out about Eman and then he’ll never forgive her! Sev thinks it’s laughable that she’s feeling guilty now when she started this whole thing after freaking out about him and Rob all those years ago. Cande, as always, doesn’t want to talk about the bad things she’s done. She changes the subject to Cris’s divorce. She wants Sev to use him influence to speed things up.

Cris fingers the lock of Aldonza’s hair, before putting it into a ziplock bag and contemplating the DNA clinic’s business card. He calls the clinic and asks if the info he’s got is correct: can they do a DNA test to determine if his wife is his sister without his dad’s involvement? Cande is, of course, lurking outside his door wondering how the crap to stop this new turn of events.

Previous: Episode 75
Next: Episode 77


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Thanks, hellashelle for that detailed recap of the continuing frustrating madness.

Severed is just becoming more and more of a devil...tormenting poor padre.I especially enjoyed the way he blamed all his evil deeds on others which is typical of thisb type of person....nothing is hisb fault. Also, his arrogance confronting the detective was amazing.This dude thinks that he is bulletproof and has everything under his control.Let's hope that someone starts to go after him...Uri, Padre, Sylvia..the only folks in this tn who seem proactive. Uriel is simmering in his grief and despair which could be Severed's downfall. Uriel is scary in his grief, and there must be a reason the writers are showing us this. Like Him, Uri was a puppet to See..but he is a big, scary puppet now.

Sylvia is doing a lot of eavesdropping, so I hope that she can take charge and stop the madness and get Ren as her reward for fighting the forces of evil.

I giggled at AL helpfully holding the hose and shaking it to solve the water problem...good thinking. I guess what I am minding the most about Al is that she has become so bland and passive. YAWN

Stellar Sara, absolutely stellar! Ah, the twist and turns. You got them all.

May I just say that if there is a water problem, and we haven't seen a rain drop in a scene since the start of this TN, setting a fire for a distraction was not the smartest idea. Heck, E-man could have faked a fall and worked just as well. Just sayin'.

Poor Padre. Hey patio, who wants to line up and give that man a hug? And I'm not getting the warm and fuzzies on Mel.

Don't blink...a Simonetta sighting!!

Cande's evil intents and abetting of Sev through past deeds is beyond the pale. No amount of "I regret" can undo the heartache she caused ( was Sev saying she may have been the driving force to get rid of Sev/Rob's child?). Her anvil may not be as large as Sev's, but I actually couldn't get behind a redemption for her anymore.

Speaking of anvil's, I keep seeing the use of fire and implying Sev (even at first last night until we saw Cris) but does the term "burn in hell" come to anyone else's mind with this man. First public humiliation, but a man that takes such delight in his evil deserves the worst. But I have to say, I love the way Alexis plays this character..well I always look forward to watching him. He adds just a bit of something to every Yuck he plays. But that said, I look forward to how he plays this character's TOTAL DEMISE.

Enough with the Lola whining, for that matter Allie too. Lola especially has messed with both guys, her reaction and behaviors have been knee-jerk and right out of high school, so I don't want to listen to her every day ruing her lack of love life. I don't see her at all with Pato anymore, and she better do some growing up to be there for E-man when his world turns upside down.

And gee Allie, here we go. Need security, no problem. She'll head to the Renato. I'm really not liking how invested she has this guy in her life and business, running to him for everything, and then we get the plug pulled because after all, she really loves Cris. My one complaint in this TN--way over the top on her reliance on and running to the guy that won't win her in the end.


Oh so so so so sorry hellashelle. My screen cut off the title and recap by...Amazing recap!! One of these days I'll get this tablet to work right.


Thank you hellashelle, especially this time for the ghost references Severiano made about Cande. Helped me bunches.

Susanlynn, I woke up with the image of all but worthless Aldonza shaking that hose. This the same girl that shows up to clean & paint in white, tight jeans and contributes to mis planes with a reminder to buy seed and trotting off to ask moneybags for more cash. How is it she inspires all these men to do everything for her? As a woman, with figurative scars and blood in my teeth from business battles, cute and stupid inspires nothing but condescension.

I'm disappointed in Cris still wanting that airhead and good thing those scissors didn't pop that balloon, though it was kinda cute what he did.

PJ, what a man!

Cande is crazy


Morning all!

Daisy - no worries! and totally with you on your point about the fire, and Sev's hell imagery and Allie and Ren. Seriously, she's been too reliant on him this whole time, but last night when she said she would ask him about this clearly not legal matter, it was the first time I thought "wow. whether you realize it or not, you are definitely treating him like a husband."

So many issues with the episode last night!

1) I was actually hopeful about Eman and Lola's maturity last night. Eman recognized that he has bad habits when it comes to alcohol (though he did nothing about it). Lola's comment about Eman's wanting a home and family made me feel like she really was listening to him before and understands that part of him. It's the first time I think she's really shown that she understands someone else's feelings.

2) She had shades of mean girl last night, but her friendship with Pato is growing and I'm thinking he'll be the one to get her through her issues with her dad.

3) the police guy looked PO'd when Sev was condeming the horrible people that killed Lardo. I want to believe that he's already requested or even seen Sev's phone records from his carrier and knows/suspects that Sev is lying to his face.

4) Is Cande upset that someone else knows about Eman or that PJ knows?

5) Ren could've just said that he has an obligation to his client to get the matter cleared up as quickly as possible, but he's just too satisfied about the situation. Not cute.

6) CRIS!!! AUGH!!!!! Not only was that an unnecessarily dangerous and complicated plan, but you cut her hair instead of getting the roots?! You idiot!!!! UGH!!!! Honestly, Eman you couldn't just get your watch "stuck" in her hair and yank it out? Idiots. Cute, but idiots.

7) Daisy originally that paragraph started "Aldonza waves a hose around like she's never seen one before." At least she's in flat boots today.

8) Does Sim know about Adriano and she's calling Sev to warn him? Is she young enough to be pregnant (Lola mentioned that once, that she could have more kids). She called right before Cande went to him, worried about Cris finding out about more half sibs...

Okay, I should do some work today. See you guys later!

Thank you hellashelle!

Just like last week, you and I are on the same page in the DNA textbook. He didn't get the root, so what was the point of that? It was a cheap trick on the part of the writers to create drama.

Hellashelle- Thank you, Amiga. In particular I loved the way you described poor Padre J's torment. I'll offer him a hug too.

Daisynjay- Cande WAS the one who pushed the baby stealing. Sever couldn't care less that Rob was pregnant with his child. It was Cande who insisted that he "do something" just like when years later she ordered him to "do something" to drive the Alcocer women out of town, and he raped Al. When Padre finds out abut that, I don't think he'll be able to hold back from pounding Sever, and Cande will be dead to him.


Sara - yeah, at the end when he was on the phone with the DNA clinic I was rolling my eyes, like "oh now you call them to ask how this works?" Also, he needs to close his freakin' door.

BTW, I know the scene played out the way it did so that the audience was supposed to think Sev was going to attack Aldie, but instead it was creepy for completely different reasons. It was very obviously Cris from the minute the showed legs in the house, but what was he thinking?! He knows she was raped and that her farm being on fire is one of her worst nightmares, so he sneaks into her bed in the middle of the night after setting a fire in her front yard?!

Seriously writers: WTF?!

Sev has basically gotten the ball rolling on Cande's anvil. It will destroy her if the Padre knows her secrets. That's a pretty sweet anvil to me.

I do like the struggle they are portraying with the Padre. I'm not Catholic, but I'm sure many a priest has struggled with the confessional seal.

Yes, hellashelle. Very stupid on Cris's part.

Hellashelle! Thank you! Never have time to hang out much on week days, just want to thank you for this wonderfully detailed and smooth recap that's just a joy to read! I look forward to y'all's take on today's events.

Still not feeling Donnie's so-called love for Cris; love Cris and Eman working together; my heart ache's for PJ's anguish!

Thank you, Hella!

My thoughts on the episode:
1.) Severiano & Candela need to BURN IN HELL! Especially Candela, who is dead inside for stalking her own son on everything he does, where he goes, who he speaks with, etc.,

What is Candela ? The FBI ?

2.) Padre 2.0 should've punched Severiano when he had the chance. I'm expecting him to find out about what Severiano did to Aldonza.

3.) Cris cutting Aldonza's locks : WHAT ?

4.) Val & Pru are disgusting human beings!

5.) Cris' plan will blow up in his face again!

Hellashelle- Excellent point about how insensitive it was of Cris to use two of Al's biggest nightmares (intruder in her room at night, fire on her property) to (incorrectly) get some of her hair. He's lucky she didn't wake up in a panic and get that handgun Ren gave her.

hellashelle, fabulous recap with sensational lines including "Aldonza tells her not to cut Pato out at the first bump (Irony!).

I missed this but felt I missed nothing due to your careful, caring recap. I agree with Vivi that you described the Padre's torment so well, I'm with Lila in having my heart go out to him.

I was thrilled to see Cris was proactive in getting a lock of Aldonza's hair although as you noted Vivi, he could have gotten shot if Al had awakened.

"Don Camilo advises her to beef up security: get more lights, another guard, escopetas(=shotguns), a dog and alambres de púas(=barbed wire)". Ummm, yes. Thankfully, it was Cris who entered the home and not Sev this time but this is proof positive one man cannot be everywhere.

daisy, I liked your idea of Eman faking a fall. Inspired! You are right - that fire could have easily gotten out of control.

Susanlynn, loved your comment on Sylvia. The demons have Cande but Sylvia is certainly doing her part to keep Renato in check.

Thank you again for the wonderful recap,



Vivi - yeah, especially since Sev's second physical assault.

Just commented that maybe Sim's not of the age to be pregnant...then immediately read that the oldest mother to give birth is apparently 66 or 76 so yeah, that was ageist of me, my bad.

So.. this is what you get when dumb & dumber get together to make a plan? Did Emanuel & Cris actually set a fire to dry hay bales as a distraction for Don Camilo outside Aldonza's home knowing that there have been major issues with water being sparse just so Cris could sneak into her house, go upstairs to her bedroom while she was sleeping like a creeping creepster who creeps which was especially bad for Cris since he knew her history of being raped and cut a piece of her hair, of course not getting the root, all for a secret DNA test?
And then did Cris actually call the lab to inquire about how it all works AFTERWARDS and did he actually do it from his house with his door wide open speaking in a normal voice knowing that his Mother is a paranoid lurking lurker who lurks? Ugh.

I think his ultimatum to Aldonza that he wouldn't give her the divorce unless she took a DNA test would have eventually led to results.

Also, how did Cris get in the house? Isn't Don Camilo's room off the front of the house but doesn't lead to the interior? I thought it was a separate room only accessed from outside like a motel? Wouldn't the main door to the house be locked since Al had shut off the lights and gone to bed for the night or am I mistaken and when Camilo left his door wide open and unattended Cris was able to walk right in and get into the main home?

Thanks Hellashelle for your awesome recap and I always love when recappers add Spanish language to the mix to build vocab.

No amount of Aldonza dreaming or her laments to Lola convince me she loves Cris and I agree the man she's treated like a husband for most of the TN is Renato. I just don't understand why Renato thinks he has to try and why I need to tighten my beanie when he does. Renato was correct in assuming she would flutter right back to him. Come on Renato give her a kiss and close the deal, no need to wait for the divorce to be final.

I think Cris is stupid in his pursuit but don't think he is a bad guy. Like Renato was gonna help him but it may prove fruitful cause believe Silvia will.

Kinda pisses me off in these TN's when an orbiter is given a chance just to be a placeholder and it somehow not considered being a turd to use them. Looking at you Lola.

I cannot wait for the next conversation between PJ and Cande, she slaps Aldonza in the church, kisses him while comatose and now he knows she part of the plan to hide Emmanuel. Please don't hold back PJ.


Despite their foolhardiness, I did enjoy seeing Cris and Eman working together, and Al trying to talk sense into Lola (advice she should be giving herself).

Hey, HellaShelle, this was certainly an eventful episode, and your coverage of it made it all the more enjoyable. Thank you.

I am not an expert on this, but I think you can do mitochondrial DNA testing on hair shaft material, but I'm not sure how useful this would be since it is mostly a way to investigate DNA material from the mother.

Gawd, that confession just riles the heck out of me. I hope PJ is THE instrument of Sev's doom, on a completely different area than what was spoken of in the confessional, for example Aldonza's rape.

I noticed that while Aldonza was shaking the hose, down the hill there was standing water. I am not understanding the hydrodynamics or physics or whatever is going on here.

Yeah, I can't wait for the next time Cande and PJ meet. That should go well.

I too think that the chief cop knows that Sev is being duplicitous. I think that a lot of people are getting Sev's number, and this will just have to percolate for a while before everything comes together.

Aldonza being thrilled that she was sure that Cris had snuck into her room seems to me to be evidence that she's further along on her rape recovery than I had previously thought.

Thanks again, HellaShelle.


Thank you Hellashelle, I'm not understanding the water problem. Why would Aldonza not have water? The lake/pond was shown in one scene, and then there's the waterfall on the property too.


I feel like the water issue is more a matter of pipe/distribution problems.

You know, since I'm a total expert. *eyeroll at self*

Oh! Oh! Mel is actually a water elf and his illness has caused a disturbance in the water force.

Looks like no one has water coming out of the pipes, but Al still has natural water sources on her property (the pond in front of the house and the waterfall). I wouldn't expect that Al's tap water was coming from her waterfall, but from the same municipal pipes as everyone else. I didn't find this odd.

Still I think it has some plot implications. Maybe the town will need Aldonza's water?

Hehe, Mel is an elf.

Yep the falls can save the day or Aldonza can bottle and sell it at Publix. Does she have the water rights? Lets ask Renato.

Whatever the problem is, Al is lucky that she has water on her property that can be diverted to water plants and animals. But the humans in the house need water to drink, cook with, and bathe, so it's still a concern for them that the taps have stopped.

Yeah..what's up with all the water talk ? Is this an important storyline , or just a way to s-t-r-e-t-c-h things out ?

PJ is going to go ballistic when the truth about the rape comes out. However, I am keeping my eye on the slow simmering gentle giant. I think that Severed might be in for a real beatdown when the police finally connect the dots .

I know that AL has had a tragic life filled with traumatic events , but she needs some counseling to move ahead, Of course, it is a tn so we need all this drama.


And even diverting the falls/pond water would actually cost a lot of money to set up the system. It won't be cheap.

Susanlynn- If Santuario's water becomes the only thing that can save his horse business, it will just add even more fuel to his obsession about getting it back, no matter what he has to do.

Referring to Sever above.

That's one thing Renato doesn't know yet. I doubt that her intimacy problem stops at Cris.

Hellashelle, loved your recap! Like others, laughed at, “Aldonza tells her not to cut Pato out at the first bump (Irony!)” Also, love your two options, short and long....thanks.

I wonder how writers who have done such a fantastic job on the Irma and Uriel storyline could do such a really bad job on main characters and plot ideas, like burning hay bales during a drought, cutting hair without the skin follicles and bigger things like making the main characters very unsympathetic, Chris and Aldonza. The writers seem lead footed sometimes and very intuitive at other times. Maybe some actors are taking over the interpretations on some characters, and others are just following orders. I still like our “chamacos” but, gosh, wish they would get smarter (Chris) and stop blindly using others (Alde). This is a new turn of events of the last several years, unsympathetic leads. I will give Chris and Alde this, they HAVE chemistry, and in their look and bearing, they are enjoyable to watch, none of the Angelique Boyer shorts to the ”nether regions,” in our Sombra. Also, we don’t have to watch Ana Brenda and Daniel Arenal clomp all over Mexico with NO CHEMISTRY for month after month as in CI.

I think the best person to take Sev down is Sim, she has lots of information and eventually she will act on it, I hope. She had made many bad choices, and her heart is aching. I would enjoy seeing her move to the lighter side and have peace. She was duped and selfish, not really evil. Many people under the influence of evil or Satan, as he is called here, have affairs and give up children, that doesn’t make them evil! Someone needs to do something and fast and it doesn’t look like our central players have the guts to stop this horrible man. Now PJ is under his confessional rules.

Vivi, people in the country tap the water on their on property all the time, in fact, I would imagine that Las Animas (sp?) has well water and not “city” water like many country homes do here in the US. I grew up with well water and many people with farms here have well water. So, I’m not sure why Aldonza needs to shake a water pipe with so much water on the property. Oh well....

Ditto so many weekend comments on what the novela WRITERS are serving up these days, so sad.

Re_-the water source. Most people in rural areas get their water from wells or springs. Even the small towns around here still rely on wells. Our family farm got water from springs until my dad had a well dug . He used to tell us that the local Native American tribe used the same spring we used. It was on a hill across the road from our house and under the road, so the piping was long and sometimes got damaged and my dad had to find the break, dig , and repair it. When he got older , it was hard to do, so he had a well dug by the house. Hub still mows the lawn at the farm and complains about how fast the grass grows because of all the underground springs. Didn't someone say that the title of the original tn was ''The Spring?''


Sandy..We were commenting at the same time with the same thought !

Thank you, hellashelle, for the recap! I won’t have time to watch this one and really appreciate your time and labors!

That Simoneta sighting is, IMO, a telenovela clue that we aren’t done with her yet. Or, really, she is not done with the story, yet. She may well be the one who takes Sev out. I can see it, because she has the least to lose, and knowledge of ALL his crimes against humanity might be the turning point. Sim is a troubled soul, but not evil, and killing Sev might be her own redemption in the eyes of Lola & Co.

Cris gets The Darwin Award for setting that fire. Imbécil!


Yes Susanlynn, we are on the same page with the wells. Vivi is right, it is expensive to run pipes and maintain wells, but it is more expensive for the government to run one water pipe out to individual ranches in the country. Same thing with cable, that's why we have satellite networks like Dish, the cable companies won't run lines out to farms in the country that are miles and miles apart.

Of course, the problems of a drought in our novela pales in comparison to having a tongued Satan living in your midst!

More money out of Ren's pocket, more obstacles for starting up the ranch, and more reasons for Sever to be angry at Aldonza. That's what this water issue is about.

The water problems at El Sant started the morning after Cris' night mission, so no one knew there was a water problem there. I'm not even sure he knew there was a water problem at Las Animas.

I'm with Vivi in that I didn't think it was odd that Aldonza's water might come from the municipal system. Though, as David pointed out, there's something like a lake on the property. I figure she'll go into town, find out there's a dorught and maybe they'll have to make use of an old well on the property or something.

To be honest, I thought Sev did something to El Santuario's water lines.

Linda - good question! You would think they'd lock the front door after Sev raped Aldonza and bashed the security guard over the head.

Changing topics, it was interesting that Sever just came right out and admitted the reason he hates Al so much is because her great grandbpappy took the land from his grandpa, her daddy took his arm, and her mama ruined his family. Sheesh! He and Cande were made for each other the way they project their and other people's sins on innocent people.

Hellashelle, thank you once again for the great recap.

Doris, I think you are right about the Sim/Viv clue. I just hope Cris' query about other siblings doesn' play into the storyline with Sim and Sev. That man should not be allowed to reproduce.

I cannot believe that Sev blames Roberta for everything, the nerve of that man!

Rosemary Primera


I asked a therapist how someone can blame an innocent person for all HIS/HER own sins, bad deeds, and flaws, and her reply was that he or she twists things in his or her mind so that it is someone else's fault. Being a realist, I am amazed that this behavior actually exists. Severed is not self aware. Others are to blame for the evil has done and continues to do.

I teach teenagers. That kind of behavior does not surprise me at all. And sometimes the parents are worse! Lol

You guys are killing me this morning. Took a break after some frustrating emails and had to quick close my door!!

"Cris gets The Darwin Award for setting that fire. Imbécil!" Doris, you are my hero.

yeah, tofie, TN's sometimes set up everything perfectly to show us how a heroine really has more in common and relates better to the secondary galan, only to pull the rug out and throw her back to the main squeeze because they LURVVVV each other even though there's not much else but the macking to convince us they actually would last as a long-term couple. I still think back affectionately at a few TN's where I'm still not convinced, despite the romantic end, big wedding and endless "love you's" that the right couple got together.

As the granddaughter of a farmer who used wells for the water supply, I reserve comment for the water plot. I think this is one of those times we just "let it flow". Ok, that was bad. But I do think we see more and more Allie is a bit clueless despite her education and being from the area. Thank goodness she has her Bod Squad around. I think Joaquin should just take her by the hand and say "we love you really, and will do anything for you, but we got this. Step away from the pipes and fields, and go make some paper plans."



Continuing the water topic, Hub always frets when we do not have rain for awhile, but a neighbor once told him not to worry because there is an underground river below our house. We did not have to go down many feet when we had the welldug when our house was built.Depending on the water table, people have to drill down every far to get water for a well as friends of ours did. I think that a spring on EL Santuaria will come into play now that people are experiencing water problems.

"Let it flow"

You're hilarious Daisynjay!

They haven't given us much that says Aldonza and Ren have much in common except sus planes and they went to the same school. But they have established that they're friends, which is more than they've done for AC/DC.

How do you guys feel about Mari's level of upset about her dad still being to cope with losing Lardo? I'm not objective, so I can't always tust my perception of Mari.

Sara..word..They will look right into your eyes after you witness them doing something and tell you that they did not do it and it wasn't their fault. I always had a strong desire to do *something * to them (I was usually holding a heavy book ) and then tell them the same. Luckily...I squashed those feelings and counted to ten..or twenty..or....and kept my job. Men.

Great point on the transference that both Cande and Sev have done all these years. It's actually something we do ourselves in rare and small instances, kids are famous for it "I didn't do it, the dog did". But with those two we see it embodied in people who lean to the irrational and because of history or background ( we just never had gotten enough on these two as kids/teens/parents), or in some instances a mental illness, it just becomes entrenched in their thinking to the point where they truly believe their actions to be the fault of others. There is no conscious allowance that they are doing on purpose, this is their "truth". I saw it every day growing up with my mother who had this behavior. It's maddening, and no amount of convincing or talking can change their mind once they take grab unto an idea in this regards.


Uh..oh...''men''was supposed to be ''meh'' but tablet changed it and I did not proofread carefully....Freudian slip, perhaps ?????

Meh. Men seemed appropriate too.

Hellashelle are you thinking that Mari is being selfish because her father still can't get over Lardo's death? It's possible, but I think it's human, too. I generally find her annoying, but in this case I understand her hurt.

Daisynjay..Yes, we saw and still see it with our ex soninlaw. It is frustrating. EVery bad behavior of his was someone else's fault....usually our daughter's. I just could not believe how he could blame her for all the bad things that he did. I still cannot wrap my head around his view.

I wish that Elna June was here to give us her analysis of Severed and Candy. What will Candy's reaction be when she opens her eyes to what Severed actually did to carry out her orders. If he harms PJ in any way and she finds out about it...maybe that will open her eyes.


hellashelle, I think Mari has a valid point with her mom and dad. While understandable the grief process they are going through they continue to all but ignore Mari. All the energy and effort was focused on Abelardo and surprising Mari hasn't acted out. I get why she would want to escape and create her own home and family just as Emmanuel.


It was a great show last night and a great recap that followed it. Thank you Hellashelle.

The women are really blasting "stupid" Cris for what he did last night, but----men and women don't think alike. Mars/Venus Roberta/Aldonza had their crops destroyed by fire and so Cris sets a couple of bales of hay on fire. Water shortage? No water was needed for the bales. Could something catch on fire from the bales? Possible, but they probably were set far away from anything else and there was no wind. Would Aldonza see the fire and panic? No, she was sleeping. This was just a simple diversion to keep Camilo off guard and away from the house.

Was the front door--back door locked? Good point but you guys know that novelas don't mess around with details. Cris got in, that's all that matters.

Aldonza was raped and so Cris enters her bedroom while she's asleep. Again, men don't think like women do. Women always think about the possibility of rape
and especially after one had occurred, men are not thinking along those lines. In Chris's mind, all he is thinking is that he needs a lock of hair to save their brief marriage and at this point, Ali won't let him close to her. So---bring out the scissors to Sleeping Beauty. OK, OK, not the best plan but Cris was never in the top 10, he's just a nice, young handsome guy in love. He's acting more upon emotions than anything else.

Hair samples without the roots? Once again you guys should know that novelas are ALWAYS short in the facts department. They need hair for DNA, they got hair. Case closed.

Cathyx---The comments are coming fast as they always do for Sombra and several have already answered your question. Yes, there is a waterfall and a pond but the rancho's water comes from wells or a well. There might be two, one for the house and one for the livestock.

David---Yes, things are now percolating before they all come together. I can't wait for tonight. Must see tv.
the gringo


Exactly, tofie. And remember Mari was already feeling overshadowed by 'Lardo before he died.

Yep. Now Mari did flirt with being a mean girl along with Val, did trick Emmanuel with a smooch (which she caught hell for from her parents) but it kinda blew up on her and a few digs at Lola, did throw a little princess tantrum outside the restaurant with Em (and quickly apologized and had a good time) but otherwise she's not a stinker. She willing to give Emmanuel every nickle she's got and more importantly able to carry on a conversation for over 20 seconds with both Emmanuel and Pato without a slap. She just wants to be number one in somebody's life. Don't fault her.


To the anonymous dear that just posted the spoilers. This is a spoiler free blog. But I suspect you already knew that.

Well said about Mari. I do wish she had been cast differently.

Thank you to who took down the last post. To that Anon poster (always the cowardly way) if you can't play nice in our sandbox, we would appreciate your take your sand throwing somewhere else. So not cool to try and think it funny to ruin things for people who are trying to enjoy a show as it progresses and comment community. This is a TROLL-FREE zone.



I think Irma has recovered rather well, and is there for Mari. It's Uriel who has turned inward, and that's ruining both his relationship with his wife and his daughter. I don't think Mari was out of line to call him on it. It's good that neither her nor Irma are ignoring it, and are speaking to him about it and getting others to as well. But Uriel might just need some professional help to get past this. A lot of his feelings are about the guilt he feels having not been a good enough parent to Lardo and letting him stray. I imagine he feels even more guilty now believing Sever had to do with his death, when he basically pushed him on Sever.

Oh, wow! I'm glad I missed the spoiler. Thanks for taking it down quickly Sara so that it wasn't ruined for the rest of us.

Good point about Mari. I think that she will end up with Pat, Lola with Eman even though she has treated him badly, Rennie with longsuffering Sylvia, and Chris with AL who will hopefully get some counseling to deal with her past traumas.SEvered and Candy have a date with the devil. Table for two in hades as depicted by Hieronymous Bosch ???

I did not see the spoiler post.Thanks for removing it, Sara.

This is why I need some other points of view. I agree that it's natural to want some of her parents' attention and, as Sara pointed out, Mari's been after that since before Lardo died. She does seem aware that her parents are hurting and Uriel definitely has gone off in spectacular fashion. I'm just a little annoyed with her bringing this up now. She acts like her parents completely ignore her, which isn't the case. Uriel and Irma have shown an interest in her only interest - Emmanuel. They haven't commented on her upcoming marriage so far, but given how they feel about it, that's probably a good thing. Besides, she hasn't discussed it with Eman very much either or she might know what was up on that front. Lardo only died a couple of weeks ago and Irma's definitely been encouraging her to be happy, smiling through her tears and listening to her excitement over Eman. It would be nice if she could just give them their time right now without expecting them to return the focus.

On the other hand, because it is human nature, I son't quite hate her for it. I actually think it's one of the more interesting dynamics on the show. They've really given the Lagos family a lot of layers to explore. If only they gave the main couple that much thought.

Gringo - you're right, maybe it really just didn't occur to Cris to think of rape. He knows what his intentions are (as do we, which is the only thing that saved that scene from totally weirding me out - he pulls off the cute intent). But he only knows a few things about Aldonza and these two are probably the ones that stand out most. Again, I ask, why couldn't he have had Eman fake Aldonza's hair getting stuck in a watch. Or, honestly, he could've just had Eman talk to her, then randomly yank some hair out of her head and run away, because it would've been kind of hilarious and she wouldn't have been expecting it. He could've enlisted Adelina or Lola's help before resorting to a fire and a break in, but he didn't even ask them. Sigh. But I am female, so maybe this does seem more reasonable to guys than I would think. Lord knows I've had wth moments when considering the actions of men in my life before, lol

hellashelle, I’ve been thinking about Mari too. I thought she was sincere and had reasonable concerns while talking with her grieving father, but, I wondered about her helping Pato, giving him advice for Lola. I have mixed feelings about her, she is a “mean girl” around Lola, but really, for the eventuality of the novela I think she and Pato might be good together, she isn’t really a horrible person. It would be fun to see them build a relationship from a friendship, that seldom happens in novelas, it is generally love at first sight. I’d like for her to find happiness, despite being miscast with a silly ponytail!

Sara and Susanlynn, I sat beside a retired school principal from Kentucky last night and he told me he could write a book about teenagers, but more than that, their mothers! He said cheerleader moms are the worst!

Gringo and David, thanks for your comments today...

Susanlynn - hell by Busch. It is truly terrifying. Have you seen the painting "in real life"? It's overwhelming.

Damn you tablet. Hell by Bosch.

As to Uri's grief, everyone grieves in his or her own way. I once read that men tend to feel the grief immediately and then move forward, whereas women tend to weave their grief into their lives and never completely let it go, especially with the loss of a child. All parents expect their children to outlive them. I agree that some of what Uri is feeling right now has to do with knowing that Lardo did not turn out to be an upstanding young man. He is grieving and feeling guilty.

Sara..Thankfully,I have only seen that painting in books. Is it massive like Picasso's Musicians or Botticelli's beautiful Springtime (hanging in the Uffici in Florence, Italy) . If it is as big as those paintings..yikes..because even in small pictures it is terrifying. What museum is it in ?

It's not massive (like Guernica) but it is very large. About 7 feet tall and 11 feet wide.

It's in the Prado.



Regarding teenagers, how times have changed. When I was in school I had nuns in grades 1-8, and brothers for high school. Both would hit you if they felt it was necessary, the nuns usually with a ruler on your hand, but the brothers would slug you at times. And we didn't run home to mommy and daddy complaining about it, because if our parents found out we got in trouble in school, we'd get it again from them. I really feel sorry for those of you who teach, and the conditions under which you are expected to perform.


David..Today the directive is ''Never touch anybody.''

I was recently in a classroom, observing with some visitors as a colleague of mine served as a guest presenter at a high school. She was teaching a group of high school sophomores about resumes- why they are important and how to use them. The class teacher was also in the room. One of the young men ignored my colleague and had his earbuds from his cell phone in his ear the whole time. He would start talking out of turn. My colleague, a young woman, was really good about calling him out on his behavior. But his teacher, a rather young man himself, looked scared to say or do anything. When I was leaving with the guests, he had finally decided to "take action"-- go to the interschool phone in his classroom to call someone (security, disciplinary dean) to come get the disruptive student. He had NO authority. I don't expect him to last as a teacher, but I do expect this young man to continue this behavior, until someone finally pulls him up short and follows through with consistent discipline.

My assistant principal recently had downtown reverse one of the suspensions he had handed down to a student. The student had left campus without permission (basically went AWOL) to get lunch.

So if you can't punish a child for leaving campus, you certainly can't punish him for listening to music.

Almost all authority has been taken out of my hands. Luckily, my students and I respect each other and I don't have problems. But I'm at a magnet school which is a different environment.

On Uriel, I think it's the perfect point with him that his grief is that of the "what if guilt". There were times he saw the writing on the wall, he let him under Sev's guidance knowing a bit what Sev was like in his business dealings, even suspected him in the cash stealing. But he and Irma always caved. As the father, HE takes it that it was his responsibility to keep his son on the right path, and he failed.

The fact he just stared out to oblivion as Mari talked to him to me sensed something deeper than grief over the loss of a son. He may be ignoring her because he thinks he's a rotten father, period. Why reach out to her, he'd only fail her too, that sort of thing.

Again, it's rather sad all these broken people and no one to help them professionally.

Did I cringe a little at first when Mari was upset he wasn't paying attention to her, but I think it was maybe her only way to try and snap him out of where he is. I think she's scared to see him that way. She lost her brother, she's losing her father in a way too. So I'll give her a bit of a pass. To how she is with Lola, well, Lola is no peach either in how she's handled things, but becoming more self aware slowly.



Now, I have to say, even though I agreed that Al should follow her own advice to Lola about not letting the first bump on the road derail her relationships, I have to admit Lola's bumps are nowhere near the size as Aldonza's bumps. Seeing your drunk boyfriend being forcibly kissed on a dance floor (Eman), and your suitor taking another girl to pity dinner (Pato), is NOT the same as having: your boyfriend's father rape you; your boyfriend's father destroy you family's crops; your boyfriend's mother slap you around and try to destroy your mother's ashes in the church; your husband's parents claiming you're in an incestuous marriage; and your husband sleep with his ex-fiance. These are not bumps. These are BOULDERS!

And admit it. If in real life you and your boyfriend/husband had a big fight, and you told him to just run on back to his ex, you'd be ticked off too if you found out that very night he went and had sex with that ex. And you wouldn't care if he claimed he was drunk.

I was really wondering if Mari was really trying to help Lola, or further sabotaging her, "don't call, no mariachis." Mari feels that she is engaged, so maybe she is really putting all past irritations with Lola aside and is trying to settle her with Pato and is giving honest advise. Also, it helps Mari for Lola to be settled and out of the way. It was so unusual for Mari to appear to be helping Lola.

Lola has really created some of her problems or at least contributed to them. She is really like Aldonza is that she just reacts, reacts and reacts without any consideration. I'm really tired of seeing her prance out of a room with a silly flounce. I know she is immature, but she is treating Dom and Mel terribly. I'm sure that will stop now with Mel having a serious condition of some sort. There is a time in which you can tell children things, Mel and Dom just went a bit past the time they needed to in telling Lola a terrible truth. Vivi, you are right though, Lola's problems pale in comparison to Aldonza's.

Lola looked so much better with her hear all tumbled in the morning. I hope the actress uses that style in real life.

Did anyone else think that the agave plant on the tequila bottle looked more like a marijuana plant?

Ha! hair, not hear...bad typist and bad proofreader rolled into one!

Regarding Mari, she has her faults but I currently find her a lot more likable than whiny, baby voice talking, acts like she's in HS and loved to play games Lola and I think she's more interesting too. I'm pretty sure Lola/Emanuel will end up together in the end which means that Mari will technically be the loser but if she ends up with Pato instead? She will have won in my book because he's a smart, educated, sweet guy who will treat any girl that he loves with respect while Eman is kind of a naive doofus. I'd take Pato over Eman any day.
I also don't take issue with her attitude towards her Father in wanting him to be there for her (and her Mother) the way he was before Abelardo died. It's okay for her to feel that way.

So glad I missed the spoiler post - THANK YOU for taking it down so fast. I don't want to know anything in advance. During the last TN that I watched I even stopped watching the previews at the end of the episodes the last 2 weeks to avoid being spoiled...and while I continued to read and enjoy the recaps on here, I avoided the comments until after the finale since people would comment on what they had seen in the upcoming previews. I want to be surprised and watch it as it goes.

HellaShelle--Thank you, just THANK YOU for the recap!
I haven't had time to read the comments but enjoyed your take on the night's events.

J in Oregon

Gracias tanto, HellaShelle! That was a delicious recap! Sara, thanks for posting and getting that spoiler dealt with! Thanks everyone who's been commenting. I did finally get a chance to read everything and I'm just laughing and nodding along.

All I have to say about the episode, and life in general is...Mariachis are always the correct answer. Always.

Vivi I agree with all your points about Aldonza's relationship with Cris and why I don't believe the two should be together. I understand why Aldonza wants to pack it in and want Cris to realize the futility of pushing a boulder up a hill.

Well said Linda! I’d rather have Pato too.

This might have been discussed while I wasn’t here, but it is a real stretch to buy an expensive horse as a neophyte owner and then make $$$ pesos on the return training at a ranch that your friend has rented for one year. (Is this the plan?) Eman comes off as a Ponzi scheme seller with his aggressive sale pitch of this investment opportunity. Of course, he’ll buy the horse and win the equivalent of the Mexican triple crown or the Secretariat sperm sale bonanza, wait and see. I want to cheer for him, but he is making it hard for me!

I actually think we come here because, magically, our lives look better! Smile....

Linda- I'm getting to where I don't even watch the previews, either!

Diva- "mariachis are always the answer." I have to agree with you!

Sandy - I think it's more Mari helping Pato than Lola. I also had trouble reading her in that scene because of the line I quoted (“Mariachis? Serenade? Romantic music? For Lola? No!”). If it hadn't been for that line, I would've thought she was just trying to help Pato, with no ill will towards Lola. After all, she did give Pato the good advice to talk to Mel and Dom before pursuing Lola officially (of course, then she was trying to keep Lola from Eman).

I guess I'll have to try to clear my Mari thoughts regarding her dad. I wish she was just offering supportive comments ("I'm here for you. I think you're a great dad. I miss you.") without so much of the focus being on her, but you guys are right it's pretty natural. And Daisy this is a great point: I think she's scared to see him that way. She lost her brother, she's losing her father in a way too. I'd forgotten how she went running to Irma because Uriel was scaring her so. If my dad had acted like that when my brother passed away, maybe I would have reacted the same way.

Vivi - boulders is so right!

I'm hoping the next couple of months show Aldonza finally fighting for her "love." Lola's already showing signs of admitting she was wrong (with Pato) and recognizing others strengths (Pato again) and motivations (with Eman). She even tried to separate her worry about one thing from her anger about another (when Mel had his episode). So I have hope for her. Mari I'll learn to see in her new, maturing form. Aldonza...well, Aldonza has work to do. I wouldn't mind seeing her chase Cris for a while...

I don't want Aldonza to chase the son of her rapist, I want her to say to him the real reason why she keeps running away from him. That way they'll be able to decide wether or not that's an obstacle they can get past.

That would be a great start anon 6:11 and if a non starter for either then at least they will be dealing with the real issue. Not the circus side show.

Loving the recap sara. God bless you recapers.

Shame on you telenova people, makin us think that demon sev was sneakin up to ally's room AGAIN. So happy it was cris, he was so sweet. He should really learn to close his door when he's on the phone in that house of horrors. Now nosey moma is going to cause trouble. I hope he didn't say the name of the clinic. Cause if so, here comes another roadblock.


I wish I could say that this was my work, Nina. But this brilliance is all Hellashelle's :)

Hellashell! Wonderful recap, I never got to see the episode last night so this was awesome, I read it first thing in the morning!

Guys I'm sorry, I want to give credit whrere credit is due. Hellashell loved your recap.And again God bless the recapers. I so want to understand whats being said, and you guys are just wonderfull to interpret for us who has no inkling at all of this beautiful language. Thank you!!!


No worries, Nina.

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