Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #11 Mon 6/1/15 Take this QUIZ to find out if this novela is right for you!

Welcome back to Monday Spanish class.  It's time to wallow and hoot our way to mastery.  And before we get started with tonight's episode, let's try a little quiz on what we've learned so far.

[The answers are given below.]

1.  What did Virginia say about Verónica's mother?
She called her a:
(a) ramera
(b) cualquiera
(c) prostituta 

For extra credit:  If you were Verónica, would you have punched Ginny in the face too?  How many times?  Explain.

2.  Why is Emiliano channeling a late 1970s John Travolta?  Would YOU marry Emi?  Explain.  Please.

3.  True or false:  Ginny showed off her Latin in Friday's episode.

4.  Why does Mariana seem to be the only one who actually LIKES Ginny?
(a) The writers want to show us that Mariana is too stupid to hang onto Pablo.
(b) The writers want to show us that Ginny is actually likeable.
(c) The writers want to show us that Mariana is capable of liking ANYONE – maybe even the niño Emiliano.

5.  Ginny's lie is so brilliant because:
(a) All the details are true – it's just that they are true of her, not Vero.
(b) After hearing it, idiot Jorge believes the worst of Vero.
(c) After hearing it, idiot Emiliano believes the worst of Vero.
(d) After OVERHEARING IT, idiot Martín believes the worst of Vero.

6.  Name at least one previous telenovela in which Pablo Montero climbed in through a window to be with his beloved.

7.  Ana Perla's grandfather Crescencio can best be described as:
(a) A misogynist – he just hates women.
(b) A xenophobe – he just hates/fears/distrusts outsiders
(c) A well meaning but overprotective grandfather and community elder who is desperately fighting against a modern age he does not understand.
(d) Un desgraciado infeliz – a nasty old bastard.

8.  Match the adjective used by Ginny and the person she was describing.  Hint: one adjective is used twice!
(a) odiosa (1) Salma
(b) imbécil (2) Dr. Fernández
(c) marimacha (3) Emiliano
(4) Verónica

9.  True or False: Dr. Daniel Fernández has an unusual bedside manner (not that there's anything wrong with that), but at least he makes house calls. 

10.  Nanciyaga reads the future with the aid of:
(a) Pebbles
(b) Snails

11. True or False: If Vero goes ahead with her wedding to Martín, she will shed lágrimas de sangre.

12.  Es el interés con pies  
Who said this?  About whom? 

1.  (a) and (b) with (c) strongly implied.
2.  Don't ask me.  I'd like the answer to this question too.
3.  TRUE!  She begged off further medical evaluation, referring to more testing as a via crucis (literally, the way/stations of the Cross).
4.  Both (a) and (c) are correct.  If you picked (b), you may be watching the wrong novela.  
5.  All of the above.
6.  Triunfo del amor.  (Count your blessings, Patio peeps.  At least he's not singing in this one.  Well not yet.)
7.  (a), (b) and (d).  If you answered (c), please check your registration.  You may be in the wrong class.
8.  (a)-1; (b) - 2 and 3; (c) - 4.
9.  TRUE!  Obvio.
10. Probably (a) but I'm really hoping it turns out to be (b).
11. TRUE! If you said FALSE, please reread recaps number 1 through 10 or consider switching to French.
12.  Martín said it about Véronica in a conversation with his friend Alfredo.  It means something like "She is the personification of self-interest/greed," or "She is greed walking."  
And it's Showtime!

La Casa Prado Castelo

We're in luck.  We get another view of Verónica slamming Virginia in the face.  But then Jorge rushes in to stop the fun.  "Did you hear what she said to me?" Vero asks.  But he tells her that nothing justifies striking her cousin.  Then as Salma rushes down the stairs, Ginny goes into full whiny victim mode.  "Tiiiiiiia, she hit me!"  "She insulted the memory of my mother!" Vero tells her.  "She said things so terrible that I can't repeat them!"

"Virginia isn't capable of doing a thing like that," Salma insists.  "And even if she were – she's sick! Her poor weak heart!  Something like this could kill her!"

Vero tries to defend herself, but Jorge isn't listening.  He tells her she is showing a lack of respect for the whole family and their values.  As evil Ginny sniffles and clings to her tía, Salma repeats that Ginny couldn't have said those things – BUT IF SHE DID, NOTHING SHE SAID WAS UNTRUE!

Verónica can't conceal her pain.  Et tu, tio? "Spare us the displeasure of seeing you," Jorge says, dismissing her harshly. (Ahorranos el disgusto de verte)  Virginia smirks as Vero retreats up the stairs.

La constructora de Martín

Martín gets a call, sees that it is from Vero, and ignores it.  He tells Alfredo he has to stay away from Vero until they get married.   And it's not part of his venganza – it's just that when he's near her, he wants so much to kiss her and hold her in his arms.

La Casa Prado Castelo

Vero sobs in her room.

Downstairs, Jorge tells Ginny that if he supported her, it was because he can't sanction violence in his home.  But if she insulted Vero's mom, she deserved those slaps (bofetadas).  Lying Ginny sticks to her story.


Vero tells Matilde what just happened and how Jorge spoke to her como si me despreciara (as if he despised me), and how he looked at her as if he was disappointed in her.  "Nana, I feel like I'm losing the affection of everyone in this house – my uncle, Emiliano..." Matilde urges her to talk to Emi.  (Apparently Mati hasn't gotten the memo that Emi is now on the BSC list.  And apparently Vero hasn't gotten the memo that Matilde is "somebody."  Oh well.)  Vero wishes Martín were with her now.  He makes her feel happy and safe, as if all the bad things in her life have disappeared. (Oy)

Constructora de Martín

At that very moment, Martín is telling Alfredo:

"I know that Verónica doesn't love me and that she is lying to me, and that she only agreed to marry me when she found out I owned a gold mine.  But even so, when she looks at me and smiles, I can't resist."

"But what if she is sincere and she really fell in love with you?" Alfredo asks.

"That woman can't love anyone," Martín answers moronically glumly.

Veronica's Room

Martín isn't answering her calls, Vero tells Matilde.  She left him a message asking him to stop by tonight. 

Vero decides to take Matilde's advice and count her blessings: Things are going well with Martín, Jorge agreed to buy gold from Martín, and even though he doesn't much like the idea, he consented to their GETTING MARRIED!  This is news to Matilde and she is thrilled for Verónica.

La Constructora

Alfredo, doomed to be the voice of reason that nobody listens to, tells Martín to end things with Vero before it's too late.  This vengeance scheme of his is only going to do him harm.  But Martín repeats doltishly that Verónica Prado Castelo caused Demetrio's death. 

Mina Escondida - La Casa de Crescencio

Ana Perla's Room

Ana Perla and Blanquita discuss Magdalena's plight and the abuelo's orders to shun her.  In Blanca's opinion, Magdalena is a good person, and that's all she needs to know. (Con eso, basta.)  She intends to continue seeing Magda, though of course she will keep it from her grandfather.  "Why do we always have to do things in secret?" Ana Perla asks sadly.


Totally pointless scene: Joaquín heads upstairs to get Blanquita so they can catch Uspín's boat home.

Botel arrives, hoping to do a little damage control by explaining things to Crescencio.  He and Magdalena love each other, he begins. Crescencio cuts him off, refusing to listen – Botel and Magdalena are both liars, but Magdalena is the worst.  How could a mother abandon her child?

Botel tries to tell him that isn't how it happened... it was the child's father who took her away.

It's no use.  Crescencio tells him to leave.  He is no longer welcome in his house.

Pueblo Nuevo

Smiling warmly, Nanciyaga delivers a basketful of luscious-looking fruits to Pierre.  When Mariana steps out of the hotel, she and Nanciyaga size each other up. Nanci gives Mariana the stink eye, although she doesn't pull out her machete.  Yet.


Casa de Martín

Martín listens to Vero's plaintive phone message as he sips his wine and eats his dinner alone.

Casa Prado Castelo

Vero's appeals to Emi, personal and professional, are rejected in the nastiest possible way.  He wants nothing more to do with her and she can consider herself "free" of her work obligations with him.

Evening, Pueblo Nuevo

Mariana introduces her "fiancé" Pablo to Pierre and invites Pierre to join them for dinner.  When Pierre steps away to order another place setting, Pablo grouses at her for introducing him as her prometido. Nothing is official yet – he hasn't even given her a ring.  

The only word Mariana seems to have heard is ring, so she is unconcerned. She's sure that after he sells his jungle paintings, he'll be able to buy her a humongous diamond.  

Casa Botel

Botel admits that talking to Crescencio was futile.  Magdalena isn't surprised.  She's starting to think she needs to leave town for good.  Botel's promises and apologies – "It'll never happen again!" "I didn't think!" – are useless.  He didn't think when he got drunk and blurted her secret.   And he didn't think when he left her daughter behind.   

Botel says he really had no choice.  Magdalena's husband had beaten her so badly that he is sure she would have died if he had not gotten her away immediately.  

Casa Prado Castelo

Verónica begs Emiliano not to be angry with her. He insists he has his reasons.  He reproaches Vero for hitting POOR SICK GINNY.  Then he grabs her roughly and asks what he has to do to get her to love him.  ¿No ser decente ni educato?  (Stop being decent and polite?)  Does he have to rob a kiss... the way others do?

Then Emiliano forces himself on Vero in a full frontal FATS.*

*Face Attack Telenovela Style.

She pulls away and THWAP!  She wallops Emi but good. (That hand is gonna be sore.)  ¿Qué te pasa?  (What's the matter with you?)

Emi retorts in his gruff, old man voice: "So now you're going to play the decent, modest girl, huh?  And now you solve everything with slaps?"

Vero doesn't know why he is talking to her like that.  Maybe she fell in love with Martín a little fast but...

"And Demetrio?"

Vero tells him once again that she never had a relationship with Demetrio.  And she's sorry if loving Martín means she has to lose Emi's affection, but she's still going to marry Martín.

Vero storms away.  Emi hurls his glass at the wall, but it doesn't really shatter very satisfyingly.

Vero's Room

Vero looks tearfully at her phone with the photo of her and Martín.

Martín's Room

He looks regretfully at Verónica's picture.

Daybreak in Pueblo Nuevo

Pablo tries to wake up Mariana.  They wanted to see the sunrise and now they barely have time to catch Uspín for the trip to Mina Escondida.  But Mariana is tired and all bitten up.  She pulls the covers over her head.  "You're right," says Pablo.  "Mina Escondida isn't a place for a rich girl like you."  Mariana looks as if she might reconsider, but then dives back under the covers, thus setting in motion...

Another Slow Mo Encounter in Mina Escondida

Pablo espies Ana Perla outside the little schoolhouse.  She walks toward him smilingly.  "I'm starting to believe in San Lorenzo's miracles," he tells her.  She agrees to show him around, but not in town, where her grandfather might see them.  They'll walk along the river's edge.  If San Lorenzo is granting miracles, then surely he'll keep Crescencio away from them.


Constructora de Martín

Martín tells Claudia to look for another buyer since he can't count on the Prado Castelo deal.  Claudia reveals that she has been studying gold – its prices, and its various uses.  She wants to learn all about this part of Martín's business.  Maybe she can earn a promotion, huh?  

Mina Escondida

Ana Perla tells Pablo to go ahead to the river.  She will catch up with him in a few minutes.  She can't take a chance that someone may see them walking together.  He's afraid she has changed her mind and is trying to get rid of him.  They each promise – with much flashing of perfect white teeth and dimples – not to disappoint the other.

Constructora de Martín

Martín has his doubts about taking Claudia into the mining business.  Doesn't she have a lot of work right now?  She says she wants to prove to herself that she can do it.  Besides, with her at his side, he'd have someone he could trust completely, someone who would never betray him. (Though WE know she is only after his MONEY.)

Martín finally says yes.  Claudia squeals girlishly and throws her arms around him...

... just in time for Verónica, who has just appeared on the threshold, to witness this COMPLETELY INNOCENT DISPLAY of enthusiasm.

Casa de Botel – Off the Wagon

Botel comes home to Magdalena drunk and pathetic and needy.  She is growing more desperate.  He makes empty promises that he will not drink again.

Constructora de Martín

Claudia and Vero exchange death-ray stares as Martín introduces his assistant to his fiancée.  Claudia recovers her social mask first, managing a smile and an unconvincing Mucho gusto.

Vero has good news – Jorge has decided to buy Martín's gold.  Vero smiles and she and Martín kiss.  Claudia watches with obvious resentment.

The River 

Pablo is taken with the beauty of the... landscape.  Ana Perla would love to know the city – she has only seen pictures.  Pablo sings the praises of a life close to nature.  He's heard there is a mine close by.  Can Ana Perla take him there?  She doesn't dare – her brother Manuel would kill him.  She admits she is afraid of her brother and she doesn't want him to hurt Pablo.  Pablo knows Manuel doesn't much like him, but to be with Ana Perla, he's willing to take any risk.

But these two do not go unobserved, even on the quiet river's edge.  Nanciyaga sees them smiling and chatting intimately.  She crouches down and watches from a distance.

Ana Perla wants to see Pablo's sketches.  He tries to keep her from looking.  "They're not finished," he protests.  She runs from him, they scuffle playfully, and all of a sudden, they lose their footing on the slippery bank and fall into the river.

Constructora de Martín

After Martín dismisses Claudia, Vero tells him how horrible it felt to see him hugging her and to hear her calling him 'Martincito.' He says he and Claudia have been friends for a long time and even dated for a while.  But that was a long time ago.  Vero is the one he is marrying, so she has no reason to feel jealous.

But she does feel jealous, especially when he seems so cold and distant with her. (So why are you marrying him?)  He has never even told her that he loves her.  (I repeat: Why are you marrying him?) "Tell me that you love me."

"Do you really need me to say it?"  But instead of saying it, he pulls her into his arms and kisses her.

The River

Ana Perla and Pablo splash around like little kids, and they giggle as they climb out of the river.  Their clothes, of course, are soaked.  Pablo says they'll dry quickly if they spread them out on the grass, but he doesn't suppose she wants to take her clothes off.  "We're not married," she says with a shy, sly smile.  "If that's a problem, I'll go get the priest right now," he answers without hesitation.  (Mariana, eat your heart out.)

The Office

Martín and Vero finally come up for air.  "Do you still doubt my feelings for you?" he asks.  "You see how you are," says Vero.  "You give everything in a kiss and then you seem so afraid... I don't know if you're afraid of me or of what you feel..."

Martín denies having any fears – of himself or of her.  His attitude says otherwise, she insists.  "I think it's still very hard for you to express your feelings, my love."

Martín sighs and pulls back.  "You see," says Vero.  "I call you amor and you tense up."

On the River in their Undies

Pablo stands shivering in his boxers while Ana Perla conceals herself behind a tree.  She is wearing a modest white slip.  Her hair is still wet and the rest of her clothes haven't finished drying, but she really needs to be heading back home.  They decide to get dressed and start walking.  Their clothes will finish drying as they go.

In the Office

Vero has read somewhere that it is only with someone we love that we can show our weaknesses.  Martín should never be afraid to show her what he is feeling because she'll never hurt him.  He asks her to be patient with him.  He's not a man who expresses his feelings easily.  She assures him that she loves him as he is.  What is important is that he is a GOOD and SINCERE person.  And if he lets her, she'll teach him how to say 'I love you.'

"I swear that one day I'll be able to say what I feel for you." (Yikes. Is there anything this man says to our Vero that isn't a double-edged razor?)  His lips twitch in an almost smile.  (Why aren't Vero's alarms going off?)

On the River

As Pablo and Ana Perla get dressed, they talk about their upbringing.  She tells him her parents died when she was very young, so it is her grandfather who has raised her.  He tells her that his mother raised him alone; if it weren't for her, he doesn't think he would have become a painter.  She's his only family, and he has no friends.  Until now, he thought painting was everything.  Now he's discovered that life is more than that.

"How did you discover that?" Ana Perla asks.

"You appeared."

La Constructora

Claudia interrogates Alfredo about the Verónica problem. "It all seems very strange to me.  When did he meet her?  How long have they been together?  Where did that tipa come from?  You're his best friend.  Tell me!"

"Claudia, it's none of our business... I just hope Martín isn't making the worst mistake of his life."

Claudia, sensing a chink in the armor, pounces.  Why does he say that?  He says for all the reasons she just cited.  But it isn't their concern and for her own good, she should forget about Martín.

The Crazy Prado Castelo Family

Emiliano paces.  Virginia tells him to calm down.  He can't do business with Martín in that state.  Anyway, he should consider himself lucky that Verónica is leaving.  Doesn't he see that Ginny herself can give him whatever he needs?  "Thanks, Virginia, but it's not the same," he says ungallantly.  (hee hee).  Virginia scowls.

Jorge tells Emiliano that they will be meeting Martín this afternoon to talk about the gold purchase... and he will also be asking formally for Verónica's hand.  It's going to be difficult because he has to be honest with Martín about Verónica.  Para que no se case engañado. / So he doesn't get married under false pretenses.  (Uh oh.  That doesn't sound good.)

The Office

Martín says he didn't listen to Vero's phone message until quite late at night.  She sounded very upset.  Why?  She tells him she had a fight with Virginia, but that's over.  What worries her is Emiliano.  He can't understand that Vero loves Martín and he's very resentful of him.  Martín thinks she should put some distance between them – not because he's jealous, but because it's the kindest thing to do.  Besides, it's what Emiliano wants, right?

Vero hates to lose Emiliano's friendship.  And she is unhappy about the state of her relationship with her uncle.  She asks Martín to try to win him over when they meet to talk business.  He agrees to give it a try.

As Vero is leaving, she remarks that she has never seen photos of his family.  She picks up a framed photograph that lies face-down on his desk...


On the advice of his therapist, Martín gives up his ideas of vengeance and a hasty, ill-advised marriage and begins to court Verónica in a more traditional manner.

Emiliano goes on a short vacation.  When he returns, he is Osvaldo Benavides.

A metallic filament in Ginny's headband attracts a bolt of lightning and she is killed instantly.  She spends a very long time in purgatory.

[You know I'm kidding, right?  The real avances:  Claudia isn't giving up Martín without a fight! (But you already knew that, didn't you?]


That little quiz was awesome, NovelaMaven!!! And your insightful recap, first-rate, as usual.

What can I say? Love is blind. Vero is too much in love to hear any alarm bells ringing or see the apparent hatred in Martin's eyes. Or maybe she just sees the love in him that he senses but refuses to acknowledge. In any case, I'm sure Vero's other three senses (touch, taste and smell) are overpowering her senses of sight and sound. It is, after all, hunky Martin she is kissing, smelling and hugging.

El amor, el amor.....

NovelaMaven. I am always impressed by your creativity and sense of humor. I loved thenpop quiz. Thanks for starting my day with a giggle.

I agree too on regards to the quiz,NovelaMaven.We often watch Novelas as they air in Kenya.We currently watching La Malquerida on my own opinion the story is dragging to slow but your recaps give it life....we are finishing Robó and start on Yo No Creo En Los Hombres I bet its good and usually the Televisa English dubbing is fantastic but I watch most Novelas aired here in Spanish and with the blend with your recaps...am done with Spanish classes.Viewers have started asking for LI. I hope Mejía won't mess it up as LT that was aired before Robó in Kenya.

We shouldn't treat this novela too harshly lets give it time to develop .I havent watched the previous versions.Basically ill watch for Ana Brenda and Grettell Valdez.

Off to cook....¡Gracias!

I agree with Vilma its good.I have a friend who moved to New Jersey ,that told me that she doesn't watch Novelas.I registered her in Caray Caray...I think you are on the right track.On NovelaMaven recaps, they are full of humour and most importantly fun to read.

NovelaMaven, this is incredible, thanks for the treat.

Hey, Vilma, hang in there with La Malquerida, it's awesome.

I didn't think I would care about Pablo and Ana Perla but they were so cute. Both stealing a glance when the other not looking.

What a needy girl, Veronica, practically begging Ivan to love her and going back for more verbal abuse from Emi.

Good god Magdalena, leave that lush already.

Is Nanciyaga crushing on Pierre?


NM, this was so wonderful!! The quiz was so funny, and your recap was your usual out of the park work. Thanks so much.

I"m with tofie in that watching Pable and Ana, when her bro and gramps aren't around, is sort of sweet. So high school first love sort of thing.

Kind of enjoying that more than the current angst with the main lovebirds. Gretel is having fun being a beyotch, so it's not bad watching her, but Em-old is too much ( the Grab and Kiss was just stupid) and even Ana needs to just straighten the spine a bit. I realize she's feeling isolated now, but just a tad less whiney would be good for me.

I know we had a whirlwind romance, but anyone else now hoping we just move on with this already. The whole family dynamic and everyone hating on everyone...seems it's getting old now after how many episodes, we get it, let's move on.


NovelaMaven, What an imaginative start to a very fun recap! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Tofie, I agree. Magdalena should just leave. Are we supposed to believe that she has been putting up with this for about 20 years while Veronica has been growing up? If so, I would think she would have been been beaten into resigned acceptance of her situation by now and not bitching about it so actively each day. Or is Botel's drunkeness a new thing and I've missed the reason?



I am under the impression Botel was not always a drunk and he and Demetrio started boozing while down on their mining luck. However, his insensitive dismissal of the impact his disclosure would have on Magdalena and attempt to shush her with the excuse he saved her life and forfeited the child, likely a negative personality trait, independent of the alcohol, and/or a festering wound they have tiptoed around for 20 years.

@tofie - you are correct. When Magdalena had her first long chat with Martin (it was an episode I recapped, so either #2 or #3) she told him that Botel and Demetrio started drinking heavily together as Demetrio's desperation increased because they were not finding gold in time.

@Vilma - welcome, and greetings to Kenya. Having watched a few movies filmed there, I know that Kenya is a gorgeous country. I second your advice that viewers should give this novela a chance and see where it goes. Whether or not they have seen previous versions, I know the writer Ximena Suarez has some surprises in store.

These questions with the true/false sections, matching, multiple choice should be used as a Midterm Exam!

NovelaMaven- Always such a treat to read your recaps! Thank you.

I started watching the epi just when Vero walked in on Marty hugging his ex. I was already shaking my head at her acceptance of Marty's callous way of dismissing her rservations about his ex hugging on him, and blown away that she let him get away with not saying he loves her. But now I learn this came after he ignored her calls and has been avoiding her. Wake up, Vero!

Pablo and Ana Perla were adorable.

Somebody is going to have some 'Splainin' to do when Vero flips that picture frame over.

IE: was Dimwit a brother or lover Martyr?
Oh. You inherited a gold mine? Possibly from Dimwit?
So did you murder him for the mine or what?

Come on Vero ask some questions above "do you like ice cream". "Oh Swell, do you like horses, too?"

Thank you Novela Maven---You put some spark in last nights epi.

Pablo and Ana Perla added a little spark as well. They're going to have a rough road ahead though. With Mariana acting like she and Pablo are already married and Ana Perla's brother and grandfather, yikes, I see a lot of tears ahead for AP before it's all smiles, hugs and kisses.

Vilma in Kenya---I loved La Malquerida. Don't drop it, or you will be sorry. Like Tofie, I thought it was awesome.

Carlos---Can you just take Virginia/Grettell away from us and save us all from misery?

What is Vero getting herself into? A lot of red flags are starting to flap in the breeze.

Must see tv tonight.
the gringo


How very clever NovelaMaven. You are always coming up with interesting and unique ways to amuse and entertain us. However, I did feel that the cute quiz was weighted against us Ginny fans.


I think that Ginny is one of the bright spots of this TN. I can't see why anyone would want to take her out of this mix. She adds a necessary naughty spice that is needed here.

Wasn't Mariana formerly Kristal in LldA? I hopes that she steps up with some delightful hijinks of her own. If she joins forces with Ginny imagine the turbulence they can create.

I am with everyone who was appreciative of the adorable and sweetly innocent interlude between Ana Perla and Pablo. I'm not sure what plot purpose having Nancy looking on serves... she certainly doesn't strike me as a tattletale.

"...she doesn't pull out her machete. Yet."

But she did finger it warily while standing there.


Veronica needs Olivia Pope to help her out in this crisis!

Just wanted to say what a great recap Novelamaven! Loved the humor you brought to the episode, had me laughing throughout.


NovelaMaven, loved the entire recap and the extra entertainment of the quiz. Thanks for the effort you put into this.

Thank you so much NovelaMaven for such a fantastic recap! I loved the quiz at the start and the avances as the end. Too bad they aren't the real ones.

Pablo and Ana Perla were cute. I also don't get what the point was of having Nanciyaga there watching them.

I agree that Magdalena should leave Botel. He won't change. It was interesting finding out that the reason he left her daughter behind was because at the moment his only concern was saving Magdalena.

That forced kiss. Ugh! Emi deserved the slap.

Veronica should be seeing red flags everywhere. Doesn't she think it's strange that she would have to teach him to tell her that he loves her?

Thank you for all your wonderful comments. Forgive me for being so late in replying – yesterday was a weird, complicated day and I wasn't able to go on line at all.

LatinaInMd, I'm especially flattered that you enjoyed what I wrote. I like your theory about why Verónica seems unable to hear any alarm bells:

"Or maybe she [Vero] just sees the love in him that he senses but refuses to acknowledge."

Yes, ambivalence is Martin's middle name.

Thanks! And I'm sure you did very well on the quiz:D So glad you got a giggle out of it.

Welcome to Caray! It's exciting to think that you are in Kenya watching Mexican telenovelas and reading and enjoying this blog. I'm delighted that you enjoyed what I wrote yesterday. I hope we'll see you around here often.

"We shouldn't treat this novela too harshly lets give it time to develop."
Yes. I agree with you completely. And even though I have been poking fun at it, I am really completely engaged in the story right now.

Anon 06:57
Wow, thank you so much. Where are you writing from? I hope the next time we hear from you, you sign a name or nickname so we get to know you. It gives me great pleasure to think that you have been enjoying my recaps and it is very thoughtful of you to let me know that.

Thanks! I'm glad/relieved you enjoyed it (There's a fine line between being funny and making an ass of yourself).

I agree about Pablo and Ana Perla ("I didn't think I would care about [them] but they were so cute. Both stealing a glance when the other not looking.") although they are cruisin' for a bruisin' – and not just because of the loony, controlling abuelo sadistic and brother. When Ana Perla finds out that about Mariana (who may or may not be the official 'prometida' but is certainly the 'novia' and is not only sharing his bed, but bankrolling the sojourn in la selva), she is going to be very disillusioned. Plus, the whole Mariana thing makes Pablo look like a callow jerk...

"Is Nanciyaga crushing on Pierre?"
ooh. That would be fun. N is already kind of into Martin, but who says you can't have more than one crush?


Thank you so much! I agree about the Prado Castelo psychodrama. It's getting a little stifling in that household and it's time to move on... to more tsuris in exotic locations!

At first, Old Emi had a certain 'so bad it's funny' character, but now I kind of cringe in all his scenes.

I'm not finding Vero whiny though. I find myself liking her a lot more than I expected to.

I appreciate the kind words. Thanks!

To add to what Tofie said about Magdalena: after Botel rescued her from her abusive husband, they spent a fortune on private detectives in the search for her daughter, and she felt guilty about bringing Botel to financial ruin.

Plus, the drunken spilling of the beans in the cantina was a major turning point. Losing one's reputation in a tiny, narrow-minded community is a devastating thing, a real catastrophe. It changes everything.

Steve, Kirby, Thanks for commenting.

I appreciate your gracious comment. Thank you! And yes, it's time for Vero to wake up, even if it is going to be a rude awakening.

Hi Gringo, Thanks! I sure hope Pablo and Ana Perla have a happy ending, but they're going to need more than a little luck for that to happen. Fingers and toes crossed.

(I haven't seen Tuesday's show yet – I'm already falling behind. Yikes.)


"However, I did feel that the cute quiz was weighted against us Ginny fans."

Are you seriously suggesting that there is more than one Ginny fan? Or are you simply using the editorial (or perhaps the 'royal') we?

(Kristel was played by Maria Elisa Camargo, later seen in PEAM. I'm not sure who is playing Mariana here.)

Thank you. I hope I DID manage to amuse and entertain you.

It's so sweet of you to stop by and tell me that. Thank you!

La Paloma
I very much appreciate your words and I'm so glad you've decided to come along for the ride on this one!

My pleasure. I'm delighted that you enjoyed it. (You know, the more I think about it, the more I really WOULD like to see Osvaldo Benavides as Emiliano.)

"Doesn't she think it's strange that she would have to teach him to tell her that he loves her?"

Interesting question. There are people like that who have a hard time verbalizing their feelings and talking about love so it's not totally ridiculous for her to make that assumption...

Saw Alicia Machado in this TN last night: she sure looks more HOTTER while she's bathing!

Novela Maven I want to add my compliments as well. The quiz was so funny and the "avances" had me cracking up. Got a late start on this one so I've been binge watching/reading but am caught up and ready to follow along with you guys. It's kind of fun to watch Ivan Sanchez as the galan (as I'd only seen him play the antogonist)... does Grettel Valdez always play the bad girl? She certainly is good at it!

Thanks so much, Rebecca! I'm particularly happy you liked the "avances" – I have to admit that was my favorite part.

"...does Grettel Valdez always play the bad girl? She certainly is good at it!"

This is really a question for Carlos, but I'll do my best here. Many of us first met GV when she played Matilde on Cuando me enamoro, one of the previous versions of our story, She was a good girl in that one, kind of a cross between Nanciyaga, Ana Perla and Matilde, and her signature costume shtick was a headband across her forehead.

Then she played a very bad girl in Lo que la vida me robó... and a star (villainess) was born!

If you want to see Ivan Sanchez as a galan to die for, you have to see him in La Reina del Sur with Kate del Castillo (who, as you probably know, was an earlier version of Ana Brenda's character here. See how Six Degrees of Salvador Mejía everything is?)


"Interesting question. There are people like that who have a hard time verbalizing their feelings and talking about love so it's not totally ridiculous for her to make that assumption.."

Good point. That makes sense. I hadn't thought about it in that way. Thanks!

Gretel also played a good girl on Amorcito Corazon. She was one of the best friends of the protagonista. She was also the leading lady of the Fonovideo Productions novela "Angel Rebelde" back in 2003/2004.

Ah, thanks, Mauricio for adding to Grettell's resumé. She gets around, doesn't she? ( I missed Amorcito, which sounds like it was fun.)

As for Vero and Martin, I have the feeling (though I may be reading far too much into things) that Martin's emotional debility is part of his charm. Vero sees him as a project, a fixer-upper, which, as Maury and Dr. Phil and Oprah would agree, is a deadly way to enter any relationship :-)

Of course she had an emergency and had to hike her skirt up right there in the office to put some moisturizer on a leg. Geez. I guess if I had her legs I would too.

@Kirby - I believe the moisturizer scene was intended as a "product placement" moment, but Alicia Machado didn't hold up the container long enough and at the correct angle, so I wonder if the advertiser demanded it's money back.

@Rebecca - to paraphrase NovelaMaven, if you want to see Ivan Sanchez as a galan to die for, keep watching THIS novela. wink, wink.

LMD. OK thanks about the moisturizer. The scene had me (a male) befuddled.


Marty had to french kiss her to death to keep her from thankin about that photo of him and demetrio. I think she forgot all about it. And enters the evil spawn. Claudia and virginia are a bad combination. Those two Bs are going to rain down hell in poor ronnie Before It's over. Martin's not going to be much help.

Ok to bed I go:)

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