Monday, June 01, 2015

Truth bombs, truth bombs everywhere! La Sombra Del Pasado#75 06/01/2015

Hi Patio peeps! I've been missing in action due to work commitments but here I am with your Monday recap, I'm going to cover the small things that happened in the episode first and then we will move on to the real action, you might want to have some wine/tequila by your side, you'll need it! Oh, also events are totally out of order but it makes my job faster and easier!

Renato, Cris and the Aldi drama

Renato serves Cris with the divorce petition, Sev and Cande both have smug looks on their faces, I wish I could slap them. Later, Renato informs Aldonza that he has delivered the paper work to Cris and suggests that things could move along faster if she told the court that she and Cris are brother and sister, she refuses and says that that subject will never be spoken about.

Cris goes to see Aldi and says that he will not divorce her, he begs for her to take the DNA test, but again, she refuses, well, he puts his foot down and says he will not agree to a divorce unless she takes the test, and then they argue about Valeria (yawn). I like Cris, I like Aldi, I do not think they should be together. I also should add, that I feel really badly for Cris who always sounds like he's on the verge of tears.

Two witches go shopping:

Val and Pru are on their trip in Huston, while there Candela calls Vale to tell her she's needed in Santa Lucia, Cristobal needs someone to comfort him and Aldonza is no longer a threat, Val looks like Christmas came early, she asks what's going on, she wants details but Candela refuses to tell her anything over the phone. Once the call ends Val tells her mom something important just went down, both of these wenches seem to believe that Cris will end up getting married to Honey Boo BooValeria, and they make plans to go look at wedding gowns. *Ahem* when a guy dumps you for a girl he barely spent three days with don't you think you should just give it up? Can we get her a copy of "He's just not that into you?".

Prudencia and Val are getting ready for their shopping trip when Prudencia's cell phone goes off, Val picks up and it's Tomas, declaring that he wants to eat Prudencia's forbidden fruit. Val demands to know who is on the line and why he would be calling her mother saying such forward things, Tomas says it was a wrong number and hangs up. Val grills Pru, she wants to know why this guy was calling her and Pru says one of the mechanics must have called her by mistake.

The two wenches make it to a bridal store where Val picks out a butt ugly dress, no seriously, it put the fug in fugly

Mis Planes time:

Aldi along with her super crew are out looking at the lands- it seems like they are getting ready to start planting whatever it is they are going to grow, E-man suggests that in addition to the crops they should also look into selling livestock, Renato thinks this is a good idea and Joaquin takes them to see the area where the animals would be kept. Yay for the super crew.

Later in the episode E-man invites Joaquin to the cantina but Joaquin can't go cause he has little Ray-kids they ruin everything! Before E-man goes Joaquin tells him that he needs to be honest with Mari before things get out of hand.

Melesio gets a checkup:

Humberto has arrived at Las Animas to check in on Melesio, he says that Mel probably suffers from vertigo and tells him he needs to go to the clinic to get some tests done. Dominga tells Mel that it was Lola who sent the doctor because she loves them.

Today is not Melesio's day, not only is he sick but Sev is on his case about things that are going wrong at the ranch, Mel expains that without E-man he can't keep up with all the work and suggests that they re-hire him. Sev, being the bastard that he is says that that "malnacido" will never work in Las Animas again,

 Mel tells Sev  that he is getting older and he can't handle all the work with out E-man, Sev says that's just an excuse and that if he can't handle the work he should get out. Ugh, I feel so bad for Mel, who looks like a puppy that was just called a bad dog and hit on the nose with a newspaper. Cris comes to his rescue and tells Sev to leave Mel alone. Sev wants to know why Cris even has a say in this, does he even work for the ranch? Then he tells Cris to stop standing up for his friends and instead get to work.

I will add that Mel is such a good guy, he both encouraged Cris to keep fighting for Aldonza and told him that it was okay to cry if he needed to, Dominga also gives Cris similar advice later in the episode, they are much better parents to him then his actual parents, I say they adopt him! He would be so much better off.

Dominga is no fool:

Candela tries to get Dominga in her corner, she tells her that Aldonza and Cris are brother and sister and will never be able to be together and so she wants Dominga to encourage Cris to give things with Val a chance. Oh, Candela, you looked for help in the wrong person. Dominga shuts her down real quick, she tells her that Aldi and Cris are not siblings and that Cande and Sev made the whole thing up to keep the kids apart.

Dominga adds that nothing Cande and Sev do will keep Aldonza and Cris apart because Cris will never stop loving Al, the same way Candela has never stopped loving Padre J, this acts as a Candela repellent and she leaves in a huff, score one for Dominga!

Uriel snap him like a twig!

Let's join my favorite gentle giant, Uriel. He gets a visit from a detective who gives him some interesting information, the viewer does not get to hear what the detective has to say but a scene later we see a very angry Uriel in Las Animas.

He confronts Sev and accuses him of being  responsible for Abelardo's death, he knows Sev was behind some shady deals and asked for Lardo to be killed, then he goes for Sevs neck and starts to strangle him, I scream at my computer and beg for him to hit Sev till he passes out, I want him to bite his neck out Rick Grimes style, I WANT BLOOD!

The baby Jesus did not deliver, Cris and Mel broke up the fight, once Uriel leaves Cris asks for an explanation:Why is Uriel so sure that Sev had something to do with Lardo's death? Sev says that Uriel is just lashing out, he feels guilty that he was unable to help his son and is accusing him as a way of making himself feel better.

Maybe by virtue of hanging around Dominga, Cris is a bit less foolish when it comes to his father and he points out that an awful lot of people have accused him of doing some not so nice things, the burning of Roberta's crops, Padre Jeronimo's accident, Abelardo's death....Folks, I think Cris has his fathers number!

Humberto gets a visit:

Aldonza shows up and offers to buy the land from him, she says she is willing to better the original offer and argues that if anyone has a right to the lands it's her. Humberto tells her he will not sell and when he does she accuses him of working for Sev and wonders if he helped Severiano burn down the melon crops years before. Humberto is outraged that she would say this to him and tells her to never repeat what she said, especially if she has no proof. Aldonza finally leaves but not before telling him that it must be awful to be a doctor working to save lives while hiding under the shadow of a man like Sev, ISBIS.

Aldonza is not done and next on her list of people to annoy is Sev. She blocks his way into Las Animas with her car and walks confidently towards him. I don't see an ounce of fear on her face. She tells Sev that he will not scare her off, she will get her lands back-if it's the last thing she does. Aldi also tells Sev that she knows about the things he has done and he reminds her, no one believe Roberta when she said he burned down her crops and no one will believe her either.

Aldonza replies with "Oh, I'm not going to waste my time and energy trying to get people to believe me. I might do something that will surprise you and finally wipe that smirk off your face, you filthy pig" (okay I added filthy pig in, but asqueroso does mean disgusting so I'm not that far off!), then she makes her way to her car and leaves. I would have felt better if she had stabbed him, but I'll take this one.

Once home Lola and Aldi lament their dating lives, Aldi is upset because Cris cheated on her and Lola because E-man proposed to Mari (gag me!)

Padre J does some work:

He is with Adelina and tells her he managed to find a copy of E-mas birth certificate, Humberto registered the boy in the town he was living in prior to coming to Santa Lucia, Adelina says that the dates don't match up, the birth certificate shows that E-man was born three months after Roberta gave birth. Padre J tells her that Humberto could have changed the dates and the birth certificate also lists Prudencia as the mother (and we all know how she feels about E), also, the two witnesses that signed the certificate are none other than Sev and Candela! Jeronimo figures that they were all in on it! He wants to know if Adelina would be willing to follow this lead wherever it may lead and she says she worries that if they are wrong this will get out and really hurt Emanuel, Padre J says they won't do anything until they are 100% sure that his suspicions are true.

Okay my loves, here comes what we have all been waiting for: The truth. 

Sev is meeting with Humberto, he wants to know if he is working with Aldonza. Humberto tells him that he is not and that he refused her offer to buy the El Santuario, Blanca comes to the door and says that Padre J came to see him, when she told him he was with Sev he asked her to deliver something to the two of them, she hands him a file and leaves.

Inside the file Humberto finds a copy of E-mans birth certificate,a clear sign that Padre J knows everything. Severiano says that he will take care of the problem, as he should have done a long time ago. I'm kinda scared for E-mans safety and then fear for Padre J.

At the church Padre J is getting ready to leave but is interrupted by Lulu, she wants to confess her sins before she goes home, what sins could Lulu possibly have to confess? Anyhoo, we soon learn that this is a plot device to get Padre J inside the confessional.

Lulu leaves and soon there is someone there who also wants to have their confession heard, Padre J starts to listen not realizing that it's Severiano. Oh my cheesus, I almost had a heart attack during this scene. He tells Padre J that he is right, E-man is the long lost baby, but does he stop there? No. Why? Because he is a heartless bastard, a rabid animal that needs to be put down!

Severiano's confession:"yes, Emanuel is the baby Roberta gave birth to, and you need to stop asking questions before you end up like your friend, Padre Sixto, do you remember him? I killed him! And I'm really embarrassed to tell you this, but your brother? his death was no accident, Roberta and I killed him!"


Padre Jeronimos hands are tied, see the passage below to see how strongly the church feels about anyone spilling the beans and revealing anything that was said to them. The punishment for violating the rules? Excommunication.

The sacramental seal is inviolable. Quoting Canon 983.1 of the Code of Canon Law, the Catechism states, "...It is a crime for a confessor in any way to betray a penitent by word or in any other manner or for any reason" (No. 2490). A priest, therefore, cannot break the seal to save his own life, to protect his good name, to refute a false accusation, to save the life of another, to aid the course of justice (like reporting a crime), or to avert a public calamity. He cannot be compelled by law to disclose a person's confession or be bound by any oath he takes, e.g. as a witness in a court trial. A priest cannot reveal the contents of a confession either directly, by repeating the substance of what has been said, or indirectly, by some sign, suggestion, or action. A Decree from the Holy Office (Nov. 18, 1682) mandated that confessors are forbidden, even where there would be no revelation direct or indirect, to make any use of the knowledge obtained in the confession that would "displease" the penitent or reveal his identity.

I'll see you back here next week!

Previous: Episode 74
Next: Episode 76


Thanks, Eli, for this succinct, yet loaded, recap. We gained some vital info, along with some burning frustration that Padre J cannot share what he just learned.

Now I have to worry about the Padre's safety as well.

Wow! OMG, what an episode! Thank you for your incredible speed and you're being so on point! Multiple wonderful points in your recap, as quoted below.

Once again, the writers pick up some of the most debated pieces of the story. Just when I wondered how I was going to stay with it, they pulled me right back in! We got to see Sev get hit hard, both physically and with a serious blow to Cris’s faith in him, but then he recovers and plays his card with all the skill of a born manipulator! Your line- I WANT BLOOD! -is so accurate.

I feel really badly for Cris who always sounds like he's on the verge of tears. YES!!! I just wanted to hold him and make the hurt confusion go away. But, for a second, I thought he was reaching for Aldonza to yank some of her hair out for the DNA test! I loved how he started to put pieces together and show that the doubts were building up against Severiano: his calling Rob, Donnie AND Uriel crazy suddenly doesn’t seem so reasonable.

Speaking of crazy, how nuts is Val? Shopping for her wedding dress when she’s only barely tricked Cris into her web? And she still doesn’t know he’s married to Aldonza. Maybe it’ll help him figure out her game to know that she bought her (new) wedding dress two days after “sleeping” with him? Can we get her a copy of "He's just not that into you?". Yes please! (We'll prob need to get her the movie. I'm not sure she's capable of that much attention to anything that's not sleeping, touchscreen or plotting.

Also, PJ is THE BEST!!!!! Genius man!!!! To go to Los Olvidos, or wherever, and really investigate. I’m a little in love with him too. I’m also a little confused as to why he showed his hand by sending Hum the birth certificate (also, was it the original?). Ugh, and how could we not see that Sev would tie PJ’s hands with his own priest’s vow?! AUGH!!! I could've punched something when he showed up in the confessional. Also, that thing does not look private in any way.

Ok, to bed with me.


Thank you, Eli.

I was sad to see they are caking the green eye-shadow on Irma again.

Confessional trope but it was so well done I can't complain.

You're welcome, Sara, La Paloma and Hellashell! I just hate, hate,hate both Candela and that pig that she married. I can see them not liking Aldonza but to put their own child through all that pain for nothing? That's unforgivable.

Eli- What a great episode you got, and what a great recap you gave us.

Damn that Sever. I feel like Padre J will find some way around this. I have faith in him.

Loved Uriel jumping to the right conclusions and attacking Sever. Will he be the one to eventually finish him off? Yeah, Cris' eyes are being opened slowly about just how evil his father is. Thought it was interesting that part of the Al- Cris argument was about him being just like his father. Bit harsh, Aldonza. Yes, he did try to snatch some of her hair to do the test.

One scene not mentioned was Sever calling Adriano about one of his buddies squealing after Uriel's visit. Sever wants to make sure he goes far away and doesn't return. Sever won't send the money to his account but agrees to send it to his girlfriend's account. Since Jaoquin and Silvia have this info, and Jaoquin knows his name, I'm sure this will be important later.

Great episode, and great, great recap Eli!!!


Eli - thank you for your recap! And the snark! "Honey BooBoo" ---LOL!

Padre J is my new secret boyfriend. Brains, good looks, cojones, wears a collar so my marriage is safe-LOL, Best. Telenovela. Priest. Ever.
Now he needs to leave town before Sev takes him out!

Uriel needs to leave town before Sev takes him out.

Cris needs to resign from this telenovela and find one that will give him a novia with brains. And better parents. Sheesh!


thanks so much, Eli.

Watching big ole Uri steamrolling smug ole Severed was deeply satisfying. Perhaps things are starting to unravel for the little rat.

as I watch these crazy novelas, I try to keep in mind a line from ''The Best Marigold Hotel.'' ''Everything will be okay in the end, and if it's not okay, it's not the end.''

Doris..yes. At least in PSMA Pablo Lyle had a loving mother and stepfather even though his biological father was the devil incarnate. In that novela his novia (Thelma / Val) was in love with his evil bio dad. Poor guy.

''Two Witches Go Shopping'' subtitle ever. Ha

Great work, Eli.

Two Witches... you were being insulting to witches there. They are two things that rhyme with that word.

As to the reveal about Roberta and Sev, the padre might have an out if Adelina tells him this outside of the confessional. However, he's on his own about the murder of Padre Sixto unless Humberto fesses up to being an accessory after the fact and without the seal of the confessional.

I was wondering how long it would take for Sev or Cande to abuse the confessional.

Aldonza should rethink her original attempt at becoming a nun.

I wouldn't worry about the birth certificate, since the office that issued it wouldn't leave itself without a copy. And there is still the possibility of a DNA test disclosing that Sev is Emanuel's sperm donor. I fear for that young man now because this knowledge will not benefit him. He will feel even more worthless and will possibly become reckless.

Hi, Eli. You covered this wonderfully with your usual wit and insight.

Well, Sev's path through time is finally meeting with some perturbations. Seemed like everyone last night was finally showing some guts. I wish Ur had had just a little longer with his hands around Sev's neck.

Sev told Mel that no one is irreplaceable. That is true, but you have to REPLACE them, Sev. Just dumping all the work on a little old man is not good personnel management.

I don't think the confessional ploy by Sev will amount to a hill of beans. I believe that information that a priest gleans from other sources can be shared, even though it was also heard in the confessional.

Aldonza ver.1 is back! No sniveling! Brassy, self confident, with a vision.

I love the delusional wedding dress trip to Houston. Val is so out to lunch.

Cande got called out big time by Dom, and I loved every word. Too bad Cande hasn't learned to take Dom's advice.

E-man's suggestion that they also try to raise animals seemed to me to be some kind of hint about how the successful ag business will unfold.

Loved every line of this, Eli. Thanks again.


Friggin awesome Eli!

So, there is someone on the planet that could choke Severiano out and the one armed bandit couldn't do a thing.

Uh, Aldonza refuses to offer DNA to Cris, yet in her retort to Severiano she tells him she knows Ray is her father. Who you lying to Aldonza?

Just hope PJ told enough to Adelina for her to pursue the Emmanuel mystery cause if PJ lives another day what he knows is useless. It was particularly wicked to tell PJ of his brothers murder and Roberta's involvement. Surely, he'll wonder if Adelina knew but will never be able to inquire.


UA - I.T.A. with your comments, especially the *itches and nun ones!

Is Sev even Catholic? If not, does the confessional seal of confidentiality still hold if he tells a crime in the confessional? They never covered this in grade-school Catechism.

Irma needs to toss that green eye shadow. Seriously. Not only is in unflattering, the LAST TIME she wore it, a family member GOT KILLED.

Will watch rest of recording this afternoon. Looking forward (or maybe not) to seeing Val's fugly dress. ;-)

I don't think the dress was that fugly. Just not very interesting.

Aldonza's better be nicer.

I've been disappointed by the wedding dresses lately. Televisa better address that issue.

Sara - I have noticed that telenovelas are often a bit fashion-forward. Perhaps wedding dress styles are going to change?

- Years ago, Altair Jarabo wore the mummy/bandage wrap look dress that is now everywhere, including sewing pattern books.
- In Amores Verdaderos, Erika Buenfil wore several large chunky bracelets and before I could turn around, everyone here was wearing them.

While looking at Cande's outfit last night, I wondered if pearls will come back into style.

oop[s... meant to say Altair Jarabo in Abismo de Pasion...

The shorts and long vests that Elisa wore in AdP... Did they become a thing? I'm not a fan of that look.

Wow Wow and Wow. That's for the episode and that's for your amazing recap Eli. My goodness, and may I say I loved "it put the fug in fugly". But let's admit it, she looked awful, so that dress was meant for her. Skank.

Cris was all kinds of huggable last night. Had a moment there when he moved in to protect Daddy-dearest (I have my doubts) from the wrath of Uriel thinking, Oh please don't go all brain dead, but then he made the patio proud as he got right back at him with the "I'm checking some boxes here..." to him. Keep those brain cells firing.

Hum is a dead man walking. He either needs to leave town or might as well spill and know it's his end. Looks like all his secrets and deeds are catching up to him first.

So here's how I take that canon law. There have been in the last ten years a couple unique circumstances where a priest came forward, not to exactly spill the details, but to assist in putting police on the path to the right person. I remember reading about one case in a magazine a few years back and discussing the fine line of what can be said and not. Personally, and I say this as lapsed Catholic so take it for what you will, I think it's a stupid rule in the case of not being able to reveal even if it means saving others. That's a crock. You spare the criminal and let innocent people die? yeah, not a fan.
Anyway, Padre could either do that since he has enough I feel to give the cops some tasty clues, or, well...he just leaves the priesthood. But I doubt we get that happening now because Cande has passed that point of no return to me of deserving of getting her first love back.

But, as far as Padre goes, I don't see Sev successfully offing him as I'm still going to go there with just holding out the hope that just maybe Padre J is Cris' real baby daddy.

But back to the clues, if Sev was thinking right, the fact Uriel came after him means the cops have some good stuff on Sev and he should be worried. Strange things start happening to others in town, wouldn't that just throw up another big red sign to the cops? Methinks Sev is going to slip up. Far too many fires to put out now.

And Cande's lipstick is getting darker and thicker in every episode. Since they already showed us it's sort of symbolic to her to wear the darker shade, she's really going to the dark side isn't she? It's almost distracting now. I just want to smear it all over that stupid gleeful look she gets as she is screwing her son over. She'll look like Heath Ledger's Joker--rather fitting.


Thank you Eli, great job with a great episode.

Ok you guys, I've got the way around this confessional business and PJ not being able to tell anyone. Jeronimo leaves the priesthood! And that will kill two birds with one stone. Put Sev in jail, and make Cande and Jeronimo free to marry each other. Tada!!!

Cande marry Jero! I would shoot my tv. Which would require to go actually buy a gun, but I would be THAT motivated. No, Jero is completely devoted to the Church, and they need a good priest like him. Have we ever actually seen a priest leave the priesthood in a tn, and survive?

What Severiano did last night was not a confessional but a threat, dotted throughout with taunts of evil deeds. Severiano was not a sinner wanting absolution but a thug bragging.

I don't believe that leaving the priesthood removes the seal of the confessional. PJ is devoted to the church, and even if he left the priesthood, he would not want to be excommunicated - cut off from the faith. The seal of the confessional also extends to people who are not priests and who, for one reason or another, overheard the confession, for example, and translator.


Eliiiiii!!!! Thank you, Girl! Dat-blammit! I didn't finish reading and caught at work so won't be able to respond but I should have a nice treat when I get home. Looove it so far, love the color and formatting. I may become a copy cat!

Exciting episode and love how you're presenting it. Muchisimas Gracias!


Eli, smart, savvy and sensational on every level. I hung on every word of your wonderful recap.

"*Ahem* when a guy dumps you for a girl he barely spent three days with don't you think you should just give it up?" and "it put the fug in fugly" were among my many favorites.

I've missed so much of this but my first thought is that the true galan of this must be the Padre! I enthusiastically agree that he is the man. And oh, what a man!! Sigh.

Aldonza has been brutalized and terrorized and yet she continues to stand tall and hold her own against Sev. But is it courage tainted with a tinge of foolishness? I expected Eman or anyone to pop out of the car and was dismayed to see she was alone.

Pru and Val shopping for wedding gowns amidst the prom gowns made me smile. Ummm, didn’t the phone clearly show it was Tomas calling?? If Val swallowed Pru’s lie, she isn’t as sharp as we may giving her credit for!

I also wished Uriel had beaten Sev to a pulp but at least we saw Sev's face turn that hideous shade of purple (no one does it like Alexis).

doris, interesting point about Sev's confession if he isn't Catholic. cathyx, I feel there has to be some way around the Padre's dilemma. What if he were to report what Sev did and then go to confession?? Grasping at straws. As a practicing Catholic, I've always had an issue with the stern consequences of breaking the seal of the confessional especially when an innocent life is concerned (the priest and another potential victim).

Enjoyed everyone's comments.

I need to start working on my reading/focus issues and I thought returning to watch 1 TN and read the recap and comments might be a good way to start. It was hard to pick between this and Amores but this is on earlier, so this won out.

Happy to be back and grateful for such a stirring summary Eli.


tofie, you made an excellent point.

I suspect every confession is to be taken as sincere and that it is not up to the priest to differentiate between spewed venom and heartfelt atonement

But, I wonder if a confession can be invalidated.


Sara - I think I saw a few doily tops but it didn't quite catch on, thank heavens!

I forgot to mention that I was droooling over Silvia's mesh top she wore last night. THAT look is popular and on quite a few sewing blogs right now.

Vivi - I can't be bothered to go buy a gun and learn how to use it for shooting my TV if PadJer took up with Cande, but I would most definitely hurl my rosary at the TV screen!

The info Eli included about the confessional rules looks to be pretty spot on and there don't seem to be many loopholes afforded to the priests. I still think Padre J will find a way to get the truth out there.

We got confirmation of one of the things we've wondered about-- just how much Cande knew about where Rob's baby ended up. Her signing the fake birth certificate three months later shows she knew exactly who Eman was. Interesting that they went as far as to actually list Hum and Pru as the birth parents. Wow!

Diana- The phone said "mecanico" or some such, I believe.

PJ now has to work on the players in saga who have some conscious left in them; Humberto, Cande, and get them to fess up outside of confessional as to what they know so that Sev can be nailed for what he's done.


Diana !! So glad to ''see'' you here !

If Severiano going all in I wondered why he didn't mention Aldonza's rape, ordered the hit on Abelardo, burnt the crop and tampered PJ's brakes.

Eli, loved loved loved the recap! THANK YOU!

Re: the confessional--what if someone (like Lulu) accidentally overhears the confession? (Not like David's example of a translator.) They could report it to the poli.

Also, remember how Lulu was crying in an early ep and they never addressed why? What if she saw or overheard Sev killing Padre Sixto?

TOFIE I agree that Sev's "confession" was not made in good faith but was a threat, but PJ would still feel bound to silence.

DAISYNJAY I agree: Hum is dead man walking, poor guy. He should have picked a side and stuck with it.

I am so glad that Aldonza ver. 1 is back, yay!

J in Oregon


Tofie, I kept expecting Sev to confess to the rape too, sad that he didn't.

Eli - I failed to say your name when thanking you earlier: THANK YOU ELI!!!!!

I also appreciate New/Old Aldonza. Seeing her taking steps towards making her farm come into being and facing Sev helped to reignite my appreciation for her as a protagonista (also I LOVED her coat). Wasn't sure how I felt about the survey though. I wish the writers had made her sound more knowledgeable and had made her more hands on about the project; she kept adding to-do tasks to Joaquin's list and what she brought up was so basic (seeds) that I had to remind myself that she majored in Agricultural Studies. I'm curious to see if and how her wadrobe changes as the farm takes shape. I like her style, but I'm not sure how practical those wedges are when in the fields.

Not sure how old Lulu is, but she can't be much older than Aldonza and Cris at the oldest, so she would've only been a baby when Sev killed Sixto.

Thank you susanlynn!

And sweet Sara, I did get your message - thank you. You really lifted my spirits. You are such a dear.


I don't buy Aldonza as Barbara Stanwyck. When the four were musing over mis planes for the land it was more like Aldonza, Emmanuel and Joaquin were kids running through the aisles at Toy-R-Us and asking daddy Renato can they have this or that. No, not that, a car load of kids at a fireworks stand wanting an advance on their allowance.

Diana, nice to see you back!

"But I wonder if a confession can be invalidated."

It can't exactly be invalidated, but for absolution to be given the person has to be repentant and of a mindset that they don't intend to commit the sin again. So, if the priest doesn't sense that these two elements are present he may, at his discretion, withhold absolution.


Happy to see you Diana!

Lulu intrigues me in that I keep expecting her to come out with some major bustup news at some point. She doesn't seem to be your run of the mill non-essential side character. Heck I want that girl's life story...she intrigues me.

I did like that scene with the Bod Squad, little hunk in the making and Allie standing like the Magnificent Seven ( minus a few) as the wind blew. Looks a bit chilly, but maybe we can take this as early spring? I do agree hellashelle, I would really love to see an Allie that is using some new techniques or latest and greatest means of growing crops, etc. Really use the degree she got. Hot house agriculture would be so new wave, but as she's only renting, don't see that right now as their plan.

I keep wondering what her threat to Sev was about. If it's tied to the clue, but hey I'm in for the ride, so guess we see.


David, thanks so much. You've again provided thoughtful information.

Sev certainly wasn't repentant and clearly intends to commit the sin again (along with others). I understand that the person would need to be sincere for the sin(s) to be forgiven. I just feel that if it is obvious there is no remorse or intent to change when horrible crimes are committed (with the implicit threat of more to come), there should be no mandate to keep the contents a secret. It seems wrong that threats to innocent parties cloaked as a confession would stand.

I just don't see how this is all going to come out.


Eli, thank you. Once again you produced a superb recap.

I do not think Sev's "confession" was a true confession it was more like a taunt. (Catch me if you can kind of thing). The same thing happened in another TN - every time the villain did something evil he ran to the good padre to "confess". The only confession I want to hear out of Sev's mouth is from his death bed.

Wow, Ali is really on the ball thinking about seeds for her great plan.

I am beginning to feel sorry for Hum, I don't think he will make it to the end.

Rosemary Primera Eureka. I buy them every spring , and I don't even have an ag degree. I hope there is more to Al's mis planes than...seeds.

Gracias, Eli! I watched the episode last night and I was all..."Whoa!" And then I read the recap with my morning coffee and lived it all over again :D

"Can we get her a copy of 'He's just not that into you?'." Yes please! And ITA on the dress. *yawn*

"Aldi along with her super crew are out looking at the lands" That was a bit of a head scratcher for me. There didn't seem to be a clear plan and now, in addition to acting like they have an unlimited amount of money, they act like they have an unlimited amount of land. Let's raise crops! And some animals! And build an amusement park!

"I feel so bad for Mel, who looks like a puppy that was just called a bad dog and hit on the nose with a newspaper." I hated that. And for such a "good" businessman, Sev is being pretty clueless--not just about the impact that Em leaving has had on the ranch, but about how important Mel is to the running of the place. I was grumbling that Mel ought to quit and let Sev run the place into the ground. It would serve him right.

Speaking of serving him right...the Uriel-Sev confrontation was priceless! "I WANT BLOOD!" Word! I was disappointed when Cris and Mel came to save Sev's worthless ass.

I found it odd that Humberto would be so outraged about the accusation of burning the field when that's the one thing that, as far as I remember, he had no involvement with whatsoever.

I think that Aldonza is fine when Sev doesn't surprise her and she's confronting him on her own terms, but come on...dude grabs you outside your own house and you see your security guy knocked out on the floor, of course you'd freak out! And I think the statement about wanting to crush him, but not bothering to go to the authorities was pretty telling. That's her idea of "revenge"...taking away what he wants most. Why bother with the cops when they're not going to do anything? I think that's the most clarity we've gotten in a long time. And it gives her behavior a framework whereby we can see that it actually IS consistent. Did I just say "whereby"? I think I need more coffee.

When Padre J realized Sev was in the confessional, I had Padre Sixto flashbacks. And that was before Sev even brought him up. That just made it worse. I don't think it's going to make Padre J back down, though. OK, he can't "tell" but that doesn't mean he can't keep investigating. Or that he now has to convince, say, Adelina to stop. He was coming up on the truth anyway. Even though Sev is giving away the ending, so to speak, doesn't mean that Padre J can't keep reading the book.

Gracias again, Eli!

David, "I don't think the confessional ploy by Sev will amount to a hill of beans. I believe that information that a priest gleans from other sources can be shared, even though it was also heard in the confessional." Yes, that's what I've been thinking. If someone checks their phone in the middle of confession and says "Hey, the [insert name of sports team here] won!" that doesn't mean the priest can't talk about the game.

doris, "Irma needs to toss that green eye shadow. Seriously. Not only is in unflattering, the LAST TIME she wore it, a family member GOT KILLED." I nearly spit my drink on that! Priceless!

Vivi, "Have we ever actually seen a priest leave the priesthood in a tn, and survive?" Padre Hottie on Mentir para Vivir did, I think?

tofie, "If Severiano going all in I wondered why he didn't mention Aldonza's rape, ordered the hit on Abelardo, burnt the crop and tampered PJ's brakes." Maybe next episode? Might as well, since he's there, in the church, and lightning hasn't struck. (I have no idea, I've stopped watching the previews.)

Noticed Severiano now wants to deposit in cash what he owes Adriano but will into Flavia's account. Wonder if Silvia will get a call from her banking friend?

Uriel - choke a chicken shit

Val - nothing more than the power of positive thinking

PJ - beg your pardon

Cris - you always compare me to my daddy, I never compare you with your mom

Alsonza - and the Pips

Pru - diet of fruits and nuts

Severiano - gonna buy that man who made up the rule a drink

Lulu - gonna save up and next time go after Severiano


I was shocked at last night's ending. I didn't know what they were getting at with LuLu wanting to go to confession but when when Sev appeared and started confessing his I was floored. Thanks to Eli for clarifying the seal of confession for me and for the great episode recap.

*Severiano is lucky that the keystone cops in this TN don't know what phone records are because now that they have Adriano's identity and suspect that Severiano had hired him to kill Abelardo, a quick look at the calls would connect the two instantly. Sev told Adriano not to call him again so clearly he's worried about people tying them together via phone calls but all his calls previous calls have been recorded and can easily be accessed with basic police work. Again Sev - get a burner and stop using your main cell phone for doing all your dirty work.

* Irma's eye shadow is horrible, no doubt, but it doesn't really bother me as much as the rest of you. I think I have been desensitized to spectacularly bad heavy handed eye shadow after watching Alexa on HEFDM what with her neon orange shadow for the first half of the TN (truly awful!) and then the pink/purple/aqua combo for the latter half which was better but still not good.


Kat- Padre Mariano in Mentir Para Vivir died at the end, remember? Shot up white shielding the girl he fell in love with. Then the main couple named their baby after him

Shot up WHILE shielding...

Vivi, I had totally forgotten that! I think, especially when a show is bad or ends on a sour note, I tend to want to block it out of my memory. I'll even read old recaps that I know I wrote, but they don't feel familiar to me.

A novela priest who left the priesthood and had a Felices Para Siempre was Padre Juan Domingo in Gitanas on Telemundo in 2005. He fell in love with a beautiful gypsy widow, married her, and had children.

As to Confessional Abuse, I think Sev is saving the rest for another day. Or two or three. He is at least as perverse as Fernando in FELS, who did this multiple times from the first week until Padre Tadeo refused to listen anymore. He never gave him absolution and struggled with the confessional seal because he knew that other lives were at stake. He almost broke the seal when an attempt was made on his own life, but ended up not doing so. He survived the story.

In AMF (previous version of QTPD) the villain did this to the second priest after having murdered the first one. Nothing new under the sun.

I wish Padre Jeronimo would get a DNA test with himself and Aldonza to prove they are related. That would expose the Big Lie.

I would love for Cristobal to be the padre's son, but that would make him Aldonza's first cousin. Not a legal impediment but these two don't need another Ick Factor. I think it was established that no pre-seminary boinking took place between Jeronimo and Candela.

Vivi...''preseminary booking''..that is not a phrase you read everyday.

Tofie..Val's power of ''positive thinking''...Norman Vincent Peale would be so proud.

Eli...I liked your idea of Uri biting Severed on the neck. I do not think Uri is going to let this go. He has Servered's number now. Severed should be very worried.

Do you think that Sim/Viv will reappear to help Severed over the edge ?

Booking??.''my tablet did not recognize ''boinking''

Val, Pru & Candela need to get major anvils QUICK!

Does anyone know how many episodes AL has left to implement her mis planes ? Ticktock, AL.

Susanlynn- Urban gets the credit for that one, but I approve the phrase.

Awesome recap. Thank you, Eli.

J in Oregon: Even if Lulu had overheard Seve's confession, SHE would also be bound by the seal of the confessional. The Canon law clearly states that ANYONE who hears the confession, even by accident (and including translators), is bound to keep it a secret.

When Aldonza, smirking and full of confidence, stepped up to Seve's face, I thought she was going to knee him "in the betweens," as my son used to say. Too bad she let that opportunity go.

Susanlynn - Yes, we're certainly not done with Sim/Viv yet. I wonder how much her past haunts her because she seems drawn to crying women on benches. Approximately 60 episodes left! Seems short...

I thought Val's dress was nice. She looked like such a sourpuss in it though, you would've thought she was just buying a pair of jeans.

UA - Yeah a DNA test with him and Aldie' could put that whole thing to rest.

Diva - I totally expect to see Mel bail on Sev (though it'll probably play out as Sev firing him). Which will free him up to help Emmanuel build the animal part of Donnie's farm.
I think Hum freaked out because Aldonza was circling in on him and starting to suspect that's he's a puppet that hold scissors but hasn't found the strength to use them yet. (She really reminded me of a PI or a police officer getting into interrogation mode last night)


Villains as perverse as Satanic Sev only end up dead in the end of the story. That is the only thing that will free anyone he has hurt.

That is when Aldonza can be with Cristobal.

Currently predicting the manicomio for Candela.

Thank you Eli, wonderful recap. Don't you just love the happy song? wouldn't it be wonderful to see Aldonza's sharp nailed fingers around sev's Neck digging into his jugular? it was wonderful to see somebody's hands around that bastard's neck. just didn't achieve the desired effect. It seems that things might be looking up. Aldonza (ally) I was so proud of her and she did not back down and he didn't look too happy about that either. It just might be that his days of intimidating this young woman could be coming to an end, he may not be able to continue the tradition of abuse. and about that confession, would It be wonderful if somebody else was eavesdropping, since Padre J's hands are tied by his vow. There should be something that can make up for that.vile and her addled brain mother should take their comedy act on the road. VileVal might as well buy a pair of jeans I don't see that wedding ever happening, and if it does, well let's not go there.


After Sever is gone, the only way Cris and Ali can finally be happy is when Cande and Val are long gone from this planet. They simply will never give up.

Rosemary Primera


Goodness gracious, things are really happening now.

Thank you Eli---A great recap. Two witches going shopping. It doesn't get any better than that. I'm still laughing over that great line. Candela repellent was good too. You really brought it this morning Eli.

The "real" Aldonza is back---YEAH!!! Now, let the fight begin! Give um hell Ali!

Eli---You gave us the Catholic confessional law word for word but I agree with Tofie
in that this wasn't a confession by a church member asking for forgiveness of a sin or sins. This was nothing more than an evil man bragging and threating, plain and simple.

The wedding dress---Most of the patio ladies thought it was ugly or at the least, a poor choice. I would have to take a second look but I didn't dislike it when I saw it last night. I remember that my only thought was that the dress was tight around the waist and that Vile had better hurry up and use the dress before her pregnancy starts to show.
As I read the comments this morning I couldn't help thinking that maybe all of the bad dress comments might have been for a large part because the dress was for Vile
and not Aldonza.

Hellashelle---From yesterday about cameras. I was just thinking that if a camera had shown Sever entering the property, it wouldn't mean much because he lays claim to the property. If he did something. of course the cameras would help convict him for whatever crime he would have committed.

I'm wondering if there actually will be a Vile/Cris wedding or will it be foiled?
Vile hasn't pulled the I'm pregnant trick o n Cris yet. That must be coming very soon now. If Cris looked like he wanted to cry last night or a few times in the past, just wait until Vile drops the poisoned liars bomb on him.

must see tv.
the gringo


I've flipped on Aldonza and Cris now. At first I wanted them together despite the icky rape factor but no longer but not because Cris a bad guy. She doesn't love Cris anymore than Val does and purposefully takes low pot shots at him. I watch & listen to what she snidely says to the boy and how she treats him and it not love. He's the fool to keep trying and thought if Dominga knew Aldonza frequently compares Cris to his father (Aldonza knowing Severiano the vile beast he is) maybe she would stop doing damage control and motherly counsel him to move on.

The person most prominent and with resourses in Aldonza's life is Renato (not PJ and not Adelina) and while I lost respect for Renato, whom she should marry. With the four of them making plans on the side of the slope, I could not envision Cris in that group. He'd be the fifth wheel. Kinda crazy cause Cris keeps trying to join, isn't buckling to his family's pressure but Aldonza shoves him off the merry-go-round and tells him to go home.


Val: I'm pregnant! You have to marry me.
Cris: Oops! I'm already married!

Snooze, you lose, Val. :)

My theory: the ham-fisted application of the camo green eyeshadow and the gothic purple lipstick is meant to make Irma and Cande look older than they are.

Diana-It is so wonderful to see you here and to read your lovely comments again. It just makes me so happy.

I guess Adelina/Lisset should be glad they just gave her bad hair to age her. Cande/Alejandra and Irma/Yolanda got bad hair AND bad makeup.

Lisset got bad wardrobe, too.

Really Cand and Irma got the trifecta: bad hair, bad makeup and bad wardrobe.

Yolanda is in her mid 40's and could be Abelardo's mom.

But not Mari's. I think someone once theorized that Yolanda's bad make up was to try and not make it obvious that she and the Mari actress were close in age.

I could see Cande in a convent. Though I can only imagine what PJ would think of that.

Someone else mentioned Aldonza and Cris comparing each other to Sev (Tofie, I don't remember her doing it before, but her comments last night were so...just...mean). I'm hoping the renewed sense of boldness towards Sev signals a clearer, more logical Aldonza when it comes to Cris as well.

I do think it's very on point that they're now comparing each other to a parent. Aldonza's been trying to escape comparisons to her mother forever and Cris is paying for his father's crimes, with the law and with Aldie. I would be very satisfied if someone would be honest, blunt and unforgiving with Aldie about her attitude and her behavior.

As always, Silvia seems the most obvious choice. But Pato could probably get the point across and maybe be gentler doing it.

I agree with the theory that says Irma's horrendous eyeshadow and updo are meant to contrast with Mari's more neutral eye color palette and ponytail. I also think having her sweaters hanging off her shoulder are meant to signal her distress since Lardo died.

Man, they would have such a great visual contrast if Cande thought something had happened to Cris! Hair askew, misbuttoned or wrinkled top. I would love that scene.

Of course! It never occurred to me before, but I kept wondering why Irma's sweaters were so sloppy. Thanks, hellashelle!

Even when someone calls Aldonza out she's dismissive and actually I believe Aldonza is doubling down on Cris. One she believes Cris cheated and two he is Severiano's son. She wants to purge herself of the guy. She already wasn't listening to him and had put the divorce in process before knowing about the sleepover with Val. Having Renato hand deliver the papers to Cris without warning was intended to cut him. Pretty ruthless behavior toward a guy that has never done anything to her and kinda lame going after Cris to hit back at his daddy. Perhaps all her hate is misdirected, Cris the punching bag and makes her no better than Cande.

Eli....Thank you so much for a really great recap. Your formatting was so pleasant and easy to read. I had almost lost interest in La Sombra with all the scheming and pouty divas and the absolutely clueless men. Padre J and (dare I say) Sev seem to be aware of what makes the world go round. Padre for the love of God and mankind and Sev for evil with his every breath.

As a student of the history of the Church, I found your reference to Cannon Law very interesting and impressive. Bravo Eli!

Somebody just wants to make Yolanda ugly and has to paint her like a clown to do so. She's stunning and posed for Playboy several years ago. Globed on eyeshadow or no I still believe her as mom, it's Mary I don't buy.

I've always bought her as "mom." Hell. She's my age and I have a kid who is past the mid 20s mark. So I don't even think they need to make her that old looking, but for whatever reason they decided they did...and with not so great looking consequences.

She looked great when she was mourning, with no makeup and her hair down. Even with the red eyes and nose from all the crying.

Again, thank you, Eli for your lively, thorough and banging treatment of an important episode! Great comments, as usual!

Thank you David for your comments on cannon law. For anyone who knows, can a Priest go to his "superior" in the Church, tell them the circumstances and context in which the "confession" was made and get an exception on the cloak of secrecy thing? It was absolutely crystal clear that Sev was NOT "a penitent" but, as others have said, a thug bragging! More than that the "confession" was a strategy to stop further investigation and possible exposure of his crimes. Wouldn't anyone in the Church care? Would they not care that one of their Priests had been murdered?

Another Church question. Pardon me, I know that probably sounds really silly and simplistic. Just trying to understand. After the confession does the Priest do some ritual that says, "Yes, I have heard you and you are forgiven" which seals the "I won't tell anyone" part? Is it such that if the Priest DOESN'T do the "I have heard and forgiven" thing, the seal of secrecy is NOT in place and he can tell?

Tofie, you so often note things that I do myself and say them much better. Your comment at 3:22 especially rang true. I like that Aldonza's spine has returned but I DON'T like how she treats Cris. Comparing him to Sev is just the limit! If he were like Sev he would've raped her on their wedding night to take his conjugal rights. Come on, Girl! The writer's have temporarily given Donnie her spine back, let them return her heart! I agree that if Dominga witnessed how she treats him she would advise him to let her go, move on and let her heart heal.

I don't see no love, just a wounded Cris. Doris! We need to tend to Cris over at the Cougar Table, girl!

Diana! I was going to ask about you on the board but thought that might be bad etiquette. I am so glad you're back!

Wonderful job, Eli: Thanks again!


*move on and let HIS heart heal.

Lila- The seal of the confessional is apart from whether or not the priest gave absolution to the person who confessed their sins. Sever confessed, but he did not repent. Had he repented, then absolution would be in order. But a confession is still a confession, and Padre J is bound by that.

Tofie - you're right, it's not that I need someone to tell her what's up, I need her to listen. I need her to hear them, to think about what they're saying, and to consider her actions before taking them. I think I could sympathize with a lot of her decisions if they didn't seem so rash and if I saw the struggle she went through to make them.

They made me tighten up to buy the Cris and Aldonza relationship from the moment in the rain, but the fact that I still haven't seem the support to back it up is just sad. We're more than halfway through the show. I believed more in Alborada's Hipolita and Luis and never thought I'd get behind them as a couple, given their beginnings!

I was so relived that Sev didn't kill Padre J that I pretty much gave the writers a pass on the old confessional trick.

Also, I've been watching too many horror movies because I almost expected Padre J to find a dead Lulu.

Hellashelle..Luis and Hippolits had a very unusual beginning! I loved FC in that telenovela. He was muy large and in charge.

Me too Sara and after the show wondered if Severiano gonna do something to him while we're away. Dammit, I got a colossal crush on PJ and if punk ass Severiano is able to kill him because PJ takes serious his vows, I'll go, go, go Godzilla.

I'm sure Dominga would have this folksy saying for Cris about Aldonza: "Cuando el perro es bravo, hasta a los de casa muerde."

Translation: When we’re angry and upset, we’re also blinded about who we might be affecting and how exactly we could be hurting them. You hurt the ones you love the most.

You have to admit that the actor is doing a tremendous job of making us loathe the arrogant, smug, ruthless Severed character.In Robo , we often thought that he might truly love his wife despite his wicked ways, but he threw her under the bus in the end.Severed, on the other hand, loves no one..not even his own flesh and blood Chris. He is amoral and narcissitic.

Lila - Cris is all yours at the Cougar Table. :-). I'm saving a seat for Renato v.1 (pre-dark etapa)

"Val: I'm pregnant! You have to marry me.
Cris: Oops! I'm already married! "
. . . . LOL!!!

My beanie hat moment was the police talking to Uriel and naming suspects - Flavia's guy Adriano(?) and Sev. Because, really, who does that? Ack.

Most excellent recap Eli!
Someone please remind me...what does ISBIS stand for?

ISBIS = it sounds better in Spanish

Susanlynn - I disagree. Severed is a sociopath.

Doris..yeah..that, too.

Danggit! Ate my comment. Oh, well. Thanks Vivi. Said some other stuff. Still want an out of the secrecy for Padre. Show time in 1/2 hour.

75 episodes down, 100 + more to go!!!!!!

Thanks Sara for the explanation.
Thanks Eli for the well written recap.


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