Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #16 Mon 6/8/15 Honeymoon Hotel? No, Honeymoon in Hell!

The Church in the City – All you need is love

Jorge escorts Vero down the aisle to the grumpy groom waiting at the altar.  The church is surprisingly empty – no budget for lots of extras, I guess.  (Or maybe the Prado Castelo family is not quite as important as they think they are.)  Oblivious Vero gazes adoringly at Crazy Marty.  Marty continues to scowl, though now and then one corner of his mouth twitches up in that spasmodic parody of a smile.

Pueblo Nuevo – Burning for you

Ana Perla is so distracted by her daydreams of Pablo that she burns breakfast.


Mariana is sure that she and Pablo will be the next happy couple at the altar.  Claudia is so verklempt at seeing Crazy Marty slip out of her clutches that she has to leave the church.  Nana Matilde never stops beaming.  Nasty Ginny rolls her eyes. 

Veronica says "I do."  But when it's Marty's turn, he hesitates long enough for Jorge to open his mouth like a fish – oh! bubble bubble – and look helplessly at Salma, for Matilde to throw up her hands in despair and for everyone else in the church to get VERY uncomfortable.

And now it's Julio who gets burned

Julio grabs the frying pan off the stove – youch! – and drops it in the sink.  He says he knows that Ana Perla is in love and warns her to beware of that old fox, her grandfather.

In the church, one hour and thirty-seven minutes later (or thereabouts)...   Hasta la muerte nos separe

"Are you okay?" Vero asks Crazy Marty, apparently prepared to administer CPR, if need be.  But he comes to, saying he was nervous.  Acepto, he says.  Finally.  The guests breathe a collective sigh of relief.  The rings, the lazos, "til death do us part."  The kiss.  Crazy Marty manages a smile that reaches his eyes.  For a moment, he and Vero seem like normal, happy newlyweds.

The Outdoor Wedding Reception

While Crazy Marty is inside making a phone call, Crazy Emi approaches Vero as she chats happily with her nana.  He apologizes for acting like a jerk before.  He still wants them to be friends – he just needs some time.  And he wishes her happiness.  Vero, softie that she is, accepts his apology.  Under Jorge's approving eye, they hug it out.  (Does this mean I'll have to stop calling him Crazy Emi?  Nah.  Not just yet.)

Mina Escondida – El Purgatorio (La Cantina)

Two minor characters lay the ground for their own pursuit of romance and happiness.  Uspín eyes the barmaid (the one who prepared Manuel's special sauce) and Julio sighs about his own unrequited love (which we on the Patio know to be none other than Ana Perla).

The Reception – You would have been so easy to love

Emi has one question for Vero:
¿Si Martín nunca hubiera aparecido en tu vida, tú me hubieras amado?
(If Martín hadn't appeared in your life, would you have loved me?)

Vero says that it would have very easy for her to fall in love with him.  Emiliano, having made his peace with her, leaves her in a very emotional state.  

Jorge comes up to her and sees that she has been crying.  She tells him what has happened and he gives her a fatherly hug.

Emi isn't quite done yet.  He catches up with Crazy Marty at the drinks table and warns him that if he hurts Verónica, he'll pay for every one of her tears.

El Purgatorio turns into El Infierno

Manny the Hump enters the cantina just in time to overhear Uspín's gentle flirtation with the barmaid.  He says nastily:
Estas pulgas no brincan en tu petate.
(That girl isn't for you.  Literally, These fleas don't jump in your bedroll.)
He orders Uspín and Julio to leave.  And being sensible men, they do.

The Reception – The Honeymoon's Over Before it Began 

Marty overhears Jorge telling Vero about the bank account he opened for her, though he doesn't hear her trying to turn the gift down.  More certain than ever that he married a gold-digger, he tells her that there are serious problems at the mine; they must cancel their honeymoon and go to Mina Escondida at once.

Just then, Mariana and Pablo stroll by to congratulate the couple. Mariana says Mina Escondida is a horrendous place, but Pablo insists that it is magical.  Crazy Marty says Vero will have a chance to form her own opinion.

When Mariana and Pablo walk away, Marty offers to send Vero to Europe by herself.  She's offended – she already knows Europe; she was looking forward to exploring it in his company.  But she's a good sport.  She'll go where her husband goes and the trip to Europe can wait.

It seems Marty wants to leave NOW without even giving Vero a chance to say goodbye to her aunt and uncle.  He will talk to Alfredo and explain things to Jorge and Salma.

When Crazy Marty steps away, Crazy Ginny takes his place.  She congratulates Vero on landing a rich man.  Too bad Emi will never forgive her.  News flash, Vero tells her.  Emi has already done just that.  Ooh, that burns Ginny, right to the silvery headband.

Vero tries to get away from her poisonous not-really-cousin so she can change out of her gown.  This provokes another battle into which Salma is drawn: "After all the work I did, all the money I spent, and you're going to leave the party without even leading off the dancing... "  Vero tries to tell Salma about the problems at the mine.  Salma grows increasingly indignant while Crazy Ginny looks on smugly.  Now Jorge is drawn into the fray.  His response: He makes his little fish mouth. Pues, ni modo, he says with a shrug.

"You're not even going to throw the bouquet?" Ginny asks.  Vero hands it to her roughly:  "Take it!  See if it can get you a man to make you happy because you really need one."  Ginny mouths what must be a choice obscenity, but by the time she turns to her tíos, she is working the woe is I look, complete with the Eyebrows of Pathos.

Meanwhile Martín tells Alfredo to take the reins of the construction company while he is gone.  Alfredo is fine with the responsibility, but he is incredulous that Crazy Marty has carried out his threat – he has married Vero just to get his vengeance.  (Cue the drumroll!)  

Sour Claudia has overheard the men say something about revenge and she has noticed Marty's anger (she'd have to be blind to miss it).  All Alfredo will say is that Marty is leaving because of problems in the mine and that he is much more in love with Vero than he would like to be.

Excess Baggage

Crazy Marty eyes Vero's luggage and informs her that she can only take what is absolutely necessary.  Jorge hopes the mine issues are resolved quickly so Vero doesn't have to spend much time in such an inhospitable place.  Crazy Emi leans over the bannister and watches the scene below.

Ciudad de México

Claudia weeps lágrimas de sangre frustración as she begs Alfredo to tell her about the venganza.  He won't.  (Good man, Alfredo.  Your table on the Patio is beginning to get crowded.)  With Alfredo gone, Claudia gets on her knees and overacts for the benefit of her living room sofa and the Patio.  How could Crazy Marty turn her down?  But if he is having problems, she'll have to HELP him.  And if he married that woman out of vengeance, it isn't going to work!  (There.  Now Claudia has cheered herself up.)

Casa Prado Castelo

Vero says her heartfelt goodbyes to Matilde, and she thanks and hugs Salma and Jorge.  Salma wishes the new couple the best of luck.  Crazy Marty says:
Yo no creo en la suerte; yo creo en el destino.
(I don't believe in luck; I believe in fate.)

Crazy Emi looks on silently.  Vero hugs Matty once more before leaving.

Outside, the reception party continues

Nasty Ginny calls her heart doctor with an update.  She's happy to get rid of Vero and resentful that Vero is getting the gold that should be hers.  She'll figure out a way to make it right (that is to say, wrong).  In the meantime, "don't call me, I'll call you," she tells Dr. Feelgood.  Alone, she takes comfort in having Crazy Emi all to herself:  
En esta casa, no va a haber más dueña que yo
(I'll be the only lady of this house).

Romeo and Juliet and the girl that Romeo is exploiting

In Mina Escondida, Ana Perla hides under her blankets writing love letters by flashlight; in Mexico, Pablo reads the letters and dreams of seeing her again very soon. Mariana's arrival interrupts his reverie.  She has come to say goodbye before he leaves for Mina Escondida.  Several envelopes containing Ana Perla's letters are in plain view.  Is Pablo going to be busted?  Nah.  Like Vero, Mariana seems to be afflicted with Oblivious Novia Syndrome (ONS).  She does notice the painting of Crazy Marty and Vero fencing (it's their wedding present, Pablo explains) and remarks that there is almost... hatred in Marty's expression.  Pablo disagrees.  He sees pure passion.   Isn't Pablo going to tell her he loves her?  He mutters a cursory Te quiero and then hurries off to his waiting taxi.

No todo lo que brilla es oro

Uspín and his men paddle Vero and Crazy Martín down the river.  Vero is overwhelmed by the beauty of the scene, though she is exhausted by the long journey.  Crazy Marty says it would have been easier if she hadn't taken along so much luggage, including her fencing gear.  He reminds her that they aren't on vacation.

Uspín says quietly that he can tell just by looking that Vero tiene mucho angel (she's a good person) and that she is also a very beautiful woman.  Marty replies dourly that 'all that glitters is not gold – if you don't believe me, ask the miners.'

The Post-Verónica Prado Castelo House 

Crazy Emi is dressed fairly sanely this morning.  Matilde tells him she's glad he made up with Vero before she left.  He admits he still loves her.  Ginny lurks in the doorway, hears him say this and sighs.

Guess what? I've lost everything!

Uspín offers to stop off at Playa Bruja so they can eat fresh fruit and drink coconut milk...  Vero would love to stop.  She adores agua de coco!  But Crazy Marty instructs Uspín to press on.  Vero asks why he is in such a hurry.  He says there was a collapse in the mine and he has lost everything.  (Big Fat Liar!) He couldn't tell her before because he's sure she wouldn't have come with him.  She says she just took an oath to stand by his side and she meant it.  But she is sure there is something they can do to salvage his patrimony.

Mass Transit Problems

There was a problem on the river and the boat has been damaged.  The newlyweds are forced to spend a night in Pierre's hotel.  Pierre is quite taken with Vero ("You can call me Pierre"), which makes Crazy Marty frown.  (Well doesn't everything?)  Vero tells him not to be jealous – she only has eyes for him.

Ana Perla is also affected; without Uspín's boat, she can't get to the school in Mina Escondida.  Grandpa won't let her walk in the plaza either, at least not until he has had a chance to check out the new arrivals.

Avert Your Eyes!

Manuel saunters into the dining room in his skivvies.  Crescencio chews him out for being a lazy lout.  He warns him to stay on Joaquin's good side or he might just decide to leave their mine and work for La Morenita.

The Construction Office in Mexico – Boring One-Note Claudia

Claudia ignores Alfredo's warnings, yammering on about Marty's obvious unhappiness and how she is going to do what is necessary to PROTECT Martín from that tipa.  If she has to, she'll go to the mine to support him and take care of him.

Pueblo Nuevo

The new Mrs. San Telmo discovers that her husband has gone out without her, leaving her to dine alone.  She invites Pierre to dine with her and he accepts with pleasure.

We see Crazy Marty walking purposefully down the street... right into the path of Crazy Crescencio.  Marty holds out his hand, but Crescencio won't shake it (In this round of Who's the Biggest Jerk? Crescencio wins.  Hands down.  Or out.)  Crescencio warns Mad Marty that owning a gold mine doesn't give him any rights to mess with the women folk.  Marty informs him that he has arrived with his wife.  This seems to appease Crescencio somewhat.  He says he hopes Marty turns out to be as honorable as his late brother Demetrio.

Crazy Marty returns to the hotel as Pierre and Vero are enjoying a toast.  She invites him to join them, saying that M. Dussage is very witty (ocurrente).  Marty listens to Pierre's flowery homage to Vero's beauty, his face growing tighter and tighter.  He decides to send himself to bed without supper. (Though perhaps if he ate something, he wouldn't be so cranky; let's hope that Vero managed to eat something before he showed up.)

They return to their room and find it filled with flowers.  This, of course, lights another fuse under Crazy Marty. Vero can't go around conquering every man she sees.  She belongs to him and him alone!  He pulls her to him.  They kiss...

Avances: The burning passion between Martín and Vero is unleashed, but tomorrow Vero will confront her torment (i.e., she will find not Goldilocks, but Nanciyaga sleeping in her bed)


@NovelaMaven - I was about to go to sleep and noticed your recap of #16 pop up. Excellent as always. I'll comment more later, because I'm wiped out, but for now just one small detail and one major rant:

Small Detail - when they are on the boat and Martin complains that perhaps Vero shouldn't have brought with her the fencing gear, she jokes and says that she brought it because it could come in handy to resolve any future fights between them. Yikes!!!!

Major Rant - although I half-expected it, I was still furious when I saw the final scene of the episode. Univision completely butchered it. They cut at least 30 seconds - 30 very good seconds - from it. For me, it didn't have nearly the effect that the scene should have had without those extra seconds, and I know what was in them. And then Univision wonders why it is losing viewers. Ugh

NovelaMaven, thank you for the very clever recounting and translation.

"Marty continues to scowl, though now and then one corner of his mouth twitches up in that spasmodic parody of a smile"

"With Alfredo gone, Claudia gets on her knees and overacts for the benefit of her living room sofa and the Patio"

"Romeo and Juliet and the girl that Romeo is exploiting"

Good golly Veronica, you don't tell a dude you friendzoned and called a brother, had you not met this other dude you would have fallen for him.

I've bitched everyday how much a beast Martin is and this one no different, in fact, worse. If he doesn't manage to mind...k her into a blubbering mess, I hope she kills him instead of forgiving her abuser. I've given up on Alfredo helping the lamb avoid the slaughterhouse, so please Claudia and Emiliano, frustrate the nut.

Julio loves Ana Perla dearly, yet she is all aflutter over that two timing wanna be artist. What a punk.

Surprised no one has shot Pierre, he's not very subtle.


Thanks NovelaM, very entertaining recap. These folks are sure fodder for some good snark!

Maybe it's the actress, but Claudia is plain unappealing. Like a walking, over-makeupped mannequin who whines incessantly. That whole down on her knees--just painful.

Alfredo for the win. This guys needs someone special...candidates?

So Emi has laid his threat so we know he'll be back in the picture soon to rescue his damsel in his soon distress. Hopefully if he turns up in the backwoods, he'll leave behind the Vegas duds.

I heart Julio too. He and Ana looked sweet in that kitchen moment. But Marty is on my last nerve with the scowls and staring into the vengeful sunset. I looked forward to when he realizes what a mistake he made. Regret, real love, sadness might be better than the scowls. Not surprised Uni cut the end, I mean us prudes in the US don't seem to "want" to see the full version ( does Uni not watch HBO??).


NovelaMaven- What a treat this morning. Was giggling through your whole recap. Not much to add, because you expressed exactly how I felt. You even caught that little twitch of a smile Martin gave that drove me crazy.

Not smart of Vero to tell Emi that she would have fallen for him had Martin not arrived. That just feeds his hope and his crazy. We can bet that he'll throw it in her face the first time she and Marty break up. Also, I'm tired of female characters so easily forgiving men who have so readily called them a low down slut to their faces and to other people. That puts you on my sh*t list for life. And it certainly means we will never be bffs again. Hell no!

So, what was in the cut half minute? It looked like it could go either way. Either Martin being too rough and rapey, or the two of them melting into some mutual passion and enjoying themselves, for once. Since Vero looks ok in the previews, I'm assuming they both enjoyed themselves and Marty was actually a good lover.

Thanks, Novela Maven and thank you all for filling in for me while I was away.
I haven't watched this past week of episodes, but I don't mind that I lost the courtship, this is when things get good.

I'm wondering what will Veri think when she sees where Martin plans for the two of them to live. Even with some much needed cleaning, that place is a dump.
And I bet Emiliano will be back in the picture sooner rather then later, but will Virginia become the senora of teh mansion before word is out that Veronica is unhappy?

I still don't get how someone as smart as Vero can't see how crazy her new husband is.

Thank You NovelaQueen. You always catch little things which sneak past me.
I still say NanC gaga is the scariest one of all the crazy girls. She IS the only one carrying a machete. Still sleeping in Dimbulb's old house? Yikes ! Like we already established though, those crazy girls are always on fire in bed though.

On one hand I feel so bad for Vero, but she got herself into this mess lock stock and barrel. I think any normal girl's friends and family would have intervened and at least put enough doubt in her mind to slow down the wedding.

Kirby: Martin is getting more & more psycho everyday!

At least Amaya on QA didn't obsess about fantasying killing Max!

Veronica giving Virginia Peralta the bouquet: it'll shut the brat up! Now she & Dr. Feel-good can make their sex addict brainstorming sessions.

Ana Perla: you need to get out of town!

Thanks, NovelaMaven. It is such a treat to read one of your deliously witty recaps with my Special K.

Old James Dean..still crazy after all these years. I wonder if he has a special handler for that signature curl strategically placed on his forehead . That old children's rhyme comes to mind...''There was an old dude who had a little curl right in the middle of his forehead , and when he was good , he was very, very good (not really) , and when he was bad, he was horrid...and scarycreepycrazy.''

Ivan the Terrible just does not do it for me even when he attempting a smile and isn't looking constipated and spaced out with hate.

I take it that CrazyFuming Marty (also my ex soninlaw's name..but I ususlly add kOA) and Very have not gone beyond kisses .

@Vivi - Re: your question about what was in the 30 seconds Univision cut, I'll wait and see if Univision shows the missing 30 seconds at the start of #17 tonight. I'm not holding my breath, though. Even if they do show the missing 30 seconds, they may no longer have the same effect they had at the end of #16, in my opinion. I can't add anything for now without spoiling #17, so just hang in there and we'll see if (or how much) Univision edited the start of it tonight. If they butcher it again at the start of #17, I'll be happy to provide a link to a clip showing only the full missing scene, if Patio rules permit.

Thanks, LatinaInMD. I'll wait till tomorrow then. I ask because Uni cut part of a crucial near love scene in Sombra that was an important plot point-- showing how the heroine reacted to intimacy with her husband while suffering PTSD from a rape. They way they cut the scene made her reaction make very little sense. And there was NO reason for the cut.

WOW in thus TN the crazies outnumber the regular people by a huge margin. Steve. Yup Crazy Marty is almost off the deep end.. I'd lurve to see a major confrontation between Crazy Marty and Crazy Grampa or his disciple crazy Manuel. We would be minus one crazy to worry about.

Previews: So does Ms. Machete need a new place to live.? Paycho chick.

Susanlynn: I can't stand Crazy Marty. Pompous arrogant rich crazy bully. I will watch this whole TN just to see someone whip his arse.

Oh too bad he isn't married to Vsnake. A perfect match.

Maybe Claudia and Emi can get together, and Al and Mariana can get together. Al might not be as cute as Pablo but I think he'd give his woman her rightful place.

This show has a bunch of He/She's Just Not That Into Yous:

Claudia, Martin is just not that into you.

Virginia, Emiliano is just not that into you.

Emiliano, Veronica is just not that into you.

Nancy, Martin will not be into you.

Mariana, Pablo is just not that into you.

Julio, Ana Perla is just not that into you.

Dr. Dan, Virginia is just not that into you.

No fan of Emiliano but he hasn't risen to the slut shaming level Martin has yet and if she gives Emiliano a pass, how much more abuse will she take from Martin before she opens her eyes and runs? This is crazy, two men love her, one abuses her because she doesn't love him and the other abuses her because she does.

While I'm entertained with this show, when did rapey grudge, sexual advances become the stand in for passion? Most times Veronica and Martin start macking, it is after he has made some derogatory comment or blindly jealous and possessive. Lets see, he tears her down and right at the point she starts to protest he gets turned on. Sick dude.

NovelaMaven, enjoyed your smooth, yet snarky recap.

I knew it! I knew Crazy Marty was going to bail on the European honeymoon. What kind of nutcase offers to let his new bride go by herself on the honeymoon? Of course she'll go with him to the green hell.

I'm happy Vero brought all her suitcases, although I was afraid they would sink the boat. I'm sure she'll need everything in them before we're done. Maybe she and Nanci can swap clothing and fashion tips. Nanci can try the urban look and Vero can go all primitive tribal. (That might drive Marty even more nuts.)

Looks like we're also in for some major housecleaning. Do the newlyweds entertain Grouchy Gramps for dinner? This could be a sitcom, but it looks like we're setting up for a race. Will kissing or killing win?

Yikes...ABC was all primitive tribal for the beginning of CI, and I do not want a replay of that ride on a nightmare. Maybe she could get fashion tips from virginal Ana Perla...shawl over the hair..helpless glances.

The living standard in our "back woods" area is really not deplorable, so with some love and care, Dem's old place might turn decent. That may be step one on the surprise meter to Marty that Vero pulls up her sleeves and goes about cleaning, fixing and making a home for them instead of getting all "EWWWWWW" like a V-2 would.

Most of the other constantly debased women in town will more than likely be happy to help. Of course, we may have to have the requisite Manual maucho jerk moment with V-1, which might be another wake up for Marty too. His bride isn't exactly lacking in the looks and body department.

Gramps needs to have a major wake up call. Lord, that archaic 19th century attitude needs to go. Maybe Alfredo can whip into town with some nice satellite phones and laptops. Hello 21st century.


Susanlynn it is refreshing to see that you are no longer banished to Siberia by the blogspot anti-spambots.

Thank you Novela Maven. I loved the recap along with the snark and chapter titles that you gave us.

For a guy that just had a beautiful Mexican goddess fall head over heals in love with him, psycho, mental case or sicko Martin--I don't know which. Maybe all three, sure didn't look very happy at his/Vero's wedding last night. I think that was the most somber wedding that I have ever seen.

I can't understand the dialogue but just by watching I couldn't help thinking that Veronica couldn't be leaving her place of residence any too soon. Case in point---
At the reception when Viper decided to be the little viper that she is went over to Veronica and started making trouble with what looked like some mean or nasty words
flung right into Vero's face. Salma seeing but probably not hearing the conversation walks up and immediately lights into Vero for being mean to V-snake. Well that's how it looked anyway. Judging fair? No never.

La Paloma---You're so funny. Nanci can give the urban look a try and Vero can go primitive tribal.
Another great thought---Will kissing or killing win?

Carlos---Who has the letter? I thought that Martin had it.

I laugh every time that I see the boat dock. Well at least it works.

It looks like Veronica is in for it now. Out in the jungle with sicko Martin. Where is this novela headed?

Must see tv.
the gringo

Back when Virginia first met Martin and started badmouthing Vero, I wondered how he didn’t find it odd and rude that someone would openly badmouth a relative to someone they just met. Now I know why. He apparently doesn’t realize that badmouthing his new wife ("all that glitters is not gold") to people only makes HIM look like a jerk and an a**hole.

Thanks so much NovelaMaven.

I love the name Crazy Marty - that's exactly what he is.

I suppose Veronica was trying to be nice but it was foolish of her to have told Emi that it would have been easy to fall in with him if she hadn't met Martin.

Martin will deserve to have Emi make him pay.

It was funny when Veronica told Virginia to get a man because that's what she needs.

It was painful watching Claudia weeping on the living room floor. Get over it, Claudia!

LatinaInMD - Thanks for the info about Uni cutting a part of that scene. That would be great if you were to post a link with clip of the full scene. Thanks in advance.

Gringo: the crazy people in this TN has upped the ante to higher levels!

Veronica's about to find out how Martin is PSYCHO: heck, he might push her over the cliff!

NovelaMaven thank you for the fantastic recap. Had me laughing and agreeing the whole way.

The whole idea of Vero accepting Martin's ______ is BS. You SO need a beanie to buy it!

I'm in Julio's camp. I am hoping that Pablo is discovered to be the jerk that he is right now and she will end up with Julio.... Didn't the same basically happen to that actor in Amor Bravio? Can't remember, but I think that's where I saw him and I vaguely think he got his happy ending. Sorry, but enough time has passed for Pablo to make a good decision, and right now he hasn't!


Rebecca- Yes, Ricardo Franco/Julio also pined for a girl who pined for a jerk in Amor Bravio, and finally got her in the end. His character in Corazon Indomable barely was shown having a love life, and his character in Quiero Amarte got no one at the end. Why are writers/directors/producers not taking more advantage of his guapo-ness in more love scenes? I really don't know. The least they could do is give us more shirtless scenes of him.

I loved your comments, guys, and I'm happy to have made a few of you giggle. Thanks to everyone for stopping by.

I feel that I have to say something in Nanciyaga's defense. Wasn't it Crazy Marty himself who asked/instructed Nanci to stay in his hovel (and not to clean anything)? She is just going along with the wishes of her patrón, who probably intended to have Vero discover her in his bed.

This is a very unsavory bunch of characters, but I gotta admit that I find them entertaining. (I'm so shallow.) And speaking of shallow...

Latina, I'd love to see the 30 seconds that Univisión censored. By all means, post the scene or a link to the scene!

NovelaMaven thanks for all you do. I am kinda with you on Nanclyaga. I do not really see her as evil in that she has not willfully done anything mean or wrong. But she is just oddly scary. She is pretty and in a primitive way very sexy. But the third person speech, the Machete, the general demeanor is just witchy. But that is just me. Every time she is on I hear the Eagles Witchy Woman in my subconcious.

Yes. It was Crazy Marty who let Nanciyaga stay at the hovel and instructed her to leave everything as is so Veronica would see the hell his brother lived in.

Padre Juan was appalled at the instructions and was suppose to send Martin a letter about it but I don't think he ever did.

I love the character of Nanciyaga especially her carrying around a machete. I'd like to see her go up against Claudia.


*supposed not suppose

Well, I think maybe we might be able to appreciate Nanci in the future. Any woman that carries around a machete with the likes of some of newbies showing up who could use a good scare will come in very handy. I don't think she's around for window dressing, so she intrigues me as to how she'll play into things.

And Vivi, I couldn't agree more about Ricardo. I get so excited seeing him in a show and most of the time, he's treated like crap or loses out at the end. Amor, yes, yeah--finally!! But to me he's galan material, if not primo, then definitely a secondary character that gets a happy ending too (along with those aforementioned shirtless moments)! Writers: Make It So!!


IF Nancy is sweet on Crazy Marty, will she be another character to hate on Very ? I am hoping that she will become Very's friend and protector because thag girl needs a friend. I am aslso figuring that padre will be Very's ally and sweet Ana Perla may be another friend.

Yes. Nanciyaga has fallen for new "patron" Martin. She probably will be someone else who doesn't like Veronica.

NovelaMaven- thank you for a detailed and funny recap.
Now I'm going to try this again. My comments disappeared into the cosmos or somewhere.
I like the names you gave marty: crazy marty, mad marty, heres one for you crazy eyes.
We will be seeing more of that. He's got love and hate at war inside and hate is losing miserably. And he's kickin himself. Its just going to get worse after they make love. he brought it on himself he didn't properly investigate. he let his anger rule his heart. And now he's in love and he can't get away from It. It's going to be fun watching him deal with this.

I thought maybe Nancy lost your mind and now she's thinking that Martin is Demetrio.

NovelaMaven, thanks for the detailed recap.

Here I said I wasn't going to watch this one, but I have been reading the recaps and comments from the start and can't stay away. So, I have now set my DVR to record this one too. Besides, I'll need something to watch once QTPD is done.

Nina, ITA with what you said about Martin. He has an inner struggle going on that he brought upon himself. He has fallen for the woman he believes he has to make pay for his brothers death. It's love vs. vengeance; no wonder he acts crazy. He is fighting an inner battle where their will be no winner. He needs to decide whether he's going to love Vero or continue down the dark path of vengeance. Like The Gringo says, Must See TV!

Hasta pronto...

Hi All,

I'd rather not post a link to the final scene of episode 16 because I don't want to inadvertently guide you all to other links online that will spoil the upcoming 20 episodes already aired in Mexico.

I have the full (uncut) Episode 16 from the Mexico broadcast on my laptop. It is 217 MB in MP4 format. Am I permitted to upload the entire episode and, if so, how do I do it?


I managed to download a clip that only has the final 13 1/2 minutes of Episode 16. The final, uncut scene lasts close to 1 1/2 minutes, so Uni definitely cut the last thirty seconds. This clips is just 45 MB, also in MP4 format. I'll try to figure out how to upload it, but in the meantime I still welcome any suggestions.

Oh, and in case Univision chops up the start of #17 too, I already have prepared for you a clip with the first 4 1/2 minutes of #17, also untouched by Uni's prudish censors.

These people that are clinging to the ones that aren't that into them, they need to get a clue. They might already have one, they just don't want to face the truth. Why want someone who you know clearly don't want you? Its frustrating watching that. Sometimes I change the chanel from American soaps & Tns.


LatinaInMD - You can try uploading them on YouTube or Dailymotion. You'll just have to open an account. Thanks so much for the work you did to provide us the clips.

Latina, if you do upload a clip to YouTube, you can then post the link in a comment here and readers will be able to watch the video.

Creepy claudia Entertains hreself with her legs and her livingroom furniture. She cheered herself right up. The girl needs therapy. So will crazy marty if he don't get a grip on his emotions.

Thanks NovelaMaven for this super recap. But then of course if it's written by NovelaMaven, by definition it's excellent and bitingly funny as well. I'm sorry I'm late checking in.

I'm puzzled about the uproar here over the missing hand on the thigh part. Yes there's passion between these two (both went through with the wedding didn't they?), but their mutual insanity overshadows any passion generated. I've seen the first couple of minutes of tonight's episode and unless there was some incredibly aggressive editing and censorship, I don't think this marriage was consummated.



"I'm sorry I'm late checking in."

I know. Don't think I wasn't starting to worry. Anyway, my pleasure, Carlos. (Now all we have to do is convince the wonderful JudyB to join us.)

I'm also a little confused about the editing uproar; if the marriage was consummated, the producers are keeping it to themselves.

I started a comment that would have given tonight's episode away but then I thought I should to go back and look at that last 30 seconds that they cut that they didn't show in America and I decided to take that comment off because it would have given away what happened tonight after the leg and thigh touchin with the hand stuff but anyway I can't wait for y'all to see it, I really want to comment on it. which will probably be in the morning I gotta go to bed ya have a good night.

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