Monday, June 08, 2015

Amores con trampa #51 and #52 6/8/15 and 6/9/15

I've been perusing old Alborada and La fea mas bella recaps to get a better sense of Caray. I noticed a greater emphasis on vocabulary. It did start out as a blog for people who wanted to learn or improve their Spanish after all. I'll try to be better about including vocabulary. I'm going to embed the vocabulary, but also include a list at the end in case you are keeping your own. That way the copying and pasting will be easier. The words I include may not be super useful. They just caught my fancy for whatever reason.

Rocio wants to talk to Isabel about her mother.

The evening's schtick. Conchita dressed in traditional garb and serving dinner: Espetgueti boloñesa (which doesn't explain her French accent.) Porfirio complains. More chili and salt, please. Conchita is mortified that Susana is putting it in a tortilla. Egg jokes. Perpetul offers to fix something. She complains about Conchita the fufurufa (falsely hoity toity.)

Maria notices Fac is upset. He claims it's because of Esteban. Maria suggests they cancel the fiesta. Everyone protests. They try to explain "coma" to Fac.

Rocio wants to know why Isa gets to tense when they talk about her mom. Isa claims she's just sad. Rocio wants to know about the mass. Isa promises to arrange it. After Rocio leaves, Isa comments that Rocio can't find out the truth.

Maria asks about Esteban's accident. She doesn't understand how it happened. Fac doesn't either. We're all on borrowed time. Beto is just about to say what happened, but decides to just say it was an accident. Fac excuses himself. He's tired. He asks for Porfirio's blessing.

Isa struggles trying to decide if she will take the pills or not. She finally decides to take one. Buddhist chanting. But then she starts screaming NO! at her phone and texting someone? I may not be interpreting that correctly.

Jacinto is mad at Susana for not continuing to help him win Ale. She refuses and he pouts.

Fac is trying to sleep but can't. Isa calls him and wants to talk abou Esteban. She tells him to meet her at the Grupo Carmona offices. she tells him to meet her there in half an hour if he doesn't want Maria to find out about their kiss. Animated Devil Fac urges him to go. "What delicious kisses!" Animated Angel Fac urges him to resist. "RUN!" Fac does this kneeling run in place thing which is kind of funny. Maria comes in and is concerned. He seems frightened and embrujado(bewitched.)

Isa prepares for their meeting. She is sure he'll come. She's irresistable.

Fac tells Maria he has to go to the office. He's got to work on some papers that Esteban was in charge of. Besides theres a board meeting tomorrow and there's a backlog of work (everything is represado.) He changes and hugs Maria. He says "I'm sorry" a little too much and Maria takes note. She tosses his boots to him. She talks to herself. Work is work. Love is love. And betrayal. Betrayal is betrayal (is that spelled right?)

Estefany visits a comatose Esteban. There's a trumpet, so I missed the lucha libre joke. She rambles about being a waitress...ok a table dancer. She fell a few times and she lost her desire for that job. He awakes for a moment and tells her to shut up.

Isa waits in Fac's office. Isa wishes they could forget the past and that Fac could really see and understand who she is… with all her virtues and her defects. Defects that make her vulnerable but with virtues that make her feel like her heart is alive. Fac scoffs and says she has a heart of stone. If he came it was only para ponerle los puntos sobre los íes (to dot her i's), to put an end to her tantrums in front of Maria and her blackmails. Then Isa launches into some lines that make my blood boil. And Fac helps it along, too. Isa brings up that kiss and how he responded. She asks him why he's afraid of Maria (WTF? Yeah, a man better be afraid when he cheats on his partner.) Fac gets his feathers ruffled and says he's not afraid of Maria (dude, you should be). He's afraid of losing her. Isa then says Maria is not for him. Why can't he see that? Fac wonders what does she know. He has decades with Maria. They have a family. Her mother lives with them! And his father! And the animals. Fac the horse and Pinto and Margarito and Jacinto' s bunnies and the rooster and Murci the dog and the cat! Isa says they have a lot in common. More than he thinks. Let me go do a little deep breathing. I know what's coming next and I'm still pissed from hearing it last night. I know I will be doubly pissed hearing it a second time. She says they are both ambitious. When he wants something, he goes after it. People like Santi and Maria don't have metas(goals) or anhelos (wishes or yearnings). Gee, Isa...I think Maria did have some anhelos, but you put a stop to that, didn't you? You went behind Maria's back and told Fac she was at the fashion show. Blech. I really don't know how they are going to make her a protagonist. Fac asks her not to confuse him more: No me enredes más (enredar-to confuse) . Isa thinks they deserve a chance. Isa asks him to imagine what they could accomplish together. Fac tells her he came to talk about Esteban, but she's just spewing a bunch of crap (babas literally- drool.) She talks about needing someone like him and he tells her he's not available. She's clutching him and he brushes her hair with his hand and her RIGHT earring falls. She kisse him. Whatever. There's a weird cut and Fac pulls away. He tells her to go home. She finally grabs her stuff to leave. She will carry Fac's kiss with her and hers she'll leave with Fac's lips. Fac notes to himself: kiss one was forever. kiss two was forever maybe it's (he says "va") going to be forever. In the hallway, Isa says it's so hard to be good...but men prefer the bold ones (los audaces).

Maria is up making a carrot cake. Perpetua tells her she's desvelada (sleep deprived) and offers to make her an agüita de lechuga (lettuce water...which apparently helps with insomnia. Maria is worried about Fac being at the office to "work" and Perptetua questions why Maria believed that. Since they just got back together, Maria doesn't want to rock the boat and ruin things. Especially now that they are planning that anniversary jolgorio (a fancy word for fiesta….considering the context, I'm partial to "hootenanny" myself.) Maria is pretty sure he's with Isa. Perpetua tells Maria it's time to change her attitude. She'll need to restrain herself and look the other way. Maria can't believe that. Perpetua tells her husbands don't change that easily. Maria really can't believe she's supposed to just allow Fac's cheating (I'm being real liberal with this conversation.) Perteptua tells her men will have their little chapels, but their wife is the cathedral. Maria can't belive she's supposed to just take that. Let Fac cheat and just be the stone cathedral? Perpetua says that's kind of what she's doing, isn't it? Either put up with or or cantarle las golondrinas to Fac (say goodbye) and break up with him for good. Maria doesn't want to do that, either. Perpetua tells her she has to decide. If Isa is going to keep going after Fac, she's going to get him eventually...if she hasn't done so already!

Santi wants to try and save the marriage. Isa thinks their time ended a long time ago. She makes a comment about him being with Estefany and criticises her extension. Esteban's situation has made Santi realize life is short. Isa laughs at him. She likes him cynical better than depressed. Santi wants to to see Esteban. He's reading a self-help book. Isa reminds him that he thought Esteban was a traitor a few days ago. He says she's made him realize how wrong he was. He's sorry. Isa says she believed in him many times but was disappointed. She's decided he's insensible (without feelings.) He reminds her about begging for forgiveness on his knees. She reminds him about him making her seduce Fac. Who does something like that? She doesn't feel like talking any more. He notices her LEFT earring is missing. She makes excuses and he's suspicious.

Fac comes home. Maria asks about the papers he wanted to look at. He says he worked on them in the office. She asks if she's ok. She finally just says she's tired.

Jacinto did such a fabulous job on his assignment about photosynthesis that the teacher is having copies made for the whole class. Ale is impressed with his smarts. The teacher asks him to explain the process to the class. Jacinto says Ale also helped and deserves a 10 on her assignment, too. More cool points for Jacinto.

Beto goes to see Isabel. She thinks it's about dating Rocio and tells him that he's not going to be in teh boutique kissing Rocio. Beto is there to talk about Esteban. Isa takes on a worried tone and asks what news he has. Beto lets her know that he saw the argument with Esteban outside the boutique AND he followed them AND he saw the accident that she caused.

Jacinto finishes his lesson. Ale wants to ask a favor of him. Jacinto quotes poetry "Pídeme la luna y hasta allí yo iré..." (Ruben Hernan.) Ale asks if he can come to her house to study. Jacinto gets nervous and pees. The class laughs. Poor guy.

Beto tells Isa again that he saw her. She tells him to shut up. And the worst, says Beto, is that she drove off. Beto understood the argument, too. Clearly Esteban and Isa had some relationship in the past. Isa thinks he's looking for something. Maybe he wants her help with Rocio. He just wants the truth. Isa tells him not to forget about the subject. Beto can't just drop it. Isa says he will for Rocio's sake. She may act strong, but things affect Rocio. Beto asks if this has something to do with Rocio. Beto gets the feeling that whenever Isa talks about Rocio, she's hiding something. Something dark and ugly. Isa tells him to stop asking questions. This conversation never happened. She walks away.

Maria works out at the gym. She wants to get big and muscle-y. I really didn't pay a lot of attention to the scene because Africa Zavala was bookin' it on the elliptical machine yet saying her lines without seeming out of breath. I get out of breath just typing a recap. I am seriously impressed. Estefany talks to Maria and as much as I dislike the Estef/Maria "friendship", Estefany actually manages to give some good advice: Stop doing everything and see how fast Fac flops. I know, I know...Estef is only saying this thinking it will make Fac angry at Maria...but maybe it will backfire.

Isa and Rocio make arrangements for the mass at church. They actually share a decent moment. Every once in a while, Isa is nice. Rocio asks Isa why she acts the way she does with the Carmonas.

Fac calls Santi into his office. He gives him the day off. Santi refuses. He's not going to let Fac do whatever he wants. Fac corrects him and says he absolutely does what he wants. Santi gets logical. Who is Fac going to turn to for advice now? Who is going to help him? Beto doesn't know how to run a construction company. Santi proposes a truce. Fac agrees and they shake hands. Fac understands logic. Santi knows the business and Fac doesn't. He is going to need help. Santi is happy, but he happens to notice the earring on the floor. He recognizes it and realizes Isa was with Fac. He accuses them of being lovers.

fufurufo(a)-adj Slang. Used in Mexico to describe a conceited person, brash, cocky. From the DRAE-Que finge ridículamente ser de clase social alta.

embrujado(a)-adj enchanted, bewitched, haunted.

represado(a)-adj from the verb represar: to dam, hold back

la meta-nf finish line, goal, target, objective

el anhelo-nm desire, wish, longing, yearning


la baba-nf dibble, drool, spittle

audaz-adjdaring, bold, courageous, brave.

desvelado(a)-adj awake, wide awake, unable to sleep, sleep-deprived

el jolgorio-nm fun, revelry, enjoyment, partying, merriment

cantar las golondrinas- to say goodbye

insensible-adj without feelings, insensitive


Sara- Looking forward to it tomorrow. Facundo just keeps sinking deeper and deeper. Why does he keep meeting Isa? Each meeting and each kiss is just one more thing she can blackmail him with. Will he ever learn? And Perpetua needs to stop driving Maria crazy. If she thinks Maria should just shut up and smile and take it, then stop making Maria feel bad about Fac's mysterious behavior.

I know the drops and pills are supposed to be driving her crazy(er), but tonight was the most normal we have seen Isa act with Rocio since this whole tn started! Seems the pills are having the opposite effect. Or maybe Isa was just so crazy to begin with that there was only one way she could go-- to sanity.


Kirby and Steve-I removed your comments.

Here's how it works: I am the recapper. I get to decide what comments are connected to my recaps.

The first comment you ever made on this show, Kirby, was just to correct one of my typos.

Then you made a comment about not knowing our "secret" rules. I told you saying thank you was one of them and you still never thanked Marta.

Eventually you got on board with thank you, then yesterday you called me a Nazi for asking someone to say thank you.

Now I see you've given Isabel a nickname. I also don't want the discussion about this show to turn in to one long over-sexualized joke with ridiculous nicknames. (And trust me, I've seen your comments on other shows.)

Steve-honestly, your one-liner comments almost feel like they were created by a word generator.

Do that stuff on someone else's thread. Not here. OR VOLUNTEER TO RECAP. Then you can say whatever the hell you want in the comments.

Now I will go write a recap and wait for someone to attack me for not putting up with Kirby and Steve.

Vivi, you've made me very curious about what transpired last night. There's been more than one kiss??? Say it isn't so. Fac is plummeting in my opinion. What a shame.

Sara, I've always felt that the reader's first obligation is to thank the recapper for the time, care and effort they made to craft their recap. I am constantly delighted and mesmerized by the talent that Caray, Caray boosts. The recappers bring these stories to life, each in their own special, interesting way. I get dismayed when I see comments without a nod to the recapper. However, thankfully these seem to be in the minority as most of us remain truly appreciative of all the recapper's talents and work.

Cannot wait to read your recap! I know it will be sensational.


Ditto everything Diana said. Recappers rock!

The first half is up. Sorry it's taking so long.

I agree recapers do rock the time and effort you guys put into it is great

It's done.

Thank you, Sara! Fantastic work. And thanks for the vocab too.

You were a lot nicer to Fac than I was after the kissing in the office scene. At least he had enough of a conscience to act guilty before he left and when he got home. Isa texted him before she called him, so if Maria checks, she'll see the message asking for the meet.

Africa really was booking it on that machine. I found it funny that instead of wanting to get thin, Maria wants to get big and strong, and pointed to some muscular guy walking by as an example. I'm sure that trainer never had any of his female clients say that before. LOL!

Oh that's what I loved about that scene, Vivi! She wants to be STRONG. Go girl!

I loved it too. :) She sees no value in being weak and skinny.

Not that there's anything wrong with being thin, but strength is always a good goal no matter what your size.

Nothing wrong with skinny. But I'm glad the message was more about strength and muscle building and not about being skinny.

Sara: great recap. Thanks for the vocab. Your comment about Maria not breaking a sweat on the elliptical and you doing so just typing a recap had me laughing out loud.

Loved when Esteban told Estefany to shut up.

Maria's mother needs to shut it. There are other options besides accept it or leave.


Love the recap! I missed the Fac and Isa kissing scene. Both remain dead to me and getting deeper in the ground every episode.

Thank you for all of the vocab! That is something I really appreciate as I try to expand my spanish.

Maria working out was hilarious. I'm glad she wants to get strong. Also, loved Esteban listening to Estefany and waking up long enough to say "callate". Priceless.

The Rocio mystery continues. Did not like how Isa treated Beto. How again is she suppose to be a protaganista?

Loved the Esteban scene too. So funny that her yammering woke him from his coma, just long enough for him to tell her to shut up.

He's a bad guy, but I was glad to see Esteban wake up long enough to tell Estefy to shut up. If we are eventually supposed to be on board with Isa, there's no way I could stomach it if Esteban were dead or still in that coma.

Carvivlie - you had me laughing with "deeper into the ground".

It's true, Nanette. I'm a little out of shape. And I hate to exercise when it's too cold or too hot. So that leaves about 5 days out of the year where I like to exercise. ;-)

Great recap and me encanta el vocabulario. No wonder I miss so much. Those words go right over my head. Didn't Estefany almost fall on Esteban's bed when she launched herself into the room. That scene was a funny interaction between the two of them, and one was in a coma!!

Oh and Nanette- Maria's mother is working me nerves, too.

Anon129- I'm glad you like the vocabulary. Estefany the klutz was funny.

Stefi stumbling onto comatose Esteban, and then admitting that she failed as a table top dancer because she was a clutz, was funny. She hasn't mad much success with anything in life, yet she's so certain she can win Facundo for herself and swindle Santi.

Typo: had not mad...

This was a jewel, sparkling in the sun Sara.

Well written and encompassing.

The vocabulary was sensational. You have joined the ranks of those who have taken extra time and care to provide us with these wonderful phrases - so, so appreciated.

"Fac tells her he came to talk about Esteban, but she's just spewing a bunch of crap (babas literally- drool.)"; "She asks him why he's afraid of Maria (WTF? Yeah, a man better be afraid when he cheats on his partner)" were among your many excellent comments and I laughed at "I get out of breath just typing a recap" (with which I can totally agree!

"Perteptua tells her men will have their little chapels, but their wife is the cathedral". Ummm, really Perteptua?? Nanette, I am so with you in that there are many choices. Acceptance or total rejection are but 2. I'm so dismayed with Facundo. Again, I fail to see Isa's allure.

Thank you for adding so much sunshine to this dreary day.


Thank you Sara for the recap and the frases ai isa is not going to give up unless facu tells her to stop Maria in the gym to funny and estevon waking up long enough to tell estafany to shut up to funny o beto is on to something with isa and Rocio i can't wait for tonight episode

Ay. Fac ya se lo dijo! Lol. She is like a dog with a bone. She is not letting go! I guess Fac is giving her mixed signals. His mouth says no but his lips say kiss kiss.

Beto is so on to Isa and the Rocío secret. I hope we get some more information about that tonight.

I love that there is something happening in every episode. The pacing is marvelous. Very few, if any, filler eps.

I love that too! Really makes it fun to watch.

I almost panicked when Maria told Fac that maybe they should cancel the party.

Sara, great recap. I love the vocab. Muchas gracias.

Isa mystery theory: Maybe Rocio and Feli have a different mother or father from each other? Could that be why Rocio is the issue, but not Feli?

I am so ready for Maria to free herself. Facundo said to himself earlier that Isa has a sadness inside and that he’d like to make her happy or some nonsense like that. Dude, what about the sadness you are causing in your own wife? You haven’t done diddly for Maria since you got to the city.

Perpetua had a husband that cheated on her all the time with many. Maria has a husband that was faithful for 20 years and now is getting tripped up. You’d think Perpetua would talk to Facundo (like, “Don’t screw over my daughter, or I will use this shotgun!”). [She’s definitely no Granny Clamplett.]

Niecie- Thanks so much for pointing out the differences between Perpetua's marriage and Maria's. You are so right that she should be all up in Facundo's face about not hurting her daughter, instead of bugging Maria about resigning herself to Fac cheating.

I am finally home to find such a great recap of such a fun espisode! Thank you, Sara. "hootenanny" indeed! It is some of the vocab in these novelas that makes them so colorful, descriptive and memorable.

My faves:

Facundo running away in his bed per the instructions of his angel.

Granny voulnteering to go cook eggs for Profirio and herself since Conchita's cooking efforts did not sit too well with them.

Diego telling that what she did was the worst: leaving Esteban to die.

Granny's chapel/cathtedral saying as Diana explained. Sure shows her to be from a different century.

Isabel dropping her earring and not being able to explain to Santiago.

Poor María referring to herself as a "yegua lechera" dairy mare. Yikes!

My not so faves:

Poor Jacinto getting nervous and wetting his pants in school.

Facundo being beyond a knucklehead going to meet with Isabel and getting caught in the kiss.

Diego like everybody else giving in to Isabel and not letting everybody know about what he saw re. her and Esteban.

While I find her beyond annoying, the fact that others give in so easily to Isabel's various blackmails is even more annoying.

Can't wait until tonight!

Sara, I am ready to go for Wednesday and Thursday. Thanks in advance for the header!


Niecie, I loved "Dude, what about the sadness you are causing in your own wife? You haven’t done diddly for Maria since you got to the city". Also enjoyed and agreed with you on Perpetua.

Spot on.



I swear the more I read y'all's insights, the madder I get at Fac. Yeah, Niecie...what about that sadness he's causing his wife? *grumblegrumble*

Jarifa- I will have the header ready to go for you. I have to confess something. I play this little game as I watch. It's called "What will Jarifa put on her favorites list?" I am thrilled that I guessed correctly with Fac's running in place.

Diana- I don't think I've said enough how happy it makes me to see you again gracing the threads of Caray.

Gracias Sara. Amiga, you are so kind.

This wonderful community continues to thrive and delight.

You can go home again!


Diana- Your presence here is always a welcomed one. So nice to have back regularly.

Well. I'm about to work on the recap. I'm not sure I can wrap my head around this episode.

A few episodes back Frederick said something about Isa doing good things that looked bad. I ignored it at the time, but after tonight I'm not sure. Is it possible she's really got good intentions?

Nope. She plans to bed Facundo and she thinks she'll blow his mind so he'll stick with her. Her lies to Santi were chilling, and I didn't even see her take any drops.

Hahaha! I hope Maria "blows" his mind...upside the head.

Sara you are right se lo dijo de mil maneras y ella no entiende

completamente testaruda.

Yep. Agree with Niecie. Isa was just trying to find any excuse to prevent Santi from slowing her roll. "Hey, I'm just helping YOU, baby." Yeah, right. She keeps blaming everything on Santi originally asking g her to seduce Facundo. I seem to remember her protesting for real for about 5 seconds, until she got a good look at Facundo.

Yeah. then she was totally on board. I feel pretty dumb for falling for Isa's tricks. I'm as dopey as Facundo.

Tuesday June 9th Capítulo 52 Parte 1

It's gonna be kind of short and sweet. I'm really looking forward to the thoughts from the patio. What an episode.

In answer to Rocio's question about her behavior toward the Carmona's, Isa just asks why Rocio wantst to ruin such a special moment. Rocio pushes the issue. Isa admits that she may be in the wrong. She may have victimized the Carmonas. Isa also confesses that she's afraid she may have grown distant with God.

Santi is still in shock over the earring. He never thought Isa would be successful in seducing Fac. Fac swears there's nothing between them. Santi does not really believe that. Meeting each other alone at night is pretty suspicious. He's not an idiot. What would Maria think? Santi won't tell because Maria is a good woman who doesn't deserve a husband like Fac. Disgusted, Fac tries to leave...and remembers it's his office. He tells Santi to leave. Santi leaves him with this thought: This is between you and your NEGRA….conciencia. Santi takes the earring with him. Alone, Fac looks for the animated Angel Facundo and the Animated Devil Facundo.

Porfirio plays the flirt with Conchita. He blathers about his days with Pancho Villa. Perpetua and her wooden spoon invades. She browbeats Porfirio into leaving. She follows to make sure he is good and browbeat, but not before getting a little threatening toward Concha. Alone, Concha thinks it's not her fault she's so sexy.

Nicolasa and the other girl come to see Carman. I'm thrilled to see they are wearing Maria's shawls! AND the girls say they are super in fashion! Porfirio makes a comment about Nicolasa's swollen face(?) and then Perpetua says she's go baby cheeks. The girls want Carmen to come to school with them. Carmen makes excuses and says she'll catch up, but Not Nicolasa (what's her name?) wants all three of them to arrive together so they can see flame shoot out of Francis' eyes. Carmen wonders why that should matter to her, but she seems to finally have something dawn on her and tells them to come to her room because she has an idea. Perpetua and Porfirio discuss an old flame of Porfirio's named Magdalena. She was cachetona (plump cheeked) too. Perpetua agrees...but it was Magdalena's other set of cheeks that were plump.

Isa visits Santi at the office. She takes her drops. She explains she was at church arranging the mass for her sister. Santi makes a quip about smoke coming from her for being in a church. He asks if she was with Facundo the night before. She admits it. Santi asks if Fac is her lover. She denies it. She's just trying to save their marriage. She's working on a plan to help him get his business back. There's a reason for everything.

Maria has been called to Jacinto's school. They wanted both the parents present, but Maria couldn't get a hold of Fac. Jacinto is suspended until they can get both parents in for a meeting. I get the impression it's not a disciplinary suspension. Maria wonders where Fac could be and why he didn't pick up.
Fac goes to see Isa (geez he's a dolt.) He warns Isa that Santi knows about last night. He asks her to leave him alone and fix her problems. Isa knows the situation is stressful, but she has a solution. Reservations for a spa trip outside the trip. He'll love the place.

Carmen and her friends arrive at the university. Carmen has been made over. I am disappointed that animated flames did not come out of Francis' eyes. Feli is underwhelmed. He says to Carmen that he liked her before. He liked that she was so different from Francis. Carmen likes her new look. If it really makes her happy, then I like it too. And I don't like Feli if he can't be on board with it. So there.


Tuesday Parte 2
Jacinto worries about his pipi problem. Susana tries to make him feel better. She says kids pee in their pants a lot. She did too when she was younger. She even had to wear a diaper. You can tell she's bluffing, but it's sweet how she tries to make him feel better.

Isa wants Fac to spend one night with her. If he spends one night with her and if he still doesn't want her, then she'll leave him alone. But if he doesn't agree to the one night she's going to annoy him and hound him for the rest of his life. Would he rather live his life in fear rather than face her. Just one night! Let's get away. He asks her to forget it. She says he feels for her is more than just an impulse. She says he's afraid. She's pressing that button! She keeps pushing. She swears if he spends one night with her she'll leave him alone. He's on to her. He knows she hopes something happens.

Jacinto and Abuelo talk about angels. Abuelo says Jacinto is his guardian angel.

Isa tells Fac to tell Maria he's going on a business trip. She harps on him spending the night with her and she'll leave him alone. He asks her to swear to that. Isa says they need to let go of this tension between them. He says that lately all she makes him feel is tension.

Estefy goes to visit her Tia Carmita. Estefy wants her to cook some sazón for her(?) Tia Carmita says Estefy would burn boiling water. Estefy says her happiness depends on this. Tia Carmita thinks this is a fine thing. Estefy never gives her the time of day and now that she needs something, she's come running. Estefy tells her it's for a pregnant friend who's craving some sazón. Tia Carmita wouldn't want anything to happen to the baby, would she?

Isa packs for her trip. Santi thinks she's taking things too far. He really flips when he sees the lingerie she's taking. She claims it's a bathing suit because it gets hot in Oaxtepec. Santi was the one who asked her to make Fac fall in love. Santi tells her she's not going anywhere. She begs him to let her go. She's handing him Fac on a platter. Santi can blackmail Fac and get his company back. Isa wants him to be grateful. Santi tells her to stop trying to convince him this is for him. He knows she's just trying to get Fac. Isa says she's trying to save their marriage and make things like they were before. Santi asks what she and Fac plan to do, play dominoes? She claims they will just see Oaxtapec. She's just going to sweet talk Fac a little. She's got it all under control. Santi needs to decide: the company or her.


Parte 3
Santi asks Isa if she promises to break it off after the trip. She says she will and asks when has she ever gone back on her word. Santi says "always". When she married him for example. She swore before the altar she would be faithful. Isa asks if he's always been faithful to her and he says he never deceived her. They both exchange "I"m looking at you" gestures.

Fac is packing. Maria worries how he can go since they still have to deal with Jacinto's school problem. Fac says he'll take care of it when he gets back. Maria asks about the "investors." Fac explains they are Turks. Then Maria wonders they couldn't stay in the DF. Fac claims he asked the same thing. Maria also wonders why Beto doesn't go with Fac. Fac has that figured out, too. Beto has classes. Fac asks Maria if she wants him to bring her a present. She just wants him.

They family gathers to say goodbye. Carmen asks Fac to bring him a present. Beto says he would have canceled his class and come with Fac. Fac tells him to stay and take care of the business. Fac kisses Maria's FOREHEAD before leaving. Everyone takes note of that.

Conchita finally tells Santi she knows about Licenciado Godinez. As she walks to the Carmona house she thinks about poor Santi hurting over another man. When she arrives at the Carmonas, there is more flirting from Porfiriro. She thinks to herself that Porfirio is not as young and handsome as Santi, but not *that* bad.

Isa prepares to leave. Santi begs her not to go. He's been drinking. Isa gives him a mint. He keeps begging her not to leave. He loves her more than anything in the world. Isa says this is so Santi can extort Fac and get his company back. Santi begs again that she not do this and that she not go. She asks him to trust her and leaves.


About Carmen. I am perfectly fine with the makeover if she is being true to herself. I thought she looked cute and that it wasn't that huge a change. She seemed happy and Feli just threw cold water all over her new "luke".

And I'm sharing this link because of the picture:

4 cast members had birthday's on the AcT set: Cecy Flores(Susana), Nora Salinas(Estefany), Boris Duflos(Diego...GAWD what a CUTIE!) and Aldo Guerra (Also GAWD what a CUTIE!)

Doesn't Cecy look a little like a young Kate Del Castillo?

Sara- Perfect and succinct recap. Thanks, amiga.

The other friend is named Jessica. The bit about Nicolassa's cheeks and then Abuelo's ex's other cheeks was cute. The scene with Abuelo and Jacinto brought a tear to my eyes. Abuelo can be so bawdy, and then be so damn cute and caring. I also liked Susana trying to cheer up Jacinto.

Facundo, Facundo...what are we going to do about you? You sir are a dope!

Thanks for that pic. Yes, I totally see the Kate de Castillo resemblance.

I liked Carmen's new look because it was subtle. She basically ditched the braids and traded her dresses and skirts for pants. She still basically had the same style, and even the same sensible shoes. Just enough of a change to make a girl feel good, but nothing outrageous or that wasn't "her" as cranky Feli claimed.

There is something about Abuelo. He's flirty, but I can't see him as a cheater. But that may just be the Abuelo effect.

Fac on the other hand...

Thanks for the other friend's name.

Thank you! Yes. She was just updating her look and Feli got all cranky. Felt a little Facundo-esque to me. Like Feli wanted her sweet and submissive and not making her own decisions.

Or I might be over analyzing.

Sara- Yes! That exchange felt a lot like the exchanges between Facundo and Maria.

I'm really glad Carmen stood up to him and said "get used to it. This is the new Carmen!"

Hopefully that attitude will rub off on Maria.

Now, if she started acting like a mean girl, that would be taking things too far. But unbraided hair and pants, and even making friends, does not make her a Francis mini-me or wannabe.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Carmen's personality will remain the same.

Sara, two excellent recaps in one day! You are a real trooper. Thanks! I loved your idea for animated flames coming out of Francis's eyes. That would have been special. Also, "dolt" is the perfect descriptor for Facundo at this point. Thanks for the link to the b-days celebration photo.

It seemed to me that Jacinto was suspended for his wetting because the principal/director said something about a "delicate problem" to María when telling her that Facundo had to come to school with her.

Loved Santiago saying that the earring "no camina solo" (doesn't walk alone) when he found Isabel's earring on the floor.

Grandpappy Porfirio was at his best tonight. Loved him regaling Conchita and Jacinto with his "stories" of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) with Pancho Vilka and the soldaderas. It finally hit me tonight he could not have really been there unless he himself were a hundred years old. Could it be that maybe the writers don't really care if I am doing the math? Sure could. Too funny. The best part was him telling Jacinto that he was and always would be his guardian angel. I hope that does not mean he will be dying anytime soon. Granpappy also had a new nickname for Conchita : concha con crema: sweet bread w/cream.

What can we say about Facundo beyond Sara's handpicked "dolt?" Going to see Isabel to give her a heads up about Santiago finding the earring? Why??? He was such a bad liar with María. I think we can all guess where this is headed. I don't know why but Isabel's spa invite: one night with everything included made me think of the fantasy suite invites on The Bachelor. I hope somewhere somehow there is an anvil already being specially forged with Isabel's name on it.

It was great hearing all that little Margarito had to say.

That is all for now before I think of more to say. Can't wait for Facundo and Isabel to hit the road. Should be interesting.



I had the same morbid thought, Jarifa. I'm a little worried about Porfirio too. Hopefully that dream from last week means there's plenty of plot for him so he doesn't have to leave us.

My Abuelo lived to be 100 and my Tía Abuela Isabel died at the ripe old age of 106. So maybe Porfirio is not telling too tall a tale. If he was around, he was probably way to young to be soldiering. Thank you for providing those dates because I wondered, but was too lazy to look it up.

I really thought we would get some good animation with Francis. I really was disappointed.

Conchita and Perpetua both wondered if he wasn't too young to know Villa, and he said he was 10 at the time. I don't think either of them believed him, and I'm not sure if the audience is supposed to either. They and we should just go along for the ride and enjoy his tall tales.

They are funny. Porfirio is a hoot and a half.

His son is a dolt.

Thanks for the recap Sara! Great description and to the point.

I have not watched this yet, and I don't know if I can stand to look at Facundo. He deserves what is coming to him for lying to Maria and his entire family. I have lost all respect for him. Facundo, you are DEAD to me!

Hasta pronto.

Thanks, Sara for the great recap.

I think calling Fac a dolt is being too generous.

Good morning! It's kind of sad, but my first thought I had today was "Yeah. Fac is a dolt."

Isa knows how to push his buttons. She kept accusing him of being afraid. And there is no way he's going to put up with being told he's afraid of a woman. I think we can all agree that there is very little to respect about Isa and Fac.

Isa is annoying the stew out of me. Is it the drugs or is she truly that whacko because one minute she wants to be a good person and the next she's doing something awful. She and Rocío seemed to really bond in the church. Ugh. Just frustrating.

Sara, why does everyone just give in to Isabel? I find that the most frustrating. Esteban needs to get well to give her some needed opposition especially after she left him for dead. At least María is smartening up.


Another stellar recap!

I think Fac wants to be with Isa and is coming up with excuses, and using Isa's, to do exactly what he wants!

Poor Santi saying how much he loved her and she lying to him the whole time about this helping him.

The previews showing Santi and Maria showing up at the spa were great. I wonder if Santi went to Maria or Maria to Santi. Doesn't matter. MUST SEE TV TONIGHT! :)

Totally must see TV! Looks to me like Jarifa is going to have quite an episode!

Santi is so devoted to Isa. I agree, Jarifa... Everyone just seems to cave to Isa. More frustration. I really don't get it.

We've got Esteban as a possible foil to Isa and that mystery man in Mireya's office. I need to see some action on this front. I'm tired of watching Isa do whatever she wants.

And the anniversary party might end up cancelled after all. Sad face.


Carvivlie, I sure agree about Facundo. He sure is using any little excuse for further contact with Isabel after the cointless times María has warned him.

I also will not give Isabel the benefit of the doubt because of her medication. Sure it makes her more goofy but does not explain what Rocío told her: that she had gotten more affection from her short visit with María than she ever had from all that time living with Isabel. Boy, I am really enjoying disliking Isabel!

Sara, what a blessing having relatives that reached 100! Wow! I am also ready to find out who that mystery man is. It will have to be a new character, right? Who else could it be? Frederick the designer? The trainer? We are running out of characters. Sure hope the party is not cancelled but agree it does not look too good right now.


Smart and savvy Sara – just sensational. Not only was it beautifully detailed but it included wry comments and your excellent embedded vocabulary including “cachetona (plump cheeked)”.

So happy to read “I'm thrilled to see they are wearing Maria's shawls! AND the girls say they are super in fashion!” So, Carmen is coming into her own. Loved your "And I don't like Feli if he can't be on board with it. So there". I’m with you!

Sorry I missed "He blathers about his days with Pancho Villa".. ITA with you, I like Abuelo who is indeed a flirt but who has a huge heart and obviously much love for his family.

It seems as though Isa and Santi's marriage continues to deteriorate as they both continue to debase themselves. How very sad. The Carmonas should just pull up roots and go back to the country. Whatever is Facundo thinking??

And yes, Isa is a master manipulator - always knowing exactly what to say to goad him. So frustrating.

Jarifa, so sorry I missed "...hearing all that little Margarito had to say".

Sara, so happy your grandfather and aunt had such long lives. However having more time just makes you love and miss them all the more once they leave you.


Good to see you, Diana!


Good to be back Jarifa.

You, Sara and Marta are doing such a marvelous job with this, I feel as though I am missing nothing. Truly.


You are so sweet, Diana. I am so glad you are with us.

So true Jarifa- Isa is deplorable, but Itati's performance is really fun to watch.

Temporary change in my avatar I thought y'all would appreciate.

I agree about Fac wanting any excuse to be with Isa. That's what I meant when I said calling him a dolt was being too generous. I hope he doesn't have an affair with Isa during this TN. Coming close is more than close enough for me.


Squeeeeeee!!! OMG I love it!! *jumps up and down excitedly*

I am right there with you. I cannot stand the though of Fac following through with an affair. If this were a straight melodrama I might be able to hack it, but his is supposed to be a comedy.

Oh I'm just going to sit here and stare into Nanette's piggy eyes.

Sara: knock yourself out!!!

I agree. Standard plot point for a drama. OK for some characters in a comedy, but not the main protagonists. Besides, Maria DOES NOT DESERVE IT!!!

Even Santi has figured out Maria doesn't deserve it! Why can't her husband?

Oh writers. How are you going to fix this to our satisfaction?

Love the piggy, Nanette!


Jarifa: I know!! Isn't s/he the cutest!!

Thanks, Sara. Terrific as always. I too am thrilled that the shawls are back. I so wanted Maria to see them and remember her pride at the fashion show, till Fac went and spoiled it all.

I liked how Facundo looked for his animated Angel and Devil Facundos, but they didn’t show up. My interpretation of this: “Facundo, you are too stupid for words, so why should we bother giving you advice!” But I suppose Devil Facundo could've showed up alone to gloat.

So, if Maria shows Facundo the door, would he use it as an excuse to get with Isa? I'm remembering "Friends," when Ross was on a break from Rachel.

Nanette- That piglet is SO adorable!

Oy vey! Shut your mouth Niecie! Ack! I don't think I'll be able to sleep worrying about the "we were on a break" possibility. Lol.

Vivi: I know. S/he's so huggable! Just like our Margarito!

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