I couldn’t watch last night,
so the refried is like new, and I’m not altogether sure why doorMat is being a
jerk to Abi – again. But when he has ever had or needed a reason, and when has
she cared? No complaints tonight about not enough action. What an episode!
At the hospital, Mat makes some comment about people bothering
him which Diana says is directed to Abigail. Porfiro, a.k.a. The Phantom,
inquires of Xi-ela if she knows anything about Dissociative Identity Disorder,
or in lay terms, split personality.
The Phantom refry scene segues into new material. He is
reading Fausto, Faust in English of course, which is hilarious. Xi-ela
(Angel Wings) hasn’t read it, and when he says it’s about a man who is unhappy
with his life and makes a deal with the devil, she suggests he should read
something more uplifting. He scoffs at the thought of a self-help book,
especially since he couldn’t find How to Live With Your Disfigurement While
Trapped in a Wheelchair in 20 Steps. Xi-ela doesn’t appreciate his sarcasm.
He says that he would make a deal with the devil to win her love. Cara de
impactada and fearful.
Xi-ela rushes to call Xi-ela, and tells her that she
believes the jig is up, Porfis is definitely onto them and she thinks he knows
Fausto. Xi-ela (Lightning Bolt) is utterly unconcerned, except by being
bothered by this phone call. Besides, it’s not safe to discuss this on the
phone, so she hangs up. Phantom is in the background with good Xi-ela and gives
a wave. Xi-ela is worried.
Diego seems to have fled Real de San Andrés to a bar in the
Norte. This because somebody who has been “watcheando” him calls him a “vato”
and generally gives him a hard time. Considering that the next scene Diego is
in has him back in R. de S. A., it’s apparently not too big a deal.
In the Cantina back home, the Hand wants to talk to Toño,
but Lucio is talking to the Hand instead. That is, Mano Negra comes into the
Cantina and starts beating Toño around for the theft of the casino money, but
Lucio stops him and tells him to get in line. If Toño has hurt the casino, then
he has hurt Lucio and his partner, too. Lucio suggests an off-site meeting to
deal with Toño.
Padre Tomás is bedside with Fausto, or Faust, in the
hospital, and Faust is shocked that the Padre seems to be doubting him. Yes, it’s
true, the Padre accuses him of falsely swearing in the church. Fausto denies
it, and furthermore says he would do it again. He’s an innocent angel, a dove. And
Padre is a gullible dunce, because he no
sabe qué creer. Um, Father, I think you just believe whatever anybody is
telling you at the moment. Fausto begins the Jedi mind tricks that work so well
on the weak-minded, and Padre Tomás is no Jabba the Hut. Fausto must be allowed
to speak. Fausto, in an interesting spin, takes credit for the anónimos. He says that he is so afraid
of the real criminal, Lucio Ramírez, that it was the only way he could share
what he knew without becoming another victim. Now, I had understood last week
that Lucio would go to jail for Fausto if the need arose, but I didn’t know
that Fausto was going to position Lucio directly under the bus. But why on
Earth should that have surprised me?
Lucio takes Toño and they meet up with the Hand in a
secluded área. Toño is scared until Lucio explains to the Hand that Toño is now
under Fausto’s protection, so the Hand better not lay a hand on Toño. Then he
makes the Mano stand still while Toño swings at him. Mano is not permitted to
go mano a mano, but must serve as
Toño’s punching bag. Lucio tells Toño not to swing como una vieja. Lucio brings up Max’s old beating from the Hand,
showing he is still mad about it. Then he tells Toño that Julian doesn’t care
about him and sent the Hand to kill him. Finally, the Hand, now bloodied at
Toño’s unskilled hands, is instructed that from now on the Fausto/casino split
will be 70/30, not 50/50, and if he doesn’t like it, Lucio will kill him. Lucio
invites Toño for a tequila, because he’s earned it. Simona would be so proud of
her little bratty hijo.
Back at the hospital, Fausto is practically crying and his
voice breaks as he explains to the Padre how hard it has been living with the
fear and extortion from Lucio all these years. He says he has a recording (grabación) of Lucio confessing to messing with Padre Francisco’s
brakes, the same thing he did to Fausto himself. Padre Tomás is believing it
all as gospel, as Fausto blames Lucio even for the accident that caused Ren’s blindness
and for her almost falling down the stairs. He says he’s been in fear ever
since this individual killed Fausto’s brother right in front of him. Okay, now
it’s getting pretty deep, if the Padre considers that Lucio was only 14-15 when
that happened. Why was Fausto so afraid at that point?
3 months later. I almost missed it – again! I bet Toño is a
real bada$$ by now…
Mat has obviously not missed any workout in these
intervening months, as we see a rather perfectly sculpted torso, courtesy of no
shirt and unbuttoned jeans. Abi comes in and points out that he’s been a jerk
to her for three months now and she doesn’t know why. He won’t tell her so as
not to offend her. After all the times he said that he trusted her and was only
worried about Fausto’s intentions, not hers. Obviously a lie! What a jerk. And
I just don’t want to be there when he emotes his next apology for this
ridiculousness. He dismisses Abi and calls for Diana to get moving, they have
to get to the hospital and are running late. She comes out of the bathroom in
the only unflattering maternity wear she has used so far, a plain blouse and
slacks, with a slightly larger tummy. She is now eight months preggers. She
complains about pregnancy, they bicker, and leave.
At the aforementioned hospital, it is time for the
Unbandaging of Renata’s Eyes. Dr. Pat wants to know how Abi found out about the
operation, since Ren wanted the utmost secrecy, and Abi says she found out from
Fausto. So much for that. Especially since Helena and Ex-Crazy Con are there,
too, plus they’re waiting for Mat and Diana to show. Fausto proffers his opinion
that he is sure that Dr. Pat has failed again.
Mat and Diana continue their bickerfest in the car, and Mat
asks her to just give him a divorce, and the kids, to get them out of her hair.
“¡Nunca! This is just a ploy to get
rid of me so you can be with Abi!” Mat says she has seen that he doesn’t want
anything to do with Abi these last three months. She demands to be taken home
and he stops the car. She gets out, and then she is horribly, awfully hit by a
speeding red sports car that comes out of nowhere. Her body breaks the
windshield and rolls all the way to the roof before being slammed down onto the
ground. Mat rushes to her crumpled form.
Once again with Renata at the aforementioned hospital, the
bandages are coming off. There are all of six people standing around the bed;
Dr. Pat, Abi, Fausto, Connie, Helena and a nurse. Couldn’t that be a little
overwhelming? Renata’s eyes look bruised or she just has big bags under them,
and then we see from her point of view that she can see! She is looking right
into the face of an apple-cheeked man, and wondering why her hot Dr. Pat is
nowhere in sight. Sorry Ren, that’s him! Actually, he looks fine, and there’s no
mistaking the concern and interest in his face. He asks her to follow his
finger with her eyes, and she can’t. She affirms that she is still blind as a
bat, can’t see zip. Zilch. Nada. “Estoy igual. Igual de ciega.” The
crescendo-ing background music awkwardly stops, and Pat is in disbelief. Fausto
gets in Ren’s face, and she stills plays it totally cool. What must that be
like, to see him? Dr. Pat clears the room to be alone with his patient, and I
thought for sure Ren would confide in him, but she does not. She just asks for
her mom. Surely Ren will confide in her, but not in this episode.
Benito informs Meliton, in Mel’s jacal, that he just spoke
with Diego, and gave him the all-clear to come home. Fausto didn’t levantar cargos against Diego, so the
coast is clear. While Ben is zippity-do-da-ing, Mel wonders what Fausto is up
Domingo in the orphanage also wants Diego to come home.
Nieves is visiting him, and she’s all like, “No kidding. He’s got to come home
and marry me. Then we’ll adopt you.” She leans on him for support, instead of
At the Hacienda, news has traveled faster than the Pony
Express. Amanda and Mac are talking about Ren’s failed operation, and Mac is
being a witch about it. Amanda lets her have it, saying that of course Mac
wants her to stay blind, so that she won’t know all that Mac and Fausto do
against her, and Mac leaves in a huff.
Mat is beside himself in the hospital, blaming himself,
fearing the worst. Helena tells him, “no
te adelantes” with negative thoughts, “Dios
es grande.”
Cut to Lucio and Fausto sitting in a truck. Lucio says the
deed is done, and the vehicle is headed to a chop-shop (deshuesadero). Fausto says, “But you screwed up. She is still
alive.” Oh my gosh! It was these two behind the hit-and-run on Diana. “But as
long as the children die,” says the utterly despicable, sorry excuse for a human
being that is Fausto. Lopez. Guerra. Lucio balks, saying she didn’t deserve
this. Fausto says she is a traitor, and shows Lucio a photo, apparently of
Lucio and Diana, although we don’t see it. “I can explain!” hems and haws
Lucio. Fausto doesn’t care. He is used to Lucio snapping up his sloppy seconds.
Lucio asks, “So we are good?” Fausto says no méndiga vieja is going to come between them. They have a deal, and Lucio
is like a brother to him. As long as Lucio goes to jail for Fausto, no harm no
foul. Fausto is going to pay for this. I’m almost frightened at the anvil that
awaits him.
Padre Tomás is talking to a bald-headed Max! But his
eyebrows have made it through the chemo intact. He looks like a young Kung Fu. Padre
Tomás is bringing Max up to speed that Fausto is good and Lucio is bad, but Max
isn’t so dumb and knows that they are both bad. But if Max won’t release Padre
from the confessional bond of secrecy, how can Fausto be brought to justice?
Max has a plan, however it’s a plan that is going to blow up in his face. He
won’t denounce Fausto, because he knows that Fausto is going to pin everything
on Lucio. And when Lucio sees Fausto do that, he will finally turn away from
him, disgusted and broken by the treachery. That sounds good on paper, Max, but
what you don’t know is that Lucio already agreed to take the fall for Fausto,
to get the money needed for your cancer treatment. That is so messed up! It
will be Max who turns away in confusion and disgust. Max warns Padre Tomás that
they must be careful, because if Fausto and Lucio get the idea that Max is confiding
in him, even in the secrecy of the confessional, Padre Tomás might also just
find himself floating face down in the river. Padre practically jumps out of
his chair when Macaria abruptly opens the door! She informs Max that Xi-ela is
looking for him.
Bad Xi-ela is at the church with none other than The
Phantom. His uncle tells him, “I’m glad you haven’t died. But you look fatal.” Max is like, “Back at’cha, dude!”
Commercial break announcing that “No Creo En Los Hombres”
will estrenar in this time slot on
July 13. But that is four weeks away from next Monday! So do we get another agonizing
week of últimas semanas, or will
there be a week of double episodes of something else? Help! I feel like we’re
all barely holding on here; please don’t extend this, novela gods (Univisión and/or Televisa execs).
Teodora and Nieves are at the Hacienda. Nieves has been on
loan there, since her master moved in, and in all that time she hasn’t seen Teo
around to support Max in his time of need. “Lo
mandaste a volar” (you broke up with him, sent him flying). “Is he having a
hard time? Has he mentioned me?” They forget about Max and turn to hoping Diego
will come back soon. Nieves doesn’t miss a chance to say again that he must
marry her. And then he walks in. Nieves squeals in for the hug, and Mac appears
menacingly in the background.
Hospital lobby: Abi, Fausto, Helena and Connie are all
gathered around Mateo, consoling him. How long until everybody there except Abi
begins to suspect Fausto of being involved? They’ve all been done wrong by him.
Mat inquires after Ren and is informed that the operation was failure. Fausto
encourages them all to accept that she will never see again. Dr. Pat comes out,
and the news is not good. It’s quite terrible. Diana and one of the twins are
in critical condition, and the other twin has died. Mateo collapses.
Diego is at Mac’s house. What is he doing there, and how did
he get away from Nieves? Diego says he isn’t afraid of Fausto, and Mac says he
should be. She tells him the news about Ren and Diana in a cold manner. He
rushes out, asking her how she can be so unfeeling. “Want a grape?” she asks.
Dr. Pat says that the other baby doesn’t have much of a
chance, and that Diana will not have more children. Fausto hypocritically looks
on, hands crossed in a pose of sympathy. Mat wants to see Diana, and leaves.
Helena laments about the defenseless babe fighting for his or her life, and
Fausto brings on some crocodile tears. The camera closes in on Fausto, who cryptically
thought-bubbles “Mis hijos.” Ugh! Horrid man! He is so awful. I take back that
I ever liked him at the beginning.
The final scene, and it’s a doozy: The Phantom asks Max if
the treatment is working, and Max retorts, “Now you care?” The Phantom lets Max
know that he has always cared and been aware of Max’s progress at all times. The
Phantom’s brother loved Max like his own son, and Max is now the only family
The Phantom has left, so he’s not about to cut off ties with him. Max says that
he has been just fine without the Phantom’s money and that Lucio has taken care
of him. The Phantom says, “The fact of the matter is that Lucio hasn’t paid one
cent toward any of your expenses. I have paid everything. But claro, it has all been handled through
my good friend Fausto. Lopez. Guerra.” What! Xi-ela was right on the money,
they definitely know each other. “You forget, your mother was an employee of
his, and he was a guest at your parents’ wedding. I’ve always known him, ever
since my brother married your mother.” The Phantom goes on to say that Lucio is
going to jail without a doubt, and it’s time for Max to come back home. What
are the implications here?! Have The Phantom and Fausto figured out there are
two Xi-elas? Have they both been with one at the same time? Lucio didn’t need
to make the Faustian deal with Fausto, since The Phantom was already footing
the bill for Max all along. What else? Nice twist!
No avances, just the closing credits song, which we usually don’t
get to hear.
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