Friday, July 17, 2015

Amores con Trampa #79 Friday July 17, 2015 Isa and Francis go from bad to worse... Estefi can't deny her 'evil nature' ... Santee tries to come back home but Isa won't have any of him.

Estefi convo with Jacinto… (we hear her thoughts) she feels bad she is deceiving Jacinto and all the Carmonas but she has to admit her mother was right, she does not know how to NOT BE bad. She knows she will eventually betray all the Carmonas.
Isa visits the Carmonas. Notes to Conchita that Conchita is dressed normally. Says some nonsense about Conchitas clothes getting worn out. Conchita isn’t buying, she feels GOOD there at the Carmonas because they treat her as family, something she never felt at the Velasco household.
At San Bartolo Florencio arm wrestles el Panzon. Hilda comes in and debriefs Florencio about the Maria, Facundo et al happenings. She says he should have some hope because his letter DID cause some impact on Maria. Hilda leaves and Florencio mumbles to himself ‘Maria will be mine again!’
Maria does receive Isabel at her house, although treats her very dryly. Isa has several ‘announcements’ for her. Perpetua went to threaten her in defense of Maria.  But Isa is willing to follow up on her earlier promise to Maria that she will leave Facundo alone. Maria is suspicious, and I am too. (good for you Maria).
At office, Beto congratulates Facundo (on staying away from Isa?)
Felipe catches with Carmen at school, wants to get together again, she has to check with Facundo (really? How old are you? 8?) Francis comes again to annoy Carmen and says Carmen dug her own grave. She threatens Carmen again yada yada… (maybe Francis should go to the eye doctor… not that Felipe is THAT ugly, but if she is all about appearance, does she really want Felipe over Diego or is this just a personal vendetta on Carmen and no longer about the boys?)
Conchita is a bit edgy serving Porfirio in the kitchen. He complains a bit about her rebellious attitude ‘Calmate! No es para tanto! Estas hacienda tormenta en vaso de agua’ (calm down, its not so serious! You are making a storm in a glass of water… meaning… its not that big a deal as you seem to make it)
Porfirio keeps calling her ‘yeguita’ (mare?)
Carmen admits she never felt for Diego what she has always felt for Felipe. All she cares about is Felipe. Are you happy now??  (too bad for her that Francis was recording this conversation and is planning to use that tape to her advantage)

Conchita / Porfirio talk about their favorite dishes… Porfirio’s favorite is Mole de olla. She is willing to go to the Mercado (think farmers market) to buy the ingredients and make it for him. He starts to drool for it. At the market, she even buys Tamarind… (is that the tart part of the mole sauce? Interesting!)
Porfirio is happy he will finally eat again what Perpetua has banned him from eating for so long. He is even thinking of taking COnchita (la yeguita) out on a date to show her his gratitude.
Francis plays the recording to Diego who seems more annoyed at what she is doing than at the fact that Carmen doesn’t love him, since he already knows that.  You can tell he is a bit disheartened but not that surprised. He is more annoyed that Francis is still trying every which way to harm Carmen. Nevertheless Francis tries to get him to agree to team up again to split Carmen and Felipe on their upcoming date.
Porfirio is enjoying Conchita’s mole very much. He wants to check first that she did not cook one of their own (Carmonas) cows. (LOL!) He likes the mole very much, but only says so after Conchita complained about his lack of response/reaction. He wants her to close her eyes for a moment. She mentions the last time she did, he stole a kiss from her. He says this time it will be more delicious.
Seems someone is trying to open the door at Velascos, Isa gets scared and heads over to the door with some weapon stick in her arm. It was Santee, who gets scared when he sees her charging toward him. Turns out she had changed the door lock (chapa).
Isa and Santee argue about ‘my things’ around the house.  Santee is sad it has been so easy for her to turn the page on all their history. She is still feeling very offended by ‘what you did to me with Mireya’.
Conchita and Porfirio are out at the park. She is enjoying what looks like a McFlurry (judging by the spoon) with napkins around it. She tells him she will just tell the other women who approach him that ‘this ol’ fa__ is already taken’.
Back at Velascos, Isa still upset at Santee betrayed her after 18 years together… He denies. He only proposed that they deceive Facu. But that she has always known he is in love with her.
Beto and Gusana are giving the dog a bath and we hear the dog think that once a week is way too much. The scene ends with all the Carmona kids (minus Carmen) hosing each other off, besides the dog. The goats comment they don’t want to get in on the hose games…
Isa is sad about Santee’s relationship with Mireya. He calls himself a gentleman. Isa asks what he will do with his life. He basically tries to talk her into letting him come back. But she won’t have any. She says basically that one of them must leave. If not him, then her.  She leaves for a moment, he drops on the couch saying to himself that he does not want to be without her. (what for?)
Now it is Facu and Maria in their bedroom. He is  behaving a bit weird, sarcastically gives her permission for a trip she is going on. 
Next day Santee receives Mireya in his office (seems to be his office at the new company business he started). She got a call from the Ethics committee (Isa had initiated a complaint against her). She says that Isa, when she gets vulnerable, gets very aggressive.  But Mireya tells Santee that the men in the committee won’t follow through because Isa was behaving a bit crazy and over the top.
Alejandra tries to get homework help from Rocio but Rocio says she was never good at math either. Isa arrives. Tells them she just went to raise a complaint against Mireya. (Rocio and Alejandra both get concerned) Isa nags saying the committee treated her like she is nuts. Rocio tries to do damage control suggesting ‘now you will leave her alone’.  Isa says ‘Heck no! She tried to make me loose my mind with those pills!’ And she heads on to take another pill (and she says she’s not crazy?)  Rocio won’t let her take any more meds. 
Mireya and Santee continue laughing off about Isa’s complaints to the ethics committee and that the only thing Isa accomplished was to have the committee suggest that she be institutionalized.
Facu asks Maria about Rocio and Beto. How did Rocio take it? Maria says Rocio is fine. Facu still totally against them being together. Maria is even regretting having been against them at all. Why don’t we just let them be? Facu totally against it. Says Rocio is a girl with ‘burned brain’. Maria recalls their story started similarly when he stole her from Florencio. Facu protests that their story was DIFFERENT. (yeah right!)
As last scene we see Isa sneak into Mireya’s office and finds some pill bottles (with no name or label… interesting!) She pops one in with water and feels weird instantly (beanie hat anyone?)

Previews: Facundo better watch himself, Isa is going after him and at the pool he might as well be hearing the sound of Jaws… Estefi is swimming toward him from behind, apparently with no swim top. He gets deer in headlights eyes. (ay diosito!!)


I hope everything goes smoothly, Marta. (And that everything is ok.)

Thanks for your dedication and posting a space for us.

Good luck!


Thanks, Marta. You areso thoughtful thinking of us in the midst of everything else you are dealing with . Take care.


Sending prayers and good thoughts Marta.


Marta, Hope everything goes well, and that you get some good, deep sleep soon. I heard those things work wonders.

Hasta manana...

Marta- I hope all went well at the sleep study, and that soon you will be able to sleep peacefully throughout the night.

Good luck Marta!

Thanks everyone! recap in progress.


Squee! Can't wait to read it!

Thank you, Marta!. Your recap was a very fun read.

My favorite parts were the Granpappy Porfirio and Conchita scenes with his dirty old man comments and lots of double entendres: example: at the park he asks if he can have a taste . . . of the ice cream. Very funny. Interesting that Conchita was really jealous when Granpappy invited Estefany to go out.

My least favorite part was Facundo asserting his absolute authority over the family one more time alter María tried to tell him that Beto and Rocío were like they had been when they were younng. Also I dislike the disrespectful way Facundo always refers to Rocío whenever he talks about her. It really shows a very ugly part of him.

I sure enjoyed the talking animals.



Thanks so much, Marta! How did the sleep study go?

Jarifa- ITA about the tone Fac uses when speaking about Rocio, especially considering how many times she's put herself on the line to save him and how respectful she is of him. Shut up, Fac!

I loved the double and triple take Isa did of Maria's new look. She really hasn't seen Maria since, and she was surely seeing that glamorous Maria is more than enough competition for her.

Francis is all about her hate for Carmen and it really doesn't matter which guy she's dating. I hope Diego doesn't let himself get pulled into her intrigue.

Since Fac banned all Carmona fraternizing with the Velascos, I'm not sure Feli is going to have any success when he asks Fac to allow him to take Carmen out. I believe Carmen knows this and that's why she said Feli had to speak to Fac first.

Many thanks, Marta! I got a chuckle out of your reference to the McFlurry and the spoon. I also noticed the spoon and wondered about it.

I think Murci's bath was my favorite moment of the episode.

I was very pleased at Isa's reaction to the new Maria. But how very shallow that up to this time Isa dismissed her based solely on her looks. Being Fac's wife should have been enough to keep Isa away. I don't get Isa's attitude of "I'm prettier so I get to have what I want."

Not that Fac was trying to dissuade Isa at all.

Did I hear correctly? Conchita has been with Isa 20 years and Santi and Isa have been married 18? Was Conchita around when the sister betrayed Isa?

Marta, I adored "Isa and Francis go from bad to worse... Estefi can't deny her 'evil nature' ... Santee tries to come back home but Isa won't have any of him." A perfect title that said it all! Terrific recap.

You nailed it with your comment about Francis "does she really want Felipe over Diego or is this just a personal vendetta on Carmen and no longer about the boys?)" I agree with you and Vivi - it's all personal and has to do with "her hate for Carmen and it really doesn't matter which guy she's dating". Exactly! I don't want to see her or Hilda. Ever. Again.

I'm glad Isa filed a complaint with the ethics board. Mireya is another character I could do without. I find Estefi far more interesting and at least with her, there is somewhat of a conflict between good and evil. I am hoping for our beloved Jacinto to be her salvation, as she is clearly smitten with the child's (or "my child's I should say) charm.

Jarifa, Facundo becomes less appealing with each episode. I hope there is some sort of metamorphosis coming shortly. Sara, he needs to tell Isa off in no uncertain terms.

I liked the animal scenes the best last night too and laughed at the goats wanting to stay out of the water spraying fray.

Hope things went well for you Marta.


I agree about Estefany, Diana. She is a very interesting character. IMO she is a bigger candidate for redemption than either Fac or Isa.

Vivi- I'm also hoping Diego doesn't get pulled into Francis's Web. I still want him in the story, so I hope they figure out a way to do that without putting him in an antagonistic role with Fran. I liked that he told her that he let things go once they're over and that Francis should do the same.

Sara, yes, Concha was with Isabela for 20 years. I found it interesting that when Isabel came to see María she asked her why she was not wearing a uniform. Concha explained that at the Carmona's she is just another member of the family just like she had hoped she would have been at Isabel's house but it never happened. I wonder how much Concha knows about Isabel's secret and, if she does know something,how much would she tell. She obviously feels no loyalty to Isabel but might not admit to knowing much if it were to hurt Santiago or the kids.

I liked Santiago calling out Mireya on not being married so he did not end up looking like a total idiot.

Vivi, I am so hoping Diego stays true to himself and not pulled into Francis and her goofy schemes. He seems smart and mature enough to not need friends like Francis or Carmen.

Diana, it would be great if the "boy genius" Jacinto could cause enough guilt in Estefany to stop her from going totally over to the dark side. Here's hoping!


This is probably not completely on topic and really it's just a repeat of something I've said before, but I enjoy the Porfirio and Conchita dynamic. I am really weird in that even if there is not a lot of plot happening with the Porfirio scenes, I just love the performance. I guess I just love the grandpappy vibe.

Thanks, Marta, Sara, Jarifa, and Vivi. I just finished a marathon session of the past week and your summaries are fab.

Great catching up with all the comments too.

I do like the way Isa toyed with Santi and Mireya and kicked him out of the house, but not how she plays the victim in front of Ale and shares too much dirt on Santi. Without pills, Isa still puts herself first.

Loved Maria's coolness during Isa's visit, but I can't wait for Maria to reach her bucket moment with Fac, quit nagging him about Isa and kick him out. How dare he blast Maria for having Florencio's letter when he's still obsessing about Isa.

I wish Beto would call Fac on the fact Rocio has saved his bacon several times. Not that I think Beto and Rocio should get married right now.

Florencio looked so cute riding on the dancing horse. More of that please. Maria was fab going Animal on the drums. More of that too.

Ale needs helps with math. Will Jacinto come to the rescue?

Niecie - yes! I loved the prancy horsey! I assume Augustin is an experienced horseman because he didn't seemed bothered at all by the horsey dance.

Rocío is my favorite and I hope that before all is said and done, Fac apologizes to her (and a bunch of other people, too.)

Thanks, Marta for the great recap.

Question: why does Carmen continue to engage with Pancha?! Why doesn't she just walk away when she sees her coming?! It's so annoying.

OT: My sister is planning a trip to Spain and Morocco in a couple of years and is trying to brush up on her high-school Spanish. I recommended that she watch a TN and suggested Amor Bravio (my fave). She started watching last night. I directed her to Caray Caray for the recaps and comments. I'm so excited.

Happen to think she might want to try one from Spain. Any suggestions? Make it an awesome one so I can get her hooked on TN's :)

"The Time in Between" is a current one based on the book by the same title. I've not seen it, but it isn't a traditional TN.

"Isabel" is a historical series about, Queen Isabel of Castile. Also, not a typical TN.

"Gran Hotel" is another one. Again, not really a TN.

The first two are available on Dramafever, and Gran HOtel is on Netflix.

Gran Reserva is another one. I think it's on Hulu.

Even if they aren't TNs, they are good for acclimating the ear to Castellano.


I should add, but prepared for nudity and sex on Isabel. And violence.

Nanette, I think Carmen is just too immature to not take the bait. Maybe she really enjoys the drama?


Jarifa: Good points. I also wondered if she feels like she has to engage in order to not feel like she's being walked over. But she needs to learn to pick her battles and this is a losing one.

Sara: thanks for the recommendations. I'll pass them along.

Carmen engages with Pancha because she's genetically programmed to. Fac shouldn't engage with Isa, but he foolishly does.

Sara and all... thanks for the comments about the recap. it was a fun episode to recap.
Sara, ITA with you about the grandpappy vibe that Porfirio projects. Don Ignacio has had that 'vibe' in many of his characters of the last 20 or so years... I remember 'Melesio' in Esmeralda (with Fer Colunga and Leticia Calderon). I still giggle when i watch a segment online and he starts with his 'Mi reiiinnnIta!!' and 'Doctorcito' ... He was such a likeable character there... he and the location (esp that falls spot) were probably my favorite parts...


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I also agree with you about Estefani having more realistic potential for reivindication than Isa, Esteban or Mireya. Estefani and Santee might even end up together, as I see it.

Hey Marta!
How did the sleep study go? I hope all is well.

Yay! It is Monday and Amores time is approaching . . .


Whee! I'm glad because my schedule isn't as heavy this week and I won't get behind.

Good to hear that you are having an easier week of it. Looking forward to your unique take on the capítulo tonight. Hopefully we will have some Margarito AND Granpappy time this week.


You're too kind, Jarifa :-)

I'm hoping that there will be some plot pick ups. Tonight is episode 80 and I think there's only 120 or so episodes. Check my math. Antes Muerta starts Aug 24. It replaces Amores con trampa and the US is four weeks behind.

Sounds like you are right on. You know how it goes a lot of times: nothing for ages and then an avalanche of activity towards the end. Not eager for this one to wrap up. It is all so enjoyable.


I have to say I feel the same, Jarifa. It just makes me happy to watch most of the characters. (Hilda is not one of them.)

As the patio has said, even if there isn't a lot of plot there's always a scene or two to make you smile.

They do need to start revealing some of those secrets though!

Breathlessly awaiting these anvils: Hilde, Isa.

Yes! I am really interested in the anvils because our villains haven't been murderous villains. I'm curious about anvils in a TN like this one. Vivi had said with HQEDNS everyone got appropriate anvils but not death/disfigurement anvils.

The secret password is - anvils.

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