Thursday, July 02, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #98 7/2/15

Tonight's "recap" is more from memory. Lots of things were going on and I'm just ready to hear what the patio has to say. Be prepared for all kinds of condensing and out of order.

Feel free to chime in with any added information.

Padre's Plan and Ren's Ruse
Padre confronts Sev about Nazaria's nefarious accusation. Sev's plan didn't work. Nazaria has a conscience and she's decided not to take Sev's money. So nyah!

Little does Sev know it's ALL A LIE and he play right into Ren's ruse (We all know this was Silvia, but I needed the alliteration.)

Padre leaves Las Animas and heads straight to the law offices of Silvia and Those Other Two. Pato will follow Sev. Sev leads Pato right to Nazaria's hiding place. Pato reports Sev's location. Silvia and Ren head out!

Sev meanwhile threatens Nazaria and confirms that Angelina is sleeping. Nazaria swears she never met with the Padre. She even offers to reenact the whole scene she and Angelina played with him. Sev threatens her one last time for good measure. He and Nava leave. The don't notice Pato and crew around the corner.

The three abogados flag down the local municipal security guys (I assume they called them ahead of time.) All Pato wants them to do is flash the lights for a little bit.

Ren and Silvia burst into Nazaria's room and pretend to be officers of the law. They tell he they have a search warrant. Is she award that the crime of extortion carries a sentence of 20 years? According to them, Severiano Mendoza gave her up. Silvia finds the picture of the Padre. Nazaria swears it was all Sev's doing. He was making her do it! They drag her over to see the flashy lights of the policemen outside. Silvia tells her there's a squad car and a taxi. Which one does she want to leave in?

Tomas's Tears and Pru's Prudence
Tomas is still threatening to fling himself off the bell tower. Lulu call's the Padre (who was meeting with Silvia and the guy she works with.) Padre tells her to calm down, but she keeps crying and begging for him to just come back to the church. She asks what she should do and Padre just blurts out, "I guess go up on the bell tower with him!"

Lulu responds with a ¿Quéééé? and trundles up to one of the roofs of the church. She attempts to talk Tomas down.

Meanwhile, Pru is at home pacing and worrying. She calls Val. Val decides Tomas is just trying to emotionally blackmail Pru and she does NOT need to go to the church. My goodness what would happen if Tomas lost his emotional and blurted out "I love you Prudencia!!!!!!!" to the whole town? Ugh! The scandal. No. It's best if Pru just stay home.

But Pru has to know what's going on. She sends the maid to the church...just to see if anything out of the ordinary is happening. The maid thinks she's wondering about miraculous apparitions? Whatever. The maid agrees to this errand.

Padre finally arrives, as do Tomas's parents. There's wailing, crying, near jumps, Padre J's cool head and sensible discourse. Tomas finally comes down of the ledge.

Cris's Conditions
Cande is ready to start planning the wedding and decorating the nursery. Cris bursts that bubble. He is not giving up Aldonza or getting a divorce. Cande thinks that remains to be seen with Val's pregnancy. What does Cris Aldonza will do when she finds out. Cande wants him to call Aldonza right now. Cris thinks that this is news that's better shared in person.

Dad's Discussion
Ren's Dad talks to Aldonza about Ren. That's not awkward at all. Ren's always been the strong one. He hides his emotions. Blah blah blah. Dad can't deny that he wishes Aldonza could return Ren's feelings, but he wishes her happiness. Aldonza is just too in love with Cris. If the circumstances were different she could have easily fallen for Ren.

Val's Vengeance
Val has the test results. She flings them at Cris. This is a baby that SHE is going to give him. NOT Aldonza. Can I get a "no puede ser"?

Sev gets into the act as well. He tries to tell Cris what a close-minded town SL is. Sev reminds Cris that the town will be merciless and will call the child a bastarrrrrrrrdo (roll that R everyone!) Remember how hard they were on Emanuel? Cris says his child will be different and will know who his parents are. Sev doesn't give a hoot if Cris wants to stay with Val. There's the child to consider. It may be the 21st century, but in SL it's more like the 19th. (Well played writers.)

Aldonza's Angustia (Ours too.)
Aldonza picks up her wedding dress from the shop. Lola notes her "meh." Aldonza is worried. She's got a bad feeling that something could go wrong. (Aldonza, sweetie...most of the time what goes wrong is you losing you and not listening and then breaking up with Cris.)

Her "presentimiento" is not assuaged by her conversation with Cris as she's leaving for the bus station. She can hear in his voice that something is wrong. He tells her he'll explain later.

Val overhears him tell Aldonza he'll pick her up at the bus station.

Aldonza's angustia continues even on the bus. Lola laments about missing Em.

Em's Emotion (MINE TOO!!)
Squee!!! Another actress from Quierto Amarte! Oh I love her. She's Veronica and Don Antonio is her uncle.

Em is training with Solitario, but she catches his eye. She blows him a kiss and he falls the horse and on to his keester.

Might I say they were none to gentle getting him to the bed. Sheesh. Veronica goes for some salve and kindly requests that he lower his drawers. Em is taken aback. What would her husband say? That's when we learn that she is Don Antonio's niece. Em wastes to time in removing his pants and submitting to her ministrations. OH, he's hot for her. I want these two together. Sorry Lola. You lose.

Cande's Control
Cande is sure when Aldonza finds out about the pregnancy, she will kick Cris to the curb. No woman can stand that humiliation. Val wonders if Cande is speaking from experience and Cande denies it.

Cande has made an appointment with an OB/GYN. Val tells Cande that she would prefer to go with her mother. Pru is being a jealous butt. She told Pru about the pregnancy last night. Hum still doesn't know. Cande will help with that. Cande leaves the room. Val will go to the doctro, but she doesn't look happy bout it. She tosses the appointment card.

Pru's Pilfering and Val's Visit
The Shrew Crew are at the doctors office. Pru snatches a bunch of the candies. They keep eating them and I can't understand much. The candies must be the size of ping pong balls the way it's hampering their speech.

Pru makes the mistake of saying aloud that the baby is not Cristobal's. Val shushes her. From now on the baby belongs to Cristobal Mendoza. They talk about Tomas. Whatevs.

When they finally get in to see the doctor he asks a lot of pesky questions like "Are you related to Hum?" (Val: Yes, but please don't tell him I'm pregnant), "How far along do you think you are? When was your last period?" (Val: I don't know. Me: You dumb shi....girl.)

Sev's Saturday Night Special
Sev and Nava return to Nazaria's room...only to find the Padre. Padre informs him that he blackmail failed. Padre tries to return Sev's cash, but Sev pulls out his gun and points it at the Padre's head. Now you're going to die you damn priest! It's all slow mow and shi.....stuff. It was cool.

Sev cocks the trigger. (Is that what you do with guns? I've no clue.) Ren attempts to talk Sev down. He asks him to put the gun away. Sev is going to be putting himself in the middle of whole world of shi....hurt if he doesn't put the gun down. Nava even begs him to listen.

Padre on the other hand tells Sev to go ahead and kill him. Sev will then just rot in jail and Cris and Aldonza can live happily ever after. Go ahead! Pull the trigger! There are plenty of witnesses that can put you in jail for the rest of your life!

Sev finally puts down the gun down. He's not going to anything to help Aldonza. But this doesn't end her.

Aldonza's Adiós...AGAIN
Oh yeah. I'm gonna RPC the "riveting" final scenes.

Aldonza gets back. She is all excited to see Cristobal. Hugs,hugs and squees. Cris looks a little green. He's kind of stumbles around trying to tell Aldonza about Val when Val comes around the corner shrieking "Did you tell her? Did you tell her I was going to have your child?"

We all know what comes next. Aldonza yells. Cris tries to explain "I was drunk! I don't remember!"

Aaaaand Aldonza breaks up with him for the 757th(?) time.

Previous: Episode 97
Next: Episode 99


The preceding recap is original content, written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Sara! Wow girl, you made a great recap sandwich, lathered it up with snark and served it lightning quick! Thank you!!!

"(Aldonza, sweetie...most of the time what goes wrong is you losing you and not listening and then breaking up with Cris.) YES! THANK YOU!!! Kudos to Cris for questioning the paternity. Though in classic SL girl fashion, Aldi barely let him speak before kicking him to the curb.

Ooh! Val made me SO MAD tonight! I wasn't even mad for Aldi's sake, I just really hate the "I'm preg you must marry me or I'll (insert shi-...crappy blackmail fodder here)" trope. I beg the Patio to explain this to me: what kind of realtionship do you expect to have with this person when you had to BLACKMAIL HIM to marry you?! I really hope this finally puts her on Cris' shi-...People I Don't Like List. Now is when his parents cutting him off can really hurt him. If Pru/Val finagle a way out of the DNA bit, will he even be able to threaten to sue for custody with Sev and Cande's big bucks backing Val instead of him?

FAVE: "the law offices of Silvia and Those Other Two" - LOL! Although, tonight, they were all on point! I didn't catch that part about the search warrant (is that legal?), but GREAT plan. I love it: so surprising, the good guys won, Sev got shut DOWN and right quick this time, AND Sev is clearly fraying at the seams! Nothing but applause! (How funny was Nava, scooping up the money.)

Tomas had me going. For a second, I really wondered if they were going to have him jump and have PRu spiral into a deper drunken wasteland of guilt. I'm really glad they didn't. I like Tomas and I like that they have a character that's seen the error of his ways.

Eman - Whoa! Looks like he's moving on and in a big way! Butt massages in the first 15 minutes? (That is me nod to your hilarious sh-...gag. LOL :D)

Wow, Sara! Thank you so much for this recap! And for having it posted so soon, because talk about a rollercoaster! I must discuss!

Ah, I loved the trap they set for Sev! "Law offices of Silvia and Those Other Two" indeed :D

Really hated Val telling Pru to just let him jump and Pru acting like that was a good idea instead of being horrified that her dear sweet daughter would give her that advice. Gross!

Dad's Discussion was just weird. It seemed like he was a little angry at her and she was a little defensive, and then it's all "let's toast!"

"It may be the 21st century, but in SL it's more like the 19th. (Well played writers.)" It's like they can hear us...and travel back in time....

Um, ok, so how is she picking up a wedding dress when she said just yesterday she didn't like any of them? And no way did she get a wedding dress altered in one day.

"Em wastes to time in removing his pants and submitting to her ministrations." That was hilarious! As was the fact that he waited until his pants were down and she was rubbing ointment on him to introduce himself!

Can't they still turn Sev in for attempted murder? Assault with a deadly weapon? Something? Will we later find out that Silvia wired the room for sound and/or video? (let me dream....)

"Aaaaand Aldonza breaks up with him for the 757th(?) time." Excuses, excuses, excuses!!!!! She knows they've all been out to break them up and she believes this? Lemme add some detail...

Cris: I was drunk! I don't remember!
Al: Don't give me that crap! Your relationship with her wasn't just one night! You've been with her lots of times!
Cris: But that was years ago--
Al: I don't care about the details.

Take a biology class, Aldonza. I listened twice and he did say YEARS. YEARS! Thank you Sexy Spanish Guy for taking care of Val's needs. And since he had sex with Val YEARS ago, that's her excuse for not waiting to see if the one drunken night he was kidnapped and raped is actually the night she got pregnant. And she's conveniently forgotten about Lardo.

Anyway...thanks again, Sara, and I too am looking forward to reading everybody else's thoughts.

Con mucho gusto, amibas!

Val just made you mad tonight, hellashelle? Cause I pretty much want to punch her in the throat every time she's in screen. Vocal fry is tons more annoying in Spanish.

Kat- muchas gracias por los deets! I love how you keep us straight with the reality of wedding dress shopping.

HellaShelle, Nava scooping up the money was priceless!

Val seriously honestly thinks that if she just gets Chris to say "I do" he'll somehow magically realize she's the one he wants. I'm not kidding. To her there is no possible way that they get married and he hates her forever. She wants his money and she wants Cris and whatever la nena wants, la nena gets.

So help me, if Cris goes back home!

I just need to pretend that the point of this show is Padre J, Emmanuel, The Law Offices of Silvia and Those Other Two.

Ooh! Logo idea! Silvia stands in the middle of the scales as justice, but no blindfold, maybe a wink and a badass suit...and Pato and Renato lounge on the scales in some, ahem, legal briefs.

Amiba! I watch way too much "Say Yes To The Dress." Unless Aldonza is a perfect sample size and was willing to take a sample way! And as soon as they didn't show us the actual dress, I knew it was all going downhill.

"I just need to pretend that the point of this show is Padre J, Emmanuel, The Law Offices of Silvia and Those Other Two."

You really do. I know it's helped my enjoyment of the show.

Sooo. I see more chemistry with Veronica and Em. Is that just because she was rubbing his rump?

Oh, she had him with that wink!

You know, I would watch a show about three lawyers/buds running a law office together.

Now I have that country song in my head..."Wink" by Neal McCoy. Can't find a good video, though.

Never heard of it. I'll be sure to Google it.

Naw, Sara, tonight was just a Mari free night. Without my archnemesis to suck up the majority of my rage, Val got all my hate attention.

Diva - I want that logo on something! I don't know what, but something...

The years thing didn't make sense to me. They stopped sleeping together years ago, but wanted to get married? And have a family? (Val mentioned the family thing a week or so ago when she was prepping him for this fiasco) That's...weird. Puts a whole new spin on his view on Aldi's bed issues though.

I can't wrap my head around it. Is he not really much for sex before marriage and they had sex once back when she first snagged him in Spain and then he said "I don't think we should be doing that anymore until we're married." and she agreed and other than The Night That Will Live In Infamy that's the only other time they've ever had sex? I guess it's possible, but given Val, it doesn't seem likely.

Since she cut him off, was he maybe going to say that it had been years since...they had sex without using contraception?

Sad to say, hellashelle but I have actually started thinking of Mari as your archnemesis. Whenever she's on screen I always think "hellashelle is raging um sure."


Yeah, Sombra could've splintered into some fun stuff. "Silvia and the Other Two" as a Saturday evening mystery/comedy? First Love as a teen angst drama at 3 pm? Padre Jeronimo: Justice Seeker as a 9 o clock action/drama?

Sara - Yikes! I need to temper my hatred of her. (But that ponytail taunts me so...!)

Diva - that actually makes more sense to me. He was a little tipsy then too, but I could see Cris saying that was a mistake, let's slow it down and do things the "right" way. Val wouldn't care as long as she had him because she could always get a side piece. It's unusual, but I could buy that story with minimal beanie tightening.

Why temper it hellashelle? You should hear the stream of expletives that pour forth from my potty mouth when I watch my TNs.

HellaShelle, he does have a very tranquil nature, and he's never pushed Aldonza for sex, for which I'm profoundly grateful. He really does seem to like kissing, though. ;)

Sara, yeah, I can be pretty foul-mouthed when I'm watching!

Mr Chihuahua has been known to come out and ask if I'm cursing at the cats or the TV.

I do feel bad for the actress. Though it's probably a relief to hear that she's making the character hateful, rather than hear how old we think she is.

I actually really hoped that they would get to explore that aspect of their relationship. I really wondered how they were going to navigate that. It had a lot of potential to demonstrate the "Grand Love" and make up for the build up that we're missing now. Instead we got him at home with Sev and the Demon Twins being thwarted at every turn. Sigh.

Yep. Mr. 5ft will give himself pop quizzes--he'll guess what just happened that's making me scream at the TV and then I tell him if he's right or not. Well...and I give him the correct answer if he's not. That would just be mean not to.

*sigh* HellaShelle, yes. This was a missed opportunity. She could have stuck with him, waited for the truth, supported him in raising the child. It's not like getting dumped is going to MAKE him marry Val. They all act like he's just some toy and if one of them drops him the other one gets to take him home! And I guess by "they" I mean Sev, Cande, Val. They've all be so invested in this fiction that all it will take for Cris to be with Val is for Aldonza to be gone.

At least the Padre J extortion plot got resolved in our favor.

You know, the only other thing I wanted out of the Sev Take Down scenes was a recording. I really wish they had gotten that on some kind of A/V. There's a part of me that is just shocked that that storyline would end after two episodes and I'd like some insurance in case that's not the end of it.

It's not resolved to my satisfaction. Angelina is still with that hateful woman!

That is sad. And I hope Sev doesn't go after them.

*sigh* HellaShelle, yes. This was a missed opportunity. She could have stuck with him, waited for the truth, supported him in raising the child. Absolutely. Other good TNs have delved into that and it made for compelling television and I'm sure more interesting acting for the cast. It would've been nice to see that too, but I was also hoping to see how Cris and Al handled being intimate without being sexual. Plenty of chances their to prove that Cris is her prince rather than just a prince. I've also seen this in TN land before and it was filled out it's storyline beautifully. Compelling, touching, interesting.

Or we could have stomping Val and limping Cris and giddy/angry Aldonza.

Sara, loved the recap! I had "programus interruptus" going on at my house, with phone calls and door bells, so thanks for fleshing out the action...(and I loved all the 'lliterations!)

Now, Cande brushed aside Chris' comment "how do I know the baby is mine?". Ald won't even let him say that much. Chris: say "I don't think the baby's mine". Say: "I won't believe it's mine until we get a DNA test done." Heck everyone who has ever watched the Maury Povitch show knows that much!

J in Oregon

Con mucho gusto, amiba! Glad I could help.

Invoking Maury Povitch. You sound like my students :)

J, I'm giggling over "programus interruptus" :D

Gettin' all Latin and shi...intelligent.


Sara - thank you for the recap! j

The only real excitement for me was notworrying if Tomas might jump, but whether he would take Pad Jer down with him. I would have screamed and thrown something at my TV if that happened and thankfully PJ was spared.

Next, I wondered if while up in that bell tower, Tomas might have some sort of spiritual revelation and calling to become a priest, or full time altar boy, and turn his back on Pru and women in general. Sort of like God whupping him up the side of his head with a celestial 2x4.

Diva - I love your scales of justice logo! Silvia is the most intelligent female in this show.

Con mucho gusto, doris!

I like your idea of the bell tower scene being a spiritual awakening for Tomas.

Holy cow, Sara! This was just over the top inventive and hilarious!

I love the alliterative sub-titles.

I love how you treat the law partnership like one amazon and two dangling participles.

I think Val has not understood the basic dynamics of the Mendoza household, and has overestimated her mother's value as an ally (although she is constantly cautioning her to cool her jets). Boozy Pru IS going to pull the pin on a grenade and then slip it in Val's hip pocket, and the Mendozas ARE going to revert to staunch protection of their blood line.

Val's hope that Tomas would jump is just a chilling reminder of what a self-centered narcissist she truly is. I hope Tomas will realize that the object of his affections is such an empty vessel who has spawned hurt everywhere she has gone. Perhaps he will realize that someone like Lulu actually cares about him.

Sev: "This doesn't end here." No sir, it certainly doesn't. You, sir, are about to get your ass handed to you along with your money scarfing abogado.

Despite the OB/GYN's assurances of discretion, I am hoping that he will innocently include some medical jargon that will blow the top off of Val's story line.

Man, PJ was on fire in this episode.

Aldonza broke up with Cris? Uh. . . Okay.

Lots going on in this episode, and you covered it with style and a vicious wit. Thank you so much.


Con mucho gusto, David!

I'm in this for the Padre. You are right about him being in fire!

I've given up on Cris and Aldonza.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Sara for putting into words sooooo much of what was going through my head last night.

That was me screaming at the end from my seat at the Frustrated Table. I'm done with Allie...seriously. AGAIN, just walk off without any chance of Cris talking, no trust in him at all, no thought that this was not something done in consciousness, etc. Be upset, be furious, but you can't give this love of your life one second to talk it through? AND of course we know she'll go running to Ren again. Still say there is something inherent in her to want to sabotage this relationship...bodes real well for their future. I know she went through hell with Sev, but these constant knee-jerk reactions with Cris are her way of distancing herself from THE SON, or she's another Lola. In the latter case, they can kvetch with each other and leave these guys alone. That look on Cris' face should have been, "Yeah, crap, knew she would do that."

Did like the Sev comment ( lord help me, I wrote that?) about SL being in the dark ages. But maybe it needs some folks to bring it kicking and screaming to present day. And face it, who feeds into that thinking but the town societal leaders...(cough cough, looking at you Pru).

Speaking of whom...yeah she was all kinds of trash last night. Watching her and her daughter with the candy in the doc's office--that was brilliant acting. Stealing candy into her purse, talking with her mouth open, Val taking one candy, spitting it out, wrapping it, and then taking another...

Tomas bless him wasted his emotions on this person and her slug of a daughter. The young man has a good heart, fell in with the wrong crowd, and I'm hoping we see a whole new young man. Whether it's a Lulu hookup of donning a priest collar, glad he didn't jump ( wasn't sure there for awhile) and makes Pru feel like dirt for what she drove him to. I'm sorta in to see how his story goes now.

I decided we need to buy a cool Superman cape from Padre to where. And the Scooby Gang was awesome last night. A whole show with those three solving crimes would be a hoot.

YES! I love that glint in E-man's eye with Veronica. One of these guys deserves to be with someone who isn't a yo-yo in how she treats him.


Con mucho gusto, Daisynjay! Yeah I heard a kind of strangled scream last night. I guess that was you at the Frustrated Table. :)

OK I'm in it for Padre and now Em and Veronica.

I agree that Sev has something of a point, but I thought Cris could point something out to him: They can move! If Santa Lucia wants to stay in the 19th century that'sine, but he and his son could move back to Spain. Or, virtually anywhere else that is not SL.

That may be a way to get Val--she so wants to be the lady of the manor, displace Cande and be the big cheese in town. He should tell her he's renouncing his claim to the business and house and moving to Spain and see how she pitch's a fit. She has no real interest in Cris himself, it's what he beings to the table.

One question, I know that Allie and Ren are business partners and that is a lot of why she runs to him on the issues around the property, BUT, was there ever, back in the days when she was marrying Cris and they were all happy happy, that it was discussed to actually bring Cris into the equation too? I remember the table chat where it she explained that Ren was her partner (to which Cris looked a little nauseous), but was there anything after that in regards to her Mis Plans? Fuzzy there, so appreciate the info. (I will not that in the case of Dom and Mel, I still think partners or no, she should have consulted with Cris to see if he wanted to help them with a place and salary. Just me. )


Sweet Baby Chihuahuas, this is so friggin good and becoming a habit.

"meeting with Silvia and the guy she works with"

"The Shrew Crew"

As distasteful a pair can be, I could listen & watch Val & Pru all day, the actors are killing it

Kat, I already did this and very enjoyable show. "I just need to pretend that the point of this show is Padre J, Emmanuel, The Law Offices of Silvia and Those Other Two."

I kinda see Aldonza's point in breaking up with Cris over this, what I couldn't understand was her off buying a wedding dress and totally dismissing the fact Cris had the same girl he spent the night with staying down the hall and he not once bitched about it. I was drunk ain't an excuse nor is my mamma and daddy let her stay here cause she had a tiff with her daddy. Aldonza shouldn't have dismissed it cause Cris wasn't mad as hell over what happened that night. You can bet had she spent a drunken night with Renato, Cris would have been on her like stink on shit.

Shameful, if Lola gets the Emanuel prize at the end. So not fair. I'm nearly at the point he should not know his mom and dad, nor return to that hell hole. At least where he is, he is appreciated for who he is and not damned for what he is.

Severiano hasn't taken into account SL is changing and the new boss ain't like the old boss. PJ leads by example, a man with flaws and unwilling to condemn, able to be afraid but fearless.


I'm glad you enjoyed it, tofie.

I'm sitting with you at the Em needs to stay away table.

Of course I did girly, you make me think and laugh concurrently


I'm so with you about Em. I don't want his happy ending to be associated with SL in any way at all. I know it's just a show, but the way he's been treated just angers me.

Lola is the worst. Who was it that said up there that she and Aldonza are cut from the same cloth. They don't support the people they claim to love. Grrr. It just makes me cranky.

Sara, reading this, it was as though I had front row seat at a play. The events were so descriptive and crisp, it was as though we were reliving them. Relayed perfectly.

I just loved how the 3 musketeers (Silvia, Renato and Pato) were "on it" and took such quick action to foil Sev! Fabulous. I loved the good (and handsome) Padre waiting for Sev and Sev throwing the money on the floor. The padre was obviously frightened but that didn't stop him from taunting Sev with the thought of Aldonza and Cris being together. I also laughed at Sev's lawyer picking up the cash in fast order.

I did feel for Tomas and for a brief second wondered if he would jump. I hope better things are ahead for him and that he dumps Pru in a NY minute and goes on to better. I still think he and Lulu are an odd match but looks like that is what is in the cards.

I'm likely in the minority but I want Lola and Eman together in the end. Veronica didn't impress me - she was OK but nothing jumped out at me.

I couldn't believe Val tracked Cris down and appeared to reveal her news to Al before Cris told her. She acted predictably. In all honesty, I would have too. I hope I would reconsider but I fear Al will not.

It's hard to mention all the excellent comments everyone posted but I have to mention doris' "Sort of like God whupping him up the side of his head with a celestial 2x4" which was wonderful as was your "Silvia stands in the middle of the scales as justice, but no blindfold, maybe a wink and a badass suit...and Pato and Renato lounge on the scales in some, ahem, legal briefs.." Kat.

Sara (SBC), thank you for gifting us with this superb summary.


Sara – I am more awake now than hours earlier when I read and posted. I absolutely love “the Shrew Crew”. Brilliant!!!

Daisynjay - ”…(Tomas) fell in with the wrong crowd,…” Yes he did, starting with Abelardo!

hellashelle - Sev and family could move, but they would not be big fishes in a little pond and have no social clout. For that reason alone, they’ll stay put.

David – I keep reminding myself that, in Telenovelaland, there are no HIPAA laws and anyone can bribe a doctor or nurse for medical test results. ;-)

If Em ends up with Lola, I will be positively disappointed. She is too fickle and immature for him and, after a lifetime of being treated like a plato de segundo mesa, he deserves someone great.

”As distasteful a pair can be, I could listen & watch Val & Pru all day, the actors are killing it”
So true, tofie!!! And those two, together, are a wonderful pair …. aside from how they truly look genetically related.

Maybe it was yesterday. Anyway...

Remember when we were in school and we were asked to write a persuasive essay? Didn't our teachers tell us to think of counter arguments so we could address them in the essay?

Why aren't the writers doing that? (Why don't they ever?) Daisynjay's suggested response to Sev's argument about SL's old fashioned ways is a perfect example.

In fact, I think watching Val get thwarted like that would be a lot more entertaining than break up #757.

Con mucho gusto, Diana!

I can understand your commitment and loyalty to Lola. I admit that I am letting the Veronica actress's previous performance color my judgement. I just adored her by the end of QA.

Agree with everyone that Pru and Val are killing it! It looks like Thelma Madrigal is taking advantage of being able to learn from a master.

I'm of the opinion Emanuel should just play awhile, he a good looking guy and he does have self effacing quick wit along with a tinge of clumsy and no big ego. Veronica won't be the first to want a tumble. Eat your heart out Lola.

Doris - Oh no, I don't want Sev and Cande to move. I think Cris should say he and "his" son are moving.

On that note, Daisy, I like your idea. The only problem I see with both of our arguments is that Cande and Sev are on Val's side. Even if Cris said he was moving, with or without his child, Val would whine to Cande, who would take care of the bills until Cris "comes to his senses" (aka gives into her) the way Cande consistently thinks he will.

I honestly do not understand why the writers think that we want to see and support Aldonza and Lola acting the way they do. While the "kid with another person" angle is legit, the reaction is such a surface level one and comes after so much silliness that it just leaves me more frustrated with Aldonza. And while Vero just showed up, she's already giving off a more laid back, mature vibe than we've ever gotten from Lola. But in all honesty, whoever Lola ends up with, all I want from her is more moments like the one she had with Pato when she acknowledged that she had treated him badly.

That puts her head and shoulders (and torso and legs) above Cande, who has literally never acknowledged the validity of any criticism. Without fail, she says "now's not the time" or "I'm not in the mood for this right now" and refocuses the convo.

Thank you Sara, I love your new name, by the way, but Sara is much easier to type.

I was expecting, after PJ's last scene, for him to rip open his shirt and expose the big S. He's everything for everybody!

Con mucho gusto, cathyx! I'll still answer to Sara ;-)

Padre seems like he's the only one who really wants to fight the bad guys. No one else seems to be doing much.


Great work, Sara. I was out until 1AM and couldn't catch up until now.

The Shrew Crew -- sheer perfection!

I was worried about Tomas, too. Not because I care anything about him but because I wanted to see the padre save his life just in case Sev and his dirty shark made any serious inroads in sullying his rep. When half the town sees him save the life of a ne'er do well -- and help turn it around -- Padre J will be bullet-proof.

Of course we all predicted this latest break-up of Aldonza and Cristobal. With another eight weeks to go we need a build-up to the worst revelation of the tale, that Sev raped Aldonza five years ago. I think that will be the last revelation of all of Sev's presently undisclosed crimes. First has to come (not necessarily in this order):

-- The arson at El Santuario
-- Simoneta's body washing up in its makeshift coffin
-- Emanuel's parentage
-- Sev's complicity in the death of Raimundo, with all its details
-- This latest attempt on the padre's rep
-- The burning of Aldonza's DF apartment
-- The murder of Abelardo

Still predicting that Tomas will be Padre Tomas after the finale. I think his parents can handle the lack of nietos if that happens.

Sara, that's so true. He's the only one who doesn't just take at face value what the baddies say. Which is crazy because they all know each other very well and if anyone would be trusting in the goodness of mankind, it's a priest.

Glad you enjoyed it, Urban! I think Tomas's mom would be thrilled if he went into the priesthood.

Cathyx - right? Everyone else responds to the evil with a rather resigned "ok." Padre is the only one who steps back and says "what? You aren't going to do anything?"

I think he does believe in the goodness of mankind, but I also think he understands how scary it is for everyday people to go against the grain so he tries to be a role model and not just a pulpit pontificator. (Alliteration again.)



At noon there will be a weekend post that I revived from two years ago on the issue of art imitating life or vice versa. I thought about this while watching this episode because of Sev's key line about SL being in the 19th century.

Sorry I've been sporadic about weekend discussions lately but between my computer issues and social obligations I've been crazed.

Sara- I just watched the episode. Sorry for not being able to join the conversation sooner. Great recap, and a great episode. I loved all of Padre J's scenes- from telling off Sever, to meeting with the Justice League, to saving Tomas, to facing down the barrel of Sever's gun. He was just awesome all around!

Feel bad that Angela had to go with her rotten abuela. Poor girl. Hope there is some kind of rescue for her. But I really enjoyed the ruse to get them to leave. Love how quickly that was resolved. See, this is what happens when you face problems head on like Padre J, and ask for help.

I can understand needing a break to assimilate your husband having a baby with another woman. But instead of Aldonza cutting Cris off and saying she never wants to see him again, it would have been better had the writers had her tell him simply that she needed some time alone to let it all sink in, and that they could talk later. This immediate all or nothing kind of behavior is annoying.


Loved seeing yet another Quiero Amarte alumn with Veronica. Tofie- I agree. Eman should just enjoy being young, hot, and desired/appreciated for a while. Looks like Vero is game for a good time.

I have been trying to think of a way to quantify what age level tn logic corresponds to. Yesterday I had an conversation with my 4 y/o twin granddaughters that helped me in this.

I was told that they had just learned the work "perennial."

Me: So, what does "perennial" mean?

Madelyn: Its something that dies, and then comes back.

Lily: Jesus died and then came back.

Madelyn: Well, then Jesus is a perennial.

Doesn't this sound like tn logic? On the basis of this, I am estimating the maturity of the logic displayed on these things as age 4.


LOL, David! Too cute. :)

oh, David that is classic

LOL David! If not the age of 4, then at most the age of 10. ;-)

doris, I had that thought about Padre J falling. It's not like there was anywhere to get a really firm footing. Por favor, Padre! Use a safety harness next time!

Daisynjay, I would like to see Cris call Val's bluff like that and tell her he's taking a job in Spain or the DF, now that Aldonza doesn't want him around anymore (again^infinity) her some pictures of the sweet little apartment he found to live in that she'll think looks like a hovel...and say he's renouncing his parents and their money because they refuse to respect his privacy and his decisions. In fact, I wish he would do it not just to call her bluff, but because he needs to get the hell out of that house!

tofie, I'm rooting for Emmanuel with Veronica and ok, what the hell, Lola and Pato. At least Pato knows exactly what he's getting himself into. Mari can just go away.

Diana, seeing you bring up Val at the bus station, I'm suddenly wondering how she even knew to be there in the first place...was she stalking Cris or did she just set up camp at the bus station all day? Good grief!

Urban Anthropologist, thanks for Sev's rap sheet. I agree the revelation that he raped Aldonza will be one of the last, if not THE last one.

cathyx, I like your observation about Padre J being the one to see through the BS instead of trusting in everyone's "good" nature.

Vivi, every day your avatar gets more and more appropriate :D Go SuperPadre!

Awwww, David...I think your granddaughters have a far greater grasp of logic than many? most? of our characters :)

Val heard Cris tell Aldonza to call once she bought the ticket so he'd know when to pick her up at the airport. Then I guess it was just a matter of averaging the time so she could schedule the doc appt during Aldonza's trip and then go to the bus station herself.

Maybe Eman will bring Veronica back with him and it'll be Vero and Pato.

David - can we hire your granddaughters to write the show?

Cris: So, what does "my scheming mother is allied with my ex" mean?
Madelyn: It means that you can't trust either of them and should get a DNA test on that baby.
Cris: We just got a DNA test that proved they were lying before.
Lily: Well, then you should get another one -without telling them about it- now.

They would be so good at this!

5FT said 'I would like to see Cris call Val's bluff like that and tell her he's taking a job in Spain or the DF,'

I wish Cris would call Val's bluff and get a paternity test done.

Do I remember correctly that when the show started we referred to everyone as 12? I'm all for an age downgrade. Somewhere between 4 and 10 does seem about right.

Precious story about the grandchildren, David! Thanks for sharing it. :-)

General: Doesn't a person have to have a clue in order to call someone's bluff? Cris just seems so clueless to me.

How soon could he actually have a paternity test done? Val is (supposedly) only a couple of weeks pregnant. At the very least, he should be shouting his doubts about his paternity to the rooftops and to everyone, and he should GET OUT of that house.

Kat- I love looking at my avatar because I think of Padre J every time. He is so awesome.

I think the usual whining from people who don't want paternity lies exposed is that doing an amnio test is "too dangerous." So he has to wait until the baby is born...but then they'll whine about how terribly painful a blood test will be. So he'd better hope that kid is born with a full head of hair!

Sara, thank for the great recap and all of the thougtful comments it has inspired.

Loved David's grans. I see great things in their future.

Yes, once again PJ has saved the day!

Rosemary Primera


Vivi - Thankfully, he has mentioned this several times, though he seems more desperate every time he does because NONE of the women in his life listen to him.

Diva - yeah, there's definitely always an outcry about danger to the baby, but I would hope Cris would simply order the blood test. As the baby's father, he should have the right to do that, right?

I'm holding out hope that they won't forget about the 1 year clause they mentioned regarding when Cris can remarry and that will give him enough time to prove Val was already pregnant.

Padre J has been very good at keeping his cool in the face of Sever's evil, but when he finds out that Sever raped his niece, whoo boy! I'm envisioning a severe a** whoopin' in Sever's future, and I can't wait!

HellaShelle, I don't even know if it matters what his rights are. Cande and Val will whine, Sev will throw in a "poco hombre" and Cris will back down, as usual. After they made such a fuss about him having to wait a year to remarry, they'd better not just conveniently forget that!

Lol, Vivi...oh, yeah, there will be smiting!

I agree, Vivi, Cris has repeatedly said he's not sure the baby is his, but not with much conviction. Every time he says that, whoever he's speaking to (Cande, Sev, Aldonza) just rolls over his words and continues with his/her rant. The only time he said that and it made (somewhat of) an impact is when he said it to Val - and she slapped him for it with a "How dare your?" but again, they just kept on going with what they were saying. YELL, SCREAM, PROTEST, TAKE OUT AN AD, Cristobal!!! He needs to get people (coughAldonzacough) thinking, oh, yeah, Val was messing around with Abelardo, etc.

Padre Jeronimo is the best TN priest I have ever seen! Typically, the priests would just take in ANY information they have, even if it's not from a confession, and say, "Let God do his work. He knows what he's doing and he never gives us more than we can bear." Not PJ, Oh, noooo ... he's like, "God helps those that help themselves, let's go!" Yaay, Padre Jeronimo!

How many more times is Cris going to fall for Aldonza's empty words of love? "Let's be together forever. I love you more than my life. We won't let ANYBODY tear us apart again." Really? You just did, fool.

Oh, yes ... thank you, Chihuahuita, for the wonderful recap.

Lisa (from Lurkerville)

It sounds like a paternity test will take too long, so the only other way for Cris to find out that the baby isn't his is that the blabbermouth Pru spills it. I can see her drunk and talkative in the wrong (right) place.

Lisa, thanks for de-lurking :) Ah, yes...nothing will tear them apart ever again. No, really, for real this time. Not like the last time...and the time before that...and the time before that....

cathyx, no problem, then, since Pru's probably drunk more often than she's sober.

Con mucho gusto, Rosemary and Lisa (from Lurkerville)

Lisa- I may actually have to change my name again because chihuahuita is making me smile. I'm glad you decided to leave Lurkerville :)

Cathyx- I'll keep slipping drinks to Pru. Let's hope it works.

Vivi- I cannot wait until Sev has to answer to the Padre.

I just love the Padre so much. He is a wonderful representation of a man of God. A true tzaddik.

Oh wow. I just looked up tzaddik to make sure I was spelling it correctly and that I was using the right word. Check out this article:

Full disclosure - Chabad is an Orthodox organization but this totally describes the Padre. (PS you don't have to be Jewish to be a tzaddik.)

Yes, Kat, let the smiting begin!

Rosemary Primera

I was just watching a short interview with Alfredo Aldame (Padre J) and he mentioned that he actually took classes with a priest to prepare for the role.


Wow! Sara, what an absolutely perfect word to describe Padre J!

Sara, thank you for the link. PJ is definitely a tzaddik.

Rosemary Primera


And he can leap bell towers in a single bound!

Sweet Baby , Thanks for that snappy recap. I noticed you had a theme in...the shi....emotions really hit the fan.

Cris..Cris..Cris...what can I say? You just seem so tired and passive. Do something. You're already married...dopey. And you need to get out of that snake pit no matter how great your bedroom is.

And The Runaway Bride Al....You need to take a moment to think before you react.

I agree with everyone in the Super Padre Fan padre ever. This guy knows that actions speak much louder than words. How will the rape FINALLY revealed ? Will Ad tell padre at some point?

David..Out of the mouths of babes. Children usually see things clearer than adults, don't they ? We also have a four year old Lily in addition to a Jane and an Evelyn. Those lovely old names are popular again. My mother-in-law was a Madeline. Four year old twins sound pretty divine to me.

I don't think Aldonza will tell him. She has also forbidden Adelina to do so. Considering what he will be tempted to do to Sev her motive might be his safety. He will find out in one of two ways:

-- Overhearing a conversation or a threat (which is how I think Cristobal will find out)
-- Being told by the devil himself in the confessional.

I'm just hoping that Cris finds out about all the evil that Sev has done. It would depress me no end if Sev dies and Cris never finds anything out, and everyone keeps a secret.

I also am hoping that this thing between Emanuel and Veronica is real. I said before that I wasn't sure how Eman was going to be able to get past Lola not believing him, and now I have hope that he doesn't have to because he's going to be with Veronica.

Sweet Baby- your memory is pretty good, I like your snarkiness too. You got all the good stuff from memory.
Aldonza has gotten on my last nerve. The girl is dumb, stupid, frustrating, agravatimg, she makes me want to spit fire. She is so willing to push cris away, knowing what a lying little bitch val is, she just gives him up just like that. We all know who shes going to run too. Gettin his hopes up again. And cris, he sorta whimps out when she does that to him. I wish the writers would change that. But it works for the story line. So we'll see how it turns out.

Sara-I like that name you gave the padre. It will take someone with the hand of God to strike down satan's spawn (sev). I am going to enjoy watching that battle, knowing who will win. Very good. I love the way padre J is, he don't tolerate evil. Now thats the kind of MAN OF GOD I like.
Tzaddik- I got on line and looked it up. I like I like. :-)

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