Friday, July 10, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #122 – Meet Padre Toño, and Body Count Increases By Two

Fausto visits Mateo in jail. Mateo reviles him, says Fausto’s blood burns in his veins. That could be West Nile virus, Mat. You should get that checked out. There’s no doubt that Fausto is ill, though. He tells Mat that with him in jail, the coast is clear for Fausto to have Abi, by seduction or by force. He doesn’t care which. The point is he never se queda con las ganas, especially when he has worked so long and hard to get something. Mat ineffectually warns him, “¡No te atrevas!” (Don’t you dare!).

Renata is awake after her two month coma! I love that the whole ‘Renata confessing to Abigail’ scene was averted. Abi calls her mom, Ren is happy. Dr. Apple Cheeks buts in, kind of ruining the moment, and wants to revisarla a Renata. She says she is fine, and as we’ll see later in the episode, Dr. Pat won’t be getting close enough for any exams any time soon. Ex-Crazy Con comes in, sees Ren awake, and hugs are exchanged all around.

Ren is brought up to speed on Helena’s untimely passing. I only saw the last part of last night’s episode, so I appreciated Ex-Crazy’s recap: Mat and Diego went to confront Fausto for being their dad. Diego got loco and pulled a gun, intending to shoot Fausto. Mat wrested the gun away, shooting Helena in the process. She told the truth about Diego’s parentage and it cost her life. Diego left town at Mat’s request, to keep him safe from Fausto. It’s mostly true, except that we know that it was Diego who accidentally shot Helena.

Benito has spent the last two months tracking Diego down. This man truly has no life of his own. Diego is pushing something around on a dolly, showing biceps in a muscle shirt and wearing a long, brown apron. Benito asks after Nieves, and at first Diego says she capriciously ran off with another man, she’s so enamoradiza (falls in love easily). Then he tells the truth, that he is an insensitive jerk and he lost her affection because he’ll always only love Abi. Domingo is in school. Benito tells Diego that he must return to Real de San Andrés, to see the sacrifice that his brother has made for him.

Abi tells Ren that during the coma, Abi visited Mat every day at prison, and then spent every night at Ren‘s side, wanting to be the first thing Ren saw upon waking. That’s good use of that college degree! She should have got Benito to cover for her at times, as he seems to be available. Ex-Crazy has filled Abi in on most of the details of Ren’s story, but Ren milks it a little more telling Abi about the marital rape by Fausto. Is that something Abi really needs to know? I guess it served to show how fearful Ren was back then of him. She wishes she would have killed him. She would gladly have spent life in jail to have spared others the pain he has caused. They agree to forgive each other everything and just look forward from now on. They will never be separated again.

Días después: Macaria begs Fausto to get rid of Ximena from The Hacienda. Xi is in Mac’s rightful place. Mac gets in a jab at Ren, too, calling her a maldita vegetal podrida, which is highly rude and insensitive, but so characteristic of Mac. Fausto calls her ojos de  gata. Ximena walks in and starts to cat fight with Mac, who claims Fausto is hers, because she was there first. Fausto has to stop them, but then Ren walks in, one-upping them all by kicking all three out of The Hacienda. Well done, Ren!

Fausto immediately runs to the sanctuary of his study, with Ximena on his heels. Xi wants to know what they will do now, and Fausto reflects on how he likes that there is more to Ren than meets the eye, so to speak. He likes to be challenged. Due to something Diana said, he thinks Ren may be able to see. Ximena has the perfect test. She gets her sister on the phone, asking if Daniela is enjoying Xi’s name, money and life. Dani exposits that she gave half the money back to Xi in order to call Fausto off Max. Xi says that Fausto wants to kill Dr. Pat, and that they need to talk. Dani will come to The Hacienda.

Mat and Abi share a conjugal kiss at her daily visit to the prison. He’s worried about Fausto being at The Hacienda, because Abi doesn’t know what Fausto se propone. He gives her a general warning to be careful, but doesn’t share the more pertinent information that Fausto specifically promised that he would follow through on his earlier rape attempt.

Daniela is at The Hacienda, in Xi’s room. Dani tells her that she is pregnant with a baby Apple! Xi is not pleased. Renata has been summoned, and enters. Once again, she doesn’t bat an eye, even when seeing full Xi-ela. They even try to trick her by speaking from different places in the room, but she works it perfectly and doesn’t miss a trick. Dani (as Xi) informs Ren about the baby Apple, and Ren says it’s a lie. Xi (as Dani, as Xi) says, “It was during your coma. He was lonely and sought solace in my arms.”

Now Mat and Julio Acosta have a near conjugal visit in prison. They exchange barbs and threats, talking about Diana. Julio seems to be winning the exchange, messing with Mat’s mind for killing his own mom. Finally, Julio says he will kill Mat as revenge for Diana. Where is this coming from? I thought it was every cousin for himself between those two.

Return of the hijo pródigo: The rapturous love theme music blasts as Toño comes home to Simona. Also present are Padre Tomás, Motor, Juanita, Max and Teodora. All of Toño’s past block-headed behavior is forgiven. He has big news – he’s going to become a priest! Wow, is that redemption or anvil? Everybody seems delighted.

Renata leaves the building after her sight test. Fausto comes in and the sisters inform him that she failed. Xi says, “Está tan ciega como un murciélago” (she is blind as a bat). Fausto likes seeing both sisters, and makes a pass at Daniela, pretending he doesn’t know who is who. He asks for news of Max, and warns that if Max talks, Fausto will kill him faster than any leukemia can. Dani giving Xi half the inheritance was the price for Max’s freedom from Fausto, but it can be lost at any time if Max makes trouble for Fausto. He leaves, and Xi tells Dani to meet her at the river so they can talk in private about the baby Apple. She is either going to get hurt or see Mat and Abi getting busy. That is all that can happen at the river.

Dr. Pat “Apple Cheeks” Duarte is being Mr. Tough Guy, getting in Fausto’s face and telling him he has to move out of The Hacienda. I never buy Pat in these moments. As much righteous anger and courage as he tries to muster up, he is not an intimidating man. Plus, it’s Renata who has done all the work, so it really doesn’t seem like his place. Furthermore, Fausto is a bad dude, so why bait the bear like that? Just let Marcelino present the restraining order and stay quiet. Fausto concedes that in this fight they got the first punch, but he hits quite hard, so watch out. He has five minutes to leave. How humiliating to have to leave with his tail between his legs.

Padre Tomás is visiting Renata, letting her know that everybody is on her side. Yeah, yeah, suddenly she’s less worried about the Fausto situation, because she just found out that Ximena is pregnant. Tomás leaps to his feet and cries, “What?! Ximena is expecting a baby?” He thinks he is the father! Again, this is not funny, but oh-so-funny! Not funny that he was taken advantage of, but hilarious that he didn’t even do anything yet thinks he will be a father. Not funny that Renata can’t explain that Pat is the father, but funny that his erroneously guilty conscience leads him to leap to the wrong conclusion. And why on Earth hasn’t his good buddy and protégé Toño told him the truth about what happened that night?!!

At The Hacienda, Mac wants to get into it with Xi again. Mac doesn’t even know Fausto has been tossed out on his ear. Xi invites Mac to the river tomorrow to explain everything. Ruh-roh!

Max confesses to Toño that Lucio killed Freddy. Toño confesses to Max that he killed Lucio. They forgive each other, Max especially by saying he probably would have done the same in Toño’s shoes. Toño needs to clear his conscience before becoming a priest, and Max is sorry that he always kept quiet about Lucio’s crimes, so they take this confessional on the road to police headquarters and fill in Barragan on the facts, just the facts. Barragan is all smiles that Toño is making the most of his extra-official pardon, but comes down hard on Max for protecting Lucio. Hmm, so Barragan is above the law, dispensing condemnation and/or pardoning as he sees fit? No matter, because both young men want to face the legal consequences of their actions, even if it means jail time. Toño reveals the truth about Meliton’s death. This is noble and satisfying, but I still have that nagging doubt about Padre Tomás. You need to confess to him, too, Toño.

Daniela waits for Ximena at the river, but gets Mac instead. Mac is aggressive, Dani shouts that she is not Ximena, but Mac pushes her in the water anyway. Mac follows her in and drowns her, and says that Dani brought this on herself. All the while Ximena looks on from the bushes. After Mac leaves, Ximena takes the angel wings necklace and frets about hiding the body. What cold-hearted b-words!

Mat has just finished showering at the men’s prison, and the underwear he has on is definitely not prison-issue!  Julio approaches (dressed in a beige prison jumpsuit, alas) and attacks him with a knife, and the struggle is on. Mat’s muscles are shown off advantageously as he blocks, thrusts and parries. The only way this scene could be enhanced is if Julio had also just showered. Or maybe the water was still going. Mat finally gets the upper hand, and, with Julio pinned below him and knife raised, declines to deliver the coup de grâce, because he isn’t a criminal like Julio. The guards finally show up, and Mat puts the weapon on the ground and surrenders. As they lead him away, Julio grabs the knife and goes after Mat, and is shot dead by the guards. His bluff was called, once and for all.

Boring Benito tries to get some love by barging into The Hacienda and announcing, “I found him!” referring to Diego. Benito fades into the background as Diego confesses that it was he who shot Helena, not Mateo. Benito all but ceases to exist as Abi gets in Diego’s face, slaps him, calls him a coward, and generally goes ‘full Mat’ on Diego, denouncing him for things he didn’t do, just like Mat always did to her in the good old days. Even when Benito pipes up that Diego didn’t know about Mat’s sacrifice for him, and insisted on returning to the pueblo once he knew, Abi still fixes Diego with a death glare. Benito’s bid for glory really backfired. An interesting detail about this scene: Abi went out of her way at one point to treat Ren like a blind person, and I'm pretty sure the only person in the room at that time who didn’t know she could see was Marcelino, upon whom I’m sure the detail was wasted.

Cut to Ren now alone with Pat. He touches her arm and she pulls away. He wants to know what’s wrong. “Is it true that Ximena is pregnant with your child?” He gets sheepish, can’t deny it, but at no time mentions the words “artificial” or “insemination.” Instead he lets Renata believe that he was unfaithful to her during her coma.He's going to be in the dog house regardless, for cooperating in such a hare-brained scheme (no offense to hares), but it would really help if he explained a bit more.

Final scene: Mac and Fausto are at the Enramada, with Fausto lamenting the shoddy treatment he has received at the hands of the people he has abused for years. If only Renata had loved Fausto, things could have been so different. But since she didn’t, he must kill Abigail to make her suffer. That’s how you know when it’s true love, if you let them go and they don’t come back, and you annihilate them for it. Will Macaria help him? As long as he doesn’t abandon her afterwards. Of course I won’t, says Honest Abe. Mac spins a believable tale to cover herself for drowning Daniela, to wit, that Ximena has left town, since Fausto’s circumstances have changed, and she didn’t want to be with a broke loser (Ximena’s words, not Mac’s, allegedly). Who should walk in right then but Ximena? And Mac, who doesn’t know about the twins, really does think she’s seeing a ghost, a ghost with a vengeance for Mac who drowned her. I love it!

So tomorrow we must get Padre Tomás back on the straight and narrow, Mat and Abi happily married (ugh and yawn), Max and Toño squared away now they they took the high road, either Diego and Nieves reconciled, or Diego killed and Nieves already happy with her new guy, anvil for Ximena, anvil-zote for Macaria, and of course a massive, massive anvil for Fausto. Will there be anything else for the spinster sisters? Last we saw they were literally in the street, but reconciled to each other. Will Marcelino and Violeta get an honorable mention and make up? And the biggest doubt for me is will Ren end up happy with Pat or will he be killed? Now that Dani has been eliminated, the target he’s had on his back for so long seems a little smaller. It seems like a lot of ground to cover. Just Fausto getting his ought to take up half the episode. Here’s hoping for a satisfying ending!! See you tomorrow night. Over and out.

This was also my debut as a recapper, and I loved it! It was a pleasure and a privilege. Thank you so much for the support and encouragement. This was an interesting novela. I got hooked on it because I actually liked Fausto and Lucio at the beginning! I never fully stopped liking Lucio and hoped for redemption, but it wasn't to be. I definitely stopped liking Fausto and am actually frightened about what his end will be. Now that this novela is over, I will have to direct the approximately 10 hours per week I spend watching, recapping, reading and commenting on novelas on other endeavors. But in the words of  Arnold, some day, some novela, "I'll be back!"




A great, great episode!




I meant to say a great, great recap!!



TN4ever- Thank you for stepping up and stepping in when this tn needed more recappers. I always looked forward to your sassy, but detailed recaps. I hope you'll recap again soon.

I have to say that this has been one of the least exciting final weeks I have ever seen and highly disappointing to go into the last hour with Fausto completely untouched. Last episode it seemed like it was the GOOD characters getting all the anvils: Diego tormented by Fausto; Helena killed; Diego, Nieves and Dom on the run; Mateo getting beat up in jail; Ren in a coma; Abi and Connie unable to live in their own house for 2 months because the Devil and his handmaidens were living there.

I also can't believe in all this time he has been with the monks/priests, Tono hasn't come clean with the Padre about what really happened that night with Xi.

Glad that Diego, Max, and Tono have all decided to come clean and do the time for the crime. But this will mean Simona will have her only son in prison, Teo will have a husband in prison, and Domingo will have his only parent in prison. This is just too much sadness for good characters. I just don't get a warm fuzzy feeling for any of these endings.

Fausto's anvil better be good, but I'm already disappointed that it's coming so very late in the game.


I hadn't realized this was your first time recapping. I would like to say thank you for all your efforts and the wit you put into retelling very convoluted storylines.
For instance, now I have to go back and figure out why Dr. Pat agreed to the whole AI thing. One little lost tidbit.

Thank you for your detailed and hilarious recaps TN4Ever! You will definetly be considdered in our next projects.

As for the episode,I am currently on vacation so I won't be able to see the Fin till Tuesday. I am getting quite bored with everyone dying like flies. Also I wonder if Ren now knows that Abi knows?

The deaths of Hel and Dan were definetly sad. I wanted Hel and Efrain to get happily married :(
Dan was also my favorite twin.
Julio got away too easy. He should have gotten a massive beating or something but not before telling Efrain about his illegal coffee shop.


Thank you for the excellent recap TN4Ever!

So many loose ends and so little time.

Guess it will be old home week when they (Toño, Max, Diego) all end up in the same jail. Should be interesting.


What hapens whith these novela. Almost all the murders are by accident: Mia, Vicenta Helena, Daniela. Angelli killed half of the elenco without reason. I remember last year in LQLVMR Refugio died 5 caps to the end. Ironically shortly after the truth about revealed so it was pointless.

In QTPD: Fredy was murdered becase Fausto wanted to take revenge of Simona.
Vicenta died of mistake (that never occured in AMF).
Meliton was killed by Fausto threating him for a truth that had almost came to light.
Helena did died in previous AMF but was poisoned by Diana in the middle of the show. Killing her in the finale episodes of QTPD I never expected had no use. I thought that maybe she will end up with the police officer. Mark Tacher's actuacion made me cry too. Excellent actor! Now Angeli destroyed also Diego's destiny. I feel so sorry for him. He never met his parents, he lost his grandma, Abigail never loved him as he wanted, his father denied him and now has to live with the guilt all of the rest of his life and cant live happy with his son and Nieves. Ferdinando always become a killer in the novelas. In LQLVMR at the start I disliked him at the start but then when I saw how he became to protect his sisters and niece i sympathised him.
Daniela, ok she is a mad killer, she couldnt end up with Patricio but at least she could give birth of her child and start a new life away from her bitch sister Ximena. This mistake happens in every telenovela that has twins. The sad thing now is that with Daniela dead Ximena can take Porfirio's money and her position back. But I suppose Max will find out because Ximena is not pregnant. I was wrong that Macaria regreted. She will never change How can she be obsessed with Fausto after seeing what he did to Diana. However Macaria ends up I will not feel sorry for her. Fausto and Macaria deserve the worst and most painful punishment.
Seriously this week we had amurder every day: Mano, Diana, Helena Daniela

How promising was this novela from the personaje promos and look how it ends up. Unfortunately Angelli destroyed a great story (the onle Mejia novela I liked) and I'm not expecting much from Lazos De Amor remake. I think I won't even give it a try.


I watched Lazos de Amor last week and really enjoyed it. But it was with Lucero produced by Carla Estrada, 100% winning combo.

Victoria- I've seen bits of Lazos online and was really impressed by Lucero. I'm hearing rumors about Angelique B being in a remake. I'm not excited. I like AB's bad girls, but I don't like her good girls (seem too fake to me). I can't imagine her having the range to carry three characters in the same tn.

Bill- These deaths seem really senseless. I see absolutely NO reason for them to kill off Helena so late in the game which destroys the lives of Mateo, Diego, and Domingo (because he'll lose a father to prison). Ugh! Why?


Vivi in DC
I just don't understand why they ruined this novela. The new side stories they tinkered with were interesting (i.e., Max) and could have been developed properly. Other side stories from AMF that they could have played around with, they just let them flop by the way side side.

At least we were spared some voodoo jumbo stuff. I'm just waiting for Meliton's curse to come back and get Fausto on the rump. I hope they don't overlook that promise. Let Fausto's anvil be Meliton's grabbing him one handed by the throat, and picking him up of his feet and throwing him into the fires of hell.

Oh, can I tell you how mad I was that Fausto is the only person in this tn who knows how to call the cops when a crime has taken place. He was immediately giving orders to call the police after Diego shot Helena. See people, THAT is what you should have done each time Fausto committed a crime!

TN4ever, thanks for a great recap of this penultimate episode. As always, you did an amazing job with the material you were given. I've watched every episode and read every recap and each time I'm impressed at the way that the recappers turn a "meh" or frustrating or ridiculous capitulo into a must-read story. Kudos to you and your fellow recappers.

Lisa and

Above Anon is just Lisa ... don't know where the "and" came from. Lol


Before I had even gotten to the read more line, you had me smiling, chuckling and laughing. West Nile virus--Dr. Apple Cheeks--ex-Crazy Con. TN4ever you were on fire this morning right from the start and you didn't let up the whole way through. I couldn't write like that if my life depended on it. Such a great and snarky recap on an otherwise dark episode. A rookie recapper? No, it's impossible.

TN---your funny and not funny paragraph was terrific and your it's not prison underwear was a riot but true. LOL

Fausto as honest Abe was gold star perfection. And Fausto laments the shoddy treatment that he gets from the people that he abuses. What a riot. Poor Fausto.

So right---They get the first punch but Fausto hits harder. Which makes me wonder what is in store for the Old Devil Dog tonight. A auto accident? Stuck in a burning building? There isn't much time left to wrap things up.

Abi goes full Mat on Diego with a death glare. Up to this point, Diego seems to be the most tragic person in this novela. While basically a nice guy, his life sucked.
Last night he gets the death glare from the only person that he ever loved and it looks like he will be on his way to the slammer. His adopted son loved him.

Right TN---Tono has to come clean about padre Tomas tonight or has that whole scheme
with the padre been forgotten about? Maybe Tono didn't say anything about the pictures is because he fears Fausto.

Mateo has to get out of prison tonight so that he can be with Abi when the sun sets tonight.

The dead body count is rising fast and there will be more for sure. I for one am thinking that all of the loose ends that are left cannot be tied up in the hour that is left. Actually less than an hour when you add in the commercials. But however this one comes out, the gringo will be in the front row out on the patio. Why? Because it will be must see tv.
the gringo

Victoria---I love your Fausto ending at the hands of Meliton.
the gringo

Gringo- Tono has been hiding out in the seminary the last few months to keep him safe. He had plenty of time and opportunity to tell Padre he didn't really sleep with Ximena. Obviously the writers just wanted to add to the poor Padre's angst when he heard that Xi is pregnant, thinking he could be the father.

Speaking of that, TN4ever, I love how you described Pat telling Ren the baby news in the worst way possible, without giving her the important details-- it was via AI, I did not sleep with that woman, and it happened way before your coma. Now, will Ren actually forgive him for going along with the AI thing? Would she just be relieved to know that Pat didn't actually sleep with Xi?

Victoria- Pat went along with the AI thing in a deal with Porfirio. The deal was that he trade his sperm for Porfirio's help in destroying Fausto. That went absolutely nowhere, as Dani killed Porf before he could hold up his end of the bargain with Pat.

Why the heck didn't Ren mention to Padre Tomas, or anyone else, that there are TWO Ximenas? She doesn't think this is important? Gah! These finale episodes are driving me bonkers. This is usually the time when the good guys' brains finally start working, but these folks are as stupid as they were from the beginning. It bugs me that Ren never worked up the courage to tell Abi the truth herself, and it was all done by others for her.

And Gringo~~~~~~
I love your romanticism with Mateo getting out of prison in time for a sunset with Abigail (with perhaps a good bottle of the hacienda's wine).

The backdrop scenery of this novela and Fausto's limitless leather jackets and cowboy hats will be greatly missed.

I wish I had been able to learn the exact location of Renata's hacienda.
I only remember two other novelas that shared the same location, -- Amor Real and Soy tu Dueña.

Thanks for the recap TN4ever!

I'm shocked at how many characters have died this week! Half of them are gone, it seems! Unfortunately I figured Helena would eventually die. I was always surprised that Fausto didn't kill her earlier. He IS responsible for her death. I was kinda shocked though that Daniela was killed off and that basically Ximena was indirectly responsible. I can't wait to see the rest of Mac's reaction to Xi being alive and realize Xi fooled her into killing her twin.

Throughout most of the TN was I was Team Diego. That didn't necessarily mean I wasn't Team Mateo since it's pretty obvious who Abi will end up with BUT even though he didn't know what Mateo did for him, he's still a bit of a coward. He did kinda prove he was a Lopez Guerra. He didn't need to become a killer like his father. I have no idea what will happen to him tonight but I hope he learns his lesson.

Happy Friday Everyone!! Thanks TN4ever A+++ all the way. For a first recap, you chose a very exasperating TN. Congratulations, you pass with flying colors. There are too many whys to count and I agree with all your comments. This TN has more gaps than makes sense. It may be due to poor editing, whatever it is, its a turn off. How sad is it when the only thinkers are the killers. complete waste of great artistic talent.
Thank you to all the recapers and commentators, you have made this piece of misery worth something.


Vivi in DC Helena's character had no reason to be killed neither in AMF. In AMF Deborah (Diana) considered Jacinta (Helena) as an obstacle for her relationship with Federico (Fausto). She sent her a basket with poisoned fruit at the hospital where she was sick by orders of Federico (Fausto). Not even that was a strong motive for Deborah (Diana) to murder her.

At least Angelli kept Patricio alive to be Renata's galan in the end because in AMF he was murdered too in the middle of the show. Fausto killed him and Damiana (Ximena) witnessed the murder but she didnt accused him. Then Damiana (Ximena) and Federico (Fausto) became lovers and he took her to live with all the family in the mansion. There she caused a lot of problems at Cristina (Renata), Deborah (Diana) and Raquela (Macaria). And then Juliana (Daniela) usurpate her place in Cristina's (Renata's) house and bit by bit everyone start to suppose that they were frauded by the twins.
The twin sisters had aim to ged rid of Cristina (Renata) because Angel Luis (Patricio) left Cristina (Renata) as his only heir in his will. The sisters also fought each other for Porfirio's inheritance. Actually the sisters had much more protagonism in the novela. Angelli hurried to finish the novela and she didnt show us the most important facts. She only showed us about their relations and trades with Lucio, Max and Simona.


Such a waste of good talent that could have resulted in a very enjoyable novela.

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