Monday, August 24, 2015

Amores con trampa #105 and #106 8/24 and 8/25 Monday and Tuesday

I've condensed a lot tonight.

Rocio is very upset about her conversation with Beto. Feli wants to know whats wrong. She tries to brush it off. Feli rightly guesses she's upset about Beto and asks if they fought. Feli knows Beto adores Rocio. Rocio doesn't think so. Hilda was in Beto's office. Feli looks a little down about that. Rocio asks if he likes Hilda. He changes the subject. He encourages her to talk to Beto. "Tell him how you feel!" Rocio is convinced it's too late.

Maria tells Fac that Florencio has left for San Bartolo el Chico. Fac looks suspicious. Beto thinks this is a good thing since it means Florencio won't keep bothering Maria. Esteban interrupts this family meeting to ask Fac why he's leaving for SBeC with Porfirio. There's business to attend to! Fac has a meeting with the Japanese investors. Fac wonders how long it will take to wrap up the meeting with the investors so he can get going to SBeC. Esteban thinks if the ladies cook a good traditional meal, only a few days. Susana quips that Esteban is making jokes and Perpetua agrees...but they're bad jokes (Did I catch that correctly?) The family leaves

Franklin tells his client the he followed all her instructions and Fac and Porfirio are going to look for her in SBeC. Our female voice is glad that after all these years she will be face to face with them.

Isa is arranging flowers on her patio. She's feeling almost back to normal. She hears Jacinto's cries for help and goes in search of him. She finds him shivering and scared at the bottom of the well. She encourages him to pray. She goes in search of a rope.

She comes back with the rope and throws it in the well, but Jacinto hurt his hand and can't grab it. Isa throws the rope over the branch of a tree and shimmies her way into the well. Jacinto is worried he is going to be. She tells him it's ok. He's in a well! She asks what helps him feel better and he responds "La Virgen de Guadaupe" (Kid, I'm not Catholic, but she even makes *me* feel better.) Isa encourages him and says to climb on her back and think about La Virgen. (I'm sure Victoria Ruffo is crying somewhere. That will help, too.)

Meanwhile in city traffic, Florencio realizes he forgot to give the Carmonas one of the packages that that a resident of SBeC sent with him. He thinks it's the perfect excuse to head to the Carmonas. He'll deliver the package and see Maria while he's at it.

He arrives just in time to help Isa out of the well. He thinks she was very brave. They ask Jacinto how he got down there. He explains about trying to rescue his hover toy. He goes to retrieve it and Isa, Florencio and I keep screaming "Be carefule!" Jacinto hears Porfirio calling for him and runs to greet him and tell him what happened. Porfirio thanks Isa and hugs her. He gets handsy, too.

Someone calls Fac with the news.

The Velascos praise Isa for her bravery. They are proud of her. He arm hurts. Santi wants to take a look at it. Judging from the sound effect, he doesn't alleviate her pain. Santi wants her to see a doctor. She refuses.

The Carmonas comfort Jacinto. Maria is glad he's ok...everyone is.

The Carmonas go to see and thank Isa for saving Jacinto. It looks like the ice might be melting. Porfirio calls Isa a "heroa" and Jacinto explains that the correct word is "heroína." Maria mentions wanting to make a caldo de zarigüeya (possum) for Isa, but Cochita said Isa didn't like it. (Isa owed Conchita...big time.) As Conchita leaves, Isa says she misses her a lot and gives her a hug.

It's the next day and Carmen is excited! It's the day of the baile! Susana just wants to sleep in.

Fac talks to Porfirio about going to SBeC. What could Franklin be looking for him. Porfiro has no idea. They've got to go back and find out what's going on. Fac asks his father to try and think who it could be.

Jacinto and Pertpetua getting ready to eat breakfast and go to the baile FF.

Fac is in the office getting ready to go to the baile, but Esteban stops him. He's got 36 checks for him to sign. And a truckload of requisition orders. Fac doesn't make it out of the office this episode.

The Carmona cheering section arrives ¡Guitarra, piano y trompeta! ¡A los Carmona se los respeta! Carmen is about to go get ready when the University director shows up. There's still the little matter of the stolen test key. Carmen and Maria get dragged into the office. The directora wants to know what punishment Carmen received at home. Maria explains that they put a stop to the model talk. The directora thinks that graduating with a degree is a more worthy goal. The directora will allow Carmen to participate in the baile, but Carmen will have to take another test and get at least an 8. Carmen whines.

Francis and her shadow girls. They think she thinks about Carmen more than her friends. Francis wonders if that could be true. They also ask why Francis's parents are never home when they visit. She makes excuses. She reminds them the important thing is to win the contest. She's the queen!

The Velascos arrive at the baile, too. I love Isa's dress. Santi and Isa reminisce. She remembers the dance...just not how long ago it was. Feli

Maria helps Carmen get ready for the dance. Perpetua tells Susana it's time for her to start maybe dressing more like a young lady. I wish they would all lay off Susana. She's perfect just the way she is. And she tells them so. She says if being a young lady means she'll end up like the presumida (vain) Carmen, then she wants none of this "young lady" mess! Go, girl (but you forgot to take Margarito with you!)

Everyone takes their seats. Backstage the performers show their...egos.

Fac is still stuck in the office signing paperwork!

Tomorrow: Lorena Herrera shows up and she's "La Pantera". Looks like she and Florencio have a history!


Not a busy episode, but still cute.

I hope someone can shed some more light on the Francis and Shadow Girls convo. I couldn't seem to catch it.

Can't wait for tomorrow!

Sara- Perfect! Gracias, amiga. I think you got the gist of the conversation between Francis and her minions. No need for more detail. They're right, that Francis has an unhealthy obsession with Carmen. She talks a big game, when when it comes down to it, she seems to be jealous of everything Carmen has. Perhaps it's not the guys (Feli and Diego) that she's jealous of, but the fact that Carmen's family and parents are very present in her life, while Francis' parents have no time for her.

Looking forward to seeing if even half of these kids can dance. I have my doubts, especially about Beto. Such a shame that he and Rocio continue to disintegrate.

Good job, Isa! Maybe now she sees that it's better to be the center of attention for something good, instead of something bad.

Sara, your recap completely made my day. Your sharp wit, humor and insight was inspired. Stellar.

I didn't understand a lot of what happened so thank you for explaining it all...

"(Kid, I'm not Catholic, but she even makes *me* feel better)"; "I'm sure Victoria Ruffo is crying somewhere. That will help, too")and "Go, girl (but you forgot to take Margarito with you!)" were fantastic but "Backstage the performers show their...egos" was my hands down favorite.

I was so happy Isa did something selfless. She really seemed to care about Jacinto. And who doesn't, but it was nice to see. I believe there is hope for her yet...

Vivi, excellent point about why Francis is jealous of Carmen. Even though Francis is a shrew, I did not like her "friends" needling her about her parents (father's?) lack of attention.

Yeah, lay off Susana!! She's perfect just the way she is. I wouldn't want to be like Carmen - well, at least in her present whiny incarnation.

"Maria mentions wanting to make a caldo de zarigüeya (possum) for Isa, but Cochita said Isa didn't like it. (Isa owed Conchita...big time.)" I'll say! Sorry but possum sounds putrid.

Facundo looked so cute with his furrowed brow amidst the sea of paperwork, didn't he? Hmmm. Perhaps he needs some help. I'll be right over.


Sara, I missed a lot of this last night so I really needed your most excellent recap. Thank you.

Victoria Ruffo, eh? Too funny. Btw, she is the mother of José Eduardo Derbez (Felipe).

Loved Isabel jumping in the well to rescue Jacinto. I saw that part. Let us hope that this is the beginning of a new era between the Carmona's and the Velasco's. One would hope so. Especially with a nice pot of zarigüeya in appreciation!!!!

I did not like Esteban having Facundo sign paper after paper. He did tell him to read them first, but did Facundo as the clock went round and round? I don't trust Esteban. Diana, Facundo sure needed somebody's help. : )

Tonight we should finally see the dance competition. Hope it is better than the practices have been.


You're a peach, Vivi! That's an example of my catching the words but losing the deeper meaning. I'll claim I was distracted by Francis's new, more flattering hairstyle.

Diana - you are such a gift to Caray. I feel like you are a gentle heart and just reading your comments every day gives me a peaceful feeling. I hope I don't sound too odd.

Thanks for that info on Jose Eduardo Derbez, Jarifa. I always forget that VR is his mother. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the performance is better. The costumes look fun at least.

I agree with all of you that Isa did something selfless and I hope that continues. But was she dissing the Carmonas again at the dance competition?

Sara, you never fail to acknowledge each of us and make us feel what we have to say in meaningful. Gracias, amiga.

Jarifa and all, please excuse me. I will be away for a while. Facundo needs me. Ahem...


Sara, thanks. I felt like the producers ordered a slowdown episode last night, but you made a fine recap out of it.

Seems like Florencio might stay in town after all. It would be nice if the Carmonas knew about his part in the rescue too.

Hilda looked great in the dressing room. I didn’t recognize her at first with her hair combed back.

Grandma, please leave Susana alone. Loved when Susana said she didn’t want to be like Carmen.

I knew we’d have to wait for Porfirio’s meetup with the mystery women, but getting to the dance is taking forever. And did Beto even rehearse? Hope Fac gets his papers signed and gets to the dance on time, so I can at least see him and Maria swaying in the aisles.

Sara, thank you !!!! Victoria Ruffo crying, omg, so funny.

And who knew? Filipe, her son? Well I guess some of you knew.

Is there a back story to the blonde and Florencio, or is this a totally new character? Maybe I've missed something.

And yes, Susana's reply to Carmen was perfect. Don't change Susana.

I think Facundo signed his life away. Does he never learn? Who said "dunderhead"?


Lola- The blonde was in the preview, so we know nothing yet.

I too loved Susana's spunky reply to the women of her family, trying to steal her originality. Stick to your guns, and your fists, Gusana!

Niecie, yes Hilda did look good. I say (a bit begrudgingly) that her clothes and toned down attitude may well be signaling a redemption.

I think Feli deserves better, but if this is the end the writers are choosing, if Feli is happy - I am too.

From the annals of things I never thought I'd say, I have to timidly state that I think I liked Rocio's previous "luke" better. She was her own woman with a unique style and I rather miss it.


Vivi, are you recapping now?

If not, hope you will be soon!


Thanks for the recap! I'm a bit late to the party. I'm obsessed with the panda cam at the national zoo!

Anyhoodle, Go Susana for being yourself.

I hope Carmen has learned her lesson.

Santi always makes me smile when he says Dona Maria! Glad the whole family, minus Fac, went over to thank Isa. Agree that Flo's part should be mentioned too.

The blond in the previews looked like a cheap stripper. Not the type that I would have pictured Flo going for.

I'm fearing the dance bec the rehearsals were so bad.

Diana- I'm just filling in here and there. Did a La Vecina recap yesterday, and an impromptu recap for Yo No Creo last night because Urban was having computer problems. Just not feeling like committing to a show right now.

Thanks everyone!

Niecie- I definitely got a slow down vibe as well.

Lola - I'm sure there's some back story with the blonde. Can't wait to see what it is. I wonder if she'll be around longer than Isa's mom was. She is a new character.

Carvivlie - may I borrow "anyhoodle"? I love it! And I also love the affection I hear when Santi says Doña Maria.

Vivi - I will be sure to watch a show you recap.


Vivi, that is so like you to help out wherever you are needed.

Like Sara, can't wait until you are doing another recap when you are able.


Sara, of course you can borrow anyhoodle. I'm sure i borrowed it from someone else.

I'm going to miss this show. I'm still missing MCET. I hope the comedy replacing this is good. I see Maite is in it. Can't be worse than La Gata.

Thanks, Carvivilie! I like the way "anyhoodle" rolls off the tongue.

I'm going to miss this show, too. I get the impression it isn't the best of the comedies, but I think it's like my personal "gateway" comedy. For some reason I've liked it and I think I will be less hesitant to try comedies from now on.

I'm also pretty excited about the new one. I am intrigued that Maite is not playing a poor orphan who falls in love with the rich boy. I hate that it looks so much like Betty la fea and LFMB. That will not keep me from watching though!!

I hope that La Gata is the worst that it gets. I think a root canal is better than La Gata. The patio for it was loads of fun though!

I've enjoyed this tn, but enjoyed the company on this mellow Patio more. Looking forward to seeing these two families have their happy ending.

It has been a very fine patio.

BTW I will not be serving caldo de zarigüeya for the Fin party.

Diana - now that I've seen more of Rocío's new luke I have to say I prefer her earlier, edgier look.

It is almost show time !!!!





This might be the best episode EVER!

I couldn't wait to say so! Had to come by during the commercial.


Sure is!


I was excited. Had to share.

Glad you did.

This is a real fun one.


That was an EXCELLENT episode. The kids impressed me.

For your listening pleasure: Vuelve Primavera by the The Blue Caps (one of the songs they danced to)

Loved the dance numbers. Beto is a really good dancer!!
so Francis gets a 'Carrie' shower! Yuck!!!
and I knew it!!! the Pantera lady is none other than Lorena Herrera (she was the villain Lucrecia back in the late 90s version of Maria Isabel with Fernando Carrillo and Adela Noriega).

Tuesday 8/25 #106 I could have danced all night!
The first 30 minutes was delightfully dominated by the dance competition. I think I may have found a new obsession: 50’s and 60’s Mexican rock and roll.

During the competition:
The audience cheered! I cheered!
Porfirio danced! (And then napped)
Some dude snuck backstage!
Porfirio wakes up and shushes the crowd “That’s my granddaughter who’s about to dance!
Santi tries to bribe the announcer to let Feli Dance.
Beto has some moves!! And HIlda does too! (Ok, but that pirouette on a dime *had* to be someone else….)
Rocio looks on and cries. *sniff*

In San Bartolo el Chico
Florencio was mighty impressed with Isabel. She saved Jacinto. She’s not all that bad. El Panzón wonders if Florencio has taken a liking to Isa. Florencio denies it and continues to profess that his heart belongs to Maria. El Panzón and his companion are taken aback by a woman behind Florencio...La Pantera (RAWR!) She says something about him leaving his house to chase after a love who doesn’t reciprocate. He mentions Maria and La Pantera gets angry. Maria! Maria! Maria! Always Maria! One day she’ll pay for the harm she did to me (RAWR!) El Panzón and Florencio tell her that Maria never did anything to her. La Pantera needs to get over it. She gets up in a huff. She doesn’t have time for the Maria fan club. The next thing they’ll tell her is that the like Perpetua, too! Florencio is confused. Perpetua never did anything to La Pantera. Oh yeah? She asks...what about leaving me without a family or a father.

Qué? Qué? What???? Another mystery I presume.

And the winners are….
In 3rd place: Francis and some guy with a name I can’t remember!
In 2nd place: Carmen Yoya and Diego!
In 1st place: Hilda de las Mercedes and Beto!

Francis loses her...temper and while she’s screeching she’s bathed by a bucket of aguapuerca(so says the captions...aguamuerta is a jellyfish….) rotten eggs, tomatoes, vegetables from the market and turkey entrails. Ew. Seems Francis got so overwhelmed by anger that she forgot the trap she set for Carmen in the event that she won. Carmen was the intended victim! Francis whines that she hasn’t been happy since those rancheros showed up.

The crowd demands an encore from Beto and Hilda. Rocio looks more and more depressed. She’s not there to see him, alone on the stage. He cries that he may have won, but without his love. He asks over and over “Why Rocio? Why?”

After the show
Everyone congratulates Carmen and Beto.
Maria asks one of the judges about the Francis getting garbage dumped on her. It will be investigated.
Hilda says a few words.
Carmen and Francis almost get into a fight.

The Carmonas enjoy dinner together. Carmen is still pouting because Fac has taken her car away. She’s going to need it for her trabajo social...which I can’t translate, but I know it’s been mentioned on Caray before. Vivi or someone (Jarocha?) explained that it’s like an internship? I am I remembering correctly? She wants to work in Fac’s office.

Isa, Ale and Santi talk to Corina via video chat. They meet her fiancee.

Maria and Fac get ready for bed. Fac looks lovely. *ahem* Anyhoodle(™ Carvivilie)...he’s worried about the trip to SBeC. He’s also still worried about why Franklin would be looking for his dad.

Franklin talks to his client. He’s sent her a video of Porfirio telling the crowd to watch his granddaughter. I am always distracted by the female voice. I try to hard to recognize who it is! She’s ready to have him in front her. Did Franklin get a haircut? She’s finally going to be able to resolve the past that has tormented her so much!


I'm so happy you got such a fun episode, Sara! My hopes were not high based on what we saw during rehearsals, but the youngsters really pulled it together! Great job by all of them.

Oh, Rocio! Oh, Beto! Someone please get these two to really talk to each other.

Since Pantera's last name is Sanchez, like Maria and Perpetua, I'm guessing she's either Maria's half sister or Maria's dad was a polygamist and she was his second wife.

Thank you, Sara. Your recap was just as much fun as the episode. Also, thanks in advance for the Wed. header. I am ready to roll.

Hmmm, Hilda won the scholarship for study abroad. Is that how she will exit the action?

Santiago always the jokester greeted Corina's Tonino as Tutankamón.

Why does Francis have something against "rancheros" specifically?

Vivi, either of your ideas about La Pantera would make sense since we know Perpétua's husband had the old "ojo alegre.

Looked like Franklin's client had a wedding ring on(?)

Can't wait to find out who these mystery women are.



Sara, you captured the pure fun and excitement to perfection. I smiled reading your amazing recap, gracias. "La Pantera (RAWR!)" and "Fac looks lovely. *ahem* Anyhoodle(™ Carvivilie)" were my favorites.

"Beto has some moves!! And HIlda does too! (Ok, but that pirouette on a dime *had* to be someone else….)". My mouth literally dropped open at that move. I was distracted from the rest of the scene trying to determine what I'd really seen. If it was someone else, it sure looked like him (?)

You're right Vivi - the performance was great and far superior to what we'd seen in practice.

Hilda was really good! R-E-D-E-M-P-T-I-O-N.

"Rocio looks on and cries. *sniff*". I was yelling at her to go to Beto! Stop this silliness. She should have been right there with him.

I despised the "Carrie" treatment, and take no satisfaction it happened to Francis rather than Carmen. Francis needs help.

Jarifa, I saw a wedding ring too. Hmmm.

Sara, your enthusiasm was contagious. A (mostly) happy episode and a totally excellent recap.


Diana- But Francis did it to herself. That's just karma.

Sara – Terrific recap. La Pantera (RAWR!) - lol

So glad Beto won. He brought the steps plus fresh enthusiasm. I also like that he’s not the normal svelte dancer. I have a thing for husky guys who can bust a move.

I’m soured on Carmen’s “me me me!”, but she and Diego weren’t bad either and the chignon she wore in one dance number was my favorite hairstyle on her.

ITA Perpetua’s husband is at the root of La Pantera's ire. Maybe La Pantera’s mom had Mr. Perpetua first, but he married Perpetua instead?

The “Carrie” scene was a big shock. My compliments to the writers. Glad this wasn’t given away in the previews.

If Rocio wasn’t so shook up, she’d realize there’s nothing between Beto and Hilda. There was no hug or even a peck on the cheek between them when they won. Hilda made her little acceptance speech all by herself.

Niecie, sure agree about Rocío. Will she go off to Italy to visit Corina? Of course, Toninno could not get the video call with the Velasco's terminated fast enough to return to his honeymoon. So, maybe she would not be welcome..


OMG another of my cray cray speculations came true! More on that later. Fabulous recap Sara! I too was super happy that the dance turned out to be a million times better than what we were seeing in rehearsals. Beto, what a dancer! I, actually think it was him pirouetting as I remember they had a close up of him and his arms were in excellent position. Kid must have taken some ballet classes growing up!

So my cray cray prediction from a few weeks ago was that I feared Carmen would have a Carrie moment at the dance brought about by Francis! So glad it ended up on her and not Carmen. Anyhoodle, I actually thought Francis was the best female dancer.

The whole Perpetua/Pantera thing is confusing. I thought Perpetua's husband left her for Porfirio's wife. Or was that just implied? Could Pantera's mom just be another left wife? She does look older than Maria so her mom could have been the first, Perpetua the 2nd and Porf's wife number 3? Who knows.

I was surprised that Corina's fiance wasn't looking like a dead guy in bed. I thought she said he was 90. I always believed that he was out of it and delusional and so he was being tricked into marrying her and giving her all his money. But that doesn't look the case, which I guess puts her in a more favorable light. Still in the dark but a small shadow.

It might have been cray, cray but it was right! I was so happy that finally Francis got some of her own medicine and by her own hand.


"I have a thing for husky guys who can bust a move". Yup, me too Niecie...;)

Carvivlie,, you are spot on. Francis was excellent but I suppose the writers threw us a bone by having her in third place.


Sneaking a quick comment. I'm a fan of the husky move busters too!

Carvivlie... from what I remember Porfirio has said, or inferred (love that word), there was something going on between his wife and Perpetua's husband. the details are still tbd.

Diana, although I agree that the 'carrie' treatment is nasty and very cruel and inhuman, it is a bit easier to swallow that it backfired on Francis than if she had succeeded in getting it on Carmen.
I agree, Beto the 'husky guy' can bust a move! I have seen Carlos Vives in concert (from far far away) and I always thought he was a bit husky but if he can jump around an entire concert, he must be in shape, just like Beto. and he can dance salsa too, with his duets with mark Anthony.

yeah Lorena Herrera as 'la pantera'... JH must have gone through her share of plastic surgeries on her face and then some! she looks weird!

I just want Esteban to get it real good at the ending... I have had enough of his 'thoughts' of sufficiency and 'I am God and everyone else are stupid'...


and sorry I forgot, Sara, your recap rocked! (RAWR!!!)

Thanks, Carvivlie! When Francis got the Carrie treatment I remembered some one made that prediction. I'm glad you fussed up. That was driving me crazy. Well done!

Ooo, Marta! Carlos Vives in concert. I'm jealous!

Quick comment before I read Monday's recap and comments and last night's recap and comments.

Hilde and Beto were AWESOME!!!

Thanks, Sara, for the awesome recaps.

Re: Monday's ep. Did anyone else catch Carmen's almost laugh when when she and Susana (who looked like she was about to crack up, too) got the Jacinto news and looked at each other (very quick before the commercial break)?

Diana: I made the same comment about Rocio a few days ago. At least she's not wearing all pastels and going for darker colors. I think her eye makeup is a little darker, too which, in my opinion, is a better look for her. Pale eyeshadow washes her out. Her hair is also pretty blah. Miss the old Rocio look.

Good ep last night. Looks like we're gearing up for some stuff to be revealed.


They were awesome, Nanette!

I just loved last night's episode. I haven't erased it. I plan to watch it again this weekend.

Nanette, absolutely! I remembered your comment and you were spot on.

Rocio was fearless and fierce! It almost pained me to see her in that hoodie, trying to hide while her heart was broken.

Her strength was one of her biggest assets. Tough on the outside, sweet inside. Still is but the package (attire) is too cookie cutter for her.


Diana: I like the reasons she chose to change. I just think the wardrobe/makeup department went overboard and are trying to portray her as the complete opposite.

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