Monday, August 10, 2015

Amores con trampa #95 and #96 8/10 and 8/11

First: My recording cut off just as Fac was going to open the door. WHO WAS THERE????????

Second: “Antes Muerta que Lichita” premieres Tuesday Sept. 22. Surely we will see the Ultimas Semanas announcement soon.

Third: This is from memory, sooooo out of order and really, really short....

Rocio remembers that Isa has the code to the boutique. Despite Fac trying to stop her, Maria goes to Isa’s house and accuses her of breaking in and tearing up the store. Isa denies it. She is not a common thief.

Isa goes to see Santiago at the office. Unbeknownst to her, Mireya also came to see Santiago. He’s forced to hide Mireya in the bathroom so Isa doesn’t find out. Isa tells Santi about Maria’s accusation. Isa wants Santiago to sue Maria for defamation. Mireaya hears everything.

Santiago goes to see Maria. He gets attacked by Murci. Murci bites Santi’s “hermosa nalga derecha” (lovely right buttocks.) Was that the banana underwear from Sortilegio???????? Maria mentions to Santi that Isa sent Florencio to the mountains when Maria and Fac were reconciling. And wow, that’s all I remember from this scene. Did Maria agree not to accuse Isa anymore?

Anyhoo. The real culprit was Estefy. She paid the same woman who robbed the Velascos to rob the boutique. Now Estefy wants her to mug. Isa.

Isa has a thought bubble moment. She’s not a thief. She has Italian (European) blood. She has nothing to hide….well, except that thing with her sister.

Jacinto continues telling Porfirio about the search for Margarito. They put Murci on the case, but she only brings back a stuffed toy pig. Jacinto and Porfirio have a conversation about taking care of animals. I FFd because I was short on time, but AMEN! (I’m sure they said some great stuff.)

Two garbage men spot Margarito. They decide to rob him and make carnitas. I am traumatized by Margarito’s screams and their rough handling of him.

Susana and the children hear Margarito’s screams and she beats the stew out of the garbage men. I cheer. GO SUSANA!!!!!!!!!! (That did my soul good!)

Beto asks Fac why he let Florencio bail them out. Fac doesn’t like Florencio, but he’s an honest man y “da la cara” (which is “faces consquences”/”makes things right” etc. Makes perfect sense to me in Spanish, but I have a hard time really getting the right phrase in English.)

There is a note waiting for Carmen on her locker. It’s from Diego. He watches her read it and asks if she forgives him. He admits that he took Carmen to the restaurant because of what he read in her diary, but he swears the hotel part was all Francis. He had nothing to do with that. Carmen doesn’t see the point of their staying together if she’s failing her classes and moving away. He wants to help her and they can at least be friends. Carmen can trust him after the hotel thing and she walks away.

Francis looks on and gloats. Feli asks why Francis hates Carmen so much. Francis thinks that Carmen ruined her life. Fel and Francis would still be together if Carmen hadn’t shown up. Feli can’t believe he was with Francis for two years. He says he’s fallen in love with Carmen. Burn.

Florencio gets permission from Maria to talk to Porfirio. Finally Porfirio knows someone is looking for him. Porfirio wonders if the country is finally recognizing him as a distinguished citizen. He hopes not to face a firing squad! They talk about how gossipy they are in SBeC. Porfirio warns Florenico that el Panzón is the worst of the bunch. Worse than Humilde!

Carmen keeps getting a call from a number she doesn’t recognize. Whoever it is on the other line is saying nasty and gross things. Fac yells at the caller. Jacinto yells at the caller. Carmen finally turns the phone off...reluctantly. What if someone calls for a modeling job?

The doorbell rings and Fac goes to open the door….my recording cuts off AAAAARGH!!


Sara, so glad your evening turned out to be long (and hopefully great).

There's never enough time to reminisce and catch up is there?

Look forward to reading your recap.

Sleep well all.



I've put up a very quick rundown of events. Please feel free to correct/add to it.

Sara- It sounds like you had an awesome evening. Thanks for making the effort to get us the recap this morning.

I too loved Susana beating up those guys. Finally we got to see her fists of fury doing their thing.

Stefi continues her decline. We had so much hope for her. Yes, Maria agreed not to pursue Isa for the robbery, after Santi begged and swore she had nothing to do with the robbery.

Sounds like someone has posted Carmen's number somewhere, as in "for a good time, call Carmen." The person at the door was a pudgy middle aged man, looking for Carmen. Caras impactadas and ragey from Fac and the rest of the family.

Thank you, Sara, I enjoyed your very fine recap. I was watching with only one eye. Glad to hear that you had some fun with friends last night. In my opinion, there is never enough fun in this life. I vote for non-stop fun as being a goal in itself! If only . . . : )

The ending : The door opens and there is a short middle aged man asking for Carmen. ?????

Highlights for me:

Jacinto's story with men "pignapping" Margarito for carnitas. Finally, Susana gets to use her fists on the kidnappers.

Felipe telling off Francis.

Facundo explaining why he allowed Florencio to invest in company: He did it for María(he would do anything for her)/Facundo gave his word to his workers to pay them and won't go back on that/Florencio is a stand-up guy.

The Murci attack with Santiago worried about the condition of his beautiful right butt cheek, his French underwear, and maybe needing stitches. María laughing along with Granpappy Porfirio.

"The family that eats (prays) together, stays together." Just struck me as funny.

Carmen not wanting to turn her cell phone off at the table because a modeling job might be calling. (Really? Too funny!)


"Fists of fury". Yes!!!!


Actually, someone (Francis) must have posted both Carmen's number AND her address somewhere, if that guy could show up at her door. That goes beyond prank. That's just dangerous!

Sounds like a logical explanation to me. Francis would do something like that. Good call, Vivi.


I didn't even say good morning! How rude.

Good morning!

Francis was the first thought that popped into my head, too. And that is definitely NOT a prank.

Thanks for the recap!

I loved when Fac opened up the door and the short guy had to crane his neck up to see Fac!

Well now that Carmen has chucked Diego, again, and there was a Feli sighting at school, are they now going to have Carmen and Feli be end game?

Porfirio seemed more excited than worried over someone looking for him.

Santi cracks me up! After all that has happened, and after he tried to steal the company back, he still wants Dona Maria to think well of him. He really is a mess.

Estefy sending her friend to first rob the store and now assault Isa... her actions are amping up dangerously and just because you tell the assaulter not to hurt the person, doesn't mean it won't happen. She is doing her best to keep the neighbors at war.

I can understand Carmen saying she doesn't want to start up a relationship with Diego because her family will be leaving the city soon. But saying she can't trust him because of the hotel thing seemed false to me. He had just explained in a very reasonable way that the hotel thing was ALL Francis, and she appeared to believe him when he said it. Then she turns around and says she can't trust him. Huh?

That was an odd scene, Vivi. I fully expected something closer to a reconciliation.

Sara – Thanks for the highlights. You are a doll recapping amidst both back to school and catching up with friends. Who is the cute kid in the photo?

Loved Santi versus Murci. Scared Santi even tried a snarl at one point. Murci is such a sweet-faced dog.

And Susanna clobbering the two Margarito thieves – delightful.

So Estefany’s strategy is to pitch up the fight between Maria and Isa? One of the things I like about ACT is that they don’t let bad stuff last too longer. Hope that holds here.

At last Florencio got a chance to talk to Porfirio.

Florencio and Porfirio enjoying a 3-D movie together was a hoot. Loved how they seemed to get along swimmingly. Now, why can't Perpetua follow suit?

Sara: thanks so much for the recap. Even your from memory recaps are full of detail.

Hated, hated, hated that they scared Margarito. I was hoping that part of that scene with him in the bag was faked and they were using a recording.

I think Carmen is torn between Feli and Diego. I think she likes Diego more than she wants to and she's got it into her head that she's meant to be with Feli because he is her "first love". Or she's using this as an excuse to dump the loyal, wonderful Diego so she can be with Feli. Who knows with her.

Was thinking that Ultimas Semanas should be soon, too.

Majorly bummed. I'll be on vacay the last week. No access to the TN and I don't want to read the recaps before seeing the eps that final week, so I won't be able to participate in the discussion. Darn, darn and double darn.


Thank you for the short and sweep recap Sara.

"Susana and the children hear Margarito’s screams and she beats the stew out of the garbage men" was super. ITA with you and Nanette that hearing him cry was terrible. It looked to me as though they did put him in that garbage bag - I hope I'm wrong.

Carmen's "date" cracked me up. He surely wasn't expecting such an audience, including an irate (and larger than life) father!

Murci is adorable Niecie. That sweet creature doesn't seem capable of I didn't see anything but that sweet face. I think they dubbed the growls in (?)

The scene between Diego and Carmen was strange Vivi. Frankly, Carmen isn't all that interesting at this point but I do perk up when Diego is around!

Big Ed looked dreamy in the white jacket and white shirt. Sigh...


Sneaking this in on my phone. (I hate meetings.)

Here's what I think. Yes, Margarito was put in the bag only briefly and the screams were dubbed. They cut to Susana and crew. They come back to garbage men and it's towels or something in the bag to simulate Margarito. That's what I'm telling myself.

Sara, your version sounds plausible so I'm going with it. Thank you.

Every time I see your father's picture, I smile.

I see one of my earlier comments made no sense. I meant to say: Murci is adorable Niecie. That sweet creature doesn't seem capable of being nasty in the slightest. I didn't see anything but that sweet face and believehe is incapable of biting anyone (even Santi!). I think they dubbed the growls in (?)


Sara, first of all, I just read on another show's blog that your cat passed away this weekend. I am so sorry.

Second, Meeting? You say meetings, do you? I could get started but I promise you I won't.

As far as Carmen goes, I think she is just on overload emotionally after the constant harassment by Francis without any solution or successful intervention on Carmen's part. Then there is the family's "we are moving right now back to the country" one day to "no, we are not moving yet but we will be but who knows when" the next day after they just made this huge move to the city not so long ago. Next we have her modeling and mixed messages from the family clearly not in keeping with contemporary norms and standards. On top of that there is the off and on serious arguing between María and Facundo over "another woman" and the business. I am sure there is more I have missed.


Your analysis on Carmen was very thoughtful Jarifa.

As much as Francis annoys me, I haven't been the object of her cruel and incessant attacks. That alone would be enough to drive anyone to distraction. The fact that Carmen still has her wits about her says a lot about her strength and character. She is trying to survive and flourish despite this terrible albatross around her neck.

Everything else you said was true as well.

Thank you for your insight Jarifa. I will take it to heart.


Diana, funny how we think of the characters as real people some times and other times, not so much. For a "dramedy" some of these characters have a lot of depth.


Jarifa, how true!

Francis is all too "real" for me (so many of us had "mean girls" in their lives).

I would love to see her lose her power, stalk off into the sunset, shunned, boyfriendless and alone!


Sara: so sorry to hear about your fur baby.

Thank you, Jarifa and Nanette. We are still adjusting. He was with us 16 and he was or snuggle buddy. Our other cats are typically aloof.

Tuesday 8/11
Maybe I'm just tired, but this episode felt all over the place with a lot of scene changes and talking...but not much moving forward plot wise. Well, at least it's ultimas semanas.

Just the main events least, what I understood. It will have to be another group effort with fill ins and corrections.

The little man at the door insisted that he had been talking to Carmen via internet chat. Carmen swears it wasn't her. After investigating, she finds that someone has been "photchopeando" her bikini pics and using them on a chat site (complete with address and phone number.) After a little thought, she realizes it's Francis. Susana puts on her cara de whoop a**.

Beto calls Esteban. The police go to Francis's house and confiscate her computer. Her parents take away all her credit cards. Carmen walks up and tells Francis she called the police. The scoreboard is now Francis 0 Carmen *flashes front and back of hands* 1000 3000 or more (that was really a funny scene to me.)

At the Grupo Carmona offices, Feli overhears Beto and Esteban talking about it. Feli is upset. Posting someone's info is a crime. They should press charges! Esteban says the Carmonas don't want to do that and Feli should explain to Francis how generous they are being.

THere's going to be some dance contest for graduation(?) Diego and Carmen and Feli are entering. Diego tries unsuccessfully to get Carmen to go out with him.

Francis has a new plan for troublemaking at the dance contest. Hilda openly skulks (oxymoron, I know, but she's 4 feet away and not even attempting to hide. Do they really not see her?)

Rocio imagines herself as Isa.

Isa, her mother and the new maid watch Amor imposible imposible imposible. Isa claims it's bad and probably doesn't get more than 14 rating points. But she's just as interested as her mother and the maid.

Estefy shows Esteban the pictures of Maria and Esteban.

Santi saves Isa from the assault. It's hilarious. Unfortunately, Estefy planned things well. Part Two of the assault involves the crooks showing up on Santi's doorstep and demanding that Isa pay their medical expenses. She's the one that set up the fake assault after all! And they're wearing scarves from María's boutique. So Santi now thinks Isa set this up.

Abuelo is not himself. He's worried. Jacinto and Susana try to get him to talk. Perpetua finally plies him with food and he admits someone is looking for him.

Florencio goes to see Fac. He runs into Estefy outside Fac's office. He tells her about being the new investor. So now Estefy knows he's loaded as well. She's speechless and still gaping when Esteban runs into her and drags her into his office.

In Fac's office, the two blowhards start to talk about María and the day she left Florencio at the altar. Florencio says Maria is the only woman he's ever really loved.

Dear Sara: Sending supportive thoughts of Mr. Kitty. So much time together but never, ever enough. Well meaning people often say when those of a certain age leave us (human or fur), well they lived a long life. As though that somehow alleviates the pain. But the truth is the longer the time you had together, often, the more you grieve.

And now to your excellent recap. I saw only one scene tonight unfortunately, where Carmen was clearly gloating and now I know why. "The scoreboard is now Francis 0 Carmen *flashes front and back of hands* 1000 3000 or more (that was really a funny scene to me) - and me too!

I laughed in pure delight at "Hilda openly skulks (oxymoron, I know, but she's 4 feet away and not even attempting to hide. Do they really not see her?". Divine.

Sounds like Estef may change her mind now that she knows Flor has moola.

Hope to watch this tomorrow, I'm anxious to see any scenes where "Susana puts on her cara de whoop a**". Excellent!


Sara- You did an excellent job of capturing it all. You're right. It was a very all over th place episode.

Funniest moments were Carmen rubbing her win in Pancha's face, and Super Santi whooping g the fake crooks and rescuing Isa. And of course our dose of Amor Imposible cubed.

I like that the cops were called on Francis. I wish the Carmonas had her thrown in jail.


Thank you, Sara, for the wonderful recap. Also, thank you in advance for the header for Wed. /Thurs.

Yes, it is officially últimas semanas. "Openly skulking" says it all about Hilda. Very funny!

Wow! Carmen finally came out on top big time. It was so enjoyable watching her tell Francis off and then politely with a smile excusing herself. About time.

How dramatic! The last line: facundo to Florencio: the day María stops loving him he will take his own life and the field will be open for Florencio.

Facundo still does not get it. Can Isabel snooker him back in? Facundo actually tells María that he wishes he would have been there to
help fight off the guys who were attacking Isabel. Why? María (who doesn't believe anything about the attack) asks. Because she is a neighbor and he would be being neighborly. María's disgusted look said it all when she asks Facundo if he has not learned anything from everything that has happened. From his responses, he has learned very little.



Bless you Jarifa! I knew there was a dramatic episode ending line, but I didn't really catch it. Than you for adding that. (I will have the header ready to go!)

Vivi - I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking the episode was frenetic. And absolutely the best scene to me was Carmen rubbing it in Pancho's face. But I'm really not happy about Francis not going to jail. What she did was really dangerous.

Diana- thank you for your kind words about Topper. Susana is such a great character and the little actress just seems to steal scenes (at least I think so.) She seems to be able to do it with just a little thing, too! Her scowl and fist threat when she hears that Francis is the one that played the computer prank on her sister was just priceless.

There seems to be a real reticence on the part of the characters to file charges with the police. Francis could have easily been stopped with the Carmona's pressing charges before; for example the first time she crashed the family cookout with her friends. Also, Rocío never pressed charges against Hilda after she poisoned her.


Unfortunately not getting the police involved seems all too common in Telenovelas. I don't really watch many network shows. Does that happen often on US TV shows?

You know, Sara, I have never really noticed on US shoes. I wonder if it is a cultural thing or a plot device.


Shows--not shoes!


My guess is plot device.

Ed Sullivan. We have a reeaally big shoe for you tonight!

Very good! I haven't thought of him in years.


Sara, thanks for the great overview recap !!! Ha, ha, Ed Sullivan ... too funny.

I keep saying, Hilde's aunt, with her witchcraft, made Hilde invisible. She could stand right in front of them and no one would be the wiser.

Is that you, Lola? That's a totally reasonable theory. There's no other explanation for how Hilda can so easily hang around and gather Intel.

Did I understand correctly that there will be a dance contest? I really hope I did.

Yes, Sara, you got it: there is the a graduation dance contest and it looks like everyone will be competing. Should be good.



Hot diggety dog!

Yes Sara, that's me, Lola, with the Hilde comment ... forgot to sign off !


Wonderful recap! (So sorry to hear about your cat though. Sending good thought your way!)

I loved last night's episode. I laughed out loud several times. Finally, we get to see the fighting skills Santi was always bragging about. Hilarious! And when he and Isa ran to each other in slow motion was great. Felt bad he didn't get his kiss before Isa fainted.

Loved that we got another scene of Amor Imposible, ", " Super funny!

Good for Beto for handling the Francis think really smart. Not letting the family go over and make accusations but calling Esteban and police. Glad Francis finally got a mini anvil but obviously has only amped up her reign of terror. I hope the dance doesn't turn into a Carrie remake.

One last thing...Estefany played this trick really smart! Also, I like Florencio. I don't want him to end up with Estefy if she just wants him for his money.

Well, I love a good dance contest.

I was a little disconcerted at your "I hope the dance doesn't turn into a Carrie remake" remark Carvivlie which is entirely possible! I put nothing past Francis. Initially simply a mean girl and pest, she has graduated to cruel.


Sara - I'm so sorry about Topper. (((((())))))

The show was all over the place, but you describe it so deftly with lines like "little man at the door" and "Hilda openly skulks (oxymoron, I know, but she's 4 feet away and not even attempting to hide. Do they really not see her?)" Thanks so much.

Fac is such a dunderhead to even bring up Isa to Maria. Poor Isa (not!) -- she's lied so much, no one will believe she didn't set up her own mugging. Estefany is one smart cookie.

Interesting that Estefany tells her exercise trainer everything, even about her felonies.

I'm up for a dance-off. Maybe if I see Diego and Feli both bust a move, I'll be able to finally decide between the two.

Yikes, ultima semanas!

Niecie, "dunderhead" is a perfect description for good old (in this case) goofy Facundo. He was unbelievable.


All I could do was shake my head when Fac started defending Isa to Maria again. Really, Fac. Even though it's true that she didn't fake the assault, it's totally NOT out of character for her. He better learn to keep his mouth shut about that woman when he's around Maria.

I can see Feli knowing the waltz and Diego hip hop.

Thanks so much, Sara.

The word "Isa" should NEVER come out of Fac's mouth!! He's seriously stupid sometimes.

Loved Maria covering Susana's eyes from seeing the tablet.

Loved the scenes showing the novela they were watching. That gardener guy never goes anywhere without his shears. For quite a long time in that scene he waving them around in front of him near a crucial part of his anatomy and I was thinking--uh, so not smart, dude.

Best part: Carmen's little Pancha 0, Carmen Many Hand Moves.


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