Monday, August 10, 2015

Yo No Creo en los Hombres #20 Lunes, 8/10/15

I don't usually get rattled, but I'm glad I didn't have to be around for the honeymoon. There are some things that defeat the strongest stomachs. Even war would be better than this.

Nothing is worse than desperation. And there's too much of that right now.


Chapter 20: Consequences

After the brief honeymoon in Acapulco, Danny-Boy brought Maria Dolores back to her neighborhood.

You'll come back, won't you?” she asked.

Why do you ask?”

Because I'm afraid your mother will find some way to convince you not to.”

I'll fix things with her. Don't worry. I'll explain.”

They kissed and he got back into his car and left. Max immediately got out of his. Maria Dolores saw him and started to run. He caught up and stopped her.

Why are you running from me?”

Because you and I don't have anything to talk about.”

I think we do. I came to tell you your father's killers have been found.”

That won't bring my father back, but it's good that they were found. Thanks.” She turned away.

I sincerely hope you haven't made a wrong decision,” said Max. “That you'll be happy with Daniel.”

Yes. I'm very happy. And I've made the best decision.”

She turned and walked away without looking back. Max stared after her, doubting her words.

Alma helped Claudio choose a tie and they talked about him getting to the office after a late night. She had been very happy with the events of their anniversary night. He might not have felt the same.

Leonardo showed the fashion sketch to Clara, who said something about it being missing. He told her he had to make a copy of it to show his mother when he tried to convince her to wear it for the presentation of Ivana's new collection. Clara was sure that Alma would think she was beneath her son, just as Úrsula saw Maria Dolores. Leonardo was not willing to accept this.

Ivana was told by her doctor her symptoms said she was pregnant. She said she would have to know right away, but he told her it would take a week or so before he could do a test.

Alma said she thought the dress design had been stolen. And that this had something to do with Ivana and Maria Dolores in the perverted triangle with Danny-Boy. Leonardo got impatient with this and started to leave. Alma stopped him, saying she would buy the dress for the occasion.

Max visited Julian to tell him he had to identify Rudolfo's killers. He was willing. He told Max he also had good news for him. He then handed him the alms cup.

At the tailoring shop Maria Dolores told Doris about the honeymoon. Doris hugged her and congratulated her. Esperanza then showed her the bridal gown she was making for the church wedding. Leonardo and Clara arrived and gave her a check for the evening gown design.

Danny-Boy met with his shyster.

So you've banged a virgin?” he asked.

Oh, please. The virgin was Ivana,” Danny-Boy answered.

Killer! This is one for the books.”

No, there's no comparison with Maria Dolores. She is different.”

It's true you never told me. So what are you going to do now?”

I'm worse. I'm losing my mind. I thought I knew her, but, I don't know...”

Of course, with virtuous women, a one-night stand. And they must have been very drunk to offer themselves on platters.”

It wasn't like that, Victor. Maria Dolores is a different sort of woman. Really. She loves life, money isn't important to her, she doesn't ask for anything.”

One woman can drive a man crazy.”

Maybe. I need a place to be alone with her.”

Are you saying you want to live with her as though you were really married?” Victor laughed.


Victor stopped laughing. He realized his client was serious.

Gerry was finishing up with the models when Ivana got back to the office. She looked green around the gills. He rushed the models out and closed the door. Ivana told him the disturbing news.
Was it Daniel?” he asked. Before he got the last syllable out he knew he shouldn't have. But Ivana was actually happy at the prospect of motherhood. She was going to tell Danny-Boy.

Who at that moment was still with his shyster. He was talking about not wanting to marry Ivana no matter what Mommie Direst wanted. Victor reminded him there would be consequences.

Fermin the Vermin was getting cold feet about identifying Rudolfo's killers. He told Max they had threatened his life. Max asked why he hadn't said so earlier. Fermin was definitely a coward.

Ivana was crying at her desk. Gerry told her she had everything but she reminded him that she had money, which wasn't everything. The worst thing that happened to her was being raised by her Aunt Susana after her parents died. Gerry promised her he would help her take care of the baby. She cried saying that her child needed a mother, a father, a grandmother, and an aunt and she would give him those things. She had no idea what a nest of vipers she was describing as Gerry kissed her head. Like that would take away her pain or her delusions.

Fermin the Vermin and Julian looked at a lineup through the one-way window. Julian became agitated when he saw the two thugs. Fermin just stood like a zombie.

Danny-Boy arrived at Esperanza's apartment with a suitcase. He must have been very afraid of Mommie Direst to not have taken the weekend house on their property. Esperanza said she would move her things out of the master bedroom and give it to him and Maria Dolores.

Maria Dolores met with Alma about the dress. Alma was being deliberately unpleasant, but Maria Dolores didn't let her see her sweat. She told her to put on the appropriate underwear and stockings for the dress. Alma asked her what she was looking for, what was her plan? Maria Dolores told her she had no intention of hurting anyone. This ended with Alma telling her to stay far away from her family and especially Max.

Isela and Claudio got into an elevator and talked about crimes of poverty and the unfairness of punishing people for being poor. “It's a good thought,” he said, “But you can't give into the impulses of your heart.”

Is that so bad, sir?” she asked. The elevator stopped suddenly between floors. The light went out. Isela screamed and leaned into Claudio, who fell right into her trap.

I am not interested in your son, Madam,” Maria Dolores told Alma. “But your son was planning on seducing me.”

That isn't true. Max is not like that.”

Then you need to know him better. And me, too, because you're accusing the wrong person.”

Maleny tried to barge in. Maria Dolores picked up her bag to leave, but Alma put Maleny out the room and closed the door. Maria Dolores took out the check. She told Alma it was much more than the cost of the dress. Alma said she would write a check for the amount she says, but Maria Dolores told her no deal.

Claudio got the elevator doors to open. They were halfway to the next floor. He put his briefcase on the floor in front of his shoulders and hoisted himself into the room. He turned around and took Isela's hands to get her inside. She made a three-point landing on her heels and almost lost her balance. He grabbed her and froze for a moment. Their eyes met. They then began making out like teenagers at a drive-in.

Max returned home to see Maria Dolores there. He offered to drive her home, but she said she would take a cab. Maleny came in to plant her flag. Maria Dolores said she would take a cab. Leonardo and Clara followed her out the door. Maleny told Alma that Max didn't want to marry her. Alma assured her that nobody was going to steal Max.

Fermin the Vermin was laying in bed, asking Julian about his father. Julian said the “d” word first. He then said he would take care of him. He got up to do something. His real intention was not to have a conversation.

Isela arrived home still in shock at what happened at the office. She whispered “He kissed me. He kissed me,” then ran into her room. Orlando arrived and knocked. Josefa went to the door hoping it would be Claudio. She was not only disappointed to see Orlando, she closed the door in his face.

Maleny dined with the Bustamantes that evening. She asked Alma about the anniversary celebration; Alma gushed a little about how wonderful it was to have a loving husband. Maleny asked whether they were the same age as she and Max when they married. Her motive was too obvious. Alma told her yes, but that they didn't have a long engagement. Parents took charge of such things then. Claudio and Max were uneasy during this, but Alma didn't seem to notice.

Josefa tried to get Isela to talk about this but she didn't want to. She went back to her room, saying she wanted to be alone.

Danny-Boy wasn't happy about Max approaching Maria Dolores. She promised him she would have nothing more to do with him. They kissed and he looked like he wanted more than that. She handed him a fresh cup of tea instead and went outside. He sat back on the bed, feeling like a fish out of water.

Outside, Maria Dolores met Isela and they talked about the one day honeymoon in Acapulco. Maria Dolores was on Cloud Nine and told Isela that her ticket to that was to marry Orlando. Isela confessed she had just kissed another man. At the office. Maria Dolores told her not to take this seriously because this man was likely just to use her. “But it happened so fast,” she said. Maria Dolores said that this was why she didn't put the man in his place. She should do that and tell him she had a boyfriend. She said that she wanted to be with Orlando for the rest of her life.

Josefa told Claudio over the phone that Isela was ill and would not be coming to work that day. He asked whether there was anything he could do and she told him no. When she ended the call Isela looked at her saying her plan was working and she would get Claudio to leave his wife for her.

Gerry was directing traffic in the showroom when Ivana arrived. She was told by her doctor to stay home and rest but couldn't. As to her canceled wedding, she said this was a design house, not a gossip magazine. She would oversee the presentation and answer no questions regarding her engagement to Daniel. Once her pregnancy was confirmed she would talk to him about the future.

Danny-Boy met with Victor in the latter's car. He handed him some money to be given to a judge. He got it from money raised at the street celebration when the tailor shop opened.

Isela visited the tailor shop. Maria Dolores and her mother were working on a rush job. Esperanza talked about the church wedding on Saturday.

Leonardo and Clara talked about the upcoming wedding. Neither trusted Danny-Boy. Leonardo told Clara that Max was interested in her sister. He recalled Max's conversation with their mother.

Maleny and Mommie Direst talked about this, too. Úrsula the She-Bear told her cub that her duty was to get their family out of ruin. Maleny told her, “NO, it's to get Maria Dolores out of our lives. Away from my brother, my fiancé, and away from us so she can't work her wiles on any of them. If she thinks she can she's crazy.” She's a fine one to talk. Úrsula then decided that Maria Dolores was a social climber. Maleny fed that thought. She decided to tell Maria Dolores that the wedding was a fraud. It didn't seem to occur to her that this would be doing Maria Dolores a very big favor.

Ivana called Susanna to ask her to bring her engagement ring to the company. Susana told her she had given it back to Úrsula.

Maleny also realized that telling Maria Dolores the truth wouldn't solve the Ivana problem. She also had to convince Ivana that Maria Dolores was the femme fatale of the piece. Úrsula wasn't sure this would be possible. Maleny complained that she would have to do the dirty work here.

Isela arrived at the Bustamante mansion with a garment bag. Claudio stared at her as he entered the room. Alma came down the stairs and greeted her warmly. She was delivering the dress that Maria Dolores made after all. She wanted to try it on right away and Isela followed her out of the room. She was careful to say a polite but meaningful “Excuse me” to Claudio on the way out.

Over dinner that night Josefa made a comment about retouched photos of Alma. Isela told her that the magazine photos were accurate, remembering that Alma looked very beautiful in the new dress. Josefa ignored her, slapping her butt with a comment about her flesh being firmer. She should have forgotten about motherhood and become a pimp instead.

Maria Dolores suggested to Danny-Boy that they have dinner. They were alone in the apartment, so he had other ideas. His motor was running and the road was clear. Maria Dolores put the brakes on him. She didn't feel right getting intimate in the family apartment. This bugged him a little. He suggested they find a cheap hotel. She didn't like this, but he said he'd think of something else. He started kissing her again.

Ivana's collection was presented that night. The models walked up and down the catwalk in cocktail and evening dresses in various colors and styles, some a little vintage. Gerry came out at the end to pose with the models. The audience applauded. Ivana sat at ringside. Without Danny-Boy.

The news coverage the next morning almost skipped all that to talk about Ivana herself. That she sat alone at the show. One gossip reporter noticed she wasn't wearing the engagement ring. The female reporter repeated the rumor that the wedding was canceled. Ivana watched from her living room, embarrassed.

Jacinto Quintero watched from his shabby room. He belched deliberately at the screen at first. At the mention of the wedding being canceled he threw his beer bottle down with a curse. “That imbecile lied.” The reporters continued to speculate, which annoyed Ivana.

Claudio was tempted by Isela and he told her so. Also that he would have to dismiss her so he wouldn't be tempted further. “Just promise me you'll continue to study,” he said. She gave him the Sad Little Girl look and said she would have trouble finding work. But that she couldn't stay because of being attracted to him. He stared.

The gossip reporters then pointed out Alma in her new black dress. They identified her as the wife of an important judge and showed them together. Claudio kissed her hand and left her alone in front of the camera. The camera panned the dress from top to toe. It was an elegant dress. The reporters then got critical of Ivana's collection. They said it lacked a certain energy or some other nonsense. Ivana's cell began ringing and she shut off the TV. She didn't answer. She looked at the screen and saw that she missed Maleny's call. The voicemail she left said she needed to talk to her about Alma's dress. She called her back right away and found Maleny at tennis. She told her that the dress was by Maria Dolores.

Ivana took the news badly. She clutched her stomach in pain and discovered she was bleeding.

Ari told Maleny that he couldn't tell Maria Dolores that her marriage was a fraud. She had already been on a honeymoon. The church wedding would be on Saturday. Maleny told him that the whole idea was to prevent that church wedding. She was about as condescending as she was capable of.

Maria Dolores tried on her bridal gown in front of the mirror. Too much beauty wasted on a troll. Esperanza and Clara joined her, talking about what a beautiful bride she was.

Gerry arrived at Ivana's hospital room. She was lying in bed and in a bad mood.

Please tell me this is good news,” he said. “You don't know what problems I had with the press. They said you ended up here because you're not getting married.”

Yes. I will get married,” she said. “If that woman thinks she can steal my fiance and that dress she's very mistaken. It is I who will leave her with nothing, as she deserves. She will forever live like the worthless bitch she is.”


Thank you UA, love the feel of your recap. So much goes on in this show and it's easy to miss something.

"His real intention was not to have a conversation"

"She should have forgotten about motherhood and become a pimp instead"

Alma's dress was nice

Clara & Leo's relationship and happiness a pawn. Oddly, Leo used it to coerce his mother to buy from MD and Alma used it to coerce MD to deliver.

MD or the barrio folk will supply cash for Daniel's caprice, boy MD can pick em can't she.

Isela's conflict isn't only love for Orlando but I think she sees the upside of a relationship with Claudio, and it's not revenge.

Daniel's charade has succeeded in turning two otherwise decent women, Alma and Ivana, into a villainess, both out to destroy MD

I hope Max can help Julian even more than he has

Clara ain't fooled by Daniel and not gonna like when he attacks her

Another great scene when Ivana was watching the commentary & gossip by the fashion police


Urban- Spectacular job capturing all the twists and turns in this episode.

So, now Dan thinks he wants to hang on to MD and set her up in an apartment (paid for with money from her family and neighbors). He really has so chutzpah!

How is it that the gossip that Dan married MD not reached Ivana yet? I also need someone to set her straight about how long Dan has been dating MD. It's Ivana, technically, who stole MD's man. For a time at least. Let's see what the weasel does with the baby news.

Noticed how macho and possessive Dan got, wondering why MD had dared take a job and be out late without HIS permission. Even Esperanza was taken aback, and Clara has noted how he wants to be treated like a king. MD is the only one still totally blinded.

Can't wait to see how this whole Church wedding goes down in flames.

Tofie- I too loved the little fashion police type show. Very clever way of fanning Ivana's ire.

Daniel's suggestion of a cheap hotel should have been a major red flag. Maria Dolores should have seen from it that he does not value her except as a plaything. I don't buy a word of Daniel's rhapsody of her virtues: These things are true but they make her an easy victim.

We keep commenting on the possible incest between him and Maleny but she and MD are polar opposites. Is Danny-Boy unconsciously looking to escape a really sick family dynamic? Does he even know that his family is sick?

No matter what his internal thing is, MD is going to suffer the most. Ivana at least has her money unless he can get his hands on it.

I think Daniel is aware his family is nuts, he too, and why he so casually laughs when he succeeds in a scheme. They have no boundaries, none.

I love the competing and fluid self serving interest in this and is well timed and acted. Illustrated during the Usurla/Maleny chat about MD or the civil way Alma/Isela interact as Isela seduces Claudio.

UA, Superlative, as usual. How could it get any better!!!
Tofie and Vivi--your analyses are always spot on.

I think Isela is secretly happy to be out of Claudio's office--if indeed that happens. She did remark out loud within her mother's earshot that having so much kissy-face with Claudio outside the elevator gave her "asco" (made her nauseous).

The speculation is certainly rife on the fake civil wedding and how it will be disclosed and how MD reacts. This show is so good on all fronts right now. I'm not even >>FF through Julian and Fermin (even though I tend to look away)--that must say something.

So Ivana is going to bring all her power, money and prestige to bear on taking MD down by proving she stole the dress design Alma wore. Maybe there is something in the employee contract that says all designs made during work-hours are the property of the company. Tofie: You're funny--the dress was "nice." I thought it was a rather "odd" dress with the darker black smack over her breasts.

Thank you UA, I love the quick posting on a Tuesday morning to get the week started off with a bang. I really appreciate it.

A couple of things;
You won't get bleeding from a pregnancy from your stomach writers. And if she's bleeding, I thought it was quite certain that one loses the baby, especially at such an early stage.

The actor playing Claudio is terrible, how does he keep getting parts?

I don't get Isela. She acts like she hates what she's doing, she even said that kissing him was gross, but then she turns around the next day and acts as if she's enjoying it.

I really hope Maleny lets the cat out of the bag. After all, it's in her best interest that Dan marry Ivana so she's not on the hook for the family fortune.

Cathyx- I think Ivana reached down and under her dress and came up with a bloody hand. I suspect Uni's modesty and scissors for making it look like she touched her stomach and came up with a bloody hand. But yeah, so much bleeding so early in a pregnancy seems like it's not viable any longer.

Isela is interesting, while at this point not evil at heart she is cheating or will on Orlando, plans for Claudio to leave his wife right under her nose. She is poor, with no prospects with a revengeful nutcase she believes her mother. Does she become enamored with Claudio and/or his lifestyle, following through with the seduction, wants that prize and tosses Josefa and Orlando? Does she pull up short because she loves Orlando and revenge and Josefa be damned and make a life with a mechanic? Or, does she follow through with the seduction and the revenge plan per Josefa's instruction and destroys Claudio & Alma's marriage, alienates Leo, Max, Clara and MD and pisses away an opportunity to educate and better herself with help from the Bustamante's but tries to save or lie to keep Orlando?

Tofie- You laid out all of Isela's options. And we really don't know yet where she'll land or what she'll decide to do. Maybe a little bit of everything? Despite her retching when she got home, I can't help but feel that she's not totally indifferent or disgusted by Claudio.

Wow, Tofie--You make my head spin with all the endless possibilities. We should list them and then take a vote on the most likely and then see if we are right!

As for Ivana--it's too early for a pregnancy test, but the doc is sure she is pregnant, based on other symptoms (stomach ache)?? About the bleeding. It didn't necessarily have to be a miscarriage or a near-one. My old college roommate married her boyfriend/baby-daddy when she missed two periods (I was there, I know). She had had two normal periods AFTER she conceived (unplanned and no other symptoms) and delivered a 9 lb. baby 7 months later. BUT, I give the writers here too much credit for knowing that.

Vivi, I think you're right and she isn't disgusted by Claudio and has run out the what if's and the retching because of that. Her confession to MD minus a few major details her attempt to dump some guilt.

Well there you go. Thanks, Anita. Now we know a pregnancy is still viable, even with all the bleeding at this early stage.

I would think Ivana would know the difference between period bleeding and abnormal bleeding. I actually had my period the first 2 months I was pregnant, and I didn't stop having my period until the 3rd month. So when I went to the doctor to confirm I was pregnant, I figured I was about 6 weeks and turned out to be 14 weeks, so I know that can happen. And I delivered a normal healthy baby too, on time, no less.

Isela has such a great opportunity to better herself, but I think she will take the low road and do what Josefa wants her to do, and lose everything in the process.

In my early 30's I had an ectopic pregnancy, the pain excruciating and bleeding but didn't start for about a month. Much too soon for Ivana here

Danny-Boy would run off to Timbuktu at the prospect of fatherhood. Both of these ladies deserve better than he.

Any verdict on whether Gerry is in love with Ivana or not? My money says he isn't gay.

Urban- They have kept things vague with Gerry's sexuality. Maybe the writers also hadn't made up their minds. This is actually fine with me. In real life we don't know most people's sexual tendencies. We do know he loves Ivana (whether he's also in love with her doesn't matter), and he's her champion. I would love it if he's in love with her though.

Thanks for this great recap filled with details and translated conversations, UA.

Without going into details, although not the norm, the things happening with Ivana are entirely consistent with a pregnancy.

I think that Claudio is doing a great job portraying his inner turmoil as he struggles with the temptation the seductive Isela presents him with. Does anyone remember his portrayal of the similarly tortured Augusto in AdP?


Thanks, Dr. Carlos!

Urban, this was a remarkable recap. My dear
You are an artist. You're a good story teller. Thank you for blessing us with your storytelling and guik wit, delightful.
Now, MD, I feel sorry for her, shes a beautiful
Smart talented, very niave young woman, who needs her beautiful eyes opened to the lying scheming manipulating, weaselly little
Troll she fake married, who She seems to think is going to make her happy beyond your wildest dreams. "Really girl"? wake up a smell the freakin coffee girl.
Alma, I do not like that woman, shes a snob. She has no idea whats gonna hit her in the gut. Shes accusing maria delores of being a
Goldigger and, shes trying to hook her son up with one, and she lies as easily as she breaths (maleny). Alma's just dumb and can't see whats not going on in her own marriage.
That lying little troll danny has people hateing on MD, to the point of destroying her, thats just nasty. He deserves worse than anvils yall, lies can cause irreversible damage. She needs a hero. (Max)!!! If she'll just stop fighting him.
Isela, Claudio, if he really broke it off with her thats good, cuz that wont end well for nobody, not even crazy momma josefa the heffa , theres some hidden stuff behind that, and I'll be glad when it comes out. Cuz all we know is she says he murdered her daughter, how? Did she get hit by a car or something like that?

Thanks, Urban. I'm looking forward to reading later tonight what I know is a terrific recap.

I hope Isela eventually realizes she has the power to get mentored by Claudio and still not have sex with him and to leave Josefa and her scam behind.

The day after, Claudio did not seem guilty about that kiss. As a judge with integrity who is so hard on others (Leo, Julian, MD), I didn't expect him to take it in stride.

Ivana doesn't seem to be in love with Dan to me. Her hatred for MD seems stronger than a desire for Dan.

I completely agree, Niecie. Ivana hates MD more than she actually wants Danny-Boy. I am hoping she will realize that soon and that both of them realize what he is.

Nina- I don't think Alma is really a snob. She was totally cool with Clara and Isela, until she started hearing all that poison about MD. She thinks MD is a man user, gold-digger, troublemaker, and she doesn't want her anywhere near her family. She's especially freaked out that her son is falling for this horrible woman. I don't think it's about MD's class. It's about that she thinks she knows of MD's character.

Niecie and UA--Yes, ITA..." Ivana hates MD more than she actually wants Danny-Boy." Ivana has been desperate for several years to meet someone, fall in love and get married. Over time, the fall in love didn't seem to be as important as the getting married part. She thought she fell in love with Dan-Dan because he was paying so much attention to her. Sad.

Now with this baby coming, she was radiant at the thought of becoming a mama. I was giving her points until I heard her telling Gerry that this baby had a father, grandmother, aunt. She was totally writing Gerry out. Sad.

Hi all,

Thanks for the lovely recap Urban! Love all the dialogue!

Ivana seemed to have Dan's number for a while, but when he really turned up the charm, it was like every dream come true. As far as she's concerned, MD is the one between her and that dream (especaily since Dan made her doubt the MD story when they broke up). On top of that, MD's already been accused of stealing, lost a dress and very seriously damaged the reputation of her business, then further tainted the brilliance of the brand by designing a well received gown shown at Ivana's show. All together, I can see how Ivana would let jealousy overwhelm her. The speech about leaving her a poor little muerto de hambre was too much for me though. I have these moments of liking her and then she ruins it by being horrible.

PS: I really dislike Ivana's side ponytail, so I was so glad to see her hair down last night! Much better look for her, imo.

Also, Jacinto was PISSED! Wonder what revenge he's considering...

Last bomb, promise: the fashion show looked great (much more believable than some I've seen on TNs) and I thought that maybe they were smart and used up and coming models. Rewatching, I googled one of the commentators and apparently he really is a Mexican fashion designer! Smart move, show! Lends some nice realism to it all.

Jacinto needs money, so I think he's going to try to extort money from Dan because he knows Dan was the one who threw the dress to the competition.

Hellashelle, ITA about the fashion show been to dozens and I make a pilgrimage to fashion week every couple years. The TN took a decent swing at it. Ivana looked pretty there.

MD knows Dan's family is in ruin. Did she ask what his plan was? Did she ask if he's going to get a job? Does she know if he went to college, what kind of work he could do? How does she think they will support themselves? On her seamstress salary? I just have no sympathy for her and I can't wait til she learns the truth.

This comment has been removed by the author.

No sympathy for MD from me either. She was a stupid girl from the start and she gave Danny money to buy things for the wedding party which he promptly paid a debt with and it was funny him talking about paper plates and street food. Daniel the leach expects to live off what she provides you can bet.

cathyx - IKR!!! All of these mind blowing revelations and she doesn't ask what the heck the truth of his life is?! Just like she bailed on finding out what happened to the dress. Just like she doesn't tell people what's really up when they start bashing her motives and actions (i.e. Alma last night). It's messed up when the protag is just as if not more annoying/frustrating than one of the antags (Ivana. Well, partial antag, anyway).

Jacinto was also pithed because Dan had promised that AFTER the boda to Ivana, HE would personally restore Jacinto to his former post.

tofie--Dan's little macho act with Espie was interesting. Is it going to get worse (unless he's really falling for MD--perish the thought)? Or is this controlling nature his real personality (unless it was all an act to make himself so unpleasant in the future that MD takes steps to rid herself of him).

I still don't see how Dan-Dan will keep his marriage, sham or not, from Ivana. Too many characters who know about it who also know Ivana. I can just see Dan-Dan performing the kid with the finger in the dike and then too many leaks popping up around him to keep the water (news) out.

Thank you for the great recap Urban!


Some women can bleed heavily during the first month of a pregnancy and slightly less towards the end. I know because I did.
But doctors would insist on total bed rest to prevent a miscarriage. My bed rest lasted 8 months. I wonder though if Obama did have a miscarriage and hook Daniel by pretending.

Sorry, Ivana not Obama, that would be too incredible.

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