Thursday, August 06, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #57 Wed 8/5/15 Filler, Filler, Filler, And What's In The Casket?

Filling in for LatinaInMD 

Magdalena lies to Botel and tells him that she had a drink because she was very nervous. He tells her mixing booze and medication is a big no no. She promises it won't happen again. He wants her to be OK and to work on her fear of the outdoors. She promises that little by little she'll be able to handle it. She hugs him tight and wishes she could always be in his arms. He notes that she talks as if she's about to disappear from his life which won't ever happen. 

Pierre and Pablo chat. Pablo is all smiles -- he's never been soooo happy and thinks that Mina Escondida is a paradise. Pierre thinks the same. Daniel and Matilde show up. Daniel introduces Matilde to Pablo. More chit chat that was pointless. Matilde doesn't like that her niña's hubby yelled at her. But Pablo tells her that Marty is a good man and was probably just desperate because of the situation with Vero (Side note: Yeah because that excuses him behaving like a big fat jerk...NOT). Vero wheels in (thanks Eli!) and tells Pierre that Marty wants to speak to him. Pierre goes to see him (and makes a face of either fear or "I'm not in the mood for his crap!"). 

Marty apologizes to Pierre for his jealous snit from before and accepts that Pierre is not to blame for his problems with Vero. Pierre hopes his apology is sincere and that he's not apologizing because Vero asked him too. How does Marty respond to this? By basically telling Pierre that yeah he IS only apologizing to him because Vero asked him too. Jerk. He goes on to tell Pierre that he doesn't like him being near Vero. He does accept though that he can't boss Vero around but lets Pierre know that he'll be close to Vero. So he wants the room close to hers like he had asked. Pierre will give him the room. Pierre assures Marty that he's a gentlemen and would never ever get in between a marriage BUT in the end the women are the ones who choose. (Side Note: Is Pierre basically saying that he'd go after Vero if she was free? So much for his LOVE for Claudia.) 

Virginia tells Salma that she's worried that Claudia wants to get in between Emi and her. She goes on to talk crap about Claudia. "I hate to judge...but that woman is a golddigger!" Virginia spews to Salma. Salma doesn't doubt it and definitely doesn't want that woman near her precious little boy. She advises Virginia to not let Emi out of her sight. Then Virginia acts all embarrassed and lets Salma know that she and Emi kissed. Awww...NOT.

Marty comes to say goodnight to Vero. Matilde lets him in and then goes into the bathroom. Marty lets Vero know that he's staying in the room next door and that he apologized to Pierre. He tells Vero that he doesn't want to smother her but he hopes they can save their marriage. He leaves. Matilde has been eavesdropping from the bathroom. She comes out and tells Vero that she should give Marty a second chance because he sounds so sincere when he talks about his love for her. Vero admits that she's having doubts and doesn't know what to do. 

Virginia tells Salma that Emi is now paying more attention to her due to her new look. Salma wants to teach Virginia to cook so she can make him all of Emi's favorite meals (Side Note: Salma can cook? *shocked expression from this recapper*) Virginia acts all happy about the cooking lessons. With Salma's help she'll make Emi sooooo happy! Salma thinks Virginia and Emi make a nice pair. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.

Matilde helps Vero take a bubble bath. (Side Note: What is Matilde wearing? It looks like a dirty painting smock!) Matilde doesn't get why Marty stayed with the woman that his brother cared about -- she thinks it sounds bad. Vero says that the way Matilde says it does makes it sound bad but Demetrio had already croaked when she met Marty. 

Alfredo and Marty have drinks. (Side Note: Alfredo needs to button up his shirt! We don't need to see what is underneath the shirt) Marty whines to him about his situation with Vero. Alfredo tries to give him hope. He hopes things will work out for him. He's worried about Marty.

Vero explains to Matilde that if Marty has the gold mine it's because Demetrio left it to him. Then Matilde says she'd never would have suspected Vero of being with Demetrio. Maybe with .... but no Virginia would have NEVER payed any attention to Demetrio because he was just an employee. Vero doesn't know what to do. She does love Marty when he shows her that he loves her but when she remembers that he accused her of being an ... well her dignity makes it harder for her to forgive him. Matilde tells Vero that if Marty once thought that she had been bad with his brother and got back at her well today he's showing her that he's trying to win back her love and that does speak nicely of him. Vero asks Matilde if she thinks that she and Marty can leave it all behind and be happy if she gets back together with him. Matilde tells her that she isn't telling her to get back together with him or not but to decide what makes her happy. Matilde advises Vero to balance the good and bad that Marty has done.

When Salma leaves the room, Virginia shows her disgust over the cooking lessons. She's no maid to be cooking. She daydreams of kicking everyone out of the house and not letting them in unless if they come for a visit when she marries Emi. Dream on girl, dream on. 

And speaking about dreams... Emi and Nanci both have a tad erotic dream where a nude Nanci emerges from the river and Emi helps her out. The two share a passionate kiss. The two wake up startled at exactly the same moment. And they are both sweating. Destiny has spoken! 

It's morning and Pierre brings Vero breakfast. Pierre tells Vero that he laments causing her problems with his gifts -- he doesn't want to finish destroying her marriage (Then why don't you stop it with the gifts!). He tells her that he talked to Marty and made it clear to him that she'll only have him as a friend. Of course if Vero ever decides to leave Marty well he'd never let a woman like her go (Claudia who?). Vero thanks him for his honesty but tells him that she still hasn't made up her mind yet about whether or not she wants to divorce Marty. And even if she does she'll need time to heal. Pierre admits that he too has love problems. She hopes he can fix his problems. Vero asks him to send a fax for her to her uncle. 

Magdalena and Botel leave for the exhumation. Aaron calls and is really pissed off when he does not get an answer. 

Teo interrupts Pierre with a plumbing emergency just when he's about to send Vero's fax to Jorge. So Daniel the nice guy that he is offers to do it for him and Pierre lets him do it. (Side Note: In other words same old same old -- bad guys getting the upperhand on things)  

Virginia has slight fashion problem. What can she wear so she doesn't give Salma a heart attack? Luckily, Salma can't see the kind of undies she wears (and yes Virginia actually did say that! -- LOL) Anyway, Daniel calls Virginia and she tells him off for calling her and not waiting until SHE calls him. Daniel gets pissed and lets her know that if he's calling it's because there are important matters that he must tell her. He tells her that either she respects him or she'll no longer have his help.

Old Goat talks with his late wife Esthercita while Ana Perla listens in. He claims that all he does is out of love for his grandchildren. He knows he spoiled Manuel but now he's being harder on him. It hurts him to see Manuel on the streets. He admits that he wasn't so affectionate with Ana Perla but now he has told her how much he loves her. Ana Perla reminds him of their daughter. Ana Perla is sooo nice, sweet, and obedient. Ana Perla is looking veryyyy guilty by now. Ana Perla interrupts the Old Goat and tells him that she thinks her grandparents' love was so sweet because after so many years Old Goat still loves his wife. Old Goat admits that's why he worries so much about who he marries her with ("who he marries her with?" -- say what?) because she wants for her to be happy like he was with her grandmother (Then perhaps she should have a say as to who she wants to marry you old fool!).

Virginia tries to calm Daniel down and apologizes for snapping at him. It's just that when he calls it's always for bad news and she gets soooo tense. Daniel lets her know about the fax he's about to send which she must intercede. He also tells her that Vero is at the hotel with Matilde. Virginia is pissed to learn that Matilde is there. She tells him that he should have killed Vero when he had the chance. Daniel tells her that he's not a murderer and even though he loves her he's not willing to risk his career and go to the slammer. Virginia apologizes to him again. Now she wants the 411 on how the heck Matilde is Mina Escondida. Daniel tells her that Matilde is there because Martin brought her there to surprise Vero. Virginia hopes that Matilde says in Mina Escondida forever and that Vero forgives Marty. 

When Vero sees Daniel with her fax for Jorge she asks him what he's doing with it. He explains he sent it for her because Pierre had a plumbing emergency. Then there is pointless chit chat about the PC's being so happy with Daniel having gone to Mina Escondida and having done "miracles" with Virginia's health.

Claudia shows up at the PC mansion to see Emi. But Salma the viper dismisses her by telling her Emi is not home and that she shouldn't come looking for him at his home to talk about work. Take that, Claudia! Claudia being a viper herself gets the hidden message and leaves. Salma tells Virginia about Claudia's visit. Virginia thinks she and Emi should go someplace for vacation. Salma will see what she can do to convince Jorge to let them go (perhaps use her charms?). It's very important for Salma that Virginia and Emi get together (Why?? What is that viper hiding??). Anyway, Virginia thinks that perhaps they can get Emi to go on a trip by using the excuse of him going to an archery competition taking place in Cancun. 

Ireri swims in the river while a drunk Manuel spies on her. She emerges from the water and a shirtless Uspin with short jeans startles her. The two get lovey dovey and Manuel seeing the two together searches for his knife.

Old Goat tells Ana Perla a "How I Met Your Grandmother" story (which is short and not that much fun to be honest). Basically, Old Goat had an arranged marriage and at first didn't even want to see the girl but when he saw her he fell in love. Sweet story but the whole scene was filler if you ask me. Anyway, Old Goat wishes Ana Perla could fall in love like he did but those magical things don't happen nowadays. Ana Perla tells him that things like that still do happen. 

Manuel comes out of the bushes and insults Ireri calling her an infeliz. Uspin whips out his knife and threatens Manuel with it. He'll show Manuel to respect Ireri. Ireri begs Uspin not to hurt Manuel. (Side Note: Shut up Ireri. Let him kill him. Let him kill him). 

Chit chat about there not being water at the hotel because of the plumbing emergency. Pointless filler again if you ask me. Vero and Matilde chat in the hallway and Vero finds out that Virginia never informed Jorge about what happened with the fire and Vero being in coma etc. Then Vero finds out that Virginia and Emi are dating. Vero is impactada. 

Usch...more Old Goat and Ana Perla and his "How I Met Your Grandmother" story. No one knew him better than his wife. Ana Perla thinks it's a sweet story. Yeah it is but it's pointless filler. 

Uspin wants to do a favor to society by offing Manuel. (Side Note: Do it Uspin. Do it. Kill him! Kill him!) But Ireri the idiot doesn't want Uspin to get Manuel's dirty blood on his hands. ShutupIreri. Uspin puts his knife away and Manuel punches him. Uspin fights back and punches Manuel knocking him down. Ha! 

Vero is sure that Virginia the snake will do harm to Emi. Matilde explains that she tried to tell Emi all that but Virginia made a scene and Salma gave Matilde a forced vacation. Vero wants to let Emi know about this. But Matilde tells Vero not to do anything. Things happen for a reason and besides now because of that she can be with Vero. 

Old Goat doesn't want his grandchildren to be near the outsiders. we go again. Ana Perla says she only has eyes for one outsider. Double sigh...we get it you love Pablo. Old Goat leaves. After shooing Polo away, Ana Perla tells Blanquita that she and Pablo made love. 

Matilde and Vero chat. Marty comes to let Vero know he has brought over her  things from Botel's house. He brings in the Virgencita portrait. Vero thanks him. Marty asks her if she'll let him continue bringing her the flowers in the morning. Vero hopes he will continue to bring them because the flowers he brings are the most beautiful ones. Vero thanks Marty again. He tells her to let him know if she needs anything and leaves. Vero is left all smile. 

Ana Perla and Blanquita chit chat about the lovemaking session. Blanquita is soooo happy for Ana Perla. But says that one is supposed to wait until they get married or else men won't respect them. Ana Perla says Pablo is different and loves her and they'll get married. Blanquita is worried about where Ana Perla got with Pablo. Ana Perla isn't worried -- she's sure Pablo and her will get married. 

Emi runs into Claudia at the club. Claudia tells Emi her sad tale about Marty firing her and ending their friendship because of Vero. Emi doesn't believe this of Vero and Claudia tells him -- well don't believe it if you don't want but Marty told me it was all because of Vero. Emi looks like he is starting to think bad about Vero again. Idiot. 

Ana Perla, Blanquita, and Polo visit Vero. Pointless chit chat. No need to recap this part. FF --> if you want but you can stop once they have left and Vero and Matilde are alone. Really, the only somewhat important thing with Ana Perla and her cousins was Ana Perla hoping that Pablo shows up for the painting session of the family portrait or else she would start to worry. Anyway, once alone Vero tells Matilde that she has decided what to do about Marty. 

Virginia conveniently interrupts Claudia and Emi just as Emi is about to offer her a job at the PC company. Virginia lets Emi know that she told Claudia about what was going on between them. 

Matilde notes that Vero and Marty love each other. Vero scratches her leg with knitting needles (?) -- LOL. Anyway, Vero says she can't be with Marty feeling all that resentment. She just remembers what he did and her mouth opens to hate him. Matilde asks her what she needs to forgive Marty. She replies that she doesn't know -- maybe she needs time and perhaps more sweet gifts. It makes her feel good to see him worried about her. The subject changes and Matilde tells Vero that Magda was at the PC mansion once and started asking around about Vero -- if she was adopted? etc. Vero tells Matilde that Magda cares about her a lot and probably just wanted to know more about her. 

Magda, Botel, etc are at the cementary at the exhumation. They are all wearing face masks except the guys doing the digging. WTH? 

Claudia says she's soooo happy for Emi and Virginia. Yeah riiiight. Emi tells Claudia to let him know if she needs anything. Claudia leaves. Virginia puts on a "poor Claudia" act. She'd help her if she could. Emi does believe that Vero asked Marty to fire Claudia. The idiot is surprised by how much Vero has changed. Virginia will ask Montse to recommend her with a friend. Virginia "casually" sees the sign announcing the archery competition in Cancun and subtly tries to convince Emi to attend. 

Magda breaks down when the small casket is removed from the grave. She asks her daughter to forgive her for not being there when she needed her. 

Matilde thinks that if Magda wanted to know about Vero's past well she should have come and asked Vero. Vero says it's better that she doesn't -- she hates to talk about her past. What little she remembers of her parents hurts and upsets her. She's ashamed to say that her father was a drunk who would beat her and the memory of her mother is blurry. She can't see her face or remember her voice. Vero says that all she feels for her mother is hate -- she understands that her mother didn't love her father but why did she leave her alone with her father knowing that her father could have beaten her to death when he was drunk. Matilde says that Vero will have forgive her mother one day and as expected Vero says that she'll NEVER forgive her mother. UGH! 

The casket is opened and *drumroll* -- what's in the box? rocks? Nope. It's....a doll. No puede ser! No puede ser! says Magda. 


Thank you Mauricio for jumping in and providing this detailed recap.

"How I Met Your Grandmother"

"How does Marty respond to this? By basically telling Pierre that yeah he IS only apologizing to him because Vero asked him too. Jerk" Sums up the whole Martin charade, he bought Veronica, owns her and by god he'll do with her whatever he pleases by hook or by crook. On any other TN this guy is the bad guy

Thank You Mauricio. I am with you, we can just skip the senseless filler. What? are the writers afraid the show will not make it to the required number of episodes? Thanks again for not wasting your and our time on useless blah blah blah.

We could start a little contest to see which of us could spot the first time Marty actually tells the truth. No guarantee we would ever declare a winner.

I do not give Marteeeen a pass because of grief, or bipolar disorder or hurt, or other mental disorders. He is just plain mean and dishonest. IE: a Manuel with an education. Maybe he will solve his heartbreak the way his brother solved his.
Or when he figures out the obvious about Dimbulb and Vsnake we will see a lovely murder suicide? Oh the joy.

Fabulous job, Mauricio! Thank you.

I admit to skipping some episodes and ffwding through others, but has there been any moment in the last few episodes when Marty has thought to himself "I should tell Vero the whole truth.", or asked himself "I wonder if Vero wasn't lying when she told me she never dated my brother?" It doesn't seem so. So, boo hoo, Martin. Take your pity party elsewhere.

I knew Matilde would fall for Martin's whipped puppy act. And does Vero have amnesia, or can she really not remember that her husband called her a slut and a liar to her face, and despite trying to keep her around and the flowers and love declarations, his opinion on these two things has not changed. In addition to his extreme jealousy, these issues have not changed, been resolved, or gone away. What is there to think about or reconsider with her divorce plan?

The phone at the hotel is working. Why don't Vero, Mati, or Martin just call Jorge at work or on his cell phone to tell him what's happening? Makes no sense.

Thank you Mauricio for the detailed recap. I enjoyed it.

The way Martin is treating Pierre is not nice. If Pierre wanted to be mean, he would have told Vero what Martin said and also not give him a room at all not to talk of one next to Vero. Pierre is a nice guy. I think Martin will forever be jealous even when he finds out the truth.


Mauricio.. Perfect recap Thank you so much. We got to see how tough Manual is without his knife last night. Little snotty nosed brat can't even get into a decent fist fight. Appears all those years of rowing that boat up and down the river put a helluva set of guns on boatboy. Knocked Manual on his ARSE. He needs to just be locked up in cave jail forever before he kills somebody.

Martin is a possessive Neanderthal and any man that looks her way he believes she intends to lure into her bed. That's what all his hovering, lies and manipulation is about, control. He is well on his way to snuffing out the Veronica that was and remaking her into his docile, adoring mindless groupie. Git me a smammich bitch and keep your eyes on the ground. I don't believe this is caused by Virginia's lie but his macho, archaic belief women are bewitching she devils and it up to a man to control their urges. He blames her for bewitching him and it up to him to bring her to heel.

Well said Tofie. And look at the way he treats Pierre also. Little better. Is it any shock that the only 'Friends' Marty the Mauler has are people who work for him?

Like I said before, Marteeen's problems go way way beyond a grief-stricken older brother. I mean, come on, marrying someone to get revenge for dumping your (obviously also mentally unstable) little brother? Puleeese. Especially given the fact that it didn't happen.

Mauricio, thanks so much for taking on extra duty this week. As always, you have given us a superb recap – everything we wanted to know with just the right number of deadpan asides. You are the best!

"They are all wearing face masks except the guys doing the digging. WTH."
This is the kind of wry observation that I love so much in your work! Hahaha!

"Emi runs into Claudia at the club..."
Hah! I'd say "Claudia AMBUSHES Emi at the club..."

Okay, now I am completely confused. You wrote this (and I heard it too):
"Matilde tells Vero that if Marty once thought that she had been bad with his brother and got back at her well today he's showing her that he's trying to win back her love and that does speak nicely of him."

This conversation seems to take as a given that Vero and Matilde are both aware that Marty was trying to "get back" at Vero for hurting Demetrio. In other words, they seem to know that he was avenging his brother. So are we to assume that the big VENGANZA bomb exploded while our brains were numbed from too many iterations of the Pablo-Ana Perla love song? That this part of the TRUTH oozed out when we were humming along with Claudia at El Purgatorio? ¿Qué? ¿que qué!!?

Oh and I loved your observations about Pierre. ("Claudia who?"). Funny stuff. He's as shallow as she is, just not as venomous.

And speaking of venomous, how funny that even Matilde refers to Ginny as a "víbora."

Oh and that Bride of Chucky in the coffin – we've heard about that doll before, right? Didn't Vero once talk about it and then say that it disappeared mysteriously? It's not just any old doll. It's Vero's favorite and it was a gift from her mother. (I think.)

I believe that is the doll NovelaMaven

Yes!!! Thanks, tofie. I love it when the SIGNIFICANT OBJECTS start to pile up. We got ourselves caracoles, we got dijes, and now we've got la muñeca de la pequeña Verónica. I'm sure I'm forgetting something...

NovelaMaven- Yeah, that line from Matilde was a head scratcher for me too. But what I got from it was that Mati thought that after Martin found out about Vero and his brother, he then put it aside when fell in love with and married her. I didn't get from it that she knew he married Vero specifically to get revenge on her and make her life hell.

Can we please get Emi and Nanci back together. They are the most interesting couple here, even in their dreams.

"But what I got from it was that Mati thought that after Martin found out about Vero and his brother, he then put it aside when fell in love with and married her."

Thanks, Vivi. That could be it. (Although Matilde knows that Marty behaved badly after he married Vero.)

And yes, the shared Emi-Nanci dream was hot stuff. They really ARE the most interesting couple!

I haven't watched that many telenovelas, but has their ever been one where the main protagonist is so deceitful as Marteen? Or is it due to the sheer genius of Ivan Sanchez's acting skills that we dislike him so much?

Side Notes R Us! Love every single one of them Mauricio, but especially "Salma can cook?...(Claudia who?)...who he marries her with?--say what?". Yes, I fear the saccharine romance twixt innocent-no-longer Ana Perla and Pablo is about to come a-cropper. Another round of endless drama before we all finally stagger into happily-ever-after land with who knows what combinations? In the meantime, these fine recaps continue to be better than the actual episode. Thanks for a great wiseacre slant on strangely unlikable protagonists.

Thanks for the great recap! I haven't seen last night's epi yet but look forward to the Emi and Nanci dream!!

Super unhappy about Pablo sleeping with AP. ITA with Vivi's comments from yesterday about it. I have know doubt she will end up preggers. I can see the OG sending her away to have the baby and Manny being brought back in as the "good" one.

I thought Marty was going to stop "humiliating" himself for Vero. If I was Vero moving to the hotel and he moved in right next door I would be angry and feel suffocated. But the fact is Vero is allowing him to see her at every opportunity so she is the maker of her own demise now. Especially now that she has Matilde who can play gate keeper.

I'm sick of those giving counsel to Veronica including Matilde that say oh poo, overlook the vile comments, suffocating relentless pursuit, lies, jealously and physical restraint, all you need is love. I had better stop right here for the day, my blood boils just thinking about that, that, monitor lizard.

Tofie: Vero should listen to the song 'Sometimes love just aint enough' by Patty Smyth and Don Henley.

Thanks for stepping in Mauricio---I loved your destiny has spoken line about Emi and Nanci---I wonder what the snails have to say about that?

Mauricio---The grave digger without a face mask was a good catch. How much is Televisa paying this director? A dock in pay for missing that? Yes maybe?

My take on the time wasting "filler." As I have said before, I am enjoying the whole flow of the novela. "filler?" What filler? When people are talking to each other in real life, do they stop and say oh, I had better not say that, it's just filler? I should only say what is absolutely most important to or about whatever is at hand. No, life or conversations in life just don't work that way. I have said it before and I will repeat it---I am enjoying every minute of this novela. It's flowing nicely.

Seems like everyone is down on Pierre, all except Duchess that is. He has always seemed to be a gentleman to me. But now he is getting the bad talk which leads me to ask---Did Pierre dump Claw-dia or was it the other way around? I just can't see
Claw-dia getting married and settling down in the jungle.

Gobluefan from OH---You asked if there has ever been a protagonist as deceitful as Marteen?---In every novela that I can think of, the Galan always has some problem or problems that needs to be worked on or corrected and that never happens until almost the novela's very end, when there is nothing but sunshine, lollypops and rainbows. In La Que No Podia Amar the Galan had a violent temper and used to fly off into violent rages where he would beat his employees with a horse whip. Martin will straighten out, just give him some time. After he finds how wrong he has been all along, we will be seeing a very new Martin.

Must see tv tonight.
the gringo


Thanks Mauricio. I also enjoy your editorial comments. I totally agree about Alfredo, but would extend the sentiment to all the guys in this.

I've lost some sympathy for Verónica since she is only encouraging Martín's bad behavior with her coy ambivalence. John Denver's CW song may have said it best, Take Your Tongue Outta My Mouth, I'm Kissin' You Goodbye.


Yes Gringo I am loving Pierre. He has been good.
I am sure Martin will change as well, but I am still loving him .

Gringo- I'm not hating on Pierre. I think he's a hoot. He's horny, but he's honest about his feelings. Plus, I love seeing how he irritates Marty.

Thanks for another great recap Mauricio. My univision feed was messed up and I didn't get to see the episode. Sounds like I didn't miss much, except Salma claiming cooking skills and the hot dream.


Thank you for the excellent and witty recap. Liked your comment about Alfredo-- seems many men in this TN are stuck in the 70's fashion wise!

You mentioned a "drunk Manuel"... is there another kind?

"Shut up Ireri. Let him kill him. Let him kill him" Love that!

Someone mentioned AP and Julio ending up together the way the same actor ended up with Natalia(?) from Amor Bravio. I feel sorry for her character-- although let's face it, she could have stopped things too-- and really dislike Pablo for her. Still team Julio here.

I'm loving the Emi-Ginny-Claudia-Nanci storyline. Can't wait for both gold-diggers to lose the vastly improved now that he's sober Emi to a woman of the Green Inferno!

Re Vero and Marty (and to me he seems like every galan I've ever seen, not that I've seen many, but they all seem to suffer from jealousy and seem to start out about lying something), I'm REALLY hoping that her decision is to allow him to totally come clean and then and ONLY then consider another oportunidad. THEN I'd like to see what crazy Marty does. May be unpopular here, but I think if he did that and LISTENED to her in return and BELIEVED her... I might pull a chair up to his table.

Thank you again Mauricio!

I don't quite understand the enthusiasm for Julio that many here have. He's a pretty face but that's pretty much it. He's an illiterate cypher. If his job is to look after Ana Perla, then he's not been all that good at it and he doesn't seem to have any prospects. Nice guy, innocuous, hasn't killed anyone...but that's about the sum of it. Martín is a jerk but at least he's entertaining.


Rebecca- The operative word is "if". He hasn't done any of that stuff yet, and until he does he gets no table. We know it will/should eventually happen. Just not sure how long the writers think they can draw out Bad Marty and still have the audience eventually support him.

I just loved Querida Enemiga (my first tn with Caray) because once the galan acted a fool too many times and believed the worst of the heroine based on what her best childhood friend told him, they brought in galan #2, and she stayed with him! That was so awesome.

Oh Mauricio! You are a jewel to keep us from gnashing our teeth wondering exactly happened. Thanks again!

Carlos -

Being a Julio fan, I have to say that given as much screen (scream) time as Marty, Julio would seem much shinier to you I think. He's had very few lines, but I can envision him doing much more and it's not just his handsomeness either. To each his own!!

This episode was another letdown in terms of anything definitive happening. There's just too much dawdling.

What keeps me watching is the expectation of the unexplained being explained.


Thank You Mauricio for "(Side Note: Shut up Ireri. Let him kill him. Let him kill him)". And of course the rest of the recap too.

Manual started it. Kill him, pitch his ass in the river and his 'do-rag' and that carpet remnant he wears will wash up down at the Panama Canal.

Mauricio, thanks for stepping in again and keeping us up to date. Great work and I’m truly appreciative.

Vivi, agreed with your comment from yesterday about Pablo. Like many of us I am disappointed he didn’t think about protecting Ana Perla from the possible “consequences”. Even IF (and when) the Old Goat allows Ana Perla and Pablo to marry it would be unlikely to happen in the next 2-3 months. If Ana Perla becomes pregnant, there is no doubt she will be the one to suffer in all the ways pointed out.

Even though I’m not happy with Pablo for the moment, I’m even less enchanted with the idea of a Julio and Ana Perla pairing. I know the writers are trying to make us believe it’s going to happen when Nanciyaga (or the snails) tells Julio he will come into money and obtain love….but i’m hoping it’s a trick. i agree with Carlos. Calling him an “illiterate cypher” sounds rather harsh but true.




"...given as much screen (scream) time as Marty, Julio would seem much shinier to you..."

I got to know Julio fairly well when he was Eduardo in CI, a preening self-absorbed white-belted fop whose attitude toward women was... let's just say... uh... unenlightened. I remember him from AB (which I think was his best effort) and apparently he was in QE and LldA but I can't recall the characters he played. I thought that Eduardo was a rather promising juicy part and yet he turned out quite one dimensional. I truly hope that he gets a greater opportunity to wow me, but so far he's not shown me much more than that pretty face.


Novela Maven, I was confused by Matilde's comment to Veronica too. Did the big VENGANZA reveal happen during commercial time? A couple days ago, right after Matilde arrived, Matilde sat Crazy Marty down to ask what his problem was and why was her niña so upset with him. He replies that Veronica was angry because he had never told her Dimmy was his brother. Matilde, in a shocked voice, gets to the meat of the matter and asks "Why did you do that?". We break to commercial, I'm cheering Matilde's direct ways, I'm eagerly waiting for us to cut back to Marty and Matilde for another 10 minutes, and then...........nothing! Matilde and Vero are at Pierre's!


Thanks, Barbara. I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one who was confused. :D

Mauricio, I enjoyed the recap it was very good, some good points, and some funny stuff too.
Virginia- A nasty little snit.
Old geezer-"how I met your grandmother"LOL, VERY FUNNY. I looked at the picture of old geezers wife, her hair is the same color as selmas. I wonder if shes his daughter (selma)? I know he said she died I think he said that, but did she really die?
Manuel is quick to pull his knife on a man when he sees him with a woman, but its okay for him to grab the woman and try to rape her. Stupid jackbut!!!
Veronica will change her mind when she knows the whole story. And it will probably be awhile before she hears the whole story. There is so much other drama going on, on this show. they will eventually get to it. Anyways I gotta go now my shows on.

"white-belted fop" does bring back memories of Eduardo, the not-so-dashing pilot in CI. He was a bit of a disappointment, despite his pretty face.

Forgot about one more of Marty's major lies-- That his mine is broke. And he took Vero's money supposedly to provide the mine with a needed cash injection. Isn't this fraud?

Uhm, every character in CI was a disappointment. Even the monkey who disappeared early.

Carlos -

Thank you for your comments re Ricardo Franco as Julio. You've enlightened me and I can only say that the only TN I've seen with him in the cast was Amor Bravio and I don't remember his part that well - it was Rodolfo, so I'll have to check it out and the others I'm not familiar with because I don't know what the initials stand for.


Hey Patio. BTW when is the last time Veronica saw that million dollar horse Shithead supposedly bought for her? We saw Emiliano out riding the other day and he mentioned that the other high spirited horse would not let anyone ride him. What was the horse's name? Oh it just came to me Sampson or something like that. Not hers, but the original unruly one.


Sorry. CI is Corazón Indomable which I did a bit of recapping for, QE is Querida Enimigo (which Vivi mentioned earlier) and LldA is Llena de Amor which I also did some recapping for but for the life of me I don't recall Ricardo Franco. In those last two he simply didn't make any kind of impression on me. Perhaps someone else can remember his characters in those two.

As Barbara noted, perhaps describing Julio as an illiterate cypher was somewhat harsh, but he's certainly not an astrophysicist or accountant either.



The pretty paint mare's name was Delilah. Martín also called Verónica Delilah (a red flag?) at the engagement party. I think that Sansón was the unruly black stallion.


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