Monday, August 17, 2015


Wow, things are busting out all over here. I'm not watching any of the current novelas so I was pretty surprised when I started reading the comments. All I can say is: try and have fun!

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Things are really heating up. This week should be good. Nina has so many plates spinning at the moment...hard to see how at least one won't come crashing down.

~ Wee Rita
Oi oi oi!


Good grief, is Bajo el Mismo Cielo breaking new ground? Is it possible that a young, sexually active woman in a telenovela can faint and NOT be pregnant? When Adela fainted in the field, I (a moderately experienced telenovela watcher) was sure I knew why. But it looks as if she may not be. Wow! Is nothing sacred?? :-)

Bajo – Part 1

Carlos, very upset, asks Mati if she’s a pandillera (female gang member). At first she says yes, but then goes on to explain that she joined La Colonia when she was very young, along with her brother. She had gotten out when her brother ran afoul of them, they tried to escape, and now the gang is looking for her to kill her. He asks if Rodrigo is involved in this, but Mati kind of evades saying, well, he’s in that gang, isn’t he?

Rodrigo is cold with Maria, and he tells her to tell his father and brother not to come to visit.

Carlos tells Mati he’s completely in love with her, despite what he now knows. She tells him he’s the most beautiful and magical thing that’s ever happened to her, but she has to go. She fears something happening to Luis if she stays.

Just then Cristóbal shows up. Apparently both he and his sister learned to lie at their mother’s knee because he tells Carlos that neighbors reported there being shots fired. Mati is hiding. Carlos says that someone tried to rob him. Cris lies some more, saying that “the neighbors” reported seeing an armed woman come out of his house. And he wants to look through the house. What colossal nerve!

Luis tries to get Felicia to take him to see Rod in jail. She gives him a shot of tequila! She says it won’t work for her to try to pose as his mother.

Cris asks Carlos outright if he’s cheating on his sister. Carlos: 1. You have no right to ask about my vida íntima 2. I already told you what happened about the shooting and 3. Even though I’m undocumented you need a search warrant to go through my house. Cris tells him that, if he’s hiding a criminal, he might lose his right to ever become a citizen and could even be deported.

Of course, this causes Mati to run. She wanders around, miserable. She picks up a wire and easily gets a car open. But, on the verge of hotwiring it, she can’t go through with it because of Carlos.

Maria has met Carlos to talk about her visit to the prison. She says that Rod appears to have a heart of stone. They talk about Mati. He tells his sister that he loves her, but she’s gone.

Sobbing, Mati comes into the church of Padre Domingo. She’s in front of the statue of the virgin when Feli shows up and starts insulting her in front of the astonished priest.

Luis wants money, and has agreed to “work” with Willy. Willy, Luis and two of Willy’s compinches enter an electronics store. Apparently the owners promised to pay Willy for the stolen merchandise he brought them to re-sell. They owe him $5,000, and when they don’t pay immediately, Willy bashes one in the head with a beer bottle. Luis is appalled. Willy opens the register and takes out the money.

Bajo – Part 2

The priest sees Feli in a whole new light and tells her she has no right to talk to Mati that way. When Felicia says that she’s a lady yada yada, Mati: ¡Bájale a sus golpes a pecho doña santa que como no le queda muy bien! (Stop the saintly breast beating because it really doesn’t suit you.) When the priest tells Feli again to cut it out, she brings out the dama stuff again. Mati. Usted tiene de dama lo que yo tengo de güera. (You’re a lady like I’m a blonde!) Did you forget the time you threatened to cut me with a broken glass bottle. Feli makes a move to call her brother the cop when the penny drops for Mati. She lunges at Feli. It was you who got the cop to come to Carlos’ house!

Mati gets a ride out of town with a truck driver. When the guy looks like he’s about to make a pass she pulls that big gun on him and tells him to get her out of LA.

112 miles from LA Mati enters a restaurant and offers to wash dishes for a meal. The woman is very nice.

Mati ends up working in the fields. At one point she faints. Yikes! Not pregnant, please, please!

3 weeks go by. Luis is socking away money from his crimes with Willy. Carlos pays back the money for the truck to Maria and Rodolfo.

Mati makes a friend, Juana, working together at what looks like cutting down dead cornstalks (?). [Couldn’t they have had her picking tomatoes or something more interesting?]

Feli and Luis conspire to set up a dinner for Carlos, and then Luis sneaks out (after telling Feli he now realizes she’s the best woman for his father!)

Willy comes by Luis’ house and sees Feli’s car. Luis tells him it’s the car of his father’s girlfriend.

Greicy tells Rod she’s pregnant. [This causes me to hold out hope there won’t be two pregnancies in the same episode and that Mati is spared.]

After the dinner, Feli tells Carlos she’s only tried to be straightforward about her feelings for him. She puts a move on him, and it looks like it's working.


thanks so much novelera!!!

I think that was sugar cane, after she fainted Adela was chewing on the shredded end of one of the stalks.

I don't know what to think about a nurse who gets pregnant.



Wonderful recap, Novelera! Thanks very much. I had a response similar to yours when Mati fainted in the fields. However, IIRC she seems to be fine in later scenes, so perhaps there are times when a faint is just a faint. I hope so, however unprecedented that may be in the telenovela world. And, as you say, two pregnant women in one episode is, um, unlikely, though I'm not sure it's more unlikely than a faint being just a faint. :-)

Thanks VERY much for including and translating those two bits of dialogue. Both of them went right by me without making a stop in my brain, something that happens with demoralizing frequency in this novela.

I was hoping that Luis' experience with Willy's robbery and violence at the store would make him decide not to continue, but no such luck. And it's probably more realistic that he not stop so soon or so easily. Even for a guy as basically decent as Luis, poverty grates, and the appeal of $$ is very strong. I wonder whether we're going to see Luis joining his hermano in the carcel. My guess/hope is that things won't come to that, but my track record for predictions is pretty dismal.

Bajo. Great recap, Novelera! If the prospect of being a father doesn't have a civilizing effect on Rodrigo, I don't know what will! It bodes well that he has seen to it that Greicy is no longer acting as his mule. Very disappointing about Luis. Despite the physical danger, he would have been much better off with Mati as his honorary "mom." Her moral standards are much higher than Felicia's. It may just be that the purpose of Mati's faint was just to show how horrendous the working conditions are in the California fields (which they are), especially in a time of drought and increased temperatures. I too hope she is not pregnant. I certainly hope that Carlos and Felicia don't get back together. She is so unworthy!

Bajo. Also, Mati's not nearly as self-centered as Felicia and would very likely notice immediately and understand completely the dangers of Luis's criminal activities and where they might lead.


Luis is a disappointment on so many levels right now. He may be justified in thinking that loving Mati could be a risk for his father, both the threatened violence and perhaps her being younger and not ready to settle down. But he's fallen for Felicia's buttering up hook, line, and sinker, up to and including trapping his father into an intimate dinner with her.

And, don't get me started about his dealings with Willy. The Willy character is despicable. He got a fiendish joy out of corrupting Luis.

I suppose this "could" be a lesson about the current, materialistic trend in young people now. This is not a "get off my lawn" type comment, but when I was a teenager I had a bit of babysitting money and considered myself fortunate to have money to have a coke with some friends in the local hangout. I think there is a lot of pressure on today's teenagers to have all the electronic stuff, the newest video games, the right clothes, etc. So maybe they're saying Luis should value more his father's goodness and loving home than all that "stuff".

Bajo. Well, let's just hope that Luis is one of those kids who is tempted to go bad but turns his life around in time. Up till now he's been basically decent--except for his desire to get rich quick somehow. As a native of the civilized part of California (i.e., the North), I'm tempted to blame it on an LA mentality, but that would be unfair. :)


Thanks so much for the great recap, Novelera!

So. Luis takes a moral nosedive. Yeah it would be unfair to blame it on an LA mentality, SpanProf. I see it as the dilemma of a basically decent person who makes the wrong choice, or rather a series of wrong choices. Sure, there are social forces conspiring against him, and as an adolescent, he is particularly vulnerable to them. I don't see this show as fatalistic at all: in this world, people make choices, good and bad and then they deal with the consequences.

BTW, I'm sure someone has already remarked on Nurse Grace Lamb, right? Sacrificial victim? Redeemer? Annoying wimp?

God, I love seeing Carlos and Adela together. They make us feel their attraction for each other.

Cristóbal disappointed me. I thought he was better than that, abusing his authority and trying to intimidate Carlos. It's so good that our hero stands up for himself.


Wow! The actress playing Carminha was amazing last night! The scene on the boat, the car crash, drunk at the tiradero, back at the, what a sequence!
Can't believe Max chose Nina over his amor de vida! Doesn't look like he can quite believe it either.

~ Wee Rita


FIRST OF ALL, thanks to Deb for your recap the other day; I did not get to
comment. I liked the part about CARLOS' head roll; I think it was you who pointed
that out.

SECONDLY, thanks to novelera, for the latest recap. I too was disappointed in Luis.
Jacob is delightfully good. I still think there could be a pregancy going for Mati,
One fainting incident is not apt to make her think along those lines. There is still
time. Some pregnant women get almost no signs at all....except the inevitable ones.
Look forward to this each evening.

Enjoy all comments ....


TELEMUNDO... press release

"Quién es quién" has begun production.

"Danna Paola- plays the role of Paloma, a single mother who works at a flower stand. Over the course of the story, Paloma overcomes her distrust of the opposite sex and finds love with a man she never expected to care for."

Eugenio Siller- plays "twin brothers separated at birth by a dark secret, and reunited years later through an accidental trick of fate."

Laura Flores- plays "Inés, a determined woman who lets nothing stand in the way of her family's well-being".

Kimberly Dos Ramos- (recently Irina in "Tierra de Reyes") plays Fernanda Manrique, "who puts her incomparable talent to work to portray a villain whose beauty hides a bottomless thirst for revenge."

and supporting cast,
"Jonathan Islas, Carlos Espejel, Guillermo Quintanilla, Gabriel Valenzuela, Marissa del Portillo, Sandra Desteneve, Fernando Carrera, Isabella Castillo, Daniela Wong, Maite Embil, Gabriel Rossi, Kenya Hijuelos, Ruben Morales, Oka Giner, Adrian Di Monti, Isabel Moreno, Alex Ruiz, Silvana Arias, Armando Torrea, Maria del Pilar, Sofia Reca, Fernando Pacanins, Nicolas Magniole, Daniela Macias and Gisella Abounrad".

(of interest is Oka Giner, who is currently playing Susy in "Bajo el mismo cielo")“quién-es-quién”-starring-danna-paola-eugenio-siller-laura?network=33144


Bajo. Of course I was kidding about LA, as someone who grew up north of San Francisco. (They took our water--stop! stop!). :) But we did feel ourselves very superior when I was growing up. I expect the Southern Californians looked down on us too, and of course we all felt superior to the Central Valley. (Modesto, ew!) Though I had a great aunt who lived in Modesto. :)

Bajo. Is it true that La Colonia is falling from within or did the warden just make that up to try to catch El Colmillo in something?


I had captions tonight, I'll do the recap.


Bajo. Thanks, Deb! Or could La Colonia be trying to fool the warden and the police into thinking that it is falling from within?

Bajo el mismo cielo... Tuesday, epi 16
part 1

left alone at lunch, Felicia puts the moves on Carlos, so far so good, till she brings up that dumb kid he had living there, did she tell you her real name, no, Carlos lies, (he's doing that a lot lately, for an honest man),

Luis is outside getting his pay and a box to hide in the house from Willy, when he returns they sit down again to eat, Luis thinks they should get married, Carlos gets a call, it's his lawyer (is it Cabraer), wants to meet, so Carlos leaves.

Greicy has done a pregnancy test, she's sure, and don't doubt it's yours she tells Rodrigo, and every door Rodrigo tries to open, she shuts, the Colonia is your family, this will be mine, I will raise it alone, just as my mother before me. (it's hard to tell what Rodrigo is thinking, he can't seem to make this work)

Carlos shows up at the prison with the lawyer, Rodrigo who hasn't been seeing him, does this time, curious maybe, the lawyer says there is a way to get out, you served a long time, go before the parole board, say you've learned your lesson,

but I'll be deported, I have priors, Rodrigo says,
well there is a way around that too the lawyer says.

Carlos makes a good case, and adds, if they deport you, I'll go with you, I won't leave you alone again, Rodrigo doesn't say if he will ask for the hearing, but he doesn't say he won't, Carlos takes that to be a good sign.

Adela sees some strange men at work in the fields, she perks up when she sees a radio, it's a raid, she grabs Juana and they run for it, jump in the back of a fleeing pickup and get away, back to where they are staying, everyone wants to know about their families.

with immigration hanging around it will be hard to find work, Juana wants to go to L.A., Adela says no, I can't, but gives her the money to go.

Willy goes to see Felicia, he's not happy about seeing her car at Carlos' house, she wants him gone, but I got rid of your husband for you, Willy says, and I still have the video of you beating me, Felicia says, and what do you think my brother would do with that,
we're even, now leave and don't come back..

later, Luis is on his way out, is that a new shirt Carlos asks?

Jay and the boys are stalking Laura, who's on her way to the local pickup dive, if we can't get Laura to lead us to Adela, we'll bring Adela to her.

Luis drops by Felicia's, asks for the car, sure, finding out Carlos is home alone,
I can take a taxi, she says.


Bajo el mismo cielo... Tuesday, epi 16
part 2

Jay comes up behind the drunk Laura in the bar, starts kissing her on the neck, and slides a knife into her gut, and no one seems to notice, as he walks away, she slides to the floor. (I'm thinking it might be a good idea to avoid bars like this)

Colmillo gets a visit from warden who has discovered the secret writing in his mail (like Rodrigo was using), she tells him Colonia is going down, his right hand man in east L.A. was just killed.

Rodrigo gets the news on Laura by cell phone, Jay says he made sure she didn't die.

Carlos sits alone thinking of Adela, when Felicia shows up, bearing gifts, they share a bottle of Mescal, she gets him thinking of being alone, and old times, when they would dance, and... gets his arms around her, and... they move to the bedroom, I've waited a long time for this she says, and... as things get even hotter... Carlos can't help but remember that night on the beach with Adela.

when Glorio asks Greicy to stop by a local bar for a drink on the way home to cheer her up, Greicy says she can't drink, and Gloria puts it together with the nausea and crying, as in pregnant, and asks her straight out as her boss if she is, Greicy admits it, but doesn't want to lose her job, no, no, there are laws against that, it's just important to know to be careful for the baby, Gloria tells her, oh and who is the father she asks, Greicy says it's an old boyfriend that left her. (I wonder if even the Padre lies in this show)

Rodrigo is really getting hit from all sides with this family thing , as he lays in his bunk thinking about Greicy.

Luis takes Sharon to a fancy place, she's impressed, wants to take pictures, but Susy and her friends are also there, Luis bumps into her as he makes a fake phone call, Susy recognizes him and is happy to see him, but Luis makes a point about his car and hanging out in Beverly Hills, and... but Susy is not impressed and it's her turn to lay into him.

Laura looks pretty bad, the doctor wants to know of any relatives, Laura says none but the doctor persists, Laura asks if it's for them to come say good bye, and finally gives them Adela's number (Laura's cell phone she gave to her) and the nurse calls her up, but won't really tell her anything,
I'm on my way, Adela says.

Jay and the boys are hanging around the hospital, Jay introduces himself to the nurse as Laura's nephew ?? and asks about Laura's daughter, his prima, the nurse tells him, she's coming, and as Jay reports back to the boys they all agree that Rodrigo is a genius, but it's kind of looking like Laura might die, but, who cares.

Juana latches on to Adela and they are off to L.A. on the bus,
but when we get there, you are on your own, Adela tells her,
this may be a set-up,
as she shows Juana her gun.



SpanPro- could it be since the note said Colmillo's "right hand man just died in east L.A,", he may need Rodrigo to take his place, because I don't think Rod wants to leave his prison home.

I am totally amazed at watching Adela figure things out in her world, and Carlos, well, Gabriel Porras is such an a terrific actor, he makes everyone around him shine.


Loved your recap, deb, ¡muchas gracias! I especially enjoyed your asides, such as "(I wonder if even the Padre lies in this show)".

I think Rodrigo can't get Greicy's remarks out of his mind, esp. the bit about the importance of family and her asking him whether he is going to reconcile with his father and, if he can't get along with his father, how is he going to be a father to her child. All of that is in his mind, most probably, when his father comes to see him again, and I think that's why Rodrigo decides to see him. And, of course, Carlos unwittingly pushes a button when he expresses the wish that Rodrigo will someday have children.



Deb, I think you may be on to something when you suggest that perhaps Colmillo will now need Rodrigo to take the place of the right-hand man who just died. That would give Rodrigo a reason to want to take his father up on his offer to help him get out of prison. Not, of course, a reason either Carlos or Greicy would be happy about if they knew. Which they won't, at least not at the start.

Hi, Deb,

Thanks for all the details -- many of which I had missed. A lot happened in this
episode. Laura is a sympathetic character.

I suppose Luis knew that was one of Susy's hangouts and may have been deliberately
trying to bump into her, or he may have been just practicing on how to "live the life," -- trying to hone his skills before he made any more moves on her.

Juanita, Yes, Carlos really hit a nerve with Rodrigo when he mentioned that he would have children some day. I liked your explanation on this topic.

With respect to getting out of prison, if Rod has a chance, he might also Con
Colmillo into thinking that's why he would want to get out, i.e, to be his right
hand man. He could leave with his blessing. Perhaps it could be a bad means to an eventual good end. I'm wondering where Colmillo's lawyer is. We see Colmillo walking free in the previews, don't we?

Thanks, again, Deb

Bajo. Another great recap, Deb! Evidently there's the start of a chicken pox epidemic in the prison (I think they said varicela); hope Greicy has been vaccinated. Also, the scene where Adela and Juana arrived back at the farmworkers' dorm was incredibly moving, as people asked Adela about their friends and relatives who might or might not have been picked up by La migra. It reminds me of some WWII movies about refugees. Who could not be in favor of a path to citizenship after seeing that scene? At some point one of the characters has remarked that Adela seems to have 9 lives. She certainly has all the makings of a folk hero!

Bajo. And I'm glad that Adela finally seems to have a female friend. Juana seems like a very decent person and I hope we see more of her.

Bajo. Deb and Juanita: Yes, replacing the #2 man on the "outside" would be a good plot device for getting Rodrigo out of prison without El Colmillo's objecting. Thanks for the clarification.


I'm all caught up on this tn and I love it. Gabriel Porras is a national treasure and I'm glad Alejandro Schweitzer switched to Telemundo. I loved him in Mentir Para Vivir. He's playing this role to perfection. I may recap a couple of Friday night eps, if I have the time.

I even enjoy seeing Erika de la Rosa typecast as a beautiful woman who is fixed on the galan long after the galan has told her to kick rocks. She plays that role well.

As for Greicy and Faier. I never got the whole fall in love with the bad boy thing at all. I thought Steve Urkel was cute and would run the world while Stephon Urkel was a pretentious loser. Greicy's name alone tells me this won't end well for her, but Carlos will have a cute nieto/a to coo over from the union.


Thanks so much for the wonderful recap, deb. Hey, haven't we already caught out the padre in a lie when Felicia was gunning for Adela? :)

Great comments, you guys!

Rodrigo may be feeling all kinds of ambivalent, but he is still playing his part in La Colonia to perfection. When Jay asks "What if Adela doesn't take the bait?" Rodrigo assures him that she WILL take it:

A un sapo le importa más la familia que la Colonia.

SpanProf, in the Real World, Greicy Lamb would have been vaccinated before being allowed to practice, especially in a prison environment. But here... who knows?


Thanks so much, Deb. Terrific recap, as always.

Only in a novela would they badger a patient who already said she had no family into coming up with someone. I’m usually more non-violent, but I’m all for seeing Adela shoot Jay right between the eyes. This scheme to kill a young woman who never did anything to these rats, to me, finishes off any chance for Fire to have a happy ending. He orchestrated it from his secret cell phone. Laura is a tragic figure. She isn’t really a bad person, just seems to be an alcoholic who probably had a terrible home life herself growing up. To stab her like that and then wait around like a pack of wolves for Adela to show up is just horrible.

I’m very curious to see if they’re going with Carlos doing the deed, or backing out because he still thinks of Adela. I expected the usual scene of showing her face replacing Felicia for a moment or two. Generally, in novelas, when the protagonists have been lovers, they refuse other offers. Unless a witchy woman drugs the galán and makes him THINK he did it! He refused her last night the first time. They left us wondering after her second attempt.

I’m glad Greicy showed a little spine and didn’t want Rodrigo raising her child.

I don’t think Luis planned on Susy being at that restaurant or he would not have brought Miss Chola 2015 along. The mere sight of her would cause everyone in the restaurant to realize these two were not from Beverly Hills.

I’m also liking Juana. That’s one thing our female protagonist has lacked so far, a friend to whom to air her thoughts so Viewerville knows them as well. Nearly all protagonists have a best bud for this reason.


BTW SpanProf, I knew you were kidding yesterday about blaming the moral lapse of Luis on LA. We don't know each other too well yet so let me reassure you that when I come here, my tongue is almost always firmly in cheek.


Bajo. That's ok, NovelaMaven. It did bring back memories of sparring with my college roommate, who was from Whittier, CA. i.e., in the greater LA area. :)

Bajo. Yuck! El Colmillo threatens the lives of Luis, Carlos, Greicy and her unborn child, and Rodrigo just goes along with it? When he had El Colmillo right there in front of him? Rodrigo's unquestioning obedience to La Colonia is getting a bit much.


In the bus to LA Adela shows Juana her gun and lets US know that she realizes her mother’s being hurt could be a trap for her.

Crap! Carlos did the deed with Felicia. She has canary feathers all over her face and can’t shut up about how this means they’re together. Carlos looks like he wishes she’d disappear.

Sharon catches Luis sneaking peeks at Susy. She has a hissy fit, kisses him in front of the rich girls, and then breaks up with him and stomps out.

Felicia shows up at Maria’s and tells her they’re back together. Maria asks some pointed questions, like did he mention marriage or say he loved her? When Felicia brings up a baby, Maria warns her not to get pregnant without Carlos’ agreement.

Adela manages to sneak into the hospital because there’s ambulances arriving with a lot of people hurt in an accident. Mago thinks Laura is asleep and says that he killed Matías. Jay sees Adela and runs after her. She has grabbed a hypodermic syringe, and when he almost grabs her in a supply closet she injects him. She points the gun at him but tells him she’s not a killer like he is.

Willy and the Two Stooges show up at Luis’ school and insist he cut school and take them to his house so they can pick up more stolen merchandise. At Luis' house, when Luis says he wants to go back to school to still make a couple of classes, Willy sneers at him about caring about high school. Willy wants some of Carlos’ tequila because he has a hunch they have “similar tastes”.

Laura and Adela run onto a bridge off an upper floor of the hospital and appear to be getting away, but Mago catches up with them. Both Adela and then Laura stand in front of the other one asking to be killed to save the other. There’s a struggle over guns. Mago points right at Adela, but Laura pushes him over the edge and we see his bloody head below.

Flag keeps barking at Willy, recognizing him from the time he broke in to kidnap Adela. Carlos comes home. [Earlier he had gotten a call from the school about Luis’ absence.]

Carlos lights into Luis. When Willy stands up and says it’s no big deal, Carlos grabs him by the lapels and throws the three stooges out. Carlos is furious. He goes into Luis’ room and starts looking for…something. The stolen merchandise had already been put in the car, I guess. But Carlos finds new clothes (not the money). Luis lies and says Felicia bought them.

Carlos tries to call Felicia. But she’s in her gynecologist’s office asking for treatment to get pregnant as fast as she possibly can.

Jay comes to the prison to tell Fire what happened: that both women got away. He also tells him that Adela killed Mago.

Carlos chews on Luis some more. He warns him that if he’s doing crooked stuff with Willy, he’ll turn him into the cops himself.

A crooked guard lets El Colmillo and Fire meet. EC tells Fire he’s being demoted for failing to kill Adela. Fire says he needs to get on the street. Then he can clean up the problems the gang has on the East side and kill Adela. EC almost sounds like he thinks he himself can get him out of there. Unclear. I was thinking Fire would get out via the lawyer his father hired. EC tells Fire that, if he fails to kill Adela, he’ll kill every single member of his family.

Adela, Juana, and Laura have checked into a hotel. Adela leaves with the guns in a bag and throws them into one of those convenient burning trash barrels. I wish she’d kept one! She did grab Jay’s cell phone. Fire calls and threatens her on it.


Thanks so much novelera !!!

loved your crack yesterday about Miss Chola 2015 (Sharon), no way was Luis going to look up-town sitting with her, but then, I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for Luis to do something intelligent.

it was interesting watching Matias' murder again, now that I know who these guys are, Jay gave the orders, Casper (who has since been shot and killed by Jay for letting Adela get away) did the branding, and Mago shot Matias (which he seemed to regret).

[hmm, Gustavo Pedraza (Casper) was Rottweiler in "En Otra Piel"]

Colmillo looked pretty menacing out of his cage.

not sure how Adela ended up with a gun, since they both went over the rail, she was gonna run out of bullets pretty soon anyway, didn't hear any in the fire, but I would have thought she would have gotten a wheelchair for her mom.

Juana is a sweetheart, this can't be good hanging with Adela, but I know how that works, in a big strange town and this is the only person you know.


Colmillo is the grand manipulator. As the gang leader, he gets young kids to dedicate their life to "the cause" of la colonia. It was menacing when he threatened Rodrigo's family even those unborn. Rodrigo has been having a hard time processing the information that he will be a father. He showed his good heart when trying to help Greicy push that cart. He has his foot in both worlds, but soon he will have to choice a side and betray the other. I was shocked by the guards being able to turn off the camera system and let colmillo out of his cell. This shows the power EL colmillo has even though he is in maximum security.

Bajo. Thanks for the great recap, Novelera! Good riddance to Mago! I hope they're not setting up Juana as some kind of sacrifice to die instead of Adela.


Many thanks, novelera, for another wonderful recap. I can't think of anything important that you missed.

I was a bit surprised and quite pleased that Maria was so frank with Felicia about her [Felicia's] relationship with Carlos. Maria seems to be looking out for both Felicia's best interests and for Carlos's. Not an easy thing to do. I'm liking Maria more and more, though the more I like her, the more I wish she weren't good friends with Felicia.

I think Adela threw only one pistol in the fire, not two. I am under the impression that one fell off the walkway, but the other didn't, so Adela was able to retrieve it. To be honest, I was surprised that she threw it away. It's one thing for her to feel that she doesn't want to be an assassin, but given how many people are out to kill her, I think she'd have been wise to hold on to whatever can help to protect her and those close to her.

SpanProf, I hadn't thought about Juana as a possible dispensable person, but I think you're right to worry. This telenovela has not shied away from showing the violence that constantly threatens almost everyone in the community, and I suspect we are likely to see more "good" corpses before we get to the end.


I rewatched some of the show, here's some little stuff,

Adela tells Juana that she has not killed anyone... yet.

Deborah's friend Estefy has hired Carlos and likes to watch him work.

I'm not sure what Luis' job is with Willy but it's computer parts and music he stashed under his bed.

After Mago died, Adela was going to call the police when Laura stopped her, thinking that if Adela goes to jail the Colonia will get her for sure, or Laura will tell the cops she pushed him off and she will go to jail. And of course Laura now has nothing since she can't go home.

ah, so in the Fang and Fire talk, it was Rodrigo who suggested he go outside to find Adela, because he always gets what he wants, and I think he said he would bring her to Colmillo.



Thanks, Deb, for bringing up Deborah's friend. I was thinking last night that the friend was on a lawn chair at Deborah's house ogling Carlos. That's why her remark about hiring him made no sense to me. Of course, Deborah was showing up as a guest at the friend's house and surprised to see Carlos there.

Deb: loved Fang and Fire talk!

You're right. It was Rod who suggested he'd get out to find Adela. I thought he was supposed to straight up kill her, not bring her to EC, but you're probably right since you watched parts again. I delete right after I watch to try to keep some room on my overworked DVR.

In any case, Adela is NOT going to be killed by Fire or by anyone. This IS a telenovela. I can think of only one novela where a protagonist died and he was sort of a villain turned into the main love interest, a very interesting twist. That was Flor Salvaje where Rafael Urrieta (played by the fabulous Tony Dalton) died at the end.

Interesting about the two gun vs one gun issue. Mago had a gun, a darker metal and Adela had the silver one. I thought she grabbed both guns. I don't remember seeing one falling off the bridge. Maybe they'll show that last scene again Friday and my memory will be refreshed and/or corrected.

Is anyone watching the Tu Mundo prizes? As long as I can DVR them and skip the barrage of commercials and musicians who don't suit my taste I'll probably watch. The promos showing some of our favorite actors have been rather cute.


this show has lots of holes in it, when Adela got her gun back from Mago he grabbed her arm and smashed in down on the railing causing her to loose the gun over the side, then when he went to shoot her, Laura pushed him with his gun over the railing, and you could see both guns laying there next to the body, but the next couple of times they showed him, I couldn't see either gun anymore.

Tu Mundo

I hope lots of people voted for Paola Nuñez because I thought she was spectacular in "Reina de Corazones", for that matter so was everyone else in that show.


Thanks novelera and Deb,

Just finished watching Wednesday's episode and read the recap.
The Fang is really creepy, and Rodrigo is scary too.
Let's hope that his supposed high intelligence permits him to outsmart
El Comillo.


Thanks so much for Wednesday's recap, Novelera. I also enjoyed all the comments. We're settling into that dark phase where everything seems to be going to hell. Ah well.


In today's BBCMundo, there's an interesting article about the decline of the once mighty Venezuelan telenovela:

The writer says that two out of the three primetime Telemundo novelas were written by Venezuelans (is this true?) and that many executives in the company are Venezuelan. He compares it to big league baseball where the big talents work outside the country.

And speaking of stuff to read, The New York Times launched a beta project several months back with the goal of reaching the Spanish-speaking world:
“Proyecto beta que busca la mejor manera de ofrecer la cobertura global de The New York Times en español.”

Articles are available in English or Spanish; some are written in Spanish and translated to English while in other cases, it's the other way around. What they have in common are their particular relevance to the Latino world.

Actually, they have also added some Portuguese and the occasional Chinese article too. It's worth a look, guys.


I watched just a bit of this last night and was most struck by these promos:

1- Telemundo claims that Bajo el mismo cielo is now number 1 among 18-34 year olds in primetime.

2- "Celia" is coming MUY PRONTO! The previews looked fabulous and I'm already sold on this one. I wonder if they'll use Celia's own voice for the music?

The Telenovela of the year was Tierra de Reyes. I leave you guys the video link so you can listen to what they say at end.

Premios Tu Mundo

Thanks, NovelaMaven, for the info about the Times. The digital NY Times is my guilty pleasure. I can easily spend a couple of hours reading articles. A very interesting one about a month ago concerned two sets of twins in Colombia. When newborns one of them developed an illness and somehow the hospital switched them with another set. Kind of complicated to write about. But the result was that each set of twins grew up thinking they were fraternal twins, while their identical twin lived with another family in another part of Colombia. When the country mouse, as it were, moved to Bogotá for work, someone saw him and addressed him with the name of his identical twin who'd lived all his life in the big city. They ended up meeting their respective identicals and discovering how much they identical twin had in common with them.

I also watched Tu Mundo. The landslide victories for El Señor de los Cielos were not surprising, of course. I think I even heard Carmen Villalobos referring to a season 4. So the 10:00 Telemundo narco hour is not going away anytime soon.

And I noticed the screen promos about Bajo. I was hoping they were just crowing and not trying to drum up interest because the ratings ARE low. It always seems to me that ratings are low for the telenovelas I like the most.

Gabriel Porras and Maria Elisa Camargo were really good as hosts. They had tag teams of three male and female hosts, but Gabo and Maria were the best. It was extremely funny when they did a little dance move together and he dipped her. She got up cracking wise about hoping everything was all right, meaning that her "assets" hadn't slipped out of her plunging neckline dress!

I skipped a lot of the music, but the Jencarlos number with the Marley boy was good. They also alluded to Jencarlos having a role on English speaking TV. I looked it up. The pilot made the cut and the show, called Telenovela, will air in September, I believe. Eva Longoria plays a telenovela actress. It's a comedy. Jencarlos, born in Miami, of course speaks perfect English as well as Spanish.

Premios Tu Mundo

I'll amplify what Anonymous at 1:11 PM wrote. They now differentiate between Novela of the Year and SuperSerie of the Year. So Tierra de Reyes won novela of the year, but the SuperSerie (which apparently is code for narco novela as the three nominees were El Señor, Dueño del Paraíso, and Señora Acero) winner was El Señor.

Premios Tu Mundo. I was pleased to see that Fabián Ríos did get an award for best villain for his portrayal of Leonardo Montalvo in Tierra de Reyes.


Here’s the complete list of winners of the 2015 Premios Tu Mundo:

Favorite Tropical Artist
Romeo Santos

Favorite Urban Artist
Daddy Yankee

Party-Starting Song
“El Perdón” – Nicky Jam & Enrique Iglesias

Warrior Spirit Award (Special Award)
Nicky Jam

Favorite Regional Mexican Artist
Gerardo Ortiz

Favorite Pop Artist
Enrique Iglesias

Fan Club of the Year
#DYArmy – Daddy Yankee

Super Series of the Year
El Señor de los Cielos Tercera Temporada

Novela of the Year
Tierra de Reyes

Favorite Lead Actor – Super Series
Rafael Amaya

Favorite Lead Actress – Super Series
Fernanda Castillo

Favorite Lead Actor – Novela
Christian de la Campa

Favorite Lead Actress – Novela
Scarlet Gruber

Best Unlucky Protagonist
Aurelio Casillas

Best Male Villain – Super Series
Mauricio Ochmann

Best Male Villain - Novela
Fabián Ríos

Best Female Villain – Super Series
Carmen Aub

Best Female Villain – Novela
Cynthia Olavarría

Best Supporting Actress – Super Series
Carmen Aub

Best Supporting Actor (Super Series)
Tommy Vázquez

Best Supporting Actress – Novela
Daniela Navarro

Best Supporting Actor – Novela
Fabián Ríos

The Perfect Couple
Scarlet Gruber & Christian de la Campa

​Giant of Giants (Special Award)
Don Francisco

Legendary Actress
Lisa Owen

Legendary Actor
Joaquín Garrido

Favorite Show
Un Nuevo Día

Favorite Entertainment Host
Daniel Sarcos

Favorite Host, Specials
Gaby Espino

Favorite Sports Moment
Chelsea se corona campeón del fútbol Inglés

I’m Sexy and I Know It
Kimberly Dos Ramos

Favorite Influencer
Caeli – YouTube/Twitter



"Preciosa Perla" will replace "El Clon", August 31.

(thanks to Corina in TW)




Thanks much for the link to NY Times in Spanish.

I went there and saw this as the first story
..about gangs and their hair color:

Cuando se mezclan la tintura y las pandillas
Había un rumor en San Salvador “que si tu andabas de pelo rojo eres de cierta pandilla”, cuenta Iris, “y que si tu tenías pelo rubio pertenecías a otra.”


My entire family individually found that article about the Bogota twin brothers.
It was a gripping story. They didn't meet each other until they were
about 24 or 25 years old.

Chat later...



Novelera and Floridia, I agree that the NYTimes story about those Colombian twins was remarkable. I get the Sunday paper in actual PAPER and that story was on the cover of the magazine. It generated enormous reader interest, as I recall.

Floridia, I was hoping people would see that piece on Salvadoran gangs. It certainly speaks to some of the issues in Bajo.

Deb, thanks so much for taking the time to give us the list of winners. I'm glad Tommy Vasquez got a little recognition.

NovelaMaven, thanks so much for the link to the NYTimes' coverage en español. I was surprised at how much more strongly I could relate to the article about the gangs now that I'm watching Bajo el Mismo Cielo.

I get all kinds of news updates every day from the NYTimes, but they never told me about this venture into Spanish. Hmmm...I wonder whether that means they're not doing as good a job tracking me as I'd assumed/feared. :-)


You're welcome, Juanita. I don't think they're promoting this since it's still in beta. I first became aware of it several months ago when there was lots of coverage of the thaw in relations between the US and Cuba. Some of the articles had a link to a Spanish version. I haven't noticed any links lately. When I want to read the Spanish, I check out the page I showed you.

The Times has been translating major articles into Spanish (and I suppose other languages too) for a long time. A few years ago, when I was studying in Guatemala, the Sunday paper included a 12 or 16 page section of the Spanish edition of the Sunday news.

Anyway, have no fear – they have their eye on you! (Or do I mean: Be very afraid... ???)



I can do the recap tonight.


Bajo. Thanks, Deb. Gee, what a coincidence! Adela and Carlos show up at the prison at the same time! And what a brave person Adela is! She's going to confront El Colmillo on her own!

Bajo el mismo cielo... Friday, epi 18
part 1

Rodrigo chats with Adela, (he doesn't know what she looks like because no one has a photo of her) says they are the same, she would have been good in the gang, but now, he's going to beat and kill her, cut her tongue out and wear it for a necktie,
come and get me she says, before throwing the phone in the burn barrel.

Jay has his buddy doing a locate on the (his) phone during the call, but it goes dead.

Rodrigo calls Carlos, wants him to come see him, on the way he calls Felicia, miss me already she asks, did you buy new clothes for Luis, ah, clothes, new, yes, I don't want you doing that Carlos tells her,
what is Luis getting me into she wonders.

Carlos tells Luis to do his work at the Sanders after school, (oh no, Susy lives there),
but Willy wants him for a job,
can't Luis tells Willy, I have to get my dad to cool down,
Willy leaves grumbling, his buddy say you could get anyone to work for you,
but I want him Willy says, I want to pay back his dad for taking something from me.

Susy is trying to figure out this strange guy that she keeps meeting but ms Deborah is reading about a party for a future senator and they weren't invited, etc, etc, mister Jacob says he wouldn't have gone anyway, wants to know why she treats the help so bad,
"is it because of what happened to your aunt?"
so why don't we go away together, just the two of us, Paris maybe, Jacob suggests,
yeah, that works for Deborah.

(the many faces of Rodrigo, this guy is really getting complex and hard to read),
he tells his dad he wants out, but when they deport me you need to stay here, I'm going to be a papa, and I need your help, he tells him about Greicy.

Maria wants to go with Rudolfo on his trips, he wants her to stay and care for the kids, his phone rings, business, he says and starts to walk away but Maria stops him, answer it here she says, it's Isabel, who is wearing something sexy and wants him to come see it, and when will we be getting married (oh, so she doesn't know about Rudolfo's family) and later he does go to see her and her boy asks who's this, it's your papa Isabel tells him, looks like news to Rudolfo.

Adela returns, and they are working on Juana to leave but she is afraid to, she doesn't know anyone, so they try to tell her what she is getting into, they were attacked by a gang member at the hospital and he fell off the bridge, slipped, Juana asks? nope they tell her, and Juana's eyes get real big, (which has been happening a lot since she met Adela). Well ok you can stay but on one condition, Laura adds, you go to my house and get my stuff.

as Carlos leaves, he waits for Greicy to get off her shift and tells her he knows all, wants a hug, as Gloria watches from a distance, (Carlos is about the nicest guy you could ever hope to meet) paints a pretty picture about Rodrigo getting out, getting deported, then coming back, and they all live like one big happy family (since Greicy is all alone in this country)


Bajo el mismo cielo... Friday, epi 18
part 2

Rodrigo asks to see the warden, she thinks he wants to take her up on the deal she offered to Carlos, nope, I want out he says, that will never happen says the warden, you don't have anything on me Rodrigo spits out, you have to honor my request to go before the committee, or explain to my lawyer why not, the warden's face twists, as he walks out.

Greicy goes back in and lets Rod know to meet her at the dumpsters, she's worried about him leaving, you said the gang is your family, he's all sweet and caring, but you'll be deported, so when you come back you will quit the gang right? Greicy asks.

Juana finds Laura's house, there are some neighbors mingling around and as she goes in, we see the place has been totally ransacked and trashed with "Adela is Dead" graffiti on the walls, Jay and his buddy are across the street, they watch Juana walk away.

Luis shows up at the Sanders to do Carlos' work, but is doing his best not to be seen,

Juana returns with the bad news, Laura is devastated, all her stuff is gone which is why she didn't want to leave with Adela the first time, Adela has had enough, and heads out the door, with Laura hanging on, she is going to see Colmillo, picking up the mandatory big hat and shades along the way, we're in this together Laura says refusing to back off the bus.

Colmillo has a meet with Nacho ? (the guy that took the fall for drugs Greicy brought in), both outside in their white boxer shorts (what?), he wants to know about Faier.

Willy sneaks into Felicia's looking for the recordings she has on him, cuts the wires to the cameras, but Felicia comes home, talking on the cell telling Maria, something is up with Rudolfo, all men are dogs, then soaks in the tub, Willy's enjoying the view.

Carlos has given the lawyer a lift to the prison, who wants to talk to Rodrigo alone, but Carlos insists on waiting outside.

Rodrigo checks out the room for bugs then asks the lawyer, I know this chick, if I marry her can I avoid being sent back?

Susy and her blond friend are on the other side of a tree from Luis talking about her parents going to Paris for the weekend and the party they are going to throw, when Carlos calls, worried that Luis blew off the work, they all hear the phone, before Luis shuts it off.

(and now the part we have all been waiting for)

Carlos figures he better go check on Luis, throws the truck in reverse, but someone walked behind him, he gets out to see,

and it's Adela...

(who kind of melts and gets all blubbery every time she sees him)
what is it about these two?



Nobody watching anymore? Anybody? Beuller?


Another great recap, deb. Many thanks!

The depiction of Deborah is so over the top that it's a bit annoying/humorous (I can't decide which). From the start, I've wondered about how a guy as decent and intelligent as Jacob could ever have fallen in love with a beech like Deborah, nor, having suffered temporary insanity and married her, he remains married and even, apparently, cares for her.

I'm also a bit puzzled about Rodrigo's situation. If he were in a Mexican prison, I'd just shrug off my doubts, but he's in the US, so what makes Carlos and Rodrigo and even the lawyer think that they can just say, hey, he's reformed, and, abracadabra, he'll be released?

When Juana went to get Laura's things from her house, I was afraid that something bad would happen to her. I was surprised that the gang members who saw her leave the house didn't decide to follow her just in case she'd lead them to Adela or Laura.

I was a bit surprised and very pleased that Luis held his ground and refused to go with Willy. Of course, that won't be the end of the matter. Willy doesn't want to lose face, and he's especially eager to get Luis involved in order to get back at Carlos for "stealing" Felicia.

I didn't understand the scene between Nacho and El Colmillo. I have a very hard time with almost all the scenes involving gang members, and this was no exception. Did El Colmillo send for him? He must have, since how else could Nacho have gotten to see him? But I thought that in response to something Nacho said (I think I missed what it was), El Colmillo said that he (Nacho) would have to ask Faier. Deb, when you said "he wants to know about Faier," I assume "he" is El Colmillo. If so, what did El Colmillo say to Nacho instead of "you'll have to ask Faier"?

I like Maria a lot, but I wonder how long it will take before she realizes what a [expletive deleted] her husband is.

Deb, I loved your "(and now the part we have all been waiting for)." In spite of waiting for it, I was caught by surprise when Carlos started to back up the truck and there she was!

Bajo. Rodrigo seems to be planning some very complicated plot to get out of prison, stay in the US, marry Greicy, and kill (or not kill) Adela. Btw, can an undocumented person who has been convicted of a crime even become a citizen? With the cameras cut, I wonder if Willy will rape Felicia, she gets pregnant, and Felicia tries to pass the baby off as Carlos's. I think the El Colmillo is losing patience and if Rodrigo doesn't get rid of Adela quickly, he's dead meat.


Juanita- it kind of goes like this, (hmm, and I now see in the cast list his name is Gacho) asks why he was brought there and Colmillo says, "we need to talk about the guy that put you in here, we need to talk about el Faier". (I'm guessing Gacho is now in the same part of the prison as Colmillo)



I don't know anything about this immigration business but everything I've read about them it kind of sounds like this is a separate federal agency that almost seems like they make up their own rules, so if I got this right they are working on a parole for Rodrigo, (in the California system), but once he gets out everyone is pretty convinced that immigration will pick him up and deport him (so the whole parole thing goes right out the window) but it would get him out of the justice system (as well as the cost), but then he comes right back across the border.

am I getting this right?


Bajo: Deb, thanks for the excellent recap and the answers to the questions. Deportation + sneaking back across the border sounds about right for Rodrigo, unless Immigration would let him complete his parole before deportation. And of course, if he turned in the whole gang, there might be the possibility of citizenship, a new identity and relocation through the witness protection program, but I don't see that happening.


Thanks so much, Deb. Loved your recap!

The actor playing Fire/Rodrigo is doing a good job. I kind of think his good looks help Viewerville to want to believe he’ll be redeemed. And the actor shows softening when he’s with Greicy and reluctant softening when he’s with his father. [Who wouldn’t soften to the warm and kindly persona Porras is doing such a very good job of portraying?]

Deb, that was a good one when you referred to the many faces of Rodrigo.

But then he talks about cutting out Adela’s tongue. And then he quizzes his lawyer about marrying Greicy to stay in the US and his look is calculating, without a drop of affection in his demeanor.

So gangs can trace phone locations just like the CIA did in Reina de Corazones? That was a bit much.

I KNEW Felicia was going to lie to Carlos about having given Luis the clothing. She’s always all about Felicia. If Carlos knew she didn’t give Luis the clothing, he’d crack down on Luis and possibly save his son from Willy’s clutches. But, no. All she cares about is presenting the perfect stepmother appearance to get Carlos to walk down the aisle with her.

SpanProf, our minds were in synch last night. I also wondered about Willy raping her and her trying to pass off the result as Carlos' child. We must have seen way too many telenovelas!

Another ambiguous character is Laura. To me it was jaw droppingly selfish that she’d send Juana just where the gang would be surely watching for signs of her and/or Adela. The only thing that saved Juana is the fact that there was nothing to bring out.

Why do they make Greicy’s boss so nosy, so inappropriate? I supervise women and would NEVER snoop the way she does. She seems to be on the trail of finding out that Rod is the father of the baby she couldn’t rest until she found out about.

Why does El Colmillo try so hard to mess with Rodrigo? He seems to be trying to get Gacho to inform on Rod.

I believe Rodrigo has been in prison a number of years. I don’t have a clue about how his undocumented status would affect his eligibility for parole. But I think that after a certain number of years are served the inmate has the right to appeal before the parole board. [What they called “the committee” last night.] Don’t Charles Manson and Sirhan Sirhan make appearances from time to time? And are denied.

I saw a very interesting documentary while channel surfing this week. It was something called the Toetag Parole Prison. It’s a progressive “Yard” consisting of nearly all inmates who were sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. The inmates have to agree to foreswear violence, to mingle freely with other races, to not be current gang members. They have group counseling; an art studio where they paint and the paintings are sold to benefit charities. So there’s a big difference between, say, 20 years to life or even 40 years to life and life without the possibility of parole. Big digression, I know. But it’s a fabulous documentary.

Bajo. Hi, Novelera! Yep, we do know most of the telenovela conventions. Just one more observation on last night's episode. Greicy's child is going to be very lucky to have Carlos as a grandfather!


Thanks, deb, for answering my questions about Rodrigo's situation and the meeting between Gacho and El Colmillo. Thanks too to SpanProf and novelera, for additional helpful comments.


I don't think Colmillo is messing with Rodrigo so much as looking out for himself, he didn't get to be leader of the gang by trusting people and with Rodrigo getting out and taking over his number one guys slot in east L.A., Rodrigo is moving into a position to replace Colmillo, and really, can we even tell what Rodrigo's motives are?



Thank you, deb, for the wonderful recap. I enjoyed your comments, Novelera, SpanProf and Juanita.

A few random thoughts:

Now we have a hint at a past trauma (something??? happened to her aunt) to explain Deborah's inexplicable attitude toward 'the help.' She's still a harpy though.

Not only did Laura callously put Juana in danger for the sake of her crap, when Adela worried aloud that something might have happened to her, Laura said something like "Good riddance." Laura's compassion extends to two people in the world: herself and her daughter.

Rodrigo has made some human noises in the direction of his father and Gracie Lamb, but everything he says can be interpreted as manipulative or conciliatory, depending on who's looking.

Gracie Lamb's boss has a legitimate reason to know whether a nurse in her charge is pregnant (recall the talk about a chickenpox outbreak in the prison). Also she is seasoned enough to know that vulnerable women are often the targets of sociopathic inmates. Novelera, if you were supervising young women in a men's prison, I suspect you would be a little "snoopy" too. :)

Good for Luis for listening to his dad and saying no to loathsome Willy, at least for the day. Algo es algo.

Now can we get some Adela/Carlos time, writers? Pretty please?

Avenida: I am watching @Anonymous but no one comments so I don't either. Romy

Hi, Deb,

Thanks for the lengthy recap. I appreciate your work and dedication.
I didn't watch the episode until Sat. nite.

Laura was cruel to Juana. Imagine what the latter is thinking. What the heck did
I get myself into? She's all alone with no money and in a perilous situation.
She was trying to help Laura see the bright side of things-- like being Alive-- and
gets chewed out unmercifully for her remark.

Laura has nothing, so I guess she was clinging to her cosas for lack of something better to do. I'm trying to give her a little break by thinking that there may
have been a picture of Mattias at the house. She has no one to yell at, so she's
taking it out on Juana. By the way, she has beautiful hair.

Rodrigo is melting my heart. One could take his question about marriage as calculating but I see it as a perfectly natural question to ask in his situation.
He's racking his brain for alternatives. If he were truly calculating, he would have tried to get G. pregnant on purpose. He was taken by surprise by her announcement, but he accepted the news gracefully, and it seems as if he wants to be a good father.
He has a good role model in Carlos. In the meantime, he knows full well that he's in a mess.

It seems that Deborah does have a heart in conjunction with a deep, dark secret about her aunt. I wonder if she was maltreated or murdered. Jacob wants her to talk about it, but she will not do so. I adore Jacob. Although he is henpecked and seems to love his wife, he did have the nerve to tell her not to talk to him in a disrepectful way. Furthermore, he looks at her as if he cannot believe what she is thinking or how she is acting. Perhaps, she has changed over the years from the sweet young thing he married.

Luis is jealous of his brother -- kind of like the Prodigal Son. I've been the good son, and now you spend so much time and effort trying to get my jailbird brother out of prison.

Novelera, thanks for the info on the documentary. I find it fascinating and will pass it on.

Enjoy all comments as always.

All the best, Floridia



1, Fang seems to be always showing his Fangs - very creepy and sinister.

2. NovelaMaven, I studied in Antigua, Guatemala, 3 times for about 4 weeks
each time. Loved my teachers - private lessons - 8 hours/day; my best Spanish learning experience.


great comments Floridia!

and yes, Luis looks like a good guy, acts like one, but he keeps making all of the wrong decisions, he's sitting on a fence and may very well fall on the dark side, but maybe Rodrigo can save him.



loved it when captain Nilo ran the yacht Maxwell aground, interesting watching him open a wine bottle, Max should have never eaten his cooking.

Jorgito hasn't had a good day since little Rita went away with her new family, except for Débora (the perfect girlfriend), who I think has had enough, and his world is now worse than ever.

Doctora Carminha leaving the manicomio was a hoot.

I think Max's worried look is because he knows Nina is not even close to being in the same league as Carminha.



That would be an excellent twist re Rod and little Bro. I hope Rod is saved.

I was also wondering if Rod was trying to scare Adela to get out of town to
prevent the tragedy of her death



"TELEMUNDO today announced a ground-breaking new campaign in partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. to drive awareness for Type 2 Diabetes through storyline integrations in the original production, “Bajo el Mismo Cielo,” that will begin Wednesday, August 26."

"Storyline integrations will follow Andrés Cabrera (the lawyer), a character suffering from Type 2 Diabetes, as he manages his disease."‘bajo?network=33144

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